'Fair' Judgement

Story by T04stm4n on SoFurry

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#3 of Transformation Works

After Carmen-a tigress influencer who's made it big- is taken to the local county fair by her boyfriend for some bonding, she finds herself going through some major life changes after her toxic attitude forces her boyfriend to dumper her then and there. Ones that lead her to a wider waistline and a more mature outlook on life.

tw for anyone with an actual southern accident: I'm gonna be real I probably wrote it dogshit yall have my sincerest apologies for how I did you dirty

Comments are appreciated, lemme know what you think!

"Jessie, take a look at this one, I look so fat!"

Carmen stepped aside so her date could see what effect the county fairs' funhouse mirror had. The lithe tiger's form was distorted, her width and height stretched by the curved reflection to make herself look like what would almost be a stretched caricature of herself. Despite that, it still portrayed her sandy-blonde hair and the cute teal tank-top and leggings she'd come to the fair in at her beaus request. It was toned down more than most of the looks she wore, but he had said to wear something "casual" after all.

"Ooh, yeah!" He almost yelled, standing next to her. "Lookit me, I'm wide Jessie! Ha!" She took a step back, entertaining the child-like joy he got from the altered image of himself. It was cute how much joy he could get from the simple things.

Jessie had been her boyfriend for a few weeks now. He was a husky, and she was a head shorter than his more muscled frame, but was great for appearances and not just in physical aesthetics. She was an influencer, he worked as a ranger in the nearby forests. That kind of eco-friendliness was good for appearances, and the fact he was a sweet kind of himbo was an added bonus. It definitely made marketing more eco-friendly branded makeup a lot easier with his support, even if he wasn't sure about the products most of the time. To be fair, she wasn't either, but his support made it seem like she did to her audience.

He spread his legs out so his form could fill the mirror completely, and tried to stand up taller to fill up the upper space of the mirror. "Hey, babe, if I stand like this I can almost..." He looked towards his girlfriend, trying to see where her attention was. "Babe?"

Her attention had turned to the fairgrounds behind the funhouse they'd just gone through, settling on one individual. An obese, graying possumess carrying cotton candy in one hand, and popcorn in the other, huffing as she plodded her way through the crowd of people moving between the rides and fair stands. As the summer sun beat down, one could see her hair had become matted with sweat, the pit-stains under her ill-fitted t-shirt, and belly almost bulging out under it. Carmen was sure she would absolutely smell her too if she was close enough, the rank smell of sweat and greasy fairfood.

It was easy enough to see the disdain the mouse had for the marsupial in the crowd; she didn't hide it, her eyes tracing her like a hawk as she forded across the fairgrounds.

"Aren't some people so brave to come out in broad daylight?" She snidely asked, her tail flicking back and forth. "Especially when they look like that."

Jessie's demeanor deflated as he prepared for what would come next. "Babe, can we not-"

"I'm just saying, honestly, how hard is it just to care a little bit about how you look? Your physical appearance? How you present yourself? Instead of letting it get that bad." Her tone lilted in disgust as her rant continued. "Do you just gorge yourself everyday? Do you even shower?"

He tried to get a word in. "Carmen, you don't know them, let's just enjoy the fair-"

She kept going regardless,ranting as if the random person was right in front of her. "No, I doubt it. You're probably too concerned with binging on your couch everyday to bother."

He sighed as he waited for her to finish. His girlfriend wasn't a particularly...empathetic person. Probably in part due to her own sheltered background coming from a family with money to burn. She'd been perfectly nice to him, sure, and her interest had felt great despite it being so unexpected considering the disparity in the lives they lived, but her lack of respect for other people that didn't meet her aesthetic tastes had really begun to get on his nerves, especially with the many that were about his friends and family, scaling from neutral to just kind of condescending. Coming to the local county fair was supposed to be a way to try and patch up the rough spots that had begun to form between the two, but now it felt like something he couldn't make peace with if she couldn't be nice for just one afternoon.

She sniffed, "And she's so old, too. It's disgusting. She should know better than to be out here like that, especially at her age." She'd unwittingly said that last part barely loud enough for her target to hear, and it made its mark. The gaze of the corpulent possum flickered to her, and then downward in shame as she finally waddled away from them both.

