Secret's AU Adventure: SexEd Teacher [Part 2]

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#2 of Secret's AU Adventure!

aaaand we've arrived at part 2! Woohoo! Seems like Professor Wolfe has inspired some of his students to take matters into their own hands after his little display the other day.


On Draven and Ramiro's ref sheets, their ages are listed as 17. However, I have permanently aged them up to 19 because it makes more sense for the two of them to be in college in their lore instead of high school. I already made this change on FA but haven't gotten around to it here. (This is what I get for creating all of these characters while I was in high school).

Today was supposed to be another normal and boring day of school. The routine was as followed: wake up at four in the morning, go for a thirty minute jog, take a shower, brush teeth, then scarf down some breakfast and hop on the train. Everything was going to plan like usual. Ramiro sighed, letting his head rest against the window for most of the ride, his backpack hugged close to his body. The transition from rural to industrial scenery used to excite him. But, after seeing the same thing every day, the pretty buildings had lost their charm. This part was always the worst.

Draven always waited for him at his stop. Part of him felt bad for so readily accepting a free ride to campus, but he didn't always have the money for the bus fare. The bird would always be leaning against some pillar, feigning an attempt at looking busy by searching random things on his phone. It was sort of sweet actually. Ramiro found his chest warming up at the sight of him, cheeks pulling his mouth into an infectious smile. They'd hug and get into Draven's car.

Once inside, Draven quickly swapped through the radio stations until it landed on the news. All he knew is that it was what Ramiro liked to listen to. Personally, he didn't get it though. Why listen to some random old people talk about problems he didn't care about when he could listen to something he actually enjoyed instead? Today, the personalities were telling the story of a lady who found out that she had two twin sisters. Apparently, they were all separated at birth. Jeez. The raven glanced over at his boyfriend, who seemed to be listening intently. With a light cough, he interjected.

"So, uh. Think we'll learn anything new in health class today?"

Ramiro tried but failed to contain his laughter.

"Professor Wolfe is literally the worst professor I've ever had. I kinda feel bad for him, but," he looked out the window, watching as the sign indicating they were now on campus rolled past, "nah. He's just a shit teacher."

Draven sighed and pulled into one of the student parking lots. Of course, it was further away from all the important buildings than the faculty lot. No amount of complaining would get that changed. This would be his exercise for the day.

"He's trying his best," Draven commented before grabbing his bag. "Come on. Now let's go."



When he turned around, Ramiro pressed his lips against his. Draven went tense, surprised by the motion, but quickly warmed into the kiss. The hybrid cupped his cheek, slowly dragging his thumb across Draven's fur. Ramiro's lips were seasoned. They gave him a taste of the licentious life he wasn't allowed to live. There was a wild flavor to it and this sensation filled him with jitters. When Ramiro pulled away, he could feel them bubbling up in his chest. Draven thought that he was missing a crucial part of himself. Ramiro winked.

"Now we can go!"

The two took their seats in the back of the empty classroom. As per usual, they were rather early. Draven wanted to ensure they didn't have to fight over seats. It was sort of difficult to fight people who weren't here though and neither of them knew how to shadowbox. Ramiro sighed and pulled an old laptop from his bag while Draven took out a notebook and pencil.

As the students filed in, Ramiro could already feel the pull of drowsiness on him. God, he was dreading this. The class was just so boring. Professor Wolfe simultaneously took his job way too seriously while also sucking at the one thing he was paid to do: teach. It was the worst combination imaginable. The hybrid wondered if there was some sort of nepotism involved in his hiring because if he had to sit through another hour and a half long lecture on why he should eat healthier, he might actually drop out. It wasn't worth it.

The only way to pass the time was to watch random videos on his laptop or daydream through the hours. Unfortunately, he wasn't particularly in the mood for either. Instead, Ramiro slowly inched his hand across the bench they were sitting on until it covered Draven's. Their eyes met and Ramiro offered a smile.

Before he knew it, the lecture had already begun. Ramiro didn't even notice that Professor Wolfe had a teaching assistant now. Or was that just a friend of his? It didn't really matter to him, but the thought of Professor Wolfe being so terrible at his job that the school forced some poor lady to help him was kind of hilarious.

"So class, let's begin the lecture."

For a second, Ramiro let his eyes wander from his screen to see what was going on and he couldn't believe what he saw. The hybrid had to do a double take to make sure. There was his professor's supposed teaching assistant standing in front of the class. Except she was topless, with no bra on, and Professor Wolfe was grabbing her tits. Did he... travel to a different dimension? Ramiro looked around the room to gauge his peers' responses. Everyone else seemed to have a look of shock on their face as well. It wasn't just him. This was really happening.

