The Kitsune Diaries #2 - A New Friend

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Part 2 of the Kitsune Diaries!

The Kitsune Diaries

Tail #2

A Furrotica/Lifestyles Series by

Valdreg Frostail

8:50 pm, June 22, 2014

(excerpt from Val's journal)


_ Apparently we have a new neighbor move in across the way, and damn, is he_ cute_. All white fur (although he's got some cobalt-blue streaks on his head-fur, from what I can see), and really pretty cobalt-blue eyes. Seems like he's my type, too: a little older, a cute little belly, and furry_ all over. (and from what I see, he's also got a nice ass: also a plus) From what I can tell, I'm guessing he's a German Shepard, but he also kinda looks a bit wolfy, too. ... I wonder if he's a good cuddler? I certainly hope he is. Ah, dammit. Almost dinnertime. Better see what El wants to eat. Maybe I'll go and visit our new neighbor later, too, with a "welcome to the neighborhood" gift, or something (and maybe ogle him a bit more, too...rawr). But until then, it's time for supper. Until next time!

(end entry)

Setting my journal down on my computer desk, I stretch, relieving some of the tension in my paws. As an added bonus, I hear some of my joints pop, which is always feels nice after such a heated journal session. Looking over, I see that El is in what I call his "gamer stance:" headphones on (with people talking in the background, probably his guildmates), left paw on his keyboard pushing keys, and right paw on his mouse. Pushing away from my desk, I pad my way over to see what he's playing, tail swishing as I do so. Not surprisingly, he's playing his favorite MMORPG (massively multi-player online role-playing game, for those that don't know) : Forever Legend 2. It's a fantasy-based, fun to play game - I also have a couple of characters on there. Looking further, I realize he's on the main character that he plays: a healer. For as long as I've known him, El's always favored the healing classes over everything else. I, on the other hand, favor the magical DPS (damage per second, basically a pure damaging class)...what can I say, I love Mages. While playing games, he also wears his glasses., giving his overall cuteness an extra boost because of the added sophistication/determination/seriousness of his look. Needless to say, I love to watch him game. (whenever I'm not gaming myself, that is)

Smiling to myself, I call out his name, loud enough so he can actually hear me. "El!" At the sound of his name, his cute little bear ears perk, and he looks up. "Heya, lovey." he says. "Whatcha need? We're in the middle of a raid." "Nothin' really. What do you want for dinner, bearface?" I ask, rubbing his back while I wait for his answer. "Hmm..." he says, pondering, while also arching his back for more rubs. I already know what my bear wants, but its always fun to watch his's completely adorable and I love it. As I watch, his eyes light up, and he says, in the voice of a small and excited child, "Chicken and pickles?" As he says this, he holds his huge paws up to his face, right underneath his muzzle. He always does this, and it's so cute and adorable that I just want to squeeze him in a big hug. This phrase, of course, means that he wants a sandwich (or two) with sliced chicken, romaine lettuce (crunchy part only, no leaf), two dill pickle slices, a mild cheddar cheese slice, and a healthy amount of mayo. This is actually my creation, made just for him, but that's another story all together.

Laughing, I give him a big hug. "If that's really what you want, babe, then so be it. Your wish is my command." Chuckling, he turns back to his computer screen, all the while regaining the "gamer stance." I pad my way into the kitchen, tail swishing, and make his sandwiches. As I come back, I grab him a soda, as well, because I know he'll need it eventually. Placing all the items on his desk (well out of the way, but within easy reach), he gives me a grunt of thanks, and then refocuses on the game.

Well, I thought. Guess my job here is done. He's in his element, and apparently really happy. Watching him munch, obviously happy as a clam, I smile to myself. What a big kid...cute as hell, but still a kid at heart.

_ _ After making my way back to my desk and sitting for a bit, I think to myself, Well. Maybe I should go and introduce myself to the new hottie...I mean neighbor. "Hey El! I'm gonna go and make nice with the new neighbor, you know, say hello." I state, pulling on my sandals over my footpaws. "Ok, say hi for me too." he says distractedly, turning back to his game. Feeling a minor sting of irritation, but quickly quelling it, I reply with a smiling "Alright, I'll do that. You have fun raiding, and I'll be back in just a minute." "Uh huh, ok." he says, not looking up. I love El, I really do. But sometimes when he's playing games, I get irritated that he only half-pays attention to what I have to say. Aminor flaw, true, but one I can deal with. I make my way to the door, and quietly open, and then shut, it. It makes a gentle squeak, but otherwise is silent. The sun is just beginning to set, covering the apartment complex with rosy-gold evening sunlight. Small kits and cubs are still out playing, but it is apparent that their parents will be calling them in soon, with the coming evening steadily approaching. Taking a whiff of the fresh air, I begin making my way down the stairs and across the commons.

