Getting Him for Good

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#288 of Commissions

Commission for Michaelberretta1997!

This time it's for good. Mahiri's been strange lately, showing even more of her feisty feline side, bordering on aggressive. Michael is all for it when it's so hot to him. He just better be careful. There are darker forces at play than he knows, exactly the sort to turn a night of fun into a permanent end.

Contains: Femdom, shrinking, oral vore, digestion, death, social media play, weight gain, and more!

"I told you. I'm coming over."

That was the best explanation Mahiri offered for why she was standing in Michael's home uninvited. He wasn't even dressed. The lion looked over the feisty leopard in leather and blinked a few times. Which was about as long as he could stand to take his eyes off of her thickly voluptuous form. Considering whether he was upset by her intrusion took him all of five seconds when he considered just how hot she was.

"How did you even get in here so fast? I was texting you like five minutes ago."

She grinned at him, clearly proud of herself.

"Your locks are very pickable."

"You broke into my - well. Someone's in a mood."

"Mhmm." She let out a long, heavy rumble. There was such power in that feline noise, maybe even more than her usual. "We're gonna fuck."

It wasn't a question. She made her statement, and he was powerless to resist her when she was feeling that level of need. It wasn't as if he wasn't thinking about that. Just scanning up and down her curves - and pausing especially on the swell of her truly massive bust - was enough to get him bulging in his boxers within moments. Maybe he had other plans for the night, but he was just going to have to push them aside to give the soft cat what she needed.

The look in her eyes blazed more brightly than ever. She always had such strikingly green eyes, but they were deeper, sharper, burning a hole in him with a stare alone. He found himself lost in the sight while he stood with his back to his own couch. Probably a good thing he was there, really. He had something to fall back on when she briefly crouched, and then sprang forth in a lunging pounce so powerful she knocked him right off his feet. He could only grasp at her and accept the forceful locking of lips she laid on him while she rubbed her growly body right up against him.

Her teeth felt different too. At least he thought as much while he worked his tongue into her mouth, running it carefully along those sharp points. They seemed perhaps slightly longer, and even sharper than before. What, did she get them touched up or something, just to be more imposing? There was something so much more intense about her, something that told him ever so firmly that she was in charge. He was happy to follow along.

Grinding on his bulge quickly got him fully hard. She was still clothed, but he hardly cared. He was happy to run his hands up and down her curves, gripping through the leather while he humped at her. She had such a way of making him go utterly feral. They didn't bother speaking for a while. Their rumbles and growls were a conversation all their own, resonating through their bodies while they mashed up close as if to become one person.

When she pulled away from that kiss, she wasted no time getting her teeth on his throat. He let her have it. If there was one thing he knew about Mahiri, it was that it was best to go along with her moods. When she was needy, he gave her all the roughness she yowled for, and when she was feeling feisty, there was no sense getting defiant. She always got what she wanted and he got to cum. In her, on her, and however else she desired. As for exactly what she was craving that fine afternoon, she went ahead and spelled it out in a voice almost incoherent for all the snarls.

"I want to drain your cock dry and then fucking digest you."

He heard it well enough. It was the kind of thing that made his dick throb so hard his whole body jumped up along with it. His eyes went wide, then he narrowed them, putting on a warm, pleased smirk while she gnawed on the vulnerable part of his neck. Those fangs pressed right up against his jugular reminded him just how dangerous she was. Maybe she was smaller than him, not as physically strong, but she was so much. He was playing with a fire he wanted so very badly to burn him.

"That's ... well, wow. What's got in to you?" he began. When that made her withdraw from his throat and flash him a look, he quickly reassured her. "Not that I'm arguing."

That seemed to calm her down. She gave him a wicked smile.

"It wouldn't matter."

Just what did she mean by that? She was making him unsure about the being stronger part when she hauled him up from his couch by the wrists, teeth flashing in his face. That cat was powerful. Maybe he'd never noticed how toned she was under the plush curves, or maybe something was simply coming out of her that day. Either way, she turned her back to him and tugged him along, pulling him up against her swaying ass while she all but dragged him along to his bedroom. It was enough to make him stagger, snorting and huffing while his dick pounded away in his dampened boxers.

With one hand firmly on his chest, she effectively held him in place while reaching for her zipper. Whether he could have got out from under her or not right then, he didn't really care. He was about to see some leopard tits. Not to mention, seeing her like that was the kind of experience he didn't want to interrupt for any reason, even if he was pretty sure it was going to result in getting clawed up. Any marks would go away once he was all gulped down and later revived, through the usual means.

