Taken by the Amazons Ch.4

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The couple are told to lead a raid. They have other ideas.

It hadn't taken the four long to settle into a routine. Wake up, sex, train, a quickie, more training, and then a night of fighting and sex. Not exactly the most stimulating pattern ever, but it was showing dividends. Liz and Daniel's skin was hardening up, their musculature was even more prominent, and they were rapidly becoming some of the more feared warriors in the town, able to hold their own against most foes, if they were allowed to fight together. Their practiced forms and teamwork easily overwhelmed the more experienced and bigger Amazons, though that category was rapidly disappearing as they kept growing.

Rumor was that they'd be selected soon to lead a raid, over the grumbling of the born warriors...

Daniel slowly got off the packed dirt of the fighting circle, panting and exhausted. It had been a grueling match, and Liz grinned as she offered him a hand, her cock clearly outlined underneath her loincloth. He took it.

"How did you get behind me there?" He asked, impressed. "I thought I had locked in."

"You had your legs too squared up, I twisted, and could get out and around." She said proudly, biceps standing in stark relief as she hauled her husband up. The other Amazons watching the couple started wandering off, heading back to their own training, while Liz and Daniel went to get some water.

They were just starting when a somewhat unfamiliar figure appeared, running from the direction of the town. They looked like a normal villager, but was wearing the standard slave outfit, an easily-removed loincloth and a top. After a few moments, they came closer into view, and the couple waved. A minute later, Ezekiel stopped by them, and stood there, panting, trying to get words out. "Priests- want- to- see- you- two..." He managed, then groaned.

"Now?" Liz asked, and Ezekiel nodded. The warriors started jogging towards the temple.


The Priest sighed as she saw Daniel and Liz begin to wash their feet in the stream. They were both towering examples of what a warrior ought to be, which made everything so much more complicated. If they'd been more mediocre, it wouldn't have been difficult to force them into becoming a villager or a slave. If they'd been normal, then this wouldn't have even come up. Now...

The two warriors walked up to the Priest, made the proper absolutions, and waited for her.

"You two have been chosen to lead a raid to the north." The Priest intoned.

"How many?" Liz asked.

"As many as the Goddess wills. And four."

"What? Four?" Daniel stammered, shocked.

The Priest grinned to herself. "Four has been what has been decided. Now, go."

Liz and Daniel looked at each other, then stood up and walked off without a second glance. Liz's posture showed clear raging fury, Daniel's confusion. As soon as they were outside the temple, the Priest heard something, as if a raging warrior had just cursed out the entire religious hierarchy. The internal grin shifted to external, and the Priest sat back, sipping a drink, as one of the slaves started sucking, eagerly anticipating her bitter seed.


"Are they trying to get us killed?!" Liz demanded as she stamped her way into the house.

"Yeah, probably. What happened?" Ezekiel asked, seemingly unconcerned.

"We just got ordered to lead a raid-" Daniel began.

"Congrats!" Ezekiel said.

"But we only can take four people."

Ezekiel sighed. "Guess you two have been annoying some pretty important Amazons. They don't like to see warriors getting too friendly. It's all about who can take the most glory on the battlefield."

"So..." Liz prompted.

"Easy way to get people to conform is by making them do the impossible. Either they give up and obey, or they fail, then the rest of the warriors get to enjoy them until they decide it's enough."

"And we're supposed to do the impossible? What stops us from... I dunno, kidnapping a random peasant and dragging them back here?" Daniel asked.

"Well, for one, you probably need a distraction attack so you don't get run down by the royal cavalry. For another, a raid isn't successful unless you can make an offering to the priests. Which means at least 10 humans." Ezekiel said.

"Is there a time limit?" Liz asked.

"Until you run out of food. But returning to the village means that the raid has failed."

"Us specifically? What if we send back people?" Daniel asked, thinking.

"I don't see how you'd do that... but... I don't see why not? Warriors already guard captured humans found wandering in our territory. It would be like that... I think." Ezekiel said.

"What are you thinking Daniel? I'm... not really OK with kidnapping people. Raids... that feels less personal somehow." Liz said, feeling uncomfortable on many levels.

