Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.5 - End of the Year

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#5 of Kaiju ga Gotoku, Act Final - What Is A King To A God?

December has come, and with it a peaceful season of goodwill. A life returns back to the world, as another one leaves it behind. A guardian rests, too does a rogue and a warrior, unto a new beginning and for a better future.

And so we come to the end, of Kaiju ga Gotoku. This was a really fun project to do, and I loved writing this series to which I hope you all enjoyed reading! I'll be uploading one-offs and commissions until a new project comes around, so fear not, I'll still be here.

I want to give special thanks to Philip91 for being my proofreader and kaiju konsultant. This project wouldn't have happened without his knowledge and guidance of the great kings of the monsters.

Godzilla and co. copyrighted to TOHO Co. Ltd, Gamera to Daiei Film Co. Ltd, and Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku to SEGA

December 12th, 2014

A kaiju's eyes would open for the first time in almost a month. A raw numbing pain filled his throat as he struggled to swallow, flinching back from the burning spasm in his neck.

"Good...good morning, sweetie."

His head turned left. He recognised a hospital room with its clinical wood-panelling and soft pale colours. He also recognised the octopus in an apron, her tears welling up as she clutched herself.

"Can you...can you hear me?"

"...when, h-happen?" His eye blinked showing spots on the lids. "Th-throat hot...h-hurt."

"No no, don't speak," she touched his hand, "you need to rest, you...h-hoh gods, Gonny. Ohh my sweet baby egg."

His face looked confused, ears flapping random at different times. His breathing whistled strange, but he recognised her still. When she stroked his cheek, he nuzzled against her tendrils before she hugged him gently, kissing his scaly head to dapple it with tears.

The doctor would come in, a kindly-looking wasp who checked him over and examined his responses. Gonkuro's muscles twitched, his voice low and raspy as they checked the deep line around his neck, a dark purple collar that twisted with each breath. They fed him antibiotics and a cocktail of vitamins to keep him healthy, along with the usual drip feeding him nourishment.

Outside the room, Kiryu and Sano looked on through the window. Tears trickled down their cheeks, Anguirou struggling not to bawl in front of his friend, who simply hugged his spiky body. An overwhelming relief emptied their lungs, as they waited respectfully until Oodaka had taken her leave.

On his first day awake, everything felt Tired. When his mother wasn't around, Gonkuro met Kiryu who sat beside him and held his hand, keeping him company with a smile. The junior struggled to speak, but he always listened as Gojirama kept him up to date, not mentioning all the incidents but rather just odd funny news he happened upon.

The second day he felt much better, his body recovering enough to be able to hold conversations as his mother arrived first, whilst Kiryu stood outside in waiting.

"I got you your favourite," Oodaka brought him some soft candy, "doctor said you were good enough to eat, if you want."

"Too sore," he flapped his ears sadly.

"Well I got it here fer you when you want it. How you feeling?"

"Okay...you okay?"

"I'm bearing, whut matters is you're alright." She stroked his hand. "If you keep restin' up, you'll soon be righ' back in yer new Dragon Quest game, how far'd you get?"

"Um...s-second dungeon?" he scratched his head with trickling cough. "Found two sidequests, pulled me away haha."

"Mmmm well you best be careful, bet folks out there been spoilin' thuh game so I'll keep you away from any stores."

"Hah, thanks...where's Varan-san?"

His mother turned cold, stiffening her head that creaked with bulbous ire. A sadness filled her eyes she could not hide as she shook her head.

"I got plenny things to tell you 'bout workin' with thuh Toho. But not today."

"I'm, I'm sorry-"

"No no, no. We don't hafta do this now, I just want you home, an' I just want you safe."

"I want...to stay in Toho."

"Gonny, no. Look I get yer tired-"

"They're friends," Gonkuro rasped, "they're nice to me-"

"Toho are NOT your friends. Do you not remember why you here, you remember whut happened?!"

"Wasn't their fault...Varan-san came an-"

"NO!" She jabbed a tentacle at him with bitter tears. "HE caused this, he's thuh damn reason you in hospital!"

"You hate him?"

"Damn right I do, you can't trust them gotdamn yakuza they almost killed you!"

"You hate him because...dad died, with them?"

Her blood ran colder with a trembling gasp. She pulled back clutching herself as Obara's head drooped.

"I wuz hopin' you...wouldn't remember whut Sanjin said."

"He told me," gasped Gonkuro, "didn't say it was dad...but has to be. Why else you hate him?"

"God...damn it Gonny." His mother clutched her head. "I don't wanna talk about this, you just-...I didn't know if'n you were gonna wake up, I-i almost lost you because of thuh f-f-f-F-FUCKING YAKUZA!"

"I'm sorry," he hissed softly, "it's my life...dad made a choice, s-so did Varan-san...my choice too."

"You...y-you..." Oodaka tightened her tentacles in curling fists, "why do you f-fucking Obaras gotta do this to me?! You can't just be happy with yer life, just livin' like normal creatures, living like I do?!"

"I...can't leave Varan-san."

"Excuse me."

Kiryu opened the door as Gonkuro gasped, Oodaka glowering through her tendrils with a venomous seethe.

"Get. Thuh fuck out."

"I have a solution," he raised his hands, "Iknow you don't want your son to remain in the Toho, and for what it's worth...I agree with you."


"What?" Obara whimpered. "Kiryu...f-firing me?"

"No, not at all." Goji offered a small blue card. "While you were out, I learned a company was in need of new programmers. Not affiliated with us, just something I heard on the grapevine, and I thought to myself...you're so much brighter and more gifted with computers than any of us, that staying with the Toho would squander your gift."

"That ain't the only reason," snarled Oodaka getting up, "you bastards almost kill my family, now you think this gon' be a peace offering?"

"Like your son said, it's his life. With respect, Obara-san, he is an adult, and if he chooses to stay with us then I won't argue. But as the new patriarch of the Obakimura Family, I would strongly recommend that he take this job where his skills can be put to much better use."

"So that's it huh? Wash yer hands of all responsibility, knowing you fucked up?"

"Would you rather I force him to stay?" Goji shook his head. "We love Obara-kun, he's always been a joy in our office, he's kind, he's courteous, everywhere he goes he brings a smile. If he chooses to leave then I'll miss him, but I respect him as a friend that much, that it would be selfish of me to keep him, when he can do so much better out in the city."

"Damn right he can do better than you," Oodaka jabbed his white suit, "his father wuz barely involved with you lot, an' he died out on a riverbank alone cuz of his stupid-ass dipshit friend, YOUR boss who couldn't keep a damn promise-"

A fist slammed on the bedside table. They looked to Gonkuro, sitting up with a tearful look. He wanted to scream, but his throat trembled with anguish at the very thought as he took a deep breath.

"You want...me to leave?" he asked Kiryu.

"I don't," the patriarch shook his head, "but I know you have to."

"Why? Don't feel guilty, I...love working with you."

"Because you're better than us. I'm not talking about yakuza, I'm talking about business. That job waiting for you is the best chance you could ever have, and it would be the worst thing for me to not tell you about it, and not encourage you to be the greatest you could possibly be. You understand, Obara-kun?"

"I...I do." The junior flipped the card in his hands. "Can't believe, they ask me?"

"Because of your Paw Patrol app," Kiryu smiled, "they saw you at the trade fair and, a friend of mine actually works with them, so we got to talking and, well, I was convinced you'd be a perfect fit."


"You don't have to decide now. They know what happened and they're willing to wait as long as they can, the job stays open. Call it a favour, as thanks for everything."

"...okay. Thank you."

"I have...one more thing." He pulled out an old photograph, putting it face down on the table. "I found this in...Varan-san's belongings, I feel it best that...both of you, should have it."

Kiryu stepped out quietly, Obara the younger bowing with a sad grin, whilst Obara the elder turned away to walk back over to her son.

"That legit?" she squinted at the company card. "That's a mighty big company if it's real."

"Kiryu would...n-never lie to me."

"You sure about that?"

"It...a dream to...work there."

"You always had a real head fer computers. Listen, Gonny, I don't wanna fight with you, not today. I know I can't stop you but...I just want you to be safe."

"I know." He took her tentacle. "Let me...think, okay?"

"Alrigh'." She kissed him with a hug. "So uh...issat a Trollaroid?"

"Don't know," Gonkuro picked up the photo, "Varan-san's?"

"That's mighty retro, not seen them since you were little, whut'd he give you that fer-..."

Her heart suddenly clenched. Tears burst forth from her eyes as she clutched her mouth, then hugged her son tighter. Gonkuro was shocked, seeing a younger, bare-chested Sanjin Obakimura, giving the devil horns on a balmy beach in Okinawa. Standing next to him was a familiar kaiju, with large ears, a single horn, and a snub-nosed canine face giving the finger.


Obara's son almost choked on his breath, feeling his mother tremble with a gentle sob. Despite all the bitterness in her heart, all the regrets and hatred she held for the Toho, she couldn't stop herself smiling at the sight of her husband's face. Oodaka hugged her son, saying nothing more as he nuzzled her back, his own tears dripping down on his father's face.

December 14th was a much happier day, and not just because of Obara's recovery. After Kiryu had left the hospital, he took a taxi back to Kaijurocho and made his way straight for the Airenas Temple. The streets were bursting with the joy of Icthymas, a festival not usually practiced by the Shintoist population, but its joyful message and end-of-year well wishing was gladly appropriated.

Banners draped across the streets wished everyone a good December, the barricades, blood and bodies having all been swept free from the pavements as but a dark memory. The crater in the front of the Millennium tower had been repaved, with not a single golden shard left of its former inhabitants.

Plastic conifers draped in baubles stood on every corner, reused from last year and the year before that, but always welcome even at the gates of the Hindu temple. With a present in hand, Kiryu heard the sounds of celebration from inside as he entered beneath paper chains and tinsel wraps.


Waving him over unnecessarily, the tallest monk greeted him with a bow and a handshake from his long, long sari spilling over the floor.

"Hope I'm not too late," said the patriarch.

"Naaaah yer good," said Taijin Saurose, "c'mon, we were just about to have cake."

"Is it Icthymas cake?"

"Well yeah, you know Shoji-sama loves it!"

The leopard-spotted seahorse kaiju led him through the temple, as children ran around in plastic crowns trying to tag each other. Scurrying over the adults' tails, the sound of cackling infants brought a warmth to them both as they ascended the stairs.

"How's things?" Goji asked.

"Pretty good," Taijin smirked, "been talkin' a lot with Biyante-sama, helping me deal with...Aosu-chan."

"That's good! Have you talked with Myobi-chan at all?"

"Oh yeah he uh, we talk sometimes. Not often cuz of our schedules though, mostly I hang out with boss-uh, Sano-san over at the arcade."

"You go in your robes?" Kiryu chuckled.

"Well yeah it feels great," Saurose swished them behind him, "this stuff's super breezy but hugs you just right, never wanna wear jackets again."

"Hah, I'm glad you're doing well."

Entering Shoji's private quarters, the sound of a singalong filled the halls as Saurose bowed and let him through before returning to his duties. Crowded round the table was Leonardo Shoji, Roberto Danzaki, Ukyo Kuribayante and of course the birthday moth herself who clapped in joy at her not-Icthymas birthday cake. Mosurakoto squealed even more when Kiryu's bass tones joined in the song, providing a rich undertone as they finished.

"Happy birthday mom!"

"Happy birthday, Shoji-sama."

"Feliz cumpleaños!"

"OHOHOHO thank you dears!" she hugged everyone with one arm each. "Oh this is all just lovely!"

"And many merry returns," Kiryu added, "today we honour another year in the life of our dear friend, the great and noble Brahmana of Kaijurocho-"

"PRESENTS!" Shoji reached out with her hands. "Come on come on, don't keep a lady waiting!"

"You really should learn by now," said Leo beside Goji.

"I just wanted to make a speech," he sighed deflated.

"And every year you try, she gets all grabby for the presents, you know what she's like with shiny things Kiryu-san!"

"She's not THAT ditzy, she's your mother."

"OOOOH A LAMP!" she gasped at a cherry blossom stand. "THANK you Biyante-sama, oh my gosh it's beautiful!"

"It has settings for winter months too," said the scientist, "helps to stave off seasonal sadness, and a dimmer function for intensity."

"That's incredible, wherever did you find this?!"

"I made it, with the help of a friend."

"Oh my goodness, thank you so much!" she hugged Ukyo tight. "Alright, next pressie!"

"ME, ME!" Roberto thrust out his gifts. "I got them special from America, an-"


She slapped him away before wrenching open her presents, a look from Kiryu making her son grin wide. He sighed rolling his eyes as Mosurakoto revealed Danzaki's gifts; a perfume that smelt like the islands; a gorgeous black nightie; a bottle of rich Monsterey wine; and a combination wallet-talisman that hung round the neck.

"Ohhhh goodness, such...such pricey gifts!"

"The wine and nightie are American," Roberto grinned, "the perfume and wallet I got local, they looked pretty snazzy."

"You do know I always wear a sari, yes?"

"Yeah but, you know, a girl can't feel pretty once in a while?"

"I always feel pretty, Rob-chan." She pulled him close for a kiss. "Thank you, these are just lovely."

"Heh, de nada."

He knew these were never going to be used, except for perhaps the perfume. One sniff made Shoji sigh, a strong shiver on realising it was exactly the same perfume she wore when they first dated. He raised his brow with a lick of his beak when she looked at him, causing her to blush.

"I hope it's alright," Kiryu offered his gift, "happy birthday, Shoji-sama."

"Awww Kiryu you know I love any gift from you."

"How's Obara-kun?" asked Roberto. "He doing alright?"

"He's recovering," Goji nodded, "he has a long way to go, but he's awake and he's coherent."

"Hooo, bueno, bueno."

