Marla Chapter 16 - The Gathering Storm

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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#19 of Marla


Chapter 16

The Gathering Storm

S.M. Wolf

Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, Mike, Sensei Tenchi. Zubin, baba Walters, other miscellaneous characters and this story are copyright 2010 by S.M. Wolf. This story may not be reproduced by any means in part or completely without prior written permission of the author. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

"What do you mean you flushed them?!" Master David yelled incredulously.

"They were killing you," Kayla responded calmly as she cuddled against her mate. Along with Marla they were in the penthouse living room sitting on one of the sofas. Kayla was on Master David's left while Marla was on his right. All three were naked.

"But we need them to make sure you get pregnant!" Master David complained.

"We need you alive," Kayla responded firmly. "You help no one - not me, not Marla, not our extended pack, not Elysium, and certainly not our cubs! - if you die trying to impregnate us.

"Both Marla and I agreed. You are more important to us, even if we only have a short time left together, than getting pregnant."

Kayla lifted her left paw and stroked Master David's face. She turned his head towards her and kissed him. It was not a sexual kiss, but one that showed her love of her mate. With a start Marla realized it was the first act of true, non-sexual love that they had done since trying to breed. The all consuming drive to procreate had stripped away the small displays of love that they gave each other almost without thinking. It was an aberration in their pack, and Marla hoped that it was only a temporary one that was now ending. She wanted to return to her loving, caring pack again. Cubs would come in their own time.

"I could have taken them for a couple more days," Master David grumbled. He was still out of sorts.

Marla snuggled close to Master David and added, "I want you alive. I already have lost one mate. I do not want a second one dying of a heart attack as he sexes me."

That brought Master David up short. He could not argue with her on that point.

After several seconds of silence, the black wolf said quietly, "Okay. I'll stop complaining.

"Do you still want to try again?"

Both Marla and Kayla smiled.

"Of course, silly!" Kayla said happily. "We still have some time, and there is nothing wrong with your natural ability. Never was, to be honest. We'll just try it without the drugs."

Kayla snuggled in much closer. She pressed her body against the older wolf's left side. She held him and started to kiss him, not as an act of foreplay, but out of true love.

"Marla," Kayla said, "if you want him, you can have David first today.

"But I want some serious face time with him right now," the otteress added as she returned to kissing Master David.

Marla snuggled up against Master David's right side and replied, "I don't know. That looks like a lot of fun..."

Marla leaned in and started kissing Master David's cheek. It felt good to be just showing her love of her pack mate and alpha male outside of intercourse.

The three furs kissed for some time. They ended up muzzle to muzzle to muzzle. Marla found herself kissing Kayla as much as Master David. She had a glorious time.

Master David's stomach rumbled. All three looked down at it. Kayla's suppressed giggle caused Marla to outright laugh.

"We better stoke him up with some protein before we ride the meat pole express again!" The otteress said cheerfully as she headed for the kitchen. A moment later she was joined by Marla. The two femfurs disappeared into the kitchen, still gently laughing.

Marla's good mood continued as she and Kayla got together a large breakfast for the three furs. She looked at Kayla and commented, "That went better than I thought it might."

"He's upset," Kayla said as she plated several links of sausage. "But he also realizes we are right even if he does not want to admit it and hates his weakness in this matter.

"He won't fight us over this. He still wants to continue, though."

"So do we try some more?"

"Yes, we do. It helps our chances of getting pregnant, but, at least as importantly, I want some more very intimate time with my mate before I leave this planet."

Kayla walked over to Marla and hugged her.

"What was that for?" Marla asked in confusion.

"For being concerned about him," Kayla replied.

"I love him too," Marla said. The admission caused her to start. She suddenly thought about Mike, her first love, and wondered if what she said was a betrayal of him.

Kayla caught Marla's conflicted expression. She said, "You can love more than one. I love David, but I also love Todd, and I loved Mike. Both will always be in my heart. I also love you, Valentia and the members of our coffle among others.

"I can only guess what it is like when you think about Mike in this context. Try not to be too hard on yourself for seeking another so quickly. Circumstances are forcing all of our paws. I am sure Mike would want you to be happy more than anything else."

Marla nodded her head as she collected her thoughts and the food.

"I know," the wolfess said. "It is just hard right now thinking about David and Mike at the same time in the current context. I do love them both, each in their own way. I just have to come to a resolution of how I deal with the loss of Mike and being with David now."

"We are here for you if you want us," Kayla said as she took several plates from the countertop and headed for the dining room.

"I know," Marla said as she did likewise. "It helps, and I may take you up on it more than once."

"Don't be shy about asking for help, Marla," Kayla said a she swung open the door to the dining room.

"Food's on!" the otteress called to the waiting male wolf.

The three furs ate a large breakfast. They talked of small things. By mutual consent they did not speak of Mike, their breeding or the outside world. It was mid-morning before they were done with their meal and the plates were deposited in the ultrasonic dishwasher.

"So what do you have planned for today?" Master David asked Marla and Kayla as they walked to the living room.

Marla and Kayla looked at each other and grinned. Together they tackled Master David and took him to the floor. They turned him over onto his back and lay upon him to hold him down.

"We might not be using drugs," Kayla said, "but that does not mean you are done with your stud duties!

"Marla, he's all yours."

Marla glanced at Kayla and received a small nod of approval. The otteress again wanted Marla to have an extra chance at conceiving. The way that the otteress was pressing her body against Master David and kissing him also told the wolfess that also Kayla wanted more time to reaffirm her love of her mate.

The wolfess took a few moments to get some cushions and place them on the floor beneath Master David and Kayla. Both murmured their thanks past locked lips. Marla actually had to smile. The pair were concentrating on each other so much that they were barely paying attention to her. Marla did not begrudge them their brief time together like this.

Marla had seen Kayla straddle Master David as he lay beneath her and mate him many times. She knew that it was one of their favorite positions. It had the added advantage of allowing Master David to use as little energy as possible while mating. Marla decided to use the same position now.

Marla slid down to Master David's crotch. She found just the tip of his cock outside his sheath. She did not want to interrupt his time with Kayla too soon by exciting him quickly, so she used her tongue to ever so slowly and gently lick his sheath and shaft. Master David's cock came erect almost in slow motion under her careful attention. At the Academy this would have been a punishment for a male, but here it was a much appreciated opportunity for Master David and Kayla to renew their bonds of love even as Marla prepared to mate him.

Eventually Master David's cock was fully erect, and he turned his attention to Marla. She came willingly to his arms. Kayla helped both of them into position before retreating a foot or two. Marla lifted her hips up over Master David's pink tower. She looked down at him and saw a look of pure love in his eyes. She smiled at him as she looked deeply into his eyes. This felt so much better, so much more right than the past thirty-six or so hours. This was an act of love, not necessity or even perhaps selfishness.