Let's see...what apartment did he live in, again? I thought to myself, looking down the row of brick townhouses. Ah yes, there it is. That's the one that the moving truck was in front of earlier this afternoon. His apartment is apparently a direct copy of ours, with the same two bedroom, one and a half bathrooms, and two floors layout, but I'm not surprised. I'm also nervous, as I always am around new people...especially ones that I find attractive. Now, let's go over this. I think to myself. We're here as a friendly welcoming party, nothing more. If he's not home, then we'll just come back later. Ok? Ok. Here we go. Putting my left paw above the door, I knock loud enough to be heard, but no louder. No sounds come from inside, at least from what my perked ears tell me. Maybe he's not here. I think. We'll try once more, for good measure. Knocking again, the door opens by itself after I stop knocking, startling me a little. That is when I hear it. Not very loud, but definitely a sound, like a muffled grunt or moan.

Of course, my insatiable curiosity kicks in, and overwhelms my good judgment. It's a very bad habit of mine that has gotten me into trouble in the past, but I just can't seem to be able to overcome it. Stepping gently over the threshold, I step inside the apartment. My tail is bushed out, showing my nervousness, as well as my being startled, much to my dismay. See? He's not here... I think to myself, until I see him. My gods, he is cute. And...he's apparently tied up in his chair, facing his computer...with no clothes on. And from what I can tell, he's hard as a rock...with his cock fully unsheathed. He also apparently hasn't noticed me yet, either. Gods be good...this guy is hot as hell, with a nice dick, and he's a kinky bastard, too? Dammit. With that much perfection, he's gotta_be straight. Just my luck, too, El would LOVE this guy._ As I'm thinking this, he looks up and notices me, and turns beet red with embarrassment. "Um..." I say, blushing as well. "Hi."

"Hi yourself, fox." he says. " you need something? Or are you just gonna stare at my dick all day?" Blushing harder, I start to backpedal towards the door, my tail now fully bushed out. I've never been good with confrontation, especially if there's a hot guy involved. and this event sets me on edge. "Uh, well...uh, my partner and I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood, but I can see that you're busy with'll leave." Still embarrassed, my words come out really quickly, so I'm fairly certain all he heard was "my partner," "welcome," and "leave." "Did you say partner? As in you're gay?" He asks, somehow getting up even as he's still tied up. As he does, I notice that there are also weights hanging from his balls. Oh gods. I think to myself. Not only is he hot as hell, has a nice cock, and is kinky, but he's a homophobe? There's the flaw...everyone has one. Regaining at least a little morsel of composure, (and trying hard not to stare at the weights), I reply, " Umm, yes. My husband is a polar bear, and he's in that apartment over there." I point across the commons at our apartment, my paw shaking just a slight bit, as I'm kinda terrified. Meanwhile, my brain is already setting up a plan for escape, should things go ugly.

"Oh, thank the gods." he sighs, forgetting that he's still naked, half-erect, and weights hanging from his balls. "I thought I'd be stuck in a gay-less neighborhood, with no one to talk to." he sighs. "I'm gay, too. The name's Kalt. Kalt Vetur. What's yours?" At this point, he finally realizes that he's still naked, tied up, and has weights on. "Oh, shit...umm...excuse me while I put on some clothes." Blushing, he moves rather quickly from the room, and into the kitchen. As he heads in that direction, I notice that the cobalt-blue coloring on his head-fur also is on his underarms, and also his pubic area. So pretty...I love that color. Looks good on him. I think to myself.

"There, that's better." he says, coming back into the room wearing some blue jeans, rope-less and weight-less, but still shirtless. "I'm sorry about that...a first impression, and here I was beating off to relax." "'s no problem." I say, still a little nervous. "I'm generally naked around our apartment, too." Why the hell did I just say that? Stupid, fox. REAL stupid. I chastise myself. "Oh really?" he grins, showing off very white, and very sharp, teeth. "Bet you're a real cutie, underneath all that clothing. I wouldn't mind looking, if you'd let me." "Well, umm...uh..." I say. By this point, my brain has pretty much shut down, with the come-on that I just received, combined with the compliment that was within it. "It's ok, fox. I'm not gonna bite you, or try to take you by force. This is just my way of being friendly." he smiles, this time showing less teeth, allowing me to finally relax, at least a little. Making his way to a couch by his desk, he plops down, and motions for me to also take a seat. Not wanting to be rude, I then sit down on the couch, albeit a little ways away from him.

