Transforming Tyler

Story by Felicia Silver on SoFurry

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Transforming Tyler

Everyone in their life knew a guy like Tyler, he was the average high school student mixed with the lucky genetics of being rather plain. He wasn't ugly and he wasn't Adonis. No Galileo but also not mentally deficient, always known but never the topic of everyone's interest. The type of guy who knew how to play sports and Magic cards, and he knew how to talk to girls, but was never more than that friend zone, and in high school girls wanted the quarterback - even if he couldn't read.

Tyler spent a lot of his time working at a local 7/11 on weekends and going to school during the week, his after school life fluctuated just like his multi-faceted life. Somehow or another, this mild-mannered barely a blip on the social radar managed to get some distasteful feelings from some of the jocks in school when they were circling a cute freshman who found herself at the mercy of the wolves. After Tyler intervened and expressed their lack of intelligence and gaining him a few new "friends" they decided to leave as they had seen one of the more lawful teachers coming up behind our hero. Unfortunately this is where his story begins.

It was pretty amazing, how I felt after telling off Steve, Jake, and Todd. The schools biggest and brightest! As you could tell when you look at their steroid induced overly muscled teen bodies. Unfortunately Sarah found herself caught in their sites and managed to set off their overly rowdy cat calls. Feeling a bit brave I decided to intervene and well the result was I almost got my face pounded in; thankfully Mr. Larson showed up and told 'em off and right at that point Sarah managed to sneak off before I could even hope to possibly ask her out and get another chance to see her_._ At least today is over I can finally go home.

On the walk home I had a chance to check my phone and update my facebook, who checks it other than my family anyways? I guess I like a little attention. Oh well, I saw a post from one of my friends saying that everyone should show up in the card shop at the mall. It always annoyed me how we'd hang out there because my other friends who play sports judge me so much for being at a card shop with nerds. But I'd rather not go home right now; the mall was only around the corner anyways. I think what I'll do is go there for a bit maybe do some homework or watch Youtube with James.

Boredom is the bane of humanity, why do we always need to be entertained or have our minds occupied? When I had gotten to the Card Vault and had joined up with the usual "nerd herd" as they were dubbed, I found that the idea of watching funny videos on Youtube might be my only savior. The usual greetings, the shrugged off Vulcan handshake and with a few eye rolls we all settled into a corner. It was almost comical when you sit in my shoes and watch these young men sit and analyze the other nerds in the room saying how dorky, pocket protectors, and geeky they were. When I couldn't stand talking Magic, and Dungeons and Dragons, and mountain dew anymore I said my goodbyes to them and decided to make my way back home. I've chosen to leave the conversations out for embarrassment reasons, trust me you would too.

Leaving the card vault and managing to wander my way to the exit of the mall I couldn't get the day's events off my mind. I was still caught up on not getting a date with Sarah and realizing that the jocks were still pissed at me. With a soft sigh I found myself reaching in my pocket for a cigarette when I found a pair of hands on my shoulders, looking left and then right I saw two hands belonging to two different people both sporting "2009 Varsity Football" rings... You ever have that moment where you knew you were in trouble this was that moment. "Hey there Tyler, good old buddy" Steve had said, identifying the right hand, I looked back to identify Jake on my left and gave off a weak smile. "Hello gentleman" I hoped they wouldn't be getting carried away here, because I was already trapped.