Those truly titanic cat tits bounced free once she slipped from her tip. Peeling it from her curves and slight paunch of a belly made them jiggle a little, but they remained firmly affixed in place, showing utter contempt for gravity. They were always a little floaty, but damn. They really were perky. He reached up for them, but she caught him by the wrists before he could. It wasn't to stop him from groping, but instead to make sure he did it right. Plunging his hands towards her breasts, she buried his palms against her plush bust, letting him sink his grip deeply into her exceptionally ample bosom while she offered him some steady thunder rumbling up from within her.

"God, these are so fucking good ..." he couldn't help but mutter, breaking that feline symphony for a moment.

"I know," she sweetly purred. "And I know how much you love them."

"Do you, though?" He offered her a horny grin. "Feels like I don't show it enough."

"You will."

There was something so oddly ominous about the way she said that. It was also pretty hot. She was being more than just feisty. The look in her eyes kept making him avert his gaze, but he told himself it was just because he was too busy staring at her tits. It wasn't like he was afraid of her. She was his longtime friend. They'd fucked plenty of times, along with everything else they got up. Though he did quite visibly relax when she sank down on him, topless and rumbling, running her claws down his arms while she licked along the side of his neck.

She continued on over his chest, then his abs, eventually getting to the hem of those ill-fitting boxers. They simply couldn't contain the girth of that lion cock when she got him so unbearably engorged. She pulled them off with a precise clamp of her teeth, dragging them down his thighs before she lunged at his dick. That made him flinch for a moment, but all was calm when he found himself enveloped in the warmth, wet mouth of a drooling leopardess. She went down on him all at once, schlurping him halfway down her throat while she bobbed on his pounding shaft a few times, swallowing the spurts of pre he offered her.

He would have blown fast if she kept sucking like that. Instead, she popped off and cupped her breasts up tight between her hands. Sandwiching and squishing them a few times, rubbing them back and forth against one another while seductively rumbling away, she sank down over the edge of the bed, crouched low so she could put some power to the motions of her body while she engulfed his cock in cleavage. Rubbing up over the smooth, warm fur between those two massive kitty breasts was one thing, but just watching her work and bouncing them up and down his spire was all the better. She gave a satisfied smile when his growls fell to throaty, desperate moans while she slickly, vigorously fucked his dick with her tits.

"Mahiriiiii ..."

All he could do was grip the sheets and whine her name. His face scrunched up with an expression of pure pleasure, but he refused to close his eyes. He wasn't going to miss a moment of that pretty face snarling at him and those juicy kitty boobs bouncing sweetly up and down the slathered inches of his cock. Bucking and humping a little was an uncontrollable muscular reaction, though it was hardly necessary. She did all the work for him, giving him that aggressive massage that got his balls twitching, pumping, clenching up while the pre shot up from his shaft and spattered all over that gorgeous bosom.

She still had one more move up her sleeve. With his cock snug between her breasts, she dipped her head down and slipped that dick right between her lips, sucking down as deep as she could go with it still wedged in her cleavage. Slurping, bobbing, tickling her tongue beneath the head of it, she got that lion gasping. It was all but a finishing move. She gripped his hips, she squeezed her bust tightly around his shaft with her elbows, and most of all she rumbled while she bounced on him

He didn't last long after that. She refused to allow him to drag it out. Her tits demanded cum splashed all over them. From snuffling and puffing air through his teeth, she soon drove him up to a tail-lashing, eye-rolling peak that had him drooling for her while his dick started pumping wildly between her lips. He completely lost control of himself, bucking wildly, flailing his arms when he couldn't bear to grip the sheets any longer. She almost made him roar, but instead brought him to a choking, shaking cry while he shot his spunk straight down her throat. It was his tribute to just how damn hot she was being.

She swiftly swallowed the first few ropes, before slipping off his shaft so her tits could get a proper painting. Lion cum splashed her tits thoroughly, painting them from top to bottom, leaving them dripping great long strands of thick, hot jizz. It all made her purr while she licked over her dark lips, slowly stroking that shaft up and down in the aftermath of his rather catastrophic orgasm. Not that he was remotely done. He knew well it was a good thing he was a big cat, because there was no way she was letting him off after just one orgasm.

