Fate of the Duel - Chapter 3 - The Breaking

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Chapter 3 to a dark story where an Omega is abused and warped into the ideal pet and fucksleeve for a vicious pack

Chapter 3: Breaking the Omega.

WARNING: Contains heavy themes of noncon, light bondage, light gore, misgendering, watersports, regurgitation and lots of humiliation and cruelty.

Recap: After his previous Alpha lost a duel to Alpha Iemyr, Alastar was given to a harsh cruel pack to be used for their amusement. After disobeying a command, Alastar was fittingly punished by the Beta; Black and his sister. His teeth removed. Leaving their omega suspended, the two decide to explore an abandoned human town.

The afternoon sun beat down on what was once a quaint shopping centre for an old country town. Now nature seemed to already be taking over, vines creeped and weaved between brick and mortar and the roads and pavement were stained with green. Yet, most of the town seemed remarkably intact. Cars were left parked on the street by expired parking meters, and while there were a few smashed windows, it was hard to tell whether looters or wild animals were responsible for the damage. The two wolves remained alert, knowing they were not the first creatures to explore this town.

"I wonder why they left." Alia openly questioned her brother, the large black wolf with matching red eyes gave a shrug and roll of his eyes. "They don't have claws and fangs like us, maybe their tools failed." Black speculated, his eyes falling on a small convenience store. "I smell food."

After a few hours of chewing and gnawing, they were able to break their way into a can of preserved beef. After a fascinating snack, the duo pressed on, glancing at the shops and symbols, most of them meaning very little to them, until Black spotted something familiar.

The image looked like a dog. Rather... the blacked out shadow of a dog, and a human, holding a leash. Black's tail gave a slight wag at the thoughts that flashed through his mind, speeding off and slipping through a broken window to enter the pet store, Alia exclaiming her confusion shortly after.

"I've seen them use it, Iemyr will love it..." Dark said with a smirk as he browsed the torn apart shop. Eventually he settled on a large size, pale blue collar, woth a drooping chain leash which was still attached to the shiny metal D rings that adorned the outer rim. "Humans use them to control their dogs. It's a mark of ownership." Black said matter-of-factly, scooping the collar up in his jaws. "Cute, but how does it work? Alpha once told us not to try human tools, they're made for their nimble human paws." Alia interjected lightly, not wanting to step on her higher-ranking brother's toes. "Mrph, perhaps. I want to try." The chain made a loud 'chink' as it dangled below the large wolf, who marched out of the store with his tail raised high and wagging. But not before motioning Alia towards two small metal dog bowls and commanding "Grab those too."

"Still fast asleep, just like a pup. Crows didn't get to him either." Black commented as they strolled back into the playground, the bloody, broken and now toothless omega still suspended in the tyre swing. His body drooped pathetically, stomach resting on the centre of the tyre. His eyes remained closed shut as he caught up on lost sleep, his broken leg and the rest of his body, trying to heal in this moment of respite in between what felt like constant abuse.

"N-no, listen sis, grab the other end."

"I am!"

"Alia you're not listening!" He growled.

Alastar felt his head hurt as he slowly started to awake, an aching bruising across his stomach soon making his wince in discomfort, his body felt like he had been in multiple fights and lost. His mouth tasted of blood and cum, while his tailhole remained stinging red. "I am, I am! It won't work!" As he continued to wake up, he felt a slight new weight on his neck. "No no no, line it up. Properly."

"Line up what?"

"The ends!"


Alastar heard a slight 'click', the noise making him shudder as the plastic contraption at the end of the collar locked into place. "It's in!" Alia said. "And just in time too." Alastar opened his eyes to the familiar grin, as the large paw grabbed his maw once again, those red eyes making eye contact. "This collar, is a device humans use to show ownership over dogs. We're using it to show ownership over you. Once locked it can never be removed." His voice had an excited growl to it. Of course, the collar could be removed, but Alastar did not know that. Neither did Black.

"And this..." He motioned to the chain leash. "Whoever controls this, controls you. Understood?" Alastar gave a week nod, to which Alia was already moving to pat and brush his fur with her paw. "Aw, he looks adorable. Can we get him down? I want to try it." Alia asked, to which Black nodded, and roughly tipped the whole tyre backwards. Alastar winced, falling out and landing on his sore rear. It hurt, but it was better than landing on a broken leg... Probably.

