full metal lingerie: chpt 2: the room.

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#2 of full metal lingerie

the room

Thoughts flooded through my head as I followed Alex through the twisting corridors of the base. "Jen! What the fuck have you done? I leave you alone for a matter of seconds and you're on your way to see Vicky!" we both turned around and saw the lieutenant walking towards us.

"Vicky's on punishment duty, sir?" Alex said Vicky as if she was scared of her

"yes Vicky's on duty. God help us all. Bad tempered bitch. Chances are she's going to give you a hard time as your new and she wants to scare the shit out of you so you don't do anything again. Don't worry she won't actually scare the shit out of you" he started muttering to himself "well I hope not..." he stopped muttering "what did you do to get sent down here anyway?"

"all she did was knock the general on his ass!"

I noticed a smirk appear on the lieutenant's face "you knocked the general on his arse? And he sent you down to the room? He must be in a bad mood today. Jeff's a nice fellow. Usually. Like a little pussy cat... well husky... but you get the idea." he stopped and thought for a moment "Ooh... don't tell him I told you his name... or Vicky'll have a nice new pair of malamute gut garters for Christmas"

the serious look on his face unnerved me slightly "he wouldn't really turn you into a garter belt for Vicky... would he?"

the lieutenant looked at me for a few minutes with a look of amusement plastered on his face "of course he wouldn't but the humans would do... and have been doing so for a long time... using animal kind for food, furniture... clothing for hundreds of years... possibly even thousands! And that's why they must die! Their troops wear boots made from cow hide! They drink cow's milk! They slaughter them for food! They take hen's eggs! These are a few... just a few of the horrific atrocities they commit! We have had enough! One day they will burn in hell for their crimes! And we will be there holding the torch!"

random people who heard the lieutenant's speech applauded and whistled. I smiled as he bowed to the troops. He turned on his heel and pointed to a dead end corridor with a door in it. "here it is... Vicky's office... worst place in the base... I've seen people who've spent some time in the room who've just sat here and fingered themselves to get off. Vicky is fond of orgasm denial. You won't have fun. I can promise you that... but then again that's the whole point of the room"

he knocked on the door and walked in. a female dragon was sitting at a desk typing on a computer. "fuck off Weirman." she quite bluntly said very much to my amazement.

"it's nice to see you too, princess." I smiled at the lieutenant's reply

she growled "so what do you want, Caesar?" she asked slightly annoyed.

"just dropping someone off." the lieutenant stated

"ah Alex... what have you done now. Sucking off NCOs to get a promotion again?"

"actually miss Vicky I'm the one who's here for the room"

"who the hell is this Caesar? Your new play toy? But then again you have plenty enough as it is."

"actually Vicky she's a new recruit... who I have no intention in making my toy. Besides I've got you." he replied sticking his tongue out "she's an extremely new recruit... try not to break her too bad"

"how new?" the dragoness was amused "a week?"

"today. New"

"really?" the dragoness was shocked "what did she do? She must have fucking threw a knife at Jeff to get chucked in on the first day"

the lieutenant sported a mischievous look on his face. "maybe I could tell you... but then again maybe not"

"tell me you military fairy!" I was about to burst out laughing. Vicky told him good and proper.

"general's lapdog!" he mused, making me giggle.

"Caesar, you fucking scumbag!" she cried out.

the lieutenant laughed "You maggot."

she tapped the claws on her fingers against her desk. She was starting to get pissed off... this was really bad for me. "You cheap, lousy, faggot! I hope you kick the bucket soon you asshole!"

"you'd miss me." he smiled a victorious smile. He knew he had won.

she stood up and walked around her desk towards Caesar. I thought she was going to slap him... hard around the face. But instead she embraced him. "I would miss you Caesar."

"please try not to mess Jen up too bad, Vicky. All she did was accidentally knock Jeff over."

"did he say how long for?" she looked to me and alex.

"no. he just said he wanted to see me here in fifteen minutes."

"really? That's really strange. He always tells people how long they're supposed to be in there for. And he never comes down to watch. You must have caught him when he's in an extremely bad mood."

"lucky me." I muttered. Vicky shrugged and opened the door to the left of her desk. "take off your clothes."

"um... do they have to watch?" I motioned to Caesar and Alex.

"she doesn't. But Caesar does... also try to do it nice and slowly... he likes a good strip tease." I swallowed my pride as I reached down and slowly undid the button on my mini skirt. I closed my eyes trying to block the prying eyes of the lieutenant, Alex and Vicky out of my head.

I pulled the skirt down my long legs. Revealing my black lace panties to the three whom were watching. I heard the dragoness whisper to the lieutenant and then he murred in agreement. "now take off your top." I rolled my eyes as the dragoness called to me.

I wrapped my fingers around the base of my tube top and slowly started pulling it up and over my head. The lieutenant jumped up from the desk and wrapped his arms around me. His actions confused me... maybe even scaring me a bit... oh god... he's going to bend me over vicky's desk and fuck me. "please don't rape me!" click! My bra fell away.

