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#24 of Breeding

3818 Words

Life in the Post-Apocalypse can be harsh, but that isn't enough to give up. When one needy beaver finds she needs to help repopulate the town, she turns to the one she trusts most.

A little something to get myself back in the groove, and in the world of my current favorite chill game. Timberborn is a fantastic game, guys. Go give your beavers some love.

Hey, if you like what you're reading, please support me! Details here: Or, if that's too hard, just head there directly: or

Also, sorry for the disappearance! Depression got the best of me, and... well, you can help with that. If interested, click here to read a bit more

Kina looked out from her lodge, watching the waters of the nearby river roll by lazily. She could feel the cool breeze flowing from it, her wet fur glistening from her last visit to the shower. The sunflowers waved in the fields, the windmills were turning, and the ever-present creaking of the timber tech were music to her ears. She sighed, leaning against the windowsill and crunching lightly on a carrot. Life couldn't be more idyllic.

At least, were it not for the recent drought. Despite the best efforts of the town center council, they'd managed the water and food stores horribly. Rations ran out, with water coming from pump to mouth in too many cases. Compounded with the aging and degrading barrelbots, two of which exploded and injured key workers, while the rest simply ran out of biofuel and ran down, leaving all of those posts empty when new builds were required... Not since the early days of the colony, generations ago, had there been so much life lost in one drought, and the memorial to their loss was being planned behind the temple to that fickle beast the sun. Compared with those early days, the sheer number was much worse, even if there was less frantic work required to recover. Repopulation would be a difficult task, but one well worth the effort once the town bustled with life once more.

However, right now the streets were nearly empty, just two dozen beavers rebuilding from the over a hundred that once lived in the settlement. Were the council members not all among the dead, there would have been a reckoning, but as it was, those who had been savvy enough, hardy enough, or lucky enough to stick it out were doing their best to prepare the town for a glorious rebirth. After all, Beaverrome wasn't built in a day, and no Folktail would roll over and give up.

With how few beavers remained, though, there was the problem of missing workers, empty homes, and jobs going undone. There was only one way to solve that, though: an urge deep within each and every Folktail to go forth and multiply. It hadn't been possible when barely surviving, nobody having the energy or the stamina to do much but mourn and endure the scorching heat, but now chats around the campfire or watching the stars from the rooftop terraces were slowly turning from hunger, thirst, and the past to the bountiful, upcoming future.

And yet, those conversations never did much for Kina. Sure, she had the burning in her loins, and had worked up an appetite working on the farm, but the males left around just didn't catch her eye... apart from one. One she knew she shouldn't be thinking of as she was. But even here, in the little home on the edge of the river, there was room for one more... one she would be thrilled to create with someone she cherished.

Before the drought the town had been full. No vacancies meant no kits, and even though she'd grown into a beautiful woman, she'd had to control herself. During the drought, they'd been focused on keeping alive, and she'd moved from working at the water pumps to carefully rationing what little water was there to keep the crops alive. The flourishing sunflower field was her doing, their seeds good for health, and even when the potatoes had all dried out and the stores ran dry, everyone thanked her for her work. But the only reason she'd been able to was because of her father, Kea.

Kea had moved seamlessly from working in the Observatory to the water pumps and, finally, as a hauler, ensuring everything was where it needed to be and slogging through incredible heat to keep the town alive. Nobody had expected the nerdy beaver to be the pillar of the community he'd proven to be, and he was now in the running to be the new council head, even being nominated by the elders that had survived. He was a hero in the community, swarmed at the campfires and lauded in the temple sermons. He was loved by all the remaining folk of the town... but nowhere near as much as he was by his daughter.

Even as a small kit she'd had strange feelings for her father. She spent all the time she could with him, joining him in the observatory and gazing at the stars, playing with him in the lido, and even staying in his lodge even when newer, more open ones were available. And she'd many, many times rubbed her tail along her wet, glistening beaver as she imagined all the things he could do to her. Perhaps it was weird for a kit to peek in on their parents when their mother was making such pained moans, but Kina couldn't tear her eyes away. Even on nights when she was hardly awake enough to stand, she would creep to their room, peek through the door, and watch her mother moan, writhe, and cry out in pleasure, creating so many siblings that, like her, were taken in the drought.

