Take Good Care of Him

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A mysterious silvery fluid that slowly covers whomever it touches, and messes with their brain. A wolf that's had a rough day and needs a break. What's the worst thing that could happen.

(My attempt at writing a latex/symbiote brainwashing story.)

Daniel had had a terrible, horrible, utterly exhausting day. A day where it seemed like everyone was out to get you, and the universe just didn't care. A day where it felt like no matter what you did, something was going to go wrong, and it was all your fault.

He sighed as he locked the door to the coffee shop where he worked, and headed down the street to the carpark. The last few hours had been hell, and it wasn't likely to get much better. His manager -an aggressive opossum who cared only for profits- had demanded that Daniel stay after his shift was over and help clean some of the espresso machines. Without overtime...

Fearing for his job, Daniel accepted. He'd had a few too many close calls at work already, and he suspected he was already on thin ice with management. As a result, the timber wolf had quietly scrubbed the delicate metal finishings of the machine without complaint as his manager sat back and criticized his every move.

By the end of the night it was all he could do not snapping at his boss and telling him where to shove it. Daniel instead had quietly taken the keys off the hook in the break room, and silently locked the door behind him. The sun had already begun to set off in the distance, the earnest orange and regal red beams of light reflecting off the clouds between the downtown skyscrapers.

A stray lock of fur stuck up behind his ear. Daniel reached a paw up and slicked it back, pressing it flat against the rest of his fur.

"Need to get a haircut soon." He muttered to himself. Ever since he was younger, Daniel had an unfortunate habit of muttering to himself. More than once people had been spooked off by this, worrying about his mental state. Daniel hadn't exactly minded. It was his way of dealing with an increasingly hostile, careless world. It was nice to pretend that there was someone there for him to talk to, even a formless shape floating just out of sight.

The car park where he'd stored his small car for his shift was about three blocks away. Resigning himself to the walk, Daniel set out on already sore and exhausted paws. What exactly was the point of rushing home? He wondered. An empty apartment filled with food he was too exhausted to cook? Once again, he pulled out his phone to consider ordering takeout. Maybe Chinese tonight. Yeah, that sounded pretty good. Some nice sweet and sour chicken, with a bed of rice. Daniel pulled out his phone and opened the delivery app, preparing to order.

The wolf stopped. His left ear flicked, and he could have sworn he heard something. Of course, he was in the middle of a busy city street, so noises weren't uncommon. But this was different. It sounded almost like-

"A baby?" Daniel wondered out loud. There it was again. A high pitched cry, followed by a gurgle and another cry. He tilted his head to the side to hear it better. Daniel's ears twitched again as he honed in on the sound. It was coming from an alleyway about five feet behind him. He backtracked until he stood outside it.

Shadows hid most of the dark recess from view. Even his canine eyes struggled to pierce more than a few feet into it. The cry shot out from the darkness again. Definitely a child, and almost certainly in distress.

Daniel hesitated for a moment. Was it maybe a trap? He shook his head, dispelling the thought. The wolf watched too many horror shows, he reasoned. This was real life. There weren't any creature-eating monsters hiding in the shadows, waiting to snatch him up like a conveniently packaged furry fruit snack.

He closed the Chinese food app and switched on his phone's flashlight. The beam of light helped, and he could see a little farther. Daniel quietly made his way into the alleyway, searching for the source of the cry.

The frantic, high pitched whine came again. Daniel sped up, peeking behind trash cans and underneath discarded cardboard boxes. The alleyway was filthy, and he swiftly regretted his decision. It'd take at least two washes to get the stench out of his work uniform, much less his fur. Daniel groaned. He might even need to break out that special shampoo his mother had gifted him for his birthday. It had looked expensive when she'd given it to him, and he was loath to use it.

Daniel reached the end of the corridor and turned. The sound was even louder now, and he thought he could see the source. A small grey package sat wrapped at the end of this offshoot, emanating the piercing screech that had drawn his attention. Daniel watched as the package -he thought it was a blanket of some sort- rustled. Something was definitely alive in it.

He rushed forward, nearly tripping over an empty milk jug. Daniel groaned once again as a chunky fluid spilled over his work shoes. Just another thing to spend his paycheck on cleaning. This baby had better appreciate all his hard work.

A single ray of light shone down on the blanket at the end of the alley. The sun had fallen fully underneath the horizon, covering him and the rest of the area in darkness. The light came from an open window high above, the noise of a large fan coming from inside it. Daniel crept forward, shutting his phone off and putting it away in his pocket.

He crouched down, and reached his paw towards the sheet. "Hey, it's ok. You ok in there little one?" Daniel crooned, trying to calm the child down. The pitch increased the closer he got, quickly moving out of audible range.

Daniel fell back and landed on his tail. His eyes wavered slightly as the blankets rustled. What the hell was going on? He couldn't think of any species that made noises this high. Even the avian family that lived in the apartment next to his never screeched this loud. Daniel grimaced and grabbed at his ears as the alleyway appeared to shake.