The wolfess dropped down onto Master David's cock. She let just the knob slip into her wet snatch. It felt good to hold him there, just parting her pussy lips without filling her. She played with him a bit, rocking her hips back and forth just a little while using her vaginal muscles to gently grasp and release his wolfhood.

After some play Marla began to thrust downward. Inch after inch of Master David's cock disappeared into her cunt. She reached his knot. It pressed against her labia for a moment before forcing her open wide. She relaxed her muscles, and his knot disappeared deep into her. She clamped down hard on it, and the two wolves were rewarded with a mutual howling orgasm.

When Marla was tied to Master David she turned her attentions to the rest of his body. She ran her paws through his hair and fur. She was surprised to find it silky smooth after all that they had been through lately. She played with his body for a bit before lowering her muzzle. She opened her mouth and let her tongue slip out. Gently she licked his muzzle. Her slow laps were echoed by her lover.

Out of the corner of her eyes Marla saw Kayla lying quietly on the floor watching them. She made a small motion with her right paw to beckon the otteress to join them. Kayla's eyebrow went up in surprise. Marla repeated her gesture. Part of the strangeness she had been experiencing lately was that they were not sharing Master David together. While she may remain tied to him and take his seed first, the wolfess wanted her best friend to be part of their mating.

Kayla's tongue and muzzle joined the fray. Together they assaulted Master David's face. The femfurs found themselves giggling at his protests as they licked his face as a mother would lick a cub. He got in some sharp barbs about them already acting like mothers between his own laughs.

Master David's position did not allow him to hug both Marla and Kayla to his body, but his arms did wrap around them and draw them as close as possible. While he serviced Marla he played with Kayla's body the whole time as well. His paws found her erogenous areas and sent her off to a couple of climaxes even as he slowly filled Marla's vagina and gave her multiple orgasms.

It was forty-five minutes before Marla rolled off of Master David. He had filled her well with his seed again. Apparently some of the drug lingered in his body. Marla felt quite full as she curled up and allowed the sperm to work their way deeper into her vagina.

"Next!" Master David said cheerfully. He was breathing a bit fast, but it was nothing like the past couple of days. His eyes were bright, and he appeared quite alert as well.

"How about," Kayla asked as she sidled up against her mate, "we wait a while until Marla is ready, and then we do a threesome?"

"Are you sure?" Master David asked. "It means fewer opportunities. We do not know when we are going to have to bolt from here."

"Yes, I am," Kayla replied firmly. "I want Marla to be more intimately involved in the conception of my pup. I also want her to understand how much I - and you - love her."

Marla smiled at Kayla and said, "I know that you both love me.

"I love you too."

Kayla leaned over Master David and kissed Marla full on the lips. She did not use her tongue, but it was a very passionate kiss nonetheless.

"I know," Kayla said when she finally let Marla go. "But right now I think you need to be reminded of that fact by your pack mates."

"Absolutely!" Master David added.

Marla smile deepened at the affection her pack mates were showing her. It warmed her like sex never had or would.

"Well, I'm out of commission for a half hour or so. What do you want to do in the meantime?"

"I think," Master David said with considerable regret, "that we need to watch the news and find out what is happening. I've gotten a few scattered reports between our couplings when time permitted, but I have no idea what is going on outside or what the general public is being told.

"Hopefully it will give us some idea how much time we have left."

Neither Marla nor Kayla really wanted the outside world to intrude, but they also realized that they had been effectively separated from Elysium for almost two days during this crisis. All of their preparations had been made, and they were largely just waiting for the call to run, but knowledge was power, and they needed all of the power they could get.

Kayla clicked on the least biased 24 hour news channel, and all three furs lay back to watch.

The news was surprisingly bland. Not reports of terrorist arrests or new attacks. Instead there was a fairly long report on a jubilee coming up in a week and other pap.

The three furs frowned as they watched the news. It was clear that something was happening.

"There!" Master David said. He pointed to the left side of the screen. "See the shadow at the edge?"

Just visible was the silhouette of a paw holding the barrel of a blaster.

"So they have taken over the mainstream media," Master David mused, "I wonder how that went over with the reporters and editors?"

Marla took a close look at the anchor. Knowing the situation, it was easy to pick up her unspoken cues. She was terrified but angry as well.

"Not well," Marla replied drily.

Kayla nodded in agreement.

Flipping through the other channels it soon became obvious that all were under Government control.

"It is not unexpected, but it is disappointing," Master David said with a sigh. "I paid some good bribes to keep some of those stations open and broadcasting the truth when the time came."

"I guess that it did not work," Master David added with a depressed sigh.

"Don't give up yet," Kayla replied as she started to stroke his arm. "It is early, and hopefully they are just biding their time. None of them appeared to be happy, not even the ones we did not buy."

Master David brightened a bit.

"I suppose that you are right. We are not at the end game quite yet. Some plays still need to be made by the Government first, I suspect."

Kayla smiled and leaned into her mate. She took his arm in both of hers and held it tightly. She looked up at him and batted her eyes.

"So are you 'not in the mood' now? Or would you like to screw my brains out?" the otteress asked in an innocent, almost girlish, voice.

Master David was taken aback for almost a second. Marla had to laugh at the look of shock on his face. Kayla had managed to catch him off guard and change the mood of the room completely, all in two sentences.

Master David laughed and pulled Kayla tight. The otteress snuggled against him even closer.

"I am always 'in the mood' for you, my dear."

Master David proved the truth of his words with a long, ardent kiss.

When their lips parted, Kayla looked at Marla and asked, "Are you up for a walk? I'd rather get pinned to a mattress than pinned to this floor."

Marla stood. Only a couple of drops of semen dripped from her cunt.

"I think I can make it upstairs without leaving too much of a wet, white trail."

The three furs made their way to the master bedroom. Kayla took Master David's arms and pulled him onto the bed. She wriggled around until she was underneath him. Marla joined the pair. Kayla had her straddle her face. As Master David mounted the otteress, Kayla licked Marla's twat. At the same time, Master David played his tongue over her breasts. It was something that they had done many times before, but Marla still enjoyed the fun and physical pleasure immensely.

When Master David tied to Kayla, Marla expected the threesome to continue their play. She certainly was enjoying herself. She had gotten two climaxes already and was well on her way to a third.

"Marla?" Kayla asked. "Would you do me a favor and ram a vibrator into David's ass hole to stimulate his prostate? He seems to be lagging today."

"WHAT?!" Master David shouted. Marla was even more shocked by the otteress' request.

"It's hardly the first time you've had something stuck up there,' Kayla said calmly, "and I think it will help get you going.

"Now get some lube and one of the vibrators out of the top drawer of the night stand, Marla."

Marla crawled off the bed and opened the drawer. There was a tube of lubricant and several toys.

"OOOOH! I see some of the dungeon survived," Marla said with a grin.

"I kept a few things that are not going to be too controversial."

Kayla looked up at Master David and said with mock regret, "I'm afraid all of Elysium is going to know what your cock looks like soon. The life casts are in the other night stand."

