Chapter 5

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#5 of Next Generation- The Digivolution Saga

Craig has gained a level! He is now able to kick ass 47.6% more efficientl...

Karen has gained a level! She has gained the ability Breasts!

Namico has gained a level! She has gained the ability Dat Ass!

Craig has gained a level! He is now able to kick ass 47.6% more efficiently!

Namico sat quietly inside Karen's family's small house, staring at the rain that poured down outside. Sighing, she looked around the kitchen again, unable to just wait for Craig to wake up.

She had arrived soon after the gun shot had been fired, and had found Karen trying desperately to hold Craig up. They had managed to drag him back to the village, where everyone tried to help them. Eventually, Karen's mother had chased everyone away, ordering two of the male Ocsunemon to take him to his and Namico's hut. She had then banned both Namico and Karen from entering, claiming they would just make it worse if they fawned over him constantly.

Just at that moment, Karen walked into the room, wearing what looked like a pair of Craig's black pants, except they were smaller in order to fit her, she also had a band of dark red material covering her new breasts and a ribbon tying back her lengthy hair. Sitting down in the chair next to Namico, she looked at the feline's strange toga-dress, made of light blue material today.

"Why do you always wear the same sort of thing every day?" She asked, tugging on the fabric, "I mean, I still have to get used to wearing clothes, but you always have only one style of clothing. Why?"

"I was born with it, I grew up with it, and I feel comfortable in it." Namico replied, staring out of the window again, wishing the rain would stop so she could at least go for a walk.

"So, come on." Karen said, pulling her out of the chair, "Let's go try on different clothes together, I got given a whole lot by everyone this morning, I want to see what you look like in something other than a dress or naked."

"Hey, you haven't seen me naked in this form yet, so you can't say that!" Namico giggled, following the vixen semi-reluctantly to her room, where both girls had stayed the previous night.

"Well, that's about to change!" Karen laughed, pulling at the folds of cloth, "Take it off!"


"No! You really do look good! Like really good!" Karen insisted as Namico looked at herself in the mirror.

"Yeah, but, I don't really like how they cling to my legs, it feels weird!" Namico whined, looking at her reflection, "And this top just feels wrong on me, like I have something crushing my chest!"

Namico pulled the band of fabric off over her head, breathing a sigh of relief now that her chest was free again.

"Yeah, but it accents your breasts so well! And shows off your stomach! I mean, that little blue ring around your belly button is really cute! You shouldn't hide it! But okay, if you don't want it tight, let's try wrapping this piece of material like this, and then we tie it like so, and, there, how's that?" Karen asked, scrutinizing her handy work.

"Better, actually, and you're right, it does look good. But these pants still feel weird covering my whole leg. Couldn't we cut it up here where it fits snugly and doesn't flap around all the time?"

"Sure, why not?"


"Karen? Are you in here?" the tall red vixen said, knocking on her daughter's bedroom door, before opening it and gasping.

The room was covered in material; pieces of cloth they had cut off littered the floor, while completed outfits lined the walls, both girls were sitting in the middle of it on Karen's bed, a naked Namico attempting to pull a pair of shortened pants off of a blushing Karen. Both girls looked up in surprise and smiled sheepishly at the startled fox, who couldn't help asking.

"And this is?"

"We're figuring out different ways to wear and make clothes and stuff, it's really fun!" Namico said cheerfully, finally able to remove the shorts from the surprised Karen.

"And you're naked, why?"

"It's comfortable, and makes it easier to come up with ideas if there isn't already a piece of clothing on you." Namico continued, letting Karen sit up on the bed and growl softly at her.

"Oh. I also see that you haven't made any clothes for a cold climate, it may normally be warm here, but if you two are going to be going off again, you'll both need clothing for all types of weather." The older fox said, sitting down next to the girls, a slight smile spreading across her lips, "And I think I can help you with that."


"Oh man, I don't think I've ever had so much fun before!" Karen laughed as she lay back on her bed, several stacks of neatly folded clothes sitting next to it.

"Yes, that was fun, wasn't it," Karen's mother said happily, a large smile on her face, "I barely ever got to teach you what I can do because you were always with your grandfather."

"Yeah," Karen said softly, looking down at the golden band around her wrist.

"Oh! Sweetheart! I'm sorry, I forgot about what happened, you must still feel so horrible about it." The vixen apologised, hugging her daughter gently, "I know how much you loved him, and you must miss him so. Don't worry, I know how you feel."

"Huh, now you two have got me feeling guilty for worrying about Craig so much." Namico said embarrassedly, a slight blush under her fur.

"Oh, don't worry about him, Namico, I'm sure he'll be fine. And don't feel guilty about it either; he's the man you love." The older woman said kindly, reaching over and hugging the white feline also. The three female digimon sat in this hug for several minutes, each glad to have someone to comfort, and to be comforted by. They didn't notice the figure as he pushed open the door.

