A Day at the Beach

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#163 of Commissions

Commission by blinkblinkblink

Artwork by nexus

Elena the squirrel goes to spend a day at the beach with her boyfriend Malikai when she encounters a creepy stranger who then begins to watch her. Their date soon turns into one of nightmares and suspense as the strange creepy lizard makes his intentions for Elena very well known. Boyfriend be damned!

"A Day at the Beach"

It was the perfect summer afternoon; hardly a cloud in the sky, and what clouds did remain were light and puffy and almost not there as Elena walked along the edge of the beach, wearing a pair of pink-framed sunglasses and a large sun hat with a pink bow, which flapped slightly in the breeze as she moved. She had a half-skirt to her bikini; one that wrapped around her hips, leaving a single point near the top to release it for her bottom half, while her top was a matching pair of sleeves attached to her bikini, making it look almost like a sundress that fell to her abdomen, leaving a slight gap of fur between her belly and her waist. In her arms was a book she had brought with her; while many of her friends were more into wake boarding and volleyball, but she was the kind of girl who liked to sit and soak while catching up on her favorite novel. The breeze caused the back of the squirrel's hair to wiggle back and forth, providing a little ticklish itching in the back of her neck, one bang had fallen loose from her hat, but she brushed it back behind her ear and continued to walk.

"Such a nice day..." She pondered. "Too bad the others couldn't make it." She sighed wistfully as she finally found the ramp she normally took, and soon her paws were walking across the baking sand. Under one arm she carried a rolled up towel and under the other, her belongings. It was the same trip she would normally take, but this time she was taking it alone. As she turned a corner, she ran headlong into someone, dropping her book and her towel as she did so, she stammered over her words. "Oh I-I'm so--so sorry!" She said as she reached down and picked up her book, dusting it off fervently before looking at the man she had bumped into.

Immediately, alarm bells began to ring in Elena's mind as she looked the lizard man over. He wasn't a chameleon, but his eyes still seemed to shift in multiple directions at once; his purplish-blue scales adding a shine to the sunlight that reflected off of them, almost hurting her eyes. He leered over her for a moment or two before replying. "Oh, not a problem. For a pretty lady like yourself." He winked an eye, his long tongue flicking out slightly and startling her.

"Well, thank you? I guess?" She said cautiously as she took a step back, hugging her book against herself before trotting off away from him. "Have a good one!" She said.

"Hey! Hey, lady!" She heard him call after her, but she didn't turn around. She had broken into a full-jog. She hadn't had goosebumps like that in a long time, the eerie sensation was crawling down her skin, and all she could think of was the man's weird lazy eyes glancing around multiple directions and then settling on her with that creepy two-toned stare of his. Just thinking about it made her wig out a little bit.

As she approached one of the beautiful wide spread umbrellas, she gave a sigh of relief, that blue awning would give her plenty of cool breeze and protection from the sunlight as well as give her time to read some of her book. As she skipped toward it, she realized that someone was approaching her from behind. She turned around suddenly, only to see the lizard running toward her. She wanted to scream, but at the last second she noticed a familiar towel in his hands.

"Excuse me! Miss! Please! Wait up! You dropped your towel back there--"

"Oh!" She said, realizing and she began to calm down as he handed her the object. "Oh my thank you. I couldn't exactly lay in the sand without it. I don't even want to name the places that sand might crawl up." She giggled. "Look, I'm sorry about before. I guess I sort of overreacted. You seem like a sweet guy."

"It's no problem. I get that reaction from a lot of people actually. Mostly cute girls." He snickered.

Elena cringed a bit, but it didn't show. "I... guess so." She admitted with an awkward laugh. "But I wouldn't recommend telling that to a lot of people though. It could set off the wrong impression. I'm Elena, by the way."

"Iggy." The lizard said, reaching out for her extended hand and shaking it between both of his gangly ones. "Pleasure to meet you, Elena! I won't forget this! I won't!"