Michael knew exactly what was coming when he saw her crawling over his prone form. She didn't bother to get out of those leather bottoms that hugged her curves so very well. Instead, she planted a knee on either side of his maned head, and slowly settled down until she was snug atop his face. The lion got his senses all full of leather in the process, but that heavy fabric hugged around the outline of her pussy tightly enough that he could lick those folds right through it. Mahiri remained right where she was, refusing to rise from atop her new throne, even while the lion started to feel the pressure in his lungs for how little air he was getting beneath her leathery ass.

She rode and humped at him relentlessly. He could feel the warmth radiating through the front of her pants while she rubbed that leather-covered mound against his muzzle. Eventually, she had to let him breathe. Surely she wanted him to be conscious while she robbed him of all his cum. He gasped heavily while she sat back beside him, unzipping and stretching out those great long legs while she stripped. It was never easy to peel herself from such tight-fitting bottoms, but she looked so good in them it was probably worth it.

Once she was down to her panties, he got a good look at just how fucking wet she was. He knew she was turned on, but she had drenched her panties to the point they were translucent, clinging to her slathered lips before she ripped them right off. She didn't even bother to slide them down her thighs. Not when she was in that kind of demanding mood. Michael was just starting to sit back up to see if she needed any help when she flashed him a particularly ravenous snarl and lunged at him once more. Calling it a pounce was generous. It was more like a flying shoulder tackle that hit him square in the chest, flattening him out on the bed once more with a very noisy, horny cat on top of him.

For some reason he had the urge to play with fire. Seeing her in that haunting, semi-feral state, feeling her dig her claws into his shoulders, knowing well she was in no mood for jokes, he couldn't help but crack one anyway.

"Now, you're sure you want it?" he daringly teased.

The response was an immediate snarl, as expected. Something about that one was especially intimidating. It told him there were real consequences for not helping her take care of that aching need. For a moment he was slightly disquieted, even pondering asking her to hold on a minute, just to steady himself. That all changed when she slipped down on his dick, No amount of caution could keep him from blissfully enjoying the sensation of a soaking wet cat enveloping his thick cock in hot, sopping wet leopard pussy.

Then she rode him. He got a good look at her plump tits bouncing up and down along with every other part of her that was plush and jiggly. They were dripping with his cum while she rose and fell, thumping her ass down hard on his hips, plapping his nuts against those spotty cheeks while she drove him deeply into her sex with some stiff, outright slamming bounces. She jiggled nicely for him and he just held on for his life while he got his shaft shoved fully into that clenching cat cunt, listening to the utter schlick and slurping of her excess juices getting squeezed out of her with every driving up and down motion. There was nothing gentle about it, but all he had for commentary was him moaning like her whore. Hardly the impressive lion gruffs and grumbles he might have hoped for.

From pounding down on him with some rolling motions of her hips, sitting up, straight-backed, she moved closer and closer to his face. He could feel her breath puffing out while she arched her back into those truly vicious thrusts down on him. Here he thought the lady on top meant she could be more precise about touching all the right spots. Instead, she seemed to crave nothing but pure hip-breaking, pussy-plapping brutality. She was a snarling beast, drooling in his open, drooling Either the bed or his hips were going to give.

He tried to reach up and cling to her, but he found himself all but paralyzed by her ferocious cock-riding. It felt like he was balls deep every single moment. It all became a blur of pleasure and pain alike, harshly pounding but never seeming to complain. He was taking the brunt of it anyway. Yet for as alarming as she was acting, he still felt his balls going nice and tight, felt that burning urge to fill her up with spunk at any moment. Whenever she was ready, he was just going to have to hyperventilate and groan until she gave him the sign he needed. No way was he going to dare blowing before she told him to.

She made it obvious when she was ready. First there came a sudden pump of her pussy clamping down on his dick so hard it threw off her riding rhythm, if it could be called that. She halted and shuddered all over, letting some yowls spill into those constant rumbles. Then she glared at him, grinding with his cock fully sheathed in her sex, squeezing on him from tip to base with those persistent, rapid-fire contractions. They only got faster, harder, and she built a thunderous proclamation of absolute power that unleashed in a deafening, shaking roar. It rocked through the room and rattled his very bones.

Michael could only flinch at the sound and show his teeth in a voiceless snarl while he offered himself up to her vise-gripping pussy. Her needs were his to fulfill, and he was just going to have to hope that cumming inside her as hard as he could was adequate. He heard the wet splat of his spunk spraying into her while she squirted all over his dick, his balls, and everything else around him. She soaked his fur with her scent just as effectively as he filled her womb, blasting off again and again, getting drained for absolutely everything he could give her, every last drop of lion cum in his body.

