Emotions Ch.1

Story by LeiyonSharpfang on SoFurry

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Kodi is a college student and is experiencing strong emotions after his partner dumped him for someone else.

"Hey there! My name is Kodi and I'm an antlered fox that is twenty two years old and I'm currently in college for musical sound engineering. This is the story of a relationship I had and... how it just ended."

*ring* *ring* *ring*

The tired antlered fox reaches his arm out and turns off his alarm clock before begrudgingly getting up out of his comfortable bed. He then heads to his dresser and grabs some underwear and walks to the shower so he can get clean before starting his day like usual. Once finished he emerges from the steamy bathroom and heads back towards his room to get his outfit for the day, but stops on the way and starts up his handy coffee machine so that his cup of joe will be ready once he's finished getting dressed. He checked his phone really quickly and saw that he had no new messages. He didn't really think anything of it at that moment and just proceeded to get dressed and go get his cup of coffee. After he got it and sat down on the couch he looked at his phone and decided to text his boyfriend Hunter who is an anubian jackal. Now there was a possibility that Hunter would or wouldn't see the text because Hunter was always like that. He always had an excuse to tell Kodi, is the way it looked from Kodis' friends' perspectives. Kodi always had a feeling of insecurity his whole life. It was caused by hearing very loud arguments from his parents and being slapped and spanked by his uncle. He never really felt good enough when he did something and in his head if he got the highest grade in his class on a test he would scold himself and beat himself up if he didn't get a perfect 100% on it. Once he finished his coffee he got up and put the mug in the sink then grabbed his stuff and left so he could get to class on time.

"It is a really lovely day today. It isn't too hot and it's sunny with a nice breeze. A perfect day to just be outside. Maybe everyone would like to go on a hike later."

He pulled into the college parking lot and found an empty space taking it. He gathered his stuff and got out of his car and shut his door then hit the lock button and hit the alarm button on his keychain alarm as he walked towards his class. As he was walking someone was following him and was sneaking trying to scare him because she knew that he hated being scared. Like a wild animal she pounced and landed on his back yelling the word boo as loudly as she could muster. Once Kodi caught himself so he didn't fall down and actually calmed down he just looked at his best friend Rose, who is a pink lynx, with an irritated expression. Rose couldn't help but laugh because they've been friends for years and he should know that she does this to him all of the time.

"Hey, are you alright there tiger?"

"I'm an antlered fox not a tiger and I'm fine since I've calmed down because you decided to scare the shit out of me!"

"Look I'm sorry Kodi, but you should know that I'm going to do it because I've been doing it to you for years now and I think you know that the whole 'you okay there tiger' is just an expression right?"

"Yes I know that Rose! Look, let's just get to class and we can meet up afterward and go for a bite to eat like usual. Okay?"

"You got it bud! See you later Kodi."

Rose turned and started walking away heading to her class, while Kodi stood there watching her walk away his mind all over the place not even realizing the time. Once he snapped back from his trance he grabbed his phone and looked at it to see that he had a text from Hunter and that he was late for class. He hurried to his class and looked at the text that Hunter sent him. The text message read; 'Hey Kodi, I've been at my dorm and for some reason I can't stop thinking about things. I'd like to speak with you after your class. -Hunter' He read the text at least forty times trying to understand what Hunter was trying to say before just sending him a reply to ask him for a simpler version. Hunter just replied with a text that read; 'Just come see me after your class.' Now Kodi has some anxious thoughts running through his mind because he doesn't know if Hunter is wanting sex or if this talk is gonna be good or bad. After Kodis' class was done he found Rose and ran over to her shaking with fear and anxiety on the verge of tears.

"Rose! Hunter wants to talk with me, but he isn't saying what it's about and he isn't elaborating on whether or not this will be a good or bad talk. I'm just so nervous. Would you come over there with me?"

"Yeah Kodi, no problem. If he asks why I'm there I'll just tell him that we planned on hanging out before he texted you and I'll just leave the room so that way you two can have your privacy."

"Oh thank you! I owe you one for this."

Kodi and Rose start walking to Hunters' dorm room and when they arrive they find that the door is open. Kodi peeks his head inside and looks around to see if Hunter is near or inside his dorm. He knocks on the door and shouts 'Hey Hunter I'm here with Rose.' They stand outside the door waiting to see if Hunter will show himself and invite them inside. After about five minutes of waiting Hunter finally shows up and invites them inside his dorm.

"Sorry about the wait guys. Been a hell of a day since the weekend heh heh, but anyway..."

"Sorry to interrupt you Hunter, but since you wanted to speak to Kodi and I'm guessing it's personal I'm just going to leave this room so you two can have your privacy."

Rose walked out of the living room and went into his bedroom to make sure that Kodi and Hunter had their privacy.

"So what did you want to talk to me about Hunter?"

"Kodi, I don't know if we can be together anymore."

"Hunter, what are you talking about? Of course we can be together. We've been together for three years now. What's making you question our relationship now?"

"Kodi, I need to be honest with you. I've been cheating on you with the quarterback of the football team. We've been secretly dating and having sex for a year and a half now. I just couldn't take the guilt anymore and I had to let you know."

"Hunter, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?! WE WERE DATING FIRST AND YOU'RE JUST NOW TELLING ME ABOUT SOMEONE THAT YOU'VE BEEN SECRETLY DATING BEHIND MY BACK? What else do you need to tell me and don't start say that you're sorry because you aren't fucking sorry."

"Kodi, I-I don't know what to say. At first it was just me at a party and I was drunk, but he hit me up afterward and we just clicked and it went on from there. I'm so sorry Kodi."

Kodi stood up and went to his room and got Rose and told her that the conversation was over and that they were leaving. Rose just stood up and walked toward Kodi with a strange look on her face with how emotionless he was and how he didn't seem like his usual happy self. She walked out of Hunters' room and out of the door following Kodi shutting the door as she left. As they walked to Kodis' car she noticed that Kodi was trying to suppress his emotions, but what Kodi didn't know was that Rose knew how to read body language. She knew something was off, but she didn't know what exactly happened. They got into Kodis' car and drove to a local restaurant for lunch and hung out there.

"Kodi, I know something's up. What happened at Hunters' dorm?"


"Whoa um okay just settle down a bit Kodi. I know that you're angry and you have every right to be, but we're in public and I don't think that you want everyone looking at you."

"You're right. I'm just, so fucking angry at what that bastard did and he had no reason for it. He told me that they met at a party and had sex while he was drunk, but somehow he managed to get the guys' number and called him up a couple of days later and they just clicked so they started secretly dating and he felt guilty and couldn't take it anymore so he had to tell me. My question is why couldn't he tell the other guy no because he was in a relationship with me."

Kodi looked at Rose his eyes looking broken and every time they got some water in them he blinked or wiped them dry so he wouldn't cry. He wouldn't allow himself to cry. Rose just sat there across from him at the restaurant seeing her best friend look genuinely devastated and for once she didn't know how to actually help him. Every other time Kodi has had a problem in his life Rose has had a plan to help him out, but this time was different.

Tune in for ch.2