The Thirteenth Concubine - Chapter one

Story by Lilith Nyte on SoFurry

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The room was luxurious with silk pillows and Persian rugs covering nearly every square inch. She could not believe her eyes as the sight of kids running around, laughing and giggling, when they were surrounded by lesbian orgies. The older ones seemed to either watch the younger children or join in with their mothers, or even each other. Enedina turned to the female beside her who had hungry eyes for such pleasures, but restrained herself to show the new comer around.

"You will like it here, En, our master is very kind. King Ragnar has a very gentle soul, but he is very firm in his law."

The onyx lioness was right, for as Enedina looked around no male touched female, in fact no male with even a hint of a mane was present. The king lion ruled with an iron fist, it was this rule that had landed her here in the first place.

Enedina had just turned sixteen just a week ago, and it was on her birthday when news spread of the death of the king's favorite concubine. Lila was a beautiful lioness who was in some form a queen. She was older than the king by ten years, but she was the first concubine of Ragnar's reign and left over from his father's reign. Lila had one son by Ragnar before an illness took her fertility and finally, twenty six years later, it took her life. Ragnar was inconsolable, four days he wept as his queen's body was prepared for death, but after she was buried his knights set out to find a replacement. The king always kept thirteen concubines, no more, no less. He believed that to avoid bad luck you must make bad luck work for you and so his knights scouted village after village looking for a virgin of legal marrying age that would impress his highness and console him from the death of his favorite love.

It was six days later that they ended up in Riverstone, Enedina's village. They came to the town square and announced every maiden of sixteen was to report to them in an hour. Enedina was a little annoyed by this because she was busy getting fitted for her wedding dress, the nuptials were only two days away. Sure she had never met the guy and the marriage had been arranged to the son of her father's cousin, but she was sure she would give him many happy years and cubs. However, as she sat in the town square one of the knights stopped in front of her and pointed, nearly jabbing her in the nose. Another guard pulled her by the arm to a small hut where an onyx lioness in concubine robes waited. Ennairda was not alone, five other young lioness were there and they were all naked.

"Strip," said the concubine.

Enedina obeyed, but she was meek and she tried to hide her womanly bits with her hands. The woman stared daggers at her and she quickly laced her hands behind her back like the other girls. The female then came to the first girl in the line and with a swift grip grabbed her breast. The girl didn't move, but the concubine rubbed her hands around the large but still growing peeks then tweaked her nipples. She shook her head and a knight ordered her into the back room to put back on her clothing and be on her way. The next girl in line had her hips surveyed and the concubine declared her unfit to bare a child so she too was eliminated. The next two were dismissed aswell, leaving Enedina alone with the beautiful, but scary lioness.

"Seems we are alone," she whispered, making Enedina blush. "And it seems we have a meek one, too. Reim, light a lamp." She ordered and was obeyed.

As the light filled the room she gasped, Enedina winced knowing what she saw because before this she had been bathed for the fitting revealing her terrible secret...She was a pure white lioness with blonde hair so light it was almost white itself.

"Such beautiful fur..." the concubine whispered again, her hand locking around the young female's nipple.

Enedina squeaked, heat flooding her cheeks, but nothing could compare to the sudden surge of heat to her core when the other lioness licked her little, pink nipple then locked her lips around it, suckling. Enedina couldn't help but moan out in pleasure at such a little action.

"You seem like a virgin, but there is only one way to tell for sure," she said, moving a finger down to Enedina's folds and having it disappear within. The young lioness gasped as the finger flicked her clit then delved deeper, but once the finger dove to a certain depth Enedina yelped out in pain.

"Her flower is not wilted...This is the one. Now, this one has to agree to being the thirteenth concubine to his highness."

"The thirteenth? How is that..."

"Possible?" Enedina's examiner said, finishing her sentence. "Because Lila was not a concubine she was the king's wife. Her son holds the only title to the throne, no other son from any other concubine has that right. They are all sent away once their mane starts to grow in, sent away to military training or ambassador work or maybe even a regent of a conquered land if they are lucky. I was the twelfth concubine, now you have the chance to be the thirteenth. Now do you want to be a concubine of Ragnar? He will not take the unwilling."

At first Enedina said no, but Jamille, as Enedina later found out was her name, said that should she do it her family would become nobles. They would come from the pig rut that was their home and be given a larger home and fine clothing as well as one million gems should she agree, a sum that would be doubled should Enedina produce a child. Her family was rather large, she had six brothers and sisters, five cousins, her aunt, and mother. They all lived in a cramped, two bed room hut in the poorest district of town. Her aunt and mother had struggled to make ends meet ever since their husbands died in a raid on the village last year. Not only that, three of the younglings were very ill and food was scarce. With heavy heart she agreed so her family could live comfortably.

That day she was taken back to her home to pack her things, but she would not leave until she saw her family safely in the house with the deed to it in her mother's grasp. Jamille agreed to the terms and Enedina spent the rest of the day moving the family and what little of their belongings into a ten bedroom house that was rather large and had several fire places to keep everyone warm. Then a chest that took two knights, struggling, to carry it was set in the middle of the den. When it was opened gems of all different colors shone brightly. Enedina dug through it to make sure there was no false bottom and when she was satisfied she gave the knights her meager suit case, bid farewell to her beloved family, then was corralled into a magnificent carriage of gold and silver. They then set off to the kingdom of Dakarai where the mighty king Ragnar awaited for Enedina to fill the void that his first love had left.