Beefed Up

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A woman named Tolli signs up for a human test to mix her genes with the extinct breed of bovine- Aurochs. The initial test goes fine, but Tolli wanting more sends the situation out of control for too long, before RHE's ingenuity manages to bring it back. From bovine hybrid, to supercow, and back to something in between- Tolli's life, transformed.

(F tf Supercow, re-TF Bovine/Human hybrid)

Tolli Burganred was a normal woman, but one day she stumbled across an odd ad on the internet looking for human test subjects. Generally when a company is looking for humans to test on; the test is already fairly far along and pretty safe already... so it could be easy money. Aside from her brother she did not have any close family or friends, and while she had a business selling clay sculptures... it did not make much money. Tolli did not have a lot going on at the moment, so a little side opportunity like that sounded good to her.

She started to get a little nervous about it when the agent from RHE showed up to talk her through it in detail, flanked by two body guards. The agent also used a hush spell- creating an aura around them that prevented any sounds they make from getting out, and any outside sounds from getting in. RHE is a secret organization that has been working toward helping the stagnated human evolution along- using a hybrid of technological and magical methods to take existing genes and traits from creatures and mash them together to make new ones- and build a better human body. Tolli cannot be allowed to tell anyone about what she was told of RHE today- so even if she declined the deal; she would still be branded with a curse seal on her tongue that would prevent her from talking or writing anything about RHE. If she did accept to be a test subject though, the benefit was pretty sweet. Since they cannot show her modified body to the outside world; Tolli would have to live on an island known simply as RHEI. She would live on a paradise island in the sub tropics and be given a house for free, all food and utilities provided for the rest of her life. Just at the cost of any outside interactions. Unfortunately that meant she would have to abruptly cut ties with her brother and vanish. The agent assured her that there is exceptions, and if she doesn't mind branding him with a curse seal to prevent him from blabbing- she can still see him, just more rarely.

An entire lifetime of not having to worry about your job or money? That is a little too tempting to leave on the table for anyone, so of course she signed up. Tolli was not eager to lose her current body, but the reward was too great. Tolli's hair is straight to her collar and a red-brown, the color of copper. Her eyes are also brown but paler and look orange in certain lighting. She has soft peach toned skin and is rather lanky- her hips are not big and her ass rather petite as well. Tolli is adorned with a rather nice and pert D cup bosom at least.

Tolli was very excited when the helicopter took her to RHEI and she seen the island for the first time from far above- it really did look like a paradise! It was also many, many times larger than she was expecting which made it all the more impressive that it has been kept in complete secrecy. The valley in the middle was filled with enough homes to be considered a town, and the huge research facility sat on a plateau at the north end of the island where her ride landed. When she went inside her mind sort of blanked from over stimulus. Their research talk went well over her head- they might as well have been speaking a different language entirely. She did not understand most of what they are saying and did not know what to do really, so her mind just sort of blanked and she went into auto-pilot mode. Tolli just nodded along and let herself be lead wherever. Her handler is a rather handsome man named Malick, and he took her to a private room to assemble her tincture and inject it.

He pulled out a base tincture but then turned and activated a holographic projector on the floor between them. "Alright, well- you are going to be given bovine traits. We have worked with them before so this is a pretty safe experiment. You will be designated TS09- our ninth proper test subject."

She tilted her head. "If you already did this before...?"

"We have done cow, but you will be given the genes of a very specific one. We managed to create an Aurochs bull- it is a species of extinct bovine. You will be the first and only hybrid Aurochs." Malick put his finger into the projection and the computer seen where his finger broke the beam of light and acted as if he were 'clicking' on a screen. He turned a dial up and the projection of a woman became progressively more bovine looking. "Here. 40% mark is where you need to be. You can go higher, but you need to be at least 40% Auroch." He tapped another button and the image split into five- each with 40% bovine traits but all in a different configuration. "Which of these forms would you proffer? Thanks to Dess Winehal's initial contribution to RHE being bovine in nature- we have a firm enough grip on the traits that we can focus the changes to different parts of the body."

There was a huge breast version, four breasts, big breasts and an udder... due to bovine having such large and prominent mammaries it was impossible for hers to remain untouched no matter what configuration she took. Tolli did not mind the idea of bigger breasts, but she worried her back would pay the price- so she chose a form that would only slightly enlarge her breasts, and instead result in her having a modest sized udder.

Malick nodded, grabbing two other vials out of cold storage racks and placing them into a mixer to create her tincture. "Do keep in mind this IS a test. These projections are rough estimations and you are the first ever to get Aurochs genes, so we cannot predict entirely how this will end up. Rest assured- whatever happens; RHE will take care of you. If you are unable to do something because of a transformation, then RHE will do it for you."

"I know you are only nine tests in but... have any of them... messed up?"

"Oh yea. Basically all of them have, haha! Every test has at least a little bit of unexpected changes, but that is why we keep testing. Keep learning- keep improving. Your house will be in the valley with the others, so you can talk to them about their own transformations yourself. They all live quite happily."

Tolli seen the other test subjects about here and there, but just went straight to her home with Malick at first. She already had the tincture in her veins and did not want to get into a conversation with someone only to start mutating in the middle of it. Malick gave her a brief tour of her house, then gave her a map of the island that also had some common questions and answers, then gave her an onyx slate with a looking glass enchantment on it- that would allow her to contact Malick should anything go wrong. With a nod he then left her to return to the main complex- he promised to return tomorrow before noon to check up on her.

At first Tolli felt fine, but as time went on and she got settled into the house she noticed her body would feel odd in places for brief moments. An internal pressure or a twitch of muscle outside of her own input. Two places on her head near her temples- most likely future horns, but also her ear tips felt tight, muscle in her lower back, and her ankles felt oddly sensitive- like they became sore much faster than the rest of her feet, causing her to put more weight on the front of her feet only.

The first actual change she noticed is the progression of the muscle twitches in her lower back- very slowly they stretched longer and pooled around her tail bone, so slowly it stretched the skin into a soft cone! Then it stretched longer into a firm lil noodle of skin- a proto-tail. Tolli could move it around but the muscles did not have a proper structure yet, so while she could make it move; she can't control what direction it moves in. It was also a good three inches down before the bone started to advance down with super tiny caudal bones- contrary to popular belief; the tail bone of a human isn't literally the bones of an undeveloped tail. It is simply the tapered off bottom of the spine; actual bones in a tail are a different type of vertebrae that humans possess none of. Cow tails are not particularly robust- so as Tolli's little noodle of a tail progressed the muscle that was already bunched up simply stretched out rather than grow any more. A cow doesn't have enough muscle in its tail to hold the entire thing up- it can pick up the base or flick the entire tail around but that is the limit of its mobility; it is too thin to do much else. Rather than match its size to her human body though; Tolli's tail became the full size of an actual aurochs, so it did not stop growing till it hung just past her knees! Only then did she grab it and massage the end as the prickly feeling of rapid hair growth invaded her. It went from no hair to a bushy tassel in a matter of moments- though the hair on her tassel was oddly black, so it did not match the hair on her head.