His ears were ringing. They settled down in a rumbling glow that was more felt than heard at that point. His vision was a blur of tawny fur and dark spots, along with those brightly glimmering eyes. They looked like they were sitting in the dark, but it was plenty bright in that room. Flickering, perhaps. Maybe they'd knocked something loose in their bed-breaking sex. In the light fixture or in his skeleton. He was sore, steaming, soaking, and all he could do was purr about it. As best a lion could anyway.

They met in a kiss when they'd eventually caught their breath. He was relieved to find she wasn't feeling bitey anymore, at least for the moment. Smooching close, snuggling, slurping, she took his tongue into her mouth with a trick of her own he'd never felt before. It was like hers curled right around his for a moment, yanking him deeper into that kiss so she could suck on his face and swallowing his spit. That tongue of his got sucked just as hard as she'd just milked his dick, but she settled down just as quickly as she got herself worked up.

Pulling back with a satisfying pop, she slurped his face, blew a hot breath over his slick features, and finally smiled while she stared down at him. Her lingering gaze felt as if it went right through him, burrowing down through the bed below as he got lost in her enrapturing eyes. Why hadn't he ever noticed just how gorgeous they were? Pretty, yes, certainly. But this was something else entirely. That freckled visage of hers was all the more imposing when he started falling back into the bed - or at least that was how it always felt at first before he realized he was shrinking.

"How ... ?" he began, his voice shrinking down smaller and higher right along with him.

As far as he could tell, she hadn't slipped him anything or otherwise tricked him. It was like she was simply willing him to shrink down to a more easily handled size. Thankfully, she climbed off of him before she ended up crushing him, rolling to the side, sprawling out like an erotic pinup as she watched his once impressive bulk compressing to a tinier and tinier figure. He was like a toy for her by the time the process was done. Of course, he knew it was coming, just not so soon. There wasn't even time to sit up before she snatched him.

Her grip squeezed the last cum out of him. Not that he was any softer for it. He gasped in her grasp, wiggling as she hauled him into the air. Her breath puffed over his trapped form. A customary push against her fingers to test his diminished strength bore no results. She had him. That meant she could do anything with him she wanted. That was just the rule of cats, really. He wasn't about to argue, nor did he feel at all embarrassed by just how fucking hard he was about it all.

She didn't tease him with her words. Instead, she just brought him close, breathing slowly over him, basting him in that heat. A little sniff at his shrunken form preceded a thorough slurp. She opened her fingers and pinned him down to her open palm while she slathered him with her scratchy tongue. It was rough enough to almost hurt, left with plenty of purple mane hairs clinging to it in the aftermath of that extended grooming slurp. She didn't seem to mind. Her rumbles were ever-present, almost too loud for him to even bear. They sounded volcanic from his perspective.

When she parted her dark lips, he got a good look at those fangs from closer than ever before. They were longer. Still as feline as ever, but impressively sharp and deadly-looking, like she'd been having a fling with a vampire. Even in all his excitement, there was still that lingering feeling in the back of his mind that he was making a mistake, that he was going to regret letting her have free reign when she was in such a scary mood. His dick told him to keep going. It won out, even as he got closer and closer to those shiny, saliva-sheened leopard teeth outlining the slobbery cavern that awaited him.

She stretched out her tongue to lay out the pink carpet for his esteemed arrival, slowly easing him into the tender embrace of her mouth. It all seemed slow and subtle as she sprawled him out atop that slippery surface, only to suddenly slurp him inside and clack her teeth shut behind his paws while he reeled in surprise. That was enough to startle him, especially when her chomp came ever so close to catching him on the tip of his tufted tail. Before he could get a word in, she shoved him over to the side of his mouth and gave him a smooth, extended suck, draining all the juicy lion flavour from him as if squeezing a sponge.

It all left him absolutely bathed in her saliva, soaking him from mane to paws in the hot cat drool. He vaguely struggled, in the sense that he pushed out at the inside of her cheek, and squirmed in a way he was pretty sure she'd like. His reward was to get laid over the surface of her tongue, belly down, face pointed straight towards the darkness at the back of her throat. Even in the minimal light leaking through her lips and teeth, his eyes were keen enough to make out the undulating details, flexing, gulping down some of the excess saliva he helped her work up just by being there. One good swallow was all it was going to take to start merging him with the leopard's gorgeous body.