Before he could get his bearings, he felt a strange tug at his neck. The first was gentle, then the second one forced him onto all fours, forcing him to yelp as he put weight on the broken leg. "C'mon, keep up." Alia teased as she pulled the leash.

"I... I, it hurts too much... Everything hurts... Please help, I'll do anything... I'll apologize to Alpha, I'll be good just please..." The omega begged, to which Black rolled his eyes and dropped the bowls in his maw, a loud clanking of metal echoing around them. "Useless. Can't even walk on your own. Why shouldn't we just leave you here?" Black asked, turning and marching towards Alastar, hackles raised, and teeth exposed to the gums.

Alastar felt his stomach drop, his heart burning slightly. He felt, almost as though he was in a sort of trance, as though this wolf in front of him was the most important thing in this universe, and gaining his affection, approval, his protection... It felt like the most important thing ever. He had never felt such drive or motivation floor throughout his entire body, yet the thought of rejection also cast a dark shadow of dread, fear, depression over him. "I'm useless... I'm so sorry. I'm a pathetic excuse for an omega who doesn't deserve you guys... Or the pack... But please, I'd do anything just to..." And at that moment, Alastar pushed his body, falling chest first in front of Black's paws.

Black, a little taken back by the sudden heartfelt emotional outburst, merely raised his paw and lowered it down on that toothless maw. Alastar felt his gums press together harmlessly, his tail curling tightly as he mumbled a soft "Thank-you-sir.", a euphoric feeling suddenly overcoming his body, making him tingle from head to toe. Black let it sit there for a few seconds, feeling the omega's heartbeat and his body tremble underneath him, his own chest feeling fluttery as he basked in the feeling of might and power, looking down with a grin. He had to regain his composure before he acted on his impulses there and then.

"Good... You're learning. Very well, I'll carry you, but you will be making it up to me later." Black said, nodding to Alia, who dropped the leash and picked up the two bowls, Black's jaws grabbing Alastar's scruff and carrying him off back to the pack's den area.

Iemyr, the Alpha up high in his den perched on top of the pack's den area, yawned and stretched having returned from a rather uneventful day. He had told Black to give their omega to their pack, yet it seemed he and his sister had hogged the new toy to themselves. Not unexpected of him, but he had been getting bolder lately, more willingly disobeying his commands.

Hearing the sound of pawpads against rock, and smelling the familiar scent of two wolves and a piss-covered whelp, Iemyr rose to all fours, Black and Alia nodding their heads as they made themselves known. "While I said she was yours for the day, I did also say I wanted the pack to have their fun with her." Iemyr commented in a stern tone, lowering his gaze, to which Black gave a bit of a shrug. "Oh, I think you'll prefer what we did to her. Alia, show our Alpha his newly improved toy."

With a smirk, Alia nodded, grabbing the chain and dragging Alastar into view. The sight of the blue collar and metal chain instantly made Iemyr's tail wag, ears perking up as he closed the distance between the two. Alastar standing wobbly on three legs, whining softly, his ears flat and tail curled firmly against his belly. "Interesting..." Iemyr said, giving the chain a slight tug, Alastar wincing has his head went with it. "This is what the humans use on the dogs they own right? Very fitting."

"Aye, and it's not coming off either. And, with that thing dangling behind him, it'll never get far even if it was stupid enough to run." Black paraded proudly, and once again Alastar listened to them talk about him as though he was merely an object, no longer in the room. "Oh, Alia show our Alpha the bowls." Alia nodded her head with a smile, soon returning with two metal bowls stacked in her maw. She dropped them and they clattered noisily against the ground, separating into two.

"Humans use this to make their dogs eat and drink from." Iemyr gave an affirmative nod, immediately standing over one of the large bowls, gasping a sigh of relief and emptying his bladder into one of them, filling it up, all while Alastar glanced in horror, knowing soon enough he'll be commanded to drink it. "Thirsty pup?" He asked, the last of his stream ending in a few strong-smelling golden drips.

"How about those teeth, open up pup." Iemyr commanded, prancing up to the pup and pressing a paw under his maw. Alastar complied, and while some of his rear teeth remained, his main canines were all but gone, only scarred gums remained. "Perfect." And with that, he gave a slight rub on the omega's maw, followed by a tug on his collar. "Well Black, you've redeemed yourself. But leave us, your duties here are complete." To which black nodded. He and his sister respectfully turned away from the den, smiles on their maw. They knew they would have plenty of opportunities to play with their toy in the future.

