Sasha's Amazing Night

Story by Mikey Wolf on SoFurry

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It was a cold, cloudy, mid-January day at the Litchfield Dog Kennel. The sounds of dogs barking echoed through the halls. A 16 year old red haired, brown eyed, named Sasha walked through the door of one of the halls of the kennel. She was carrying a large bag of dog food and going from kennel to kennel feeding the dogs and petting them. Sasha loved dogs as much as her job at the kennel. After she fed all the dogs, she then looked at the clock on the wall above the door. It read 5:30 p.m. she let out a heavy sigh and said to herself, "another hour and a half and I can go home to enjoy the weekend." Just then her supervisor walked in and told Sasha that she needed to leave early and wanted Sasha to lock up at closing. Her supervisor then left Sasha all alone at the kennel. "Fuck!" Sasha said under her breath, she wanted to get home before the snow storm hit. She went back to work tending the dogs for the next hour. At 6:30, Sasha went to the window to see if the storm had started yet. To her misfortune the snow was coming down heavily and had been since her supervisor left. It seemed that she was snowed in, so she went to the break room to get a small bag of chips to eat. As soon as she got her snack, the power to the kennel went out. "Damn!" she said and went to get a flashlight to check on the dogs.

She walked into the hall were the dogs were and noticed that it was freezing. "Brr!" she put her arms around herself. The power outage caused the heat in the building to also stop. All of the dogs were fast asleep and seemed to be doing fine. She knew she needed to keep warm, so she opened a kennel where a black furred, brown eyed New Foundland and large a blue eyed Malamute were sound asleep. She decided to lay between them for warmth, so she wouldn't get too hot between the two large males she took off her clothes. The cold air made her perky nipples instantly erect and made goose bumps all over her firm C cup tits. She laid between the two large dogs and started to fall asleep. A few moments later she woke up suddenly feeling the male malamute's cock coming out of its sheath. Sasha was nervous about this, she knew what was going on with the dog but she was a virgin and never been with anyone or anything before. Just then she saw that the black New Foundland was waking up as well. She noticed that he too had an erection. After seeing both the malamute's and new foundland's big thick dicks, Sasha started to get wet around her tight virgin sex.

She then let out a loud yelp, as both dogs put their cold noses to both her holes. She moaned softly as both large dogs started to lick at her tight holes and started to play with her tits slowly. As both dogs licked her faster, she moaned louder and looked back at the two horny males with a deep need and lust in her eyes. She then laid the beautiful malamute on its back and started to slowly ride his cock. As she lowered herself on the dog's thick, long meat tears started to form in her eyes, as the dog's cock tore through her hymen. As she started to move up and down the malamute's dick she yelped loudly as the New Foundland mounted her and found his way to her tight ass. The New Foundland started to get up a fast rhythm and Sasha's movement started to match his speed. She moaned loud as she took both dog cocks inside her hot holes. The New Foundland quickened his thrusts harder and faster. She felt the New Foundland's knot pounding against her tight ass and started to feel a bit scared, she loved what the dogs were doing but she didn't want to be tied with them. As she was worrying about this, her eyes widened and heard two loud pops. Both of the dogs rammed their knots into her holes and whined loud. Sasha moaned in pure ecstasy and pleasure as both dogs filled her tight holes with their hot seed. She then kissed both of them on their furry lips and smiled at them and petted their heads. After the hot threesome that they engaged in all three of them collapsed from being tired. Sasha slept the night away in warmth and happiness with a smile on her face. The next day, Sasha decided to adopt the two dogs that she had spent the night with. She signed the adoption papers and brought both of the dogs home with her. That night, she showed both of them their new home and their new bitch.