First, she was going to make him cum. That much seemed predetermined. Lifting her tongue with him atop it, she squished him between it and her palate, putting plenty of pressure on his erect cock in the process. From there she got to grinding, sliding back and forth to stimulate him to the very brink of his limit. That tongue was just too good. He found himself not just moaning, but wailing out. He kept trying to tell her to slow down, but his words wouldn't come out, leaving him just grunting and shouting out, muffled in the slick symphony of the mawflesh that massaged him from all sides.

Even so, it brought him to the edge. His balls were taut and twitching, his spine tingling with pleasure as he neared his peak. She didn't quite push him over just yet. Finally relenting just as he felt that distinct flexing tension working in his lower back, she instead shoved him over to one side of her mouth again. He felt her teeth poking up at him from all sides, gnawing, nibbling, but not doing him any harm. Still, he could feel a slight tremble in her jaw while she teased him. She was thinking about it.

"I could just ... bite down," she told him, just above a whisper. From the way she said it, the thought seemed to give her pleasure.

"I'd much prefer you didn't," came his cry. He had to shout just to be heard over all the wet noise around him.

"It hardly matters what you prefer now." Even in the darkness of her mouth, he could somehow sense her lips curling into a wicked smirk. "You're all mine, lion."

For as dark as that sounded, he shrugged it off as just more teasing. His response was nonchalant. "I have a name, you know."

"Not for much longer."

"Mahiri, how are you gonna eat my name, exac- hmmmf!"

She outright smacked him with her tongue to get him to be quiet. From there, she gave some dragging slurps up and down his spine, mashing his face into the inside of her cheek again. He humped it a little, still throbbing, still utterly aching for release no matter how much cum she'd already drained from him. She gave it to him soon enough. That involved pushing him over to lay atop his tongue once more, pinning him in place, and then curling and straightening her tongue, over and over, sliding it back and forth against his shaft until he was ready to scream in ecstasy.

It was hardly a roar. Maybe more a rumbling gurgle as he slightly choked on her saliva in the process of going over the edge. Neither was his massive cumshot something of elegance. Massive for him, anyway. He twitched and writhed all over the leopardess' tongue while she milked him of every last drop he could give, spurting straight into her throat when he didn't just get it all over himself. His legs kicked out involuntarily, his face got all scrunched up with overpowering bliss, and he shuddered his way to a finish. Slumping down in the aftermath, he kept his eyes closed, panting, trying to catch his breath. She didn't give him a chance.

Smacking him up against the roof of her mouth again, she sucked on him a few more times, turning him over and over as if basting him. Mostly, she was just cleaning him up, swiping the cum from his splattered chest and belly so she could send it down her throat. He listened to the resounding ulllp that came with her swallowing down all that spunk and excess saliva alike. It was an exaggerated motion, one that came with her rolling her shoulders and tossing her head. It was all he could do to cling to his surroundings so he didn't slide down accidentally. He knew she wanted to wait for the right moment.

Only then did he get the chance to recover from his enforced but nonetheless mindblowing orgasm. While he gasped for air, stewing in the leopard's hot breath, puffing steam, swimming in her purrs, Michael felt and heard her speak. The words rumbled all around him, vibrating through his bones. Her voice made her sound like a goddess from his perspective.

"You know what happens now," she purred, only slightly muffled by the shrunken lion soaking atop her tongue.

Just hearing that was enough to make him stiffen a little all over again. It didn't matter how hard she'd just made him cum. He was moments away from getting gulped by her. She could do it any time she liked, but she left him stirring there, squirming, sucking air through his teeth. Then she went on.

"I know how much you love these big fat tits. That's why I'm going to make you part of them. For good."

Something tensed in his body. Not in the good way. It was entirely possible she was just teasing him, but somehow he already knew she wasn't. Ever since she'd arrived at his house, he'd felt like there was something different about her. It was obvious from the very first look she gave him. She'd been spending so much time with that weird friend of hers, what was her name? Started with an S. Maybe she was a bad influence. Something was coming out of her, something was changing, and Michael had been too horny to see he'd been caught up in it, that he'd been targeted by it.

"This time, you're not coming back. I'm keeping you, Michael. I've been making some changes lately. I've been feeling a new appetite awakening ... and I could think of no one else but you to be the first soul."

"Mahiri what are you talking -" he murmured in his tiny voice.

"I'm going to end you, Michael. And it's going to feel amazing. For me."

He thrust out his limbs all at once, grasping at anything he could. That meant either the slippery surface of her tongue, or her teeth. He was already sliding back as she tilted her muzzle towards the ceiling. When he managed to reach one foot out between her dark lips, she simply reached up to stuff it back into her mouth again. He gave a distinctly un-lionlike cry as he felt his centre of gravity shift, that slobbery tongue serving as a slide while he plummeted headfirst towards the darkness of her gullet.

