Fairfax family secrets ch. 3: Love reign over me

Story by xX_Fading_to_BlackXx on SoFurry

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Sorry for the wait people but part III is finally here...

I hope y'all didn't mind the little "Surprise" At the end of part 2. The plot thickens as now the whole family is aware of David and Ellena's sexual relationship; But then again their parents are cousins so they won't mind at all. Also this is quite a long read so please bear with me, and the title come from one of the best songs ever written period...

The warnings from before still apply but now I have to add herms, don't like? Don't read.

The following day Ellena woke up confused as she felt someone's arms wrapped round her naked body and then the flood of memories came in from the night before and she smiled and gave her big brother a kiss on the cheek "Wake up sleepy head..." She said in a sing-song voice

"Meh, five more minutes Mom..." David replied in his sleep and rolled over. Ellena giggled at his comment and gave him another kiss, this time on the lips, "Morning Big Bro." David woke up that time and returned the kiss, albeit a bit sloppily considering he just woke up, "Last night was great..." he said,

"Awww... Thank you. You're so sweet to your little sister... We didn't really get to talk though because we both fell asleep so fast. So besides the usual after sex stuff: you're ok with me having both?" She asked David

"To be honest it was a huge surprise but no, I don't mind at all..." He replied while holding her in close

"I didn't think you would find it so enjoyable to be the one taking it instead of the other way around..." Ellena said with a giggle.

"Well if it's with you I don't mind..." David said

"See? This is what I love about you. You're so loving and accepting... Anyway, wanna come join me in the shower David?" She asked him as she stood up

"Do I." he said sitting up immediately and following her to the bathroom. Ellena turned on her stereo and hooked up her IPod which started playing 'Love reign over me' she then turned on the water and moaned softly, David went in soon after and held her in his arms again. She fit perfectly under his shoulder and nuzzled against her causing a giggle. David then got the body wash and lathered up Ellena, paying particular attention to her breasts and nether regions. "That feels great..." She said moaning softly "Hey David... I got an idea..."

"And what would that be little Sis?" he said softly into her ear as the water washed over them

"Why don't we have a quickie right here in the shower?" she asked with a naughty grin on her face

"If you're up for it..." David said kissing her neck fur, he turned her around and kissed her on the lips and then picked her up. Ellena then wrapped her legs around his waist and her tail around her leg. David gently lifted her and let her slide down onto his member. The couple moaned in unison as they went inside one another, David then placed her back against the wall of the shower and slowly slid in and out.

"Mmmmmmm... That feels so nice David..." Ellena said as David began thrusting in and out of her in a rocking motion. "Oh God David... You're such a wonderful lover... Mmmmmm" She said as she began stroking her own rapidly hardening member, her breasts jiggling with each thrust. David nuzzled the side of her neck again as he sped up some more and made the thrusts more powerful "Mmmmm yes... Yeah fuck your little sister good and hard..." She said in a low voice that sounded more like a growl, David was turned on immensely by his sister's dirty talk and started to really get into it, plowing her with each thrust getting deeper than the last. "Oh God David you're gonna make me cum soon!" David was approaching his own orgasm and let out a loud moan and released himself inside Ellena again, causing her to orgasm as well. The two were once again out of breath and gently kissed each other as their high wore off. "That was great as usual David..." She said; the song ending just as their orgasms faded.

"As usual? I didn't think having sex with your sister was ever considered normal." David said with a laugh

"Good point." She said laughing as well "But we don't mind and we're in love is what matters..." she said kissing him. David then got a towel and dried the two of them off and after getting dressed they both went down stairs for breakfast to see their mom cooking away at the stove.

"Morning kids, y'all sleep good last night?" Nikki asked, discreetly inquiring about their sexual encounter the night before.

"Yeah." They both said at the same time as their tails wrapped around each other under the table.

"That's good to hear. I made waffles today." Nikki said placing their plates in front of them "Oh by the way, I would like to talk to you two after breakfast. It's nothing serious but still..." Both David and Ellena blushed "There's no way she could know, right?" Ellena thought to herself worrying a little. But breakfast ended soon after with no incident and made their way to the living room for the talk. Nikki stood in front of the couple "Ellena, David... I know about your relationship..." Ellena nearly fainted as Nikki said that "and before you say anything I just want to say... I'm so proud of you two!" She ran forward and hugged them both in her arms. Ellena had almost died of shock, first that her mother had already knew about the two of them and then that she was perfectly ok with it. "I-I don't understand..."

