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A story I wrote for a friend! Hope y'all enjoy it!

With one final sigh of resigned disappointment, Raoul left the restaurant. He had waited around long enough; it was time to go home. Slowly shuffling down the street towards his house, he replayed how he had gotten to where he was now.

Raoul was 18 years old and would be graduating high school next month. He was a pure-bred Beauceron, tall and strong. His fur was primarily black, with pieces of brown on his chin and neck, and arms and legs starting about halfway down his limbs. He was a runner for his track team in school, and that, along with his genes, blessed him with a lean and athletic body. Raoul's 6'2 stature was a little intimidating to some people, but he had a heart of gold. The features of his runner's body made him a handsome young man, by his standards at least, and he caught the eye of many of the girls at his school. Despite that, he had never actually had a girlfriend, instead focusing on track and not failing school.

Once track season had ended in his final year of high school, and having a scholarship already guaranteed by his college of choice, he decided to try dating. That decision was made over a month ago, and since then, had been disappointment after disappointment. First was a shallow girl who only dated him for his pedigree. Then came multiple terrible first dates, where the girl put in zero effort. One girl was even so bad that she had actually hit him! And to top it all off, today, the girl he was supposed to meet at his favorite restaurant never even showed up.

Raoul was still walking home from the restaurant, head and tail hung low. He had ordered a hamburger before he had left so that the trip wouldn't have been a complete waste, but that was only a small mercy. Girl after girl had gotten a chance, but every time his heart opened, they stepped on it. He was sick of the pain and unwilling to open up again anytime soon; those girls had ensured that.

Almost to his neighborhood, he heard some rustling in an alley he was passing. Raoul lived in a reasonably good area, so as he turned into the alley, he wasn't afraid. The noises came from around the side of a dumpster that was pushed against the side of the alley. The noise of Raoul's to-go bag must have caught whatever it was' attention because the rustling stopped. The next thing he knew, a fuzzy dog head peeked around the corner of the dumpster.

Raoul was a little startled. There weren't too many stray dogs around these parts, so this dog likely belonged to someone. The dog stepped around the dumpster into the alley, and Raoul got a good look at him. The dog was handsome, with long, solid legs and a thick, burly chest. His fur was primarily short and brown, with bits of black mixed into it. Brindle, Raoul remembered as he looked at the dog. Raoul noticed the lack of collar and felt a twinge of sadness. This beautiful dog was a stray! The dog's head sat about even with Raoul's waist as he sat in the middle of the alley and glanced from Raoul to his to-go bag longingly.

Kind as ever, Raoul opened his to-go bag and box and brought out his hamburger. The restaurant had already cut it in half, and he took one and reached out to give it to the dog. Wary, the dog slowly stood up and approached Raoul's outstretched hand. After a curious sniff, the dog carefully bit the burger and took it from Raoul. Satisfied, the anthro sat down in the middle of the alley facing the hungry dog and began to eat his half of the burger. The dog, apparently feeling safe, laid down and did the same. The two males ate in silence, Raoul still watching the dog. He began noticing the finer details of the stray, like the slightly defined muscle in his shoulders and chest and more of the black in his otherwise light brown fur. He watched as the dog tore into his half of the hamburger; his broad, strong muzzle made quick work of the sandwich. Only half done with his, Raoul held out what he had left, and the dog trotted over. The stray happily took the rest of the burger and laid down to eat again, this time laying against Raoul's leg.

Slowly, as not to scare the dog, Raoul reached out his hand, which lightly laid on the dog's back. With no reaction from the mutt, the anthro began to pet and scratch him. Having scarfed down what remained of the burger, the dog turned to look at Raoul. His tongue was out of his mouth, and he was panting happily, which made Raoul feel warm inside. It felt nice knowing he made this pup's day a little better. He raised his scratching hand to the mutt's head, and the dog leaned into it. Raoul gave him some scratches behind the ear and gave a little laugh. "You're just a hungry fella, aren't you?" he asked the dog and got a small whuff in response.

"I'm sorry, buddy, but that's all I've got with me," Raoul said. This got a little lick on his leg from the stray as thanks. He gave some more scratches, now using both hands. After playing with the mutt's floppy ears for a moment, he stood up. This caused the dog to stand up with him and look up at him quizzically. "Sorry boy, I don't have anything else for you," Raoul said sadly. He made for walking out of the alley and heard claws clicking on the concrete behind him. "You wanna come home with me, boy? I won't force you to tag along, but if you wanna follow me all the way home, I'll see if I can get you some more food". The dog gave a happy bark and trotted up to Raoul. "Alright then! Let's see what I can do for you."