"As you probably already know, these are her breasts."

Patches of nervous laughter dotted the classroom. Ramiro glanced at Draven. The bird was staring intently at the crazed display while gripping his pencil tightly. Any more force and the poor thing would snap. He thought about what he could say, but nothing came to mind. What was he supposed to say anyway? Nothing could capture how insane this situation was.

Ramiro watched the demonstration as a mixture of unease and fascination enveloped him. On the one hand, he wasn't sure if seeing something like this was even morally okay, but on the other hand, this was the most into health class he had ever been. Professor Wolfe held the woman's boobs in his hands, feeling their weight. They were pretty big for her small frame. When he moved his hand around them, her breasts would jiggle ever so slightly, but the bounce was almost hypnotic. Her pert nipples were hard due to Wolfe swirling his finger around and over them. Ramiro could tell that the guy was loving every second of this. Hell, he couldn't blame him. When the professor was done talking, he took the opportunity to squeeze the mounds. Ramiro watched as his fingers dug into her fur, causing her to moan. Holy shit.

The hybrid was starting to feel a little hot himself. A certain friend of his was making poking against his jeans, begging for attention. Ramiro idly rubbed at it but Draven swatted his hand away. The two stared at each other for a few seconds before turning their attention back to the display.

Now, the woman was laying down on a table in the front of the room. It was sort of difficult to see her from all the way in the back, but Professor Wolfe had set up some sort of camera system so she would also be shown on a big screen. The camera was aimed directly at her pussy, which was already drenched. Trails of her arousal ran down her leg. It took no time at all for Wolfe to shove his fingers inside of her, obviously pleased with himself. When he pulled them out, they were covered in her juices.

"This is called vaginal fluid."

It felt like the room was filled with humidifiers. The tension was oppressive. Ramiro's breathing was getting hotter by the second as his horniness rose in tandem. His erection was no longer hidable at this point, its imprint proudly showing itself off against his jeans. The hybrid didn't care though. He was in public, but he needed to masturbate. Badly. With a hand, he slowly pulled his zipper downward. But, as soon as he got halfway, a sharp sound cut through the air.

Draven's pencil lay in two pieces beside his notebook. The raven was trembling. Ramiro couldn't tell if it was anger or some other emotion. What he did know was that Draven wasn't pleased. The bird was looking down at their table for a full minute, not moving. Then, suddenly, he grabbed Ramiro's hand and pulled him out of his seat.

"Come on, we're leaving," Draven stated, squeezing passed the other students in their row. A couple of people gave them strange looks. Probably wondering why they were choosing to miss out on the show. Previous shocked expressions turned to ones of lecherous excitement. Hands loomed suspiciously over crotches and eyes strained trying to lap up every drop from the woman's pussy.

Ramiro tried to crane his neck to continue watching as well, but it was pointless. Draven's grip on his arm was ironclad and the bird was determined to get out of there. With a sigh, he let himself be pulled along and with a swing of the door handle, the two appeared in a bright hallway.

It took a second for Ramiro to understand what was going on. He had to blink a few times so his eyes could adjust to this new setting. Several people working at tables strewn across the lobby briefly looked at the new sight. Ramiro looked down instead. His cock was still pushing against his jeans. Oh. This was embarrassing.

Draven seemed to get the memo as well. He yanked on Ramiro's arm again, leading him through the bleached halls and across the tiled floors of the science building. Their footsteps clacked loudly as they ran in seemingly random directions. Eventually, they ended up in a restroom at the end of the hall. Draven was panting. Ramiro looked at him nervously.

"You alrig-"

"He's lost his fucking mind," the raven squeaked out between labored breaths. Ramiro placed a hand on the back of his head. Draven wasn't totally wrong. There was definitely something missing in that brain of Professor Wolfe's. But, at the same time, his face was so filled with animosity, that a fed-up blood vessel bursting was honestly a possibility.

"It was pretty crazy, I guess but..." Draven looked up at him as if to say 'watch how you finish that sentence. Yikes, he sure was scary when he wanted to be. Ramiro wouldn't bend to the pressure though. He knew that the raven was secretly a big push over.

"But it was kinda hot." Ramiro grinned while Draven's frown grew deeper.

"I hate you."

"Pffft, love you too."

A tense silence ensued. Ramiro took the opportunity to look around the room. Draven had chosen one of those unisex restrooms. They were all single stall at his college so as long as they were in there, no one else was coming in. And, there was still a pesky problem he wanted to have dealt with. His cock poked up again in response. Ramiro slowly turned his attention back to his boyfriend, strategizing about how he was going to get him to drop his pants. But when he turned back around, he realized the sneaky raven already had the same idea.