"Ellena, its time you knew... I told David about 3 days ago so it's only fair you know too..." Nikki sat down with Ellena and explained the family history of incestuous relationships and that it was perfectly natural for them to be together. "So we can be together as long as were careful in public?" Ellena asked after the explanation

"Yes, that's right." She said in return

"But you and Dad are cousins. How did you do it?" Ellena asked slightly confused

"That's because after a couple become mates they move to a different city and start a life where no one knows them. Yes it's hard at first but it's the only way to show love for one another in public... Some of our family keep it a secret from everyone and don't move but it can be difficult to say the least... Above all our secret has to stay inside the family no matter what. People have been judgmental since the beginning of time and that isn't about to change... You two don't have to do anything now but I'm telling you so you can be prepared if you two ever want to get married..." Nikki patiently explained to both of them.

"Well I think we're just going to take this one day at a time for now, right sis?" David said

"Yeah, just for now anyway." Ellena replied

"The important thing is I hope you two are happy together..." Nikki said hugging them again. "Oh another thing; your Dad called last night and said he might be home a few days early. Just letting you know, and well, if either of you take after your father even a tiny bit you two are probably going to sleep with each other at least one more time today, I heard your little performance in the shower... So I won't keep you two lovebirds busy..." Nikki said with a smile and walked off with a sway in her hips.

Both David and Ellena blushed at the last comment "Ummmm... So what do you want to do today?" David asked

"I don't know, we could go shopping if you don't mind..." She suggested crossing her fingers he'd say yes

"Depends on where you wanna go sis..." He said casually

"To the mall... I might pick up some new clothes... And maybe some new underthings for you..." She said pressing her body against his and whispering the last bit into his ear

"Well I can't see you try them on then otherwise it won't be a surprise when I take off your other clothes... And I do like surprises..." He said smiling as she flirted with him "We can go today; I don't have anything else planned."

"Thanks Big Bro!" She said hugging him and then jumping up to give a quick peck on the cheek. The couple walked out to David's car and turned on the radio, the only reason David bothered paying extra for satellite radio was because this one had a channel that played The Who 24/7. He turned to said channel and noticed they were playing the same song that they had on in the shower. About 20 minutes later they arrived at the mall and opened the door for Ellena "Thank you; I didn't expect you to be such a gentleman..." she said getting out and sub-consciously holding hands with David, she hoped no one from school would be here but it wasn't like they were locked at the hips or anything like that, Friends hold hands sometimes don't they? And everyone knew that they were pretty close so it wouldn't be unusual. But then again they were a lot closer than people thought... Ellena led them into a Hot Topic and started going through the clothes. It wasn't that David didn't like the clothes it's just that most of the clothes in here were for girls so he didn't go. She eventually settled on a green hoodie that made her look like Gir which he found adorable because he missed that show so much.

"So where to now?" David asked her as they walked out of the store.

"I think it's time I got some new undies don't you think? And if you really want it to be a surprise you could wait outside..." Ellena said taking them to the Vikki's Secret a walk away.

"Again I like surprises." David said

"Yeah I saw that last night." Ellena replied laughing as the couple walked together. "Hey I noticed something..."

"And what would that be?" David asked

"Well when I came to the mall with Peter, which was almost never by the way, he like scared off every single guy that was in here. Now that I'm with you I feel... prettier. Guys are looking at me now..." Ellena said holding David's hand

"I didn't know that, and it's only natural for men to be attracted to a girl as beautiful as you..." David said hugging her.

"Oh stop it; you're making me blush..." Ellena said doing just that.

"But you're cute when you act all shy..." David said nuzzling against her seeing as no one here would recognize them

"David... Remember what Mom told us ok?" Ellena said blushing more

"Yeah I know. I just can't help it I guess, I'm naturally affectionate." David said going back to holding hands. Ellena then walked into the store and went about searching for a pair of panties David would just love while he waited outside unusually patiently for her to finish. After about half an hour she finally settled on a lacey matching pair of purple bra and panties and walked out to the bench David was sitting on after she had paid for them.

"Find anything you like?" David asked

"You bet..." Ellena said "I think that's enough shopping for one day, so what now?"

"Well you hungry yet?" David asked her

"Starving, where do you wanna go?" Ellena replied

"No, no, no... Where do_you_ want to go? What I want isn't important." David said as he walked her out of the mall.

"Oh. Umm wow... Peter never asked me things like that... Uh, how about Chili's?" she said blushing.

"Well I'm not Peter..." David said nuzzling against Ellena "And that sounds great..." He said walking her to the car, opening the door for her again. They drove to the Chili's a few blocks away and got a table for the two of them "Again, thanks for everything today David..." Ellena said sitting across from him.

"It was my pleasure." David replied smiling sincerely at her. "Well, what do you want?" He asked.

"Hmm, I think I'll start out with some chips and salsa, and then maybe a bacon cheeseburger... You?" Ellena said as she looked at the menu.

