Encounters of a Jungle Princess Chapter 2: The Addictive, Inescapable Coils

Story by Seductive Serpent on SoFurry

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#2 of Encounters of a Jungle Princess

It has been many years. After being unsatisfied with her life in the man village, the descendant of Mowgli has decided to live her life in the jungle for some adventure and excitement. She may get more than she bargained for when she encounters Kaa's descendant... or this might be exactly what she was hoping to experience all along.

This chapter was made possible and seen earlier on April 26th, 2022 by my generous supporters on my pay to write sites.

Cover Art by suppas.

If you wish to have a story written or see a chapter early, PM me!

Despite choosing a life outside her village, Talika still made sure to build a small yet impressive hut on the outskirts of the man-village, a sort of "home away from home" that allowed the Jungle Princess to live apart from the village while still remaining connected to it. The hut in question had its own outdoor bath, as well as a place to store any fruit she'd gathered, and some extra clothing stored away just in case her current attire was either damaged and or stolen.

In short, it was a home she could fully rely on in case of an emergency... or just felt like sneaking into the village without drawing attention to herself.

However, at the moment Talika was dealing with a much more... personal problem...

Within the hut, the Jungle Princess found herself reflecting on her earlier "encounter" with the hypnotic Serpent; Jasrita. Ever since she'd escaped her coils Talika had had trouble feeling... satisfied whenever she tried to relieve herself.

...and her concerns all lead back to that perverted Snake.

"Ugh, what is _wrong_with me?" Talika sighed as she grudgingly stood up and tossed her undergarments onto the floor, not having any real problem walking around her own home completely naked. "I've never had this problem before..." She mumbled to herself as she made her way to her outdoor bath. Taking a deep breath, she sank into the water, sighing as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm water.

"Aahhh..." She yawned, leaning against the edge of the tub as she let her thoughts wander... and it wasn't long before she found her thoughts drifting to her vision of that beautiful woman she'd seen while trapped within Jasrita's hypnotic gaze.

Her enticing breasts...

Those gorgeous deep green eyes with yellow sclera...

Her curvaceous hips...

Her muscular body and deeply tanned skin...

And her long, flowing dark brown hair with golden highlights...

She looked so... perfect...

"Oh yes..." Talika muttered as she felt herself becoming overwhelmed with a sense of longing as well as a twinge in her loins as she imagined the woman caressing her body. "That's so wonderful..." She sighed as her left hand slid down between her legs, her arousal growing stronger as her fingers ran over her clit. Her mind soon became plagued by fantasies of the woman's long legs wrapped around her waist, the feel of her hot and succulent lips on her own... and her hands cupping her breasts oh so gently. "Mmmph... ooohhh yeah..." Talika cried out as her fingers danced over her throbbing clit, pressing it into her lips as she moaned, her hips slowly moving forward and inward as the Jungle Princess pinched her right nipple, gasping in pleasure at the sensation. "Oh my goodness..." She sighed as she closed her eyes, savoring the feeling. "Yes... m-m-more... please!" She exclaimed as she dug her fingers even deeper into her folds, her hips moving forward and back as she pleasured herself...

...until suddenly she felt that overwhelming sensation of pleasure. She felt her hips beginning to move faster against the walls of the bath, her back arched as her hands kept thrusting, and her hips pounding against her hand as she made her way toward her peak, feeling the onset of the contractions.

"Ooohhh Jasrita!" She screamed as she let out a deep and loud moan as her legs began to quiver and release. She let out a deep, long, satisfied moan, lowering her head back to the tile as her body convulsed, sheaving with the tremors as her orgasm rocked her body, before finally relaxing and letting the pleasure subside.

As she came down from her euphoric high however, it took her a moment to catch herself. Or rather, realize who's name she'd called out...

'Did... did I really just say... her name_?'Talika thought as she removed her fingers from between her legs, her body still tingling with aftershocks. "W-wait, what is wrong with me? Why did I feel like this... towards _her?" She mused to herself in confusion and embarrassment.

Sighing in irritation, she pulled herself out of the tub and made her way towards her bed, hoping to get her mind off Jasrita...

...but little did she know that the very Serpent had been stalking her from a distance, having witnessed everything from the trees.

"Well now, that was quite an entertaining show~" Jasrita chuckled, licking her lips before slithering back into the jungle...

A few days later, Talika made her way towards the waterfall after a long day of patrolling, eager to wash all the sweat and grime off of her body. After a few minutes of searching, the Jungle Princess smiled as she arrived at the waterfall and made her way to the edge of the falls, casually stripping down to her birthday suit before stepping into the water.

"Aaahh~" Talika sighed blissfully as the cool water sent a wave of relaxation through her body, she wasted no time walking under the waterfall and began rubbing the grime off of her body as the falling water calmed Talika's tired mind. The Jungle Princess continued to rinse herself off, letting the waterfall wash away all of her cares and worries... completely unaware that she was being watched...

From within the trees above, Jasrita was once again lust fully gazing upon the Jungle Princess' nude body, her mouth watering as she took in the sight of Talika's flawless physique. Her well-toned muscles, her perky breasts, her tight ass... the very sight of the lovely figure made Jasrita want to coil her up right then and there, her lust for the luscious Jungle Princess escalating with every passing moment...

But just then, the Serpent heard the rustling of leaves nearby. Carefully keeping herself hidden in the shadows, watching as a few figures snuck through the branches.

Upon getting a good look at them, Jasrita could only chuckle in amusement. _'These interlopers should know that the Jungle Princess will not be an easy conquest...'_She thought to herself, opting to simply sit back and watch, if only to see how her Jungle Princess would handle herself against them.

