A Wolf on Sauria Ch.9

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#9 of AWoS

Two foxes moved through a glowing purple forest of odd moon mountain flora. Thin stalks with bulbous heads. A striking display, but the murk of the region was quick to close in beyond the glow. Fox pushed out of the edge and they started down the steep slope of a crater.

There was something up ahead, a rough crystalline spike made of glassy black material. Fox could see his reflection, distorted by the facets in it.

"Hm. We must be on the dark side of Moon Mountain," Krystal mused.

"Not a nice neighborhood I'm guessing?"

She shook her head.

At the top of the crater, Krystal pointed something out off in the distance. Hard to see at first, but the shining of moonlight off its facets gave it away. There was a temple carved into the side of a rising ridge, formed of the same material as the crystal they just passed. It stood tall- thin at the bottom and expanding into a four pointed sharp shape at the heights, as if the thing were stabbed down into the ground. Its upper point was about level with the top of the ridge and a faint trace of moonlight could be seen there, rising up from the tip in a ghostly beam.

"The Shard. It's an old temple," Krystal recalled, "It was a part of the moon that crashed here. Some think it was a force point temple for that world. There's plenty of concentrated magic there, I should be able to get a message out and get some help, or a ride,"

Fox nodded and prepared his blaster, "Lead the way. I'll make sure we don't have anybody dropping in on us without warning,"

Keeping his eyes peeled, Fox followed her as they made their way into the shadow of the ridge. He knew that if Wolf wasn't already circling them, he would be soon.

Ringing the outer grounds of the Shard was the moongarden, a line of purplish towering hedges that surrounded various bits of old ruins. Diases, pillars and crumbling towers festooned with the unique plant life of Moon Mountain. Between the bioluminescence and the moon's light, it was fairly easy to see despite the sun having set some time ago.

Krystal dashed up a wall, whipping herself back and forth between knotted clusters of cyan vines and ending with a handstand at the top before rolling onto the ledge. Noticing Fox was still on the ground, somewhat awestruck at the maneuver.

"Hold on, I'll help you up,"

Nearby sat a pearlescent orb contained in a metal stand, beaming a faint trail of moonlight. With the staff she rotated it until a crescent of runic symbols was illuminated. The ground rumbled and Fox was raised up with a column.

He smiled as he jogged up to join her, but the expression faded in a trademark sign of trouble. The brick path they were on led up to a big arch at the top of some fuzzy, moss laden stairs and there on the landing was the shadow of a Sharpclaw.

"Shadowclaw," Krystal whispered, "They use your fears to attack your spirit,"

Fox fired off a pair of shots which disappeared into the creature without a sign of causing it any disturbance, as if it was just a lizard-shaped black hole. Two white points appeared in the thing's face. To Fox, it seemed as if the shadow suddenly exploded and swallowed him. An electric sensation buzzed through his entire body, knocking him back on his rear as his vision returned. Now there were more of the beings emerging along the broken segments of wall on either side of the path. Another was opening its eyes as Krystal turned to it. But the thing hesitated.

Within the vixen's mind there was fear, though this was dwarfed by burning lust. Large, angrily erect dicks flashed through her subconscious, big swollen knots and ballsacks bouncing off her forehead. Hands squeezing her buttocks and spreading her cheeks. All this leaving very little room for fear, to latch onto and strike at her soul with.

Krystal raised her staff, collected the moonlight and the weapon began to glow with the same silvery shine. She dashed forward and slashed right through the first Shadowclaw, evaporating it in an instant. A couple more were obliterated with the whirling speartip as she danced through them.

Fox saw one larger shadow emerge, having taken the silhouette of Wolf. It moved to touch her with oversized claws. A shadow-ringed tunnel vision was overtaking him and his breathing increased as it took Krystaf further and further away. But then, the shining tip of her spear bisected the creature bottom to top.

Several of the shadows around them seemed to whip themselves up and away, brightening the area with silver once more. Krystal ran over to the recovering Fox and knelt down to touch his cheek.

"Fox? You alright?"

He nodded, looking up into the bright eyes shadowed under her bangs. They rustled in the breeze. She knelt and placed a hand on his cheek.

Fox's mind wanted to wander, but there was no memory to fall back on. Her sight and her touch in the here and now was just perfect, in spite of everything else going on. Face as serene as it was on the nights she fell asleep in his arms as they mated. An instant of time into which she fit perfectly.

Wolf and his pterosaur banked out over the temple. He spotted an opening on the glassy sheer walls and swooped lower. The pterosaur flapped, hovering along as he jumped off and onto a balcony. A gesture signaled his mount to depart and lay low until called.