"Wow... that's the one thing I'm Jealous of about you... Your ungodly fast metabolism..." David said looking at her in shock

"I guess I'm special." She said with a smile

"Yeah in more ways than one..." David said with a wink

"Oh, you're so bad!" She said blushing and giggling like a schoolgirl. "Well I know what I want, do you?" She asked David.

"Hmmm. I think I'll have the quesadillas... Well I'm ready when you are." David said as he waved at a waiter and both placed their orders. A few minutes later the waiter came back with their drinks "So David... Where do think this is going?" Ellena asked David

"Getting right to the deep questions aren't we? Well, I think we should take it one day at a time for now and well, if things go right... Maybe live together as a couple someday?" At first nothing was said between the two of them and then after a few moments Ellena smiled "That sounds great..." She said her eyes sparkling as though she were about to cry tears of joy. Soon their food arrived and David watched in awe as Ellena practically licked her plate clean and didn't leave a speck of food left. It wasn't that he couldn't eat too but he always had to work out to keep in shape whereas she didn't have to lift a finger. "That was great David. Thank you for everything you've done today..." She said smiling at him and holding his hand

"Anytime..." David said. He knew this would be a perfect moment for a kiss but was afraid someone might recognize the two and barely controlled his urge to show his love for her in a more physical way. The two walked out of the restaurant hand in hand and drove back home after a long day of shopping and general fun. The two soon entered Ellena's room, Ellena dropped her shopping bags and threw herself at David and started to kiss him passionately, pinning him against the wall of her bedroom. "God I couldn't wait any longer..." she said continuing to kiss him. David returned the kiss and moaned softly into her mouth, he soon had a raging errection that pressed against Ellena's member "I know you want me..."Ellena said teasing him.

"Why don't you go try those new panties on first?" David suggested

"Great idea big bro! I'll go make myself comfortable..." Ellena said taking the VS back and went into the bathroom and changed into her new lingerie, when she came back David was lying on her bed and admired Ellena in the doorway "I like this surprise a lot... You look good in purple." David said complimenting her outfit and body. She blushed a little "Oh stop it!" she said playfully "Now where were we?" She crawled on top of him and kissed him once more, slowly removing his clothes in the process as they ground their hips against one another. Soon the two were completely naked sprawled on Ellena's bed kissing and moaning, David eventually found his way on top of her "Take me now David... Don't make me wait any longer..." she said almost begging him.

"Just one sec..." David said, he reached over and turned on her stereos and put on 'Love reign over me' again and entered her slowly as he suckled on her nipple "I want this to be our song..." David said before he went back to what he was doing before, Ellena moaned softly as he started rocking back and forth inside of her "Oh David..." she said moaning softly. He sped up a bit and changed up the position slightly; David took her legs and put them on top of his shoulders and thrusted deep inside of her. "Oh God David yes!" Ellena screamed out in pleasure as he was hitting her g-spot with every powerful thrust, she was practically drowning in pleasure. David knew she wouldn't last much longer at the rate he was going and went faster while taking her member and stroking it with one of his free hands.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck!" Ellena continued screaming as she grabbed at the sheets and arched her back; she couldn't hold it in any longer and went into convulsions again and let loose two powerful orgasms from both at once and covered the two of them in her cum. With a loud moan David also ejaculated inside of Ellena as her walls closed in like a death-grip around him. Both of them remained this way for several minutes before David finally pulled himself out and went limp "Wow... We should do this more often." David said out of breath. "I love you David..." Ellena said kissing him again where she soon drifted off to sleep. David smiled, she looked so beautiful when she slept, he laid down next to her and held her in close until eventually he did the same.

Nikki decided to watch them again and was impressed "Told them so... They're so cute like that..." she said looking at the snuggled all close to each other before she walked off again, it reminded her of when her and Daryl were their ages. Her phone started ringing and she picked it up and saw her husband's number and answered "Hey baby..." She said in a voice reserved for him

_"Hey Nikki; Great news, the meeting went off without a hitch and the merger is going to go along with no problems. So I'll be on the first flight out of London tomorrow morning. Anyway, so how are our two lovebirds doing?"_Daryl said excitedly

"They're sleeping it off in her room as we speak Honey bun." She said in her sweet voice

_"I guess they got that from you I take it?"_Daryl said laughing

"Hey now, I remember you were always the horny one and I was the only cat that could satisfy you." Nikki countered "So we'll see you by dinner time tomorrow?" she asked

"You can count on it..."_Daryl said _"Well I gotta hit the hay; I'll talk to you tomorrow, Bye love."

"Okay see you for dinner Honey bun, bye." Nikki said and hung up the phone. Nikki saw that it was getting late and went up to her room and pawed herself again; after that was over with she also went to sleep...