"Ahhh, that was refreshing..." Talika smiled, taking a moment to relax her body as she stepped out from under the waterfall, she slowly let her mind wander as she shook off the water from her body. Letting out a deep sigh of contentment, the Jungle Princess made her way towards the edge of the falls. "Maybe I should patrol the-"

But then, she heard... the rustling of leaves...

Turning her attention to where she'd left her clothing, she caught a glimpse of something rushing into the jungle... with her clothing.

"Got another batch for my collection!" A familiar voice called out.

"Oh, for the love of... again?!" The Jungle Princess grumbled as she quickly got out of the water and ran after the thief, not caring if she was naked as she chased them into the Jungle. As the thief continued to pursue the thieves into the jungle, the Jungle Princess sprinted after them, ducking and leaping past several branches as she chased them through the foliage. "Don't you jerks have anything better to do?!" This is... getting... old!" She cried out as she was led into a clearing...

And then, the trap was sprung.

Before Talika could react, two vines with small stones tied to the ends were flung towards her from the branches above, both of them wrapping around her right and left wrists. Not giving the Jungle Princess a chance to react, the unseen thieves quickly pulled Talika up into the air, leaving her to flail helplessly as she kicked and thrashed about, her attention now completely focused on her attackers. Sadly this action was quickly brought to a halt as the vines tightened around Talika's wrists and two more vines were wrapped around her ankles as well.

"Well well well, looks like we caught a naughty little Jungle Princess!" The same voice from before called out in a taunting tone.

Looking up, Talika saw a tall female Monkey standing atop one of the branches. Unlike the Monkeys of the old era, these residents of the jungle were more human-like in nature. This one in particular was quite curvaceous yet muscular with deep brown fur covering most of her body, save for her bare breasts, abdomen, and womanhood. She had spiked shoulder-length hair, deep red eyes, and a tail twice as long as her arms.

Talika narrowed her eyes in annoyance, having encountered this Monkey before. "Hello, Binita." She growled in a low tone, mentally pondering who thought it was a good idea to name this woman 'modest', which was the opposite of what she was. "Taking a break from licking your Queen's feet, I see?" She scoffed, having had her fair share of experience with this version of the Bandar-log, or the "Make Out Monkeys" as she liked to call them.

These creatures loved to capture and sexually toy with the women of her village and occasionally take them back to their Queen... however after a few failed attempts to capture Talika herself, as well as a more intimate encounter, their Queen had grown more infatuated with the Jungle Princess, ordering her minions to capture her so she could personally dominate her. With their rather mixed history of success in capturing her (and her usually being able to escape before their Queen arrived or got too serious), Talika had a rather bizarre "Frenemies with benefits" type of relationship with them... and unfortunately for the Jungle Princess, their Queen was perfectly fine with her subjects having a little fun with Talika as long as they didn't mess with her womanhood, which was reserved only for her.

And Binita was always eager to have her fun with Talika before her Queen arrived to claim her.

"Oh the Queen's given me some special orders today..." The Monkey scoffed before leaping down towards the suspended human and wrapping her hands around Talika's body, her hands and prehensile feet firmly groping the human's breasts and rear as she pressed her forehead against Talika's, licking her lips in a seductive manner. "Mmmm... I can't get enough of this body... I can see why my Queen is intent on getting you to fully submit to her..." She laughed before playfully biting down on Talika's neck, causing the human to flinch in response. "...you'll be a fine lover."

"Ugh, enough talking already. How about you just do what you usually do and get it over with?" Talika grumbled as the Monkey continued squeezing her breasts and pinching her buttcheeks.

"As you wish." Binita grinned as she used her prehensile feet to spread her asscheeks and angled her tail so that the very tip was pointing right at her anus. Then, as her own twisted sign of superiority, proceeded to snake her tail right into Talika's exposed anus.

"Hrrkk!" Talika grunted as she felt the all-too-familiar sensation of her anus being spread and her anus being stretched, but still remained focused, not willing to give this Monkey the satisfaction of a genuine reaction from her. "Y-You know, your tail d-doesn't do as much as y-your Queen's, right?" She managed to grunt out, her hips twitching as the monkey's tail pushed deeper.

"Hmph! It still shows you who's superior." Binita retorted as she continued to play with Talika's breasts and stomach, letting out a low hum as she tried to really enjoy herself and ignore the human's taunts.

"Ugh... oh yeah. You're really superior..." Talika grunted in a mocking tone as she tried her best to ignore the tail probing her anus as the Monkey continued to ravage her body. "...so superior that you needed the help of other make out monkeys to string me up."

Binita snarled at this, her face contorting into a look of anger. "Arrogant little... oh, I can't wait to watch as our Queen fucks you until you can't even walk!" She fired back before pressing her lip's against Talika's, roughly plunging her tongue deep into the Human's mouth.

The Jungle Princess's body tensed up as she felt the Monkey's tail pushing its way further up her anus, she could already feel it expanding, stretching out the walls of her anus even more. "As much as doing it for a week sounds like a great birthday present, I think I'll pass." She grunted through the kiss as she slowly started flexing her muscles, carefully timing her movements as she pulled against the vines binding her arms.

"You say that like you actually have a choice..." Binita chuckled as she broke the kiss. " And trust me, the Queen will-"

Talika however had heard enough. Binita had no time to react as the human headbutted her on the snout, sending the Monkey sprawling to the ground. Then with another flex, she forcefully pulled her arms inwards with enough force to yank the hidden Monkeys out of the trees! Both Monkeys, unprepared for the sudden assault, were slammed into each other as Talika dropped to the ground. As she fell, the Jungle Princess quickly spread her legs, tearing apart the vines binding them right as she landed. The Monkeys weren't so lucky however, as they fell on top of Binita just as she recovered from the earlier blow, knocking them all unconscious.

