Charr-Broiled or Pan-Fried

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Upload two. I'm basically using this account as early access for my FA, for some reason.

Caelinus was beginning to get worried.

The barest ghost of daylight streamed through the cracks in the rock formation above them, casting a bit of identifying light on the face that laid in his lap. The cold sweat on his brow, the way his chest heaved with every breath, even the way he breathed through his mouth because his nose was too stuffed to breathe through.

They'd been down here for almost three weeks.

At this point Caelinus was either sure that his message to the Ash Legion had been intercepted or was too unclear, because he'd been certain they would've been found by now. A rockfall had trapped them in a subterranean oasis, a small pocket of the vast cave system isolated by cave-ins and age. There was water, drinkable water at that, but there was far from a suitable amount of food for the both of them, even with what little rations they'd had on them.

He gingerly pat Cyril's head, trying to see if his fever had gone down at all, despite knowing full well there was no reason it would have.

When they'd first gotten down here, they'd laid out the meager amount of food they had and tried to ration it out. Cyril knew that even though Caelinus needed more food in a single meal, he could last longer without food, and so he pushed for Caelinus to take the majority of their share when they'd first gotten trapped. Back then, they'd assumed they'd be free in just a short while, and if worst came to worst, Caelinus was strong enough to carry them both up if need be. They hadn't anticipated the rain that made the cave walls too slick to climb, or the jagged edges that made it almost impossible to grab hold of the lip of the sinkhole they'd fallen through. They'd decided to simply wait for the Ash Legion, and then things got even worse. Cyril fell sick from the rain, and now Caelinus was stuck with a sick human, and not certain if either of them would make it out alive, and even less so that Cyril would.

He needed food.

He couldn't fight off whatever was making him sick if he was hungry, and worse he hadn't been drinking as much water as he should've been in recent days to see if that was causing it. In the end, he'd fallen asleep, and he was still alive, but his fever was high, and he wasn't getting better. He needed to eat something, preferably something that would speed up his immune system and make him get better quickly.

Caelinus went to check his bag again.

It wasn't like a four course meal would just magically appear, but if there was any amount of food, or anything at all that Cyril could eat, maybe he could keep the human alive until they finally got out. Then he could get medicine and his best friend would live.

He was considering letting Cyril eat him.

Was it a terrible idea? Maybe. But it would save him. It was obvious that the area they'd fallen in was one where animals didn't venture, because if they did he might be able to shoot off a blast at the sinkhole and knock them down. His only options for getting Cyril some food was what they had down there, and that was only him, Cyril, rocks, and an underground stream. He'd read a book about a legionnaire who did something similar to save his lieutenant's life when they'd gotten stuck in a canyon. He obviously didn't mean dying and throwing himself on the grill, but he could give up a paw to get the human some food. He had some leftover lumber and a few combustibles, he could even cook it. He doubted charr carried salmonella, or any of the illnesses that befell humans whenever they ate raw meat, but he likely didn't taste great raw. The only issue was that if he did that, he wouldn't be able to climb if they had to get out themselves. Maybe a forepaw, but that creates the same issue. Obviously it had to be a muscle, or an organ, but he wasn't going to try and risk some impromptu surgery on himself. It posed too much of a risk of going south. He could cut off his tail, but that was mostly ligaments and bone, so it'd hardly be food.

He glanced around, trying to see if there was anything that could be edible nearby, but it was fruitless. They'd spent the whole first three days doing that, and they came to the same conclusion. Maybe there was something on the opposite side of the cave ins that made this part of the system so isolated, but there wasn't anything here.

He glanced worriedly at the human's pallor, pushing his sweat drenched hair out of his face. His cheeks were flush with his fever, but the rest of his skin was clammy and pale. He was getting worse. Despite his face being so worryingly warm, the rest of his skin was freezing over.

He checked Cryil's temperature again out of habit, and then once his claw brushed up against something sensitive, his eyes drifted elsewhere.

He stared at his own crotch with a sudden surge of hope. It was a muscle, wasn't it? Sure there was a central bone, but most of it was a muscle, and likely edible too. Of course, there was the risk of bleeding out, but he was an elementalist, he had fire to spare. He could just cauterize the wound, and then he'd be fine.

He gently lifted Cyril's head from his lap, and turned away. Even if the human was sleeping, he didn't need to violate Cyril's sensibilities like that.