The grey sheet in front of him slowly flattened out, shifting into a silvery, metallic cloth. Patterns of lighter and darker segments appeared on the surface, twisting and overlapping like mercury. The folds of the metal slowly disappeared as it melted into a single uniform blob.

In an instant, the high pitched whine stopped. Daniel rubbed the side of his head, trying to climb to his feet and move away from fluid.

"Nope, absolutely not." He said. Whatever this was, he wanted nothing to do with it. He'd seen far too many horror movies and read far too many scary stories to stick around for whatever- this was. "Goodbye!" Daniel said as he tried to turn and walk away.

The metallic liquid lunged forward and wrapped itself around his foot, anchoring him in place. Daniel let out a scream as it slipped inside his shoe and began slowly climbing up his pant leg. The liquid didn't stay on the outside of his pants, no. Daniel couldn't have been that lucky. It slipped inside his slacks, steadily oozing up his leg.

Daniel fell to the ground and started swatting at the fluid, trying to push it off him. The fluid refused to move, simply sliding around his paws. Daniel began to panic.

"No no no no no! Get off of me!" He shouted. The fluid ignored him. It continued to send tendrils up his leg, exploring its new surface. All that was on the ground had climbed onto him now, and it began moving from his foot and leg up his chest. Thankful, it went over his underwear. Daniel breathed a silent sigh of relief. As terrifying as this was, it didn't seem to want to go there.

The fluid wrapped itself around his chest and moved upwards over his fur, feeling his shape beneath his clothing. Daniel lay there paralyzed with fear. Whatever this was hadn't hurt him yet, but he had no idea what its intentions were. Maybe it was a parasitic alien, ready to lay its eggs inside his brain. Or it could be an escaped government experiment, a cyberweapon meant to kill whoever it touched.

"Please, don't hurt me..." Daniel pleaded. The fluid had moved on from his torso, sending delicate spines across his neck and over his face. A tendril curled over his muzzle, feeling the wet black tip. Another wormed his way around his ear, carefully pushing down the same fluff of fur he'd had to deal with earlier. Daniel was shocked at the almost caring, delicate way it did this.

"Are you- Are you a friend?" Daniel asked quietly, hoping for the best. The fluid had stopped moving, sitting solidly on his chest with only a few outstretched vines. Daniel watched that single line twist across his nose, the end growing smaller as it waited there. He repeated his question, a little louder this time, just in case the creature hadn't heard him.

In response, the silvery fluid sent a much larger tentacle up his neck and directly into his ear. Daniel let out a frightened cry as the liquid flowed into his ear canal. It was cold, far colder than it should have been, sitting in the hot summer sun for who knows how long. He grabbed at his ear, but felt the fluid cover his arm, holding it away.

Daniel struggled against it for a moment as the fluid conformed to the shape of his inner ear, feeling around. For a moment he could almost sense the delicate spines of the entity spreading throughout the inside of his ear, then the sensation was gone. He continued to lay there, unable to move. Fear continued to course through his body as the fluid went still.

Are you afraid of me? A voice said, seeming to come from inside his own head. It reminded him of the voice he imagined responding to him sometimes, when he spoke aloud. Strangely, the panic from earlier subsided, and Daniel answered it.

"I- No, I guess not." He said honestly. The fluid buzzed slightly in reply, seeming pleased.

The alleyway started to twist and waver again. Daniel grew dizzy and lay his head back on the concrete. He could feel the liquid work its way deeper in his ear, worming its way through the nerves, wrapping itself around his brainstem. Some little voice inside his ear told him he should be worried. He should be afraid, panicking as this mysterious metal liquid invaded him so intimately. But strangely, Daniel felt calm. Unhurried. It felt nice to just lay here for a while.

The fluid hummed again. When was the last time anyone took care of you, rather than the other way around? It asked.

Daniel thought hard for a moment. It had been years since anyone had shown more than a passing interest in speaking to him, or trying to be his friend.

I thought so. The liquid responded, taking his thought as an answer. The tone of the voice shifted at the same time, becoming more masculine. Closer and closer to what Daniel had always imagined. Would you like me to take care of you then?

Daniel thought for a moment, his brain feeling heavy, and slow. It was like his thoughts were moving through thick water, and it was becoming harder to think. He nodded slowly.

Very well. Why don't you just lay back then. Close your eyes. Wouldn't it feel so nice to just let go for a while? Just rest. I'll get us home.

Daniel did as the voice asked, feeling his furred eyelids slip shut. He felt the fluid slide down from his chest, wrapping itself over his legs and torso, then propping him to his feet. A single tendril remained attached to his ear.

He lumbered down the alleyway and out to the main street. Daniel didn't concern himself with telling the liquid where to go. It already knew. It would take good care of him.


Daniel fell backwards onto his bed, his muzzle hung open in a limp smile. The fluid had gotten him home safely, somehow knowing exactly how to drive a car, and get into his apartment. It had walked him into his room, and dropped him carefully into bed.