Iemyr gave a soft sigh, soon laying down on his side with a slight yawn. "Come." He commanded, raising a paw. Alastar uneasily, awkwardly shuffled towards the wolf who was leader of their pack, the title looming over him and adding weight to his every command. "Closer. Lie down and come closer." He said, his voice raising a little. With a soft whine Alastar lowered his body to the cave den, wiggling closer to Iemyr, until his paw rested on his shoulder. It was then, his Alpha's paw suddenly gripped him, pulling him into a big hug.

He felt himself being compressed against his fully chest, he could hear his heartbeat, feel him breathe against him, his breath blowing against the fur on his ear. It was then, he started to lick, grooming his fur possessively, along the top of his skull and down to his maw. "A-Alph?"

"Shhhh... Tell me pup, how was your trip with my Beta and his sister? Tell me how you really feel. Be honest." He said, his paw making circles in his pup's fur.


"Honestly. I promise you won't be punished for it."

"Well.... It was... It was nice for Black to carry me... I don't want to sound ungrateful, Alpha... But it hurt. All day, and I'm hungry... I'm tired, everything hurts. I don't want it to hurt so much... Why does everything have to hurt. Why..." The omega seemed to choke on his own words, breaking down into sobbing and whimpering.

"Shhhh there there... Y'know if you would have behaved, we could have spent a whole day like this, curled up together..." He commented, Alastar's ears perking. "Really?" He asked, his soft blue eyes now dripping tears onto the floor of the cave den.

"Of course, you shouldn't second question me." Came a stern reply, the clawed paw grasping him more firmly and forcing a soft whine. "No talking from now on, until I say so. You do yourself more harm than good. This is a mercy pup. Only whines and barks from now on, understood?" He asked, to which Alastar gave a slight nod and an affirmative whine. "Good girl." He commented, going back to grooming his fur.

The Alpha held his omega for a good few minutes, sighing softly, occasionally petting and licking against his fur. It felt good to once again have a wolf he could own. It wasn't often wolves like this came around, ones that were so... malleable. So pathetic they didn't just waste away in a pack like his, and he was sure that soon enough, he would be able to warp his pup's mind into total obedience. Maybe, he'd even start to even enjoy it, raising tail and submitting to his betters. While he enjoyed being Alpha, every wolf in his pack he had to constantly show strength and leadership. Here, with this pathetic whelp of a wolf, he could be himself. It almost made him reconsider offering him to the pack, having half a mind to just keep him here, chained to the den, all to himself.

"You mentioned you were hungry, it's been a few days since you ate no?" He asked. Alastar raised his maw, he gave a confused nod to his Alpha. He was in fact hungry, his stomach called out for food whenever he thought about it. It had been at least a few days since he had last eaten. "Thought so. When you're hungry, you are to 'beg', understood?" He asked, to which Alastar gave a confused whine. "Wha- b" The moment the words left his maw, a snarl came from Iemyr who quickly stomped his paw against the omega's snout, pinning it to the stone floor.

"No. Talking." Gums rubbed against gums as his maw was forced against the stone floor, the omega's ears pinning flat against his skull, sniffling. Though he was able to snake his tongue through his gums, to give the paw a submissive, or even perhaps affectionate lick towards his paw pad. Not expecting to feel something warm and wet, Iemyr was taken back for a moment, raising his paw. But, just seconds after, he acted as if nothing had happened. Returning straight to his training.

"Now, beg. Like a puppy. You know what to do." He said, and annoyingly, he did. But he hadn't behaved in such a way since he was a pup, no adult who was fully weaned behaved this way. It was an embarrassment and social suicide to be seen doing it. "Do it." He commanded, a little more sternly. Swallowing his pride, Alastar raised his forepaws up to his chest, moving in front of his Alpha, his ears lowered as he let out a series of whines, licking up against his chin and maw submissively. He even almost murmured a soft 'please', but the slight growl from his Alpha reminded him he wasn't to speak.

"Good girl." He said, merely raising a paw against his neck and pushing him backwards, once again, just like how an adult might treat a needy pup. Iemyr soon walked to the empty bowl, Alastar looking in... He couldn't be... No... He wasn't about to, was he?

He was, and he did. With a few gurgles, and guttural hurling, his Alpha regurgitated part of a half eaten meal. Mushy pup food 'plopping' noisily into the metal bowl. "Come." He commanded, coughing to clear his throat. Knowing better than to hesitate, he crawled towards the bowl, looking down at the grim food. To pups it was surely delicious, they had the taste for it. But for an adult it was disgusting.