This time, it wasn't the intensely arousing experience it usually was. Yet there was still some part of him that kept him twitching and hard even while she engulfed his maned head in the slick, squeezing confines of her throat. She wrapped him up tight and curled her tongue between his thighs, smacking him on the ass and back alike so she could stuff him away, tucking him into the grip of her relentless peristalsis. Once she had him, she wasn't letting go. Just as she said.

His frightened cries were entirely muffled after that. She tucked him away with a long, deep ULLP that overpowered his shrunken resistance, forcing him straight down her dark gullet. He went from a handsome lion to a tiny, shrunken morsel bulging out the creamy white neck fur of the ravenous leopardess. He plunged. Flailing, grasping, trying to lodge himself in her throat and make her regret eating him, he failed to do anything to slow his descent. All the way down he went, splashing hotly into the belly that awaited him below after getting squeezed on harshly all the way by those powerful inner muscles. She wasn't showing him a hint of mercy.

Hitting with a wet thud, he jostled her belly and got it sloshing on impact. He also made her tits jiggle a little on impact. Maybe in other circumstances he might have appreciated that. Instead, he was a struggling, panicking mess simmering in the leopard's stomach acids. They were already frothing, rising, sloshing all around him while they soaked into his fur. She was treating him like prey. He could already feel her prodding and kneading at her gut, pushing inwards at his confined form through the pudge on her belly.

"The mighty lion, about to get sloshed by a leopard. Looks like I'm the bigger cat now," she taunted him, her voice resonating right down to where he was, rumbling over the general splorch and squelch of her humid stomach.

There was something so very sinister about her tone. Putting aside the part where she'd eaten him and wasn't going to let him come back. Somehow. The how didn't matter at the moment. He was too busy with dread. Pushing against the walls that so aggressively squeezed down on his tiny, helpless body. His muscles were useless against the leopard's digestive system. It was even more potent than usual. He was half-immersed in something that stung his skin and faintly fizzed around him, and it was only going to get worse.

"Mahiri, please, just let me out, or tell me you're joking or just ..."

She poked at him, sending him slipping beneath the surface of those digestive juices. They got into his everything, soaking through his fur, ruining his main, burning at his eyes and throat alike. He wasn't in agonizing pain but he was itching, burning, and through it all, squirming madly while he got mercilessly processed into leopard food, one noisy churn at a time. The panic came when he thought he was drowning. Struggling to the surface with a choking gasp just put him in the perfect position to hear her next words.

"Does this seem like a joke? I'm having so much fun," she playfully told him. "It's going to feel so good wearing you, Michael. I'm going to cum so hard once you're part of me."

She was already starting to touch herself. For all the pleasure she'd taken from him, she still needed more relief. Digesting Michael alive one last time was too arousing to keep calm throughout the messy process. Things grew sloppy inside her, numbing the struggling lion, leaving him unable to kick, unable to properly thrash while she sloughed away his layers. The best he had was a desperate wriggle while she stuck two fingers firmly in her slathered cunt.

"Mmmm. Already got me worked up. My pussy's soaking. I think I like digesting you better than fucking."

There was plenty of his cum still inside her that made for some pleasant squelches while she juiced it out with those diving digits. Soon she needed a third. And then a fourth. She stopped just short of shoving her whole hand inside her while she pleasured herself to the forbidden delight of claiming her first real kill. It was always going to be him. Ever since the corruption really took hold, she wanted to end Michael for good inside her. It felt even better than she had hoped.

The more intense her sloppy fingering grew, the noisier her gut got, groaning and churning to match the intensity of her schlicking digits. His situation grew to torment. It was so much worse than usual. Normally, he passed out before things got bad, or he just went numb to the worst of it, but he felt every single part of the process of melting into sludge for the hungry leopard. He dissolved screaming for her, twitching as his muscles burned away in her digestive acids, and her response was to masturbate to his dying spasms and last gasping thrashes.

Of course, she wasn't going to let him just fade away unceremoniously. She needed a moment, a single snapshot of snuffing out the lion to really make herself cum. That meant making one. Sitting up, she jostled him around a little while she tightened up her stomach muscles, clenching down on him all the more harshly than before. He was already softened, already partly liquid after just a short time swimming in her unnaturally aggressive stomach acids. Squeezing the life out of him made for some concerning crunching noises, until he found himself entrapped between a fold of her belly walls and crushed to death with a single, resounding SNAP. That was the end of his life.