He frowned at her. "Carmen, that was mean. They were probably just trying to have a nice time out here, and they weren't bothering anybody."

Her gaze went to the floor with the scolding, before back up to him. "But c'mon," she insisted, "Everyone else here was probably thinking the same thing! You can't tell me you didn't also think-"

"I didn't! I was having fun joke-mirror time!" He got in the same position he was in before, filling up the distorted mirror with his frame. "Look at this. I look like a brick! I'm brick-Jessie, Carmen! Jessie Brickman! Immensely more important than if someone walking around is fat or not! That was just unnecessarily mean."

She rolled her eyes. "Maybe it was a little mean. But maybe it'll be what they need to start taking care of themselves, and considering how they look-"

He scoffed. "They'll, what? Stop being old? I don't know how she's supposed to change that."

"Well maybe lose some weight and it wouldn't be that bad!" She insisted. "But being old and fat like that is just-why do you have a problem, anyway? You know I always tell it like it is, that's just a part of who I am! That's one of my perks!"

"It isn't telling it like it is, it's being unnecessarily rude to people because you can't keep it to yourself or think of a nicer way to say it," He said bluntly. "And honestly, I'm getting kind of sick of it. I think we're done."

She huffed. "Fine, I'll get my stuff and we can finally head back-"

"No, I mean done done." He said with extra emphasis. "I thought we could make this work, but you're just...mean to people in a way I don't like. I don't wanna date you anymore. We're done." He turned and stepped off the metal platform.

The lioness rocked back like she'd been slapped. "I-are you serious? Over this?!" Her cries fell on deaf ears.

"It isn't just this," he motioned with his hands. "You say this shit all the time! Like when we went out to eat last night and you had to go on a rant about how the waitress looked or something!"

"Our food was taking forever! She deserved it!"

"-And about my mom of all people?!" he insisted.

"I said she looked good!"

"After you said she looked like she'd been kicked by a horse! I-" He held up his hands. "Nope, I'm done. Have a fun time here, because it ain't gonna be with me."

She felt her eyes burn with tears at the prospect of being dumped at a shitty county fair of all places. She screeched one last time at his fading form in the crowd, wanting to get the last word. "You were my ride, you dick!"

Carmen stood there, eyes wet with tears, bearing the indignity of being dumped in such a podunk setting, surrounded by small town yokels who were doing their best to try and act like they just hadn't been the unwilling witnesses to the fiasco.

She stomped a single foot down in an act of anger, before marching off the platform with the funhouse mirrors, hissed curses under her breath while she could hear the faint voice of the attraction operator awkwardly tell her to have a good one. She whipped out her phone, and tried to find the nearest Uber driver. If she wasn't here for a reason, she wasn't going to be around these rednecks more than she had to be.

Her stomach growled, interrupting her anger-fuelled search. She hadn't eaten anything yet today, but she'd hoped Jessie would take her home before it'd gotten to lunchtime. Now it was around 3pm, and the tigress was starving. She scanned around the stalls trying to find one that seemed at least a little respectable. Which one wouldn't kill her diet...?

Carmen settled on the stall selling sub sandwiches. She'd get something cold, and that'd be good enough until she could get a ride out of here and back to her place.

She approached the counter. A whiteboard with menu orders hastily scribbled with what they were selling hung underneath the white painted window, and a tip jar sat precariously on one side with a bell for getting the staff's attention. She could see a grill in the back, most likely filled with someone else's order. Not useful for her anyway, she mused. She decided on one of the options where she could make out 'lettuce and tomatoes' written on the description. Assuming that it would come with it, she decided that would be her order. Mentally, she praised herself for at least getting a healthy option unlike the other people probably walking around.

A brown rabbit stepped up to the stall window to greet her. "What'll ya have?"

"Number 17 special, please."

"Hm?" He craned his neck to see the sandwich board.

She pointed at the board. "The number seventeen- that one." Her tone was curt; She just wanted to get her food and leave.

The rabbit looked at her carefully. "...Y'sure? It's a bit of a-"

"Listen," she said huffily. "I've had a bad day. If you could just get me my cheap, underwhelming fairfood, I can be on my way and you can go back to flipping burgers for beer money."