Tolli just put her pants lower in the back to let it swish around freely and kept glancing back at it in awe. Transformation magic has been a thing in the world for eons, but it is a bit expensive to get your hands on for just common folk, and it is temporary- this transformation is not. RHE is changing her actual genome so even after the mana burns off- Tolli will remain transformed forever, her cells reproduce following the new genetic code. She did not mind a tail at all- frankly it looked pretty cute.

There is TV and internet in her new house, so Tolli just remained inside waiting for her changes to finish. The change she is most anxious for is the udder. She had no idea what it would be like to have one, but it made the most sense to take it to spread the weight of her mammaries out more. She rubbed her belly idly over the course of the day, so when it actually started to change she was not sure if her skin was turning pink because she kept touching it or if it had actually just become that color. There was now a lump of bone over her temples too that were looking like half a golf ball stuffed under her skin somehow. At least by being over her temples- they remove a major weak point on the human skull. She was starting to get the shivers randomly too though she is not at all cold.

Tolli had a glass of water and then went to get an nice cool afternoon shower but her ankles felt irritated again so she stood them right off the floor and only put the front of her feet down- but the moment she did it felt like the muscles in her feet were yanking on the bones and she toppled immediately over onto her face! Luckily the hallway to the bathroom is carpet, but she also smacked her head against the wall on the way down.

"Ooooww... At least I stayed indoors." Her voice is muffled by the carpet.

Tolli rolled over to get up again and her heart jumped at the sight of blood on the wall surrounding a small dent! She reached up and felt the broken skin- both her horns were growing out, as if having been waiting for the skin to get broken! She barely had time to comprehend that change however because her leg muscles were going wild! Her feet rapidly started to grow longer, causing her toes to scatter! Her big toe started to regress in size and function and along with her smallest toe- they were left in the dust as the other three progressed forward with the rest of her lengthening foot! The multitude of tiny bones in the human feet started to fuse together, uniting into a single huge cannon bone! Her shins even became slightly shorter as the cannon bone stole a bit of its mass as well! Her middle toe regressed quickly into nothing- first the bone, then the empty muscle and skin simply pulled tight till it no longer existed outwardly. The two toes flanking it grew large with its displaced biomass and her nails turned charcoal grey and grew massively- overtaking the entire ends of her digits as triangular hoof segments. Her biggest and smallest toes became the dew claws, the remaining two the primary halves of the cloven hooves.

By now her horns were rounded spikes of about four inches and arched out diagonally upward from her temples, but they were still growing. Most species of cow have tiny or no horns at all- but there are some species of cow that have massive horns like their bulls. Tolli felt her feet finish and tried to flex her toes- the muscles to do that still existed but they could no longer flex the toes obviously- her toes only really had one joint. She could wiggle the two segments individually but not far from one another- that was basically it. Tolli tried to sit up to examine them better but it took her some effort and as soon as she did the muscles in her thighs and butt flexed on their own and would not release! She was expecting them to immediately lock up in a cramp, but rather than pain there was a mildly pleasurable feeling of growth as they simply grew larger! Tolli groaned and grabbed her sides as her pelvis started to feel the pressure and then she let out a startled shriek as it popped entirely! The bone let go and snapped in half! It then started to expand and the two halves grew into one another, once again re-fusing together, but it did not regenerate into the same shape it had been. A cow's hips are shaped like a V- hers was becoming a halfway point. Her hip bones became visible on the outside in spite of the expansion of the meat surrounding it, making them look sharper, and the bone narrowed and dipped lower in the front- this would loan more room to her future udder.

Tolli moaned and sort of froze up- afraid of interfering with the changes by touching herself right now as she watched her hips quadruple in size! On the rest of her body that was still very much tall and narrow- her hips now looked gargantuan. Her thighs were now a bit oddly shaped for a human- thicker lengthwise than width, so they had a bit of a triangular shape to them when viewed from the side. Her butt cheeks were still fully human in shape, though due to the growth of everything else; they were now quite large and bouncy. Her horns were over a feet long and still slowly growing- now starting to curve back a bit as they grow. Their weight is certainly noticeable now on her poor neck. Tolli blushed brightly in embarrassment of herself as she tried to get up several times, flopping from side to side trying to figure out how to do it with these new leg shapes. Because the bovine was mixed so well with human, the change of her feet to ungulate hooves caused her legs to also gain at least a foot of height. The hooves were also a much smaller surface than her old feet, so it felt sort of like walking with stilts at first. She also could not stop rubbing her meaty thighs- she can feel the smooth divots between muscles below the surface and liked the feeling.

From her flailing around trying to figure out how to stand up again- Tolli also noted her nipples were over-sensitive rubbing on the inside of her shirt, and also erect for seemingly no reason at all. She went to the bathroom to have a shower as planned and got a better look at her body in the mirror once all her clothes were off. Her pubes fell out entirely on their own, and just over her pubic mound and below her belly button are four wide nubs with a spreading pink, marking the site of a soon-to-be udder. Her breasts are larger now too, but more noticeable than the mild size upgrade is that they sit abnormally high on her chest... the skin is tight as a drum! Her normally pink nipple and areola are now a shade closer to red, and her nipples are larger both in length and girth. Just pushing in on them lightly to rub and feel the increased elasticity unintentionally drew several beads of white to the surface of her longer nipples! They are so tight and round because they are full to capacity! RHE sells the specialty milk of the test subjects to the rest of the world to make the funds it needs to pay the staff. Malick told her specifically beforehand though; do not drink the milk before her transformation is complete. There is a chance her milk carries some residual effects of the tincture- so drinking it would be like a watered down second dose.

She gently grabbed her big nipples and pulled forward and the milk immediately sprang forth. A common mistake a lot of people make when trying to milk something is trying to squeeze the teat- that would block the milk flow. You don't squeeze it, you pull it. The warm flow of milk jetting through her stiff nipples gave her the shivers again- from the pleasure. As Tolli milked herself she felt her breasts relax and soften again, slowly drooping back into teardrop shape rather than firm spheres. Her horns would take some getting used to as well- when she went to get into her shower they caught on the top bar holding the curtain up! Because she is so much taller and her horns are really large; their points almost scrape the roof- and the roof is pretty high up!