Todd showed himself as he walked out from behind one of the corners and smirked at me as I saw him roll what looked like a brass knuckle and I started to actually really feel the anxiety. "Todd, please don't do this, I didn't really stop you boys from having your fun and..." What part of me made me feel like cold simple logic would change his mind, that part of me started to hurt as I was cut off with a cold solid right hook without the brass knuckles, damn! Todd liked his steroid pills. As I tried to look back up, the left hook sent my head reeling again. I hadn't noticed but the hands on my shoulders had become vice grips with my shoulders and my arms. Dropping to my knees made it easy for them to drag me from the sidewalk behind the mall into area with the dumpsters behind a wall. Looking up from behind some bruises and a black eye, I started to find my feet when they threw me into a pile of garbage bags. My head was throbbing as I watched Todd rub his hand off on my shirt, you could see the blood from his knuckles rubbed off on my shirt, and he smirked at me, with that nasty chiseled face of his. "Alright punk, you can save the girl in your little Zelda world, but don't try and play that game with us, we'll kick your ass every time you even think you can talk to us. Learn your place nerd..." This is where I found myself in that situation again, knowing I was in trouble, because I rolled myself over and threw a fist right to his face, catching him on the cheek, and cocking his head to the side. I missed my target of his temple, or an eye, or some marking blow and in return he simply cocked back, and knocked me square in the face.

Let me be the first to say there is nothing like waking up in a pile of garbage bags under the light of a full moon and the stars after being passed out for four hours. A throbbing headache managed to dull my senses as I rolled into a sitting position and looked around. God I was so pissed, I wanted to seriously kill those bastards but I knew I couldn't do it alone and I had no real worthy fighting friends. Breathing deep, regretting the smell, I sat up and started to gather myself to head to my home. I stumbled the whole way home, my pride shamed, my body bruised, and I was happy I wasn't dead. When I managed to get home - my parents hadn't even stayed up to wait for me, shows my value. I put the key in the lock and went to stop into the house and stumbled over a box, catching myself just in time before I would have made a ruckus. Picking up the box that had obstructed my movement I managed to read through the blur that it was a package for me. Sighing, I got up and made my way into my room and sat on the floor, opening the box. The box contained a smaller box that was bright white with nothing marked on it, opening it to reveal a black leather collar with a blank heart shaped tag. "Wow, seriously?" I found myself saying aloud. Tossing this odd gift to the side I made my way into the shower, frustrated, sore, and now insulted. After an hour or so of washing and actually relaxing a bit, I decided to look into this collar gift and see if I could figure out where it was from.

Laying back in my bed I decided to lay the collar on my chest as I read the piece of paper that came with the collar, it was labeled with a brand "Genetech" and I thought that was odd, a little Sci-Fi... Now James had once made a joke about something to do with buying me a collar so I could be a Goth, but this wasn't gothic, this looked like a dog's collar with a heart to boot! I wouldn't ever want to wear this thing! I tossed it to the edge of the bed and put my hands on my cheeks and sighed, breathing in deep. I suddenly could smell something that smelled, enticing, actually, it was my hands. They smelled of an oranges and spice smell that kind of, no it did, it turned me on. What kind of freak am I? I just got mauled by jocks at the mall, I'm battered all over, I come home and now I'm getting horny over some smell. If it wasn't true I'd feel more bothered but I decided to pick up the collar and smell it, the scent was so strong it made me shudder. I tore off the towel and saw that I had in fact become really aroused by this, and so in vain, and a kinky mood I put the collar on, and then breathed in deep. Smelling that scent and grabbing my cock and just went to work, grabbing a towel and preparing for my inevitable release. Now I never claimed to be a champion in bed, or even a long lasting man but after a good solid fifteen minutes I came, tosses the towel off to the floor and lying in the afterglow. "Goddess... Good ending to a bad night." Closing my eyes and drifting off to blissful fantasies in an oranges and spice dream.