The rabbit's ears drooped a little with the insult, but he wrote down the order regardless. "I-alright ma'am. Suit yourself." he muttered, before stepping back from the window.

A couple minutes later, he had come back with her sandwich wrapped in paper and she'd handed off the money before briskly walking off. She'd been able to schedule an uber in the meantime, and it'd be there in a little while.

However, by the time she'd unwrapped her sandwich halfway across the fairgrounds, she was met with an unfortunate surprise: Her sandwich was a lot...meatier than she thought.

The bread was almost dripping with grease, probably from the large cuts of meat barely held between the bread. Instead, the sticking force seemed to be the coats of molten cheese between each of the meat slabs, congealed from the heat to act as a sort of paste keeping the bread together. As she pricked up one of the bread pieces with her clawed finger, she noticed no lettuce or tomatoes either. She remembered the scribbled description on the side, and in hindsight, she was able to decipher that there was more than likely a 'No' at the beginning she hadn't picked up on.

She groaned. She'd already paid for the damn thing and she was hungry, but this would be awful for her! More importantly, she'd look like all the other schlubs walking around her. And if someone she knew saw her...? Her stomach growled again, and she couldn't help but start to drool a little from the smell of the greasy thing.

She cursed herself. Damn it, she'd been dieting since she was in highschool! She was stronger than this! She reconciled her hunger and shame. It'd be a quick bite or two. She'd probably get filled up on that anyway, so after she'd just toss it in the trash. No one would see, and it would hold her over until she got back home.

She took a quick nibble on the exposed slab of beef, and was surprised with how good just that little bit was. Realizing she didn't hate the flavor, she took a full bite of the sandwich, getting the bread and cheese of the sandwich.

On that bigger bite her taste buds were assaulted; the gooey cheese, the savory delicious meat, the fluffy texture of the bread that was soaked in the combination of juices from the grill and beef slab- it all combined together in a lightning strike to her taste buds she wasn't prepared for. Hot off the wheels of a broken heart, one bite turned into many as she practically devoured the deliciously juicy sandwich, losing those inhibitions. With each bite, it felt more and more like she had been enveloped in a wave of comfort, oblivious to the outside world.

If she had been aware enough, she would've noticed her stomach pooching out with those final bites of the sandwich. Her stomach, formerly flattened now rounded her abs with a light coating of fat, and her hips widened proportionally, which she would've noticed had her jeans simply widened for her to half a size larger, sparing her the discomfort. Not as if she had been cheating on her diet for a single day, but doing so for a week.

It was only after she'd had the last bite that she noticed that she'd not only eaten the entire sandwich, but done so messily as well. She looked down in dawning abject horror, as she felt the greasy juices that covered her fingers and mouth, but for some reason couldn't comprehend actual changes that had occurred.

She looked around, wary of the people around her. None seemed to really care about how hastily she'd eaten the sandwich, moreso wrapped up in their own fair fun than anything else. She looked around for somewhere to clean herself up, before settling on a nearby bathroom. Ducking quickly inside, she ignored the occasional glance as she wiped the sauces off herself.

She stepped back outside into the sunlight of the fair, and checked her phone. Surely the Uber was almost here by now, and that meant she could get away from the fair and...

A fog suddenly washed over her, and the contents of what had happened earlier today vacated her mind. Why didn't she want to be here again? Sure she didn't like mingling with the country-folk but as she checked her emails, one of her brands HAD asked her to shoot a picture for one of their lipsticks in a public space. Despite the people she didn't care for, if she angled herself right she might've been able to make one of the crowds look like she was at a concert or something, and with the lack of sponsors she already had with a smaller presence, she needed this to work.

Her stomach rumbled again, and the memory of the meal she just ate left her as well. Well, she'd been walking around all afternoon today, right? Maybe if she went and got something to eat quickly, she could find a crowd or something to do the plug in...

This time she'd gone to one of the corn dog stands, picking herself up a set of two, some fries and a soda, and finding herself a bench that she could enjoy it on. Once again, a wave of comfort enveloped the tiger as she lost herself in the fair food, enjoying the simple pleasure of the breading of the corn dogs and the meat it concealed, munching on the salty potato fries, and washing it all down with a cool lemonade.