"Ezekiel... you think you look human enough to pass?" Daniel asked, looking at the ex-majordomo. The constant exposure to Liz and Daniel had slowly been pushing him away from slave, growing taller, making his cock larger, but shrinking their breasts and hips. He looked... cute in a very human way now.

Ezekiel froze, a bit stunned. "Erm... I... I think I'm about the right height. Nothing's so exaggerated that I can't hide it. But what will that do?"

"I have an idea or two. Anyone back at your castle owe you a favor?" Daniel asked, then started elaborating on his plan.


Connor, or the Lord Captain Protector, was worried, and it annoyed him. Normally, when things worried the Lord Captain, there was something he could do. This time, he just had to sit there as two of the kingdom's many sworn enemies enjoyed the comforts of the court. Apparently one of the minor nobility had returned and requested an audience to talk about setting up a new business with the Amazons, and they had to be included for whatever reason. Unless it was selling Amazon hide armor, he wasn't interested.

He was watching them from the upper gallery, a number of soldiers with obsidian tipped quarrels at the ready. The 150 kilo draw weight crossbows were about the only thing that could reliably pierce their skin on a first shot, thanks to their damn magic origin, but this was about as ideal as possible. Just two of them, in the clear, standing there.

"Lieutenant, have they done anything?" He hissed to his aide-de-camp, a pimply faced barely-a-man named Sven, who was staring at the two warriors.

"Wha? Oh, no sir, they're still looking at the tapestries. Occasionally talking to each other, and hugging." He said, ears turning red.

Connor moved his head out from behind one of the protective stone crenelations. Two larger than normal bull Amazons. Both chest and shoulders over one of his soldiers, with iron hard skin, bulging muscle, and the practiced stance of a trained killer. Either of them could decide to attack, and would easily kill half the court, if it weren't for the crossbows. The one with a braid was a bit taller, a bit more muscular, while the one with a ponytail was keeping aware of its surroundings, its movements light, despite the nearly half ton it must have weighted. He'd seen them in action, they fought alone, each trying to win glory. These two... this was perhaps different...

For the young northerner, the picture was certainly a "bit different." The two Amazons looked afraid, out of place, trying to keep a good face on it, but he could tell that they were aware that one false move would leave the both of them dead. They kept touching each other, reassuring each other that they would be safe, their clean tanned skin and carefully washed hair showing that they had done everything they could to be presentable for this occasion.

Connor nodded. "Keep watching them." He ducked back behind, then started checking the other men, keeping them out of sight. It wouldn't do to scare the court.

Sven blushed again and nodded, feeling a straining hardness in his pants. With the almost bared melon sized breasts, and the fist sized triple bulge underneath the loincloths, he wasn't sure that he could tear his eyes away. And it wasn't as if their perfect skin, their strong toned build with feminine curves, their... Sven shook his head. Focus. Focus. He repeated to himself, trying to dispassionately observe their... he couldn't bring himself to think enemies.



Ezekiel hurried up to Liz and Daniel.

"The king is ready, milords." He said with a bow, then started. "Sorry... it's coming back to me. Thank you for allowing me to say goodbye to my family. They... understand... I think."

Liz rustled his hair. "Thanks for helping us out. Anything we should do?"

Ezekiel looked up at the two. They weren't wearing the customary robes or fashionable dresses. They didn't have gold or gems as a gift. They weren't blue blooded. They... well... it was going to need to go on the force of their personalities and their unique offering. "Just... be yourselves. And emphasize how much more power you can give him. Oh, and let him address you first. And bow!" He looked increasingly flustered as he went on, remembering more and more of court etiquette.

They nodded, and started walking in, a barrel over Daniel's shoulder.

A short refrain from a trumpeter, and the court turned to look at the newcomers in surprise. Well, certainly feigned surprise. Any aristocrat in the court, still alive, knew exactly who was being presented next next and had a decent judgment on whether they should try to divert the request from the king for their own gain. The two Amazons were an unknown quantity, and a number of the younger court members were certainly interested in rolling the dice if they weren't shot where they stood.

The room was silent as Daniel put the barrel down, the thud echoing around the wide space.

The king looked at them, only a slight widening of his eyes showing that he wasn't entirely prepared for the giants standing before him.