Tolli was nervous about her udder, but now she was wondering what the holdup was. As night fell she had experienced no other changes- her udder had started to develop obviously but it was sure taking its sweet time. She woke up the next day with a blush, realizing she had been humping some bunched up blanket between her proto-teats and the bed while she was asleep! She rolled over and tossed off the blankets to examine it. If she were not lying flat the growth might not have even been noticeable. Her teats were now the same size as the enlarged nipples on her boobs- so they stuck out much more. The pink flesh now covered the entire area, but the body of the udder itself was almost unnoticeable. It was a very soft gradual hill and did not project far enough from her body to even see the cleft between segments. It felt weird, but she wished it were bigger. She would be fine with no udder at all, but because she has to have one anyway... she sort of wanted it to be a decent size.

It took her a bit to shake off the horny energy she built up in her sleep unknowingly. Tolli pulled back the curtain on the full-wall window on her living room and pondered if she should wander around today while sipping a coffee. Tolli supposed she would have to stay home at least until lunch because Malick needs to check on her.

As the morning progressed she did feel a bit more weight on her lower body. The soft pink hill pushed a little further out and a very subtle cleft could be seen down the middle. The teats fattened more; staying the length of her large nipples but getting thicker, causing them to flop around when she moves quickly. Another thing posing a problem to her going out she noticed however; she can't get dressed. Tolli attempted to put her clothes back on but they would not fit anymore! Her pants could not fit over her thighs never mind her hips- and even if it did get up it would rub the bottom of her tail and her developing udder on either side of her! She could pull a shirt on, but when her milk capacity filled her nipples became increasingly sensitive and erect, causing them to rub the fabric, so she could only wear a top when they were emptied out mostly. Finally noon rolled around and Malick arrived to check on her, letting himself in.

"Well? How was the first night on RHEI?"

Tolli chuckled, motioning her arms out. "Well... you can see how it went."

"Mm, sort of."

Tolli blushed and slowly brought her legs down. In embarrassment, when he arrived she climbed onto the couch and had her knees up to her chest- covering her udder and boobs with her legs, and the tassel of her tail sat in front of her pussy between her legs. She cannot hide from her own handler though- he needs to check if everything is progressing well. He got her to stand up and lift and lower either leg, then turn in a circle.

He nodded in thought. "Yea, you changed pretty quick. One day. No stuttered changes, other than the slow udder development. Yea. Looks like you are almost set already."

"B-but uh... the udder? Why is it so slow? Also, can I get some fitting clothes? I don't know what would even be able to fit me anymore but..."

He chuckled. "Most residents ignore clothing after transforming, but if you really want- yea. RHE can make you custom clothing to fit your unique build, but you need to finish transforming first. As for the udder... yea, it was predicted to be bigger. It is still growing but it is odd that it lagged behind everything else. It may be because the only Auroch gene donor in existence is male, so while you are fully female, only your human genes are able to contribute toward its growth? Hmm. I don't know- it is a test after all, we are all learning here. The fact that it is slow means your body for whatever reason isn't handling the change well- so it will most likely stop shy of where we projected its size to be. We will see. I will be back tomorrow. I will always be around noon to check on you."

"What if I go out though?"

"Oh, if you are not here I just come back the next day and we do the checkup then, no pressure. You are not my only business in the valley so I would have come down here anyway."

Malick left for now and Tolli pondered going out some more. She did not want to go outside naked but... if the other test subjects are doing it and she is the only one with clothes on- wouldn't that have the opposite effect? She might offend someone by being dressed. But RHE makes custom fits so clothes must still be welcome on the island, just option- with most people leaning no clothes. Now Tolli wondered how many were nude, because she is subject 9; there isn't that many test subjects total. Tolli ended up sitting down to watch some TV and wait out her changes.

Her udder rose slowly from her like dough in an oven- the middle cleft was the first to be visible because it is the largest muscle wall in the udder, then the horizontal cleft after. The bottom two segments grew out slightly faster than the top, but equalized when they eventually stopped. By the middle of the afternoon it looked like a cluster of C cups! Unfortunately it also seemed to stop there. Was this its maximum size? It was not yet producing milk so it was especially squishy and soft, so she ended up idly kneading the flesh as she watched TV.

Tolli woke up startled by a knock on the door- though half her bewilderment was from the fact she didn't remember falling asleep in the first place. One day in paradise and she already smoked her sleep schedule, yikes. Tolli got up quickly realizing she let the knocking go on too long without answering the door to fully wake up. She tugged down on her T shirt trying to cover as much of her lower half as possible but that wasn't going to work, so she just leaned forward a bit hoping her udder would hide her crotch. When she answered the door she was surprised again! The woman on the other side was so tall only her chest was visible within the doorframe, she had to lean forward more and peek out past the door to see the woman's head!

"Heya! I am Serene!"

"I... uh, hi? Oh- I mean, I am Tolli! N-nice to meet you."

Serene's body is relatively normal human up top, but then gets rather unique down below. She stands as a sort of bovine-taur, but there is no second torso. She has human hips and then bovine hips immediately behind that, spaced only far enough that her limbs don't interrupt one another- all four legs are also technically hind legs. The top part of her first set of legs is human, while the second hind legs are entirely bovine as well as her rump. She has a full sized dairy cow's udder hanging between the four legs, but even more than that- the breasts on her chest are monumentally giant! Each one is almost the size of her entire body curled up. Serene also has exquisite hair that hangs so long that it actually pools on the ground under her in spite of her massive height. She introduces herself to Tolli as TS01... the very first test subject. Beside Serene stands a giant feral bull- so massive that Tolli is only as tall as his shoulders. Tolli blushed when she realized on examining him that the bull's horns are the same shape as her own!

Serene smiled, seeing her looking over Babe. "This big guy is my pet, Babe. I thought you might want to see who donated your genes."


"The genome for your tincture is aurochs- Babe here is the only living aurochs in the world. The genes from your tincture came from him."

That is how Serene already knew what Tolli would be- her pet is the origin of the gene sample. Tolli nervously offered a hand to the bull to smell... that is how you greet dogs anyway; she never interacted with a bovine up close before. Babe licked her hand, making her giggle from his soft warm tongue. Human skin is always mildly salty- so most herbivore like to lick it. Serene offered her to ride Babe, but needed to bend down and lock her fingers together to boot Tolli up to his tall backside. His upper back muscles formed a rather large haunch, so she grabbed the thick loose skin on that to hold on. Serene walked beside them and Babe followed wherever she went. Serene slowly trot up through the middle of the valley pointing out homes to Tolli where the other subjects lived- TS02 Nancy, TS04 Lauren, TS05 Lulu, and TS08 Ceba.

Tolli looked around. "The other homes are empty?"

"For now, yea. RHE is looking for a lot more test subjects though, so they will get filled up quick enough- and then it will expand with even more homes after that. This place will be a proper town one day!"

"Wait, what happened to test subjects 3, 6, and 7?"