"Without your teeth, this is all you'll be getting. So, you better get used to it. You now rely on your betters to survive and feed you, remember that pup. You won't survive on your own, not without our generosity. Now, be grateful and eat." He commanded, tugging on the collar and brining his maw closer to the bowl. Alastar merely looked down on it, a mushy mess of red sinew, tissue, meat and fats all indistinguishably coiled together in a blob, the scent of his Alpha all over it.

"Too slow." Iemyr commented with a smirk, pushing his paw down on his head, forcing his maw into the meaty mixture. Alastar's maw was covered in it, the slimy texture covering his muzzle. "Eat." Iemyr commanded, and Alastar opened his maw, soon taking a chunk into his maw. His gums rolled over the pre-chewed meat, it struck him that, where it not already soft and made for pups, he would have zero chance of being able to eat it. Even now his teethless gums did nothing to break up the already weakened food, instead he had to merely swallow.

Chunk after chunk went down his throat with painful humiliation, his throat bulging as each chunk sank down his gullet. Being fed would no doubt do him some good, but where he not so hungry he was sure he would have thrown up. "Good girl, good girl. All of it." Iemyr said reassuringly as he petted his side. Iemyr couldn't deny that it was amusing to see, and felt great to feed her pup food, but there was also a sense of righteousness that came with knowing it truly was the only way she could eat now. It was always more fun he himself, and his toy believed he was doing what was best for them. That this is the kind of life which suited them both. If it wasn't already a fact, Iemyr was determined to make it so.

Once there was no longer a drop of a food left in his bowl, Iemyr nodded, merely saying "Good." While dragging Alastar's collar to the next bowl, this one still filled with piss, which by now had cooled down to match the temperature of the chill evening. "Drink." He commanded, and this time Alastar did not hesitate. He lowered his maw to the bowl of piss, lapping at it, the acidic taste doing nothing to compliment the regurgitated meat he was forced to ear earlier. "All of it." He said once again, and his pup complied, lapping up every, last, drop.

Soon after, they resigned to sleep. This time, Alastar slept in the firm paws of his Alpha, holding his close like a large plushie, occasionally licking and nuzzling against his fur. This time, being a little less overzealous with his bites and nips. Alastar's heart couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy, someone of so much power treating him such away was enough to make his stomach constantly tingle, yet his body remained on edge.

Hours passed, as the two wolves drifted off into sleep...

It was the middle of the night, when Iemyr was awoken by his pup, who was whimpering loudly. The relaxed body was now shaking, shivering violently. His breaths were erratic, his chest inhaling and exhaling to an extreme, unpredictable rhythm. "Mrph, what is it?" He asked sleepily, not too happy about being woken up in the middle of the night.

His pup seemed to be in tears, his eyes and maw completely wet while his maw pushed into his Alpha's chest, firmly nuzzling into the chest fur before pulling away, gasping loudly. "P-please... A-a-a-a-a-Alpha..." His words came out extremely choked, and although Iemyr had now allowed him to speak, seeing his distress he mentioned nothing of it. "What?" He asked sternly. To which, he was met with teary blue eyes looking up at him, chest still heaving as he looked up, staring, his eyes so wide they looked as though they might fall out before he broke out into whimpers once again. "Please.. I'll do anything I.. I... I..." He pushed his maw against his Alpha's chest, heaving in tears once again.

Letting out a soft sigh, he raised a paw to brush against his omega's fur. Though, when he wasn't looking, he smirked. He knew exactly what was going on, he just hadn't expected the wolf to break so soon, or so suddenly. But it seemed just the mix of his presence, and a little affection was all it took to send the wolf over the edge. He knew it, whenever he had spied the wolf long before claiming him, he knew he was a natural born omega. "Pup. Up." He commanded.

Instantly, Alastar forced himself up, he even forgot about his broken leg, merely wincing as he pushed himself up, but couldn't stay like that for long, his maw lowering to the ground and form becoming small, twisted to be lower than low, while still standing. "Lie down. Here." He commanded, and Alastar basically flopped on his belly, his head bobbing back and forth as tears continued to stream from his eyes. Though, it felt so nice to follow his Alpha's commands... And succeed in doing so. It filled him with a feeling of bittersweetness it made his eyes water all the more, yet anxiety was slowly being replaced by warmth. Warmth which felt like a hearth was glowing in his chest, and the wolf in front of him was continuing to stoke the fire in his chest.