Keeping a polite smile on her face, Elena simply nodded and swallowed. "Well, let's hope not." She said with a chuckle. "Thank you again--"

"Hey, so...I know it's kind of sudden but I was wanting to ask if maybe you'd like to get something to eat sometime? Maybe stroll the docks for some hot dogs?"

"Eehhh..." Elena's shy nature was kicking in for this peculiar stranger, and she took a step back from him. "It is sort of getting a little creepy now..."

"Oh? Oh! Sorry about that. Well then, have a lovely day." He said cheerfully as he strolled away, quite casually in fact; Elena frowned, feeling bad for hurting his feelings. But just the same she walked over to the umbrella she'd decided to rest under and laid out her towel.

As she dusted off her book, Elena looked around and made sure nobody was watching as she unclasped the button on her hip, allowing the skirt to fall into her hand and revealing the skimpy bikini underneath. Green as the skirt was, this was a more solid color than the wash of white and gold gradient. She then did the same with her top, revealing her true bikini outfit and she folded the cast-offs neatly and placed them on the towel to use them as a head rest before getting off the sand and resting under the wide umbrella.

It was a beautiful day indeed, the perfect breeze kicked up, caressing the squirrel's fur as she laid back and got comfortable. She yawned and relaxed, gently sweeping her hand across the pages.

"Head's up!" She barely heard someone shout before a shadow grew closer and closer to her face, prompting her eyes to break from her reading to see a ball coming directly toward her.

Elena squeaked in shock and crumpled up for the impact that never came. The ringing noise of the ball striking something followed by a grunt which caused her to open her eyes and see a very familiar and well toned physique standing only a few inches in front of her, his hand having caught the ball directly in front of her face. He'd caught it with no time to spare as the lion turned back and used his free hand to clear the dark colored bangs from his eyes. "K-Kai?" She asked, looking him over.

Kai's form was nicely complimented by the black speedo he wore; a muscular, well shaped butt didn't hurt his image to her in the slightest as she stammered and gawked at him. He smiled lightly, his dark blue eyes a particular standout. "Good afternoon, liebchen. He said, turning and giving Elena a bow. "I could not help but rescue a pretty lady in distress." He smiled.

Elena giggled slightly, biting her lower lip as her eyes drank him in. "Oh, why thank you kind sir." She said. "If it weren't for you I would have had a terrible case of "ball-to-the-face." She paused at her words, turned beet red and Kai began to laugh uproariously. She too began to giggle again, quickly escalating to a laughing fit, mostly in embarrassment for herself.

The laughter between the two went on for a few minutes, until one of the people playing with the ball finally jogged up. "Hey. Look, I'm sorry about that you guys." She said. "It kind of flew out of our control. Can we have the ball back?"

"Oh, but of course." Kai said, tossing the ball back to her. She smiled quickly and trotted off across the beach, the lion looking after her for a minute before turning to a sullen-looking Elena. "What?"

"Were you just...?" She asked, gesturing to the female fox.

Confused, Kai looked in her direction again, then back. "What? No-no you are not making any sense, why would I--" He paused at the look in her eyes. "O-okay maybe for a moment, but I cannot help it. I'm a guy, it would be the same if someone dangled a steak in my face just out of range."

"So you're saying you'd be tempted?"

"What?! No I am not! Don't you trap me in your wiley ways Elena Mariksen." He said as he dropped to the ground and crawled up to her, taking her hand and giving it a kiss to her knuckles. "I may have looked, but you are the only one I have eyes for."

Elena blushed slightly; he may have had a different way of speaking, but it didn't make Kai any less of a romantic. But she had to at least be stingy for a little bit, after all, he needed to be taught a lesson. "Okay, I'm going to need a little space." She said coyly. "Why not... go for a little swim?"

Kai noticed the cheeky smile on her face, and his mood immediately lightened up. "Oh, so you want to see your boy get a little wet? Okay, your boy will get a little wet." He said as he immediately got back to his feet and rushed toward the blue ocean waves about thirty feet away. She smiled and blushed a bit brighter as she watched him ran and jumped into the ocean water, vanishing for several seconds beneath the waves. When he came back up, he looked toward Elena, who had gone back to reading her novel. He ducked under again and emerged toward the shore before running at full speed back toward her and pouncing, catching himself only a couple inches off Elena's figure, looming and dripping water all over her fur.