"Ohhhh, Kiryu! I...I-i..."

Shoji gasped at a small red ring in a box, a white pressed chrysanthemum inside its jewel.

"What a lovely little thing!"

"Are you asking her hand in marriage?" Ukyo scoffed with creeping snout.

"Hell yeah welcome to the family dad!" Leo nudged him.

"HEY HE'S NOT-UH!" Roberto choked smoothing down his suit. "I-i mean, he's not, come on Kiryu you got a boyfriend already!"

"It's just a gift," Goji glowered, "why do you all have to make a big deal out of it?"

"Because it's funny," Kuribayante smirked.

"It's beautiful," the high priestess slipped it on, "thank you Kiryu, I love it, you...wait, this is the flower you planted."

"Mmhmm," Kiryu nodded, "I had the ring made just for you, it's nothing fancy but-"

"Oh no I love it! That's so thoughtful of you dear, but, why is it red?"

"Well...it's your favourite Kamen Spider, right?"

She snorted with a guffaw and pulled him close with a kiss, Roberto struggling to hide his jealousy whilst Goji gave a simpering grin. Neither of them however stood against her son, who offered his own gift and brought her the purest rapture. A long rectangular box, with spandex-suited rangers in various poses.


"Happy birthday mom!" he clapped his hands. "You like it?"

"This is just, OHHH! OHHH you beautiful little boy this is the BEST!"

"What is it?" Kiryu leaned over. "A make-up box?"

"Not just ANY make-up box!" crowed the younger moth. "A Kamen Spider Shining Maker Box! Searched all over the city for it, and I JUST managed to get the last one!"

"I love it, I love it OHOHOHHH I LOVE IT!" Shoji squealed shaking her hands. "This is the actual make-up set they use for the series, OH I can't wait to try it on thank you so much sweetie!"

She hugged him in a big squeeze, Leonardo smiling at both adult males who sunk their shoulders in defeat. Biyante did not care, instead busying themself with cutting the cake and handing out slices with each tentacle. No one noticed that Shoji got the biggest slice as they all tucked in, savouring the rich sugars of vanilla and mint cream.

They bantered about local news and even wrote a card for Obara, signing all their names for Kiryu to give him the next visit. Shoji dabbled with her new make-up and struck a few poses, dazzling her friends before setting up the lamp in her room. Sometimes children ran past the door, crying happy birthday as the priestess waved back, the rest of the temple having their own cakes shared out in celebration.

Songs would play on MP3 docks as creatures danced through the afternoon, with party games such as hide-and-seek, musical statues and some old-fashioned oicho-kabu which was similar to baccarat. At least two children got sick from excitement, and Saurose was on cue to help corral the little ones to safety.

Once the festivities started to wind down, the group split up into different corners to relax and finish their food. Roberto found himself gravitating towards Kiryu despite his concerns, a firm nod to each other as the pterosaur sat.

"Hey. Great party huh?"

"It is," Kiryu nodded, "how's your new job?"

"Oh it's working out great! My contacts in America really help with it too! How's your family?"

"Doing fine. Sano makes a good lieutenant, he manages to keep cool during important stuff, he matured a lot this past year."

"Heh, wouldn't expect it." Roberto drank up some fruit juice. "Did uh, did my offering to Obara-kun help?"

"I left it with him," Goji sipped his cup, "we'll see, but I appreciate it."

"Just the least I could do, after everything, you know. Hope my former family's doing okay."

"I wouldn't know, I'm just glad you left with dignity."

"Si. I'm sorry, Kiryu. I know what I did was bad, even if it was for a good reason."

"You had to have put a lot of faith in Rai for that," Kiryu finished his drink, "I don't want to stop being your friend, we've been together too long for that, but you wounded me, Danzaki. It's going to take a long time for that to heal."

"Claro. You want me to do anything, I'll do it for you."

"Heh...within reason."

They nodded to each other, Danzaki taking his leave to schmooze through the crowd and see if he could find Shoji. Amongst the gaggle of children and acolytes, he saw Leonardo tapping on his phone in the corner.

"Hey chavo!" he swaggered over to the moth. "Where's your mama?"

"She's upstairs with Biyante-sama," Leo thumbed behind, "thanks for coming by, this party's great huh?"

"Sure is, so why you on your phone?"

"Oh just talking with my boss, guess I'm getting a job in politics now haha."

"Damn, still can't believe it," Danzaki shook his head, "never thought the son of a priestess would end up working for council."

"Or, you know, the son of a yakuza?"

The pterosaur tightened his beak, frozen stiff as the young moth smirked from his mandibles.

"What, you thought I didn't know?"

"Uh...what DO you know?"

"That you're my dad and you stayed away to keep my mom safe, and you been propping up my life with alimony."

"Ahhh...si." Roberto sighed sitting down. "Well uh...it's nice to meet you proper...hijo."

"Heh, papi." Leo bowed putting away his phone. "I overheard you and mom talking about stuff, sometime back."

"Mmmm...I'm sorry. I know it might look shitty of me to not be there for you."

"Nah, I'm cool with it. I have mom, I have the temple, it's like one big family, so what if I don't have a dad every day? I mean, lots of kids round here don't even have parents, so you know, can't complain."

"So you don't hate me?" Danzaki shook his head. "I don't mind if you wanna get anything off your chest."

"Nope, s'all good," Shoji grinned, "you helped pay my way into college, you coulda just took off without a yen but you didn't. So thanks, for making stuff easier."

"Heh, ni modo." The father patted his son's fluffy head. "So I heard you got in a riot last month."

"Uhh, it was a protest thanks, I didn't throw no punches."

"Hah, your mama told me, for what it's worth I'm really proud of you. And don't worry, I'm never coming into your life to mess up your path."

"I know you won't, cuz mom will kill you." The teenager waggled his antennae. "You might be a gangster, but my mom's got a direct hotline to Sarasvati, and that lute she's got has killed bigger guys than you."

"HAH, hahah, yeaaah she really could mess me up," Roberto leaned back with a smile, "so let's catch up a little bit, since you know what's what between you and me."

"Alright, sure! First question, why the hell'd you name me Leonardo?"

"What, it's a good name!"

"You tell me it's a good name after you get two-hundred-and-fifty-seven pizza boxes in high school on your desk, and YES I counted!"

"No mames! Who the fuck does that?! Tell me their names I'll beat their asses!"

"It's YOUR fault, you called me Leonardo!"


"Do you SEE a mane on me, do lions have antennae!?"

"AAARGH vete a la mierda!"

As the two laughed in a mock-serious argument, upstairs a different conversation was playing between the High Priestess and the former scientist. Higher and higher they climbed towards the great rooftop garden, that glorious cherry blossom tree crowning the temple with heavenly branches amongst a diorama of blessed flowers.

"How is the work over at R.O.S.E?" Shoji asked.

"Splendid," Ukyo nodded, "we're delegating it back to public trade, after Resco was shut down in the wake of Jinuchu's dismantling."

"That's good! Are you going back to your old job?"

"No." They bent down towards a rosebed. "I've decided Luzek-san should take over my position."

"But...I thought you loved your job. You're one of the most brilliant minds this country has."

"I found a better place to be." Ukyo stroked over the petals. "The work you and I have done in helping the destitute...it's impossible to ignore."

"I...I see," the moth sat beside, "you have done tremendous work in helping those out of slavery, the world will never know what you did but trust me, we do."

"Thank you." They slipped two tentacles round Shoji's back. "You've been a great support...I am sorry about Ojha-san."

"It's...no. You were right. I hate that you were right but...I must accept this."

They sat together in silence, a small prayer for her former friend whilst Ukyo kept stroking the flowers.

"Even though the Jinuchu are gone," they continued, "there will still be others needing help. Slavery does not stop with Gihei, and I've dug my tentacles too deep to just leave them, otherwise what would that make me? No better than the government who abandons their constituents for a higher wage bracket."

"I appreciate that," Shoji patted them, "in fact...the past month I was considering if...if you-"

"Hmm?" Ukyo turned with rustling leaves.

"Would you...consider joining me, at the temple? Perhaps, in future you could even become...Brahmana, alongside me."

"Hah...you're funny." Kuribayante waved her off. "Your son told me you had a wicked sense of humour."

"I'm serious! You've done so much for us and those who became my acolytes! You understand the darkness beneath this city, but you never closed your heart to those in need."

"I don't have such strong faith in your religion."

"That's why you'd make a good Brahmana!" Shoji patted their arm. "Ojha-san was blinded by that faith, he poisoned it, the point of having two Brahmanas is to balance each other, so one does not usurp the other which...I and Ojha have both failed."

"And you think an atheist would be accepted?"

"If you worked at it, and showed your dedication not to Sarasvati, but to the city of Kaijurocho, then yes. I'll smooth it over with the gods."

"If they're even real," Ukyo rolled their eyes, "I would feel better in my current role as leader of the Snake Rose Triad, or whatever Myobi wants to call it, I never asked for that name."

"Heehee, I hardly use it myself, just always getting 'flowers' from you was more than enough."

"Well, rest assured, you will see more of me for as long as the destitute remain. Once they are all saved...perhaps, I will consider joining you, at the temple."

"Thank you." The priestess bowed. "You're a good friend, Biyante-sama."

"As are you...Shoji-sama."

After the party was over, Gojirama Kiryu departed with a farewell to the High Priestess. Today was the busiest day he had in months, hot footing it over to Zennyo Avenue where a small crowd was bustling close to East Taihei Boulevard. Somewhere between the K-O Sports building and the drug store, a Korean diner now stood with curious onlookers waiting in line.

Gojirama stepped up to the back of the queue, noticing the sign translated as OREBIA with a steaming bowl of bibimbap transforming its scent into an oasis. The smell of rich vegetable stew was tantalising to his nostrils, his stomach growling as ten minutes passed before he could get in.

"SIT OVER THERE PLEASE!" a boy cried handing out tickets. "NO PUSHING, EVERYONE GETS A TURN!"

"Hey, Jeon-kun!"

"OH, KIRYU-SAN!" The young scaled foal waved from the door. "You made it!"

"I didn't know you were getting a job."

"Heehee, yeah, Yong-ga say he pay me if I hand out numbers."

"Well good for you!"


"I'LL WAIT FOR MY NUMBER!" he shouted back.

When his turn arrived, Gojirama stepped inside to a small place of only four tables, and a long rectangular bar with several stools where the kitchen sat behind. Out in front with a chef outfit, Yong-ga Sa-Rhee stood waving him over.


"I promised, right?" Goji chuckled. "Wow, first day and you're packed already?"

"YEAH, Jeon help with numbers, hand out pamphlets, even out front of Kanrai, really show 'em up!"

"Hah, already being a rival."

"Hahaaa yeah, snooty Kanrai fucks don't stand a CHANCE, what you want?!"

"Mmmm, well I said I want more of your bibimbap so."


Scurrying back through the fog of heat, Yong-ga raced all over the medium-sized kitchen between workers that barked Korean at each other. Vegetables were fried, along with eggs and rice and noodles for all the classic foods of his homeland. Kaiju lined up in seats scarfing down the authentic delicious plates, with special consideration given for allergies as noted on the wall.

"So you're the famous Kiryu-kun." A silver mantis smiled beside the saurian. "I think I remember you, the hospital back in November?"

"Yeah, I was...ohhh, you're the nurse," Goji smiled, "I see you took up Sa-Rhee's offer for food."

"Haha, what can I say, I love a guy who knows how to cook. Makihara, by the way."

"Kiryu," they shook hands, "enjoying your day?"

"Oh yeah, especially the feast."

"ONE, bibimbap!" Yong-ga proudly offered a bowl. "Enjoy Kiryu-san!"

"Thank you," Gojirama started eating, "mmmmh, ohhh, gods this is delicious!"

"Hah, thanks! Oh yeah, this Makihara, he help me at hospital!"

"We've met," the mantis wigged his antennae, "I'll take another bowl then I gotta leave."

"Awww, okay," the chef grinned, "same one?"

"You know it handsome."

Rushing back to the kitchen, another delivery was made for a bowl of veggie stew, that Makihara quickly slurped up. It was a struggle to pace himself, something Kiryu also suffered from how delectable the dish was.

"Mmmmph, damn," Goji suppressed a burp, "ohh, thank you."

"Yeah same," the bug giggled, "that's definitely bringing me back next week."

"Why not next day?!" Yong-ga smirked.

"I still got my shifts Yong-kun, you know that. But I'm still up for that date if you want."

"Oh yeah yeah, sure, you come at eight?!"

"You know it." The mantis slipped him a yen bill. "Later Yong-kun, nice to see ya too Kiryu-san."

"Same to you, Makihara-san."

The reptiles watched him leave, a smile creeping over Kiryu's face when he looked back to the chef.

"Yong-kun, huh?"

"Ehhh, w-well," Sa-Rhee rubbed his sleeve, "he nice, we talk a lot of things."

"I hope your date goes well, he seems a nice guy."

"Yeah...so, what you do today Kiryu?"

"Shoji-sama's birthday at the temple, went down great! I tried not to fill up on cake before coming here, but it was hard."

"Yeah, don't wanna miss my food!" the stegosaur rubbed his hands. "Uncle Byul-ga come down later when he free."

"He must be very proud of you, finally starting a business, getting out there."

"I hope so," Yong-ga took Kiryu's hand. "Thank you, you help me so much."

"I just dealt with the property," Goji waved his claw, "the real star here is you getting all those seats filled, you must've done a great job advertising."

"I got lots of friends in Little Asia...and outside it too."

"That reminds me, Obara finally woke up."

"WHAH!?" Sa-Rhee clapped his head. "NO SHIT, really?! AWW fuck so good, so happy he okay!"

"He'll be up and about soon, he just needs a lot of rest."

"You bring him down here, I give him a bowl for free! OOH, and I got new recipe!"