A show of her fangs and an arch of her back came with a rising roar of delight that bellowed from her open jaws as her cunt clenched up around her digits. She squirted hard while her belly crushed inwards around the softened lion, snuffing him out in a single instant, leaving him nothing more than unrecognizable chyme stewing away deep within the leopardess. Gushing all over her hand and thighs alike with that hot torrent of leopard juices, she filled his home with the sound of her orgasm while she soaked his bed in her scent.

Michael was dead, but she could make him worse than that. Not even those last glimmers of energy he once contained within his mortal flesh. What might normally have been invisibly flitting away at the moment of his demise instead took on a faintly eerie blue-green glow beneath the soft white fur of her belly. Michael was trapped, his soul encased within her stomach, already getting hugged and squeezed by the hungry walls. Confused, disoriented, but terrified most of all, Michael could only plead for his very existence before the demonic cat erased him from the universe on a self-indulgent whim.

"Mahiri ... what, what's going ... " he began, disoriented and terrified. He quickly decided there was no sense trying to make sense of the situation. All he had left was one last desperate cry in that ghostly voice of his. "Please!"

She simply smiled as he begged her for his existence. Somehow, he could sense it. Maybe he was already merging with her, already becoming part of her. That cruel, fangy grin of satisfaction was as demonic as they came.

"You were always a good friend, Michael. You don't deserve this in the slightest. Yet that's exactly what makes it so fucking hot," she told him. Some part of him heard and understood that before he was truly gone. Some part of him knew she was getting off on betraying his friendship like that.

After that, his screams began to distort as he was torn apart at the spiritual level. He had no idea what was happening to him, just that it felt awful. She pulled away at his memories, his identity, everything that had made him who he was before he died. That precious energy might have promised him an afterlife once, but his future melted away with every single nasty glurrrn of demonic digestion. She took his soul for her own, adding it to her body, fuelling her own ongoing corruption into the hellcat she'd become. There was no undoing that.

He might have been trying to give one last scream as he got turned into dull, grey-ish goo at the bottom of the leopard's stomach, but it soon faded into a rasping whisper at most. She took everything from him. He dissolved and absorbed into her curves as before, agonized and frightened before all went dark. Permanently. All that remained was to fully claim and absorb the last wisps of energy that used to be a lion's soul, to grow more potent and depraved as she absorbed the most precious thing of all.

"Ahhhh," came her extended sigh as she basked in the afterglow of destroying someone who had once been a friend, before her corruption.

In the deafening silence that followed Michael's annihilation, the ticking of a wall clock became evident at last. It was just a minor decoration, unnoticeable in other circumstances, but it drew Mahiri's attention. She swiftly locked her eyes upon the hands and noted the precise time. 10:24 pm. His last minute of existence. She was going to make a note of that. Every minute that passed by was one more he didn't exist. Something about that tickled her in the cruelest of ways.

It was time to sleep. His bed was all hers. She didn't feel a hint of worry that she might be caught there, that she might be punished for eating him alive. Nobody could stop her. No mortal, anyway. She closed her eyes to slip off to a merry snooze, still glowing in the aftermath of finishing off the lion entirely. It was going to be the best sleep of her life.

When she woke, she could feel him. He added to her so very nicely. Not to her hips, nor her thighs or belly. Her focus was successful. He got his wish. All the extra weight that came from digesting his shrunken but dense form went entirely to her tits. She reached up and cupped them in both hands, squeezing deep, admiring the extra cup size or two she'd gained from him. All his fear and pain amounted to little more than the leopard's satisfaction.

It was plenty satisfying indeed just to lie there and knead her own breasts. She got herself wet and moaning just pressing her fingers into them, massaging them firmly while she thought about the lion she'd turned into them. A glance at the clock on the wall revealed the time. 12:36. He'd been a part of her for fourteen hours and thirteen minutes so far. Something about that made her rumble, made her squeeze herself in even more earnest, made her grip, knead, and even claw at her own tits while she meditated on the grim reality of the situation. He was dead. He was hers. It felt better than she ever could have believed.

Arching her hips up, lashing her tail down on the bed, she worked herself to another yowling squirt on Michael's bed just by squeezing her own prey-padded bust. It wasn't just the pleasure of playing with her tits that did it. The thought of who lived there on her breasts now was what really set her off into clenching, squirting bliss. She filled the room with her cries of pleasure, bucking and thrusting up towards the ceiling as if that lion was fucking her right that moment. Yet it was knowing he never would again that truly pushed her to that peak in the first place.