Marla dove across the bed and opened the drawer. Sure enough, both of the metal dildos made in the shape of Master David's cock were lying within.

Marla looked back over her shoulder with a big grin.

"Great job keeping these!

"And I'm not so sure about the Government finding them. I think we should take them with us."

The femfurs bantered back and forth a bit about the advantages of taking the phallic objects for "cold winter nights alone" versus letting all of the females on Elysium knowing what they were missing. As they talked, Marla returned to her original task. She found a one inch diameter vibrator about six inches long. It was mostly smooth with just a few ribs running lengthwise along the base for a good grip. Master David and Kayla had used it on Marla at times to stimulate her clit. She as sure that it would do a good job on Master David's prostate and be easy going in.

While Marla prepared Kayla was being active. She used her paws and vaginal muscles to play with Master David and bring him off repeatedly. From her chirps and barks, it was clear that the otteress was getting at least as much as she was giving. She also hooked her heels behind his knees and spread his legs.

Marla slipped onto the bed behind Master David. A slight touch on the underside of his tail caused him to lift it high out of the way. He looked back at her and said with mock severity, "You do know what you are doing, don't you?"

Marla had to giggle as she popped the top of the lube tube and squeezed a large gob out onto her index finger.

"Nope!" she replied with a huge grin.

"Oh, great. A virgin," Master David said in an absolutely dry, deadpan voice.

That actually caused Marla to double up laughing for several seconds. She was laughing so hard that tears streamed down her face. Her mates joined her in the laughter.

Even after she stopped laughing Marla continued to grin uncontrollably. The little interchange had brought back so much of the earlier, happier times. It felt so much more right to be here enjoying sex with her pack mates instead of just trying to force a conception that may not even occur regardless of their efforts. To her, this was what being a member of this pack was all about - love and fun. Procreation was just a side issue.

"Better hope I am a quick learner!" she joshed her pack mate as she started to grease his tail hole.

It did not take long for Marla to get Master David ready. She coated his pink anus well before slipping a finger inside to open him up. His tail hole was tight but not as tight as an anal virgin. Apparently Kayla was telling the truth when she said that she had stuck things into Master David's rectum before. She would have to ask about that sometime in the future.

Marla coated the interior of Master David's anus and rectum with lubricant. His hips bucked under her paw. He was cumming hard repeatedly from the twin stimulation of his shaft and back door. Marla withdrew her finger and picked up the vibrator. It made a loud buzzing noise when she briefly turned it on to test it. Master David glanced back at Marla. She grinned at him. He actually returned her grin before lowering his upper torso to pin Kayla to the bed as he kissed her and fondled her breasts. Marla could hear Kayla's muffled cries of pleasure as Master David took her.

The shift in his position left Master David's hips well raised and easily accessible. The wolfess pressed the tip of the hard plastic dick against the center of Master David's anus. He flinched for a moment, but then he recovered and lay as quietly as he could with Kayla bucking in sexual ecstasy underneath him.

Marla carefully inserted the phallus into her pack mate's tail hole. She had done it many, many times before with both female and male, so she was no stranger to pleasuring a male with a dildo. She worked it in slowly. When she thought she was near Master David's prostate, she turned on the vibrator. She pressed the tip against the front of his rectum and started to probe his unseen interior. She was rewarded after a few moments with a loud howl as she found his sweet spot beside his prostate. She shifted the vibrator to her left paw and held the tip pressed hard against the black wolf's prostate gland. Her right paw slipped under his body. She started to play with his balls as they hung between his legs.

Master David continued to howl as he came time and time again. Kayla managed to get a quick look past her mate's bouncing body. She grinned at Marla in thanks for the work she was doing. A wink told her to continue her games. A moment later Kayla disappeared behind Master David's body again as he pinned her to the mattress and kissed her deeply. His paws grabbed her breasts and almost mashed them in his unbridled enthusiasm. The chirps and barks of Kayla's pleasure indicated she did not care. She seemed to be enjoying the uninhibited if rough sex of Master David.

The wolfess grinned. She loved giving others pleasure, even when it had been coerced from her as a slave. Now it warmed her in a very special way to help her pack mates hopefully conceive a pup. Their obvious enjoyment of her actions just drove her to even greater efforts.

It was some time before Master David finally wilted. Even without the drugs he had produced a copious amount of sperm. His white jism was leaking out of Kayla's slit. She rolled up into a ball and lifted her hips high in the air again. She carefully returned the wayward seed to her pussy using her right index finger.

Master David rolled over onto his back and stared straight up at the ceiling. He was panting hard, but he also had a very goofy and satisfied grin on his muzzle that was echoed by Kayla. Marla found herself grinning as well. This mating felt so much more right than what they had been doing. Everyone, including her, had enjoyed it. There had been deep emotional sharing as well as the physical act of procreation. She could not help but think that this was what she wanted for the future, even if it meant not conceiving in the short time that they had left together now. From the amount of sperm that Master David had produced for both femfurs, Marla actually did not think they had any real worries in that area.

Marla snuggled up to Master David's side and ran her paw over his chest. Surreptitiously she checked his heart. Unlike last night it was beating hard but strong and steady.

"I think," Master David said around his pants, "that I need a time out."

Marla and Kayla had to laugh.

"Getting worn down quickly in your old age, dear?" Kayla asked in a sweet tone.

Master David rolled over and kissed Kayla.

"Yes," he confessed, "but only because I put so much into that mating and because it was so intense - emotionally as well as physically."

Master David looked behind him at Marla and added, "Thank you."

Marla grinned at him and replied with a wink, "Just wait until my next time!"

All three furs laughed.

The femfurs honored Master David's request for a timeout. It was time for lunch anyway. They went downstairs for some food. While Marla and Kayla prepared a casual lunch, Master David disappeared into the office. A half hour he emerged frowning.

"Bad news?" Kayla asked in a concerned voice.

"No news is more like it," Master David replied in a worried tone.

"The Government has continued their suppression of the media. However, they seem to be doing little else. There are no reports or even hints of additional arrests. I am sure that some furs are disappearing without notice, but even our agents are not seeing much activity.

"I think that the Government has what it considers the worst offenders for the moment. I suspect that they are waiting to get more information from them to build cases to move against others."

Master David looked pensive.

"This is not what I was expecting. I always expected them to move against me early and quickly. Their actions seem much more deliberate and measured.

"This could be very bad."

"Why?" Marla asked.

"They will have time to build a case against me and present it to the populace. They can do the same with others who support our cause. The average citizen is likely to believe the Government, especially if it is the only story that they ever hear."

"What about the warehouse battle? Won't they see the slaves and hear their stories and know that the Government is lying?"

"Furs have very short memories, and the Government is doing a good job of keeping the footage from the battle off not only the mainstream media but the Internet. We have had to take direct measures to ensure that the message continues to be heard. That could cause Wolf Enterprises problems soon."