"what? I just wanted to help you get your bra off... and may I say you have two very beautiful watermelons there. He touched my nipples before rubbing them "does that feel good?"

"yes, sir. It feels wonderful"

"good" a little whimper left my muzzle as he leant down and licked my right teat. I felt one of his hands slide down my chest. He slipped his hand into my panties, stroking my slit.

I moaned as his furry digits rubbed my vulva. He pushed two into my twat and spread my lips. Before sliding his middle finger in and out. He smiled as my juices started dampening my orifice. He pulled his hand out and pulled down my panties, displaying my now wet pussy. "okay then.. Try to have fun in there."

I looked over to vicky then back at the lieutenant. He motioned towards a door that Vicky had opened "go on then." and with that he walked off with Alex behind him.

I walked into "the room" as it's called. And it was almost exactly as Alex had described it. It wasn't all that dark a room... it did have a the chair in it. a naked light bulb hung from the ceiling illuminating the room. Vicky took me to the Chair in the centre of the room and sat me down in it. Caesar asked me to hold back and not fuck you up too bad. Your lucky it's him looking after you. If it were someone else like me you would be hanging upside down from the ceiling with weights attached to your nipples. Did you know Caesar designed this room with the general? The pair of them are quite evil together. This form of torture may not hurt... but it drives people nuts! We had two human soldier in here not long ago."

she strapped my wrists to the arm rests of the metal chair. "the little bastards didn't know what hit them. The general forced one of them into shooting the other between the eyes... and then himself in the head. I have no idea how he did it though... if I knew how to do it I would use it. Repeatedly. She then strapped my legs to the chair. You're lucky that Caesar was nice enough to help you out. Most of the girls who get sent down here get it stuck in there holes when they're still dry." I couldn't help but cringe at the thought

"I'll be sure to thank him later."

"you'd better be in his room like a bullet. on your hands and knees. Caesar put himself in the shit doing that for you. If the general finds out he'll be joining the humans on the firing wall."

"i won't tell... honestly"

"you'd better not or I'll drag you down here and put one of the special 'treatment' items to use on you."

"special treatment?" I was scared now. Really scared. Vicky laughed and walked to her office and returned a minute or so later with a metal dildo in one hand and a lighter in the other. The dildo looked sinister. the entire surface was covered with little knobs. And the knot at the base was really wide. And at the bottom was what I assumed was a little device to hold a lighter. I didn't need an explanation on how it worked and what it did.

"think of it as insurance... this stops you from saying... or doing anything that could fuck Caesar over." I nodded in fear. She placed the device back were she got it from and returned with a vibrator. It was shaped like a dog's dick with a knot at the base. It also had a cable attaching it to a little box. She placed the head of the dildo by my lips. I braced myself for it. I knew it was going to be uncomfortable.

She started pushing. I shuddered as the latex phallus intruded my labia. "so Vicky... is Caesar your mate or something?" I wasn't really expecting an answer... what I was kind of expecting was a slap 'round the face and a shut the fuck up.

"no... Caesar's just a friend... we've known each other for years... hell, I knew him before this shit kicked off with the humans. Anyway... you're not supposed to be talking. So Shut it."

"okay then. But I'm just intereste-" I yipped in surprise as the dragoness slapped me. "what the hell?!" she slapped me again. Then I figured out that every time I opened my mouth I would get slapped.

"don't make me gag you." I shook my head at the mention of the gag. She pushed the vibrator in more and more. Soon the dildo's knot had entered my warmth "you're starting to get the idea now. Be silent and it will end when it ends. I'm assuming that the general will come and get you. That's if he doesn't forget you're here."

I whimpered, wondering if Vicky was joking or not. Vicky balanced the vibrator's box on my breasts and turned it on. It was so close I could almost touch it. And yet I couldn't. "please, turn it off!"

"what did I say about talking?!" she walked to her office and walked back in with a ball gag. She placed the ball in my mouth and tied the straps behind my head.

"good night bitch" she blew a kiss at me before turning the light off, walking out and locking the door behind her. Leaving me all alone in the pitch black room.

Fuck. That was all that was going through my head. Fuck, fuck, fuckitty fuck fuck. How the fuck did this make me a better soldier? Am I going to suddenly become a better shot? "Jen. What's your secret to being an amazing shot?" "Well. I spend a lot of time tied up in a pitch black room with a dildo in me." Now imagine what I could do with nipple clamps. "Fuck. Now I'm talking to my self."

I sat there for a while. My body screaming for release. The vibrator buzzing at a level that was really noticeable but just not enough to push me over the edge. My ears perked up as I heard the door being unlocked. Thank god I thought. Someone's here to rescue me. The door opened and I closed my eyes. Already unused to the light. Soon my eyes could refocus and I saw the figure. Oh fuck. It was the general.