"Luddy!" Raoul cried as the water splashed over him. "I just want you to be clean!" The dog had followed the anthro all the way home, sticking right by his side the entire time. On their way back, Raoul had talked to the stray and decided to name him Luddy. That was a nickname for his favorite actress' husband, and he felt it fit the dog well. Once they had gotten home, Raoul realized just how bad Luddy smelled and, resigned to bathing him, climbed into the full bath to clean him up. But, on the other hand, Luddy was not going down without a fight.

Luddy tried jumping out of the bath multiple times but was continually thwarted by the slick bathtub and Raoul himself. He did what he could to contain the rowdy mutt, but he was large and persistent. Finally, after an acceptable level of cleanliness, Raoul gave in and let Luddy jump out of the bath. The first thing the wet dog did was shake, sending droplets of water across the whole bathroom. Then, with a sigh, Raoul stood and grabbed the towels he had set aside and attempted to dry Luddy. The dog stood surprisingly still as the towel was wrapped around him and took his rough drying well.

When Luddy was sufficiently dry, Raoul grabbed another towel and began drying himself. As he worked the towel down his athletic body, forgetting about the dog, he began to dry his legs. Bent over, drying his hands, Raoul startled when a cold snout pressed against his tail hole. He quickly stood up stock straight and spun around to face Luddy. The dog looked at him happily, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he panted. Raoul went to speak, but a long, flat tongue flew over his sheath before he could get any words out.

"No!" Raoul said with authority, causing the dog to flinch. Towel tightly wrapped around his waist, the anthro pulled the bathroom door open and gestured to the dog to leave. Head and floppy ears held low, Luddy slowly walked out of the bathroom, glancing back as he did. Raoul quickly shut the door, locking it behind the sad dog. He sat against the bathroom door and put his head in his hands. What on Earth was that about, thought Raoul. I know he's just a dog, and they do that, but I'm not a dog. As he was thinking things over in his head, he heard a slight whine from the opposite side of the bathroom door. I can't deny it felt good, but is it really ok for me to let him do that?

Bestiality wasn't illegal and hadn't been for a long time. Regardless, society looked down on zoophiles, and Raoul had never thought about it before. He was an ordinary young man, and ordinary young men liked ordinary young women, right? Dogs had never crossed his mind as someone you would love as a partner, but Luddy's brief ministrations had awakened a new thought inside of him. He was sick of getting burned by girl after girl, which led to an idea.

Luddy is clearly intelligent, and I trust him. He's a good boy, Raoul reasoned. Ok, I'll give it a shot. I'll let him do his thing. He decided. He's listened to everything I've said to him so far. If I get overwhelmed, I trust him to stop. Raoul stood and took a deep, nervous breath. Here goes nothing. Towel still tied tightly around his waist, he slowly opened the bathroom door and stepped into his bedroom.

Raoul noticed Luddy curled up in the corner of the room, looking his way. His head slowly rose off the floor to stare at the anthro, ears still down. He gave a slight whine and put his head back down, holding eye contact. Raoul slowly walked over and sat next to the mutt. Carefully, he reached out a hand to pet the dog's back. With no visible reaction from Luddy, Raoul pet him softly and slowly. Finally, Luddy turned and put his head on Raoul's foot, much to the anthro's relief. "I'm sorry, buddy. I didn't mean to snap at you like that. You caught me off guard there, and I didn't know what to do." With a whine and a lick, Luddy also apologized, causing Raoul to move his hand behind the dog's ears.

With a shaky breath, Raoul kept talking. "Look, I know I told you no, but do you think you could try that again?" Upon hearing this, Luddy's ears perked up, and he raised his head to look at Raoul. "Only if you want to, buddy. I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want to do. There's only one condition. If I tell you to stop, you stop, ok?" Luddy gave a happy bark and rose to his feet, tail wagging. Raoul also stood and ran his hands over his face with a nervous chuckle. "I'm really doing this, huh?"