Her bad attitude from earlier had disappeared, and with it, the dark stripes along her orange fur seemed to fade, going from a stark orange to a more muted shade. The thin fat layer that had developed over her abs obscured them completely now, losing the luster of her remarkable fitness, and giving her a much softer, chubbier tummy now. Not fat yet, more like the average person who tended to skip out on the gym more than they should; a small, soft pot-belly. Along with that, her thighs and ass thickened, taking up more space on the bench with her pants comfortingly accommodating her once again, going up to a total of two complete size changes now. Her breasts filled up slightly with the new adipose, pressing against her shirt. Between bites, she pulled down on the tight clothing, prompting it and her bra to expand their respective sizes to her comfort. While her first meal had perhaps left her with a little less of a model's physique, this had put her beyond the average, maybe even a little on the chubby side, fully removing the skinniness of dieting and a firm hand of calorie counting she'd worked so hard to obtain. Even more strangely, if she had bothered to check her phone before she finished, she would've see her birth date in real time roll back three years, turning her from 25 to 28.

And as wiped the crumbs off her muzzle, her reality continued to change.

Carmen checked her phone again, switching off of her Uber. She couldn't figure out why she had it open when she'd practically just got there. Opening up her emails, and waiting for her service to load the page, she sighed from the lack of messages. She'd been trying to use all of her socials to try and attract a brand deal for a year or two now, but she was still out of luck. It'd been her dream to make it big ever since she'd dropped college. Sure it wasn't a "real job" like everyone else said, but with how easy it seemed; looking pretty and using your clout to sell items, it was too attractive to not at least shoot her shot for. She'd put some of her best content out there, but it just seemed like she never got anything big compared to the skinnier girls. The slender lynxes, lions, and other slender species always got way more likes and shares on their pictures and videos compared to hers. It just didn't seem like it was working out. And worse, her parents were starting to get on her about getting actual work.

Carmen set her phone down. Something about that...irked her. Like it was somehow factually wrong that she wasn't succeeding at her social media endeavors. She laid her head in her hands, moving aside the corn dog sticks and fry basket someone else had obviously laid down. She couldn't deny she wanted to succeed, sure, but she didn't know how to process the inkling that something was somehow wrong in a way that didn't add up. It made logical sense to her; people thought the skinnier bodies looked better, so they shared them more. Her statistics didn't lie after all.

Her stomach growled, and Carmen dug her head out of her hands. Maybe she was just hungry. It was around lunchtime anyway, and some nice fatty food might've made her feel better. She rose up from the bench, but as she did the released pressure from her abdomen made her release a burst of gas, a result of the combination of fair food and reduced and new, less restricted diet.

The head of the person behind her, a horse woman, gave her a withering look.

She blushed, embarrassed by her slight flatulence. "Sorry! E-excuse me..."

The other woman turned away, and Carmen walked away briskly, ready to get lunch for what her reality told was the first time today, motivated to sink her teeth into some simple comfort food to forget the incident.

This time while Carmen strolled through the fairgrounds, it was a taco truck that caught her attention; the spices from the cooking meat catching her nose and drawing her in. Licking her lips, she couldn't stop herself from ordering herself a full bag of three supreme tacos, completing the meal with a large soda and some fleecy, fluffy pink cotton candy she picked up from an adjacent truck while she was waiting for her order. It was to her happy surprise that she was given a complimentary bag of chips for the meal, which she gladly hooked between two fingers while she made her way back to the bench.

In her mind she justified the large order with the promise she'd get that gym membership later that week, right after she filled out some more job applications like her folks had been asking her about.

Sitting down, sweat beaded off her forehead as the sun beat down over the fairgrounds, the shadows mirrored over from where they had begun in the early afternoon of that day.

Taking a peremptory sip of her soda, she dug into her tacos one by one less involving herself in experiencing the taste as she was more feeling the rush of endorphins from having some good, greasy food inside of her. Taking large bites, she mashed the cheese, meat, shell and lettuce up into a paste within her maw, before the slurry all went down her gullet, and she moved onto the next chomp.

