A Visit from Jude the Lewd (A Jeeves Zootopia Prompt; Posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#86 of Smut I Commissioned

Judy has a dick, and Stu decides to help her deal with her massive erection. As one does. Written by Jeeves, posted with permission.

  • It's been a while since we got some quality "Judy with a dick" content, so let's have the first of July's stories feature that, but now with Stu deciding to worship Judy's dick. As always, this is written by the legendary Jeeves, so follow him on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon.

A Visit from Jude the Lewd


Stu stirred slightly, one ear flicking as he instinctively cuddled up closer to the warm, soft, familiar back of his wife.

"Dad, wake up."

At the slightly more urgent tone of the voice addressing him though, the male rabbit's eyes fluttered open in the faint, pre-dawn glow just barely providing enough light by which to make out the back of Bonnie's head. When he felt the hand on his shoulder gently nudge and shake him again though, Stu rose immediately to full wakefulness and slipped into 'dad' mode. As father to dozens upon dozens of kids, he was no stranger to being woken up at night. The only question was whether he was going to be dealing with a four year old who'd had a nightmare, a ten year old who had thrown up after sneaking candy into their room, or a nineteen year old who had just had a disappointing first sexual experience with a lover they had been besotted with up to that point.

When Stu rolled over though, careful not to pull the sheets off Bonnie's naked, fluffy form as he did so, he wasn't greeted by any of those options. Instead, he saw the sharp violet eyes of one of his older daughters, long since grown up and having not only moved out of the Hopps homestead but all the way to Zootopia. He smiled and yawned, chuckling even as the words escaped his muzzle in a gentle, familiar sing-song pattern.

"Hey Jude."

Judy couldn't help but giggle and roll her eyes, her dad having never once passed up an opportunity to make that reference since she was old enough to know that such a song existed. Just a few seconds later though her expression shifted back to its prior state, and she squirmed slightly where she was standing before her parents' bed.

"Hi, dad. Sorry, I... it's just... mom helped me last night and, well, I thought maybe she could use some sleep?"

Stu's eyes widened, and he sat upright in bed rather suddenly.

"Oh! Right!"

Even in the faint light, Stu knew that Judy would be able to see his ears flushing, just like he could see hers. He glanced over at Bonnie once more, his rapid motion having pulled the sheets down to expose her beautifully rounded torso and the sides of her soft, pillowy breasts. Her fur was soft and especially fluffy after the long shower she had taken the prior morning, and she really did look so peaceful enjoying a long night's unbroken slumber after the previous night's exertion. Stu's cheeks and ears grew redder still as he thought back to last night. The sounds ringing through the whole upper level where he, Bonnie and the other adult members of the Hopps family who still lived at home slept. He had been so happy to hear his wife and one of his dearest daughters enjoying one another to such extremes, and yet to his shame there had been a twinge of jealousy too. Not jealousy that someone else was with his wife, but, though he and Bonnie had been in an open relationship since before their marriage itself, jealousy that he hadn't been the one chosen to satisfy his daughter's especially powerful urges.

Of course it had been silly to think such a thing. Judy hadn't picked Bonnie over him the prior night. Bonnie had slipped off to the bathroom after she and Stu had shared their own intimate affections, and on the way back had checked in on Judy to see how the younger bunny was coping with only toys to tide her over, Nick caught up on a case at work which had delayed his arrival at the farm alongside Judy for the whole of the weekend. Needless to say, Bonnie clearly hadn't been satisfied by what she had seen and heard, and thus Stu had fallen asleep late that night after several hours of listening to his wife screaming in unhinged ecstasy at the behest of their dear daughter, and her unstoppable, insatiable cock.

Now though, it was another night. Another lonely night for Judy until Nick arrived the following morning, and this time she had sought out help rather than trying and failing to quell her rampant libido alone. She could have made a few calls and had literally dozens of rabbits and other mammals from across Bunnyburrow in the barn with her. She could have turned to any of her other grown up siblings. She could have woken up Bonnie, regardless of what she'd said, and her mother would have gladly, gleefully assisted Judy once again. But, she hadn't. She'd woken him up. She'd picked him out of all the animals in all the world.