Serene laughed at the concerned look on her face. "Nothing bad, that is for sure! TS03 is Lorelei, she lives on a tiny island offshore of the main RHEI island. 06 is Zoe, her transformation ended up so subtle that they just released her back into the outside world with a curse mark. No reason for her to stay on RHEI if she still blends in perfectly with other humans anyway. 07... well, her experiment was pretty extreme. They gave her her own classification- she is technically called TS07-XV. The XV stands for Extreme Variant. Her boobs are sooooo huge she has to be kept in a special habitat under the main complex so they can take care of her- because she cannot take care of herself."

Tolli blushed, glancing at Serene's rack a moment. "I can't imagine boobs bigger than yours!"

Serene laughed, causing her breasts to jostle around. "Mel's breasts are bigger than an entire house- each. And she can lactate infinitely, without needing to process any food to make the milk. Vor... uh, something amalgamation... something. Really complicated dimensional stuff with her test." The two of them wandered left into a large grassy plains between two forests that cut across the entire side of the island to the only beach, on the west shore. "So, is your transformation done?"

"Mmm, yea, I think so. Still really nervous..."

"About more changes?"

"Yea... sort of? Everything really. Being in a new place, new home, facing a new life pretty much, new body... it is a lot."

Serene nodded. "Yea, it is. It is surprising how easily some people fell into the new role, but yea, it's completely understandable to be overwhelmed too." Serene paused a moment to pull her hair up- it kept getting in the way of her hooves hanging down so far, so she rolled it up around her horns. "It is important to remember too- there is no time limit."


"You don't need to get used to this quickly, you don't have any appointments to keep or obligations to fill. Whatever you deal with, you can just deal at your own pace."

The two of them wandered out further into the grassy plains and seen another test subject already out there at the halfway point to the beach. Lulu is very clearly half cow, but while normally it is the lower half that takes the animal aspect- hers is inverted. From her midriff down she is entirely normal human except for a tasseled tail. She has huge udder-like breasts, hooves instead of hands and mostly bovine head. Entirely nude just like Serene- Lulu is doing pullups using a golem's outstretched arms to hoist herself by! The golem looks like a statue of a well-built man. Lulu uses the golem all of the time in her day to day life- because she has hooves instead of hands, so she cannot hold or pick up anything without her golem. As they approach, Serene tells Tolli that Lulu's test was a complete accident and she wasn't supposed to get a tincture at all in the first place. Because it fell on her head- all the changes were lopsided.

Lulu's eyes brightened at the sight of them approaching and she hoisted herself up to sit on the unrelenting forearm of the golem. "Oooh, new test subject! Heya~! I am Lulu."

Tolli smiled timidly. "I am Tolli. This is an odd place to be doing pullups? I guess the view is much nicer than indoors."

Lulu nodded. "And the breeze keeps moo-m-me from getting all sweaty n groouuss."

Serene grinned, leaning toward Lulu with a lowered voice. "Or you were just looking for an excuse to be out in the open in case the newcomer happened by."

Lulu blushed a bit and whispered back. "I can have m-mmultiple reasoOons."

Lulu having a very bovine head affected her speech, but the part of her Tolli dwelled on was her large breasts. Nowhere remotely close to Serene's gargantuan behemoths- Lulu's boobs have a permanent pink blush to them, and two teats and areola per breast, so if you squish the two together they look almost exactly like a cow udder! Serene has an udder down below and giant boobs, and Lulu has giant boobs that look like an udder on her chest. While riding on Babe; Tolli's own relatively small udder was sat firmly with its weight on his back and pressing into the lower part of the hump of muscle on his upper back. It felt good to have, and it was starting to occupy her thoughts quite a bit now. Spacing her questions out through their regular conversation to try not to sound like a pervert- Tolli asked the other two what they think of their own endowments and if they are an inconvenience. Lulu has no hands- and that is by far the biggest inconvenience you can put on a person- in light of that, her breasts are nothing. Lulu blushes and tells Tolli they are quite pleasurable and fun to just idly play with, so she loves them. Serene did not betray Lulu's secret. Lulu was originally Lucious- a man, so of course he loves having a giant pair of tits around at all times. The accidental test caused him to grow breasts, so he decided he might as well tack on another tincture to just make himself completely female at that point. Serene herself had no trouble with hauling her massive endowments- but she also had the framework of a full cow down below and a custom muscle structure in her enhanced spine.

"Working around anatomy that would normally be impossible is part of the testing process in the first place. RHE finds a way to make it work, no matter how out there the proportions may be. They cannot undo changes... but there is nothing stopping them from adding on more changes. So if something went reaaaally wrong- they can still sort of fix it." She motioned to the golem carrying Lulu alongside them. "Or they just invent something else entirely to help you in another way."

Lulu nodded. "There is really noOUu down side. They will loOOok after you nou matter what. Mel is soOu huge she can never m-moouuu-moove, but she still lives happily and is waited on like a princess in her oown private castle, hah! Plus there is incentive for newcomoors to play along to the mmoore radical sizes."

Tolli tilted her head. "Incentive?"

Serene looked at her a bit surprised. "They didn't tell you about the credit system?"

Tolli started to shake her head, but then tilted it to the side. "Well... they told me a lot of things, and I didn't get a lot of it. I think I was already sort of overloaded and my brain stopped taking in any new information by then..."

Serene laughed. "Right. Well when you first move to RHE, aside from what you personally bring with you, you are given one credit to request whatever you want from the outside world and RHE will find it for you and bring it here. Every month you have one more credit for another item. If it is a big item, made up of multiple parts, or expensive; it will cost more than one credit. Normally you just get one per month, buuut, if you produce a lot of milk for RHE to ship out, you will earn bonus credits. So if you are really milky, you will always have enough credits to buy whatever you want."

That did sound nice. It was basically a dumbed down money system, where your job is to make milk- which as Tolli already knew, felt very nice to express. Now she wished her udder was bigger even more! Tolli riding Babe and Lulu riding her golem with Serene simply walking between them- they all headed down to the beach to look out over the ocean. There is a small island just off-shore from the beach called New Eden as well. It is so close to the main RHEI that when the tide is out you can just walk to New Eden without having to actually swim. As they splashed in the shallows and talked about life on the island; Tolli's udder slowly filled with its first load of milk. The segments fattened up a bit and firmed up quite a bit. Rather than sloshing around individually, the segments all moved relatively together and bounced more than flop. The teats became puffy looking as they filled with milk as well, so when they flick around separate of the udder itself she can more easily notice their own weight.

They all returned home for dinner and Tolli milked her udder for the first time before she started cooking anything to eat. Oh boy- she could not milk herself standing up. Her legs almost immediately turned to jelly from the pleasure; she had to be sitting down. Since this initial load of milk would have to be put down the drain anyway- she milked herself into the bathtub while sitting on the edge. The new pleasure receptors in her nervous system down there are brand new, so they are no desensitized to anything, making everything feel more intense! Feeling the milk tickle the inside of the teat on its way out was like rubbing the bare surface of her clit- way too intense! Of course her body would get used to it and it would feel as pleasurable as her breasts do when milking, but for now its borderline orgasmic!