Raoul made his way to the foot of his bed, positioned in the middle of one of the walls. He didn't have a bed stand, so he could sit comfortably on the edge of his bed with his feet still on the ground. Luddy sat a few feet away, in the middle of the room, tail wagging and panting happily. The anthro blushed at the sight of the dog waiting patiently for him to ready himself. Raoul had masturbated plenty of times and even done some butt stuff with his fingers. But despite his handsome features and athletic physique, he was still a virgin. This was the first time he would get to do anything sexual with anyone else, making him very nervous.

He sat down on his bed, facing the middle of the room where Luddy was waiting. He took a deep breath and removed his towel, baring himself to the dog. Surprisingly, Luddy didn't move, instead waiting for Raoul to be ready. "Thank you for waiting, buddy. I'm ok now." With this, Luddy gave a small bark of affirmation, stood, and made his way toward Raoul. Raoul spread his legs to provide him with easier access and subsequently blushed.

Raoul's equipment wasn't anything extreme, but he was sure it was adequate. Between his legs sat a light brown sheath, already swelling with anticipation at what would come next. Below his sheath were two brown, fuzzy balls hanging in their sack, each about the size of a golf ball. This is where Luddy began, pushing his nose up to Raoul's balls and breathing deeply. This elicited a small yip from Raoul, and Luddy immediately stopped and looked at him to ensure he was ok.

"It's ok, Luddy. Just a little unexpected," Raoul said with a nervous sigh. "You can keep going. I'll be ok." Raoul gave a small bark and went back to Raoul's balls, breathing him in. After a few more deep breaths, Luddy licked his balls. Raoul leaned back onto his hands, enjoying the sensation of finally getting the attention he never had. He felt Luddy licking every inch of his balls and even scooping them up with his tongue once or twice. Luddy's ministrations were affecting him, and his dick began working its way out of its sheath.

Having been focused on Raoul's balls until now, Luddy moved his attention to his sheath. Now that the anthro's tip showed, Luddy had a much better target than Raoul's lightly furred balls. Raoul felt Luddy stop licking his balls for a moment, then drag his tongue up the underside of his sheath to his pink tip. This caused Raoul's dick to swell and grow even more. As his shaft rose to its full size, Luddy wasn't wasting any time. He was licking from base to tip, again and again, sometimes wrapping his tongue around the side of Raoul's cock as he did so.

Quickly, Raoul was at full mast. Luddy pulled away from him, licked his chops hungrily, and then lowered his head towards Raoul's balls. Instead of stopping there, he kept going, only stopping once he found what he was looking for. The anthro felt Luddy's cold nose press into his tail hole and inhale sharply. Raoul took it in stride this time instead of telling the dog no. Then, he felt Luddy's strong, flat tongue drag over his tail hole. After a few licks, the pressure on his tail hole increased, and Luddy pushed his tongue into him.

Raoul had experimented with his tail hole several times, but nothing more than a few fingers. Until today, he had been confident in his sexuality and figured it was something he'd never have to consider. As the dog between his legs dove into his hole, he realized what he had missed. Luddy was making him feel things he was sure only a dog could do. As small as the dog was compared to Raoul, Luddy quickly spread him apart with his tongue, reaching into his depths. The anthro relaxed and bathed in the feeling of his punctured tail hole, which loosened him up and allowed Luddy to delve even deeper.

Finally fully relaxed, Raoul laid down on his back. Arms out to his sides, and with a tail hole stuffed with puppy tongue, he closed his eyes and relished the wonderful feeling. This sensation was utterly new to him, and he was enjoying something inside him a lot more than he expected.

He had grown up thinking that anthros only loved other anthros, and anyone who deviated from that was to be shunned. But, as Luddy continued to tongue his tail hole, this preconception was shattered. What did it matter if his lover had two legs or four? Luddy was obviously intelligent, respected his boundaries, and seemed to care about him. Much more than what could be said about all of the girls he had tried to date recently. Luddy wasn't just a dog; he was someone special.

Luddy pulled his tongue out of Raoul with a soft pop and looked up at Raoul, panting happily. Then, breathing heavily, Raoul raised his head to look at Luddy. He seemed happy, so satisfied with what he was doing. Raoul blushed, realizing it was him that had made Luddy so happy. Then, with a contented smile, he raised his arms towards Luddy, beckoning him into a hug. Luddy jumped up, placing his front legs on the bed on each side of Raoul.