He slapped down a flyer showing a rather unusual kimchi recipe, that blended American and Japanese ingredients into a wild fusion piece inside a bowl shaped like half a soccer ball.

"I call it Kama-kimchi! For uncle Jim, you know, make sure we remember him."

"Hah...wow," Kiryu smirked, "that looks delicious! I'm sure he would have loved it, is Sa-Rhee-san okay with this?"

"Yeah yeah, I told him, he said was his favourite dish ever!"

Well, I'm pretty starving still so, how about a kama-kimchi?"

"Fuck YEAH!"

Back into the kitchen he went as his favourite customer leaned back. Jeon kept working the door, handing numbers to folks and thanking them as they left, whilst Kiryu sampled Yong-ga's latest creation. It was a mouth-watering mixture, American meats with Japanese vegetables forming a wondrous spicy blend.

After enjoying his long-awaited lunch, Gojirama took a long walk round the district to see if anyone needed help. The post-riot December felt strangely at ease, as if all the tension in every creature had emptied from their spirits, where smiles filled the streets.

Goji noted a lot more creatures waving to each other, friendships formed from the riots, and business owners conversing more with ideas to exchange. As he walked round the Millennium Tower, he stopped before one of the jumbovision screens noticing a familiar face. A hairy slug with huge red eyes, now at a fancy desk wearing a powdered suit.

"Councillor Royama inducted his first week in office today with a new bill, allocating funds from the once-planned hotel-casino on Park Boulevard, to be put instead towards Kaijurocho's infrastructure. Formerly the head of Kaijuro Waste Management, Royama's landslide was a shocking upset for his opponent, the upswing starting since before his well-documented protest, against disgraced former chief of police, Baruti Gondo.

"The hotel-casino is instead to be converted into sheltered housing, for vulnerable members of society in collaboration with the Airenas Temple. When asked why the sudden decision, he answered 'my loyal number two is very attuned to the city's needs, and he helps me understand that there's more to life's needs than just cleaning our chutes. We also have to clean our souls by helping those left on the wayside of life, rather than spend more on the already-wealthy'."

"In other news," the scene changed to a college dorm, "a professor of McNess University has been arrested for perpetrating hate crimes, as well as possible connections to the Jinuchu Clan. With the death of its two leaders, the Jinuchu's records were exposed as dozens of companies were shut down into administration, some of which were even government contracts."

Kiryu smiled as he checked his smartphone, McNess now trending with pictures of a turquoise dragon being led away by police with a severe look. He recognised one of the officers, a long-toothed sea monster as he pulled up his contacts and quickly tapped away.

Goji - Hey, you seen the news about McNess?

Gordo - OH! Daija arrested!

Goji - Yep, they didn't say on the news, but social media spilled it.

Gordo - Haha! Good! Glad he arrested, I hope he jailed!

Goji - Are you doing alright?

Gordo - Classes stopped, big protest, students found he vasher.

Goji - Huh. I wonder who told them.

Gordo - Don't know! Dorm head say that dean, folder sent to him, told everything bad about Daija, that he even murder someone!

Goji - Murder? Who?

Gordo - In Okinawa, dorm head recognised photo of town.

Goji - Damn. Glad he'll be arrested either way, the news said it was his connections to Jinuchu being exposed.

Gordo - Long as he jailed! See you later Goji!

Goji - Stay safe Gordon. Anything comes up, call me.

His smile grew as he tented his fingers, allowing himself a moment of vengeful satisfaction at Daija's career being publicly destroyed. Even if the statute of limitations had run out on his past crimes, he knew from what Shisahara had told him that there was more than one way to cripple a creature's standing outside of courts.

To celebrate this personal victory, he went to the Kaijuro Mall and sat in at the cafe, a raised interior part of the ground floor where he ordered some tea and cookies.

"OH, Kiryu-san!" a gecko waved from another table. "Hello!"

"Hey, Yamamori-san," he waved back, "how you doing?"

"Much better thank you," he sipped his coffee, "so glad everything's calmed down."

"Yeah, same. I don't normally come here, but I wanted to check on some folks."

"Oh, your family own this place too?"

"No, I'm just friends with the manager."

"Heeeere ya go, Kiryu-san!"

A black sharp-winged creature stood offering a tray of cookies and tea. Mutokami smiled in her apron, the tall looming lady folding her angular wings behind her.

"Jan's not here today, but he left me a note saying to thank you again."

"No problem, Mutokami-san," Kiryu took a sip, "mmmm, damn that's nice."

"I don't do tea often, most folks have coffee here so it's a nice change."

"You got a knack with hot drinks, no wonder you manage this place so well."

"I got a way with nuclear heating," she rubbed her hands, "you a friend of his too?"

"Well, yes," said Yamamori nearby, "I-i'm acquainted with your husband, he paid damages to my office."

"Ohhh yeah he told me that," the manager bowed, "sorry, he gets really protective about me, it's sweet but it gets him into more trouble than I'm worth."

"That's not true," Goji nibbled a cookie, "you're worth more than everyone in the world to him, and I respect that passion."

"HAH, damn," she blushed rubbing her jaw, "he does say stuff like that, you two would get on well."

"If he's ever in the area I wouldn't mind a drink with him, or some darts."

"Sure, I'll let him know! Enjoy your break, Kiryu-san, Yamamori-san!"

After finishing his snack, Goji made his way back to the office where he was welcomed by Sano and a few other members of the family. The Azumi branch on Tenkaiju was emptier than usual, with Obara's desk still vacant, and a picture of Sanjin Obakimura proudly displayed on the wall, in his embarrassing island shirt.

"Kiryu-san," a kappa bowed, "I have the Mesokoto reports."

"Good," he took them and read mid-walk, "how's the management?"

"Settling in well, we've finally claimed half of Shachifuku Street so our cabaret revenue is up twenty-three percent."

"Nice, welcome the new folks in with some Black Claw Sake, one bottle each."

"Yes, Kiryu-san!"

The kappa hurried off to do just that, as Goji sat at his desk whilst Anguirou conversed with a crab.

"So we got the Yoshikami, and the Noriwani deets-"

"And their deeds are right here," the crustacean flipped a folder.

"Alright sick, file those away, and we'll finish off the KU-RO-FINE insurance."

"Yes Sano-san."

"Yo Goji," the spikeback turned to Kiryu, "not seeing your boyfriend today?"

"He's studying at university," the patriarch looked up from his accounts, "you heard they arrested that professor?"

"Oh shit, that folder worked?!"

"Yep, Jinuchu connections. Just as Varan-san said, thanks for the help keeping a lid on it."

"Gods, I still can't believe that fucking vasher was threatening McCartin, fucking asshole I hope he gets prison."

"I hope so too."

"So why'd he do it?" Sano leaned close. "What WAS the big plan Jinuchu were doing?"

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me," Goji shook his head, "plus it's too sensitive to speak about openly, Shisa-sama's orders."

"Hmm...alright," Sano put up his hands, "once you keep your mouth shut there's no prying it open. So how's Obara doing?"

"Talking more," Kiryu smiled, "hopefully in a week or two he'll be back on his feet."

"I can't wait to see him back, gods I miss him just going off about nerd shit. I even miss Varan-san giving me shit about Virtua Fighter."

"Don't worry Anguirou," the patriarch rubbed him, "I'll mock your favourite videogame."

"Hah, thanks Goji." The phone rang beside him. "Hello, Azumi Finance how can I-...OH, Shisa-sama, how are you?! Yeah Kiryu-san's here, I'll put him on."

He offered the phone as Gojirama took it, hearing the smooth eloquence of the Fourth Chair.

"Kiryu, good afternoon. I hope I am not disturbing, I just wanted to check on how you're settling in as patriarch."

"It's going great," Kiryu nodded, "we managed to buy out half of Shachifuku Street, cabaret revenue's up twenty-three percent."

"Fantastic, that is wonderful news to hear!"

"Yeah, turns out a lot of folks saw what we were doing, chasing out all the Jinuchu and keeping their businesses safe. Word gets around from our clients, and the employees who got chased out said they still got full benefits thanks to our intervention so creatures think, maybe we're not so bad after all."

"Surprisingly that was Itsumi's idea," said Shisahara, "he conferred to me before heading out it was best to allure the low-level workers with financial security, and the implication that they are not complicit in Jinuchu's work."

"Well course not," Goji scribbled some numbers, "I wouldn't say the office worker in the seventh cubicle of a travel agency is liable to what we do either."

"Precisely. I will let you get back to work, I look forward to our next meet on your new financial sweep."

"Same, take care Shisa-sama."

Hanging up, he gave a thumbs up to Sano who did the same, before they filed businesses and skimmed a little off the top for materials and upkeep. Kiryu hummed a little song, his thoughts drifting to Gordon as his tail wagged behind him. Sano however stared over to Gonkuro's empty desk, a brief sigh creeping from his snout, his eyes roving up towards the old grizzly face of Sanjin Obakimura. He gave a stern salute to the picture, and went back to his duties.

On December 15th, far away in Yokohama, Gen and Meiji stared each other down in the Eight Wonders arena. The crowd went dark, the lights burned upon their heads, as they braced their staffs for a thrilling, epic confrontation.

"You ready bro?!" shouted Ganbe.

"I sure am!" cried Garonba. "Let's see how fast we can finish this!"



"HEY!" Lisa Clover shouted. "STOP FUCKING AROUND AND GET TO IT!"


They both saluted and proceeded to mop the floor with each other, slapping down their wet brushes and scouring the canvas of blood, sweat and tears in a hefty drag of their poles. Taking one side each they went back and forth, slathering water and wiping away, before stepping off to clean around the base and perimeter of the ringside seats.

"I found a candy bar!" Gen dragged up a wrapper. "What you got?"

"CONDOM!" Meiji pulled up a square. "STILL IN A WRAPPER!"

"DAMMIT you win again, what the fuck?!"

"I'm always good at treasure hunting Gen, I learned the tech from that manga, Shave And A Haircut!"

"What the hell's that about?" sneered the bird. "A rogue barber?"

"Nah it's like," Meiji leaned on a seat, "so they're pirates, and they're looking for like two Bits, that fit together so they find the big treasure."

"Okayyy but, why the name?"

"I dunno."

They kept on scrubbing away, the lack of bodies giving an odd silence to amplify the squishing mop, the splashing water over dirt and their searching for more interesting debris. Points were allocated for the more valuable or odd the find, a wallet being the rarest, but also a chance of a good deed to return it to the owner.

Chaperoned by Lisa, they switched over to brooms to dust the floor and gather the dirt. Then they worked up through the aisles, cleaning chairs and tables as they went, taking breaks to either change buckets or catch their breath.

"How's it going boys?" Konnor Kingston loomed above them. "Your arms fall off yet?"

"Pleaaaase, your omnipotence, have mercyyyy," Gen exaggerated.

"After you've scrubbed all the floors in my land, THEN we can talk about mercy."

His smile was half-joking, large pearly whites that made them both laugh nervously before Gen asked:

"Hey uh King-san, how long 'til I get back in the ring?"

"Until the new year," the gorilla crossed his arms, "new year, new you, or so they say."

"Am I still on your team, King-san?!" cried the beetle.

"Yep, sure are. We're getting a new member in today, so be nice."

"Yes, sir!"

They both saluted and finished up their work, heading to their bunks in separate quarters to lay down and rest their weary arms. Ganbe slumped down in the bed looking over to the chess table where Luzek had once played, a guilt still pulling at his heart as he still received looks from the other competitors.

"Hey champ," the large-handed Orga came waddling over, "good hustle out there, you showed that floor what's up."

"Hah, thanks," he waved weakly, "I don't mind honestly, just glad to still be here even if I don't deserve to be."

"Well there's still a lotta folks who're angry but, you showed you could turn against your masters in that big fight. Plus you drove out all the Jinuchu so hey, you know!"

"Thanks Orga-san. You don't have to be nice to me."

"Ehh, someone has to," she crunched down on the bed causing Gen to bounce, "I can't hold grudges for long, I know you were in a hard spot, it don't excuse what you did but I'm not gonna stay mad."

"No one would blame you if you did," the bird sighed, "I'm just glad I'm done with them, I don't care if I get kicked out of here or not, nothing's worse than working for Jinuchu."


Ganbe shot up with a start hearing Zillatopoulos march in, giving a salute as Orga waved to him. The monster iguana twirled his bat before pointing it in Gen's direction, motioning him to follow as they walked into Saureno's former office.

The old fishing flags were still kept on the wall, as well as the belts and trophies but the calligraphy banner had been changed to a katakana rendition of the new owner's name. A TV was playing in the corner, a baseball game rambling in English that the iguana sat in front of.

"Got stuff, you clean," said Junior patting the table, "this, that, my clothes."

"Yes Zilla-san," Gen bowed pulling out a cloth, "howsit going?"

"Good! New fighter coming, need new, Luzek now gone!"

"Yeah I'm glad he got to go back to his job...can't believe we stopped a fucking nuke."

"Hah, yeah," Niko sat down with his bat, "you do good, kicking yakuza out. Still lot to go, before you friend again."

"I know," Ganbe started buffing the table, "anything you want, no matter what, I'll do it as long as I get to be here."


Cleaning the table fully, the bird went over to the dresser and wiped it down to a sheen before moving to the pictures. Photographs of Saureno in his prime stared back at him, the saurian with beady eyes bouncing back on his tail like a kangaroo to slam both feet in a rhino's face. A diorama of pain swept out before him as every single face got crushed, by a brutal pair of scaled feet.

"Damn this dude looked like he wrecked shit in the day," Gen sighed, "did he ever beat King-san?"

"Nope," Zilla chuckled looking back, "King-san never lose!"

"Jeez, he musta fucked up EVERYONE on the streets during that big riot."