Liz and Daniel knelt down, waiting for the king to speak.

"Well?" He asked, after a moment.

"Your majesty," Liz began, her fluency with the language surprising the king, though there was a heavy trader accent. "I am sure that you are aware of the strength of the Southern warriors."

The king looked at the upper gallery, where Connor stood. The Lord Captain nodded. "Yes, I am quite aware of your prowess." he said, with barely a quaver of uncertainty.

"We believe that we've found a way to give part of that strength to your own soldiers." Daniel said. "And we desire your blessing to open an... let us call it an embassy, between your people and ours. We sell the gift, and in return, you allow free movement and trade."

The king looked startled, and stared at the Lord Commander, eyes pleading for guidance. The Lord Commander had a sinking feeling of what the Amazons were offering, but... if even a fraction of their strength or resilience could be safely transferred to human warriors...

Connor eventually pointed to the King's Star Chamber, where he could receive visitors in private, with a few advisors. The king's eyes widened, and he stammered. "We- we will need to discuss the matter in pri-private. Follow my majordomo to the Star Chamber."

A man in a carefully tailored court costume appeared next to Liz and Daniel and bent down. "You may now rise, please follow me to the waiting room." He whispered, and rose. The two warriors followed a moment later, and walked towards the indicated room, carefully passing through the knots of aristocrats who had spent their entire lives hoping for such an opportunity as an official private audience with the king.

Connor and Sven hurried along the upper gallery, then headed down the stairs. Connor took a deep breath and walked through, taking his customary seat by the king, as Sven stepped behind, ready to take notes or grab refreshments as needed. Connor tried to project his usual air of bored competence and unflappability, but it was difficult with the thoughts flashing through his head.

He knew that Amazons could change their captives, and he'd fought with one of his old war buddies on the battlefield, so... it wouldn't be impossible for them to give their gift to his troops, but... he also knew they raided for slaves, and the slaves were next to useless for combat. Recapturing them often wasn't worth it, they were controlled by their instincts and needs, and would often flee back to Amazon lands after it became too much. The bigger question was whether or not his was a plot to infiltrate the kingdom and bring it down from within. He'd never heard of an Amazonian attempt at subterfuge, their idea of honor usually precluded that, but...

Connor shook his head, trying to not go too deep. What was the obvious threat to the kingdom? A few Amazon soldiers? Potentially. Some slaves? Also possible. But proper observation of whatever they were offering... that could potentially make the entire military that much more effective. Foot troops that could outrun horses, who's skin could turn most swords... It was beyond tempting.

Sven was mostly focused on trying to hide a persistent erection.

A few moments later, the king walked in, concentrating on keeping his regal form. "What should we do?" He asked as soon as he collapsed into the chair. "They're so big! Imagine if we had grenadiers that tall!"

Connor refocused on the young king. "We'll discuss what they want, and what limits they're willing to accept. If they can safely give us some of their power... that would certainly help."

He took a deep breath, and nodded towards the butler who had silently fallen in behind the king, waiting to welcome their guests.

"Representatives from the southern lands." He said, and the two Amazons walked in. The slightly larger one was frowning, while the smaller one had a cautioning hand on her arm.

Liz was getting increasingly annoyed by the sheer amount of ceremony. Walk through here, kneel there, say two words, and repeat. Daniel saw the warning signs of her building towards an explosion, and was debating trying to get the butler to load her down with as much distillates as he could. He decided that would probably need to wait for later. Hopefully the king was busy enough that they could solve this quickly. Justin placed the barrel he was still carrying on the ground, it sloshed audibly, then settled down.

Liz and Daniel looked distastefully at the human sized chairs, and Daniel tried to squeeze into one. The wood groaned, but held his weight. Liz leaned against the wall, head nearly brushing the ceiling. The king swallowed, as they fell into their well practiced roles of terrifying two and a half meter tall horsecocked warrior and even more terrifying two and a half meter tall horsecocked warrior.

Daniel and Liz waited for the king and his Lord Captain Commander to begin. He looked around the room, and his eyes settled on the barrel.

"What is in that?" he asked, eyes narrowed.

"The substance that can enhance your soldiers." Liz replied.