"Maw. Here. Now. Lick." He commanded, Alastar wiggling like a worm to push his maw up against the raised paw. The strong, commanding paw of his Alpha. He glanced up, but couldn't bear to hold the gaze of the large wolf, who's neck craned down upon him with a sinister smirk. Alastar took in a deep breath and lapped his tongue against the paw, taking in a taste of where he had been that day, the dirt rolling along his tongue, but he didn't stop. Instead, he got closer, closer and closer until the paw was on top of him.

"I didn't say stop." The loud voice from above said, a sudden swat with the other paw coming to his rear. Somehow it hurt more on the inside then the outside, he didn't want to disappoint his Alpha... How could he be such a useless omega. He whimpered and with much more enthusiasm went back to polishing his Alpha's paw. In truth, the Alpha above cared little about what the omega was doing with his paw, he simply took huge enjoyment in seeing the effects of his treatment on his pet. His pup.

He moved that paw inside his pups jaws, feeling over his gums. The soft feeling, and constant whining and whimpering from his pet was starting to make him aroused, his cock growing from his tip. Images of taking advantage of the helpless, worthless bitch crossing his mind. Those gums were his, what he had done to this pathetic excuse of a wolf was all his doing, this wolf no longer had no say of it's destiny, no choice left in it's life but to obey his will, his command... Or be punished for being a pathetic brat who thinks he can resist. Oh, and punish he would, the poor bitch had only experienced a short taste of his cruelty, and also just a small taste of his affection. Afterall, he was a fair Alpha.

"Enough." He commanded, the pup below now seemingly a little less in pieces, still obediently perking, his ears raising, listening out from the next command. Once again, it made Iemyr smirk. The pup was mentally ruined, dopamine now coming from obeying the commands of others rather than his own choices. Perfect.

Iemyr lay on his side, once again raising his paws as if he was going to cuddle, but instead he motioned towards his growing red spear of a cock, wrapping a paw around the chain leash and giving a simple command. "Lick. And I'll forgive your little outburst. It was a lot more than whines and barks after all." He said with a smirk, dragging the chain towards him. Not that his pup needed to be dragged along. Having received his command, his ears now lowered once again, moving towards the red sheath.

The omega wasted no time in wrapping his maw around it, the Alpha's cock pressing up against the rough, fleshy roof of his canine maw. "Gah, I want to feel you try and bite. I want to feel those pathetic toothless gums. Do it." He commanded, and Alastar obliged. With his maw already open, it didn't matter how hard he tried to bite. All Iemyr would feel is the strong, sensual caressing of his fleshy gums against his sensitive cock. "Gah, Amazing..." He spoke. "Do it behind the knot."

Obeying, Alastar bit behind where his knot would be, confusing his anatomy and speeding up the breeding process, making it think as though it was inside the womb of a female, when instead, it was in the maw of a cocksleeve omega. Rapidly, not just the knot, but the whole cock started to grow. Uncomfortably, his Alpha's cock started to push to the back of his throat, making him want to gag. He pulled out, or at least tried to, as hard as he could.

"Oh no you don't." Iemyr said, soon grabbing the pup's collar, keeping a firm grip and pushing him down on his growing spear. Alastar whined loudly, trying to gasp, making guttural slurping sounds around the knotted cock.

It only lasted minutes, and Alastar started to phase out, his mind going foggy. Soon, for more relief, Iemyr started to pull against the chain, the collar tightening against his neck. "Keep biting!" He commanded, much more lustfully aggressive. Barely conscious, Alastar obeyed again, his jaws tightening against his cock.... Air... Air... need air... Was all he could think, meanwhile his Alpha was in ecstasy, his maw being massaged tightly on two areas was more than enough to send him over edge.

Pulling out quickly, as his pups cheeks turned blue, he spurted his seed all over his pup and all over the den. Meanwhile Alastar gasped, having nearly passed out from lack of air that time. His body shuddered. He hated it. If his tailhole didn't ache so much, he would have begged to be fucked in his rear instead of his maw, he hated the lack of air that much.

Panting softly, Iemyr grabbed the leash once again, pulling his toy closer. "Mrph, good girl, very good girl." He said, petting along her fur. "You can clean it up in the morning... Come here." He wiggled towards his Alpha, curling up under his soft embrace, his Alpha giving a soft slurp as they surrendered to sleep.

Thank you for reading! Comments Welcome! ^^

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