Infection 3

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#3 of Infection


My Mistakes



My Mistakes

Torun Police Department

Criminal: Marcus Lonein

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 225 lbs. (102 kg.)

Tail Length: 3'

Shoe size: 14

Age: 17

Arrest record:

5 Counts of Drug Trafficking

10 Counts of Stealing motor vehicles

1 Count of Indecent Exposure

2 Counts of Possessing Illegal Firearms

Reason for Current Arrest: Suspected of Murder of the First Degree

Description: Several witnesses saw the accused near the scene of the crime. A firearm was ditched near the side of the road on the path that accused took that night. Fingerprints found at scene of crime matched accused. A partial on the gun recovered, matched accused. The firearm was the one that killed the victim. Accused has affiliations with the crime family that the victim just betrayed. He has not denied the claims, and has been very helpful in this case. Trial has been set for 2045 January 1st.

Court Sentence: Joining the military for a five year term, after that debt to society will be served and after sentence is up is a free citizen.

I remember the ride to boot camp. I met her on the bus, even then she looked as hot as hell. Her smoking rack, her dark fur, and I couldn't see it at that point but I bet she had a nice ass. I was sitting in the seat next to her. Of course the reason she didn't recognize me was because I looked so much more different. My hair was long, I was wearing a sweater, and almost all of my distinguishing features were hidden by baggy clothes.

"So, tell me why a pretty girl like you joins the military," I asked.

Turning and smiling for a second she moved faster than my eyes could track and had her paw around my throat, looking me in the eyes she said "Because I could tear out your throat without feeling an instant of regret," the whole time her tone was level and cold.

Some ferret behind us said, "Holy crap, she like you!"

She turned back around in her seat and let go of my throat and I said, "Your feisty I like that."

I didn't even see a single movement on her body but her claws were nearly touching my eyes an instant after that, "I'm not interested," was all she said before turning back around and directing her ears forward.

"Look it's going to be a four hour drive I'd like to get to know the person I'm sitting next to. I'm not flirting with you," I said raising my arms up.

Looking over at me the guy I thought had been asleep said "You're in one piece, I think she likes you, she left some nastyscars on the guys in the gang we were in."

Looking at him I said, "Boy I don't know about your gang but, ours was tough I bet you little wimpy gang uses guns right?"

"Well duh, didn't yours," he asked.

"Sometimes, sometimes we improvised hand to hand combat, knives and everything around us. Hell we scared the S.W.A.T. teams," I said.

Nodding he said "All of us but her, she went in with just her clothes and walked out with half the guns they had, usually all but one fully loaded, she's only been actually shot once, and that was a S.W.A.T. sniper trying to stop her, it was his bad luck that she had stolen a bullet proof vest before she decided to beat the crap out of the recruitment officer, she knew no one takes her seriously when first seeing her, unless they see the death in her eyes." Pulling his hat back down he said "I'm going to go to sleep again now, trust me, leave her alone, she's still a bit pissed from being shot, even if all it did was bruise and crush her left breast."

Ignoring his warning I asked her, "So, what kind of hell did you raise?"

Without turning around she said levelly "I incapacitated the recruitment officer, 4 soldiers, half the S.W.A.T. team and a marine before they figured out I was trying to sign up, and that's when they shot me."

"Sounds like it was fun. As for why I'm here I got caught on trumped up charges about murder, I got a decision go to prison or go into an armed force," I said, "I was a drug runner what did you do?"

"Kill," was all she replied with.

I tried talking to her for the next three hours sometimes she responded sometimes she didn't. I liked her. Then I felt someone shaking me up. My eyes flashed open and I was in the hummvee with El looking over me.

"Cool. Man I had a weird dream, and you were in it," I said.

"I'm not sure I want to know what mission you were dreaming about, quite a few of them went to shit." she said while grabbing the gun at my feet and stripping it into its base pieces in seconds.

"No it isn't a mission, when I first met you," I said.

Using part of her shirt to do a dirty cleanout on the pieces she said "In boot camp, we were talking about that the other day, not entirely surprising."

"That's not the day I was thinking of. You and I were on the same bus I was right behind you," I said.

"On the way to boot camp? No you weren't, some idiot in really baggy clothes who kept bragging about how bad his life was before joining was sitting behind me," she said while reassembling the pistol.

"Does this sound familiar 'Your feisty I like that" at all," I asked.

Looking up at me she said "Wait, you're the pup whose eyes I nearly gouged before remembering the terms of my recruitment."

"Yeah, that was me. I looked like I just got out of juvy at that point," I said, "also can I add that you were very sexy even then?"

Tossing the pistol back at me she walked out of the room and said "I'll be in the Hummvee, like I said, it's your turn to drive, and I need to think."

I didn't try stopping her. I just dropped a bombshell on her. I got in the hummvee then started to drive. I hit a couple of zombies with the hummvee and shot a few in the head. I turned on the music after an hour. Then I started to worry, she was never this quiet.

As everything clicked back into place she crawled up and said "If there weren't any hills in front of us that just cleared over a mile's worth of road, the wind alone would tear those nearby apart."

"Quit avoiding the subject, I guess you aren't mad but you still need to tell me what you feel," I said.

Not looking at me she said "You lied, every time your past came up you lied, I never told you my past but I never once lied to any of you."

"I know I lied. You think I'm proud of it? I'm not, but who in the right mind would care about me," I asked.