Marla was not happy at the thought of the efforts of the brave furs that had rescued her and exposed the role of Homeplanet Security being lost.

"Will they move against us soon still?" Kayla asked.

"I do not know," Master David confessed.

"Should we go back to our normal lives?"

"We no longer have 'normal lives', Kayla. I have a headquarters building, some support staff and several tons of money, but my empire is gone.

"Even if it were not, I would not let any of us out on the streets. We would become an easy target of opportunity, and the Government would scoop us up and blame it on terrorists. What Marla went through would be pleasant in comparison to what would occur if we did not suicide."

The three furs were silent for several moments.

"On the positive side," Master David said with more enthusiasm, "Zubin is currently in charge of our security detail downstairs because Sensei Tenchi's parents are now on Elysium."

That brought pleased cries from both femfurs.

"He will be nearby, but I want them to have an opportunity for some time together. I still think the time we have left is best measured in days if not hours. They have a lot of catching up to do, and I do not want to distract them too much.

"And," Master David added, "I no longer want to be distracted from lunch.

"I'm starved!"

That brought more laughter from all three furs. They ate and drank together. They even raised a glass to Sensei Tenchi and his parents. Marla hoped that she would get the opportunity to meet them. She wondered about the lion and tigress who had turned their back on their own clans and families to pursue their love and conceive the liger that had taught her to fight and be a bodyguard.

While they are lunch they also watched the noon news. It was more Government propaganda, so Kayla turned the monitor over to the newspaper Websites. They were pretty much the same.

"Nothing much here," Master David said in some disgust.

"Maybe not," the sharp-eyed otteress replied. She clicked on one of the op-ed pieces. It was hidden at the bottom of the page but had been starred by the editor to indicate importance.

On Civil Liberties

By Jacob Crabtree

Recently the Elysium capital saw the worst terrorist attack in memory. Even attacks by pirates on the orbital space station did not result in as much death and destruction. The attacks did not stop there. Even the wealthiest wolf on the planet was not safe as his slaves and guards were attacked with most being killed.

What has been the response of the Government?

As you read and watch the news, know that it is not the truth. My fellow journalists, fearing for their lives and the lives of their families which have been taken into "protective custody" cannot tell you the truth what is happening. They must smile and pretend that everything is okay or else their mates will tortured to death and their cubs will be sold into slavery. The seraglios of the uppermost echelons of government and industry await them as they are used as coin to buy the loyalty of the recipients. None shall receive even a show trial to establish any crime has been committed. In its arrogance the Government shall ignore the most basic rights guaranteed to Elysium furs in our compact and our constitution.

The words of Minister Noah Bruin and his operatives, no doubt forced, were true. The government does take freefurs from the street, torture them, and sell them into sexual slavery if they survive. I know because my mate was taken by them and killed when she refused to submit to their demands. My fellow reporters also know this hidden truth that they have feared to expose for years if not decades.

Elysium was founded by furs that were tired of the intrusion of governments into their lives. Many of their decedents such as the Canaria Pack continued the tradition of fighting oppression. Unlike most of Elysium, they saw the danger of slavery long before the rest of us. They saw its insidious reach and growth as what began as a way to cut the cost to the government of housing inmates became a tool of oppression. They lost everything, including their last descendent, in the fight against the evils of slavery. We laughed and derided them, but now we see the truth of their strident warnings. The loss of freedom by one fur is, indeed, the loss of freedom by all furs.

Both the government and large industry used the slave system to silence those who disagreed with them. When the citizens failed to speak out against the actions and accepted the establishment of institutions such as the infamous Academy, they rightly determined that they could go even further. Assassination for economic and political gain became an accepted part of Elysium culture, Secret interrogation facilities sprang up around the planet. We descended into a sort of barbarity towards the citizens of Elysium, but the average fur did not care because it '"did not affect them".

Now it does.

The government has rounded up tens of thousands of freefurs, far more than any outside of a few privileged to see the numbers. I knew it was very bad, but it took an insider confiding both the information of the loss of my mate and the appalling numbers to tell me how terrible it really was.

These furs, most of whom are only average citizens who questioned the actions of our government or complained about the impersonal Big Business acting for its own best interests are now being systematically tortured and raped by government operatives. Those that live will be given to the powerful as their play toys. The rest will be given an unmarked grave, and their families will forever wonder what happened to them.

A great fur once wrote, "When in the Course of events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of furkind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all furs are created equal, that they are endowed by Nature with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Furs, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that furkind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

It is time to once again seek a separation of peoples, this time between our Government and its citizens. The time has come again for us to enumerate the many just causes for such a separation.

The Government has failed to protect its citizens from unjust imprisonment, slavery and death.

The Government has enslaved its citizens without cause for the benefit of its members and the privileged class.

Government officials have turned the training centers into their own personal harems where any sexual fantasy, no matter how outlandish or brutal, is fulfilled.

The Government has allowed the oppression and killing of its citizens by the economic elite without the benefit of trial.

The Government has established secret prisons and torture centers where furs are taken without warrants and tortured until they finally "confess" to whatever their interrogators desire.

The Government has separated families and sold citizens off-world without benefit of trial.

The Government and its operatives have actively sought to establish and perpetrate false charges against those taken into the slave system. Any family seeking to know why their beloved were taken are told of horrific felonies being done when the true crimes are more likely vagrancy, loitering or shoplifting.

The Government has ignored every civil liberty of its citizens whenever it was more convenient for it to do so.

The list goes on, but, in the end, the Government has declared war upon its citizens. Now the citizens must rise up against their oppressors and end their reign of terror.

Our forefathers did this many times. Can we do it now?

We must, for it is the only way to bring freedom back to Elysium. Without such a revolution, we shall surely lose whatever few civil liberties and freedoms the Government has allowed us to maintain.

When they were done reading Kayla quickly switched to a service to see how popular a Web page is. The statistics for Crabtree's column were staggering at first, but they suddenly went to zero hits. A quick check of the original page revealed that it was being blocked, most likely by the Government. It was too late, though. More research showed that the column had gone viral and was rocketing around the globe via the Internet. The declaration was hitting a deep chord within the citizenry. They knew that things were not right, but they did not know exactly what was wrong. Laying out the corruption of the slave system in particular and showing how they might be taken into it catalyzed their unease. Now they wanted answers, and a quick sampling of the many blog postings and comments on the article showed that they were demanding them now. It was obvious that they were not happy.

Master David sat back and pursed his lips.

"I think," the black wolf said contemplatively, "that we have the spark that will set off the powder keg of revolution."

"Did you do this?" Marla asked.

"No. I do not even know Crabtree save by reputation. He is supposed to be a straight shooter, and a lot of people believe him.

"When he makes such serious allegations, people are going to start asking serious questions. When the Government does not give good answers - or, more likely, no answers - they are going to get upset and angry.

"Things could get nasty very quickly."

"So what do we do now?" Kayla asked. Marla watched her alpha male carefully. She was wondering what his answer would be.