Now there were only two of their fertile lodge left. Though, in true Folktail fashion, there would likely be many, many more soon. Ladies weren't exactly exclusive, the idea of protection was a sin only allowed when the lodges were full, and she'd seen Kea's virility first-hand... but that wasn't good enough. Sure, they could all have the children of their hero, but at the end of it, she would too. Even if she had to trick him into making it happen.

She glanced over at the counter where her secret project was brewing. Unearthed in the mines were some barrels of strange liquids that smelled like the biofuel the bots used, but sweeter. Long lost relics, many hours went into studying them even though, one fateful day, Kina discovered their purpose.

It was innocent enough, the drought in full swing and seemingly endless. She was seated at the front of the farm, fanning herself and keeping an eye on the sunflowers as they grew, watching like a hawk to ensure the sun didn't scorch her precious children. As she sat, a barrelbot passed by, sparking and sputtering on fumes of its fuel, carrying a crate of discoveries up from the mines towards an inventor hut to be looked over later. One piece of paper fluttered out, landing on the path, and though she should deliver it herself, curiosity got the better of her. Besides, it's not like there was much else to do ever since the beavers in the printing presses had died.

It was a hooman relic, the paper brittle and crumbly in her paws, and it wasn't easy to understand. If she hadn't joined her father, it would all be gibberish to her. But it described the bottles and barrels of liquid, how they altered the mind, were used for partying... and how to make some in the comfort of your own home. A little bit of testing in the farm with honey from the beehives had her ready to try her new creation just as the drought ended. It was sweet, delectable, and made her feel all warm and fuzzy...

She didn't remember much of that night. Only that when she was woken up in the fields the next day she had a huge headache and two very relieved elders worried they'd lost her after the drought and all her hard work. She'd thanked them, stumbled back to the farm, and made sure the paper finally made it to the inventor's hut, along with all the others that someone would go through once things were back to normal.

She still had her secret, a few clay jars of the stuff, sitting on the counter. When her father got there, she'd ply him with it, and once he was out of it... One passionate night of lovemaking should be enough, right? She'd have all the fuel she'd need for further dreams, and a kit of her own to carry on the family line. She felt her big tail raise, a giggle caught behind her buck teeth as she grinned at the very idea. She began to set up a meal, knowing he'd be back soon enough... if some other girl hadn't gotten to him first.

It wasn't even dark when Kea returned to the house, tired from a long day of hauling goods around, but with a spring in his step and eager to talk about the day. The lumber mills were in full swing again, gear production was starting, and 'Ngonel had even proven to be with child, the first of the post-desolation generation! He was dreaming about being back in the telescopes, but just happy the rivers were flowing and water stores were rising once more.

As he talked, Kina made sure he got all to eat that he could. Rations weren't tight at all now, and being a farm girl had some perks. Plus, to go with it, she wanted him to try out her new drink and let her know how it tasted. He sniffed at it, looking a little confused by it, but after a few sips was happy to have it with his meal. She talked with him and laughed, sipping from her own cup as she talked about the farm, the friendly faces, and the relief everyone was feeling from the heat... at least, externally.

As the night trailed on, the gears in the clock moving the hands of time ever forward, Kina felt herself blushing hot under her facial fur. She sighed, idly commenting about how much she'd love a kit of her own, before moving to put cups away and get things ready for bed. She looked from the window and heard the river rolling in the night... This was her chance. She turned, striking a sexy pose against the counter, her fur glistening in the moonlight while she accentuated her curves a little more, a sultry look in her eyes. "Daddy... You know, maybe I should take you to bed. Get you good and comfortable and keep you warm."

He looked at her blankly for a moment, mouth agape, before he chuckled, his eyes glinting. "Y-yeah... My head is a little fuzzy. For a second there you looked like your mother. Maybe even more beautiful."

Kina blushed, but stepped closer, her eyes shining at the compliment. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, ready to help him to bed. "She was a beautiful woman. Gave you many kits, too. Too many lost... we should fix that."

He stood, but shook his head, gazing into her eyes with a distant, but truly loving look. "No... not their mom. Yours. Well... ours." He blushed, giggling a little from the booze as he swayed on his feet, looking out the window. "It was just like this... She'd lost her mate, and it was such a cold night... I couldn't bear to see my mother cry..." He looked back at her, his smile warm and soft. "Guess it runs in the blood."