The next day when Malick came to check on her, Tolli wasted no time asking him. "Can it be... bigger?"

Malick raised an eyebrow. "Will it be bigger, or can it be bigger?"

Her voice softened in embarrassment. "Can it?"

He took a deep breath. "Yes. That might not up your milk production though. Like I said- your udder was already supposed to be a bit bigger than it ended up. It might be stunted- increasing its overall size won't fix that. Also if I give you a generic size increase tincture your breasts will also be effected, not just the udder."

"Is there no way to increase only the udder?"

"Y-yeaaa?" He took out his own onyx slate to look up some documents on the RHE main server. "We could give you a bigger dose of the tincture you already had. Aurochs do not have breasts- so naturally it would only affect your udder size."

"You don't sound too keen on that idea."

"Because it is risky. Remember- we cannot undo transformations. Whatever you get you get for good. We can always give you more, but we cannot subtract. I can try to centralize the tincture for only udder traits but there is no guarantee it won't affect the rest of you in at least a little way- you might become more bovine in other ways, just... mostly in the udder."

"But that would help RHE more, wouldn't it? More milk for funding?"

"And more test information, yes, it would be very helpful. But we do not prioritize results over someone's livelihood. If you really want to run the risk, I can get it setup for you, but don't do it if you are not sure."

Tolli agreed to go for it, and Malick told her he would swing by early in the day tomorrow with her new dose of Aurochs. Lulu is quite bovine in the head but she gets along just fine. Serene has a bovine rump and she is fine. The rules of the outside world do not apply here- this is an island only for those transformed, and RHE will take care of her needs no matter what they end up being so to Tolli it sounded like the risks were rather low. Of course, no one expected the results that would come from this.

Malick injected her the next morning and immediately Tolli felt a bit off. The first dose took over an hour to start doing anything, but this seemed to be working immediately- which was already a bit distressing. Tolli felt dizzy and became extremely absentminded. Malick remained with her out of concern, and it often took several attempts saying something for her to reply. She hears him fine, but it doesn't click in her head right away what he is actually saying, and that he is talking to her. Her entire body lurched several times; a wave of growth emanating from the inside out, causing all her organs to shift subtly, then the bone, then the skin on the surface. Her entire body started to grow larger from these pulses! The tips of her ears itched from internal pressure and started to stretch and grow into a bovine leaf-shape. New muscles entwined the base of either ear, allowing it to move about and flick around. Her udder started to swell larger as planned at least- though at first only the bottom two segments. The growth of the top two seemed uneven and stuttered at first... until Malick noticed two bumps forming above. Her breasts started to tighten, and her nipples shrinking back. The extra mammary mass is being stolen by the udder, as two additional hills define themselves! Her udder is mutating beyond a normal cow- it has six segments instead of four!

Tolli groaned as her ribs felt cramped at first- the development of even more mammary glands inside was shoving against the bottom of her rib cage to compete for space! She leaned back, trying to give it as much room as possible but flopped completely over, sliding off the front of the couch because her torso was not flexible enough- and only now did she notice her hips had further devolved in shape to a true cow... which means her leg sockets did not allow for bipedal posture- she cannot stand on two legs! Malick realized the mistake but was powerless to stop the transformation now- he simply typed messages to the main complex to inform the others. The second dose had been taken too close to the original, and re-ignited the original changes with the added mana surge. Two Aurochs transformations on a single person. That is why she was having so much trouble holding onto any of her thoughts- her brain is also devolving into that of a bovine! She continued to groan- unable to think of any human words to voice her complaints and her voice suddenly deepened as her ribs started to expand! Her rib cage grew with her overall body, but now each set of ribs popped and expanded forward instead of overall, making her chest project further forward than to the sides. Her shoulder blades expanded massively and the joints slid forward and down to help with quadrupedal movement. By the time her hands started to devolve into hooves, so much of her mind had regressed that she was just confused by it rather than worried.

Her spine became abnormally long, even by bovine standards- this extended her midriff to allow her udder room to wobble around. Each section of the udder became like a watermelon each and still grew. Milk veins as thick as a human thumb branched from the base of the udder up her underside- carrying the pinker flesh tone from her udder onto her body somewhat. Her skin started to turn color, turning to darker on most of her but lighter on the ends of her limbs. A layer of fine but dense fur started to form, looking like a silvery sheen at first on her skin till it grew in enough to hide the skin under it- though none of her contours. She was not smart enough and too dazed to help herself move, so Malick grabbed a hoof and helped roll her onto her side instead of her back- since that is a position no cow would ever willingly assume. The bones in her body popped loudly under her skin- as they grow the joints re-set themselves; the popping sound is the vacuum seal of the cartilage between bones linking back together at their new size. Tolli's face started to push out and her lips and nose started to turn candy pink. Her neck became a bit longer, but expanded in girth tremendously. As her hands finished devolving into hooves completely, Malick's eyes scanned down and noticed there was two tubes of flesh below it, and that her shoulder blades extended across wider than they should- and almost assumed a shape like butterfly wings! She is growing a second pair of arms! She has effectively two complete doses of the same transformation- causing her udder to grow more than even a full cow, and now more limbs than a full cow!

The tubes extended downward and slowly gained more and more of a shape. The hooves started to grow in on the end looking like nails, then claws, then overly blocky claws, then tiny hooves before finally full cloven hooves. And still her udder grew during all of this- now so large it started to lift her left leg, while she rest on her right side; pushing her legs apart to make room. Her six teats did not grow any longer, but became extremely thick in girth almost looking like a bubble of soft jiggly skin. Her human breasts are long gone by this point- they were already regressing when her chest expanded and swallowed up anything that remained. Her pelt grew in a glossy black except on her lower limbs it was snow white. The tip of the tassel on her tail is also white, and technically the end of her face is white as well, but you cannot tell. Because the patch on her face is exactly the width of her nose area- it is pink instead of white, but still stands out a lot against the otherwise black head. Her udder became multi-colored as well. The base is dappled grey-pink where it transitions from her torso, then pink, then black on her teats- dots that are almost perfectly localized to the teat alone. Her udder is not a candy pink of most bovine as well- it is mostly pink but leaning toward a peach tone.