"We think we've figured out what causes Amazons to become warriors, slaves, or workers. It's... the mindset they're in when exchanging seed." Daniel continued. "The priests call it submission and dominance. A submissive mindset makes the other partner grow. A dominant mindset makes the other partner shrink. Though it's not strictly just your position or what you're doing... it's the mindset of power as you're doing it. We think."

"And... you're offering to give that to our soldiers? They need to take a suppository? What stops it from changing them and letting you take over?" Connor shot off.

"It's not instantly effective. It takes several days to fully change a Human to an Amazon, with... total effort." Liz said, trying to be diplomatic and answer the most pertinent questions.

"Think of this as a down-payment that will allow you to test our claims as you want." Daniel continued, calmly tapping the barrel. "It works however it's ingested. Orally is effective. Opium-like effects if consumed that way." He paused and looked over his shoulder at Liz. "There's only two of us. Not really able to conquer an entire city on our own. Plus I'm sure your forces could figure out who is being affected. Not like we exactly blend in."

"Why are you doing this?" Sven asked, drawing a surprised look from the king and his apparent sole advisor.

Liz grinned crookedly, and folded her arms underneath her breasts, drawing an involuntary head turn from the four adults in the room. "Someone set us up, and this is our best way of beating it."

"So... you need us... which is why you're offering this? It's not a plot to overthrow me?" The king looked honestly surprised, and Connor glared at him.

"Sire, please don't... be so direct." He said, expression pained.

"But you said that everyone was trying to overthrow me, if they were offering a good deal."

"That's generally true, but we shouldn't be showing how..." Connor shook his head, and refocused on the Amazons. "You two said that we could test your claims? How?"

"Well, there's the barrel of our seed. If someone drinks it, they will grow taller, they will have more energy, put on more muscle, their dick will get bigger, and their skin should start to harden as they work with it. It took us a couple weeks of fighting on gravel to get our hide to adjust properly." Daniel shrugged. "You can go as far as you want with it, to make sure we aren't lying. Honestly would be interested in a more rigorous test than the standard method."

"And you're sure that you can continue to provide more?" Connor asked. "Does it need to be from a barrel?"

Liz and Daniel glanced at each other. "Yes? It's sort of what our bodies are designed to do. And no. The more traditional way is always an option. You want to test it out? From the tap as it were?"

"If I'm going to allow you two to build a brothel in my city and expose my citizens to some infectious goo, I'm going to damn well make sure that it behaves exactly how I expect." Connor said. Then glanced at the king. "With your approval, sire."

The king nodded. "Of course, I would never mistrust your judgment in defending the kingdom."

"There's a number of guest bedrooms in the keep. You'll be shown there, and we'll make a decision tomorrow." Connor, Sven, and the king rose, and walked back into the court.

Liz and Daniel looked at each other. "Well, that was easier than I expected." Daniel said.

"Wonder how bad their wars are going if they need better soldiers that much."

"Or how much influence the head of the military has."

"Fair point, regent?"

"Maybe not officially, but appears to be pretty damn close." Daniel got up, and the chair groaned as it slowly shifted back into place. The majordomo appeared again, surprising the two of them.

"If you would come with me, I've found the largest bed in the castle." He bowed and headed up yet another passage, leaving the Amazons to hurry after him.


"Well, they at least made a good effort." Liz said, stretching out on the bed. She'd taken off her top and loincloth, and was enjoying the linen sheets. Daniel was still largely clothed, but there was a clear outline where his body was reacting to his wife.

"Wonder what the Captain is going to do. Send himself, a subordinate, or an enemy?" Daniel laid down next to her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Well... I know which is going to impress me the most." Liz said, rolling into Daniel, slowly kissing her way up his shoulder and neck, their breasts pressing against each other. "All three." She murmured into his ear.

Daniel felt his body react, his cock start to unsheath, pushing aside the loincloth, slowly inching its way up his stomach, pinned between sets of toned abs, and another mammoth spire slowly working its way up.

"Come on... we should try to be presentable if anyone wants to-" Daniel gasped as Liz's hand worked its way underneath his balls and started playing with his sensitive slit. "You are a, oh fuck... skillful minx." He moaned, trying not to imagine how good it would feel to be stretched by the massive throbbing cock pressing against his breasts.

