Pain: Part 3: A New Home.

Story by Fpuppu on SoFurry

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#3 of Pain

Part 3 is here, again no sexy sex sex...but it is coming I promise...and some more of our cute abused bunny being cute. Enjoy.

Warning about Stuff!


The leash felt heavy as it was clipped onto his new collar. The small bunny shivered and tugged at it a little, looking up to see the male smile happily at him, "You're a pet. Remember that." The small bunny boy nodded as he felt the leash grow taut and then slowly pull him forward. A female wolf stood in the doorway of the large two story house. As the bunny was lead though the white picket fence gate, he stopped and stood still, "Sir.." The bunny said swallowing, remembering his place, "Master...." His mouth couldn't have been more dry as the male stopped as well, knowing it was hard for the bunny to meet new people, most of all wolfs.

As the male looked down at the small bunny shaking holding the leash tight, "I'm scared." The bunny said softly and pulled at the leash, the male letting the bunny have a few steps before stopping him, "Do you remember what I said little one?" The bunny stood there staring at the house, not speaking or moving, just staring. The male waited a minute and then knelt down next to the rabbit, looking at the house with him, "It is safe. Everything can be done on your time, we have all the time in the world..." The small bunny nodded several times, even a few minutes after the male spoke.

Finally, with great effort, he moved his tiny paw forward, not really stepping more like sliding it. His tiny body shaking as he carefully started to walk, blood draining as his Master took the lead and led the bunny down the concrete walkway up to the house. As they got close the female in the door eyed the bunny and smiled warmly. It seemed like a million years before they finally got to the door the female moving back to allow them room to pass, "Welcome," She said before the small bunny walked into the room, the last word sending him backwards as his courage left and his body dropped, "pet" The last thing his eyes saw was his Master's face as he helped him to the floor and his Mistress's tail as she ran off for a wet rag.

A change in the air, mixed with a brief shot of light and then darkness roused the sleeping bunny, only if halfway. The hushed words outside soon had the confused lapin shifting and moving to the edge of a massive bed, "He ..sleeping.." The bunny shifted and tried to focus. Darkness was all around him again, crushing him, he needed to see light. Any light. Scrambling, he fell off the bed, slamming onto the floor as he felt the darkness force the air from his lungs and start to drive him mad. With a scream he slammed into the door and felt it give way at the same time. His Master and Mistress looking scared and wild eyed as the flailing bunny fell forward smashing into the large female wolf. With a grunt she caught him and helped the thrashing bunny up, letting him flail backwards. He finally stopped as distance was put between them.

No one talked for a second, before the male stepped forth and moved a paw out, "Its ok little one. You're home, you're safe. No more more." The bunny looked about and pointed at the room, "Dark bad. Dark is scary." He said. The male nodded, "No more dark. Just calm and lets go talk in the kitchen. You haven't had a bite to eat in days." The bunny shook his head a little, before finally nodding, his stomach growling at him angrily. The female chuckled and looked down, "Your stomach has a meaner growl then I do little one. Don't worry I know about you and understand your fear. Come, I'll make you a carrot salad." The bunny followed behind them at a fixed distance. Finally calming down to slip in between his Master and his Mistress to see the kitchen before the male. The bunny looked around and made sure to find the knives and anything out of the ordinary first.

Sensing no danger, he carefully chose a seat with his back to the wall. Watching and listening as he tried to calm himself, but keep on edge at the same time. His body draining what little energy he had left trying to do everything at once. When the food finally was set in front of him. He smiled and lowered his head, "Thank you." As he grabbed his fork he felt he had to, "Mistress." Eating the first bite as they smiled down at him, love in their eyes for the small frightened bunny.