Smirking at her handiwork, Talika turned her attention to the last remaining Monkey hiding in the bushes... while still holding onto her clothing. "Hand them over... now."

The Monkey shivered at her tone, and quickly bolted into the branches above before Talika could give chase. "Spoils of war!" She called out before disappearing into the trees...

"Ugh! Lousy perverted..." Talika grumbled to herself before turning her attention back to the trio of unconscious Monkeys. "Now then, what to do with you three..."

Watching from the trees above, Jasrita chuckled as she watched the Jungle Princess storm off, leaving the unconscious Monkeys tied up in a tree by their own vines.

'Very nice... I'll admit, it is quite tempting to make these Monkeys into a snack...'_She thought, licking her lips as she slithered down towards them... only to stop as she glanced in the direction Talika had stormed off. _'...but... if I take too much time I'll lose sight of Talika, and that just won't do.' Sighing, the Serpent ignored the Monkeys and slithered after the Jungle Princess, deciding to spare her easy prey... this time...

After a while, Talika sighed as she stopped at the base of a rather tall tree next to a river, suddenly realizing just how exhausted she was. While it was hard for her to tell the time of day due to the dense canopy obscuring the sky, she felt as though she'd been walking for a number of hours, and she hadn't even rested since her encounter with the Monkeys.

After she carefully checked her surroundings, just to make sure she wasn't being tailed by them, she relaxed a little and sat down on one of the outgrown roots of the tree, finally feeling comfortable enough to take a break.

Unknown to her however, she wasn't as alone as she thought...

...high in the trees above, the seductive Serpent herself had continued stalking the Jungle Princess from the treetops, taking care to blend in with branches just enough to prevent Talika from detecting her.

Now that she was more tired from her encounter with the Monkeys, this was her chance for another "session" with the Jungle Princess.

Licking her lips, Jasrita casually lowered her tail down towards her "prey"...

Down below, Talika was suddenly snapped out of her relaxing daydreams by the feeling of a thick yet smooth vine wrapping around her legs, almost as if it had a mind of its own. 'Hmm? What the...?' She thought as her eyes fluttered open in surprise. Before she could properly react the "vine" quickly wrapped around her waist, creating a sort of makeshift seat for her before lifting the Jungle Princess up off the outgrown roots and into thick branches of the trees above.

'Okay, what in the world is going on...?'_Talika thought as the leaves slid and scraped against her body, narrowing her eyes and preparing herself for another fight in case whatever was lifting her turned out to be hostile. But then, just as she was brought above the branches, she found herself face to face with the culprit behind this strange occurrence. "Oh, _hi Jasrita." The Jungle Princess scoffed as she saw the Snake's head lowering towards her, quickly realizing that the "vines" holding her were the Snake's coils.

"Yes dear Talika, it's so nice to see..." Jasrita smirked, pausing for a moment as her gaze drifted down to her naked, well-defined body. "...all of you again~" The Serpent chuckled, licking her lips seductively.

Shivering at her perverse tone, the Jungle Princess instinctively covered her breasts, her cheeks heating up as she turned away from the Snake. "Oh please, there's no point in doing that..." Jasrita remarked while rolling her eyes... before leaning in close to Talika with a coy smirk. "...besides, it's nothing I haven't already seen~"

Memories of _exactly_what the perverted Serpent had put her through during their previous encounter quickly flooded Talika's mind as she immediately pushed Jasrita's head back. "Oh, go away and leave me alone." Talika scoffed as she grabbed the coils gripping her waist and yanked them off.

"Oh don't be like that, Talika~" The Serpent cooed, slithering in front of the woman just as she pulled herself out of the makeshift seat onto the branch. "I can't help but want a nice look at you~" She hissed, catching the Jungle Princess off-guard long enough to plant a playful kiss right on her lips... while also giving her a glimpse of her spiraling eyes.

Talika felt a shiver shoot up her spine the moment their lips connected, her frown quickly fading and her eyes were drawn to the fascinating colors that blossomed from the Serpent's eyes... however, just before her mind was fully tantalized by them, Talika quickly shook her head and shut her eyes, backing away from Jasrita in an attempt to avoid falling under her spell once again.

"Oh? You don't want me to look at you? Well then..." Jasrita smirked as slithered closer. "...you can look at _me_all you want~" She purred as her coil seat swiftly surrounded the Jungle Princess, with one of the Snake's thicker coils floating right into her field of vision. However the underside of this one seemed to have an unusual scent, with the scales parting to reveal a more pink opening... the Jungle Princess then found that she couldn't bring herself to look away as the Snake's face rose from behind the coil, her eyes once again swirling with dazzling, colorful spirals.

Jasrita licked her lips in anticipation as her prey's scowl melted away and her eyes were swiftly drawn to her own once more, the sight of the Jungle Princess subtly becoming enraptured by her enticing colors and body giving her a sense of pride. However Jasrita knew she was by no means victorious just yet, no. But that didn't mean she couldn't toy with her a little more.

With a perverse giggle, while Talika was momentarily distracted the Snake sent her tail tip teasingly down between her legs, just enough to feel a bit of heat from her loins, and waited for the right moment...