Someone knocked on the door, and the couple rolled apart with an irritated groan.

"Yes?" Liz called, not bothering to keep the annoyance out of her voice, and the Lord Captain Commander walked in, face crimson with rage at the slight, then rapidly turning pasty white as he took in the two excited warriors.

He swallowed and, fists tightly clenched, walked into the room proper. "I am ready." He said, nearly spitting the words. Sven stepped in after Connor, hiding in the corner.

Liz and Daniel glanced at each other.

"Erm... alright." They stood up, Daniel casually walking behind Connor, running his hand along the older man's shoulders. Liz stood in front of him, stretching to her full height, reveling in her muscled glory.

Connor stood there, tense and focused, fist grasping as if he wanted to draw his not metaphorical sword.

Liz looked at him, and slowly undid his pants. She started playing with him, as Daniel slowly rubbed Connor's shoulders.

After a few minutes, the room slowly filling with sour smelling pheromones, she sighed, and looked up at him. "Look... if you're not into this, it's not going work. You've been clenching your fist and tensing your muscles the entire time. It's like you're one moment away from punching us."

"Is that a problem?" Connor asked.

"Well, strictly speaking, no. We could always go the very traditional route, but that would probably just turn you into a slave." Daniel said. "I'd... prefer someone who is interested. You're tempting us in the wrong ways."

"And you're not professional enough to make it work anyway?" Connor demanded. "It's not like I demand honest interest from a common wench."

Daniel sighed. "It's... the mindset. We have some ideas, but I'd prefer not to strain them first go. You wouldn't ask a siege engineer to set up a trebuchet where they didn't think it could stand. We can do it anyway, but don't be surprised if there's a plague outbreak when its launched."

Liz inhaled deeply. "Well... I smell someone who is..." She said, standing up, and walking over to Sven. She towered over him, a unique feeling for the 2 meter tall warrior. She grinned widely, and leaned in, arm against the wall, totally domineering him. He gulped and stared up at her. "So... how does that sound? You want this?" She asked, flexing, her leaking cock bouncing towards his face.

The sound of an obsidian knife being drawn from a boot sheath distracted the room for a moment. "Don't you dare attack my subordinates." Connor said, quietly, holding the weapon in a practiced stance.

"No... I want this." Sven managed, eyes drawn as if hypnotized.

"You sure, boy?" Connor asked.

"Yes, sir. I... I really want this." Sven managed.

Connor sheathed his knife, and Daniel stepped back. "I expect him whole and healthy in the morning." Connor said, looking at Liz. "Though... it's not too unusual for a commander to bring someone to a brothel as a coming of age thing. And I suppose I owe you that much at least. I'll see to it that food and drink is brought here." He sighed and looked off into the middle distance. "You know, when I was-"

"Alright, thank you for justifying your squire having sex with the horny monsters." Liz said, her aching cock overpowering her ability to keep her mouth closed. Daniel gently, but firmly, pushed Connor to the door and closed it behind him.

Sven's mouth was dry as the two Amazons looked him over.

"Decent muscles." One said.

"Cute hair." The other agreed.

"So, do you want to get right to things, or do you want to relax a bit?" The first said.

"Can... can I have your names? I can't keep you two straight in my head." Sven managed, dry mouthed and trembling. "I'm Sven."

"Liz," the taller of the two Amazons said.

"Daniel," the slightly more restrained Amazon purred.

"Now... let's get you out of these clothes." Liz said, pulling off his shirt as Daniel started working on his pants.

A few minutes later, they inspected him more closely, their bobbing cocks showing their approval.

Sven was proud of his body. Two meters tall, carefully combed blond hair, with built legs. He'd even been asked to model for a tapestry. Of course, that had become a bit more of a chore after he learned how difficult it was to capture someone's looks in fabric. And after he spent a month holding a sword just so from sun up to sun down.

On the other hand, the two Amazons far out shown anything he could present. Head and shoulders taller, their luxurious hair hung nearly to their waist, one carefully braided, the other in a simple pony tail. They both had dark colored hair, which reflected the light like a raven's wing, drawing the eye despite the rest of their offerings. Their bodies were a deep tan, even all over, except towards their inhuman assets, which became darker, much darker.