"I'd hate to ruin the moment, but I appear to be fine, thank you." A familiar voice said, causing both girls lookup in surprise, then leap off the bed and tackle its owner to the ground.


"So what happened to you?" Namico asked, hugging the human tightly, "And why are you in this Humon form?"

"Uh..." Craig rubbed the back of his head nervously, running his hand through his thick black hair, "Turns out that I digivolved, or something like that. And the 'vice had to 'reprogram' my human form to be able to withstand my new digimon form. Thus, my new hair colour, and the surprising fact that I am, uh, two inches bigger."

"Two inches?" Karen asked, looking the slightly altered human up and down as he leant against her wall, "You don't look any taller."

"Yeah, wrong department. I'm not taller, turns out I'm longer. The 'vice mentioned that quite, meticulously..." Craig smiled sheepishly as he said this, a blush forming across his tanned cheeks.

Both girls looked at him in confusion for several seconds. Then Namico suddenly sat bolt upright, a bright blush forming on her own cheeks. Pointing at Craig's lower half, she asked, "You mean...?" her blush now consuming her face. Craig just nodded, as Karen stared at the bright red feline, still completely confused.

"What does he mean?" Karen asked Namico, trying to get the blushing girl to answer her, "What does he mean by 'longer'?"

"He means his... ah, his penis," Namico stuttered, surprising the red fox, her face suddenly igniting under her fur, the red circle patterns on her body glowing brightly.

"Yeah, but what about you two? It looks like you digivolved to!" Craig said, quickly changing the subject before Karen could set her bed on fire, pulling up a screen from the 'vice, "Theramon and Flame Mitsunemon, cool, you two have digivoloved!"

"Theramon?" Namico asked, looking at the three blue rings around her wrists and ankles, glancing across the room, she admired her new figure in the mirror. Standing, she looked herself up and down. Just less than six feet tall, it looked as if she had lost a lot of her fur, with the small parts that had remained covered only done so by a thin soft fur that faded quickly into light, almost cream coloured, skin. Her white ears now poked out of a head of shiny golden-blonde hair that hung loosely to just below her shoulders. Not only that, but her face lost most of its feline appearance, now looking more human, a triangle of soft white fur on each cheek. Spinning around slowly, she inspected her forearms and calves, which were still covered by white fur that stretched up along the outside of her upper arms and thighs and joined with the light fur on her back. Smiling, she looked at the blue circle around her belly button on her bare stomach, and the three smaller ones down her spine, the third just above her tail, which seemed longer and sleeker, as well as having three new rings of its own.

"You look amazing, Namico," Craig laughed, wrapping his arms around the girl, kissing the slightly furred back of her neck softly, "I'm going to have to beat anime fans off of my neko-girlfriend."

"Hey! What about me?" Karen grumbled; feeling left out. Namico and Craig looked the fox up and down, surprised by the amount of change in her. She was now easily over six foot, almost as tall as Craig even, and looked almost exactly like her mother, with her bright red fur and gorgeous hourglass figure, the large circle patterns on her thighs and shoulders still glowing slightly, another just above her belly button disappeared onto her breasts, hidden under the strip of material she was wearing over her much larger chest, a smaller circle just inside it not quite reaching the vixens new bosom.

"Don't worry, there's a whole other group I'd have to beat off of you in the real world!" Craig laughed, holding out his arm to hug the vixen, who happily snuggled up to him.

"Hey, what about your new form? We want to see it!" Namico asked, pushing herself and Karen out of Craig's arms, "Come on and show us!"

"Uh, sure, here we go." Craig held up the watch like digivice and called up a screen. Hitting an option, he took a deep breath as he began to glow slightly, his skin rippling under the light. Namico and Karen gasped as the light faded. The two girls stared at him as he held his arms out at his sides and turned slowly, giving them a full view of his new form. Craig's fur had changed colour, now instead of the light covering of gray fur he had had over his entire body, he had darker, storm grey fur that faded into his chest and stomach, basically making him look like a dark grey male version of Namico, except that he didn't have rings on his body, instead a line of white fur stretched down from under his mess of raven coloured hair over his right eye and down his chest, ending in a slightly wider dot, there was another along his spine, starting just below the neck and ending just above his new twin tails, another two pairs stretched across both forearms and on the sides of his thighs.

"Woah!" Namico whispered, delicately laying one hand on his chest, before taking a few more steps forwards. Unable to help herself, she pressed up against him and tilted her head up, glad to no longer have to strain up on her toes as much to place the soft kiss on his lips. Pulling away, she looked up into his eyes, which were thankfully still that soft, intelligent brown colour, as he looked down into her ice blue ones.

Namico then felt somebody else press against Craig just next to her, and watched as Karen pressed her own lips to Craig's, surprising the male. She giggled as Karen almost fell out of the kiss, gasping slightly as she leant against Craig's chest next to Namico, her markings glowing brightly, emanating heat. Both girls smiled as Craig held them tightly, drawing them in close as he rested his head gently against theirs.