He turned down the volume and swivelled round to find Konnor at the office door, Gen saluting stiff as a pole at the heaving mountain of muscle.

"//Got the new fighter here and ready for ya.//"

"//Aww yeah, lessee who it i-...whut?!//"

"//Hey there, I was ju-...Niko?//"


Shooting up with surprise, Junior saw the girl who had stolen his heart now stepping through the door. Dressed in her fishing overalls, the copper-scaled komodo grinned, as her fingers rubbed down the elegantly-carved shaft of her harpoon.

"//Huh! Aduutal ukuxtalakan, your second job I presume?//"

"//Uhhh, y-yeah,//" he bowed with a blush, "//sorry I didn't uh, t-tell you, I dunno if it wuz your kinda thing.//"

"//I wanted a place to test my skill,//" she walked in with a nod to Gen, "//heard a rumour there was an underground ring.//"

"//So this is the girl you mentioned,//" Konnor chuckled giving a wink, "//Lisa said she whupped her ass six ways from Sunday, lucky you she gets to be on your team.//"

"//Wait, team?//" Komai squinted. "//So it's not a free-for-all?//"

"//Nah nah,//" Zilla shook his head, "//Team Kong versus Team Godzilla. Bets're made on who wins fer each fight.//"

"//A team leader as well. Damn aren't you full of surprises.//"

"Ganbe," the ape snapped his fingers, "get the entry form out the drawer."

"Uhh, yes sir," the bird bowed, "nice to see ya again ma'am!"

"Hmhm, qagaasakuq," she nodded, "Yokohama's a lot smaller than I thought."

Gen offered the entry form as Zillatopoulos officiated, struggling to hide his giddyness when they touched each other's hands. Konnor said nothing, but for the first time since they met, Ganbe saw a genuine smile drift over the gorilla's face.

"//Alriiiight sick that's you done!//" Niko shook hands with her. "//Can't wait to see you kick ass on thuh floor!//"

"//Hah, you don't have to,//" she suddenly kissed his cheek, "//txin igamagal taligang ii?//"


"//That's Unangan for, 'would you like to dance with me?'//"

"//D-damn girl, you already know the answer to that!//" his face turned red with the widest grin. "//I-i can do sum runs with ya, yanno, do a li'l practice on thuh canvas!//"

"//Hell yeah,//" Komai chuckled stepping back, "//I'll see you later then...I guarantee you I won't disappoint.//"

Stepping out the office to find her bunk, both Konnor and Gen looked to Zilla's face completely smitten. His tail swished back and forth, a soft panting tongue from his dreamy eyes.

"Jeez Zilla-san," Gen snorted, "you want me to roll that tongue up back in your mouth?"

"You're one to talk," the ape pointed at him, "you made out with your opponent in the damn ring."

"Uhhh...shit, alright, fair point King-san."

"//Kids these days,//" he rolled his eyes taking his leave, "//can't keep it in their damn pants, gotta show everyone else how horny they are all the time with their pinchergrams an' shit.//"

After cleaning down the office, Gen returned to his bunk to lay down until it was time for him and Meiji to leave. Following Lisa out of the depths, the long pale monster with bulbous cheeks drifted like a ghost in the tunnels, Garonba holding his friend's hand beneath the flickering lights that still made Gen tremble.

"Thanks for the help," Clover shook hands as they stepped outside, "see ya next week?"

"You know it!" the beetle gave a thumbs up. "You doing alright Clover-san?"

"Yeaaah, I mean beating yakuza ass was pretty fun so, gonna miss that. But I can just wallop you two knuckleheads if you step outta line."

"HEY, we're not yakuza no more!" Gen wagged his finger. "Also when'd you ever fight in the ring?"

"I don't," she grinned wide from her bony face, "I keep punks like you in line, and so far you have been. Hope to see you boys fight again though, you both are real fun to watch."


They all walked back together, taking the same bus and arriving in Issincho proper with Lisa waving them off. It was still early afternoon as the boys took a walk down to Iyazaki Road, the pachinko parlour now long gone and refashioned into a small house just down the road from the café. It was a charming place, almost picturesque with one floor and two windows as they knocked on the door, and were welcomed by a mole cricket in long sleeves.

"HEY, Marbul, Deadeye!"

"Ahoy there!" Meiji saluted. "How be the loots?"

"Dude come on," Gen snorted, "we're done with that."

"Hey I never left the pirate life bro, that's just how it is."

"Heehee!" the boy grinned. "Gutblade and Nevar are here too, the news is startin' soon!"

"Hell yeah make way on the plank me hearty!"

The beetle lumbered in, Ganbe following after into the living room with its carpeted floor, smooth unblemished walls and a large set of chairs around a plasma TV. A far cry from Kou Shiina's former place, the lounge was already occupied with several familiar guests, whilst two bedrooms and a bathroom were further down the hall.

"Daaaamn kid," Gen whistled sharp, "you moving on up in the world, this room's bigger than our place!"

"Yeah it's awesome!" the cricket punched his huge fist. "We got a kitchen in ANOTHER ROOM!"

"Hahah yeaaaah, you used that money good."

"Hey there!" the crocodile father leaned out from said kitchen. "Just makin' lunch, you boys got any allergies?"

"No sir!" Meiji bowed. "Howsit going, Shiina-san?"

"Ohh good, the new place is great! Can't believe it used to be a pachinko."

"I found FOUR doubloons!" Dirtblade dug out some tokens. "Isn't it cool?! They make a jingly sound if you rattle them!"

"U-u-uhh yeah COOL!" Gen cringed stepping back. "Can ya put those away please I uh got uh-"

"He's allergic!" said the beetle. "Breaks out in hives from the stuff in them tokens, so uh just put 'em away if that's cool."

"Oh, sorry!"

The boy pocketed his find as Gen sighed with relief, nuzzling Meiji with a quiet "thank you" as they went over to the couch. Already seated was Gutblade the pup in her eyepatch and shorts, and Nevar the raven who was styled in a crimplene dress. Sitting beside them was an adult pig in a summer blouse, and a long-haired black dog in a short skirt and suit.

"Stop eating your biscuits," she chided.

"Oh it's just an aperitif," chortled the boar.

"You're going to ruin your appetite, Grizelda, we are guests."

"Oh honestly Kuro, you should know by now I have very good metabolism."

"It's not about metabolism it's about-"

"OH, helloooo boys!" the English beast waved. "How are you, gosh we haven't seen you in yonks!"

"Good thanks," Gen bowed, "been excited for this news report."

"Why didn't they report it the day it happened?" Meiji rubbed his neck. "It's all done with now, Dirtblade's got a new house and the treasures are all-"

"AH, SPOILERS!" Grizelda batted his hand. "I want not a single beep of what our little Jackie's been up to, until we see it on the telly."

"C'mon Marbul sit up with me!" the pupper patted their seat. "You gotta see what they said!"

"I haven't been on TV in ages," the raven rubbed her neck, "not since mother was...better."

"But she's getting treatment now right?"

"Yeah you don't got that butler with you?" Gen sat down beside. "Or he too busy with the house?"

"He's keeping mother company," the young Karasami nodded, "I said I was studying with Jackie, just to be here."

"Well I'm very glad we're on the list," the pig chortled chomping a cookie, "would you like a custard cream dear?"

"N-no thank you Stevens-san, after lunch I will."


Dirtblade slammed himself down in front as the TV flicked on with the news. Krokugawa came out serving plates, chopping cutlets with his army knife before sitting on the floor with his son.

"A tale of skullduggery and adventure, where three children band together to find a legendary lost treasure. No, it's not the latest book hitting the shelves, it's a story right here in Issincho. A trio of school friends discovered a clue in an old book, searching throughout the city in hopes of some treasure. Little did they know, it was a priceless set, that was thought to have been missing for several years.

"The Sun Tiara, Moon Bracelet and Ocean Ring were highly sought after the death of Governor Tokumoto, whose wealth was bequeathed to the R.O.S.E institute. These priceless relics were discovered only two weeks ago, by an intrepid trio of adventuring children."

"THERE WE ARE!" cried Dirtblade. "THAT'S US, WE'RE ON TV!"

"My gods," his father rubbed his son, "look at you Kou, all dressed up like a bold little pirate."

"Yeah, they said we should dress up for the uh, the uh, aysteticks!"

"Aesthetic," Nevar corrected him, "Ellis-san couldn't believe it, he apologised so many times when the treasures came out."

"Oh what, he's sorry now?" snorted Gen. "Cuz you found some sick diamonds?"

"I did tell him we were searching for treasure, he's only himself to blame."

"OH OH, auntie auntie!" Gutblade shot out her hand. "There's us, look look!"

"I see it sweetie," Kuro nodded, "damn I look pretty good on camera."

"Oh come now dear," Grizelda patted her, "you look your best everyday when I see you."

"Awww, you charmer."

The two smooched and held hands as the report kept on rolling, the children on TV babbling about their journey through Yokohama and all the clues that they followed. There was however a small note concerning local do-gooders that helped point them the right way.

"How come you're not credited?" Krokugawa turned to Gen and Meiji. "Woulda thought they'd give you a shout-out."

"Uhhh, we didn't wanna," the beetle shrugged, "it's not about us, it's about the kids, we're just sidekicks, right Deadeye?"

"Hah, you said it Marbul," Gen elbowed him, "besides we promised we'd let them have it, and we don't break promises."

"Thank you." Gutblade patted their hands. "You're...you're good creatures, yanno that?"

"Ehh...we try to be."

"As a reward to the city," ended the report, "the young adventurers were given a substantial cash reward of two-hundred-and-twenty-million yen, which was divided amongst them. To our daring trio, any last words? What will you spend the money on?"

"I wanna buy a new house!" said Kou Shiina. "A new place for me an' my dad!"

"I want to help my mother," said Konosuke Karasami, "so she gets back on her feet and she recovers fully."

"I...I-i just want to help my friends," answered Jackie Kumen, "I don't really need the money, I just wanted to adventure so...i-if they need it more, I'll give them it."

Everyone's heart clenched in empathy. Grizelda snorted tears before daubing her eyes with a handkerchief, as they finished eating up and talked briefly amongst themselves. An hour later they would leave the Shiina residence, the Kumens and Nevar waving farewell to Gen and Garonba, who headed north to the library.

The large ornate building was suddenly bustling, the rumbling of chatter from inside so raucous and unearthly, that newcomers almost thought there was a police incident. But as they stepped through, they were greeted by a kappa assistant, and found dozens of creatures all sharing hot drinks, nibbling on biscuits and reading together.

Everyone was happy, as Gen and Meiji noted the length and breadth of Issincho were mixing and matching, from ragged-trouser families of the Red Light District, to citizens of Ameritown who shared stories, recipes and bawdry jokes out of earshot from the children.

Amongst all this was Liang Quan Niu, the ox with horn-rimmed glasses chaperoning children to a corner, where she read them an exciting tale of a group of mice defending an abbey in medieval times. Gen and Meiji sat quietly at the back, taking time to savour the heating where kaiju and monsters huddled with coffee.

"Fellmer stood fast against the dreaded fiend at the gates, blood dripping from both his legs as he struggled to take one last SWING! Their swords sparked, spitting fire over their eyes, and Badfang was blinded from the sun! Fellmer lunged with a fierce strike, scarring his chest as the warlord fell! Had he won?! Was the battle over?! No...the warlord cried out, and then...came the signal. The rain of arrows blotted out the sky upon Fellmer's face."

The children gasped as Quan Niu told the tragic tale of a last battle. Meiji was in awe, imagining the scene so vividly, that he swung his hands out mimicking a sword with Gen giving a fierce look to calm him down.

"And that will be all for today," said the librarian.


"Tomorrow we shall have the last TRUE battle of the warrior's tale, so I want you all back here for it, alright dears?"


The children ran off en masse, scurrying back to their parents in a tangled mess of claws and tails leaving Gen and Meiji in the dust. The two adults stood up and bowed to Liang.

"How are you two today?" she asked.

"Great!" Meiji clapped. "Yo that book sounds great, you got a copy I can borrow?"

"Take this one," Niu offered, "it's the first in the series chronologically so, a good place to start."

"Awesome! Howsit going Niu-san?"

"Marvellous. The Spirit of Icthymas has been a success, and I've contacted my superiors about the sudden upshoot of interest!"

"So that means no more fines?" Gen crossed his arms.

"Correct, there's enough going on here that I can turn the library into a community centre of sorts, bringing in more foot traffic. I want to thank you again for your help."

"Hey, we're your part-time assistants right?" the bird gave a thumbs up. "Besides this place is hella chill, really helps me zone out after a rough day."

"I take it you're still unemployed after the yakuza left Issincho?" the bovine tapped her chin. "If you want I can find you a position-"

"Oh no, he's with me," Meiji rubbed his friend, "he'll be MY assistant at the Forge, gonna craft some new shelves, some umbrella stands, yanno, stuff regular folks have."

"Well, I'm glad to hear. You're always welcome here, Ganbe and Garonba."

She bowed to them and went back to her duties, the two sitting up in beanbag chairs to relax to some tales of derring-do. The sun went down much quicker than expected, the afternoon crawling past before night-time swept across the city with a cold brisk chill. While not as festive as Kaijurocho, the district of Issincho made its best attempts to celebrate.

Chinatown remained opulent as ever, with faux-gold facades and twisting paper dragons lit up like constellations. The old headquarters of Gihei was now condemned, the doors shuttered as creatures passed by wreaths of flowers that had been left for the fallen.

Outside of this area, Hannyakita Park was alight with Icthymas celebrations. A giant tree stood wrapped in tinsel, a choir played in the small ampitheatre, whilst frozen treats and hot foods were served at lowered prices. Taking their time to enjoy the sounds of merriment, the two sat on a park bench sipping hot chocolate, wrapped in thicker coats.