As she did, her body morphed more as her new life progressed even further. Her stomach steadily ballooned outward, that soft potbelly slowly pushing like an overfilled bag of pudding over her waistband, which could barely grow to accommodate the pillowy mass that pressed against the table. Any muscle that had barely remained after her second meal had been absolved now, her arms and legs (were she able to see them beneath her clothing), beginning to rumple with the cellulite that situated itself there, and a second chin began to dip down under her jaw as she continued eating, but was only felt as the juices dripped down from where she messily devoured her meal, moving onto the tacos to her cotton-candy.

Her ass expanded, widening across the bench as it began to take on more adipose than before, pushing the jeans covering it over the edge of the bench and forcing it to curve over it as the padded rump felt the force of gravity. Her breasts grew again, but their perkiness suffered now, and as more fat was added to the feline's figure, they began to sag down like sacs steadily being filled with water: Large, but unfirm. She could feel the skin on skin contact as they two features met, belly and breast, but didn't think too much about it as her bra developed into a sturdier support one to contain the melon-like tits.

More subtle changes played across her body too; her rounded tiger's ears beginning to sharpen into more typical cat-like ears, and her muzzle becoming less broad with each bite, and her fur dulling from the vibrant orange it had been. Her features- and if she had seen it, the birth date she had set on her phone- both worked in tandem, rolling back another 7 years turning her from a spry 28 to a more mature 35.

As she drank her soda, she leaned back, feeling the satisfying fullness of her stomach.

"God-damn that was good..." she moaned, licking her lips again. Her voice was older now, more mature with the years. With it, early crows feet lined her eyes, the creases forming simply from out of nowhere, not that she could feel it. Underneath her arms, stomach and pubic regions, brushes of hair had grown. Uncut from her extended nights of travel, it had just been easier to let it grow and cut it back at the end of the month. Not to mention reaching under her fupa was always a hassle anyway, why not just let it grow and cut it back when it got too long? Wasn't like she had ticks or anything anyway.

Taking a napkin, and hastily wiping the taco debris off her, Charlene took the time to take in the fair around her, and the happy chaos of the people inside. She loved fairs like these, and coming back to the one in her hometown always felt great with the selection they had. She wasn't ungrateful for her work though, even if it did take her away from the sweet little town more than she liked. To her, trucking was good, honest work, and she'd been able to snag the job right on the edge of when her folks were preparing to kick her out. College just hadn't worked out for her, and that silly pipe dream of being some kind of 'influencer' or whatever the zoomers were calling it was just silly looking back. She'd never had the supermodel kind of body most of those instagram stars had, and those long drives across the country had let her meet good people and eat good food.

Those long trips and new experiences had softened what had been what she now embarrassingly recognized was an incendiary personality; insecure and lashing out at people so she could feel better about her own image. In a way, coming back to her hometown let her feel at peace with the cat she was now, older, wiser, and softer in her demeanor.

She felt her stomach as it draped down over her thick thighs, and she chuffed slightly.

'Softer' in other ways too, for sure.

Though, as she held up a hand to block out the sun, she couldn't help wishing that they couldn't have had a good overcast that day. The heat with her new insulation was uncomfortable; she could feel the pit-stains forming under her arms and while she'd had a case of "swamp-ass" brewing since she got here, the hot summer sun certainly wasn't helping. Especially with the kind of gas eating mexican would give her later.

Steadily, she got to her feet, and shuffled across the bench, careful not to drag her stomach along the splintery siding of the picnic table. Sitting down to take in the atmosphere and reflect had been nice, but she was hungry again, and brunch had honestly been too long ago for her to remember. Hiking her pants up to fit her now-thicker ass, she set off again into the crowd, this time resolving to use the cooler metal benches in the shaded area instead of the wooden ones to eat at once she actually did find some grub.

This time Charlotte was drawn to the burger trucks, and found herself almost drooling in front of one of the burger trucks with pictures of the big, buttery cheeseburgers burgers they were known for. "World's Greatest" a tagline proud of their size, was sported proudly on the side of the van and she was going to see for herself if it held up.

"Okay, so that's a cheddar heartstopper with barbecue sauce and bacon, and a large beer right?" The reedy robin taking her order checked.

"A thing of fries too?" She added on. Her eyes greedily flicked to the tubs they gave them out in.

"Gotcha!" He scribbled down a little more. "Is that everything?"

