Captain Troubleshoot and the Flight to Hades: Not Yer Usual Counter

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#3 of Trueniverse

Book One of the Trueniverse.

Book One of the Wheel of Time series.

Tap to continue.

With her manly shoulders Lynn carried her backpack. It was loaded in the front, not behind. It looked like a feminine dad was carrying a kid, at least at first glance.

Card in hand, Lynn smiled, eager to take her first class seat on this tiny tube.

The flight attendant at the gate instantly recognized her. She was a political junkie. She smiled and waved in turn.

Buzz buzz buzz. Buzz buzz buzz.

Lynn tilted her head back and rolled her eyes. "Not this shit again," she thought.

In front of Lynn an infoneer was being fidgety with the equipment, and he wasn't even doing repairs. "Come on," he grunted, "come on. What the hell?" He sighed and looked to the side.

"Sir, you need ta step aside," the chubby woman at the count barked. "Step aside, please!"

"Hey." Lynn raised her hand, then curled her fingers as she lowered it. The entire line was looking at her now. The silence was deafening. Vacant stares all around, she lowered her hand and approached the stand.

Lynn approached the elder while she was still slapping her keycard on the stand. Lynn went behind the counter and found the power strip. Click. Click. Tap tap tap tap. Done.