"Hey, hey bro check it out," Meiji held an invisible cigarette and puffed smoke out his mandibles, "cool huh?!"

"Yeah, it was cool when you showed me the first five times too," Gen rolled his eye, "damn it's gotten dark real quick."

"Well yeah, the sun chariot gets faster in winter, guy's gotta get home for the holidays!"

"That's not...you know what, yeah that makes sense," he chomped on a burger looking at the choir, "what song is that, do you know?"

"Sounds like the end of Onimeki Memorial," Meiji chewed on a smoked sausage, "that gives me real anxiety."

"You played that?" sneered Gen. "There aren't any guys to date in that!"

"I wasn't dating, I just wanted to be friends! I wasn't looking to commit but all those girls just couldn't take the hint!"

"Pffft hah, let's face it Mei-chan, you're always beating back the ladies with your sexy ass."

"AAAH, D-DUUUDE!" the beetle yelped from being groped. "I-i thought you didn't do that in public."

"Well, yanno, new year new me," Gen slipped his hand up Meiji's back, "got nothing to fear now, no worries...you like?"

"Yeah...I kinda do, actually."

The two kissed softly, hands gripped tight as Ganbe felt his friend's mandibles nibble across his beak. Meiji however saw something out the corner of his eyes and hugged the bird.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, you mind hanging here?"

"Ooooh," Ganbe rubbed his leg, "you want me to join ya?"

"Uhhh, no dude, I been potty-trained for years."

"Oh, OH, haha sorry sure, I'll wait here."

Heading off to the public toilets, Garonba slipped into the stalls and saw several tentacles peek out over the wall next to him. He said nothing until they were alone, a kappa dunking their head in the sink to refill before leaving.

"Hey," said Dogu Orama, "thanks fer thuh casino money."

"You cash it all in?" asked Meiji.

"Sure did. Lot easier to fence then diamonds lemme tell ya, enough to put me in retirement."

"You gonna stay round here?"

"Nah," the jellyfish slumped in his stall, "I was on my way out anyway. Saw the news with them kids."

"Thank you for the deal," Garonba patted the wall, "they got more to live for now, thanks to you."

"Yeah...hm." The wall thumped back. "You're a good kid, Garonba. Your grandpappy would be proud of ya."

"Awww, thanks dude! Hope you have a good retirement!"

Meiji left first, then Orama as the beetle got one last look of the jellyfish disappearing down the street. Heading back to his beloved friend, he saw a garbed stranger sitting beside Gen with a bandage over one eye, a filthy cloak and a protective mask.

"Hey there," Garonba waved, "friend of yours Gen?"

"A friend of yours too," said the stranger with raspy voice, "hello Garonba-san."

"Uhhhh...shit wait, I know this um, are you...the frog lady?"

"What, dude no!" Gen slapped him. "It's fucking Mau-"

"Ah-bah-bah," corrected the tarantula, "I must keep my disguise until I leave this city, call me Spaiga-san for this instance."

"Damn, for real?" Meiji gasped. "WAIT, are you possibly but-not-saying-that-you're-a-superhero-who-may-or-may-not-be-in-a-silver-costume-punching-bad-guys-every-daaaay?!"


"Oh okay, cool! Sooo uh, you doing alright...Spaiga-san?"

"Much better than before," he sighed, "most of my wounds have healed, though my eyes are less than before."

"To be fair you DID try to kill me," said Ganbe smirking.

"I was not complaining, I was merely stating my condition. I will not stay here long, I simply wanted to wish you farewell."

"Wait, why, are you leaving Issincho?"

"I have found new employment," the spider nodded, "a restaurant in Kaijurocho is looking for a chef."

"Oh that sounds great!" Meiji sat down beside. "That's awesome, real glad you doing something better with your life."

"Yeah same," the bird nodded, "you're a good chef, you taught me a lotta good tricks."

"Hahaha, I am glad to hear," Khoumad bowed rubbing both their heads, "I just wanted to thank you both deeply for your help. I am at last free from the Jinuchu...because of you."

"Well, that was all Gen," the beetle shrugged with a blush, "getting up in your biz and uh, getting all the Eight Wonders to beat them out."

"True, but you could have run away, both of you. You showed far more courage than I ever did...especially you, you mad bird."

"Heh, mad bird?" Gen smiled. "That your new nickname for me?"

"It suits you does it not? Only one as mad as you had the bravery to face Gihei's worst."

Maung stretched his thin reedy arms as he stood up, half his remaining eyes glinting from the December lights, as he patted Gen and Meiji with a smile beneath his mask.

"I wish you both the best and longest life together. Regardless of all that has happened, I consider you both my aahpaws, now and forever."

"Thanks," Gen smiled, "yanno, you're a cool guy, when you're not murdering creets, Spaiga-san."

"Hmhm...rest assured, I have hung up my blades forever." He bowed to them. "Except the ones I will use in the kitchen to feed, and to provide. Farewell."

Departing for the train station, Khoumad would never be seen in Yokohama again, waving off his two friends who basked in the festivities. Once the night became too cold, they walked back to their apartment still in the Bar District. It wasn't fancy, nor did they want it to be, but it was home and it made them happy. Except for when Gen banged his arm against a flowerpot nailed to the wall.

"OW, BITCH! What the fuck, who put this here?!"

"Oh, forgot to tell you," Meiji shook off his coat, "I'm making a shoe-rack, for our shoes!"


"I watched this video on Ghoultube about life hacks, yanno ways to save money and shit, and they said you can make a shoe rack like this."

"But, we don't even WEAR shoes!"

"Oh...well yanno, in case we buy some."

"FOR WHAT, THE MOVIES?!" snapped Gen. "Like we're fucking fancy la-di-dah mister populars?!"

"Look I'm just saying," Garonba shrugged, "we could keep our shoes in the house and off the floor!"


Ripping down the flowerpots, Gen stomped off berating his friend who simply looked on confused and put the pots away in a closet. They sat up in bed together, Ganbe's scowl soon melting away at the smallest touches of his beetle friend and the odd nibble at his cheek.

An old sci-fi movie played on, about a space mutiny with bad velcro suits and recycled sets that they would riff on together. Soon it would be the first month that Gen would sleep without nightmares, as he turned his head towards Meiji and squeezed his hand.

"You okay bro?" asked the beetle.

"Yeah." The bird smiled. "When I'm with you...everything's good."

On that same day, Khoumad Maung arrived in Kaijurocho and stepped off the train. The city was in full swing for Icthymas as he savoured the warm cheer of the world, where boughs of tinsel hung across the halls and lockers of the granite platform. His pseudonym was on a placard, being held by a bull in a cheap suit.


"Yes," the spider offered a hand, "you are from Orebia?"

"I am, thanks for coming. My name's Byul-ga Sa-Rhee, I run the place."

"Ahh, the manager? Well I am very honoured to meet you."

"I wasn't sure if you knew the city," the bull walked with him, "I wanted to make sure you arrived safe."

"That's very kind of you," Khoumad bowed, "I would have found the address but I appreciate it nonetheless."

"What experience you have in catering?"

"I worked in Issincho's Chinatown for twelve years. Before that I pottered around in various parts of Yokohama, my specialties are Chinese food but I can also do Burmese and Japanese."

"Mmm, well, I hope Korean's not too different for you."

"I will learn," the tarantula kept pace with him, "I tend to work best with deep-fried foods."

"Well we got plenty work for that," the bull guided him down another corridor, "this way, I got a taxi waiting the other exit."

"This restaurant just opened yes? Has business been well?"

"Oh it's been fantastic, planning permits came through and it's got queues around the block."

"I will be honoured to be part of your success, Sa-Rhee-san."

Stepping down the hall, Maung looked beyond the payphones and remembered with a grimace what happened the last time he had come through them. Waiting for the crowds to come surging, Byul-ga slowed down his pace and kept slightly behind the tarantula.

A slight unease took over Maung who reached for his blades instinctive, forgetting briefly he had left them all behind when Sa-Rhee shoved him into a narrow hall hidden by the swarming bodies. A bag wrapped round Maung's head before he was dragged into an already-open door, suffocated just hard enough to turn unconscious, in the dark screaming tunnels of the station.

The smell of blood awoke him a few hours later. Not his own, but his body now laid upon a cold slab in an empty room stained with old red. His arms were bound tight, his coat removed to expose his body, all eight limbs stretched to their limit.

"You recognise this place?" The bull leaned over him. "I'm sure you do."

"Who are you? What is the meaning of this?"

"Does the name Kama Kurasawa, mean anything to you?"

"...ah." Khoumad closed his eyes. "So you have learned my true identity."

"Khoumad Maung," Byul-ga grabbed his throat, "personal bitch for the Jinuchu Clan."

"Ex-Jinuchu. I no longer work for them."

"And that makes your hands fucking clean?" the bull slapped the tarantula's face. "Lemme tell you about him. He was the brother I never had, the closest friend that I needed to pull me back from losing my head from all the shit in this city. He was the son of immigrants, like me...like you."

"I came here myself," corrected Maung, "my parents remained in Burma, an-"


"You interrupt me again, I'll cut off two of your arms." Sa-Rhee warned swith a cleaver on the table. "His first name was Jim Mantisson. He loved soccer, he hated sushi, more of a sweetbreads guy, he had a way with words even when he was young, always able to speak exactly what he wanted. Made him a good journalist, and an uncle to the kid I adopted."

The bull walked over to a rack where some blades hung upon, a much newer set than anything else in this room. A fragment of police tape fluttered hanging from a pipe.

"How did you know my pseudonym?" asked Maung.

"Once I found your real name," said the bull, "it was easy to pick up. Got contacts to Ameritown, they told me a guy called Kumon fit your description."

"Ahh, of course. This place was a crime scene, yes?"

"You should know," Sa-Rhee walked back with several knives, "I found my best friend here. Dead, cold, in a maintenance hatch."

"That...no," the spider shook his head, "I will confess I killed your friend, but this was not the room where I killed him."

"Well...whatever, I'm going to ask you three questions." The bull dragged a finger on his blade. "Depending on the answers, I'll either kill you quickly...or make you suffer."

"Hm. Very well." Maung closed his eyes. "You want your vengeance, and I cannot criticise you for it. My hands are stained, as you have said."

"First...why did you kill my friend?"

"I was ordered by Gihei Ighorashi. Kurasawa had learned about a secret meeting that was not to become public, and I was sent to silence him."

"Alright. Next question." Byul-ga tapped the knife on Maung's chin. "How did he die? Be honest, even if it makes you look a bastard."

"I...I slit his throat." The spider sighed. "I took a knife, and gouged his arteries from left to right, as swiftly as I could. He died in a matter of seconds...but it was not as painless as I could have made it."

"Hm...appreciate the honesty. Last question...what were his last words?"

"He...he spoke about the cold death. He begged us not to let Gihei win."


"...the clan, in general," Khoumad pursed his hairy lips, "he implored me not to obey Gihei, to prevent the cold death."

"Did he scream for you to stop? Did he beg for his life?"

"...no." The spider stared at him. "He was...defiant to the very end."

Byul-ga sighed with a small relief. He planted the blade close to Khoumad's neck, staring with a cold remorse.

"Any last words yourself?" he asked. "I'll remember them, since you remembered my friend's."

"Only that I hope you are never caught."

The bull leaned back somewhat confused.

"I know not who you are," continued Maung, "but I can tell you cared deeply about your friend. I cannot ask for forgiveness, nor apologise for what I did. I was a hired assassin, I did what I was ordered to do. That is not my excuse, but it was my reason. I held no hatred for Kurasawa, and I will not hold any hatred for you."

"Huh...well that's...surprising to hear from a killer," the bovine chuckled mirthless, "don't worry. By the time I'm done with you, they'll never find any trace of you."

"And how do you know?" asked Khoumad.

"Cuz they never found the Host...did they?"

The spider widened his pupils as his moustache split open. A quiet gasp made Byul-ga step back.

"No no, I'm not him. I killed him. You can take this to the grave with you, call it a privilege. His name was Gwan-hyun Moon. He was from my community, always quiet, kept to himself, thought he was a good worker, delivering stuff to different clubs. Then I saw blood on his clothes, I didn't ask, but I followed. And then I found this place."

Sa-Rhee spread his arms round the killing room.

"Do you know what would have happened, if creatures found out a Korean immigrant was killing off Japanese kaiju? I would have lost my home again, me, Jim's, my nephew's...everyone I've known. He despised the Japanese, like me, except this was his way of...making them pay for how they treated us. But I couldn't let that happen...I couldn't let him destroy us. I couldn't let them burn us again."

"I understand," Khoumad nodded, "regardless of those who never found closure, you had to protect your community."

"So don't worry about me." Byul-ga pulled a second knife. "You'll disappear like he did. It's what you deserve."

He bit the blade and cracked it between his teeth, crunching with snaps and twists that ground it into dust on his tongue. Swallowing the small dagger in pieces, he pressed the first knife against the tarantula's neck. Khoumad relaxed all of his muscles, letting his spirit leave before his body, as the cold blade pushed into his thorax.

His shuddering gasps filled the room to a wretched crescendo, a rattling hiss when Byul-ga ripped the blade across his throat and exsanguinated him. Golden blood spilled down his body, the knife turning warm as a faint scream trickled out from his lungs. His arms tightened with primal reflex, his eyes turning pale, as he heard his grandmother's song.

Khoumad left this world deep beneath the surface, his limbs curled against his chest. Byul-ga Sa-Rhee sighed, sat back on a chair, and clasped his face. His hands trembled with fingers stained yellow, his breath became funny as Jim's name would whisper from his lips. Six months of overwhelming grief would unfold at last, as he bent himself forwards, and sobbed with bitter rage.