Tolli squirmed her four forelimbs; the new muscles growing into the second pair probably want to stretch to help them settle. Once her muzzle got long enough it pulled her forehead out level with the top of it, and it became so wide it forced her eyes to the side of her head as the middle of her vision was completely eclipsed by her own face. The hollow sounding pops and soft clicks of bone stopped, and the quiet twisting sound of expanding tissue slowed to a stop, but even still her udder grew. Even while the rest of her was fully bovine, her udder swelled fatter and more dominant. On her side it exceeded the length of her legs! If she were to stand up- her udder would be pressed into the ground under her at all times! It did not simply HANG that far either; its shape is very plump and round, holding her legs apart even though they are fully relaxed. The surface taught and bouncy- and thanks to the rapid growth; extremely warm to the touch. The muscle ribs inside that hold the segments apart and reinforce the structure were very noticeable from the outside- the cleft between segments is deep, making each segment appear that much more bloated. You could hear a deep squelching sound and see the milk veins throbbing as her milk production went into hyperdrive.

Several other RHE staff arrived at the scene, having been summoned by Malick, though everyone was scratching their heads as to what to do next. Tolli's mind is fully regressed- she responds to her name and that is it, she does not understand any other words. Her mind isn't even that of a modern, domesticated cow- it's that of the ancient Aurochs. Thanks to the immense size of her exquisitely delicious looking udder- Tolli cannot stand up on her own, she is trapped on her side till someone helps her up. She cannot even walk because her udder is larger around than her legs are long; it presses into the ground too hard and would drag if she tried to move. Like Babe, her shoulders are almost as tall as most people are, in spite of her being on all fours, making her overall body the size of a truck. Her udder alone weighs so much that if it fully rest on top of someone, it would collapse their rib cage. So they have a gigantic, immobile cow, who is already leaking enough milk automatically from her bloated teats to create streams across the floor. They already created the XV facility to house Mel... RHE has no choice- they have to make another habitat for Tolli. She cannot exist in this state on her own, she needs constant help and supervision, so Tolli Burganred became TS09-XV.

RHE created a habitat of artificial sun to harvest a plot of grass just for her in the hidden bunker under the main complex. Her rear legs are propped up so her udder clears the ground enough to attach the cups of a milking machine. Because her mind is fully regressed, they were able to create a VR simulation of other cows and a field and Tolli is completely unable to realize it is a simulation. So Tolli lives in the bunker, but as far as she knows; she lives in an endless field that is always sunny and filled with other cows to play with. So the biggest advantage to her current form is that she is completely unaware of her current form. But this was not the end of her story, just the start of a too-long interlude.

Dr. Daniella Seraphica was accompanied by a team of other researchers as she opened up the hidden bunker to get to Tolli. It has been many, many years since her mutation into a 'supercow'. Serene has since then passed of old age- and Babe ages before her. Even Tolli's handler Malick no longer worked at RHE because of the organization downsizing- though he was still alive and well elsewhere. Tolli was not that old herself however- an unexpected side effect of the transformations RHE uses. Transforming all of a person's cells causes a stutter in the cellular degradation that result in the aging process beyond maturity. Basically; Tolli had the life expectancy of two Aurochs tacked onto her human life expectancy, extending her relative youth by 50 years. Now it is going to be extended even further. Daniella is head of the Mark 2 Project; developing an Mk2 version of tinctures in an attempt to restore lost humanity to some of the XV subjects. When Tolli was originally placed in the bunker, she was one of only 2 Extreme Variant subjects. There is 12 XV subjects now- over a hundred test subjects total. RHE stopped looking for new test subjects and downsized greatly- that is when Dr. Seraphica was tasked with creating the Mk2 tinctures with almost all of the remaining research staff at her back. Tolli was selected as the first subject to be re-transformed. She is the oldest XV subject other than Mel- and no tincture will have any effect on Mel at all.

When they removed the VR headset from Tolli she was very confused- she still did not understand that it was a simulation, so to her; she just teleported from a field to a human structure abruptly. Tolli had not actually seen humans for a long while so she was very curious and they had to actually hold her still a moment because she kept trying to turn around and smell and lick them. She let out a startled, deep 'ooou' as they stuck her with the needle and injected the first ever Mk2 tincture. They did not have her human DNA on register obviously, so they created a sort of blank human gene by combining many human genome samples to make one that was entirely unique. Once Tolli got her transformative tincture, she shooed the other researchers away and backed off herself- Tolli will likely be very confused as this progresses, and embarrassed once her intelligence creeps back into human standards, so having everyone standing around Tolli while it happens would just overload her.

Tolli's entire body started to feel tighter, like a full-body hug. Her hips popped and seemed to collapse in on themselves a bit- this put her legs closer together but her udder had no room, so the bottom two segments got squished further forward into the floor under her. The malleable flesh of the udder became especially affected by the tightening of her tissue, and started to compress. It became firmer and started to regress in size. The top two segments started to regress faster than the rest- devolving away her mutation. Tolli lifted her second set of limbs to feel her udder- she only needs four legs to stand but she has six. Her midriff under the udder started to suck inward and she let out a few distressed snorts and cut-off moos because she had trouble breathing for a moment as her rib cage started to compress, becoming wider horizontally- human proportions. Her butterfly-wing shaped double shoulder blade snapped in half; the bottom portion filling out into a smaller, now separate set of shoulder blades so her limbs could move more freely individually.

Tolli went to take a step back, stupidly thinking that would somehow let her get a better look at herself, but that is when she realized her hip joints shifted, stumbled, and flopped back onto her butt- which now had a lot more padding. Her thighs and thus also her butt had assumed a half bovine, half human shape once again, making them much rounder and plumper looking instead of the hard angles of a proper bovine. Sitting on her tushy also sparked some dormant memories in her mind. This is a position cows never sit in, but it felt correct to Tolli. Like a fine dust, her fur started to fall out and her skin color started to turn back to peach. Her upper body shrank rapidly as it took on a human shape but then her lower body started to catch up and suddenly her upper body did a full reverse! Her upper body grew massively, but the bones remained the same- it was the muscle mass getting re-distributed. The muscle mass of a hefty bovine, but molded into the shape of human muscle structure; thanks to how humans are built, her muscles bulged large on the surface.

Sharp, high-pitched sounds came from her hooves and the top pair shattered- only a small plate remained the shape of a regular human fingernail, just charcoal grey like a hoof. Her cannon bone started to split into smaller bones and form joints, restoring her hands slowly. The forelimbs below those did not break their hooves however. The cannon bone was still branching, but the hoof segments remained untouched. Her udder seemed to stop shrinking as soon as the extra segments left, and then the rest relaxed back the way it was- so while it was two segments less, the remaining four were just as big as ever.

The flesh on her chest started to turn pink and her memory of what breasts were came back immediately and she cupped them with her still developing hands immediately to feel them form! Her breasts grew in with a pink hue like her udder, not her normal skin tone- and the areola and nipple were the exact same color as the breast itself once they came in too. Once her hands regrew they were one finger short- the middle finger regressed away to feed mass the flanking fingers when they devolved, so that finger remains absent. That means she only has three fingers and a thumb, but otherwise her hands are restored. Having palms again to cup her breasts, and feeling the smooth, soft flesh press into them again caused so many memories to flood back into her mind. Holding things, getting hurt by touching hot things or sharp things- what sort of things she held, what she did with them.