They enjoyed Sven's attentions, preening under his gaze, posing a bit to highlight their best parts. Their form was beyond what any strongman could ever hope for, their muscles defined and powerful, still possessing a trace of fat that stopped it from being striated, their arms easily thicker than his thighs. He kept looking, his cock starting to drip, head swimming as the already potent pheromones in the room continued to rise.

Well, they certainly had plenty of fat on their chests, breasts proudly sitting above defined abs, nipples hard and nearly the size of the tip of his pinkie finger. Very little body hair that he could see, just underneath their armpits and around their groins, just making everything else more obvious, the faint lines of sweat running down their bodies added a sheen that was practically hypnotic.

Of course, all this was avoiding the most obvious part of their body, the stallion members thrusting proudly from a sheath, above an overburdened sac. They had piercings, just a few, along their cock, the glint of gold offsetting the black and tan mottled skin. His own charger would have been jealous to see them. They were easily longer than his arm, thicker than his fist, he wasn't sure if his hands would fit around the flare...

"You can touch them if you want." Daniel said huskily, and Sven stepped forward, almost in a trance. He put his hands around the stallion meat bobbing in front of him, and the flare was definitely larger he could easily wrap his fingers around. It bobbed in time with the heartbeat of the massive warrior, and the musk hit Sven like a wagon.

He stepped closer, mouth almost touching the beading tip. He gave a lick, and was surprised at the thick sweetness that spread down his throat.

"Come on, let's get you on the bed. Then you can enjoy this for the rest of the night." Liz said, gently stroking her partner's cock.

Sven blinked, his mind blanked by the taste and the sheer sensation that was spreading from his mouth. "Erm.. sure." He managed after a few seconds, stumbling towards the bed, a dopey grin spreading across his face.

Daniel and Liz looked at each other. "You think this is going to work?" Liz asked.

"Pretty sure. Just need to keep the right mindset." Daniel said, kissing her. She nodded and sat down at the head of the bed, the wood creaking loudly. Liz leaned back, eyes half lidded, stroking her cock, as Daniel walked over to her. He stepped up and took her cock, easing it into himself, lifting his massive balls out of the way, then laid back. Daniel groaned contentedly, filled to the delicious limit.

"Alright, Sven, come over here." Daniel said, as Sven silently moved where Daniel pulled him.

A few seconds later, Sven was sitting on Daniel's chest, Daniel's cock was in his face, and Liz was gently thrusting into Daniel. Just another night for the Amazons, abet with a new partner.

For Sven, the perspective was a bit different. Daniel laid down, as his wife gently pressed her member towards his crotch. The massive flare easily spread his lips, making him bite his lip as a moan forced its way out. Liz slowly pushed her way in, balls pumping as her cock slid into its familiar home. Daniel flexed against his wife, and snuggled into the bed, making cute sounds as Liz thrust in and out. His own cock hardened at the stimulation, bobbing above his generous chest. Pre rapidly started pooling in the canyon, and Sven couldn't take his eyes off the picture. The bed was groaning underneath the heavy warriors, and they weren't even trying.

When Daniel took his hand, he twitched involuntarily, his overstimulated brain and body already near a premature orgasm, but he managed to contain it. He climbed on top, his cock buried in Daniel's breasts, rubbing against the stallionhood. Liz was mostly lost in the pleasure, but managed, "Start licking."

Sven didn't need to be told a second time, and eagerly lifted the leaking cock toward his face, tongue darting for the intoxicating pre, his mind sinking into a needy rut. Daniel ran a hand along Sven's torso, enjoying his strong lats and stomach, slowly working towards his ass.

Liz leaned forward, drawing Sven into a kiss, distracting him from Daniel's stallionhood, easily overpowering her smaller mate. He flushed against her, head spinning, starting to shake with need and desire.

Liz pulled away slowly, a delighted sparkle in her eyes, and she started thrusting faster. "How close are you, honey?" Daniel groaned in response, his hand working its way down towards Sven's ass, one finger barely able to fit inside, expertly manipulating the ring shaped organ within. He could feel Sven twitch and shake in reaction to the ministrations, obviously unused to the intense sensation. Liz chuckled and started stroking the cock between her and Sven, paying attention to the medial ring as Daniel's balls pumped faster, and he began thrusting, rapidly heading towards an orgasm.