"Oh careful! Careful, you're going to get my book wet!"

"Your book, eh?" He smiled. "Is that all, mein leib?"

Playfully bapping his nose with her book, Elena couldn't help but be amused. "Bad kitty." She said as his dark locks drizzled over her deep green bikini.

"Mmm yes, yes I am bad, quite bad, as a matter of fact." He said with a purr. "Now come, join me in the water! You can ride my shoulders if you are afraid to get your lovely bikini wet."

"You're already doing a good job of that." She bantered back. "I... guess I could..." She added shyly.

Kai smiled. "So come on!" He urged as he took her hands and pulled her to her feet. "And trust me, if there are any predators in there, I will be sure to remind them that I am the biggest fish of them all!" Elena laughed at this and followed.

As the pair went running toward the ocean, a glimpse of something caught Elena's eye and she looked back; that wave of goosebumps had returned as a familiar figure was up near the walk bordering the beach watching. That same lizard from before; only this time, he was staring at her with that damn lizard tongue of his hanging out. "Hey... Kai?" She turned to look at him and he looked back concerned, but when she turned back she noticed the lizard was gone.

"What is it, love?" He asked.

After a few seconds staring blankly where he was, she shrugged it off. "It-it's nothing." She said.

As the afternoon blazed on, Elena had forgotten about the creepy lizard watching her and began to eventually lighten up some, she and Kai did a little rough housing with a couple of friends, she would ride on his broad shoulders and try to wrestle others off and into the water, she was able to shed her more awkward skin and just be normal; or as close to normal as she could be around Kai and she had fun doing it.

"Hey guys! We need a couple more for some volleyball, are you interested?"

"Oh, just a moment!" Kai called after them and turned to Elena. "What do you say? Care to have some fun?"

"Ohhh trust me I am all funned out." Elena said, putting her hands up and looking at the sky beginning to make that fall toward evening colors. "Why don't you go and play? I'm going to finish a couple chapters in my book before it gets too dark to enjoy it."

Kai's eyebrow raised up. "Are you sure? I do not need to go..."

"No, please." Elena said with a smile. "I insist. I'm just going to finish up, then maybe we can get some food."

Kai's expression lit up; he liked this idea and agreed with a nod, a kiss to her hand and then he bounded off gleefully, leaving Elena alone again. Sighing softly, she turned and headed back to her umbrella and found it just as she had left it.

Or so she thought...

As Elena approached, she noticed that her towel had moved and her book, which she had placed on the umbrella stand, had fallen into the sand. As she noticed this, the creepy feeling had begun to settle in, but as a gust of wind blew her hair to the side, she decided that it was the culprit and not some creepy reptilian stalker. Just to be sure, she checked around, but she didn't see anybody watching her. She settled back into place, brushing her towel off before seating herself on it again. As she laid back to read, she watched for a moment as Kai; who had joined their group from earlier began to play and have fun. She smiled and somehow wished she wasn't so socially awkward. Around Kai it seemed like she could open up a little more, the way he made her feel... it was like magic. She settled down to read again, letting the sun soak into her fur as she relaxed.


Elena suddenly felt her eyes pop open; it was pitch black out, night had fallen over the beach as she sat up quickly. Exactly how long had she been asleep?

"Kai?" She asked aloud, looking to where he had been earlier and seeing that the beach itself was completely vacant.

She got up and dusted herself off. There was no way he would have left without her, they were supposed to have dinner soon right? She checked her watch and it came in at a quarter past ten. Where had the last five hours gone? Had she really fallen asleep that hard? She began to pack up her things, taking her towel and rolling it over to encompass her wallet. She picked the book off the ground and brushed that off as well, stretching her arms out. "I guess I'll have to walk home from here." She pondered as she began to walk up the ramp toward the street. As she reached the top of the ramp though, an eerie chuckle could be heard from behind and she slowly turned around: Nothing. There were only the sounds of the ocean waves crashing into the beach. She turned back around and let out a soft shriek as she noticed a slim figure standing a couple hundred feet away, silhouetted against the darkness; his whip-like tail flicking.