December 18th came with the frenzy of Icthymas nearing its peak. Out on the streets of Kaijurocho, Gaho Murata was wrapped in his police coat taking a slow dutiful walk. A small rucksack was propped over his shell, the solstice at hand as he braced for the longest night, checking all the shops in passing for suspicious loiterers.

"Hey partner!"

Sauressy came down towards him, the sea serpent grinning from cheek to cheek in a thicker coat.

"How's the street looking?"

"All clear this way," said Murata with hands in pockets, "good your side?"

"Yep, things have been surprisingly calm, that Paw Patrol thing's doing wonders, I'm getting bored out of my skull."

"Hahah, I've heard, crime really has started going down over the month, I was worried no one was reporting because they didn't trust us."

"Mmmm...you think so?" Reed rubbed his neck. "I was hoping folks just looked out for each other more."

"That's probably it," the turtle grinned, "creatures definitely seem happier than before."

They took a gentle walk down Shachifuku, strolling down Theater Square where a large dancing formation took place, a mixed gaggle of elders, teenagers, children and parents following simple lessons on a bouncy mat, from a horse and a crab taking them through basic steps.

"Alright now roll yo' arms like DIS! Roll 'em waaaay back like you tryna swim up the air!"

"Yeah yeah yeah you got it little dude, show me that attitude!"

"EY YO whut you doin' grandma?! Doin' a li'l twist like they did in old school, hell yeah gimme that flex!"

"Alrigh' now check this. We done sum warmups, let's do the startup, we gonna synchronise our step, so's we can harmonise the rep, Umashi let's hit it!"

"Hellll yeah Dan-no-Mite!"

The music started thumping as everyone copied their moves, standard beginner dances that anyone could do. Slowly but surely, they worked into a steady rhythm, and all the moves would be put into a sequence that made each participant look like a pro. Creatures watched with fascination, as a long-haired yak in a boxing hoodie handed out pamphlets for the local gym.

"Business going well," chuckled Gaho, "didn't think gyms would do well in winter."

"Well, you know Urquhart," Sauressy rolled his eyes, "always putting in the effort. Speaking of, how's your hand doing?"

"Not too bad," Murata showed his stiff plastic right, "getting a new fitting in March, then if all goes well my new hand comes in August."

"That's a long while away. You managing?"

"I could handle ping-pong with one hand, I think I can handle the rest."

"Hah, hahaaah yeah, you still kick my ass in that. Your team still going?"

"I don't know...but I know who does."

Pointing down the road with his prosthetic hand, Gaho tracked a walrus in hi-vis gear picking up litter. Some folks passing by offered their trash in the bag, but one decided to toss it down the street.


"PFFFT fuck off iceberg!" the kappa flipped her off. "Call it an Icthymas gift!"

"Tis the season huh?" Gaho grabbed the punk's shoulder. "I'm feeling generous myself, a free night in the cells for kids who dump trash."

"UHH! UM!"

"Pick up that can." Sauressy pointed. "Say you're sorry, and we'll say no more."

The water imp deflated and picked up his trash, putting it in Majuma's bag. He bowed with apology and took his leave, the walrus looking at both officers with tusky grin.

"Thank you," she nodded, "merry Icthymas to both of you."

"Merry Icthymas to you too," the monster bowed, "howsit going since the little rebellion?"

"Well, I'd be behind bars if not for both of you standing up in my defence, thank you for that."

"I was doing it for the officers' sake," the turtle crossed his arms, "they were getting migraines from all your legalese."

"It's always good to know your rights!" she thrust her littler picker. "Community service is much more preferable, rehabilitation not incarceration!"

"Glad you're taking to it well, it could have been a lot worse considering what happened."

"It is hardly fair to account a citizen's righteous fury, when the leader of a police branch is-...no."

She took a deep breath and stabbed cans and paper wrappers to put in her sack.

"Now is not the time for politics, not when I'm the Santa Claws of the streets. I will say this new service has also given me a chance to acquiesce with other folks of the same mind."

"Of the same mind?" Reed sneered suspicious. "You making an anarchist group?"

"Hahah, I wish. Thanks to both the Paw Patrol app and the recent protests, I've found some likeminded individuals who want to organise a police watch group, to hold officers accountable such as your former chief."

"Ohh!" Murata smirked with tusky grin. "Like a civil defence group? That's pretty good! What would you all be doing?"

"We all come together to evaluate legal options to help those being discriminated by the law. We also crowdfund that legal aid and offer public support."

"That's a great idea! Like you said it's important to know your rights, I'm glad you're putting your energy to something productive."

"Hmhmhm, just keep that badge nice and clean," she tapped her own tusk, "but I do think of you as a friend, Murata-san, and I appreciate all that you have done for me and the Go-Wraths."

"How are they doing?" asked Sauressy with hands on hips. "I only first met them from the meet but they seem cool."

"Well, Monda-san is still doing her skateboard buffoonery, but it's going well! I heard she got interviewed by a new talent agency operating out of a gym, and might be getting an offer!"

"Woah, really, for just falling on your ass?"

"She's very GOOD at falling on her ass," Murata corrected, "you should have seen the tricks she can pull. What about Zura-san, is he doing alright?"

"Oh he's marvellous!" the walrus cried. "His hands are shaking less and the treatment went splendidly."

"Oh thank gods, I was worried for his job, glad he can still keep going. Are the Go-Wraths still on?"

"No," she shrugged picking up another can, "we retire as champions, I DID however get a missive from the GREAT Zen Degoushi, saying he would love to spar off with you in the training sesh."

"Huh, really?" the turtle smiled rubbing his wrist. "I'm always ready to take him down again, tell him I accept."

"Excellent," Magumi bowed, "I have to go clear up the north sector, good tidings to you both!"

"Take care Majuma-san. See you around."

Parting ways the two officers kept heading south, ending at the top of Tenkaiju Street as they took a small lunch at the beef bowl restaurant. Eating up together, they rested their weary feet and scarfed down a meaty stew, savouring the full warmth in their bellies until a cold wind swept from outside.

"Oh, Kiryu-san!" the tiger chef bowed. "What can I get you?"

"Large bowl, please."

Murata turned to see the new patriarch in his white suit, a look of contempt crossing over briefly as Kiryu sat down beside him.

"Officers," he nodded.

"Kiryu," Gaho nodded back, "not seen you in a while."

"Same. I heard about that big protest last month, that was incredible."

"Don't go thinking I quit my job, it was a temporary suspension."

"So you're the new family head?" Sauressy leaned over. "Must be fun."

"It's not a job I envy," said Goji slurping his bowl, "don't worry, I'll make sure no more trouble happens on the streets."

"I am so relieved," the monster chuckled half-joking, "I heard a rumour you took down the heads of the Jinuchu clan, all by yourself?"

"That's why it's a rumour. Wait...aren't you the officer who arrested that teacher at the university?"

"Oh hey look, I'm famous!" Reed nudged his partner. "And no I'm not going to tell you anything, that doesn't concern you."

"I wasn't going to ask," Kiryu kept spooning his bowl, "just recognised you was all. How have you been, Murata-san?"

"A lot better than before," Gaho nodded, "I'm sorry about your former patriarch. My condolences."

"Oh...thank you," the yakuza bowed, "I appreciate that."

"I also heard a junior member of yours was targeted, is he alright?"

"He's recovering now," Kiryu smiled, "I appreciate the concern. I know we're on opposite sides, but I still respect all the work you do for this city, personally, Murata-san."

"I know." The tortoise took a deep breath. "You do what you have to do, Kiryu-san. I'll do the same."

This was the closest Gojirama ever heard to a compliment from the detective. They said nothing more as they finished their stew, departing from the restaurant as the sergeants went to the Kumoto Clinic. Waiting at reception, the doctor was informed as the polar bear came strolling out to them with a cheerisome look.

"Ahhh Murata! So good to see you, are you here to see Sumi-kun?"

"I am," the turtle bowed, "have something to give him if that's okay, a small gift."

"May I see?"

He opened his rucksack and showed the doctor, a smile beaming across his lips.

"Ohohhh he's going to love this, what a fine gift, please wait a moment!"

"I'll stay here," said Sauressy, "you're a lot better with kids than me."

Following the doctor through the halls, Gaho soon arrived at the door of a young teenage monkey, sitting on his bed playing a NeoGeoByte.

"Sumi-kun?" The polar bear peeked in. "Your guest has arrived."

The chimp looked up with a sudden glee, bouncing off the bed to hug the sergeant.

"Hey, you're here, hell yeah you're here!"

"Hahah, howsit going Sumi-kun?!" Gaho rubbed his head. "You're looking great!"

"Yeah, it's been alright ever since...that. This clinic's been really cool about keeping me here."

"I'm glad we managed to make it work, just you and us. You make any friends?"

"Yeaaah there's a couple guys, I was brawling with them on the NeoByte earlier, you play any games?"

"Not unless it's ping-pong," the tortoise stroked his chin, "anyways I wanted to-"

"YO what happened to your hand?!" Sumi grabbed his prosthetic limb. "Was that always there?!"

"Oh, no I took down a yakuza boss last month, but...she took my hand."

"Woah, that's fucked up!"

"AH, Sumi-kun mind your language!" Kumoto wagged his finger. "You should have some manners for Murata's recent disability-"

"Oh it's fine," Gaho waved his right hand, "this is getting replaced in March, then it'll be a proper cyber-hand with full-working fingers."

"Daaaamn that's cool as hell!" the ape tittered rubbing his fingers. "Any other good stuff happening out there?"

"Nope, just a nice boring Icthymas, speaking of I got you some gifts."

Opening his backpack he offered several books to the monkey. The boy's eyes lit up with frenzied joy at seeing the titles, some tales of folklore collected from various continents.

"W-WOAAAAH! Oh these look sick as hell!"

"A friend of mine in Osaka," Murata grinned, "Marsh-san his name is, got me some books from a great bookstore in his city. I asked for some that you'd like, since you're a fan of old stories."

"These are so cool, damn, thanks Murata-san!" The boy hugged him again. "Th-thank...thank you again for......before."

"No problem," Gaho hugged him tight, "I still believe in you, remember?"

"Y-yeah. I'm starting to believe in myself but...I more believe in you, knowing you're out there and...and-"

"It's alright." The turtle patted him. "You're here, and I'm here, and your friends know you're here too, that is all that matters."

"Yeah...th-thanks. Can't wait to start on these books though, this is great!"

"No problem." Murata sat on the bed. "What's this new game you were playing?"

"OH, the new Fatal Fury, it's sooo SICK lemme show ya!"

Sitting up beside him, the chimp showed off and demonstrated the basics of the newest fighting game. Gaho gave the same look of a father being dragged to a movie by his child, barely understanding, but simply content in Sumi's happiness.

He stayed for a half-hour enjoying Sumi rattle off about what games he played, what books he enjoyed reading, and even ideas he had of writing his own story based on Sun Wukong. Murata was rapt with attention when the boy went off about his own ideas, about a fantastic world made of glass that Gaho ensured he would be the first reader of.

Heading back out to end his shift, the sergeants made their last journey round the district along Showa Street, then back up through Zennyo Avenue. Returning to the station out east, they filed their reports and cleared their desks at the end of their shift, swapping their police coats for old dad-jackets.

"Hoo, see you tomorrow then?" asked Reed.

"Like always," Gaho shook his hand, "take care, Sauressy, let me know if you need something."

"Same to you, Murata."

Clocking off around the late evening, Murata made his way over to the Champion District, trying to whistle through his tusks and failing miserably without a care. Cafés were closing and arcades cleared out, the rousing cheer of pixelated songs trickling off one by one. A band still played on in Theater Square, the dance group cleared for a donkey, a rooster, a calico cat and a shiba, jamming away to an eager crowd.

To the far east of all this, Gaho stepped into the narrow labyrinths of bars and taverns where songs cheered on from drunken louts, most of them happy whilst wearing festive hats in hugging walks to keep each other steady. In one bar called Earth Angel, he stepped inside to find a familiar face.

"Hey there!" A bronze triceratops waved to him. "What can I get you, stranger?

"Well, I heard about this famous drink," said Gaho wandering through, "something called a devil's whistle?"

"Mmmm alrighty, just sit yourself down and I'll knock one up."

In the small peaceful bar of warm oak panelling and nostalgic carpet, a counter sat in the corner where Jin Gerumba stood serving drinks from a wall of bottles. Comfy stools sat before her, with sofas at the back wall where Murata noticed a surprising customer.

"Well, nice to see you!"

"Achhh, merde." A knife-headed shark rolled his eyes. "I was hoping not to see you before I left, I hate long goodbyes."

"Oh you two know each other?" Jin smiled. "What a small world!"

"It's Kaijurocho, everyone knows each other."

The shark nursed his wine glass of something dark and smouldering, his tall bladed scalp shining in the light with a thick puffy jacket wrapped round his body.

"Howsit going Durond-san?" Gaho sat on a stool.

"Better when I leave," the chef sipped, "heading back to la France for mes vacances."

"Oh glad to hear, you visiting your family?"

"Ouais. They want to hear all about the chef hero that took down the killer Kaneyama."

"That was YOU?!" gasped the bartender. "Shit, I heard she got beaten up bad, is her trial still going?"

"I don't know, they won't need my statement 'til January."

"It was a brave thing you did," the turtle nodded, "Kaneyama's no joke."

"But she does make me laugh." The shark chuckled a dark grin. "She struggled so much before I took her wing again."

"Wait, the other one?!"

"No, the one she had replaced. I like to be consistent."

His smile grew unnerving both of them, before he finished his drink with a literal chef's kiss.

"Bonne, Gerumba-san that was parfait, your cocktails are magnifique."

"Haha, thank you!" the trike grinned stirring Gaho's drink. "Is that...good, I-i don't know any French."

"It is," Murata assured, "he doesn't often give compliments, so that's rare already."