With the dog standing over him, Raoul got another good look at him. His happy face, lolling tongue, thick neck leading from his broad head, girthy chest and all the power it held, and the mixture of black in his otherwise brown fur. Raoul's eyes roamed down Luddy's body, stopping when they got to his equipment. Near his hind legs hung his heavy sheath, which carried the same coloration as the rest of him. A small pink tip was poking out, proving that he was excited. Behind his sheath hung his ping pong ball-sized balls dangling in their sack. Raoul gulped. Luddy was almost the same size as he was! He had done a fantastic job of getting him ready, but Raoul had never had more than a few fingers inside him.

"Hey, Luddy?" asked Raoul. Luddy looked down at him, clearly listening. "Please be gentle. This is new for me." Luddy bent down and gave Raoul a soft lick, flushing him with warmth and safety. "Ok, buddy. I trust you. I'm ready." Luddy began to push forward, and Raoul did his best to stay relaxed.

Raoul felt Luddy's wet dick push against his tail hole and took a deep breath. He was about to lose his virginity to a dog, and he couldn't be happier. The first inch of Luddy's warm prick pushed into him, and he parted quickly. After that, Luddy went very slowly, just like Raoul had asked him to. Inch after inch of doggie cock was carefully pushed into him, growing and swelling as it went, and he whimpered softly. Four inches of the shaft were in so far, which was a little overwhelming for him. Luddy stopped immediately and looked down at Raoul with concern. Raoul raised an arm to caress Luddy's worried face. "It's ok, buddy, just a little much, is all. Thank you for taking it slowly, but I'm ok now."

Luddy gave him another tiny lick of assent and continued pushing his way inside. Finally, he was entirely inside Raoul, all 7 inches of him. Raoul took a deep breath, knowing the hard part was over. Next came the fun part. Luddy didn't move, patiently waiting for Raoul to let him know he was ok. "You're quite the big boy, aren't you?" Raoul cooed. "There's so much of you inside of me. I feel so full! I'm ready for you now; you can move how you want." Luddy gave a happy bark, which Raoul felt reverberate through their connection lodged in his ass. Finally, knowing that Raoul was comfortable, Luddy began to move.

Luddy began slowly, pulling out about halfway, then cautiously pushing back in. Although Raoul had told him he could move however he wanted, he was still careful. Over time, he began to pick up speed. He was nowhere near Raoul knew how dogs could fuck, but he was slowly making his way there. As he moved faster and faster, Raoul began to feel his fuzzy balls hitting him when he hilted himself. He had never seen another male's balls as anything remotely sexual, but the soft smacks of Luddy's excited him.

As Luddy finally built to full speed, his hips became a blur. A muffled smack accompanied every thrust as dog met anthro. Immediately following, almost inaudible, was the plap of his balls swinging into Raoul's ass. Luddy was panting hard, putting all his efforts into rutting his lover below him. Raoul was also panting, but instead, because of all the new sensations wracking his body. He could feel Luddy's thick doggie dick spearing into him, pushing him apart in a way he had never felt before. He could also feel the cock grinding against a spot inside of him that felt amazing. Raoul had never been that far inside himself, but he knew it was his prostate. Each thrust hit it repeatedly, only serving to heighten his pleasure.

As Luddy kept thrusting as fast as he could, Raoul noticed the dog's tongue dangling out of his mouth. He raised a hand to Luddy's face. When he cupped Luddy's cheek, Luddy looked down at him. Raoul raised his head and guided Luddy to meet him, propping himself on an elbow. They met, and both males turned their heads and kissed passionately. Raoul felt Luddy's tongue race into his mouth, and he happily let it in. Without slowing down, Luddy began exploring Raoul's mouth with his tongue. He was rough, excited about finding a new lover. His tongue pushed Raoul's, forcing his way around Raoul's mouth. Not willing to take this lying down, Raoul pushed him back.

After a few more moments of the tongues dancing together, Raoul broke the kiss. Then, out of breath, he plopped back onto the bed. It was then that he noticed a new addition to Luddy's dick. While he was distracted, Luddy's knot had begun to swell. It was just a slightly thicker part of his penis right now, but Raoul knew that wouldn't last long. The thought of being tied to his four-legged lover excited him, and he wanted to ensure Luddy knew. "Oh my God, Luddy! You're so good!" he cried. "I can feel you so deep; I know you're almost there. Knot me, Luddy!"