Hearing a click I saw out of the corner of my eye she was pointing the pistol, the one she had stolen back from me, directed straight at my head "So if you lied about your entire past, then how the hell do I know you aren't just using me to stay alive. You found that I actually had a soft spot in my heart for you and used it, how do I know that isn't what you've been doing all this damn time!"

"Look deep in your heart; you know I wouldn't do that. I lived by not getting attached before the military. I may have lied to you but because I wanted to be with you. If you see it fit to kill me now go ahead and quit screwing around. I never once lied about my love for you," I said accepting my fate was in her hands.

I heard the gun start to rattle in her hand; she had never once wavered before a kill in the entire time I had known her. I heard her breathing change to become slightly labored, all the while the gun was against my ear until I heard the bang and saw the flash before my eyes and heard her throw the gun out the window before she curled up in her seat crying.

I stopped the hummvee, and I asked, "You feeling ok?"

Through her sobs she said "No, I don't know how I feel right now. Just drive, we can talk later."

Pressing the gas I started driving again and said, "Talk to me, it'll help."

Slowly uncurling she said "I can't close my eyes without seeing you. I see your constantly cropped hair, always perfectly maintained. Your still sculpted body, I can see your body partially torn apart and feel how horrible that made me feel, the warmth I felt from my own soul when I swore I would never let that happen to you again. You're my whole point of existence now, and I don't know how I can continue like this, I need to be with you for the rest of my life." as she said this she began crying again.

"I can't say I'm sorry enough for lying. I need you too and I'm sorry I had to lie to you, but after told you my real name I decided I better not keep secrets," I said.

Pulling the hand break and grabbing my face she looked me deep in the eyes and said "I love you, I absolutely love you more than anything else in this world." Kissing me harder and deeper than ever before she said "Get that little pup out here, we're gonna take the RV's bed, I knew there was a reason for hauling that thing."

I looked at her rather cross and said, "Look I love you too but, I think you're going to start confusing sex with emotions and that's a terrible thing."

Hitting me she said "No, but we can't have a damn conversation if either of us are driving."

I got out of the hummvee and went to the RV and told the pup to drive. She got out and went to the hummvee while we went into the back. I sat at the end of one side and she sat at the end of the other. It was quiet for a few minutes until she finally broke the silence.

Shaking her head she said "I can't begin to understand how I want to explain this. I love you, I hate you, I want to screw you, and I want to shoot you."

"It's complicated, I know. I want to let you know one thing though I never lied about the orphanage I was there, I just didn't stay there. And all of the stuff I told you about after was all true too. I know that makes little difference but I'm trying to help," I admitted

Glaring at me, she started in a somewhat calm voice, "Why, why in hell did you not think to just talk about this when you originally talked about your past, none of us actually cared, it was up to you to talk about your past, so why the hell did you lie about it than just lie, I never talked about my past, and Ellisa only talked about the times she learned about bombs, but we didn't betray the trust that we had in each other by lying!" she ended it screaming at me and on the verge of tears again.

"If you think about it I really never lied to you. I just changed my name and changed the reason why I signed up. It wasn't an over exaggeration," I said.

Glaring at me she said "Why did it even matter! My name isn't on record to avoid lawsuits and other bullshit from my parents, just tell me why you felt the need to lie about the very nature of introducing yourself."

"I felt it necessary because of what my past life was, it was to get away from my past, plus I didn't think a person like you would want to date a murderer," I yelled, "I never meant to hurt you I never meant to hurt anyone!"

Her voice went ice suddenly when she said "Murderer, that term is disgusting, murder is just someone blaming another for killing another sentient being, and do you know what, they wouldn't have 'murdered' if they had just been taken care of properly in the first place! I could care less about you having killed, I killed long before you even considered leaving the orphanage, and you should have understood that quickly if you were the one I threatened on the bus. If it had been Ellise that you had loved then it would have made sense, she didn't like people who killed for no reason, for me you would have simply had to explain why and we could have fucking moved on!" at the end she was shouting and the force in her voice would make men far bigger and stronger than I cower if it weren't for the years of experience I had resisting the urge to play dead before her.

"You and I are very different, so very different. Especially when it comes to killing I never once felt good about killing. And I didn't care if you didn't care because I did. That's all that mattered to me, that and your respect and I've destroyed that all in a matter of minutes," I said.

Leaning back her voice retained the hard ice edge but somehow was soft as well, like the ice was slowly melting under my fingers, "You still have my respect for your mind, and for your ability to fight, but you're going to have to earn my respect for your personality and judgment again, because those are what you destroyed, I know you and I view death differently, you regretted being forced to kill and I didn't care. Even knowing that I can't respect a decision that was brought on for such a foul reason!"

It continued all day finally by the end it was late and she fell asleep Felicity was done for the night and I was looking over a road map. I was determined to redeem myself each one of those bastards has a black spot on their lives. Killing evil, it might not make me any better than them but then again I worked off my debt to society. I'm just collecting the tab that has built up over the years. I'll make them all pay me back. Every inch of blood is one step to a closer I won't rest until I kill every one of them. Running off in the middle of the night was a bad thing but it is the only way I'll get out of here.

Wanting to be discrete I walked the motor cycle out a ways. Then at that point I pulled out the tracking device, and walked about a kilometer or two away. I then placed it in plain view and walked back to the bike. Thankfully I didn't run into any of the zombies, so I made it to the bike unmolested. I got back on and started it. I rode on for a day and by the time I was done I was on the outer reaches of the old city, and my old gangland.