Stu pulled himself out of his reverie and blinked as he stared at Judy, her upper body bare and her lower body dressed in a pair of shorts which despite being Nick's were still stretched tight on her by the obscene length of her throbbing cock. His eyes dragged themselves away from that bulge, yet somehow when he met the younger rabbit's own gaze that was even more intoxicating and lewd than the alternative. Judy nibbled on her bottom lip, glanced down at her tented, stretched out shorts herself, and squirmed on the spot as she met her father's gaze anew.

She didn't have to say another word. Stu pulled back the sheets, pausing just long enough to wrap them cosily around Bonnie once more, and rose to his feet. He extended a hand which his daughter took without hesitation, and as Judy half giggled, half whimpered and began to rather swiftly drag her father out of his bedroom, Stu couldn't help but watch his daughter's tail wiggle happily from side to side out of the back of her shorts as his own erection pulsed at the thought of the night ahead of them.


"Dad... ohhh, you're so good at this..."

Ten minutes later, Judy's toes curled as she gripped firmly at her father's ears. Her own head tilted back even as she felt Stu's nose brush against the fur atop her mammoth, swollen erection. Her eyes were glassy, and for the first time all evening she was able to think about anything besides the constant, gnawing need for flesh around her cock. Stu moaned happily, throat contracting around his daughter's erection as he reacted to her praise. It wasn't just Judy, of course. Stu loved to be told that he was making his partners feel good. Whether it was with his tongue buried inside Bonnie, having his ass stretched by Gideon's knot or hanging out at the gloryhole in the Cottontail Bar on Bunnyburrow's main street, Stu rarely found himself harder than when someone was letting him know that he was bringing them pleasure. With Judy though, it was more than that. More than her lustfully grateful words. With Judy, it was just... it was everything. Her size. Her neediness. The knowledge that after one orgasm she would crave another, and another, and another, and that he would be there eager to give her each and every one.

Stu pulled back a few inches, feeling the very tip of Judy's erection sliding a little way back in his throat before bobbing forward again until his nose met fur and flesh, and his daughter's cock felt like it was going to start poking into his belly. He heard Judy cry out as his tongue swept around the base of her cock where it was sandwiched in his maw. Her cry drew another guttural moan from deep in his throat, and the vibration of his gullet around the bunny's massive cock made Judy squeeze his ears in a vice grip as her legs wrapped around the back of his head.

"Oh! Ohh! Daddy! F-fhhahh... fuck..."

Stu blushed. He trembled as his eyes peered up at Judy, her almost flat chest no barrier to the bashful expression on her face. She looked down, red faced, panting and giggling.

"Fuck... dad, you... I didn't mean to call you that, I..."

Stu's ears burned like fire within his daughter's grasp. Judy's cock throbbed within his maw.

"...unless, did you... like that? Daddy?"

Stu shuddered, feeling his own cock spurting pre-cum across Judy's bedroom floor and against the side of the bed before which he was kneeling. He moaned around Judy's erection once more, and after recovering from the waves of pleasure that sound elicited the female rabbit huffed, grinned, and stopped gripping her father's ears so that she could more playfully start to stroke her fingers up and down their backs.

"Oh my gosh, dad. We live in a society where it's totally acceptable to fuck adult family members, and where open relationships are way more common than any sort of monogamy. Our society is so highly sexed that even kids movies make jokes about bunnies and multiplying, it's that pervasive a feature of our culture. So... please tell me how a bunny who was born and raised in that culture can end up getting so flustered by his daughter calling him daddy?"

Again Stu trembled and moaned, but in the wake of doing so he slowly, luxuriously pulled back from Judy's vast cock, feeling each and every inch of it sliding up out of his throat and over his tongue before it popped free from between his lips. Judy trembled as her father's hands instantly moved to grip and stroke her, not wishing to deny her for a second even as he cleared his throat and answered.

"Not just any daughter, Jude. You. You being so sweet and cute, calling me daddy while I've got a foot of impossibly huge bunny cock stuffed in my face. It's so lewd. My Jude the Lewd. I love you so much, Judy."

Judy's eyes widened, and her own cheeks and ears flushed as a thick ribbon of pre-cum, several times more voluminous on its own than a standard bunny cock's entire load, launched from her tip and cascaded up and over her father's head, impacting on the floor somewhere behind where he was kneeling. Despite the intensity of her body's reaction though, Judy's voice was soft and sincere as she answered.