"You shouldn't be out this late all by yourself..." He spoke in an ominous, yet somehow kindly voice. "Why don't you let me take you home?"

Elena's mouth was dry as she steeled herself to the sight. "N-no thanks. I can make it home on my own, thanks."

"You can try." The lizard said. "But you won't make it..." He let out a maniacal laugh at this point, one so frigid that it made Elena's skin crawl. She had no choice now, but to turn and run.

Elena's sandaled feet flopped against the pavement as she ran, hugging her book and her towel to her body like they were a security blanket. It had gotten so cold all of a sudden, but she could still hear it; the fast-paced trotting of the lizard man closing in behind her. He was growing faster and faster, getting closer and closer to her as she made a sharp turn and ran down an alleyway between a pair of tall brick buildings. She looked back to see the lizard overshoot, then scuffle loudly to gain traction to follow after her again. She screamed and spotted a fire escape just a few yards ahead. Grabbing the ladder she managed to pull the rickety metal bars down toward her and began to scramble up them.

She climbed onto the first landing, making it easier to make it to the second and third due to an inclined ladder on each level giving her easy access to the next. The ladder rattled loudly as she saw the lizard climbing madly up the fire escape, which made her claw her way up higher and faster. He was definitely on her tail, but thankfully squirrels--most squirrels were good climbers. She made it to the roof and gasped as she looked back down over the edge, only to see her pursuer suddenly gone.

Everything was quiet all of a sudden; and that was when Elena noticed that she was impossibly alone here. The building--all buildings around her were dark and the air was still and quiet. She took a step back, nervously taking in the sights of the subtly moonlit night. She clutched her book and her towel between her arms, trying to work out exactly what was happening when suddenly:

"AHHHHHHHHH!" A screaming voice from behind scared the ever-living will right out of her and she felt a pair of slender, gangly hands grab her shoulders and throw her over the side of the roof. She screamed as she fell, horrified at the sight of the ground coming up for her and she braced herself for the inevitable final impact...

"Elena?! Ellie! Are you okay my love?!"

That voice? Elena recognized Kai's voice calling to her and suddenly she felt her body snap awake.

Elena barely heard her scream as it vanished from earshot and she bolted upright into Kai's arms, who wrapped them around her and hugged her close. "Elena! Are you all right? I could hear you screaming!"

"S-screaming?" Elena answered before blushing in embarrassment. "Then...that was?"

"You were having a nightmare." Kai explained. "I saw you sleeping earlier, but did not want to disturb you. If I had known--"

"No. No, it's okay." She said, giving him a comforting pat on the cheek. "I guess I was just tired and I fell asleep."

"But you--" She placed her fingers against Kai's lips and smiled.

"I'm fine."

Kai breathed out slowly, his concern clearly radiating off of him. "Okay, I trust you my lieb." He helped her to her feet and looked at a few of the people still gathered around. "Alright then, show's over folks, move along!" He waved at the group who dispersed immediately. Kai breathed and looked at Elena again. "Clearly you are shaken up, are you still up for some dinner?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'd love to." Elena said, still trembling a bit, but Kai pulling her into his arms helped to make it stop. "Thanks for being here."

Kai smiled and kissed the top of the squirrel's head. "For you, darling. Anything." He said confidently.

It was nearly ten minutes before they were ready to head out of the beach; Elena had returned her skirt and sleeves to her bikini, making it look again like a casual outfit as she took Kai's hand and they finally walked off the beach. The evening was growing more and more pleasant, the air becoming somewhat cooler as they walked. Elena rested her head against Kai's arm and began to calm down from her earlier experience. He hadn't said much since it happened, but him being there was all she needed. He seemed to magically know exactly when she needed her space and when she needed him the most. It was almost eerie.

