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trying this again gonna be posting here and on my furaffinity account which a link will be in the next story. also still not good at tagging stuff

Kodi silently walked through town having gone through a rather bad mail run having been late by 3 days. He just wanted to be alone so he was heading to his fathers boat hoping his father was visiting his mother. Keeping his posture low as to hope to not draw attention. It didn't take long for him to reach the abandoned boat silently climbing onboard heading for the cabin; he slowed as he heard something. The sounds not something he could put actions to he slowly stalked forward and peaked in where he saw his father currently working his shaft in and out near a jackhammer speed into a moaning mysterious canine no question that it was another guy as kodi stared at his father balls slapping against the males balls his long cock hanging between his legs swinging likg a pendulum as the half wolf fucked the canine.

"Do-don't stop knot me!! Make me your bitch balto!!" the male nearly howled out

Before Kodi could see if Balto was gonna give the male what he wanted he back out and ran for the forest stopping when he was out of breath he panted sitting down and brought his paw down to paw at his own junk which where he found his cock out and his knot already formed pawing himself Kodi let out a moan his mind a mess of thoughts.

Thinking how his father could cheat on his mother, how huge his fathers balls were, how that monster of a cock swung back and forth. Then the scent imprint hit him so rich, so heavy it clung to his fur even now he could faintly smell it. It was wrong but Kodi could now only imagine his father mounting him and making him an omega bitch.

His day worries the farthest thing in his mind now he got up listing his rear end high into the air while lowering his chest and head to the ground wagging his rump as he reached to paw at his erection whining out for attention.

Kodi Gasped out as he felt a wet lick to his hole followed by a deep growl, his body freezing as the licking continued. The mysterious canine continued the licking even slapping his paw away to teasingly paw and play with the red husky cock. The licks became more and more rough and pushed into the young males rump causing Kodi to huff and yip and moan as the male pushed more and more of his tongue into kodi. The wolf giving a satisfied growl mounted him and Kodi let out a surprised yelp as he realize what was happening a much larger heavier and much more well endowed male was on top of him grinding against his rump and he couldn't move as a paw kept his face on the ground the other keeping his front pinned to the ground as well.

Kodi let out a loud groan as the mysterious larger canine pushed into him. Kodi breathing out and trembling as even with the prep the canine gave the monster pushing into him was alot to take in and there was so much of it which caused the red husky to breath heavily.

Kodi whined and yipped as the canine stopped and kept him pinned waiting for something seconds turned to hours turned to years for the young husky as the idle cock in his ass didnt move he whined out trying to push back onto it more to try to make the canine do something but to no luck as he felt the knot a Bitch breaking knot if that went in only the this mysterious canine could please him letting out a whine as a heat wave hit his body he shouted out

"JUST FUCK ME PLESE BR-" a black maw closed his muzzle before he could finishe his sentence then he felt the hot breath against the ear as a deep voice spoke for the first time

"Careful what you wish for Omega" before the massive battering ram of a cock pulled out only to push no thrust but push back in a bit rougher causing kodi to let out a yip of lustful excitement. The canine began a slow push and pull which dragged kodi back and forth the only thing keeping him in place was the wolfs weight and the paw on his head as the slow push and pull turned into a steady pace of Thrusts Kodi yipping turning into short woofs of pleasure as with each thrust that spread him open nearly knocked all the breath he could breathe in.

Soon the sounds of wet flesh hitting flesh filled the air along with Woofs Kodi felt amazing his cock throbbing and leaking cum as he was used as a cock sheath the sounds and the feeling of his balls being assaulted along with the pleasure that throbbed through his body with the beat of his heart made his legs give away but that didnt stop the canine as the meat slamming and destroy his insides kept his rear suspended in the air. The bitch breaker knot slammed against the kodi hole every other thrust had the canine grinding it against his hole roughly slowly and forcefully opening his hole up.

"Woof....morrr-ooof....bre-oof break me!!!" Kodi managed to get out between thrusts which seemed to rile the canine up as the thrusting got faster the thrusts had more power behind them and he began to be Thrusted forward with every thrust only stopping when he was against a tree.

"This is what you wanted, little dog. Be nothing but a hole for my Wolf meat. It's where your kind belongs serving your Betters" The wolf said above kodi

"Yessss i wanna be your hole" Kodi begged as he pushed back trying to meet the wolf thrusts yipping in pleasure

"Thats all your good for being a hole you slut. Your nothing but a hole to dump my cum." The wolf growled into Kodi ear which made him tremble and cum a tingle Sowly crawling up his back

"Thats it look at you cumming at the thought of becoming mine cumming your pathetic load. Beg for mine filthy human dog" The wolf said

"PLEASE PLEASE WOOF PLEASE FILL ME IMPREGNANT ME WITH YOUR WORTHY PUPS MAKE ME YOUR OMEGA BITCH" Kodi howled out with all the breath he could gather and let out a gasping Yelp as he was picked up by his scruff and suspended in the air for a few seconds he wondered what was happening before he was slammed back down onto the wolfs cock with a loud pop followered by a howl and a growing warmth in his rump spreading to his stomach he looked down as his stomach streached out with the cum of the wolf he looked up to see the wolf a LARGE red eyed black wolf stared down at him with a smug grin

Bringing his maw to Kodi ears whispering

"I'm not done yet Hole" Was what the wolf whispered to Kodi who cummed and clinched around the cock in him

Kodi looked down at his already bloated belly as the massive cock began to grind deeper into him Kodi accepting his fate as this wolfs cock sheath