Down the Rabbit Hole

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I wrote this as a little thought exercise for a potential commissioner - and also just for fun. Figured I post it here, I'm sure it's got what someone is looking for. Forgive me if I don't meet the qualities of a pro writer - I'm not even a writer haha!

(Cover art belongs to Samur Shalem. I'm going the route of "forgiveness not permission" on this one - I tried looking for the rules on using other's art as the cover art, but the forums are unnavigable. Just yell at me if it's gotta be removed :P)

As Judy parks her patrol car in front of the building, she notices right away the glowing neon sign, flashing the words "The Rabbit Hole". She blinks once, then twice, clearly a bit taken aback by where it seems the GPS had taken her. She double checks the text with the address from Bogo to make sure she didn't mistype it when she put it in the GPS. Not that this was possible - she copied and pasted it right in. Finally, she lets out a dry chuckle and mutters under her breath, "I didn't take you for the joking type, Chief. Seems Nick has rubbed off on you." At the very least Nick was out today, so she didn't have to worry about him getting up to any shenanigan's, especially on a job like this.

She steps out of the patroller and makes her way to the entrance, flashing her badge at the badger bouncer. She enters into a short dimly lit hallway leading to a second set of doors which she can see leads to the main stage and bar area. Along the walls of this hallway are large illuminated scrolling digital posters of the various talents at the location. They featured all manner of creatures, though notably all on the smaller side - a few foxes, a red panda, a squirrel, a weasel, and of course, quite a few bunnies. Most notable is the poster, two shades louder and bigger than the rest, featuring a pair of twin bunnies. It reads "Tonight's Special Event: Cerys and Carys, Duo Dance!"

"Well, no doubt this is the place now," Judy murmurs, somewhat aflush by the very provocative image of the twins on the poster, showing off their acrobatic skills.

She takes a small breath and adjusts her bowler hat on her head before pushing the inner doors open and is met with a rush of sights, sounds and scents: various stages illuminated with rows of little white bulbs and decorated with floor-to-ceiling metal poles - many of which were being well put to use by dancers, a few of which she had seen on the posters, and some new; surprisingly catchy music which she even enjoyed listening to on occasion, intermingled with the tinkling of glasses being poured by the bartenders, along with some jeering and laughter by some rather enthused patrons; the heady aroma of . . . well, let's just say it definitely did not take a bunny's nose to figure out what was on minds of many of those in attendance this evening. Her nose twitched for a moment as she did her best to stay focused on the task at hand, and made her way to another bouncer she spotted, this one a black bear, posted up just on the outer perimeter of the main floor."

"Excuse me. Officer Hopps." She flashes her badge at the bear as he looks down at her.

"Hello officer. It is a pleasure to see another member of the force."

"Thank you. I- ah . . ."

Wait, what exactly did he mean by that? Was someone else from the ZPD here before?

Not wanting to dwell on it, she pressed on, "I am looking for two bunnies by the names of Cerys and Carys. I understand they are working at this establishment?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact -. . ." as if on cue, the music switches to a slow, bassy beat and the lights change to moody lavender and burgundy hues, "I think that's them now." Sure enough his words ring true, and the twin buns make their entrance onto the main stage.

"I-I see . . . thank you for y-your assistance," Judy stammers, her eyes transfixed on the stage as the twins begin their very sensual performance.

"You are very welcome, Officer Hopps," the bear replies, not hiding his bemused grin at all. He could tell just at a glance that this was Judy's first time in such a place. She's in for a fun time with those two, he thinks.

Judy finds a seat at the bar, deciding to wait for the show to finish so she can talk to the girls afterward. While she's lost in thought the bartender approaches her.

"What's your poison?" the slender lion inquires.

"Hmm?" she replies distractedly, before suddenly processing that she's sitting at the bar.

"O-Oh! Um . . "

I shouldn't drink on the job. B-But . . . I think in this instance it might actually make this go by more smoothly. It's just witness testimony after all, all I need to do is press record, right? It should be fine . . .

"I'll have a White Russian, thanks."

"Very good," the barkeep purrs, his paws moving like liquid as they seek out all the necessary ingredients as if with minds of their own.

Judy is soon sipping on her drink within moments, her curiosity compelling her to steal glances at the stage whenever the crowd gets particularly boisterous, before darting her eyes away after catching sight of the pair doing things that made her face burn hotter with embarrassment each time. Yet with every sip of her drink she finds herself looking again and again, for longer moments each time. After about fifteen minutes the show finally ends. She tucks a few bills under her empty glass and makes her way quickly to the stage before the two return to the backstage.

"Cerys, Carys! May I have a moment?" she calls out to them, catching their attention. They look down, searching for the owner of the voice. Seeing Judy, they look at each other momentarily with somewhat mischievous smiles before looking back down at her.

"Sure thing, Officer Hopps. How can we help you?" Cerys starts.

"I- . . oh, you know me already?"

"But of course - you're the star bunny cop of Zootopia. Every bunny here knows who you are, if not every mammal outright," follows Carys, not missing a beat.

"I-I . . well . ." Judy stammers, completely flustered by their praising words.

"So, how can we service you this evening?" Cerys purrs, kneeling down and running a digit under Judy's chin, not at all being subtle with the clear innuendo.

"H-haah, I-I was just wondering if I could get some t-testimony from you two on a case I'm working on," Judy sputters. The drink hadn't made this any easier.

"Hmm sure, we could help you with that. Would you like to talk with us in our private room?" Cerys replies.

Judy gulps a bit, sensing very strongly that talking might not be the only thing on the agenda.

"S-sure, that would be nice."