"Ooh! Look, a shooting star!" She pointed out a thin shaft of light as it beamed across the sky for a fraction of a second and then vanished.

Kai smiled. "And what is it you would wish for my darling?" He asked politely.

Elena reeled at Kai's choice of words, he spoke with such elegance and when he used German words, he felt so exotic to talk to, and it was still taking some getting used to. "Oh, I don't know." She pondered. "I heard if you told someone what you wished for it might not come true."

"Oh? Well I see." He replied somewhat indifferently.

"Don't you believe that?"

Kai shook his head and stroked her chin. "How can I ruin what I already have?" He smiled.

"You are a sweet talker."

"So, come on. Tell me."

"Tell you what, my wish?"

"Oh no, no." Kai shook his head. "About this dream you had, you're just now coming around, I can see it in your eyes. Something is bothering you and I want to make it right."

"It--It's nothing." Elena said, but Kai gently touched her cheek and turned her to face him.

"Please, I know it disturbed you. I only want to help."

"It's silly... I... I saw someone on the beach today and--I don't know. I guess he sort of creeped me out, the way he was looking at me. The way he spoke to me, it gave me some bad vibes. I had this crazy dream that he was chasing me."

Kai growled angrily, a tone Elena had never heard before. "You mean some man was stalking you like some sort of... lecherous criminal?" He growled again. "If I ever get my hands on him, I will wring his little neck! Where is he? Who is he?"

"He's gone." She explained. "And I'm with you, so let's just not talk about it."

Kai's angered face slowly fell away and he smiled again. "You are right, mein leib." He said. "I am sorry I lost my temper. I just couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to you..."

"I know." Elena said, smooching his cheek. "And thank you."

Kai smiled and then looked up. "Here we are." He said looking up to a new restaurant that had opened up, and immediately Elena was smitten with it.

"A malt shop? Here? When did this get put in?"

"I heard they just opened their doors this weekend and I thought you might like a little treat to brighten your day." He said cheerfully as the two entered the place and seated themselves at the first table they saw.

The shop was buzzing with activity, people running back and forth up to the counter and away again with large ice cream cones and thick blended malts and shakes. Elena hadn't realized exactly how hungry she was and immediately flagged down one of the boys in cornered hats. "Excuse me! Do you have french fries?"

"The best on the beach!" The pelican waiter answered proudly.

"I would absolutely love an order of them please. I am starving."

"At once ma'am!" He cheerfully bowed and vanished into the crowd as the pair sat back to enjoy the other's company.

"I promise tomorrow I will take you to a fancier place than this." Kai said. "But it looked like comfort food was in order tonight."

"You think of everything, don't you?" Elena smiled as she extracted a straw from the nearby dispenser. "Ooh! Shoot! I forgot to order a drink. Could you possibly do me a favor and order me a Mango-flavored milkshake? I'm sure they have them."

Kai smiled and scooted from his seat. "Your wish is my command! I will return with it post-haste my darling." He kissed Elena's hand once again and he also vanished into the crowd, leaving her alone.

Elena spent a few moments basking in the mixture of the loud atmosphere mixed with the 60s era music on which the restaurant seemed to be themed. Musicians like Elvis Presley and the Beetles, the Shirelles and other popular singers of the 50s and 60s filled the airwaves from the jukebox they'd passed walking in. She'd also noticed a mini juke at the table and was browsing through the selections when a voice came up from behind her; a voice that chilled her to the bone, a voice that she'd only heard in her nightmares...

"Well, this is a small world." The lizard had come from behind Elena and leaned uncomfortably close to her ear as he spoke. "Such a pleasant place to find you." He said as he walked around.

The lizard was dressed in a different outfit from before, replacing his darker clothes with a white tank top and a pair of sky blue board shorts with palm trees printed across them, but it was the same man; that same lazy eye. The one blue and the other red that had stalked her in her dreams. He seated himself uninvited in Kai's chair opposite her. "You remember me?"

"I'm afraid I don't." Elena lied, hoping the fib would give him the excuse to just walk away.