The hairs on the back of Talika's neck stood on end and goosebumps rose from her skin she took in the odd scent, her mind now slowly giving in to the temptation to just gaze into the mesmerizing beauty of Jasrita's eyes. For a moment, her entire body relaxed, almost embracing the wonderful sensations and sense of bliss creeping over her. 'W-Wait... this... this isn't right...' It took a moment, but Talika cleared her thoughts long enough to realize she was staring at not only the Serpent's eyes... but also her pussy! Her cheeks heated up once more as she closed her eyes and turned away in embarrassment, shaking her head and backing away from the seductive Serpent.

"Oh, no no no!" The Jungle Princess protested as she attempted to shove more of Jasrita's coils away. "I'm not falling for the same trick as before Jasrit-AAA!?" Talika's eyes shot open and her protests were abruptly cut off by the oh-so familiar sensation of the Serpent's tail tip pushing between her buttocks and right up her ass. "Gguuhhkk! Ooohhh~!"

"Hm? Even though it made you feel sooo good~?" Jasrita hissed teasingly as she felt the human's well-toned buttocks clenching tightly around her intruding tail, which began to slowly stroke her inner regions.

"S-S-Stoooop... th-that!" Talika panted heavily as she quickly turned around and grabbed the coil with both hands, angrily yanking the Serpent's tail out of her anus, her hips shivering and twitching as it slipped out. "D-Don't you have anything better to do?!"

"Oh my delicious girl-cub..." The Snake hissed as she slithered up to Talika while she was distracted, draping one of her thicker coils over the woman's shoulders in an almost friendly embrace, holding her still as Jasrita's head brushed up against Talika's. "...there's nothing better for me to do than you~"

Shuddering at the admittedly nice feeling of the Snake's coils against her skin, the Jungle Princess quickly shrugged the coils off her neck. "Sorry, but I'm not interested, or in the mood!" Talika retorted, holding Jasrita's tail tightly as she glared up at the Snake.

"Is that so?" Jasrita chuckled as her tail suddenly wrapped around Talika's wrists and pulled her forward. The sudden pull nearly caused the Jungle Princess to lose her balance as she stumbled dangerously close to the edge. "Because I'd say your body is telling a different story~" The Serpent cooed, her smiling face now mere inches from Talika's as her lips brushed up against her own before pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss, all the while simultaneously pushing Talika back onto the branch, allowing her to regain her balance.

As their lips locked, the Jungle Princess found herself staring at the Snake's half-lidded, unspiralled eyes as her tongue pushed against her own lips, almost pleading for access. And for a moment, Talika lost all of her inhibitions and unknowingly obeying such a demand, parting her lips just enough to let the Serpent's tongue slither into her mouth.

'Damn it, why does this feel so... so good...?' The Jungle Princess thought as Jasrita's tongue passionately explored her mouth. As she gazed at the Snake she felt almost... eager for her to continue. 'It almost... feels better than the last time...'

Talika sighed into the kiss, her body shivering as she suddenly felt a sudden heat kindling within her loins, she started unconsciously rubbing her legs together as an aroused moan escaped her lips and her urges flared up. It felt so weird, but so pleasant at the same time, as if all this physical intimacy alone was acting as a sort of semi-hypnosis...

The kiss lasted for a minute or two, with Talika becoming heavily tempted to keep making out with the Snake... even going as far as to try wrapping her arms around her, only to remember that her wrists were still restricted... by Jasrita's tail.

She quickly shut her eyes again and pulled away, breaking the kiss and shaking her head as she struggled to free her hands from the Snake's coils. "Ugh! You... you... you don't..." She stammered as she struggled to find the right words as she turned away from the Serpent. 'Why am I getting so flustered around this Snake!?'

"Oh? Looks like I'm getting a better reaction out of you than your friends with benefits out there..." She heard the Snake chuckle, causing her cheeks to heat up, memories of her prior encounters with the Queen of the Bandar-Log... as well as some of her friends from the Man-Village. "...but I'm sure I can become much more than that for you~" Jasrita continued, lazily draping herself across Talika's left shoulder and hissing softly into her ear.

"I... I-I..." Talika let out a small sigh as she felt the Serpent's scales against her skin once more, her coils draped across her shoulder and the back of her neck once more. "I... I guess..." She stammered, a part of her feeling an odd sense of calmness spreading through her body, her mind slowly getting lost in her own perverted fantasies of the Jungle beauty she'd seen while under Jasrita's spell. She was so distracted that she almost didn't notice the Snake's tail winding around her right ankle and slithering up her legs...

Seeing her chance, Jasrita extended her long tongue, slowly and playfully licking up the side of her neck and up to her ear. "And would that be so bad?" She asked with a smirk, lifting another set of her thick coils up to Talika's breasts and giving them a gentle squeeze with the tip of her tail stroking up and down the back of Talika's leg, getting dangerously close to her thighs. "After all, I can make those naughty fantasies a reality~" She suggested, smirking slyly at her as the human quivered in her embrace.

As tempted as she was, the Jungle Princess quickly shook off the Serpent's seductive influence once more, bringing her leg up to remove the tail before struggling out from the embrace of her coils. "Ugh, I... I'm flattered, really..." Talika protested before spotting a vine next to the trunk of the tree and making her way down the branch. "But I'm not into girls who are so... clingy-HEY!" She yelped as she suddenly felt a heavy pressure grip around her head, blinding her and yanking her backward. It took her a moment to realize Jasrita had wrapped another coil around her forehead, much to her irritation.