"Karen?" Namico asked, openly laughing when the vixen suddenly shot out of Craig's arms and started apologising profusely, before grabbing her shoulders and kissing her passionately, wrapping her arms around the fox girl's neck and back, pushing their breasts together between them. She soon felt Karen do the same to her as she overcame the initial shock, pressing her tongue into the neko's mouth as she sat back on her bed, pulling Namico with her as she lay down.

Breaking the kiss, Namico leaned her head down to just beside the vixen's ear, and whispered into it, "He is as much yours as he is mine, but I get priority." This caused Karen to stare at her in confusion, before breaking into a wide smile, pressing her lips back against Namico's and rolling the pair over. Both girls jumped when Craig suddenly lifted them off the bed and into his arms, forcing them to break the kiss again.

"Give each other time to breath, you two. And don't leave me hanging here!" He laughed, kissing both of them gently on the cheek. Looking around the room properly this time, he spotted the piles of clothes next to the bed, and said, "Looks like you two have been busy? So whose is whose? We don't want to be taking the wrong girl's clothes when we have to lea..."

The loud squawking of the digivice cut Craig off, a holo-screen forming above it. The three stared at it as a holographic image of Karen turned slowly on the screen, the words 'New Digimon Acquired" flashing along the top of the screen. Craig smiled widely as Karen stared at him, then the watch, then him again, a surprised look on her face.

"Does this mean...?" She said softly.

"That I'm your Tamer? Looks like it!" Craig said happily, laughing as she barrelled into him, knocking him to the ground as she clung to his neck, wide smiles on both of their faces.

Sitting back up with the ecstatic vixen in his arms, Craig sighed happily, purring slightly when Namico hugged him from behind, resting her head on his shoulder. Looking around the room again, Craig pressed the store option on his digivice and quickly gathered all the clothing that was piled about. Turning to Karen, he said, "I think it best that we pack the rest of your stuff, and maybe some of the things from the workshop, we'll need tools in case the Rider breaks again."

Craig smiled as both girls nodded, reluctantly letting go of him as they set to work gathering up the last of Karen's personnel possessions.


"Damn, that was a lot of work," Namico sighed as she leant against Craig, crinkling her nose slightly before stepping away, "And what did you fall in? It smells disgusting!"

"Don't know, but I think we all need a bath. We have all the tools we'll need, and some we probably won't, so I think we've earned it." Craig laughed, making a mock lunge at the dust covered neko, causing her to shriek and run away slightly, scowling at the goo covered male.

The three companions had been searching through the large barn-like building that had been Karen's grandfather's workshop, collecting tools and useful items for almost four hours. Now all of them were hot, sweaty, and dusty, and in Craig's case, covered by strange blue goo he had dropped on himself while climbing one of the numerous tall shelves.

"Definitely, I want to get all this grime off me. All this dust and oil makes me feel like a bomb waiting to go off if my markings heat up again." Karen said, trying to dust herself off, causing both Craig and Namico to take several steps back, "Hey! I didn't mean it!"

"Just being safe, don't know it this goo is combustible." Craig laughed, spinning on his heel and running off, shouting behind him, "Race you to the hot spring!"

Namico and Karen looked at each other in surprise, before grinning widely and tearing off after him.


Craig sighed happily as he watched some of the weird blue goo float across the surface of the hot water, before being sucked down into the small channel that took the steaming water further down the hill. Lying back in the water, he ran his hands over his body again, making sure that he had removed all of the strange oily substance from his skin. Sitting up, he returned to his combat form as he moved to the edge of the pool, able to do so now with relative ease and minimal pain, and sat back to relax just as the two girls came crashing through the woods.

"Hey ladies, what took you so long?" Craig laughed as the two girls scowled at him, before quickly stripping and joining him in the water.

"You cheated!" Namico growled, sinking up to her chin before ducking her head under the water, coming up quickly as she washed the dirt from her face and hair.

"Yeah!" Karen agreed, also scowling, "You had a head start and you used your powers to get here so fast! Using Wind Speed was a dirty trick!"

"So to speak." Craig laughed, making both girls stick their tongues out as they began to wash, helping to do each other's backs.

Sighing contentedly, Craig lay back in the hot water and let himself relax, listening to the sounds of the forest, and of the two girls as they played in the water, splashing each other and giggling. A strange rustle caught his ear, making the two feline appendages perk up and swivel around, following the sound. Craig suddenly leapt out of the water and shouted out his attack, felling a tree instantly as he slashed his palm through the air.

Namico, Karen and Craig stared at the human-like digimon who had been hiding behind the tree, a bright red blush on her face as she desperately tried to explain herself. She suddenly burst into tears and collapsed on the ground behind the stump, her white wings quivering as she begged the three for forgiveness.

"Don't hurt me! Please! I'm sorry I spied! Just please don't hurt me!" the angel girl sobbed, as the three of them stared at her in confusion.