"Aww... I love you too, dad. Sorry, daddy."

Only with that last word did she smirk, and glanced down trying to see Stu's own cock throb, though his plump belly hid all but its oozing, dribbling tip from view. They blushed and grinned at one another, and Stu responded not with words but by planting a gentle kiss on the underside of Judy's erection. Then another, and another, and...

"Oohhhh... oh, yes..."

...and then it was in his muzzle again. Filling his throat again. Judy grabbed not at his ears but at a handful of headfur, locking his head in place with both hands and feet as he bowed forward to take her to the hilt once more. Her hips began to rock as he licked and suckled and moaned to stimulate her deep within his maw and beyond, and though Stu was unable to say anything more to let his daughter know just how much this experience meant to him, the hunger with which he worked to devour and stimulate her cock was more than enough to leave her moaning in a near constant, breathless rhythm.

"Daddy... daddy... ohhh, yes. Right there. Don't stop. Please, yes... yesss, daddy..."

Sure enough it wasn't long at all, just a matter of minutes, until Judy's voice began to grow strained and frantic. Her hips bucked off the bed despite every last inch of her cock already being stuffed down her father's throat, and Stu grinned around his overflowing mouthful of colossal bunny cock when just like her mother did with the throbbing of her clit, Judy started to tug at his hair in rhythm with the pulsing twitches of her arousal.

"Dhhah... daddy... dad. Pull back, I... I'm gonna cum..."

Finally though, with that pleading gasp, Judy's hands released their grip on Stu's head and her ankles uncrossed to set him entirely free. She sat there trembling and staring as Stu looked up at her, moaned, and nuzzled his nose into the fur of her crotch as his tongue swept around her base once again. Judy whimpered. Her toes curled and she shook her head.

"Nnh... no, really. Dad. You've gotta... I... it'll be too much. Please, Nick can't. Mom almost choked, I... you can just stroke me, or... or kiss it, or... o-oh... oh god, daddy... I'm gonna... please. Please! I... I'm...!"

At the last second, Stu's hands slid away from where they had been resting for some time upon his daughter's gently trembling thighs. Instead they cupped Judy's amply sized balls, and as Stu looked up with pure adoration and glee into his daughter's face, he squeezed them gently.

Judy's eyes crossed.


She gurgled unintelligibly as her cock twitched, strained violently within Stu's throat, and at last began to unload. Flinging both hands over her own muzzle, Judy's orgasm was oddly quiet. Her eyes bulged, glassy and unfocused but still staring desperately at her father as his own eyes glazed over. She saw his throat twitching with the pulsing of her cock. She watched as a tiny dribble of cum began to ooze out of the corner of his maw, but far more noticeable after just a few seconds was her father's stomach. She watched as before her eyes it began to swell. To inflate as it was flooded with obscene torrents of cum. He didn't choke because it was already beyond his throat. He just knelt there for a few seconds as his belly stretched and swelled, before Judy felt a trembling convulsion in the muscles around her cock, and watched her father's body lurch slightly where he was kneeling as his own cock began to pulse and spurt cum over the underside of his now obscenely swollen belly.

Father and daughter came together for almost half a minute without restraint. They shuddered and gasped and revelled in each sweet, shared wave of ecstasy until first Stu, then Judy's orgasm soon after began to trail off. Even after Judy was done though, Stu didn't immediately pull back from where his muzzle and throat remained wrapped around her. He simply knelt there with a placid smile on his face as a little more cum oozed from the corners of his mouth, with one hand lingering on Judy's balls while the other fell to caress his own swollen belly.

"Oh, dad... that was..."

Judy began, but no sooner had she started to speak, Stu groaned and pulled back off her still rigid cock.


He croaked, both breathless and with his throat feeling rather stretched from all the throbbing of his daughter's cock. His cheeks and ears continued to burn scarlet, but he grinned up at Judy as she giggled and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Please, Jude. Call me daddy again..."

Stu murmured, craning his neck forward once more to kiss the underside of Judy's erection.

"Call me daddy... tell me how good I make your beautiful big cock feel... and I promise you, Jude. My Jude the Lewd... daddy will drain you dry all night long, and when Nick finally gets here in the morning? Maybe he can spend some quality time with your mom, until I'm finally done taking care of you myself."

By Jeeves.