Facing the full moon, Wolf pounded his chest and pointed to it before entering the temple.

Inside was a labyrinth of crystalline structures and beams of moonlight crossing the chambers. Crescent stone statues and dark brick, rotundas housing powdery white zen gardens. Pock-marked pearl spheres hovering in place, rotating slowly.

"More magical shitfuck," Wolf muttered to himself.

His shadowy shape stalked onward, the light reflected in his eyes and fangs.

Fox took a few tentative steps out over open air, with only a ray of moonlight under his boots. Below, an abyss of shadow. But he followed Krystal onward, as they came to the foot of the temple and brick landing circling it. Two sharply arched doors stood before them, a few stories tall.

There was a pair of shining lights up on the door, with a convenient moonlight reflector nearby. But as Krystal turned it up in toward the lights, the shifting beam of light revealed a giant reptilian face.

"Krystal? I don't think-"

She looked up, first to him and then to the black scaled tyranosaur that was stalking out of the shadows. The doors were already wide open, nothing but shadow blocking the temple interior.

Both foxes yelped as the silvereye charged in booming steps toward them. Fox dove out of the way as it craned down for a chomp, closing inches from his tail. As soon as the glowing eye fixated on Krystal, she turned and ran. Along the path were pillars in varying states of decay. The silvereye shouldered past them knocking the structures into clouds of white dust as it chased the vixen and trailed a fuzzy-tipped purple tail in its wake.

Ahead, she spotted a toppled pillar leaning against a half crumbled tower. Dashing up it, she unclipped the grenade at her belt. She leapt off the end of the pillar as the massive jaws plowed into it. Rolling over the broken floor, she hopped to her feet and tossed the blinking grenade. The second bite was interrupted as the orb flew straight down its gullet.

The dinosaur backed up a step, thrashed its head and then its body swelled up with the detonation. A jet of plasma erupted from its rear end and the beast toppled. With its giant rear turned into a torch, it began to melt the wall of the temple behind it.

By the time the breathless Fox arrived, the silvereye was a smoking wreck of a corpse. Perhaps to grant it some dignity, the black hide was dissolving into shadows, themselves evaporating under the moon's gaze.

Fox caught her as Krystal hopped down from the upper floor, setting her down as the two faced the melted threshold of the temple.

Fox and Krystal stood side by side as the platform began to move upward. He kept a hand on the back of her neck, rubbing it slowly in a soothing manner as she rested her head on his shoulder. Though he kept the blaster in his hand, shooting a side eye at the shadows around them. These may not have been Shadowclaw, but they were causing him some concern regardless.

At the top of the shaft, a portal looked over the magical focusing chamber- their destination at last. Fox took a while to examine it before he nodded to Krystal and the two of them entered.

There was a circular dias in the middle of the room, the moon peeking in from above through the glass domed ceiling. Ringing the runic face of the dais were crystalline obelisks and another sharp shard of crystal hovering above, a crescent of metal orbiting it.

"Yes...I think we can use this. It'll access all the moon shrines on the planet. I recall there being one close to Thorntail Hollow,"

"That's great," Fox said, allowing some relief to enter his mind, "Let's get the heck out of here,"

She stepped out to the middle and extended her staff, "I need to activate these in a certain pattern, but we'll need a moonbeam,"

There was one other entrance into the chamber, the mouth of a corridor up a set of stairs. Fox didn't look so certain about leaving her, but nodded and ran off to carry out the task. Down the hallway, he could already see the moonlight reflector contained in its own room with a similar glass ceiling. He was steps away from the archway when an eerie feeling overcame him. Strong enough that he skidded to a halt and raised his blaster.

Without drawing things out, Wolf revealed himself. He was actually crouched behind the reflector like some kind of boogeywolf just lurking there.

"Psh! Like I wasn't expecting that,"

Wolf held out his hand, displaying an empty palm.

"Did you expect this?"

He slapped the palm down on the reflector and turned it. The beam hit Fox and he disappeared down the hallway in a flash of light. Next thing Fox knew, he was gazing with horror down at Krystal who was more surprised than anything. But then she giggled at the sight.

"You've got to be more careful Fox. Hang on, I'll release you-"

The beam falling on the crystal was cut off then. Wolf appeared in the corridor, having torn the pearl orb off of its holder. He tossed it aside. Krystal had turned around slowly, frozen. Her staff clutched in her hand but not moving as the wolf strode forward.

His fists pounded against the crystal's inside, hard and then weaker in despair. She just wouldn't move and Wolf wouldn't quit. It was over at this point. Floating in the magical prison, Fox slumped over with his forehead against the glass.