Charlene thought about the order a little more. All those empty calories and processed meat would be awful for her, she knew that much for certain. She grinned. "Gimme two of the burgers, actually!" If she was going to spoil herself like this, might as well double down. Filling that extra measure, she picked up some deep-fried oreos from a stall she saw earlier.

It was one of the first times she'd been able to attend the fair in years. Why not just indulge?

As she parked herself in the shade she could scarcely contain herself. Immediately she tore off the wrapping and dug in, immediately enraptured again by the salty, greasy goodness of the fair food. Changes rippled across her wide frame once again, ramping up from the echoes of the last ones.

Her stomach billowed out again. The plush weight pushed out fully against the table as it sagged down over her thighs, like someone had shoved a beanbag inside only partially filled, and leaving her lower stomach exposed to the world. Her arms fattened alongside it, graduating from simply thick with rumplings of fat-to chunky bingo wings of arms you could sink a hand into, meaty and soft. Her breasts sagged down into two massive heaves in the XL support bra she used. Her ass shared that effect, more years of cellulite building onto her expanding shelf, making the bench creak with the added weight. Her pants, unable to accommodate, had to settle for allowing a dark, sweaty plumber's crack where the hem of her underwear could be seen, wedgying between the thick hammy cheeks.

Her bones stretched beneath the fat piling onto her frame, growing taller to accommodate a larger form as well as wider. Her muzzle and fur made their final transformations, fully transforming the once tigress into a complete tabby, brown stripes and all.

Beyond the weight and fur- the years piled on- adding eight more years to her life, turning her from 35 to 43, and deepening the crows feet along her eyes. Laugh lines marked the fatty jowls sagging along her cheeks, and the patches of armpit and pubic hair grew into unkempt bushes from a disregard of hygiene on the long road. She shaved occasionally, but for the most part just let the hair grow. Was easier than trying to get under the fat roll of fupa that sank over her crotch anyway.

If she had been paying attention, she would've noticed her fur rusty orange fur dull into a brown, and her muzzle become more rounded, completing her transformation from a tiger into a brown-striped tabby. Her clothes fully reflected that change now, her tank top and tights being fully replaced now by a musty, traveled checkerboard flannel jacket hanging open to reveal her white undershirt, greased a sort of yellow with sweat over the years, and thick, comfy wrangler jeans from her travels. Gray streaked into her hair beneath the flat-billed trucker cap emblazoned with her company's logo telling of her age alongside the laugh lines.

She grunted as she moved onto her last sandwich, feeling her stomach let out a discontent growl from packing away the food. Clenching her lower stomach, Charlene released a long, trumpeting fart as her stomach made room for dessert.

She could feel the stares on her, but she didn't care all too much. Really, it was more she couldn't muster the insecurity to. She'd been trucking for a long time now, and she'd gotten used to the looks she got from her eating habits. She swiped her sausage fingers along the napkins, clearing off enough of the grease so it wouldn't ruin her deep-fried oreos, and popped them in one by one before she washed it all down with her beer, tugging her company trucker cap over her face to block out the sun just on the horizon.

There wasn't much to remark on the last time she had come to her hometowns fair. For the most part, the overly obese cat had been satisfied with her life as the years passed. She'd become a veteran in the trucking world, settling into a sort of matriarchal personality that sharply contrasted with her crass sense of hygiene, showing the newer hires the ropes of how the business worked. The idea of being an "influencer" or anything like that was a scant dream now, lost in ages past.

Leaning her arms on the table, Charlene slowly stood up, pushing herself up from the table where she could stand. Licking her lips, she scanned the fairgrounds again. The memory of the meal she just ate hadn't disappeared from her like the ones before, really the cause for her hunger was much simpler; the fourth meal just simply hadn't been enough to fill her up.

However, as the winds changed, the smell of marinara sauce, hot dough, and pepperoni caught her nostrils, and she turned her head to see the source. Her feline slits narrowed on the pizza van by the corner. Pushing her meaty legs over the asphalt, she lumbered over to where the line was so she could get a pie for herself. There was the instinctual feeling that the fullness inside her wasn't just gas, but was the actual result of her contentment. This would be enough to finish her off for the day.