Master David scratched his chin. He thought for some time.

"I don't think there is anything we can do. This is out of our paws now. The citizens are going to do what they will do. We were waiting for something big to happen. I always somewhat egocentrically thought it would be the attempt to arrest me that showed Elysium the depths of the Government's corruption."

Master David laughed ruefully.

"Now it appears that I have been relegated to a passing reference in what will likely be viewed as the document that started the Elysium revolution and civil war.

"I still think we wait, watch and react when the Government moves. I still believe that they will move against us sooner than later. They have to at least strongly suspect that I am somehow tied to the rebels and others they are fighting. Their questioning of Marla revealed that they were ignorant of most of my activities, but they know I am a danger to them

"When the next round of arrests occurs, I suspect I at least will be at the top of their list. When that occurs, we will have to leave here quickly, and you will have to leave Elysium, perhaps forever."

Master David's declaration saddened the furs. Despite everything that had happened, they had hoped that somehow, someway something would happen to avert the civil war. None of them were ignorant enough to believe that civil war would bring anything but a long period of death, destruction and hardship for all of Elysium.

The three furs silently finished their lunches. They kept an eye on happenings as word spread throughout the Internet despite the Government's best efforts to stop it. They were encouraged by ten new sites springing up for every one that was taken down. After two hours the Government seemed to finally give up. The pull downs of sites rapidly slowed and then ceased entirely.

"We won?" Marla said in surprise.

"Won is far too strong of a term," Master David replied. "The Government still owns the internet for all practical purposes. They decided that they were losing at this game, so they are no doubt contemplating some other action."

Marla was disappointed. She had hoped that they had some good news finally.

"Still," Master David continued, "this is an important event that is favorable for us and others who want to free Elysium, and it will crystallize opinions. We wills see factions develop that support the Government and those who oppose it. Most importantly, there will be far fewer furs that will be living in willful ignorance of reality from this day forward.

"That alone is a good thing."

Marla heard the satisfaction in Master David's voice. Things were not going as he had hoped, but they were lurching in the general direction he desired. The endgame was still a ways off. This was just one small skirmish, and they knew that they would effectively lose the battle this time as they would be driven from the field. The events surrounding their exit were taking on a much larger and more important life of their own. They were being reduced to a footnote, and Marla was almost glad.

"So what do we do now?" Kayla asked.

"Nothing. Just like we have been doing since we came back to the penthouse."

Marla's ears perked up, and she smiled. He sounded happier, and she thought it was a good idea to change the subject to something more pleasurable. They could not influence the events taking place now, so why not do what they could for themselves?

"I wouldn't call what we have been doing 'nothing'...," Marla said slyly.

Master David laughed. He drew Marla into his embrace.

"No, it is not," he said before kissing her.

As they continued to kiss, Kayla snickered and said, "Get a room!"

Marla broke the kiss and stuck her tongue out at the otteress. That just caused Kayla to laugh.

"I do think." Marla said as she turned her attention back to the male wolf in her arms, "that it is going to take something special before I let you screw me again."

Master David lifted his right eyebrow and said, "Oh?"

"Yep!" Marla said with enthusiasm. She was worried about what was happening outside the walls of the penthouse and how the world would no doubt soon come crashing in on them, but for the moment her thoughts were turning to sex and fun. There was one thing in particular that she wanted to do before she left the penthouse.

"I think," Marla said firmly, "that you need to sing for your sex."

Master David looked at Marla in shock. He was dumbfounded by her request.

"Kayla told me about her first charity ball and what happened after it. I want you to sing to me as well."

Understanding dawned on Master David's face. He smiled at Marla.

"I never meant to deny you that, Marla. We just have not had the opportunity for something like that, and I always expected it would be Mike serenading you."

A brief flash of sorrow crossed Marla's face at the mention of Mike, but it was almost instantly replaced by a look of expectation.

"Less talk; more singing. Or don't you want to get laid?"

Master David grinned. He slipped into deep thought for several seconds.

"I could sing something like Still the One. The lyrics ring very true."

Master David snickered.

"And you are 'still the one who can scratch my itch'.

"But I have something else in mind."

Master David stood up and turned off the internet. He activated the media system and selected a song. Gentle music filled the living room.

"I am afraid this is going to have to be a duet, Marla. I do not have the karaoke version of this song or a live band handy."

Master David went down onto one knee in front of Marla. He took her right paw in both of his. He stared up at her and began singing in a voice filled with love and conviction.

_You'll remember me when the west wind moves

Upon the fields of barley

You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky

As we walk in the fields of gold_

_So she took her love

For to gaze awhile

Upon the fields of barley

In his arms she fell as her hair came down

Among the fields of gold_

_Will you stay with me, will you be my love

Among the fields of barley

We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky

As we lie in the fields of gold_

_See the west wind move like a lover so

Upon the fields of barley

Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth

Among the fields of gold_

_I never made promises lightly

And there have been some that I've broken

But I swear in the days still left

We'll walk in the fields of gold

We'll walk in the fields of gold_

_Many years have passed since those summer days

Among the fields of barley

See the children run as the sun goes down<

Among the fields of gold_

You'll remember me when the west wind moves Upon the fields of barley You can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in the fields of gold When we walked in the fields of gold When we walked in the fields of gold

Marla was surprised to find her eyes filled with tears from the intensity of her emotions. It was a beautiful song that expressed her pack mate's love of her and his commitment to her and her pups. It also indirectly apologized again for the death of Mike and her interrogation and pain. At the same time it had the sadness of their coming separation. All she might have after she left were her memories. This would certainly be one of her most special ones.

Marla leaned forward and kissed Master David.

"Let's go to bed," she said softly.

Marla took Master David's paw and led him upstairs. Kayla trailed behind them. Marla caught the otteress smiling at her. She was truly happy that Marla was enjoying herself with their pack mate. At the same time, some of the sorrow in the song seemed to lurk at the corner of her eyes. She was filled with unhappiness at the impending separation from Master David. The song only reminded her of that looming event.

When they reached the master bedroom Marla drew Master David to the bed. She lay down on her back and pulled him on top of her. They kissed as she pulled him close. She lightly wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him downward. His cock was already erect and slid right into her wet snatch. Marla groaned as she felt him fill her. She had to close her eyes and grin at the pleasure racing from her crotch to her brain.

Master David thrust repeatedly into Marla, but he did not tie to her. She used her legs to try to pull him completely into her, but he resisted her unspoken entreaty.

"Marla," Master David asked, "would you mind if we have some fun without being tied together?" It may reduce the chances of conception some, but I want something more than just lying on top of you for a half hour."

The wolfess grinned up at her pack mate and replied, "That sounds heavenly!"

In truth Marla was ready for something more than the recent past had held. It would be more tiring for Master David, and he would end sooner, but the act would be much more satisfying.