"I wouldn't say I'm clingy. I simply know exactly what I want... or rather, who_I want." The Serpent hissed as her coils drooped down over Talika's eyes, cutting off her vision. "However, I'm not like those friends with benefits of yours. If you became mine, we could make _real love together~" She added, chuckling in satisfaction as the woman's hands shot up and frantically tried to push the coils off her head.

Talika groaned in annoyance as she pushed the coils up just enough to let her eyes slip free, granting her sight once more... and giving her a full view of the Serpent's alluring eyes. "Wh-What do you mea-mmmph!?" The Jungle Princess had little time to react before Jasrita gave her yet another unexpected kiss, giggling passionately as her long tongue forced itself into the woman's mouth and coiled around her tongue. Talika felt her mind swiftly succumbing to the Snake's temptations once more, unintentionally moaning into the kiss as she unconsciously rubbed her legs together, her womanhood quivering in anticipation.

Seeing her chance, Jasrita swiftly had the coils above Talika's head close tightly around both her wrists, pulling them up over her head before she could pull them free. Then, as the Serpent broke the kiss, leaving a single thick string of saliva connecting their lips, she unleashed her hypnotic gaze upon the Jungle Princess.

With her inhibitions already worn down, Talika was unable to close her eyes before the beautiful, mesmerizing spirals blossomed from within Jasrita's eyes, dominating her vision and assaulting her mind with their tantalizing patterns. Her jaw going slack as she found herself unable to look away from the strange yet enticing display before her... or ignore the sense of bliss creeping over her mind.

"Make Love to Me~" Talika heard Jasrita's voice echoing through her mind as the beautiful human version of the Serpent appeared before her once again, singing a seductive lullaby while swaying her body from side to side in a sort erotic belly dance. "Yes... only me~"

Talika's mouth dropped open as she felt her mind and body becoming engulfed by an overwhelming feeling of calmness, and soon she felt her thoughts melting away, feeling an irresistible urge to just let go, to just relinquish all control to this beautiful woman as she gazed into her spiraling eyes. It only took a moment for the eyes of the Princess to start reflecting Jasrita's, the colors dominating her mind as she slipped into pure relaxation. Pleasant memories of their previous encounter causing her mouth to curve upwards into a wide blissful smile as her willpower was drained away.

Jasrita smirked in triumph as she released Talika's arms, letting them limply fall to her sides as the Snake teasingly moved backwards, her tail beckoning Talika to follow in a 'come hither' gesture, tempting her to come closer. "Shut your eyes..." She continued to sing, surpassing a giggle as the Jungle Princess nodded her head and closed her heavy eyelids before walking forward obediently. "And just love me~"

Talika simply sighed as she was led towards the very edge of the branch, not even flinching as the Serpent's tail pressed against her forehead and held her up, leaving her hanging between the branch and Jasrita's tail with her arms and left foot dangling limply in the air.

"Hold still, sweet thing~" Jasrita cooed as she slithered up to Talika's smiling face and kissed her on the cheek. The Jungle Princess let out a small giggle as the Serpent then brought a thick set of her coils up to Talika's hanging foot and formed a set of stairs for the Jungle Princess walk up, leading higher into the tree.

"Let your mind... embrace bliss~" Talika heard the Snake sing as the pressure left her forehead and she found herself walking across a smooth surface, her breasts bobbing enticingly with each step she took. With her progress uninhibited and desire to make sweet love to the human Jasrita intensifying, she found herself breathing faster as fluids began dribbling from her womanhood and the lust continued building up within her.

"And give in... to your Mistress~" Jasrita sang, watching as the Jungle Princess walked across her smooth coils, eventually angling her coil stairway so it led up towards a longer and thicker branch.

As Talika stepped onto the branch, the Serpent sent her tail tip teasingly down between her legs from behind, giving her loins a gentle flick right before slithering up to her waist. "Aahhn~" A cute yet erotic moan escaped the Jungle Princess' mouth as Jasrita's coils brushed against her womanhood while ascending her body. The tip of her tail quickly slithered around hip and around her navel, enjoying the feel of her toned muscles beneath the soft skin as it wrapped around her body a second time, easily pinning her arms against her sides as it continued its journey up her body, the coil between her legs becoming thicker with each passing moment. "Mmmph, oohh~" The Jungle Princess moaned out as her hips began slowly rubbing against the coil, desperate for some form of stimulation.

"Let go of your inhibitions... give in to your sexual fire~" Jasrita continued to sing, her head hovering over the entranced Jungle Princess as she observed her prize, oh how wonderfully sweet and arousing it was to have Talika writhing and moaning within her coils once more. "Mate with me and finally embrace your inner desire~" She cooed as her tail continued winding around Talika's body, the coils at her waist and stomach growing thicker and heavier, as her tail tip reached the underside of her breasts, curling around and sliding across her sensitive nipples, which grew hard and erect from Jasrita's touch alone.

"Mmmhmhmhm... ooohhhooo~" Talika groaned as the smooth grinding of the Serpent's scales against her womanhood sent waves of pleasure through her body. The Jungle Princess slowly opened her eyes and found herself gazing up at the human version of Jasrita... only for her to slowly morph back into the seductive Serpent herself.

And yet... she still felt an unimaginable desire for this Snake, a need to surrender to her as she gazed into her beautiful spiral-filled eyes, the pleasure-bringing colors diminishing any semblance of resistance as she continued to fall under her spell.

Leaning in close, Jasrita chuckled in satisfaction at the entranced face of the Jungle Princess as she rolled her hips back and forth, her nether-regions moist and hot as the Snake's tail tip slithered up around her shoulders and circled her neck. "Just say how you feel, let your inhibitions go..." She cooed as her tail tip slithered under her chin...