Eventually her time came. The service worker inside, a pitbull, greeted her warmly.

"Heya Charlene! Back for the annual fair binge, huh?"

For a second it needed to register in her mind that she had been a regular at the county fair and its delicacies for over a decade now. Once it did, and the memories of all her other visits lined up, she returned the warmth of the expression.

"Of course, hun! Y'all know ah'd never miss the spread they lay out here." her voice was much more...tired than she remembered it being. That wasn't to say it was overly hoarse, but it possessed a strong huskiness and sort of weariness from life that tended to put people at ease. A smoking habit had done its damage, but with luck she'd realized it just hadn't been for her. Didn't need obesity AND lung cancer acting on her, right? Combined with the southern lilt she'd picked up over the years, it definitely played into the matriarchal role she tended to take these days.

He nodded. "The usual then? Two large meat-lovers?"

She licked her lips, but remained strong in her discipline. "Just one, doll. This'll be m'last stop for the day, ah'm afraid."

He theatrically put a hand over his heart, with a mock-accusing look, before he wrote down the order. "Say it ain't so! And here I thought we had something special."

She gave him a knowing look. "Next time, Ah'll stop here first. How'zat sound?"

He smirked and ripped the order off the note-sheet. "Well if you promise-" The smirk softened. "We'll have it right out for you."

"Appreciate it, hun."

Sure enough, in minutes the pizza was out and in her hands. Not bothering to sit down, she opened the box and began to rip into the contents. In response, the changes that had besieged her all day made their final bloom as the horizon dawned orange with the setting sun.

Her stomach pushed out again, the beanbag swelling as if to burst and then deflating into a soft, shapeless, mass that hung out under her wife-beater and flannel. Despite its size, her thighs had become big enough to match, swelling out to hand filling sizes not to be forgotten under her the doughy gut that almost hung to her cankles. Her breasts once again swelled, and she briefly wiped a grease-covered hand on her wranglers before bringing it up to adjust the specialty bra she'd had made to contain the fat flour-sac sized udders sagging on her chest. Not to be outdone, her ass expanded in one cellulite-riddled rush. It expanded to a veritable buttress size, her pants barely keeping her massive cheesecake of an ass from going uncovered, and that same hand went downwards in an effort to hike her pants, furrowing the sweaty wedgie she'd had before even deeper.

Her last rush of years settled on her, bringing her from a middle aged 43 to a retired 52. Those jowls filled out and sagged a little further, and her crows feet and laugh lines were more defined. Her scalp tingled as those gray streaks became more common, though not nearly blushing out the dirty-blond color her hair had taken. Her body hair furrowed out just a bit more, her attempts at grooming the bushes and patches forgotten completely, and a treasure trail sprouting from her navel to the dense jungle of her pubic region.

As she finished that last slice, she let out a contented sigh, and dropped off her pizza box in the trash as she watched the vibrant colors of the sunset. It had been a wonderful first week of retirement, the company letting her go with full benefits and a great retirement plan to let her live comfortably, a combination of concerns with her age and weight. The newer recruits she'd had a hand in training had thrown her a wonderful surprise party, and she was able to spend the day binging unabated on her personal annual holiday location. But for some reason, she couldn't help but frown. Her subconscious nagged at her, as if there was something wrong, something missing to the day she just had. But what-


She felt a pair of hands grab her still sweat-covered back fat, before the ground behind her crunched and her neck was peppered with little kisses. She turned around in surprise, and was met with a young canine face she'd seen before.

Jessie's warm hands did their best to wrap around her burgeoning frame, as he watched the sunset with her. "It's pretty, huh 'lene?"

She couldn't help but crook an eyebrow at him, and chided at him softly. "Sug, ah told ya'll not to surprise me like that. Yuh want me to fall on ya by accident?"

"You'd be very soft."

"Ah'd be very heavy." she countered. "And 'm not sure yuh'd want a face full of the swamp-ass ah'd had from bein' in the sun all day."

"Oh." His eyebrows set in the realization. "Maybe not then."

She wrapped a paunchy arm around his head as they held each other, holding him steady to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Well," she purred softly, "At least not until we're back to m' trailer park, okay?"

He blushed. "I-yeah. I think I'd like that a little...