"Oh, I'm Grant." The lizard said. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier today on the beach, you seemed to be in a hurry. I was actually surprised. A pretty girl like you alone at the beach? It just didn't seem right, so I wanted to make sure things were okay."

"By stalking me?"

"Ah! You did remember seeing me! Look, I'm sorry about that. I just thought you were so cute, I didn't want to see you alone. Who knows what kind of crazy fools live around here. You know?"

Elena nodded slowly. "Well. Thank you...I think?" She said. "But I'm with my boyfriend now, and I don't think he'd appreciate you leering at me all day either."

"And where was he this morning when I met you?"

"He was a little late."

"But I'd never be late Elena. You'd always be my first and my last thought of every day and night. Your prissy pussy of a boyfriend can't even do that right!" He grabbed her wrist. "That's why I was convinced that I'd be a shoe-in to ask you out. You'd like to go out with me right?"

"Ow!" Elena grunted as she pulled her arm back. "You're hurting me, please leave me alone!"

Grant loosened his grip in response to her pain, but he didn't let go. "But-but I don't understand. I mean, you and I could be a great couple. I'd make passionate love you, Elena. I'd be at your beck and call every day. Why can't I love you?"

"Because. She's. Taken." A deep, gruff voice from behind the lizard made him sneer.

"Well, if it isn't the prissy boyfriend? You know you little pissant, I don't think you've got what it takes to prote--" He turned around and received a fiercely hard punch to the face that sent him flying backwards. He hit the floor and bounced twice before hitting the windowed wall a few feet away as Kai stomped in between him and Elena.

"You should learn a thing or two about respecting women, friend. They are not candy you can ogle. They are beautiful beings who deserve every amount of it."

Grant looked up at Kai and was suddenly winded, like he'd been punched in the gut. He hadn't realized the man was so huge; a lion? He hadn't quite made out his species in the moments he saw him. Suddenly he squealed and cowered in the corner as Kai moved toward him. "Oh, Please! Please! I'm so sorry. I didn't know she was yours! She-she is all yours. She is your queen, and you are the king and I am but a humble...humble jester in your presence. I-I'm lower than a jester! I'm pawn scum!"

Kai growled and grabbed the reptile by his shirt and effortlessly hoisted him into the air. He growl so fierce in the lizard's face that it made his skin flap back some. "If I ever catch you anywhere near Ellie, I am going to drill you down so hard that you won't even qualify for suede leather boots! Do you hear me?!"

"Ye-yes! Yes! I hear you! Loud and clear, oh great lion! Please, please let me go!"

With that, the lizard was released. As soon as he hit the ground, he scrambled on all fours, fleeing the scene in such a hurry he nearly punched a hole through the glass door exit.

Retrieving the shake glass from the nearby counter, Kai turned to Elena and his scowl of anger returned to its sweeter demeanor. He smiled and handed her the beverage. "There. Now that that's been taken care of, perhaps we should return to the beach? Our spot should be empty, and quiet for just the two of us." He held out his arm, which she stood and took it with her own, and the pair walked out of the shop.

"You know, I never did thank you for that." Elena said softly, squeaking her straw in her milkshake cup as they walked. "Standing up for me? You're the only one who's ever done that for me, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

"You shouldn't. You are a wonderful woman, Ellie."

"I am?"

Kai looked at her sincerely. "Why, yes. I thank the stars every day that I can be in your presence. I sometimes think I am under your spell. You mean so much to me."

"And you... you're more like a hero to me."

"I'm... what?" Kai was taken aback by the phrase. "What did you call me?"

Elena blushed and smiled softly. "I called you a hero. You're my hero, Malikai."

Kai's cheeks were burning long before he knew he was blushing, a big sappy grin on his face gave away his blush and he quickly turned away for a moment. He felt a bit of a tightness in his speedo, thankfully it was dark outside or she could have seen it move. He smiled softly at her. "And I will always be... mein leib." He said faintly, just above a whisper.

The two held hands, and embraced momentarily before continuing their walk down toward the night-covered beach below.