Talika sighed in response, the swaying motions of the Serpent combined with her beautiful spiralling eyes soothing and relaxing her while firing up her loins even more, manipulating her mind into relinquishing control and obeying the Snake's request. "I-I... I love you... Jasrita-GULK!" Talika confessed to her beautiful captor right before Jasrita squeezed her tail tightly around her neck.


"Good girl~"

The woman's eyes widened at the sudden pressure applied to her throat as her breathing was briefly cut off, another last jolt of pressure sending her even deeper into a trance, her smile of dreamy bliss spreading even wider as she was rewarded by hearing the last few lines of her Mistress' wonderful, enchanting song as she drifted off into mindless bliss.

"Make love to me... yes, only me~" Jasrita sang as she hoisted the entranced Jungle Princess up to examine her catch, her coils tightening and rippling all around her body, rhythmically squeezing every curve, crevice, and muscle while the now massive coil between Talika's legs started rubbing against her gaping womanhood. "Become mine... and just love me~"

Hearing the last lines of Jasrita's song, Talika offered no resistance as she utterly and completely fell under the Serpent's spell, feeling completely safe and sound within Jasrita's embrace, unable to think of anything but her beloved Mistress as she let go of her inhibitions. Lifting Talika up, Jasrita proceeded to shift a section of the coil cocoon, specifically the one around the woman's ample breasts, squeezing around every inch of them. "Aaahhhnn, oh, ohhh, oh!" Gasps and moans of pleasure escaped the Jungle Princess' lips, the unbelievably exquisite sensations sending shivers down her spine, her womanhood leaking and dripping all over the coil between her legs.

"Oh my, you've made quite the mess down there." Jasrita cooed, gazing deeply into Talika's love-filled eyes as she began to examine her, the Jungle Princess offering no hint of resistance as her captor gently stroked her hair with the tip of her tail. Her nipples were rock hard as her coils brushed against her breasts, causing her to moan softly while humping and bucking her hips against the Snake's coils, her mind lusting for more pleasure. "You leave me no choice but to clean you up~" Licking her lips, Jasrita then removed her thick coil from between Talika's legs before lowering her head towards her exposed womanhood, the aroma of the woman's arousal alone exciting her greatly. "Mmhmhm... soooo wet~" She sighed before plunging her long tongue into Talika's pussy, taking a long, sensational lick up the center of her slit, eagerly tasting her pleasure fluids.

"OOOHH! Aahh yes! Ooohh yeah~!" Talika yelped as she felt Jasrita's tongue filling her slit, her legs clenched and her toes curling, the Jungle Princess was unable to do anything other than moan in ecstasy as the Serpent began eating her out. "Ah! Ahhaah!" The Jungle Princess started panting harder as her pussy clenched tightly around the intruding tongue, her expression now one of pure lust and overwhelming pleasure, her jaw dropped and her spiraling eyes widened as Jasrita's tongue began stroking her inner regions. "Oohohooo yesss, more pluh-please more!" Talika's cries of pleasure resounded through the treetops as her legs instinctively curled around Jasrita's neck, unable to act beyond her own lust.

'Good to see your body being more honest~'_Jasrita thought, enjoying the woman's reaction to her oral pleasuring. The Serpent sighed in her own sense of bliss, relishing in the heavenly taste of Talika's pussy juices, her tongue eagerly tracing around her slick folds and tickling her clit. She then started tightening and constricting her coils, massaging Talika's entire body. _'Now then, how about you return the favor~?'

As Talika panted heavily, she was soon greeted by the sight of one of Jasrita's thicker coils being lowered in front of her face, the Serpent's pink slit on full display and gaping almost... beggingly, fluids dripping from within in an irresistibly enticing manner. A bit of drool leaked out of the left corner of her mouth as she eagerly pressed her lips against Jasrita's pussy and started licking, earning a sigh of pleasure from the Snake as she moved her tongue around the Serpent's outer folds, the eyes of the Jungle Princess rolling back as muffled moans escaped her lips.

_'Such a good girl, giving your Mistress the pleasure she desires without being told...'_Jasrita thought, her body shivering as her captive continued her loving assault on her slit, the perverted Serpent practically purring with excitement as she briefly withdrew her tongue from Talika's womanhood, prompting the Jungle Princess to arch her hips weakly, desperately desiring something to satisfy her burning passions. _'And now for your reward~'_The Serpent smirked as she carefully added a thicker set of coils to the cocoon while allowing her tail tip to move freely. Her now free tail tip then slithered down towards Talika's ass, gently stroking her well-toned buttocks before snaking its way between them.

Talika shuddered as she instinctively clenched her cheeks around the Serpent's smooth tail, giving her Mistress a slow lick up the length of her pussy and twirling your tongue around her engorged clit as a sign of appreciation. The Snake in turn bucked her coil against Talika's face as she started to suck on her clit, grinding her own soaking pussy against the woman's face. Jasrita then brought her lips to the bottom of Talika's slit and gently kissed it just as her tail reached the woman's anus, the Serpent then carefully worked her way up to the top of the human's glistening slit, earning an adorable squeak from Talika as Jasrita planted a gentle kiss on her clit, savoring the taste.

As the scaly tip of her tail brushed against Talika's anus, flicking and rubbing it before swiftly moving upwards towards her perfectly wet womanhood as Jasrita removed her tongue once more. _'And now, to dive even deeper than before~'_The perverted Serpent thought as she began to rub the tip of her tail up and down along her snatch, spreading Talika's entrance before plunging right in, just deep enough to coat most of her tail tip.