There he was, cut dick already out in full display. His chest rose up and down less rapidly now but still strained enough that Ramiro could hear his breathing. Draven's hands were around his waistband where he hand pushed his jeans down around his ankles. His tip was covered in a fine film of pre and his veiny shaft was as hard as a rock. The sight made his mouth water.

"Help," was all Draven could muster. Ramiro licked his lips.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?~"

Quickly, the hybrid dropped to his knees. He had never seen Draven so pent up before. His tail swished across the bathroom floor as he shoved his nose into his boyfriend's crotch. Ramiro could still smell feint traces of the lavender soap he had used earlier that morning. It was starting to mingle with the smells of sex. Sultry and irresistible.

Then, he went to work. The hybrid slowly dragged his tongue along the bird's tough shaft until he reached his head. Draven shivered with pleasure. Ramiro's tongue was incredibly textured, almost like his own little massage toy. Rough and smooth in the right areas, it was able to scratch that itch he couldn't reach before. It was a relief he hadn't felt in forever.

By the time he reached the bird's tip, more pre had already begun to spurt out. Ramiro readily lapped it up, accepting the sweet treat his boyfriend provided him. Lowering himself onto Draven's shaft, Ramiro encased the rod with a warm embrace. Swirling his coarse tongue, Ramiro drenched the raven's cock in a layer of his saliva. Then, using a free hand, he gripped the shaft's base, slowly jerking off the parts he couldn't reach quite yet.

When he looked up, Ramiro tried to give Draven the biggest puppy eyes he could muster. He wanted the bird to see his desperation. His need to be ravaged. Ramiro knew that Draven had a rough side. He just needed to pull it out of him.

For now, the hybrid would have to continue his task. Bobbing his head up and down, Ramiro could hardly contain his moans as he took in more of his boyfriend's cock. He had to struggle to get the entire length in. But soon, the hybrid's nose could touch his partner's crotch. Draven's cock scratched the back of Ramiro's throat, throbbing and on the brink of release. That coarse tongue of his was put to work. All six and a half inches would be covered. The bristles dragged across the bird's prick, pushing him closer to climax. Unfortunately, Ramiro couldn't hold his breath forever though and he had to pull back. The hybrid was rattled as he sat there panting. That turgid mass still stood strong, begging to be milked.

Before he could catch his breath, Ramiro felt two rough hands find their way to the back of his head. Then, his mouth was around the raven's cock again. Draven shoved the hybrid's head forward and bucked his hip, forcing his prick deeper than it had ever gone before. Ramiro choked on his moans. They were drowned out by the stiff avian dick that filled his mouth. The hybrid didn't have time to think, all he could do was focus on his cocksucking. Draven pulled back and thrusted again. Being used like a fleshlight only turned him on more and Ramiro quickly fiddled with his zipper to shrug off his own jeans. The feeling of being completely under your partner's control made him bristle with excitement. This dominant Draven didn't come out often, but when it did, their sex was always hotter. Once he got his pants lowered, his own sheathed cock popped out. He couldn't help but masturbate, which was a slippery endeavor with all the pre he was secreting.

"C-close..." Draven grunted, grabbing onto Ramiro's sensitive ears. He held them tight like fluffy handlebars. Just feeling this softer fur made Draven want to spoil him. Ramiro was so perfect in every way. The least he could do was give him a reward for how valiantly he served him.

The small bathroom was alive with the sounds of facefucking. The raven bucked faster and more erratic now, making sure to shove every inch of his throbbing cock down the hybrid's throat. Lust had completely taken over him and Draven didn't plan on stopping. It was so rough, that Ramiro had to stop jerking himself on and hold onto the bird's legs for support. Then, with one final thrust, Draven unloaded his seed, filling Ramiro's mouth with cum. The hybrid took it in stride, coughing a bit, but swallowing the bird's entire load with a gulp. Smiling, Ramiro sat on the bathroom floor, licking his lips.

"A bit rough there, huh?" He teased, sticking out his tongue for emphasis. Draven chuckled, his cock flopping over and leaking drops of cum onto his jeans.

"Shit..." the bird mumbled, furiously grabbing at the paper towel dispenser. This only made his partner laugh even more, realizing the absurdity of everything that just happened. Not only did they skip class to help each other get off, but they did it because their lame professor started fingering a woman in class.

Ramiro rolled over on the floor, his long, wavy hair spreading out in a fan-like pattern. His chest was heaving up and down as maniacal laughter filled the room. Draven spun around, his dick still not in his pants, and looked at the hybrid with a concerned glance.

"Do you need me to call an exorcist?" he asked, going back to patting his jeans down. Ramiro shook his head. No, no, he was fine. It has just occurred to him that this was one of those moments that he would remember forever.