Master David set to work. He played with her. Sometimes he would run his cock into her slowly and pull it out even slower. Other times he would ram his shaft in and out of her like a high speed piston. He kept varying his tempo to keep her off balance.

At some point Marla found herself rolled over onto her right side. Master David continued to shove his dick in and out, but his paws made their way around her body. They found and trapped Marla's tail against her back.

As he held her and rammed his cock deep into her, Master David said around his grunts of exertion, "Marla, that was a very nasty thing you did to me with that dildo last time."

"OHH! Sorry, Mas- David!"

"UMPH! Not as sorry as - UGH! - as you will be!"

Marla was just starting to process his words when she felt something cold pressed against her anus.

While Master David was distracting Marla, Kayla had taken out the steel dildo shaped in the image of Master David's penis. Master David had seen what she was doing. A single glance had been sufficient to let him know the otteress' desire. She had carefully greased the entire length with petroleum jelly while Master David kept Marla otherwise occupied and unaware of what was happening.

When Master David worked Marla over onto her side, Kayla slipped onto the bed and positioned herself behind the wolfess near her hips. She grinned when Master David grabbed Marla's tail and pressed it against her back. That had exposed the wolfess' ass hole. Kayla had only waited long enough for Master David to surprise Marla with his words before starting to insert the large, hard dildo.

Marla howled in pure pleasure as she felt her back door opened by the metal twin of the hot flesh cock in her pussy. It had been some time since her rear entrance had been used. The pleasure from her bottom joined with that from her crotch to send her off into one long, continuous orgasm.

Kayla worked the dildo in and out of Marla's tail hole slowly until her anal muscles relaxed and the dildo could move in and out easily. Master David slowed his pace to match Kayla which only drew out Marla's pleasure.

When Marla's anus and rectum were relaxed and ready, Kayla picked up the pace. Master David continued to match her. Marla felt her body trapped between the two hard rods. She had been taken by two males many, many times. Having her pack mates whom she loved take her in this manner was indescribably satisfying both sexually and emotionally. Her body continued its nonstop orgasm as she screamed and howled her pleasure. The hot sperm filling her cunt was just the proverbial icing on the cake.

Neither of Marla's pack mates stopped for quite some time. Despite the exhausting pace of his lovemaking, Master David was able to hold out for a good thirty-five minutes before he finally had to withdraw. His half-hard jism covered shaft thrust upwards into the air as he rolled over onto his back. Almost instinctively she followed her alpha male's penis. She got up onto her paws and knees and hovered over his hips. She dropped her muzzle and proceeded to use it and her tongue to clean his shaft.

"Marla! You don't need to do that!" Master David said in shock. He had never required her or any of his other partners to clean his genitals after sex. He considered it demeaning and even cruel to do so.

"Hush!" Marla said as she came up for air. "You and Kayla just got me off in one of my best orgasms in weeks, and now I am going to pay you back a bit."

Marla's head bobbed up and down the length of Master David's shaft. Marla could not keep Master David erect, but she did give him considerable pleasure and extend the time it took for his shaft to disappear back into his sheath.

While Marla was pleasuring Master David, Kayla continued to use the dildo to butt fuck Marla. She knew every little crevice of the wolfess' body, and she used that knowledge as well as the dildo to continue to bring Marla off repeatedly even after she was done with Master David. The otteress gave Marla one more small orgasm before withdrawing the dildo. Marla was clenching down so hard on it that the steel shaft made a slurping noise as it was withdrawn before the knob appeared with a loud pop.

Marla rolled over onto her back and pulled her knees up to her chest. It was as much to hug herself in joy as it was to keep the precious wolf seed in her vagina and womb.

Marla turned her head to look at Master David tenderly. In a soft voice she said, "That was wonderful.

"I just wish it had been Mike filling my pussy while you did my behind."

Master David reached out and stroked Marla's face.

"I do too, Marla. I do too."

There was silence in the room for several minutes as each fur thought of their fallen pack mate and their love of him. It was a contemplative silence, but it was not a sad silence. They grieved for Mike, but they chose to celebrate his life and the good times that they had with him before his passing rather than dwell on his death and the emptiness it left in their lives.

Master David was the first to rise from the bed. After a quick wash, he got all three furs drinks. Marla and Kayla stirred from their reverie and gladly took the fruit juice. The cold, tart liquid was refreshing after their sexual exercise.

The three furs cuddled after their drinks were done. The cuddling started to get more serious as Marla was directing Master David toward Kayla and the otteress was starting to wrap her body around her mate. It was her turn for coupling, and she wanted some of what Marla had gotten. For her part Marla was already planning to get the brass dildo still hidden in the night stand for some revenge upon the otteress and perhaps the wolf that would be covering her soon was well.

Suddenly a loud alarm went off.

Master David dove for his communicator and hit the RECEIVE button.

"YES?!" he said with the closest thing to alarm Marla had ever heard in his voice.

"Turn on the news," Sensei Tenchi said.

"Which channel?"

"Any of them. They are all covering it."

Master David glanced at Kayla. The otteress was already turning on the LCD panel and selecting the Elysium News network.

"Oh... My...," Master David said in wonder at the scene that appeared.

Pure pandemonium had broken out. Thousands of furs were filling the open space in front of the Elysium Presidential Palace. Riot police were forming a skirmish line between the rapidly gathering crowd and the palace, but no violence had broken out. The protestors were just standing facing the palace and waiting for something.

"This is Baba Walters here at Peace Square where thousands of furs, brought together in a flash crowd by widespread social network messages, have gathered," a shapely ewe said breathlessly into the camera.

The cameras panned the crowd. Many were holding up signs demanding justice. More had signs against slavery. Even more held up placards demanding the end to the current Government.

"Leading the demonstration is Jacob Crabtree."

The video cut to a camera located near the front of the crowd. An older ring-tailed lemur in a three-piece suit stood facing the Presidential Palace. He said no word, but his look spoke volumes.

"Crabtree's essay on civil freedom and call for the removal of the current government of Elysium has become a flashpoint for the anti-slavery and civil liberties factions on Elysium. The message has also been taken up by many other furs that fear their government and what it is doing.

"Tonight Crabtree is here to confront the President and demand answers. Thousands have come to witness this historic event."

"Idiots!' Master David bellowed. He spoke into the communicator.

"Tenchi, is there anything we can do to get forces in there or pull people out?"

"I've already tried. The side streets were blocked off five minutes ago by mobile armor."

Master David seethed.

"How long ago did the call go out for the demonstration?"

"About forty-five minutes ago. That gave them just long enough of a window to get the demonstrators in and then seal the area. It seems to have been building for a while just underneath the surface of the social network exchanges.

"I think we missed some coded messages," Sensei Tenchi confessed.

"Want to bet those were Government operatives sending the messages calling for the demonstration tonight?"

There was a brief pause on the other end.

"That would explain how almost a regiment of heavy armor appeared out of nowhere just in time to trap the demonstrators while keeping help out."

There was silence for several moments.