"Mhhmmm... aahhh~" Talika was left moaning longingly into the Snake's pussy as her long tongue withdrew from her loins, but the void was quickly filled as she felt the familiar sensation of the Serpent's scaly tail penetrating her and rubbing against her tender vaginal walls once again. "Oh! Ohhho~" The Jungle Princess gasped as she momentarily forgot the previous task of eating the Serpent out, the warm juices of her Mistress' slit now covering her face as she twisted her hips to rub against Jasrita's tail, lubricating it further as she let out another passionate moan.

This time, however, the Serpent was quick to remove her tail from the Jungle Princess' loins. With it now coated in her pleasure fluids, it withdrew back between her buttocks... and plunged deep into her anus.

"AGAAHHHAA!" Talika began screaming pure, unshackled ecstasy as felt the Serpent's tail plunging deep into her interior, pleasure shooting through her entire body as the Jungle Princess' legs thrashed wildly. Her mind was overtaken by orgasmic desire as the Snake's tail worked its way deeper inside her, stretching her anus farther as it continued rocking back and forth, developing a rhythm as she worked her body into a frenzy. "AH! AH! AH! AAAHHA~!" The Jungle Princess panted and shrieked, her anal walls clenching around the tail as she bucked her hips against the tail, her tongue hanging from her mouth with saliva dribbling down her chin as she panted.

"Enjoying yourself, love?"

Talika craned her head up to see Jasrita's beautiful face hovering inches away from her own, the sight of the Serpent's spiraling eyes causing her own to start spinning even faster as she let herself fall even deeper into a trance. "Ooohh-ahh! Ye-Yessss... J-J-Jah-Jasrita..." Talika gasped happily, panting in Jasrita's tight grip as the Snake continued to pump her tail in and out of her anus, her eyes practically glued to Jasrita's once more.

"Mmm hmhmhm, that's what I like to hear~" Jasrita smirked as she reflected on her new prey's welcome change in attitude. She then lowered the thick coil containing her slit down towards Talika's glistening womanhood. "Yesssss my Jungle Princess, let the ecstasy fill you up. Embrace your heart's desire." She hissed, rubbing her pussy against the nether lips of the Jungle Princess, tightening and loosening her coils around the woman's sweaty body as her tail tip thrusted into her anus much more forcefully. "M-Moan for me Talika... I-I-oohh, I want to hear your s-s-screams of pleasure~!" She gasped, shivering at the feeling of her wet pussy rubbing against the human's as she slid her tail into her anus, relishing the feeling of the woman's anal walls clenching against her tail in aching desire.

With sweat dripping down every inch of her dark skin, Talika's moans quickly became a series of grunts and moans as the Serpent continued to slam her tail into her ass. The elation shooting through her entire body as Jasrita's pussy fiercely rubbed against her own and the coils tightly squeezed her for all she was worth, the Jungle Princess felt as if her entire body was on fire!

Tightening his grip on her, Jasrita steadily quickened her pace as she thrust into the woman while rubbing her slit fiercely against Talika's slick pussy, the feeling of her warm, wet lips as they rubbed against her clit sending shivers through the Serpent's body as the coils around Talika's chest pressed and squeezed against her breasts.

"Haaah, hah, hah, Hhaahhaa~" Talika panted and grunted as she longingly gazed into Jasrita's eyes, her own spiraling like mad as she cried out louder and louder, all the while smiling deliriously, feeling nothing but pure affection for the Serpent. Her body tingling in a frenzy as Jasrita constricted her, the Serpent's loving attention only increasing the sensations while deepening Talika's trance. The hypnotic build up had her womanhood trembling around the Serpent's tail, a sign that the Jungle Princess was already on the verge of an orgasm.

"Cum for me, Jungle Princess." Jasrita hissed, pushing her tail deeper than ever before into Talika's anus, constricting her at a slower pace as she pressed her head against the woman's, desiring nothing more than for both their climaxes to be filled with the sight of the other. "I want you to experience my complete and utter domination of your body, with a glorious orgasm to complete this wondrous experience!" The Serpent cooed, her adoring victim's unhindered moaning filling her with an equal sense of excitement and pride as she watched Talika eagerly wrapping her legs desperately around Jasrita's thick coil, ready to ride out her orgasm as their slits pressed together. "Now cum for me Talika. Cum hard."

"Hhrrkkk, guuh! Ehehehee~" Talika could only moan passionately in response. But upon hearing the Serpent's command, her mouth and eyes stretched wide open and her entire body shook as she was pushed over the edge, her moans melted into one loud scream as she felt the most intense orgasm of her life! "Ah... AaAAAHHH! OOOHHH-Mmmph?!" Just as the Jungle Princess let out another passionate wail, Jasrita pressed her lips over Talika's and kissed her passionately once again, forcing her tongue inside the woman's mouth, tickling the back of your throat with her tongue.

The very treetops they were in seemed to shake as Talika finally came, the Jungle Princess' helpless body was completely overtaken by pleasure as pleasure juices erupted from her womanhood. With the addition of Talika's final orgasmic cries, it didn't take Jasrita long to cum himself, releasing her own fluids all over Talika's pussy as her coils tightened around her body.

When their respective climaxes finally died down, Jasrita managed to calm herself, her breathing becoming regular and her coils loosened up and she broke the kiss, gazing down at the Jungle Princess as her moans settled down. Talika's orgasmic high seemed to go on for several minutes as she basked in the afterglow. Her head bobbed lazily to the side as her legs drooped and she lost all strength in her muscles, breaths became even again as her muscles began to relax and her body slackened in the Snake's coiled grasp, her body now fucked senseless and resting happily in a post-coital bliss.