Waking up from one of the best sleeps I've ever had, I rolled out of bed and rubbed my eyes feeling the sensitive bruises and sighed softly. Lucky for me I could navigate my home eyes closed, I got up and moved my way into my closet and took a look into my mirror. My eyes had swollen up a bit and looked like they were healing and the bruises all over my head were all unusually puffy. I felt sore all over, most of my body unusually sensitive. I slipped my hands down to my hips and for a moment, maybe my hands are raw too but I feel soft. Slipping my hands up and over my belly and then up to my shoulders I found that I felt a little foreign, all the way up to the leather collar which, I am still wearing? I woke up a bit more as I touched the collar and suddenly smelled that delicious smell again, no not likely. Slipping my hands back up my chest to reach for that collar but on the way up I felt my skin brush my nipples, whoa, was that a tinge of pleasure. I started to thumb my nipples as I realized that had grown a bit or they seemed bigger. Mmm, I can't stop touching my nipples and they're getting so hard. "Oh wow..." is all I could exclaim as I sat down and looked down. "Am I putting on weight?" I blinked as I looked at my legs, thicker, but... more slender... what... I think puberty isn't like this. Warmth started to rise up in my cock again and I couldn't help but idly rub it. The more I rubbed the hotter the heat became as I started to really rub my cock, tug at my nipple and lay back. Rubbing my legs together as I started to feel blurry again, so very hot, so horny, so blurry. I watched in a blissful fog as my legs began to shorten just slightly, becoming thicker, shapelier, and then tapering to very slender ankles and my athletic feet became dainty. I felt like I was tripping on drugs, drugs I've never taken, my cock stopped feeling as good as those nipples so I abandoned it for both hands to rub those puffy nipples. Looking down I gasped as I saw mounds growing under those nipples. Puffing out and growing, almost ballooning out and blossoming into beautiful breasts. The abs I had been working for so long were now visible as my stomach, no my tummy, was trimmed down to an hourglass shape, with a cute little belly button. Wow what's happening because these aren't my normal way to describe this... "Wha...what's going...gohhhh" The bliss was amazing as I stretched my legs and found my rear firming, growing, and blossoming out to be the bubble butt of a young woman. Standing to look into the mirror I saw my face, the bruises had gone away and where they were was replaced by soft skin, a cute button nose, and dimples. My cheeks were puffy and I could see how my hair was growing, my bangs had split into two almost praying mantis looking bangs, and the rest of my hair was growing long. God I was so horny, my beautiful breasts were so sensitive and they were keeping my cock so hard, I was so out of my mind right now, delicious delirium. Mmm, slipping a hand down between my legs I realized something, "oh my god! Oh nooo way!" Cupping my ball sack I realized it was shrinking, it was reseeding into the skin between my cock and my rear. The feeling was unspeakable, something you can't put into words, the feeling of a ballsack reseeding into your body and being replaced by two soft puffy, moist, oh wow, moist and hot pussy lips. It's not a big loss at all; this blurriness makes it so hot, I'd trade my balls for a pussy any day.

Leaning over and looking at the full body mirror, I had never seen such a sexy woman, well, sexy woman with a dick, in my life. I started to ogle that woman and leaned in to the mirror and started to kiss the reflection. I slipped a hand down to rub my cock with my left hand, my pussy with my right, and kiss the mirror, trying not to moan. After a few moments, an eruption of cum from the recently changed she-male caused her to breathe softly and awaken. "Mmm... wow..." I couldn't believe this, I felt great. I stepped back and looked at myself and thought how odd it was that I wasn't panicking over this. I leaned forward and examined my new self, lifting my breasts checking their weight, feeling how sensitive they were, mmm. I looked at my lean legs, my firm round booty, and the soft complexion of a very beautiful woman. But after all this, how did I end up keeping my dick, it started to relax and I was amazed as I watched it shrink, all the way down to a tiny nub, a... a clit! That's so sexy! I reached down and rubbed it but as I rubbed it, it began to swell back to the shape of my cock. "I get to keep my dick!" I blushed as I shouted that in my sexy sultry and a little slutty voice.