The silvery liquid oozed his way up and between the buttons of his shirt, undoing them as it went. It pulled the thread off the buttons, consuming it. The buttons sank into it next, growing it in size as it grew slowly.

Just lay there for me. I'll make sure you enjoy it. It's been a long time since someone took care of you like this, hasn't it. It wasn't a question. It had been a good few months -probably closer to a year- since anyone had interacted with Daniel like this. Since anyone had touched and caressed his body like the liquid had. It spread across his chest, flattening the fur down as it went, forming to the shape of his body.

Daniel had always tried his hardest to stay fit. If not for others, than for himself. But the fluid, it seemed to improve the shaping of everything. His pecs, previously formed but a little soft, grew harder, more rigid. His abdomen had a bit of paunch to it, but the liquid pushed that back, giving him a perfectly flat stomach.

Everywhere the fluid touched seemed to blossom with pleasure, like a warm blanket wrapping around him. Daniel closed his eyes and let out a soft breath as it continued to cover him. The liquid began to eat away at his shirt, letting the tatters of the cloth fall away.

A tendril wrapped itself around his back, curling around the base of his tail. Two more tendrils made their way down to his pants, pushing them down, over his knees, and off the edge of the bed. Daniel lay there in bed, with just the silvery lump of metallic liquid on his chest, above his plain blue briefs.

Yes, you'll do nicely. Just lay back, little wolf, and enjoy.

Daniel nodded blankly, his eyes glazing over and going out of focus. Several threads of liquid spread down his back and side. A single larger one moved over his cheeks, delicately rubbing the fur onto and between them as it went. Another tentacle spread them apart, before the original one pressed gently against his hole.

A soft moan escaped Daniel's muzzle as it entered him, pushing deeper inside his hole. The moan grew louder as it began to push against his prostate, massaging him. At the same time, other tendrils ate away at his underwear, freeing his sheath. They rubbed at the red tip beginning to push its way out. A wave of relaxation washed across and through Daniel's body as they guided his cock out.

Just like that. Enjoy the feeling. I'll take good care of you.

The fluid continued to spread across his body, covering the rest of his chest. Flowing over his arms, and his legs. Enclosing him in a silvery, metallic covering. From the base of his neck to the tip of his feet and his tail, the liquid wrapped itself around Daniel, and began massaging him.

The wolf let out rapid moans of pleasure as the tendril deep inside him began moving back and forth. His eyes crossed as the sheath of metal covering his crotch started to stroke him off, bringing him directly to the edge, and keeping him there.

Now we're getting somewhere. Tell me, how do you feel? How does it feel to submit completely to the Solution?

"W- Wonderful." Daniel gasped out between bursts of pleasure. He could feel his thoughts wearing away under the assault of pure ecstasy that was enshrouding his body. Why he was ever afraid of the Solution was confusing to him. Anything that provided him with this level of enjoyment, this level of pure pleasure couldn't possibly want to hurt him.

Very good, very good. The Solution continued. Just lay there and submit. You won't have to wait very long.

Yes, submit. Daniel thought. The Solution would take care of him. The Solution would make sure he was ok, and provided for.

The Solution once again began to spread. It slipped slowly up his neck, reaching the base of his muzzle. The frequency of the strokes inside him and on his cock increased, and Daniel began to squirm back and forth on the bed. The Solution took this as a request for more, and increased its flow.

Tendrils began to wrap their way around Daniel's head, covering his ears, and most of his head. His ever-growing moans were muffled as it covered his mouth, forming a glossy muzzle over his face. Only his eyes remained exposed, glazed over and unfocused with pleasure. Daniel's blank eyes watched as the fluid covered them, leaving only a faceless silver surface.

The Solution increased the speed of its strokes and penetration once more, causing Daniel's entire being to shake with anticipation and delight. He could feel it coming. The release at the end of the tunnel. A burst of light that would ensure that he was taken care of forever.

Almost there now. Just say the words. You don't even have to make the noises. Just think of them, and submit. Don't you want to stay like this forever? Constant pleasure, constant enjoyment.

Daniel did. He truly did. The wolf nodded inside his liquidy shell, thinking the words. Repeating them over and over again.

His muzzle twisted into a grin, motivated by the Solution. With one final stroke, Daniel came, the thick white fluid being instantly captured by the Solution. The twisting tendril deep inside his hole stopped massaging, but didn't exit. Daniel numbly felt his rod slip back into his sheath, still covered with its silver exterior. The outside of it grew in mass, covering his sheath and testes with a plain, smoothed over bulge.

You won't need that anymore. I'll take care of anything down there. The Solution spoke. A lighter wave of warmth and arousal washed over Daniel. Now lay back and sleep, little wolf. You've earned it.

Daniel closed his eyes, not that it mattered. The fluid still covered them, leaving him a blank faced figure, still laying in his bed. The wave of pleasure slowly lured his brain to sleep, leaving his body free to the control of the Solution.

Yes, sleep. And while you sleep, I will act. I will take good care of you Daniel, don't worry.