Luddy began thrusting with a renewed enthusiasm, spurred on by Raoul's encouragement. His thrusts slowed, but the impact of each one only increased. Raoul could feel the knot steadily growing and knew it needed to get inside before it couldn't anymore. Luddy had begun growling softly, so the anthro knew he was getting very close. Instead of waiting for Luddy to hilt himself, Raoul took the initiative. He brought his legs up around the back of the dog, and, timing it carefully, he clamped down when Luddy's knot was inside him. The knot quickly swelled, plugging Raoul shut. The growth was slightly uncomfortable, but only because it was a new sensation. Finally, he was filled completely. With a sigh of pleasure, he reached up to pet Luddy. Luddy leaned into his hand before it reached him, happily accepting the affection. The first burst of cum flooded Raoul's insides.

Raoul was being bombarded with even more new sensations: the thick, bulbous knot that plugged him shut, the girthy dick shoved against his prostate, each twitch and jolt of Luddy's dick inside him, and the flow of warm cum as spurt after spurt flowed into him. He could hear Luddy panting above him as he continued to seed him. Raoul continued to pet him affectionately, determined to express his satisfaction with his lover's performance. He knew what came next and was mentally preparing himself for it.

As he was still cumming, Luddy began to shift. He turned to the side, stepping out from over Raoul. He continued turning, raising his hind leg to swing it over Raoul's leg, finishing when he had completely turned around. Luddy had done a complete one-eighty and was now facing the middle of the room, still cumming. Raoul propped himself on an elbow and looked down his body at Luddy. The dog was standing, broad-shouldered and proud, head held high. He looks majestic, thought Raoul. While looking at Luddy, the anthro noticed the tail hole nestled above his brown balls. With each spurt of cum, which had noticeably weakened, the tail hole puckered and flexed.

Raoul had never looked at another male's ass sexually, but something about Luddy's rubbed him the right way. He assumed Luddy wouldn't let him do anything with it, so he pushed it out of his mind. Instead, laying back down and focusing on the feeling of fullness he was experiencing. The sense of the cum settling inside him, the large dick filling him oh so pleasantly, the knot, which had begun shrinking, plugging him shut. Having felt his knot shrink, Luddy gave an experimental tug. He was still securely tied to Raoul, but not for too much longer. After a few more minutes, he tried again, feeling the knot shift. Finally, Raoul felt Luddy begin to pull out and felt sad that this wonderful feeling was ending. The dog's knot was finally pulled from him with an audible pop. The anthro could feel the cum dribbling out of him, running down his ass and dripping onto the floor.

Raoul sighed happily, glad he had finally found someone to love and who loved him back. Then, his eyes closed, he reflected on all his new feelings toward animals and himself. He didn't notice when the bed shifted from Luddy's weight. He did notice, however, when Luddy settled on top of him. "Heya, buddy," Raoul said softly, reaching up to scratch Luddy's head. "I never knew I could feel like that, thank you." He was then met with a soft lick on his snout, making him giggle. "I guess you liked it as much as I did, didn't you, boy?"

Luddy gave a slight whine and shifted himself further down Raoul's body. "What's wrong, boy?" Raoul asked. "Did I do something wrong?" Then, he felt something touch his still slightly erect penis. He looked down his body and saw Luddy shifting his hips around, touching his dick repeatedly. "Are you alright, Luddy? You're acting strange." Luddy barked and nudged against him again. Despite being preoccupied with whatever was wrong with Luddy, the bumps and nudges were causing Raoul to get hard again. Because of this, he noticed something warm and fleshy push against the tip of his cock instead of something fluffy. "Uh, Luddy?" Luddy barked insistently and pushed his hips down, jamming Raoul's dick against his tail hole. Raoul finally put two and two together and realized that Luddy was trying to get his tip inside him!

Before Raoul could act, Luddy squatted down. Raoul's pointed dick, slick from his pre and Luddy's earlier attentions, slid inside. Having three inches of his rock-hard shaft swallowed into Luddy's tail hole, Raoul moaned. He had masturbated plenty of times, even using a fleshlight sometimes, but none of that compared to the feeling of Luddy's warm and tight tail hole on his prick. Luddy whined again and moved even further down Rauol's dick. Soon, all seven inches of Raoul were buried inside the horny dog. Then, Luddy began to move.