"Well when you get back, you're always welcome here!" she offered the drink. "And to my favourite customer, I have something tha-h-hrrhrrk! Ugh."

She clutched herself with a queasy look, Gaho grabbing her arm to keep her steady.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, sorry I just...nnngh...thought I was gonna throw up."

"Sampled too much of your wares?" Durond joked. "Bad for a dealer, trust me I know."

"Hahahaaa, yeaaah that's probably it, anyways Gaho here you go."

"Ohohhh, Gaho is it?" The shark grinned wider.

"Stop it," the turtle pointed at him, "we're both responsible adults, and it's all above-board."

"Eh-eh, I do not judge! A little flouting of the law never hurt no one, such as with a witness for an ongoing trial."

"She's not part of the trial," Murata shook his head, "there's enough testimony from others that it was decided she need not be part of it, for all the trauma she has endured."

"Hm, vraiment." Durond chuckled putting up his hands. "I am happy for you both."

The bartender looked to the police detective, a soft blush creeping over her face as he looked away in turn making the shark laugh deeper. Once Gerumba regained her composure, she offered Murata his drink as he took the first sip.

"MMMM! Ohhh! Damn that's strong, it's piercing but...good!"

"It's a classic!" She laid back on her own seat. "So Durond-san, how long are you away for?"

"Until January," Durond stretched leaning back, "ma famille always have me stay two weeks, c'est tradition."

"Aww, I hope they're doing well!"

"When you come back," the turtle said, "me and Jin will go to your restaurant to celebrate."

"Hmhm, bien." The chef stood up and scraped his head on the ceiling. "Aghh, desolé."

"It's okay!" the bartender waved. "I can fix that scratch, you off now?"

"Ouais, I will be back the new year. Á la prochaine, Murata. Gerumba."

"Safe travels," the sergeant nodded, "merry Icthymas and happy new year."

The shark headed out with farewell, leaving the turtle to sip quietly by himself as smooth jazz drifted over the airwaves. The Devil's Whistle burned his throat, with such a pleasant cold aftertaste that soothed him like medicine as he couldn't help but drink more.

"All quiet today?" asked Jin.

"Pretty much," Murata sighed, "how was your night?"

"Oh it's been awesome! You just missed the salary rush, creatures lining up round the block for my specialty!"

"Surprised you managed to take over this bar, it's something of a local favourite."

"I impressed the mama with my skills and she wanted to retire," the bronze kaiju shrugged, "it worked out great, though I've you to thank for scoping out openings."

"It was the least I could do, for saving my life."

"You saved mine..." her hand reached out to his, "and gave me a better one."

They leaned closer for a kiss, her horned nostrils brushing across his beak. They spent a little longer drinking and sharing their days, before closing time came and Jin locked the place up. They walked together through the late night, basking in the brisk cold as snow started trickling down upon their heads.

In his dark green jacket, Murata hugged Gerumba close as they took the bus back to his place, a quiet ride with a few last students looking hungover ready to sleep. They were having the worst night of their lives from a gaggle of soccer fans nearby.

At the sergeant's apartment, Jin sat down in front of the TV with a tight shirt and pants, whilst Murata went to make dinner in his suspenders. With a companion in the house, he felt more obliged to cook rather than just buy boxed lunches, which while more difficult was more rewarding. It also forced him to deal with his lost hand, and find inventive ways around it for the next few months.

"You okay over there?" asked Jin.

"I'm fine," he pinned down a carrot with plastic hand, "just taking it slow."

"I can help if you want."

"No no, you've had a long day, I'll be fine."

"Sure, I jus-OH, bathroom, be right back!"

His face scowled slightly with concern before making the first chop with agonising pace. The lack of feeling in his right wrist made it hard to hold the carrot in place, as he cut askew before lopping pieces in the pot. After the second carrot, he felt a pair of hands wrap round his shell, as Jin hugged him from behind then took over the chopping whilst he went to the pot. Stirring with small ingredients to add, such as salt, pepper and stock, he carefully checked the heat whilst Gerumba added more vegetables.

A bashful smile came from the turtle when she stroked his left hand, squeezing his fingers tight until the soup was ready to serve. Sitting down together, watching a late-night movie about a dark fantasy realm governed by a council of crystalline warriors, they savoured their stew and snuggled under the futon sheets, whilst central heating filled the room.

"You alright?" Murata asked. "You've been going to the bathroom a lot the past week."

"Oh it's fine, don't worry," she beamed.

"You were feeling sick at the bar as well, are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fiiine Gaho," Jin slurped up her stew, "damn you're getting pretty good with this cooking!"

"Thank you," he smiled, "I didn't want to rely on store-bought foods now we're together."

"I wouldn't mind honestly, you don't have to go through so much."

"Well, call it a new year's resolution." The turtle rubbed her back. "I need to start eating healthier anyway."

"Soooo...is this alright?" Jin gestured between them. "Both of us in a relationship, nobody's gonna mind?"

"I checked with the courts before we committed to our relationship. Again, they don't need your testimony concerning Iris, thanks to evidence from Gondo and me."

"Wait, your old chief's making a deal?"

"He's complying with authorities to get a lesser sentence. He'll still go to prison, but Iris is the bigger threat and she has no friends in Tokyo's courts."

"Yeah," the triceratops sighed, "I'm just glad it's over."

"How about you?" He peeked at her back. "Your scars healed up?"

"They're doing fine...just hurts when I take a shower but, I'll manage."

"Well if you need help with that, just let me know."

"I will...but only if," she took his hand, "you let me know if YOU need help."

"Hahaha...alright." He kissed her lips. "I promise, Jin."

Finishing their stew, they watched to the end of the movie and slept together in the same bed. Dressing down to their vests, they savoured each other's warmth as the rumbling moans of traffic came from outside to lull them to sleep. Several hours later morning would come, the dawn not yet risen, being slow and lethargic under winter's cloak.

The TV still flickered at a low volume through shopping commercials and mealy-mouthed talk shows. Murata was first to awake, seeing Gerumba still sleeping beside as he gently slipped out to make breakfast. The smell of sizzling eggs awoke her in turn, seeing the turtle cooking beneath the first rays of amber.

"Morning," he waved, "breakfast'll be ready soon."

"Hah, a-alright." She heaved herself up with a sudden twinge, "uhh, be right back, bathroom."

"Are you SURE you're alright?" he cocked his head.

"Yea-yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it, just make some breakfast, I'll get a shower too."

Watching her head to the bathroom with the sounds of water running, the sergeant kept scrambling eggs reminding himself he was off-duty today, a smile between his tusks as he relished the prospect of doing nothing all day but veg out and read and watch TV. He almost lost himself in his cooking, grabbing some toast to put eggs on by the time Jin was done with her shower.

"Hoo, that's better," she perked up with a strained smile, "mmmm that smells good!"

"Added some pepper for that little kick," he handed her a toasted sandwich, "got any plans today?"

"Nope, just sit here all day if that's fine with you."

"It certainly is," Murata kissed her as they sat, "might finish up reading my book later."

"Will you read it to me again?" the trike laid her head on his shoulder. "I love how you narrate things, such a strong voice you have."

"Hmhm, only if you want me to. What's wrong by the way?"


"You seem tense, you've been going to the bathroom a lot and the past few days you've looked a little poorly. Are you unwell?"

"...am I that easy to read?" Gerumba took one of his hands.

"It's my job to read creatures' faces, or one of them." Murata gripped her tight. "What's wrong?"

"Well...I didn't want to say anything until I was certain but...have you ever wanted to be a dad, Gaho?"

The turtle's face looked confused, then his eyes slowly widened before his beak opened in a silent shock. He looked down at her belly, then back at her face where a trembling smile greeted him.

"Are you...a-are you serious?" he gasped. "But...how?!"

"Well, when a kaiju loves another kaiju," she joked with shaky laugh, "I-i mean, I know we were careful, and-"

"But, wait, I wore protection. Jin, I swear to you, I wore protection, you did too, right?!"

"Yes of course, I always do, even in my job I did! But...you know it's not one-hundred-percent foolproof, I mean maybe your swimmers are just that strong that one broke through."

"Oh gods...oh my gods." Murata slumped back clutching his head. "I'm...I'm so sorry, Jin, I don't know what to say."

"Well...I mean, we have two choices." She rubbed his shoulder. "Do you...want to keep them or-"

"No, hold up let's...let's talk about this." He looked to her. "Firstly, what do YOU want? You're carrying...and...sorry, I'm just, I'm not, I'm not upset, please don't misunderstand-"

"It's okay, just...take a breather. Let's just relax and let things settle, alright?"

"Yes. Alright."

They both took a deep breath and watched more TV, a long twenty minutes through a talk show as they gathered their thoughts. Murata saw his future stretch out before him, a fearful clutch to imagine a small waddling turtle taking their first steps, and their first days of school. A terrible sensation of expectations rattling through to be even more of a provider.

Yet the more he saw that little one in his mind, the more his heart swelled at the idea of being a guardian, a mentor to another. A protector of the future. His future, for a new family. Once the show was over, he turned towards Jin and scanned her face for unexpectant joy or perhaps unease. She waited for him to start, as Gaho took her hands in his.

"I want to hear what you think," he started, "it's your body, so you have first say. What do you want to do?"

"...at first I didn't want them." She rubbed her belly. "I've had abortions before, just...part of the job, sometimes protection doesn't work and Iris gets me...done. I always thought she would just get me a hysterectomy but...she never did, said that...some of our clients had a fetish for breeding."

"Ugh, I'm not talking about that, I meant YOU, here and now."

"So I got used to the idea of never having a kid," she continued, "and anytime I got pregnant it was...just an inconvenience. But then I remembered how I...lied about having a son, and you were so determined. So faithful in wanting to help me for him."

She welled up with tears and tightened her grip on his wrists.

"I want to have a new life...I don't want to be in some selfish cycle thinking I'll never be anything above this. But I believe I can, now, because of you Gaho. I want to keep this one."

"I...I want this child too." He kissed her cheek. "I never thought I would be a father, but...hah, I've always loved kids, always get called out to deal with them."

"Haha, really?"

"Yeah, normally I work in community safety and they always make me do all the safety presentations, just...I dunno, I know how to talk to kids."

"So we're doing this then?" She kissed him back. "You want to start a family with me?"

"I do. It's going to take me some time but...I want to be a father. Let's do this, Jin."

Murata pulled her close into a hug, cuddling side by side as the TV rolled on with some pointless debate that numbed their minds happily. Gaho and Jin started to fantasise about their future child, a warmth building in their hearts as she nuzzled his tusks.

Somewhere in the Millennium Tower, on the 57th floor, a TV was muted in the background with the furore of Icthymas advertising reaching a crescendo. It was December 21st, and Roberto Danzaki was sitting in an office with his fancy purple waistcoat. Red walls and a grey carpet surrounded him, with paintings of American cities, and a fine circular desk where a model volcano sat.

"//No no, no,//" he spoke English on the phone, "//we agreed thirty-five percent, that was in the contract. Look, these are the best drivers you're gonna get, they clock at sixteen-hundred, memory is capped at seventy, and it dissipates five-hundred watts of heat, THIS is the stuff they use at space centres!//

He looked up at the clock above the entrance, then to the other set of doors on his right as an American waffled on in his ear.

"//I know that for a fact! Go call them up if you want, they'll tell you the same! These are specifically designed for 4K rendering, hardware encoding, you're not gonna find a better deal out there and your window is closing fast. Your rendering will go faster, you'll get rich faster, and you won't even see the amount we agree upon, compared to how quick it'll flow for you the next dev cycle.//"

A cricket in a red suit stepped through the entrance door, Roberto putting a finger up to wait before rolling his hand like reeling in a fish.

"//Alright. Alright, I am willing to go...thirty percent, I get it, you need to take a stand somewhere, that's fine. That five percent alone will be a lot, so you're twisting my wing here. We have a deal? Great, thank you, I'll meet you in LA come the new year to sign it off. Merry Icthymas.//"

Hanging up with a deep sigh, Roberto cracked his knuckles with a wide grin.

"Sorry about that," he said to the newcomer, "finally got that asshole to play ball."

"Was that the Jackson guy?" sneered the cricket. "Ugh, I don't envy you sir."

"Well it's all sorted, so, what you got for me Suzumiya?"

"The new employee's here," she bowed offering the door, "did you want to come see him, or should he-"

"Oh, DEFINITELY!" Roberto shot out his seat. "How's he look?"

"He seemed fine! Nervous but confident, this is the tech-wiz that Rai-sama wanted?"

"Mmhmm, show me the way."

Heading through the halls of Eight-Point Industries, Roberto walked through the open offices where pictures of technological achievement framed the walls, and where every employee had their own room to work in, personalised to their own needs with plenty of sun and comfortable chairs. Some waved to Roberto as he passed, the pterosaur giving fingerguns before reaching the entry hall that was set up almost like a rec room.

Vending machines, arcade cabinets and the odd ping-pong table were on display, for newcomers and visitors to help settle their nerves and work out stress. A Galaxian gaming cabinet was occupied by a familiar-looking kaiju, wearing a modest grey suit that accented his large bat-like ears.


"UHH, YES!" He jumped with a salute. "Here, ma'am, I-...D-danzaki?!"

"Heheyyyy amigo!" Roberto walked forth with armwings wide. "Glad to see ya!"

"Y-you're...wait, you work for Eight-Point?!"

"I do now," he shrugged, "come on, walk with me, lemme introduce you to the team."

He waved off the cricket who went back to work, Gonkuro shuffling up to Roberto who put an arm round his shoulders and hugged him tight. The young kaiju beamed with a confused grin, a red ribbon tied round his neck as they entered Danzaki's office.

"I didn't wanna say out there," Roberto chuckled, "they're all real gossips, especially Suzumiya. Yes I got kicked out the Toho, I lost my patriarchy, and now I work for Eight-Point Industries because of my...well, talents in American trading."