"Tenchi, our potential supporters among the populace are about to take a serious hit. We cannot help them. Let's see if we can do anything to salvage something for our side from this fiasco.

"Can we get access to Government security cameras or get our own cameras in position to transmit what is going to happen?"

"We have been trying to get some cameras in position, but we have had no luck. All the potential sites are taken by nasty Government furs with big guns. Even the media most sympathetic to the Government are not being allowed anywhere near Peace Square."

"That is bad."

"Agreed," Sensei Tenchi replied. "My best option is to hijack the signal from the news media on the ground in the square and beam it out to all of Elysium."

"That is going to be cut soon," Master David prophesized.

"Likely yes, but it would be a good idea to go for it first and hope they continue transmitting even if it is not relayed by the stations out to viewers."

"That is not going to work well if at all," Master David said.

Several seconds passed as Master David weighed options.

"We will get the tactical feed from the soldiers and prepare to send it out via satellite and the Internet," Master David said firmly.

There was a long pause.

"Such an action will almost certainly be traced back to Wolf Enterprises," Tenchi said in a flat voice.

"Do it, and get everyone out of the headquarters and our few remaining visible assets as soon as you can. Get everything running on automatics as quickly as you can. I do not want heroes."

Master David finished grimly, "We will have enough in the first few minutes to do the job."

Marla was not sure what he meant, but his bearing and tone of voice scared her. She turned to look at the screen. Baba Walters was still talking. In the background Marla could hear the demonstrators starting to chant, "We want the President! We want the President!"

"Riot police have taken up positions in front of the Presidential Palace, but none have made any attempt to disperse the crowd. So far the protest has been peaceful. I see no signs of weapons other than those carried by the riot police."

The cameras scanned the crowd again. Marla sat bolt upright. In the background of one shot she saw a tank entering the back of Peace Square.

"Yes," Master David said grimly, "it is beginning."

Baba Walters said excitedly, "There is some sort of commotion at the entrance to the Palace. Someone is coming out!"

The screen went black. A few moments later a test pattern appeared. The sound was replaced by a monotone.

"Tenchi, what channel?"

"If we are going down, I'm taking us down big. We hijacked all the links, transmitters and satellites we could. We should have the signal from the tactical feeds up in a second or three. We are routing one to each channel that we can so they all get out. We're streaming to the Internet as well."

True to Tenchi's word, the screen suddenly came back to life. The view appeared to be a head mounted camera from one of the riot police. The audio came back on, and Marla could hear confusion in the voices of the demonstrators.

"By order of the President, all communications to and from Peace Square have been terminated," a male fur's voice said through a bullhorn.

The background buzz picked up considerably. The tone turned more concerned as well.

"Your illegal protest is at an end _ now! _ You are all under arrest for acts of terrorism, sedition and treason against the Elysium Government. You will be taken into custody, processed and sent to retraining facilities. Do not resist!" the voice said.

"Want to bet that the best looking of the young furs will have a nose ring and a kennel at the Academy tonight?' Master David said with considerable disgust and rancor.

Marla had to agree with him. She too had noticed that there was no trial mentioned. The Government obviously intended to deal with the protestors harshly, and sexual slavery and worse was likely to be the order of the day.

Jacob Crabtree walked forward. His steps were hesitant, but Marla could see the conviction in his eyes as he walked almost directly towards the police officer's camera. He did not have a loudspeaker, but his voice carried well enough for many to hear.

"We demand that you cease these illegal activities and return our government to the people!"

The policefur was jostled as an ermine walked through the police line. He walked right up to Jacob and confronted him.

"Jacob Crabtree, the President wishes to send a special message to you and your supporters."

The ermine drew his weapon and fired point blank. Jacob Crabtree's head exploded as the laser turned the water within his brain into superheated steam.

"Get him!" someone in the crowd screamed.

The ermine suddenly realized his miscalculation. He screamed, "Fire!", but it was too late. Almost a hundred furs were upon him. They beat and stomped him into a bloody pulp. They only stopped when the police opened fire a few seconds later.

The front row of the demonstrators collapsed. Marla could tell that the police were using lethal shots. There were not going to be any stun settings tonight. The sudden attack sent the protestors into a panic. The view suddenly shifted to a camera on one of the tanks at the back of Peace Square. The demonstrators surged backwards only to run into the army units that had been deploying around the perimeter of Peace Square. The soldiers brought their weapons to bear. Marla thought for sure that they were going to cut down the protestors by the thousands, but they held their fire.

Instead thousands of police streamed into the square. Every policefur in the capital and every nearby city had to have been called in for the nights work. They jumped from hundreds of large, unmarked black semi-trucks and descended upon the protestors with truncheons at the ready. As soon as they got close enough, they started swinging. Marla was sickened by the nonstop sound of metal hitting flesh. The air was filled with screams of pain and fear. Blood covered the ground as furs fell in bloody heaps by the hundreds and then the thousands.

Some of the furs tried to fight back. A few even managed to get some of the policefurs down. They were all picked off by snipers stationed on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. With professional detachment Marla noted that the snipers were not only killing the attacking protestors but the policefurs. Not that it mattered much. Any policefur that was pulled into the crowd was kicked and stomped into a bloody smear upon the ground.

As the frontline police worked their way through the crowd more police secured the paws of the subdued protestors behind their backs and frog matched them to the trucks. They were forced into the back. The scene briefly cut to the interior of one of the trucks. The furs inside were being pushed against the back and sides of the truck trailer while more and more captive furs were forced inside.

"That's too many!" Kayla exclaimed. Silently Marla agreed with the otteress.

"It is how they used to send slaves to Wolf Enterprises from Central Processing. We lost a dozen or more per load until we could bribe the right people. Most of them died by suffocation. Some died by overheating.

"None of them died easily."

Marla closed her eyes. She did not know any of the furs, but she still found tears welling up in her eyes.

The carnage continued for some time. Marla was not sure when Sensei Tenchi and the others abandoned Wolf enterprises, but the feed from Peace Square was broken after almost an hour of showing the brutal suppression of the protest. The last scenes aired showed blood and worse throughout the square. Several policefurs were sadistically beating the last protestors. The policefurs were drawing out the vicious poundings and laughing as the furs at their feet begged for mercy or tried to crawl away. Marla doubted that any of the victims would live though their abuse.

When the screens went dark the three furs said nothing. Master David bowed his head. For the first and only time in her time with him she saw tears streaming down Master David's muzzle and falling to the floor as he sat on the edge of the bed crying. Even as shaken and saddened as they were, both Marla and Kayla responded by wrapping their arms around him to try to comfort him. Marla could feel his entire body shudder as he sobbed.

"That should never have happened!" he kept muttering over and over.

The femfurs held their mate close until the worst passed. It took nearly an hour for him to calm back down. He had to blow his nose several times before he could speak again. His voice was broken and raspy when he did.

"We have our first martyrs. I suspect that Joshua Crabtree and his call for reform will go down in history.