There was a lot to unpack there, and with her drink buzzing through her system, she was doing so slowly, but eventually a few pieces of info clicked. "Wait... My mom was... your mom? You mated with your mom?" She felt she should be disgusted. It was one of the few urges Folktails were told to be wary of, and yet her body thrilled, her heart beating with excitement.

He nodded, then stepped unsteadily forward, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and leaning his strong, muscular, but oh so gentle frame on her. His eyes met hers, locking them together as he sighed. "We dreamed of so many kits... but before age took her from me, we only had you." His eyes watered a little as he caressed her cheek softly. "You look so much like her... I couldn't lose her again. I couldn't lose you."

Her heart caught in her throat, not sure where this side of her father came from. And yet, was it not so much of what she dreamed? She leaned into the caress, pressing herself against him and letting out a gentle gasp, feeling something poke her stomach. She looked down to see his cock standing proud, throbbing, his need as urgent as hers. She nuzzled into his hand, then looked into his eyes. "Then let's fulfill that dream. As many kits as you desire. A love so pure only family can give it."

The kiss he brought her into had her eyes fluttering, her startled surprise at its sudden start melting into a passionate connection. Their buck teeth clacked against each other, but one natural motion had them locked behind each other, tongues dancing around the natural protrusion and lips locked in much more than a familial bond. She pulled tight against him, relieved and overjoyed that she wasn't taking advantage of an unknowing party, and in return she felt his arms, the ones that made her feel so safe when she was small, making her feel safe once more at the promise of her first of many experiences.

She reached down, fingers brushing along his length, but it only lasted a second as he scooped her up in his arms, his strength from so much hauling through the drought making her toned body seem light as a feather. He didn't break the kiss for more than a moment, though while he held his daughter in his arms, his fingers found her dripping beaver, gliding over them before slipping gently inside.

She moaned at his touch, clenching around the digits exploring her as she clung to his kiss. She felt like a child again, being carried to bed after nodding off while playing. But she knew the play was only just beginning, and it made her thrill. Her heavy tail lifted up, flagging for her arousal, but all it managed was to give him a soft, leathery length for him to grind his cock against as he took her to the bedroom. His bedroom. The one she'd dreamed of being claimed in oh so many times.

He set her down gently, his finger only sliding free of her slit then, and he brought it to his mouth, lapping at the vanilla scented juices that coated it. A feral growl left his lips, his cock, a spire of perfection sticking out from between his legs, throbbing with excitement. However, as he gazed into her eyes, seeing her spreading her legs for him, he had one moment of control, the fatherly love overtaking lust for a moment. "Darling, are you sure you want this? We'll have to hide it. Possibly go mate with other folks... We wouldn't be able to show our love out of the lodge."

She sat on the edge of the bed, then stood, kissing her father gently. "I don't care. You're a hero, my hero, and I want to give you everything. My body, by heart... everything. And if we need to spend some time getting some tail, well, we're not Iron Teeth. Love is there to share, and none better than the Folktails. But to come home and have you by my side... I'd fight the fickle sun in all his glory for that perfect life."

He hugged her tightly, a loving embrace of her whole form, showing his appreciation and devotion to her. Then he purred, whispering in her ear. "Then you'll be happy to know I was approved for a bigger lodge. Just you, me, and plenty of rooms to fill up with our kits." He then chomped down on her collar bone, the buck teeth pressing against her back making her gasp and shudder, her knees going weak while her heart pounded in anticipation. That moment of jello legs he took advantage of, lifting her into the air, then letting her virgin slit sink down onto his cock, spreading her pussy with the very shaft that gave her life.

The rush of stimulation had her seeing stars, her voice crying out and echoing through the lodge's walls. Were there still neighbors nearby, they could've heard the call over the roar of the water wheels in the industrial district, but in the fields some barrel bots looked rather confused at the noise that pierced the night. Her pussy clenched around his cock, seemingly fitting her like a hand in a glove, while her tail wrapped under her, caressing his balls with a silken leather caress.

She expected to land on the bed and be given the rutting of a lifetime, but only half of that came true. Instead he leaned back, using his own tail to form a base from rich he bounced her into the air, only to have gravity slam her home so perfectly. She gasped, unable to form words as he kept his grip on her neck, her hands grabbing clumps of his fur as she was given the log ride of the century. His fur teased her clit, his muscles rippling under his fur as he held her tight, and all she could do was hold on for dear life.