When she was done, she found herself soaking in her own juices. The bed was a mess. So was the floor. She didn't care about those, but herself, she needed a shower. Surely Michael didn't mind if she borrowed his for a while. She could steal some of those fancy mane shampoos. Not like he needed them anymore.

Pouring out a handful of some extra-sudsy soap, she slathered it all over her, but especially the bust on which her prey now dwelt. Those were in need of a good scrubbing, one that had her giving yet another little moan as she pressed eagerly into the wet fur, working up some nice lather. She would have rather liked to get his smell off of her. No sense wearing it anymore when he was all hers. Kneading in slow, deep, circular motions, she was admiring herself as much as cleaning, cupping, hefting, massaging those fine leopard tits and all the extra fat she made him into, cleaning off every last hint of him but for the jiggle with her every step.

After a good rinse and scrub, she stepped out from the steam, only to hear the buzz of a cell phone ringing in the other room. It wasn't hers, but of course she was going to answer it. Striding across the room, trailing hot water all the way, she snatched it up and hit talk before it could go to voicemail.

"Looking for Michael?" Her voice was the lowest, most seductive one she could manage, all but moaning her words.

"Hey, um. Yeah, do you know where he's at? He didn't show up at work today. Who's this?"

The opportunity put the cruelest of smirks on Mahiri's face. She stood there dripping on the floor, licking her lips, thinking about what she was going to say.

"Sounds like you need a replacement. He's dead. Got eaten by a leopardess."

Without waiting for a reaction, she ended the call. Let the boss stew on that for a while. It was mean, but the only regret she had was that she couldn't tease Michael anymore about his own demise. But she had another idea. That phone was still unlocked. All his passwords, all his important info was there. Most importantly, she had full access to every single social media account he once owned. First up, she turned to photo mode and took a nice full-body picture of her prey-enhanced curves.

That went up on his personal page. She sprawled out, casually typing away her callous message to everyone who would see it. A little smirk curled the corners of her mouth while she did.

Looking for Michael? Don't bother. He's mine now. I digested him alive and screaming.

She sprawled out and took another shot, this time zooming in much closer to her bust. Squeezing deeply into those lion-padded breasts really helped her show off how much bigger they'd grown thanks to absorbing that precious soul. That one, she uploaded in place of his former profile picture, so everyone could see what he had become. It needed a good caption too.

Here's his final resting place. He feels so good on my tits. I'm never letting him go.

Naturally, comments started to roll in. She'd broadcasted that to everyone. Friends, family, coworkers. It was a mix of shocked, unimpressed, and not-so-subtly horny replies. She knew how they all really felt beneath their words.

Lol nice one man.

This doesn't seem appropriate.

What the fuck?


There were so many more accounts to update. She took selfie after selfie of her plump, naked bosom and posted them where his handsome face used to be. Any other photo got deleted. They didn't matter anymore. She updated his screennames to such degrading things as Leopard Titfat or even Mahiri's Perma-Pudge. His occupation became Jiggling on Mahiri's Bust. She changed his location to simply Gone. There wasn't a single person in his life who wasn't going to know what happened to him. She flaunted it everywhere, knowing her newly changed self was never going to face any consequences.

They'd all realize she wasn't just teasing eventually. Maybe it would take a while for them to piece it all together, to accept that he really wasn't coming back. Ever. It was impossible. She claimed him for her own power and vanity alike, adding that luscious, squeezable padding, and growing stronger in the process. That reminded her. Her own phone was still in her pocket somewhere. She stretched out to grab it when a particularly cruel whim occurred to her.

Swiping through a few menus as she glowed in the aftermath of permanently destroying him, Mahiri navigated to a screen marked Contacts. There was Michael's handsome face, making the dorky expression he'd made when she'd asked him to pose for a picture. Well, she wasn't going to need that entry anymore. A few taps, and she slipped her fingertip down to the option that read delete. One more swift peck of her digit on the confirmation, and he was gone, leaving her looking at a list of the other people in her life. It was starting to look like a menu to her.

Her newfound hunger was only briefly sated. Such sweet, innocent, trusting souls truly were the finest meals. She was going to need more. Nobody could stop her. Not with her dark patron inspiring and encouraging her descent, her spiral into vicious feline depravity. So many more flickering flames to snuff out for her own delight, to fuel her dark power, to make her the demonic queen she was always meant to be.