Lord of Anthroan Chapter 1

Story by samweston on SoFurry

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#1 of LOA

All characters and plot is copyrighted to me.

He ran. The pistol he held swung in an upward arc as he ran.

The soldier was a hard man to scare. Well, really he wasn't scared. He was scared shitless.

He could feel how the balance was off in the pistol. He knew the slide was locked open and the magazine was empty. He still had four magazines in his magazine pouch, but he couldn't reload while running.

He didn't know what the thing had been, but it had not been human. A werewolf maybe. No, that made no sense. Werewolves didn't use assault rifles. Fifthteen nine millimeter rounds had injured it, but not killed it.

He started to falter after he had run flat out for three of four miles. He paused long enough to catch his breath and reload the Sig Sauer.

He could hear his pursuers closing in. He had to make his stand.

He looked around for someplace he could shelter that would provide him with cover and give him a clear field of fire. Then the cave came into view.

The cave was about ten yards above him.

His pursuers were two miles behind him. He holstered his pistol and started clmbing up the slope to reach the cave.

Upon reaching it he examined the natural fortifications. There was a ledge in front of the opening with a natural barricade of boulders. The opening itself was only five feet across. If the worst happened they would have to come at him one by one.

Time to sort facts. There were twelve "men" chasing him. He shot one fifthteen times with 9x19 millimeter parabellum ball ammunition and barely hurt it. That meant body armor. Conclusion: shoot them in the head. They had assault rifles. His position made the rifles irrelevent, they would still have to come up after him.

After sorting the facts he reached into one of the pockets on his fatigues. He withdrew a high powered L.A.M. (Laser Aiming Module) and attached it underneath the barrel.

He saw the first of his pursuers come into range of his pistol. He set the dot above the wolf creature's right eye and squeezed off a round. Blood and bone and brain was cleared out of the furrow by the shear force the round hit with.

The soldier watched as eleven more creatures surronded the corpse. One "knelt?" down next to their fallen comrade and examined the wound.

He centered the dot on the "commander", or who he thought the commander was since the one he had targeted had more decorations than the rest. The back of the creature's head exploded into a scarlet starburst.

The rest started getting nervous. The soldier decided that they were taught group tactics exclusively, unlike the Marine Corp which taught individual and group tactics in conjuncture with each other. This cemented the wolf-like behavior.

He picked his next target and squeezed.


In all the time he had had it his Sig Sauer P226 had never jammed, yet here he was with a jammed pistol. He didn't have time for this.

He surveyed the enemy. Six were armed with assault rifles, two with DMRs (Designated Marksman Rifle), One with a S.A.W. (Squad Automatic Weapon), and one with a shotgun. He unclipped a grenade from his vest. He pulled the pin, waited for ten seconds, and then lobbed the explosive into the group.

Howls and curses rose from the group. He looked down at them and examined the situation. Seven had been killed outright, and the other three were disabled.

Drawing his Kabar he hiked down to where the creatures lay.

"You will die for this slave, no revolt has ever suceeded," the strongest of the three said.

The soldier flicked his knife around and buried it in the side of the thing's head.

"I am nobody's slave," he said coldly.

The other two were too weak to say anything so he slit their throats mercifully.

He took stock of the weapons. The rifles were identical the the M16 he was familiar with. He gave a silent prayer when he discovered that the creatures' pistol mags fit his gun perfectly.

He made preperations to move out. He fixed his pistol and selected a rifle and gathered ammuntion.

It then struck him.

"Who the hell am I."

Lord of Anthroan Chapter 2

A very limited amnesia. That had to be the answer. He could remember the birth of his favorite horse. He could even remember basic. But he couldn't remember his name. It had been three days since he had arrived here. Quite frankly he was...

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