_'I couldn't imagine a better lover...'_She thought as her tail slipped out of her anus with a small *pop*. Jasrita then gently set the Jungle Princess down on the branch, her legs straddling the sides as hypnotic rings spiraling wildly she stared lovingly at Jasrita with a wide smile. "Thank you for such an amazing climax, sweetheart~" She hissed with a genuine grin, kissing her on the forehead.

Talika simply giggled in response, and it wasn't long before she fell asleep within her coils with a content smile on her face. And eventually the Serpent decided to rest as well, falling asleep beside her...

"Mmmm..." Talika groaned as she slowly woke up, slowly opening her eyes and taking in her surroundings, silvery moonlight greeted her along with the soft wind whispering through the branches, the Jungle Princess quickly realized it was night, and she was still stuck in Jasrita's coils. _'Ugh.. jeeze, how long was asleep?'_She thought with a bit of annoyance as she struggled to free herself yet again. Unlike last time, the Serpent's coils were wrapped around her body slightly tighter than before, forcing her to wriggle her arms about to free herself, it took some time, but eventually the coils slid down around her body and Talika was able to stand, shaking her head and clearing it of the drowsy effects of Jasrita's hypnosis. _'Unbelievable... I let that Snake trick me again!'_Talika mentally scolded herself with a resigned sigh as she stepped onto the branch and glared at Jasrita, noticing that the Snake was still sound asleep with a content smile on her face, giggling to herself.

No doubt having a perverse dream about her.

Shaking her head in embarrassment as memories her own sexual escapades with the Serpent flashed through her mind, Talika angrily stormed towards Jasrita's coil cocoon. Glancing down below, she noticed a rather large river near the tree and gave the sleeping Serpent a mischievous smile. Taking in a deep breath, Talika firmly pressed her foot against the bulk of the smooth coils and pushed them over the edge over the edge of the branch.

Jasrita's giggles were quickly cut off by a surprised scream as she was sent sailing down towards the river below, the Jungle Princess feeling a small sense of satisfaction as she heard a loud *splash* followed by a puzzled gasp from her former captor. "I warned you what would happen if you pulled a stunt like this again!" Talika called out as she walked down the branch and grabbed one of the vines hanging next to the trunk, sliding down it until her feet were planted firmly on the jungle floor.

Instead of running away however, the Jungle Princess angrily strode over to the jumbled pile of coils in the middle of the river and bent over the Serpent, giving her a dirty look as the Jasrita's head poked out from the pile of coils, her expression now confused and disoriented as she shook her head rapidly, slowly regaining her senses. "Ugh... quite feisty when you wake up, aren't you?" Jasrita asked, shaking her head in amusement at Talika's expression. Her voice sounded slightly fatigued as she gazed at her alluring features with a sly smile.

"No, I'm just tired of waking up in your coils." The Jungle Princess retorted in a scolding tone, glaring down at the now awake Snake... only for her expression to soften slightly as she blushed and turned away, hiding her breasts from the Serpent. "And stop ogling me like that!" She angrily admonished the Snake, who tried to suppress a giggle.

Jasrita however simply licked her lips, her eyes briefly flashing with enticing colors as she slithered in front of the woman, causing her to freeze for a mere moment before the spirals vanished. The lingering effects of their mesmerizing beauty causing Talika's eyes to instinctively widen, momentarily disorienting her. "Oooh, but I just love the feeling of your body in my coils, and deep down..." She hissed before her tail tip slithered out of the water and quickly wrapped around Talika's wrists. "...I know you love being in my coils as well..." The Serpent chuckled as her tail forcibly pulled her arms over her head once again.

'Again? Seriously?!' Talika mentally groaned as she started struggling in the Snake's grasp to avail. Suddenly, the Serpent pulled her out of the river as she lifted the rest of her long body out of the water and carefully coiled it around the branches above.

"Now then, I do believe it's time got back into my tree..." Jasrita cooed in a suggestive tone, shifting her position as she pulled Talika above the branches. Seemingly satisfied with her achievement, the Serpent slithered up to the struggling woman, carefully lowering her onto the branch. "After all, I'd love to continue our 'mating session', especially since your little acts of defiance just made me want you even more..." The Serpent hissed, her free coils forming a loop beneath her before curling around Talika's left foot and pulling upwards, giving the Serpent better access to her slit... which was already dripping with her fluids. "Hmm... and it seems like you're already wet, my dear..." Jasrita commented as the tip of her tail calmly moved closer to her womanhood, nudging her clit as it slipped between her pussy lips.

"Hrrrkk! Guh! I...I-I'm n-n-not... I don't-oohhhoo!" Talika cried out in mixture of surprise and pleasure, her pussy tingling at the sensations as the tail tip began to explore around her tight hole, gently pushing further inside her, her inner walls quivering and throbbing around it.

"Oh, but you do..." The Serpent whispered in between moans as her tail started pumping in and out of Talika's love tunnel as she panted and shuddered. "I can see that you wish for not only a partner... but for a partner that could completely dominate you..." Jasrita sighed as she was having her way with the Jungle Princess, slithering very close to her face, the Serpent's lips brushing up against Talika's. "...and now, you don't need to pretend to be experiencing this with me anymore..." She added before kissing her.

'W-Wait... was... was she watching me-OOOHHH!' Talika moaned into the kiss, her senses already reeling from the arousal as Jasrita started pumping her tail even harder.

And thus, Jasrita continued to have her way with Talika, with the Jungle Princess' moans echoing throughout the jungle...