Charlene pushed his head into her neck fat, as he peppered down some more kisses leading her to moan softly. The husky was half her age, and she could've been his mother with the age difference, but there was just a genuine kindness and innocence in addition to the spry physique that drew her to him. It had led him to want to become a forest ranger in the region, and that had led her to him on a stop into the town's diner for dinner, her between drives and him between shifts, both looking to get some dinner. Some meetings later, and he'd unexpectedly asked out the schlumpish truck driver despite the size and age difference. A couple months of dating later, and here they were, going steady. Though he had disappeared after a brief visit to the funhouse mirrors though, and she for the life of her couldn't figure out where he'd gone.

She squinted. "But where were yew all day, exactly? Makin' mah fatass wander around her on my lonesome?"

"About that..." he stepped back, and as she turned he could see both hands behind her back. In a grand display, he held out the prize. A large stuffed bear she'd seen at the ring-toss passing through.

Her brow furrowed in confusion. "...Hon, y'spent all afternoon tryin' t'get this?"

Jessie shifted on his feet. "Well I mean, after the funhouse mirrors, you said it looked cute, and I dunno...I just wanted to pick it up for you." He grinned sheepishly. "That, coincidentally, was also how I found out I'm really fucking bad at ring toss."

She raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Izzat so? Well-" She poked him with a pudgy finger. "Ah think yuh gonna owe me a little cuddle time later because of thay-at."

"...I think I can pay that back."

The two disproportionately-sized lovers from there made their way out to the parking lot, Charlene's obese body jiggling and swaying from her meaty footfalls, with Jessie there to make sure she didn't trip, just in case.

That had made it a real surprise when a spry possumess bumped into her as they left, recording on her phone for whatever reason. Bouncing off of her enormous paunch, she'd been sent sprawling to the dirt while a fart released in Jessie's direction, leaving him hacking for air.

"Oh!" Charlene was torn between checking the girl on the ground and her lover coughing behind her, but settled for the flattened possum, extendeding a thick arm as far as she could to the woman on the ground. "Didn't see yuh there, m'bad."

The possum took her hand, slowly getting to her feet. "Ah, I'm sorry I was just filming for a vlog I was doing and..." Charlene could see the dawning realization of the magnitude of the woman she'd bumped into. "...uhm."

She raised an eyebrow, and crossed her arms under her heavy breasts, resting them on the shelf of her stomach. "Cat gotcha tongue? Wanna get it out of the way, sweetheart?" Comments about her weight weren't uncommon, not with her size. If anything, she'd prefer to get them out of the way.

The possum seemed like she was about to say something, but politely reconsidered her thoughts as the mountainous tabby loomed over her. "...No. I'm, uh, I'm good! You all just have a wonderful night, alright?" She took a couple steps around Charlene, and maintained the pace she was on, waving behind her, before jogging off.

Huh. Charlene swore she could've seen her before. Maybe around town...? She shrugged and turned back to where Jessie had finished coughing. "Are yew...?"

"I'm good. I'm good!" He stood up, composing himself. "Just wasn't expecting it was all."

She patted her distended stomach; soft, but with pressure from the contents still digesting. "Ole' gasbags prob'ly full from today. Better be ready once w'get back to the trailer park."

He put on a brave face as he popped open the driver door to her van. "I'll keep it in mind." She slid open the passenger seat, and gingerly lowered herself inside to a position where she was comfortable.

As he piled into the driver seat, there was a moment of stillness as they both sat for a minute, watching the sun finishing setting, and night setting over the fairgrounds. They could hear the sound of the trucks beginning to close up shop, and the lights of the rides and games slowly begin to wink out one by one.

"Hey 'lene?"


His eyes looked down, conflicted for a moment. "...I really am sorry about missing that part of the afternoon with you. I should've just given up and come back, but I wanted that bear for you."

She pursed her lips, before rocking forward, using one large arm to wrap him in a side-hug from the back. "S'alright hon," she said before settling back into her seat, and letting herself spread out fully. "M' happy with what ah got out of it regardless."

"N' besides," she grunted as the car engine started, the car engine's soothing vibrations began to thrum through the seat. "There's always next year."

Savagery At It's Core

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Equine Adjustments

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