Tolli's fur finally fully fell away, but in its place she started to grow hair on her head again! It grew out as her original copper hair color, and the tassel on her tail also lost its bovine colors and adopted her copper tone. Her skull and horns remained unchanged though- her human genes seemed unwilling to change those so her head and neck remained fully bovine, just with human hair instead of any fur.

"Oouuuh m-mmm-me? Tull e. Whut happooun?" Her brow furrowed trying to remember her human self.

Tolli got up shakily and stood on her rear legs for the first time in ages. Her second set of limbs finished regressing- the bone that had been the cannon became the fingers once again, but the proportions remained off. Her first and second finger was huge compared to the thin pinky finger, and the hoof segments remained exactly the same, capping each digit. The other dew claw evolved into a thumb, capped with the small hoof segment instead of a nail. So her top limbs became human but the second were hoof-hand hybrids. She took some very awkward steps and could barely remain standing. This being her first time on two limbs in many, many years did not help. Each step she takes thunders against the floor. A lot of her body returned to a human shape but her size and bone density did not reduce at all, so her body is still extremely large and extremely heavy. Even standing on two legs her udder still brushes the ground under her- but thankfully doesn't droop far enough to sit its weight on the ground. It is still large enough and heavy enough to use as an organic wrecking ball. Her breasts were a fair size on her- compared to a normal human each one was the size of an entire torso. Because she is so muscular; Tolli can also make her breasts dance by flexing her pectoral muscles. The milk veins on her midriff are made all the more outwardly prominent with the skin pulled so tight around them and her solid abs! Similar to Babe- her upper back muscles bulged so much they formed a bit of a hump. This was especially due to the fact she has four arms.

"T-tolli m-mooomber. Rem-moomber islund..."

Dr. Seraphim reentered the habitat and introduced herself to Tolli. Daniella was a bit nervous- Tolli was tipsy still trying to relearn how to walk, and Daniella did not want a 13 foot tall cow woman landing on top of her with 750 pounds of muscle. Tolli's thoughts had been in regression for so long it was difficult for her to access them- her memories faded and jumbled. RHE immediately had a home constructed for her down in the valley, and brought her old belongings out of storage. Her house obviously needed a roof even higher than normal and giant doorways for her to even fit inside. In the meantime- Daniella created a sort of education program for her. She already had the knowledge, so they just quickly went over things starting with grade 1 to spark her memory of it. When the knowledge was accessed, it caused Tolli to remember the time when she gained that knowledge originally, and then the memories and people associated to those. Tears of sadness and joy as Tolli slowly remembered... herself. Her voice remained quite low pitched, and she would have a bit of trouble pronouncing things correctly since she still has a cow mouth and tongue.

The next day Tolli was already able to go to her new-new house on the island. RHE works fast and the building material was already on The Ark, prebuilt, so putting up a new house was like slapping together giant sized Lego blocks. Tolli was surprised by how many other test subjects there were, and the unique hybridizing of so many animals- many just as odd as or even more so than her own body now! Daniella left her to get adjusted back into the new home. Tolli started as TS09, became TS09-XV, and is now officially TS09-MK2.

It was quite bizarre to Tolli. Her time as a full bovine was just a dream-like blur, so it was like she was unpacking her stuff in a new house immediately after having already done it, except now with still another new form. It took some getting used to using things with her hands and overall body so much bigger than before. She ended up using the voice commands for the TV because her fingers were so large compared to the remote that she could not press just one button at a time. Tolli also had a hard time reaching down to get something from tables- her udder got there before the rest of her so when she tried to reach for something her udder shoved the table back out of her reach! Her lactation prowess also remained at a very high rate, so she had to go up to the main complex to use the lactation stations twice a day. And it felt exquisite- that had not changed since the last time she remembers. From her massive udder teats or her huge humanoid nipples; it felt great. Even when they empty she will idly tug on the long nipples. When sitting to watch TV she often folds a leg under herself to prop her udder up and hug it close like a pillow.

By the third day back, she blushed at herself in the mirror after waking up, feeling rather frisky. She used her onyx slate to see if she had credits to get RHE to buy a dildo for her to use. Tolli was very surprised when she seen how many hundreds of credits she has to her name. She doesn't remember how much time she spent as a bovine- but RHE still kept giving her credits monthly and rewarding her milk production with additional credits. She could buy basically anything she can think of. Then her blush deepened when she remembered them telling her about the breeder boys. Since she has gone under, several test subjects have been designated as breeders- and specialize is taking care of the needs of other subjects. She opened up the registry on her slate to look at the profiles and was surprised to see the first entry on the list is... a woman. But according to her entry- she does still service other women. Tolli sort of liked the sound of that. She did not consider herself a lesbian, but due to the inherent awkwardness of requesting sexual services like this, she liked the idea of leaving it in the hands of a fellow female. What also caught her eye is Vivienne is TS30-VX... an Extreme Variant like Tolli was.

Tolli was startled and a bit unprepared by how quickly Vivi appeared at her door! When Tolli opened it she just casually walked in, glancing around. "Huh, I sort of feel like I shrank, haha. Everything looks like a standard house still but it's all bigger."

Vivi is a pretty woman, and fairly tall. From the hip up she looks perfectly human with chest length straight hair and modest sized breasts. From the hip down she wore blue jeans that are so badly tattered that they are virtually rags; so they do not hide the reptilian nature of her lower body. Her feet are almost hand-like and she has a massive tail covered in charcoal grey scales. Her lower half is Komodo Dragon. Her genital opening is technically a cloaca but it is oriented vertically like a vagina would be- it is also crowned with a twin set of clitoris.

Vivi smiled as both they both examined each other's bodies. "You have been on the island for way longer than me, but I guess it is sort of your first experience actually living on it, huh? We are all glad you finally got out of the bunker. A lot of test subjects are really stoked and chomping at the bit wanting to show you around."

"R-really? But noou one even knows mmmm-m-me?"

"Oh you will see; everyone here is super accepting. So many people from around the world, so many cultures and personalities here on the island. It is a paradise- not just the island itself, but life on it. Anyway, you called me for a meeting of a different nature. So... what did you have in mind? Keep in mind I have minimal control over myself once I get going but..." She smiled looking up and down Tolli's towering form. "I don't think someone of your build is going to have an issue."