Luddy started slowly, squatting up and down to move Raoul in and out of him. Raoul felt the overwhelming feeling of Luddy clamped down on him, moving up and down his shaft. He could feel the warm insides dragging up his length, exposing him to the chilly room air, only to work its way back down. Raoul reached a hand up to caress and pet Luddy's face, and the dog leaned into it.

After only a minute, Luddy slipped, crashing down to lay on Raoul's chest. With a slight whine, he attempted to stand back up, but Raoul stopped him, clearly worn out from the work he was putting in. "It's ok, Luddy. I can take it from here." Luddy gave him a tiny lick on the nose and put his head to Raoul's chest, nuzzling into him. Raoul wrapped his arm around his tired lover into a tender hug and raised his knees to plant his feet against the bed. Then, with a small experimental thrust, he looked back to Luddy. The dog was still nuzzled into his chest and, noticing Raoul had stopped moving, gave a whuff of assent.

Raoul began to move again, thrusting his hips by pushing off the bed with his feet. He was a runner with powerful legs and could keep these motions up almost indefinitely. He started slowly, just as Luddy had with him, making sure to avoid making his lover uncomfortable. Then, as he picked up speed, he began moving his hands up and down Luddy's body, petting him. He could feel the dog's body moving as he took deep breaths. Then, he looked down at Luddy and could see his lover, head turned to the side, nuzzling into his chest, using it as a comfortable pillow. Raoul swelled with affection for his companion and brought his head forward to kiss him on the head.

Laying back onto the bed, Raoul redoubled his efforts. Powerfully pistoning into his four-legged lover, he felt his fuzzy balls swinging up with each thrust. First, he could feel the vibrations of Luddy's small noises of pleasure in his chest. Next, he felt his swollen seven-inch cock fully sheathing itself inside of Luddy. And finally, he could feel the early beginnings of his knot at the base of his dick. He removed a hand from roaming up and down Luddy's body and brought it up to the dog's head. Still thrusting away, Raoul got his attention with a soft pat, and Luddy turned to look at him.

"I'm getting close," he spoke to Luddy. "Can I...Can I knot you?" Luddy gave a happy bark and brought his face closer to Raoul's. Raoul cocked his head slightly and entered into another passionate kiss. Then, moving both hands down to Luddy's hips, he gripped them tightly and began to bring him down onto himself as he shoved inside him with everything he had. Raoul felt the knot at the base of his dick, still slowly growing. For now, he could slip it in and out of Luddy easily, but soon that wouldn't be the case. Growling softly into Luddy's mouth, he pushed into the bed as hard as he could while slamming Luddy's hips down. He hilted with a firm smack and felt his knot begin to expand rapidly. Quickly, Luddy was plugged shut, and Raoul's cum began to flow.

Fully hilted in Luddy and plugging him shut, Raoul's warm cum had nowhere to go but in. His first jet was long, hard, and copious after being aroused for so long without release. Raoul broke the erotic kiss and groaned into the air. Even Luddy gave small noises of pleasure as he felt Raoul's cum continue to flow into him. Luddy stood up on his front legs, which allowed Raoul to notice his fully erect cock dangling under him. One hand cupped Luddy's face, caressing him lovingly, and his other hand moved to Luddy's erect dick. Luddy had obviously enjoyed their lovemaking; his knot had begun to form. Raoul wrapped his free hand around Luddy's forming knot and squeezed, causing it to inflate rapidly. Fully inflated in seconds, Luddy started to cum for the second time today.

Synced from their passionate fucking, both males' cum shots were simultaneous. For each squirt into Luddy's ass, Luddy spurted onto Raoul's chest and face. Raoul opened his mouth, trying to catch what he could. He lifted his hips further, raising Luddy higher above him. This gave Luddy a better angle to cum onto the anthro's face, and Raoul caught and drank what he could greedily. Both males basked in the afterglow, still cumming.

Eventually growing tired, Raoul lowered his hips back down and let his legs hang off the edge of the bed. Then, still knotted in Luddy, Raoul looked up at his four-legged lover. The dog was panting happily, and his eyes were slowly fluttering. Raoul could tell he was fighting the urge to sleep, and the anthro felt the same. Relaxing, he patted his cum covered chest. "Come here, boy." Luddy looked down at him and gratefully laid on Raoul, chest to chest, in his cum. The happy anthro wrapped his arms around the tired dog and tenderly hugged him. Then, as he drifted off to sleep, he was able to say one more thing.

"I love you, Luddy."