"Still nervous, huh?" he smiles. "Bah, it's fine. I know I look a little intimidating to a cute little fox like you." He winks at me, then continues. "But in all honesty, I'm a big sweetheart. Not a mean bone in my body. Well, there are a few 'kinks' in there, if you know what I mean." He winks again, gently elbowing my side good-naturedly. Well now. Apparently I was worrying for nothing. I think to myself, feeling my tail smoothing out as the tension starts to leave the room. He seems like a really good guy. AND HE'S GAY! Gods be praised! I must have sighed from relief without my noticing, as he chuckles, and then gets up off the couch. "Silly fox...wait, I never got your name!" he exclaims. "The name's Valdreg. Valdreg Frostail. But you can call me Val, if you like. Everyone does. My partner, the polar bear, is Elrohir Icefist, and it's very nice to meet you, Kalt." "Likewise, Val." he grins, and holds out his left paw. "Put'er there, fox." Taking his paw, I realize just how big this guy is. At about 6'1", and about 250 pounds, roughly, his paw almost engulfs mine. After the hearty handshake, he then grabs me by my sides, and pulls me in for a hug. Now, I don't mind being hugged, but if it's someone I first meet, it scares me just a little. I tense up, but then relax when I realize that a hug is all he wanted. Feeling me tense, he winks, and says, "Sorry about that...I'm a bit of a hugger. Just can't seem to help myself when I see a cute male animal."

"It's ok." I say, relaxing as I do so. "My bear's the same way...always hugging." "Oh really? Now I have to meet this famous Elrohir." he says, chuckling. "With such a cute hubby as this, he's quite the lucky guy." Blushing, I manage to stammer, "He prefers to be called El, actually. He thinks Elrohir is a little too long, for his taste." "Ah, alright, I'll need to remember that, the next time I see you two." he grins. "Well...if you like, we could have you over for dinner. I haven't eaten yet, and I know El's gonna be kinda busy, but I think he'd like to meet you, anyways." "That'd actually be a great idea, thanks!" He exclaims, throwing on a light white t-shirt. "I was gonna go and get dinner after I was...well, you know. Done." "Oh." I say, blushing slightly. This guy has it all...charm, grace, a nice, sexy body, and a super nice personality. Damn...I want him. I kinda want him BAD. I think to myself, but then I shake my head mentally. You dumb fox, he's probably partnered, too. And why would he want to play around with a committed couple, anyways? As if hearing my thoughts, he then states, rather blatantly, "It's a pity I don't have someone like your husband for my own, just yet. And I'd love to play with you guys, or you all separately, if that's your thing, if you'd have me." He looks at me, with a mischievous look in his eyes. "If you're this adorable, then your hubby has gotta be a cute piece of tail, too. It would seem only natural, after all." "Well," I say, my mischievous side coming back in full-swing, causing me to grin. "You're just gonna have to find out, now, aren't you?"

"Ha!" he laughs, as we walk together out into the evening. "I guess I'll just have to." Walking together, with his paws in his pockets, and mine lightly swinging at my sides, we make our way across the common-grounds, and head to our apartment. Opening the door, El takes off his headphones as he notices that we have a guest. "Well now, Val, who's this?" he says, checking out Kalt. Kalt, on the meanwhile, simultaneously checks out my bear, and then heads over and gives him a hearty paw-shake like the one he gave me. El, obviously realizing that he's not the only big-pawed one in the community anymore, grins from ear to furry ear. "Hi there, Elrohir, I'm Kalt. Kalt Vetur. And your husband has told me a lot about you. And from what I remember him telling me about you, he wasn't wrong. You ARE a big polar bear, and a damned cute one, at that. Aww, c'mere, you." He then wraps El in a big hug, which, surprisingly, El returns, with gusto. "So!" Kalt says, winking at me. "I heard that Val here is a damned good sandwich-maker." Now how the hell'd he know that?! I think to myself. I literally made those 30 minutes before I went over there...wait. He's a German Shepard, or something like it. They've got really good noses...that's probably it.

_ _ El grins at me, as well. "That he is, Kalt, that he is." "Ahem." I say, blushing furiously. "Looks like I have sandwiches to make." "Make mine whatever you gave El!" says Kalt, sniffing the air. "Those pickles seem to be calling my name...although leave off the romaine lettuce. That will just make me gassy, and believe you me, you DON'T want that." At this, El roars out laughter. I shake my head, but smiling as I do so. That's my bearface, always laughing at a fart joke, the damned lovable fool. I think to myself.Heh. Well now, I thought. Looks like we've made a new friend. As I'm thinking this, I happen to look out into the living room. El and Kalt, both on the couch, are kissing each other delicately, but steadily increasing in obvious passion. They notice me watching, and beckon me to join them on the couch. Well now...make that a GOOD friend. I think, smiling to myself as I feel my cock beginning to harden in my shorts. I steadily make my way over to the couch, tail swishing with excitement, and join in on the steadily-building excitement. I think this is gonna be one hell of a friendship. I think, kissing first El, then Kalt, and then back again. But what the fuck. I'm all in.

To be continued...