He could still piss without it, and despite his broad shoulders and muscular frame, bottoming was his preferred sexual experience. He'd still have his nuts, so he could still get off just fine, if it took a little extra work. And it was unorthodox, but maybe a member of the iron legion could make him a new one. Sure it wouldn't have any feeling, but he didn't need it to.

He glanced back at Cyril. Plus, he'd gladly give up his dick to save his friend's life.

He unbuttoned his pants, revealing his sheath to the chilled cave air. The cold didn't do anything to it's willingness to come out of hiding, and he resorted to lightly toying with himself to get it out in the open.

He pondered as he gave himself what would likely be the last thing his dick ever felt, wondering if Cyril would even be willing. He hoped so. Otherwise he was about to become a eunuch for no reason. Maybe the human would be too feverish to even think about the fact that he was eating a part of his friend.

Thinking like this was making it very hard to properly arouse himself.

He just needed to focus on jacking off.

...Should he cum one last time?

Well, it wouldn't be his last. Caelinus planned to at least let people keep using his hindquarters, and if they did it right he'd certainly still be cumming. Maybe just less often, but still cumming. It'd be his last time with a dick, so he supposed it'd be special in that way, but maybe his first without it would be special too.

He was gonna do it anyway.

Caelinus peeled off his gloves. His paw pads always felt better anyway. Oil or lubricant was out of the question, so he instead decided to just dip his paw in the water nearby and do it that way. He grabbed hold of his cock, giving it a few experimental tugs. It was just like any other charr's dick, large, barbed, and with a pseudoknot left-over from the bizarre mix of canid and felid in their genetic history. His was mottled, gray in some places and pink in most, a bit undersized but still suitable for most, and oh so sadly doomed.

Caelinus sighed as he furiously slid his moistened hand up and down his dick. He'd miss it, but this was for Cyril. The only human badass enough to make it in a charr warband, who'd saved him from some monster or other when he was just a young cub, and his best friend. Maybe even crush at one point. He was gonna lose his dick, and he was doing it for his best friend, so he didn't mind.

Caelinus moved even faster, toes curling as he came close to what would be his last load with his genitals intact. He hushed himself as he sprayed his seed, muffling his groans by burying his face in the fur of his shoulder. And in his afterglow, he knew it was time. He didn't quite say goodbye to his dick, but Caelinus assumed the few pumps he did to keep it semi-hard were sufficient.

He tore a piece of loose twine from his top, wrapping it under his knot and pulling it as tight as possible. He didn't want to cut close to his sheath, so he tied a bit higher than the slightly thinner root. It was uncomfortable, but it would keep him from bleeding out. He prepared to use his fire to cauterize the remaining stump of his cock and to use his field cooking equipment to get his dick to a state of edibility. He couldn't check the temperature, and more importantly Caelinus didn't know what the suitable temperature for charr penis was, so he just planned to, ironically, char it a bit, and hope that the burn would guarantee that it was cooked the whole way through.

Caelinus hefted his axe, and brought it down just above the tight knot he'd tied.

The pain was tremendous, but manageable. He quickly shoved something up the stump, knowing that if he cauterized it like this, his urethra would close, and he'd be in a world of trouble. He didn't realize until after that it had been a feather quill, and he was lucky he didn't accidentally stab himself, but he heated his hands up to a searing heat and gripped his stump, burning the wound shut. He contemplated taking the time to figure out a more suitable catheter, but he decided to do the obvious thing first.

A bit of flammables from his backpack, the stand for his cooking pot, and all of a sudden he was frying his dick.

Caelinus thought about it, and realized he must've looked like quite the sight. He was bottomless, hunched over a frying pan, with a feather quill sticking out of the stump where his cock once was, and he was cooking himself.

He shook Cyril awake the moment it was done cooking.

The human coughed harshly as he opened his eyes, and Caelinus hoped that he would be able to keep it down. Outside of it being worse for them both if he couldn't hold food, Caelinus wasn't sure he could handle the emotional strain of someone puking up his dick.


"No talking. Just eat." He held his grilled dick in front of his friend's face, and apparently the human was too out of it to wonder where he'd gotten it from, as he simply bit down.

He managed to eat the whole thing, aside from the pseudo knot, and Caelinus was so happy that it made what he'd done worth it.

Not wanting to throw away any part of what he'd given up, he ate what was left himself.

Another day came and went, and Caelinus was certain charr penis had healing powers. His fever broke in just a couple hours, and though he slept the rest of the day after getting some water, Cyril was on his feet the next morning, and Caelinus couldn't have been happier. His groin was still sore, uncomfortably warm, and a bit itchy, but it was more than manageable, and his best friend was alive and well.