While this was similar to the position she'd imagined, the intensity was beyond her wildest dreams. She'd pictured him half passed out, all the work hers, while he moaned her mother's name... Or her step-mother's name? Either way, while she'd imagined riding his length, and even tried something similar with carrots before, this was better than any vegetable could simulate. The steel hard shaft bouncing in her nethers had her writhing, pressing against pleasure spots she didn't even know while she showered his hips in her arousal. And with each pump she felt a bead of warmth press up into her, the beginnings of his virile seed searching for fertile ground.

His teeth let loose and he leaned back, moaning to the ceiling before gazing into her eyes, a fiery devotion and passion burning deep within his own. She gripped him tight, leaning back, and he trusted her, rolling with her motion as she caught herself with her tail, slipping the two of them onto the bed to continue the wild evening. For just a moment his cock slipped free, and the pained whine that escaped her lips, you'd have thought she'd been deprived water while dying of thirst. But this thirst she could easily quench, and the source of that flow slammed back home nigh instantly, refusing to let her suffer for even a moment.

The sweet scent of their union filled the air as he arched his back, howling in satisfaction from the tight walls around him. Once their hips met, she wrapped her body around his, legs locking around his waist and arms clinging to his shoulders, pulling him closer. Her tail wrapped between his legs, its powerful muscles urging him forward fast enough to slap his balls against her ass with every thrust. He took the hint, pressing down against her on the bed, his body like a protective blanket over her as he growled his dominance, rutting into her with everything he had. She grit her teeth so hard she was afraid she'd chip a tooth, the cogs deep inside her winding up with every thrust, building towards something glorious.

He was there too, and she could feel it as his balls tensed against her tail, sliding upwards, while he groaned loudly, his cock throbbing too hard on a pull out. She pulled her legs tight, feeling the slick warmth fire into her, before his cock followed, smearing it along her tunnel and pushing the rest as deep as it could go, flinging his seed all along her fertile fields. The farmer knew, deep down, that she'd get the beautiful fruit of this union growing within her and the cogs within her finally released, all the tension crashing down like a gravity battery. She clung to him tightly, the moan rolling up from the heat in her core, through her body, and building at her throat before ringing louder than any bell, filling the night sky with the sound of a lifetime of pent up love.

She was seeing stars, her whole body shaking with the electricity of their connection as she clung to her father tightly, feeling his throbbing, twitching, and gentle thrusts as more and more seed flooded into her, oozing from her tunnel and onto the bed. She'd seen the messes he'd left in her 'mother' and this... this was so much more. Had he been saving for her? Or was she just that important to him?

As if to answer that question he moved just enough to look into her eyes, panting for air in time with her, before he giggled playfully, years seemingly melting from his face. He pressed his nose against hers, looking into her eyes with the close intimacy of lovers, before kissing her so very softly. He didn't land on her with his body, but rolled to the side, cuddling with her, but refusing to pull free. Not that she would let him, still wrapped around his waist and holding him in her with her tail. "I love you so much, princess," he said with a goofy smile.

"I love you too, daddy. In more ways than one with me, now~." She giggled, nuzzling her nose against his as they held that moment of shared joy.

Minutes passed, the pounding in her heart slowing, though the throbbing of their connection and the warmth he'd left within her made her feel so wonderful. But then he shifted, the oozing of his cum down her ass cheeks speeding as he rolled her onto her back. She looked at him with curiosity, but he just grinned, pulling most of the way out, just the tip at her entrance, then slamming back in. "Got to make sure it sticks, hmm, princess?" He then leaned forward, whispering into her ear. "And moan for daddy this time. Let me know how much you want it." He bit into her shoulder once again, this time on the other side, and her legs locked around his waist.

"Give it all to me daddy! Fill your princess with your kits!" Kina screamed her heart's desire, so happy to let those words leave her lust-driven mind.

"As you wish, my love." With those simple words he went back to work, the wet slapping and moans of their union carrying on through sunrise. And though Kina spent the next day tired and dripping seed from her full body into her flower fields, she couldn't be happier, just dreaming of the kit that would be growing in her... and how much fun it would be to make all its siblings. Repopulation would be a difficult task, but oh so worth the effort.