"I heard about that," Obara said with a new rasp in his voice. "Not much but...I couldn't believe it. Did you really betray the Toho?"

"Depends on what you call betraying. Did I grievously wound Kiryu-san so he'd end up in hiding? Si. Did I help plot any assassinations? No, absolutely not, I was never part of the Jinuchu."

"So who...why, who ordered you to?"

"That's a real complicated story that, I don't wanna get into right now, because today is all about you."

"So, are you the friend Kiryu-san said was in this company?"

"Heh, guilty as charged," Danzaki spread his wings, "thought I'd at least make up for everything, we talked about your talents being put to better use and such."

"I said I'd come in first," Obara rubbed his hands, "they let me stay on in the Toho until I actually get the job, you know, keep me on pay but not actually do any work."

"That's fair," the pterosaur sat at his desk, "so, Obara-san, I got your CV here, it's pretty impressive for someone who's had like only one job."

"Hah, thank you, Danzaki-san. Is it okay that you treat me as...well, a newcomer and not someone you already know?"

"I'm already doing that, it's your solo work that really got us interested, that Paw Patrol app? Incredible, Rai-sama heard about it and he's a big fan."

"R-really?" Gonkuro blushed pulling his ears. "Wow, thank you so much, it was a lot of work but it wasn't just me alone, I had help!"

"Ohoh yeah, the boss knows that too." Danzaki pressed the speaker on his deck. "Rai-sama. Obara-kun's here, you want me to tell him or should I?"

The doors to the right opened forth as Rai Tanaka stepped out in his jade suit. Obara flinched and and bowed severely towards him, the dragon bowing in turn with not a single mark on his neck.

"Welcome, Gonkuro Obara. It is an honour to meet you personally."

"HAH, th-thank you!" the junior gasped. "I'm, I-i'm a big fan of your work, your Mogueras are amazing and, I'm super honoured to be part of this company, if you will have me."

"But of course, your Paw Patrol app was exceptional, and I would be glad to see such talents bear fruit within our projects."

"I'd love to! But...does that mean my app's going to be part of your company?"

"No." Rai shook his head. "I want your app to remain completely independent, for the sake of its importance to the creatures of Kaijurocho. I promised you that, did I not Bara-Gon?"

"B-bah...bara...wait." Obara's face twisted in shock. "You...you don't mean...K-KEVIN?!"

"Indeed." The dragon offered his hand. "I am glad we could meet at last...my dear friend."

Gonkuro cackled with fright, suddenly coughing with a terrible wheeze as Danzaki gave him a glass of water. The bat-eared kaiju almost jumped on the spot and trembled to grab Tanaka's hand.

"Is it you?!" gasped Obara. "Are you se-I mean, d-did I really...the freaking head of Eight-Point ALL ALONG?!"

"I apologise for the clandestine approach," said the dragon, "I did not want my celebrity to cloud my intentions. But after all the tragedy you have had to endure, I think now is the time for me to reveal our partnership to you, with the intent of my full honesty."

"This is...this is SO, COOL, OH MY GODS THIS IS AMAZING!"

"As I have already said, I want your app to remain independent, only wanting your skills as part of my group. I respect you greatly, Obara-san, so I ask in turn you take full credit for your work on the app."

"W-wait, really?" the junior gulped. "But, the servers and, you helped so much-"

"I merely gave you a canvas. You painted the work, and you should take full credit."

"A-al...alright! Thank you, thank you so much Kevi-uh, R-rai-sama, th-this is...oh gods this is awesome!"

"Shall I expect you to join us tomorrow?" said Rai putting an arm round him. "Come, let's speak further in my office...Obara-kun."

"YES, please! I'd be honoured...Rai-sama."

Smirking with a giddy laugh, he walked in with his new employer as Roberto laid back grinning to himself. A weight of guilt lifted off his chest, feeling karma restore itself slightly until the phone rang again.

"//Eight-Point Industries, how can I help?//"

December 25th. The end of the year was coming to a rapid close, as Gordon McCartin was celebrating Icthymas Day. Studies were off for the day as students relaxed, went to the arcades, played in their dorms or checked out the clubs for the night. But the Irish beast made a trip to the Café Alps, a bag of presents in one hand as he stepped in to the warm European atmos.

"Welcome," a spider waiter greeted him, "would you like a table sir?"

"OH, no thanks," Gordon looked to the kitchen, "I have gift, friend of Tuilleksen?"

"Ah, yes, wait one moment I shall get him."

Standing away from the door to let others in, McCartin waited patiently for the Dutch sea serpent to waddle up with his lanky neck.

"//Heeeey Gordo!//" he fistbumped him in English. "//What's up, thought you were out with Kiryu.//"

"//I just came to give a present,//" Gordon offered a gift-wrapped box, "//didn't get the chance before you left, merry Icthymas!//"

"//Awwww duuuuude!//" he beamed from his crooked fangs. "//Thanks so much, I-i left my gift back at the dorm.//"

"//Haha, s'alright, you can give me it when I get back, I know you got early shifts.//"

"//Yeah, Japan don't really do these kinda holidays. I gotta get back to work, you doing alright?//"

"//Oh aye, aye,//" Gordon sighed leaning back, "//much better since well, all that business was done.//"

"//Can't believe Mr. Date was a vasher,//" Tuilleksen cringed, "//even worse he threatened you, glad he got what's coming to him!//"

"//Don't jinx it, he's not been sentenced yet. But we'll hope for the best. I gotta get going, see ya!//"

"//Merry Icthymas, Gordon!//"

Stepping out of the restaurant, McCartin went one street over and headed into work at the Poppo, the mart now cleaned of its graffiti as the kindly owner welcomed him. For the rest of the day he greeted customers, his Japanese strong and sharper than before with a newfound confidence as he helped them find products, counted their change and recommended alternatives.

His eyes were shining ruby, excited evermore to be off the clock for the most special part of the day, something he had been building up to the past entire month. The hours passed like sand in the glass, night falling fast as he finished his shift, changed to his regular clothes, and marched straight towards the Azumi office.


"Hey, Gordon!"

The kaiju in his white suit stood outside, hugging his boyfriend with a kiss on the lips. The student wore a dark blue hoodie with white waves resembling the sea, as they walked towards the Hotel District.

"How was work?" Goji asked first.

"Good!" Gordon grinned. "Easy, fun, excited for tonight!"

"Same here. First time going to my place, might as well make it official."

"Heehee, yes! How was work?"

"Pretty good," Kiryu smirked, "settling in to my new role."

"Is patriarch, hard?"

"Mmm, not hard, just more stuff to do. Don't get out as much to walk the streets, though I've shifted the structure to give me some more freedom."

"That's good! Friends okay too?"

"Oh yeah, Danzaki's doing well in his new job, Sano makes a good lieutenant, you hear Obara-kun's got a job at Eight-Point?"

"What?!" McCartin gasped. "Wow, great, very big job! But you miss him, yes?"

"I do," Kiryu nodded, "but it was the right option for him, we all agreed his talents were wasted at our place. He'll still come by and say hello, but he's no longer with Toho."

"That is good! I happy you stay friends."

The snow was building up on the streets, crumpling white piles on every corner as a soft breeze trickled motes on their heads. Their snouts tingled with the cold as they walked to the bus stop, where other creatures huddled sipping coffees, sharing smartphone screens to talk with friends and relatives.

The bus trundled down the snowy road as the weather started to thicken, a crisp silver veil drifting over the city. Gordon hugged Kiryu close as they sat together, the rumbling shudder of the engine almost lulling them to sleep amongst the sounds of creatures babbling away.

Half an hour later, the bus taking its time on the slippery road, they arrived at Kiryu's apartment. A few local stores had hung up Icthymas lights for the season, shining beacons in the vast of night as they stepped inside the warm small house. Two futons had been put down next to each other, as Gordon shook the snow off before kissing his love.

"You want help cooking?" he asked.

"No no, sit down," the kaiju smooched him back, "I've got some noodles to cook up, get yourself settled."


Turning on the TV he sat and waited, the sizzling steam filling the house as warm as the heating that clicked on. A few cars passed outside, the gentle roars in the dark somewhat soothing as a game show started up.

Kiryu took off his white suit, hanging it up in a closet along with six other identical white suits before checking on the food. In his bag, Gordon carefully pulled out two presents and waited for Kiryu, the kaiju handing him a bowl as they sat together.

"Anything new at the university?" he asked slurping his food.

"Mmm, no!" Gordon shook his head. "New professor is nice, he come from Hokkaido! I like his voice, slow and gentle like ocean wave."

"Hmhm, that's good."

"How is um...your clan?"

"Everything's fine now," Gojirama chuckled, "you don't have to ask if it makes you uncomfort-"

"No no, is polite! I no mind, I know you good kaiju."

"Well...the Fourth Chair's managed to chase out all the Jinuchu, who are basically disbanded. Some of the less loyal thugs we found jobs for, or even recruited if they wanted to. Damages done to other districts are all fixed up, and the properties we had on Zennyo are doing great."

"Zennyo, is where Sa-Rhee has place?"

"Yeah, his new restaurant's doing well!" Goji rubbed his lover's head. "We should go in sometime, grab some of those new year noodles."

"OOOH, yes, we do that!"

Gordon almost coughed laughing mid-slurp, seeing someone had fumbled on the giant plinko board, as a kappa with plastered smile received a commemorative dinner tray. Sometimes there were dares to avoid being drenched, other times there were questions about regular Japanese life that Kiryu let Gordon answer for fun.

"I have gifts, for you," the beast offered two presents, "one from me, one from mother."

"Ohhh, thank you!" Kiryu took them gladly. "Didn't expect one from your mother, that's very kind of her. I got you something too."

The yakuza brought out a small package before opening his own gifts, Gordon clapping his hands as he waited patiently for his response. Goji opened Mrs. McCartin's gift first, a big fleecy white jumper with a red V-neck.

"Huh! This looks like my suit."

"Keeps you warm!" Gordon rubbed his arms. "Try it!"

Taking off his own pale suit, the sight of Kiryu's thick arms made the student giddy as the kaiju slipped on his jumper, a warm woolly blend that was thick and comfortably snug.

"Wow...this is really nice, it hugs me just right without creasing-oh, wait hold on." He dug out a card from inside the hem. "There's a...a letter?"

"OH, I read it for you!"

Gordon took the flat card with a view of the Irish Sea, a lonely little isle shining in the sunset. His eyes misted briefly in nostalgia, as he flipped it over to best translate its message.

Dear Kiryu

Seeing you face down rabble-rousers and putting Gordo's happiness before anything else, gives me faith in you as my son's beloved. Some would call you a thug, a hooligan, and they'd be right. But one beast's thug is another beast's hero, and I know you're all that from what Gordo has told me.

When you wear this jumper, you wear a mother's love. But if you ever break his heart, each thread will be a thousand knives in your back.

Merry Icthymas

- Sogra McCartin

Gordon's hollowed face made Kiryu start laughing, who slapped his knee much to his boyfriend's dismay.


"No no, it's great!" Goji cackled. "Ohhh I love her, I'm very glad for the message!"

"You, you are?!"

"Of course, it shows how much she loves you, and it makes me respect her more! I hope we see her again next year, I love an old lady who's not afraid of me."

"Hah hahaha, o-okay, okay PHEW!" Gordon wiped his brow. "Okay, my present next!"

Opening the smaller package, Gojirama found an odd-looking pendant, carved from stone and resembling a Celtic spiral. Even more strange were Shintoist tassels hanging off it, Kiryu's scales creeping up his neck from the odd aura it emitted.

"What is...this?"

"Gift from Nara Island!" said Gordon. "Blessed by priest of my home, but ALSO blessed by Nara temple in Japan!"

"So it's...a double-blessed talisman?"

"Keeps you safe, from two oceans! If ever you in danger, it always bring help!"

"Hah...funny you say that." Kiryu put it on with a gentle stroke. "I love it. Thank you Gordon, I'm sure it'll keep me safe. Alright, open yours now."

Gordon carefully opened his to find another piece of jewellery. A stone bracelet with a strong scent of the ocean breeze that made him shiver warmly.

"Ohhhh...what this?"

"I found it in Yokohama," said Kiryu, "A monster knew someone who spoke Irish, so I had this made and there's some Irish on the inside of it."

Sure enough there was Gaeilge on the interior that made Gordon well up with tears. It was surprisingly accurate, translated as " My Ocean Is Your Ocean Too".

"Awww! G-gojiiii!"

"Is it okay?"

"It...it's beautiful!" He slipped it on his wrist. "I...I love it. I love you, th-thank you."

"Merry Icthymas," Kiryu hugged him tight, "I love you too, Gordon. I hope next year turns out better for you."

"I-i...I know it will be. Merry Icthymas...Gojirama."

They kissed once again, wearing their gifts as the TV played on whilst they cuddled under the sheets of their futons. A voice would cheer from outside, the cars drove on forming a lullaby to them both. The city never dreamt, but Kiryu did this time, alongside his lover Gordon. The dreams of all this city's creatures would live, and thrive, in the darkness before the dawn, of a brand new year.


Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.4 - The Final War

Six hours had passed since Murata's broadcast, with less barricades now on the street, and more stains of blood on the gravel. When news of Gondo's battle in the mall had spread along with a mysterious yakuza matriarch, Murata quickly informed...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.3 - The Guardian

November 21st was the day the city would change. Most of the populace wouldn't feel this change yet, too busy in their offices and grouproom chats. Nagamichi Street had yet to set up its bunting for Icthymas, but some shops already had...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.2 - Darkest Before The Dawn

The Toho Headquarters fell silent two days after the incident. Black banners hung in mourning, the blood and the bodies having all been cleared and families of the victims notified. The patriarchs all returned once their incidents had been...

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