It took another day for them to be rescued, but their war band eventually found them, shouting out cries of relief as they pulled them out of their pit with rope.

"So, what did you feed me?"

Caelinus paused.

"What do you mean?" He said, hoping this wasn't what he thought it was.

It'd been three weeks since they'd been pulled out of the cave, and Caelinus could safely say that Cyril was feeling better. He'd been doing great, and while Caelinus did have to take a day to breathe and recover (he'd told the legionnaire and no one else), he was back on his feet as quickly as possible. He'd found himself a bit less brazen than he was, but he decided that was simply a minor psychological effect of emasculating himself, and he'd be right back to normal soon. The wound was still healing, healing well according to the guardian legionnaire's medicinal knowledge, and he'd gotten a more suitable catheter as soon as he was able to, as the broken end of a feather quill wasn't the best choice. He'd hoped, believed even, that Cyril was too out of it to remember how he'd gotten better, and he'd hoped that he'd never have to explain that he was a dickless man now.

Suffice it to say, he hadn't anticipated having to answer this question, unless it was to any partners he had in the future.

Cyril sighed, reeling in his fishing rod, and Caelinus knew that he wouldn't be able to get away with not telling him now, he was focused on it.

"When we were in the cave." Cyril added. "You fed me something, and it made me feel better. Did you find extra food?"

He remained silent for just a moment too long, and Cyril became suspicious far quicker than Caelinus wished he would've.

"What was it." It was less of a question and more of a command, and Caelinus suddenly became very aware of the fact that despite their size differences, he was a weak Elementalist, and Cyril was a very strong Warrior, and that a fight between the two would likely end with him showing off what he'd given up as he was forced to dry his clothes from being thrown in the river.

"...Do you really want to know?"

Cyril narrowed his eyes. "Yes. Yes I do."

Caelinus rose on unsteady feet, and simply said, "Please don't freak out."

He made quick work of dropping his pants, and made bare to his best friend his unaccompanied balls and floppy, empty sheath.

Cyril's eyes went wide.

He didn't shout, nor did he do anything for a short moment. Despite the flush of his cheeks, he crouched down, and inspected it closer, leaving Caelinus with a rising sensation that would've been accompanied by something else rising three weeks ago. He swallowed roughly, and Cryil broke the silence.


Oh no. He wasn't upset. He was worried.

"It's healing fine! My hole hasn't closed, and Misivia says that I don't have any risk of reopening the wound if I'm careful."

"...How much?"

Caelinus sighed. "I only have about an inch of stump left. It's not a lot, but I don't mind. I saved your life after all."

Cyril raised his hand, looking like he was about to touch him. He glanced up at Caelinus, looking for approval, who only nodded dumbly. He ventured an ungloved hand to Caelinus' sheath, even venturing two fingers into the fleshy opening, which made something in Caelinus's stomach jump. When he was done inspecting, he gave the charr's balls an appreciative rub, before standing up and giving Caelinus a hug. When he let go, he pat the charr's shoulder, and said,

"What you did was way too nice to me. You know that, right?"

"I'd do it again."

Cyril huffed. "Of course you would. Well, unfortunately, I have to leave you be. I'm gonna go see if Panela can make you something. Next time, please don't cut off any pieces of yourself for me?"

Caelinus shrugged. "Let's hope there isn't a next time before I make that promise."

Cyril rolled his eyes, and wandered back to their camp, leaving Caelinus alone by the river with his pants down, his balls exposed, and the very real understanding that his dick would be at full mast if it was still there. He didn't think to pull his pants up, mostly because his line caught something, and as he reeled it in, he tried to think of why Cyril would get Panela of all people. Sure, he was a good healer, but he was healing just fine...

...Panela was a necromancer.

He blinked harshly as he realized that Cyril was going to try and get him a ghost dick.

He pulled his dinner ashore, dumping it into a bucket with the rest of their catches for the day, before reaching down and doing as Cyril had, fondling his sheath, pinching the fleshy tube between two fingers and rubbing them together. It wasn't quite the same sensation as masturbating, but it was a similar, if weaker version.

Yeah, he wouldn't mind a ghost dick so long as he could feel it.

The Half-Neutered Half-Wolf

"Lady Ranni?" Blaidd's voice was as familiar to Ranni as the grass outside her tower, if not moreso. She turned to face him, making quick note of the visible anxiety that so rarely graced his wolven features. The typically brazen half wolf was...

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