"Hold on tight." Liz said, pressing Sven's mouth to the massive flare. He eagerly started licking and swallowing, the pleasant buzz changing into hints of a chemical tingle as Daniel's orgasm got closer, and he unloaded a spurt of pre. Sven swallowed, and the drugged feeling slowly spread, Sven's body relaxing and mind going blank as the pheromones and sensation of radiating from his ass overwhelmed his ability to think. Daniel felt the tight muscle relax around his finger, still not resisting as he added another, then another, and finally most of his hand. Sven tried to tighten, to force his prostate harder against the invader, but he was totally relaxed, almost slumping against the cock in front of him, still licking and sucking as much as he could.

All Sven got was a slightly louder grunt, the cock hardening fractionally, and his mouth was filled with sweet tasting cum. He reflexively swallowed, and felt it travel down his throat, coating it thoroughly. The chemical tingle and pleasure spread faster, slowly lulling him towards unresistant catatonia, only his need to get off and aching cock keeping him awake. He groaned, trying to thrust forward between Daniel's pre slick breasts, but Daniel's hand held him fast. Well, at least he's going to go soft... not sure how much more I can take. Sven thought to himself.

"Think he's ready?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, he just got a couple shots of pre, feels pretty relaxed." Daniel said, his hands easily lifting Sven up, despite the lack of leverage.

Wonder how much he can press... Sven thought idly, as he was rotated around, his ass pressing against the flared cockhead, looking vaguely into Daniel's eyes, almost entirely overwhelmed.

"You ready?" Daniel asked, and Sven managed to nod, trying to press back. Daniel nodded and pushed forward, Sven's relaxed muscles barely putting up a fight before they spread, engulfing the flare and squeezed the shaft for all he was worth. Sven's mouth was open in a soundless O, his eyes wide, and Daniel let him have a few seconds to recover.

Then he slowly pushed in, feeling Sven's prostate getting crushed by the massive invader. The tight hole and Liz's constant thrusting was pushing him towards a true orgasm. He tried not to thrust too deeply, trying not to hurt Sven, but it was undeniable how his scent and sheer tightness, even with the muscle relaxant, was so so tempting.

Sven moaned in time with the short thrusts, his cock leaking cloudy fluid with each pass over his overstimulated prostate, the fluid joining the sweet pre already slathering Daniel's chest. "Fuck, you are so huge..." he managed, slumping against the massive hands keeping him upright and on the spire.

Daniel slowly allowed Sven to go lower and lower, until he was maybe a quarter in and felt resistance. "Alright Liz, make me cum." He said, and Liz enthusiastically started thrusting, causing the bed to shake and groan as she slid a foot and a half of horsemeat in and out of Daniel's greedy slit. Daniel's breathing turned to panting, his trained inner muscles skillfully teasing Liz, mindlessly pushing her towards orgasm.

"Fuck..." Liz groaned and hilted as deeply as she could, unloading a torrent of thick seed inside Daniel, her hands and chest adding just enough stimulation to send him over the edge as well. Sven felt himself fill with sticky, heavy, warmth, as the flare hardened fully, visible through his stomach. The sensations were too strange for him to get off on it, but, moments later, the chemical pleasure redoubled, and he collapsed, mind absolutely shattered under the sheer stimulation. He gurgled happily, as Daniel pulled him off his cock, flooding the bed with seed.

Daniel poked Sven, but he didn't respond, eyes dilated and breathing rapid. He was clearly out of it, riding out the most powerful sensations of his life. They gently tucked him underneath the covers as he lay there, mind blank from the chemicals flowing through his bloodstream.

"You ready for a fun night?" Liz said, pulling out of Daniel, who held onto her all the way out, leaving her cock spotless. Daniel smiled and nodded, getting off the bed. They picked it up and carried it over to the corner of the room, then both shifted into a fighting crouch, as they circled each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

They had a good night, and Sven spent the night groaning as his body slowly shifted, the two Amazons taking care to make sure he had plenty of food and water, at least in between sessions of fighting and fucking.