I sat down, breathed in and out a few times and blinked. "What...happened..." I sighed and then looked at myself. "I'm a she-male..." in and out, "I was beat up by those thugs, but... the collar!" I grabbed the collar on my neck and looked for the clasp only to find it was gone and one solid piece of leather all the way around... ""... The jingle of the heart shaped metal piece distracted me enough to have me look into it. "Taylor" was engraved on the tag. "But...wait... it also says...Fox" That doesn't make sense... I reached my hand up to my forehead and then instinctively reached down and picked up a string, put my long hair up into a ponytail and tied it. How I learned that I don't remember. I looked in the mirror and then touched the collar and could smell that oranges and spice smell again. "...mmm... that smell... that's... what happened before I ... uhhh... before I changed!" Gasps with a soft moan, feeling the blurriness starting to come back but not fully, suddenly feeling a tingle all over and the heat burning inside, the fire traveled down to my cock, to my nipples, to my delicate pussy. The burning fire I felt was so intense that I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I started to gasp as I felt a sudden pulling sensation on my face, I started to gasp as I groaned out, my facial features changing, I clenched my eyes tight as I couldn't keep them open. I could feel pulling on my face as my nose felt like it was tugged forward. I could feel tingling throughout my skin and I could also feel such an odd burning on the top of my head. I could smell something, new smells, I could hear a bit more too, my ears went deaf for a few seconds and then I could hear so much more. Opening my eyes, I couldn't believe what I saw, orange soft ...fur? Yeah I had a layer of orange fur which faded to a cream color right around my breasts, my tummy, and down between my thighs. I could feel a sudden control of the top of my head as I saw my ears, pointed, furry, and with black tips perk up. I couldn't believe I had a muzzle, fangs, but I was moaning, I could hear it, and see the fox face moaning as well. I looked down and saw my nails become claws, my toes become claws, I could feel everything and it was so delicious! Suddenly a pinching sensation caused me to lean forward and fall off the chair as I could feel my tail, yes all proper foxes had a tail, it grew out my bubble butt and started to curl just a bit as I could suddenly feel the full length. "Oh yes... mmm..." I couldn't help but rub myself all over, roll and rub my delicious tits against the soft carpet, my dick against the same carpet, and rubbing my legs together to feel the delicious moisture on my pussy. Wow, I am one horny vixen, and I love it, moaning lustfully while rolling around the scent of oranges and spice, the smells of sex, the first smells of a vixen in heat. I moaned rubbing my fingers over my tits, rubbing those nipples against the soft carpet, and then started to groan need fully. I looked to the my side and about thanked the lord for having nerdy friends, sitting to my side was a prop lightsaber made of a hard rubber, James had made it for me as a prop. That prop just became my new best friend; I grabbed it and then rubbed it along a towel, then pushed it softly against my clit, rubbing it up and down. "Oh god... oh yes... dear...mmm fuck yeah" Rubbing my clit with a hard rubber lightsaber was setting me off so bad, I put my knees on the ground arched my feet back to my rump and realized. "Oh yes!" Lifting my tail, pushing the lighsaber into my pussy, I put my heels together and grabbed the hilt of that toy. "Ohhhh yess..." This is so amazing, using my feet to push the toy in and out, I could now rub my tits with my left hand, stroke my cock with my right. Mmm delicious! I could feel my tight pussy clenching on that toy, my cock throbbing hard, my nipples getting hard as diamonds. I could feel multiple orgasms approaching and I couldn't wait. Moaning lustfully, pistoning the toy lightsaber deep into my pussy, I started to feel my body burning, until I couldn't hold back anymore. Letting go with a deep moan, my cock erupted my cum all over the underside of my tits and all over my belly, I could feel my fingers rubbing my own cum against my nipples as I now groped myself sensually. My pussy clenched and then started to cum a bit, I slowly pulled that lightsaber toy out and couldn't believe I had just done all that. My pussy dripping, cock dripping, my scent was that of a pure heat and I knew this was my future...

After spending all this time becoming familiar with my delicious new sexy body, I began to realize that I hadn't forgotten last night one bit, those bastards overpowered me with brute strength, those masculine studs, mmm, and they have no idea now. I think I'll take my revenge in a new way, a delicious new way. Oh this idea is so hot, "Looks like I better take care of this hard on before I take care of them." Reaching down and grasping that delicious canine foxy cock I could moan lustfully as I explored myself. "Mmm I think... I'll be fucking a football star tonight, or two, or three...mmm ah! Maybe all at once! And they'll beg for me"