Tolli asked what she meant. Vivi motioned to diodes on the backs of her hands leading tubes into a metal cylinder on her back. The pack contains subzero temperature fluid that circulates freezing temperatures around her body- because she is half reptile that puts her into a more dormant state and prevents her from getting aroused. Vivi is an XV subject, but can leave the bunker whenever she wants as long as she wears the pack to repress herself. If she becomes aroused, Vivi's human half will turn into that of a black bull! Like Tolli used to be like- Vivi's human mind is completely subdued and her intelligence becomes that of a bull as well when in this state- so she cannot help herself. She is a feral bull until she gets off- then she turns back. Her lower half remains the same on both forms. That is why she became an XV subject even though she can get around just fine- if she doesn't wear her cryo pack she will go bovine and rampage. That is also a reason why she was given Komodo Dragon genes- they have long refractory periods lasting several days.

"W-well... I don't knoOou, I never... well, I noover had interest in other woomen but I kinda felt better trusting another womoOon, given the situation."

Vivi nodded, already starting to shimmy out of her clothes. "Yea, I am completely straight myself- but the bull me isn't. We have separate interests but we share the pleasure, so it works out."

"Just no doggy style. I spent enoOough years on all foOours."

Vivienne laughed. "Alright."

As soon as Vivi turned off her pack she shivered from the wave of arousal. It was like her body and mind disconnects; her mind still feels hetero but her body becomes homo. Tolli leads her to the bedroom and her giant round bed. The bedframe had to be made of reinforced metal and lower to the floor due to her tremendous weight. Tolli sat rather nervously on the end of the bed, not really sure what to do, so Vivi took the lead. The look in Vivi's eyes became hungry as the bones of her skull crunched softly and spread forward, stretching her face into the shape of a handsome bull. A bull's head of sort of shaped like a triangular prism- very angular and well defined. Even once Vivi grew her own horns to full size, they are only half the size of Tolli's. Vivienne nearly matched Tolli in muscle bulk however- her upper body swelling absolutely massive and rock solid with muscles as her glossy black pelt grew over her like a spreading shadow. Vivi had her hands on Tolli's shoulders and eased her back and down onto the bed as her weight increased and her gender shifted. Though the cloaca remains the same- her twin clitoris swell huge and very long, becoming twin bovine phallus!

When Tolli flopped back, Vivi's grip slid down and her bull face landed squarely in the central cleft of Tolli's massive udder! Even with a fully bovine head; if Vivi pressed into the udder hard enough she could bury her entire head in the soft flesh. Vivi does not have hands in this form, but used her forelimbs to hug the sides of the udder, causing the soft malleable flesh to billow up into her chest. Vivi made happy bull noises like someone humming in pleasure as he rolled the underside of his long face and his dewlaps against the udder. After a moment he sat up a bit, scoot back and Tolli cooed in pleasure, feeling the damp bull nose nudge her labia and then the massive bovine tongue enter her! Vivi's huge reptilian tail coiled around Tolli's right leg and gently rubbed along it, squeezing in an undulating motion. Bovine have a leaf-shaped vulva, but Tolli's had returned fully human... at least, in shape. The outer labia were quite large, forming soft pillows of meat and projecting her pubic mound quite a bit- though normally you would never know because her udder completely eclipses her crotch. The soft meaty labia felt good against the bull's tender nose, and his tongue was able to dig deep, and massage the walls of her vagina with dexterity an actual phallus could never have. Tolli's own clit was being nudged up and down by Vivienne's soft upper lip and solid tongue.

Once Tolli was quite lathered and already breathing heavily, Vivi pulled back to get to the real fucking. Tolli's giant udder hangs far enough even when she is on her back that Vivi had to buck her head to pull out because the lower portion of the udder was sitting on top of it. Luckily her horns point forward, not up. The hot jets of air from the bull's nostrils tickled Tolli's udder as the dimwitted beast tried to calculate the best way in. Vivi pressed his head into the udder to push it up, then bucked to roll the udder forward and then flopped on top of the udder to hold it in place! He thrust forward several times, shoving Tolli's hip and causing her back to bend! Vivi has two tapered bovine cocks; so one dick for either hole! Vivi penetrated her pussy and ass at the same time! Tolli's hip was angled upward, with her own muscular thighs resting around Vivi's hip; right along the border between bull and dragon. Vivi was standing and thrusting on two legs technically- although his weight was split between his legs and resting his torso on the udder. Vivienne still used his tail to press into the bed and balance himself with this posture better. His hooved forelimbs curled around the front of the udder and squeezing in near its base, where it is the most narrow- his chest fully resting against it, squeezed against the soft flesh.

Vivienne looked Tolli in the eyes as he thrust into her- the bull's nose wet with her pussy juice. He grunt loudly as he fucked, jetting hot air from his large nostrils. Tolli played with her large breasts while her arms were otherwise idle- squeezing them down over the areola and nipple in an exaggerated motion as if milking them. She managed to bend her back up enough to offer a long wobbly nipple to Vivi who gladly started to suckle- though there was hardly any milk in her right now. The feeling of actual lips taking the milk from her was even better than using her hands to milk herself! Tolli was glad Vivi took control, because the abundance of pleasure completely blanked her own thoughts. It robbed her limbs of all strength and turned her to jelly! Usually the male blows first, but Tolli was shuddering in her third orgasm before her pussy's involuntary clenching sent Vivienne over the edge and blasting from both barrels! Once the deed was done, Vivienne went from a male bovine to a female human so quickly it almost looked like the bull features melted off her like colored vapor. Vivienne was as tired as Tolli is after only one orgasm. Her bull half transformation is actually a spell embedded in her genes that is powered off the energy of her own lust or arousal- so a spell powered by a specific portion of her own life energy. Tolli wasn't just physically satisfied. Being held and touched like that... helped her finally feel more human, after so long.

Tolli's brain would run really slow for at least a year or two, till it got fully accustomed to being human again. She would randomly recall more memories- still filling in some gaps of her past here and there, but would ultimately make a full recovery! True to what Vivienne and even Serene said so long ago- the community was, and is, very welcoming. Everyone in a different bizarre body- everyone beautiful in their own way. By the end of that year, Tolli took care of the last loose end she left on the table before unintentionally trapping herself in a bovine body. For Christmas, RHE put together an escort team and delivered Tolli off of RHEI for three days. RHE used cloaking magic and guarded her to make sure no outsiders could find out she was there, or what she looked like now... and she visited her brother. Her brother now elderly and frail, but Tolli in a body was effectively in its mid-thirties still, as if she had simply stepped outside of the flow of time. Because she transformed fully before she used RHE's 'heart clause' to contact her brother post-registration... he never knew what happened to her. She simply vanished one day without a trace. Now many, many years later, they are reunited for Christmas. RHE always looks after its subjects- doesn't matter how long it takes to fix, they will always find a solution, and always take care of you. This isn't the end of Tolli's story. This is the end of her turmoil- it is only the start of her story.

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Graphic Detail

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