"I did not know him, but I wish he had not died like this.

"The rest... The rest of the furs will likely be nameless statistics, but they deserve better. They were every bit as brave in going to stand against the Government. I just wish that they had realized how foolish it was and that it was a trap."

Silence reigned again for some time. The three pack mates huddled close as they tried to digest the events that they had witnessed. Marla knew that she was not only sad but afraid.

"David?" she asked very tentatively.


"Will they come for us next?"

"I doubt that they will come tonight. They have too much to do, and they will have to figure out who was responsible for the unwanted coverage.

"But tomorrow is a good bet. If not then, the day after.

"Transmitting those signals tied me directly to the events going on. I have little doubt that they will use that as justification to arrest and torture me if they can."

"Do we run now?" Marla asked.

"Not yet. I still have one or two things that I can do."

Marla's look clearly showed her disagreement with her alpha male's plan. She knew that the prudent thing to do was start running now and get as far ahead of the Government as possible before they arrived at the penthouse with guns blazing.

Master David placed his paws on her shoulder and said, "I have resources hidden deep in the places where the orders will come from. I have a route already selected for our escape with furs like Tenchi and Zubin to help us.

"Tonight I can setup one last trap, a final going away present. It will not kill anyone, but it may cripple the Government long enough for us to win or at least hurt them badly for months if not years."

Marla shook her head no as she asked, "Is it really worth it?"

"Yes, Marla, it is."

Master David shifted around to look at her squarely.

"One of the great dirty secrets is that banking is built entirely upon trust. When you put your money into a bank, you expect to be able to go in and get it back at any time.

"However, the banks do not keep all of that money on hand. They have some cash, mainly in ATMs, but most of what they have is nothing but numbers in computers.

"I have massive amounts of assets in the banks selected for me by the Finance Minister. They happen to be the same ones his best friends and supporters own. I am sure that they plan to seize my assets as soon as they can. The bankers will get a hefty 'handling fee' to appease them, and the Government officials will see that most of my money ends up in their pockets.

"But, Marla, these banks are also large consumer banks. What do you think would happen if it became known that someone had pulled out over half the assets in those banks?"

"What?!" Marla asked in confusion. She had never been great in finance or business. The meaning of the question escaped her.

"Marla, what would you do if most of the money disappeared from your bank?"

Marla understood that question better. She replied, "I would go get mine!"

"And when the bank did not have enough cash to pay you?"

"I would be angry and demand that they get me my money!"

"And if there were a few thousand of you and only a few guards and bank employees...?"

Marla suddenly understood that things would get very, very ugly at the banks soon.

"And afterwards, when things calmed down, would you trust the banks?"

Marla considered that question for several seconds before replying, "No."

Master David grinned evilly.

"So you see what I am going to do? I am going to undermine the Elysium banking industry and indirectly the entire Elysium economy and the Government.

"It is not quite a 'scorched earth' policy, but it is going to hurt the planet for a couple of generations at least. It may also topple this Government as its supporters and backers suddenly find themselves effectively penniless."

Marla looked at her pack mate in awe. The sheer audacity of the plan was appalling.

"Do it," Kayla said from behind Master David.

Marla looked around Master David. Kayla was sitting on the edge of the bed. She had an absolutely enraged look upon her face.

"Do it! Do your best to destroy those killing bastards!"

For the first time Marla saw the true depths of Kayla's emotional involvement in the fight. The loss of so many innocent furs had devastated her, and now she was ready to lash out in any way she could against the Government responsible for their deaths.

Marla found herself feeling much the same way. After a few moments of reflection, she nodded her head and quietly said, "Yes. Do it."

Master David gave both a hug before rising. Without a word he put on clothes and headed downstairs to his office to prepare a final assault upon the Government before he went into hiding and his mates fled the planet.

Marla and Kayla sat staring at the floor for some time. The events that they had witnessed had drained them emotionally and physically. It was some time before Kayla stood.

"We should get dressed and make dinner. If David is wrong, we might have to run suddenly. I would like to have a full stomach and weapons if that is the case."

Marla nodded and stood. Her belly, despite all that had occurred, was complaining. She had spent a lot of energy since lunch and needed some food badly.

The femfurs took a quick bath to clean off the sweat and ejaculate on their bodies. They dressed in casual but rugged clothing. Marla made sure to load up as many weapons and extra rounds of ammunition as she could hide away. She looked at a fairly good size blaster and contemplated buckling on its holster even if she could not hide it.

Kayla saw where Marla was looking and said, "No, not right now. If we have any friendly visitors, we do not want to tip them off that something is drastically wrong yet. We might also have an unfriendly visit from a Government official or two instead of a battalion of policefurs to try to rattle our cage. If they see you or me with a blaster they will arrest Master David on the spot for arming slaves.

"As prudent as it might be to wear it, we have to wait until the Government makes its move. Put it somewhere in the basement where you can get it fast, though, and put plenty of extra energy cells with it. Take mine and David's down as well."

"Do you think that we will get any warning?" Marla asked as she picked up the blaster and two others. Its weight felt strangely comforting. Kayla started downstairs to the kitchen. Marla followed the otteress down the spiral stairs.

"Yes, we will get plenty of warning. The operatives in place are both extremely good and extremely loyal. Even if it costs them their lives, they will get a message to us."

Marla briefly considered the dedication of somefur who would go deep undercover yet remain loyal enough to die for their alpha. It was a sobering thought.

The pair put together a large, hot meal. Kayla disappeared for several minutes. When she returned she had Master David in tow. He ate quickly before returning to the office. Marla and Kayla took longer. Marla barely tasted the food, but she knew she needed the nutrition, so she ate diligently.

It was late when Master David reappeared.

"It's done," he declared. "One computer command and all of my assets will be transferred off-planet and out of the clutching paws of the Elysium Government. Our well-hidden 'contract programmers' assure me that it will happen even of my assets have been frozen by the banks and the Government.

"At the same time prewritten stories exposing the sudden drop in the bank holdings will sprout up all around the planet. We have some vicious rumors ready about runs on banks being suppressed by the Government to prevent panic. With any luck we will start a run on at least one bank in an hour or two. I have plants who will draw out large sums of cash to help start the process."

Marla nodded. She did not feel any happiness about this. In fact, she felt nothing at all. She was numb from what she had seen that day and all of the events over the past week or so. Even knowing the depths of depravity and casual violence to which the Government would sink, watching nearly an hour of them beating and killing thousands of furs in Peace Square, literally on the steps of the Presidential Palace, was incomprehensible.

Marla, Kayla and Master David lay down on the bed in the master bedroom. None of them took off their clothes or removed any of their weapons. They were ready to bolt at a moment's notice. Whatever mood that they had before the massacre for sex had long since evaporated.

Weariness eventually claimed all three. Their eyes closed, and they fell into a fitful, troubled sleep. There was no telling what the next day would bring, but all of them knew it would be bad.