Suddenly, the two hop off the side of the catwalk and wrap an arm around either side of Judy's hips, leading her to the side entrance to the private rooms. Judy is very surprised and flustered by this, her face and ears crimson red with embarrassment as the patrons watch on, jeering and whistling as the pair lead her away.

They make their way down the long back hallway which made the building deceptively larger than Judy had expected from the outside. Finally, after passing many rooms, they enter a room on the right, with the names "Cerys and Carys" emblazoned above the door. It's . . . wow, it's even nicer than my apartment, Judy thinks, as she admires the modern interior. She is nearly as surprised by how nice the room is, as she is by the numerous myriad sex toys and devices dotted around the room.

The two let go of Judy's hips and crawl onto the bed in the center of the room together. They stare at her with playful smiles for a moment before Carys points towards a cushioned ottoman.

"You can sit there, Officer Hopps. If you'd like," she says, deliberately leaving the option of sitting elsewhere open.

Judy gives a bashful smile in thanks as she makes her way towards the ottoman and settles herself, before pulling out her carrot pen and notepad.

"Now then . . ."

Judy begins her questioning on the two's recollection of a particular character, Tobias Montreux, a lynx who is known to frequent this location, and who is suspected of engaging in illicit under-the-table activities with a known crime ring at this location.

. . .

"Alright, that should be everything!" Judy exclaims, jotting down the last of her notes. "Thank you both so much for your ti-eep!-"

Suddenly Judy feels a pair of paws wrap around her waist from behind, and a soft warm chest pressing against her back.

"Oh it's no problem at all, officer," Cerys purrs into Judy's ear, the heat of her breath making the fur on Judy's neck stand on end. "We're happy to be of help. But we do have one question for you, now . . ."

Carys now crawls up from the front of the ottoman, resting her paws on Judy's thighs and following, "Might you be able to help us conduct a little 'investigation' of our own?~"

"I-I-I . . . u-umm!~" Judy stammers, completely flustered.

"Hmm? What was that, darling?" Cerys whispers, pressing her muzzle up against Judy's neck.

"O-Ohh carrots . . . U-Umm, I might be able to . . . l-lend a hand. And . . y-you can call me Judy" she replies, a million thoughts racing through her mind as she tries futilely to keep her head as these two begin undoing her uniform.

Cerys takes off Judy's hat and slowly pulls Judy's shirt off, exposing her chest which she tries to hide with her paws, to little effect. Cerys simply slides her paws under Judy's and gives her breasts a tentative squeeze, making Judy let out a much more needful groan than she had intended. Carys looks up with a slightly raised eyebrow and giggles as she undoes Judy's pants, pulling them down and off, leaving just her panties. She presses her muzzle up against Judy's crotch and gives it a nuzzle, making Judy yip and squeeze her thighs together at the sudden electric shock of sensation between them. She quickly comes back to her senses as she feels Carys tapping at her thigh, and quickly realizes that she was squishing the poor bun's head.

"O-Oh carrots I'm so sorry! I-I'm not, um, used to this, I just-!"

"Relax, Judy! Relax! It's okay," Carys says softly, offering a smile and a gentle caress of Judy's thigh to soothe her. "This is your first time, isn't it?"

"U-Um . . . yeah," Judy sighs, a bit embarrassed to make such an admission. "Sorry."

"Sorry? There's nothing to be sorry for, you cute thing" Carys giggles. "Just means we get to have fun breaking you in to the world of pleasure."

"Emphasis on breaking, hehe," Cerys follows, making Judy blush hard at the implications of these words.

"Let's take this to the bed, we'll make sure you're as nice n comfy as can be, and we'll take it slow," Carys says, standing up and grabbing Judy's paw.

"O-oh . . alright," Judy complies, following Carys and Cerys to the bed. Cerys kneels against the mountain of pillows and the cushioned headboard and taps her lap, coaxing Judy to her as she says teasingly, "Lie back in my lap, promise I won't squish ya. Unless you want me to~"

Judy sticks a tongue out at Cerys at her teasing for a moment, making Cerys giggle, before lying back as instructed. Cerys begins rubbing her shoulders gently, actually quite delightfully. She lets out a little groan as Cerys rubs out a tight spot near her neck. "Like that? I've been taking massage classes, hehe."

Carys meanwhile crawls in front of Judy, gently wrapping her arms around Judy's thighs and rubbing them softly.

"We'll just do some gentle petting like this so you can get used to being touched . . . then we'll move on to the fun stuff," Carys says, smiling up at Judy.

"A-alright, that sounds good," Judy replies.

They continue rubbing her body, Cerys' paws migrating from her shoulders, to her to her breasts, to her neck and cheeks, while Carys' paws explore her calves, thighs, and her muzzle explore's Judy's tummy. After a few minutes, Judy doesn't shudder as strongly from their touch, and she feels Carys begin inching closer and closer to her groin. She looks down at Carys, who stares up at her and gives an inquisitive lick of her lower tummy in return. Judy lets out a soft sigh and nods her head, and Carys grins softly as she slowly presses her head lower and lower, until her muzzle is pressed firmly against Judy's slit through her panties

Judy squirms a little and groans, grasping onto the sheets as she throws her head back in pleasure. Cerys stares down at her, very much enjoying the pleasured and embarrassed look on her face. She pinches Judy's nipples gently, teasing out another moan.

Carys rubs against Judy with her muzzle a few more times, before then pressing her tongue against Judy's panties, making Judy arch back in ecstasy at the sensation of Carys' warm tongue rubbing against her. Carys pulls the panties to the side and plants her lips directly against Judy's pussy, sealing them to it and pushing her tongue deep inside her. Judy lets out a loud gasping moan as she plants her paws on the bed and arches up strongly, cumming instantly. Carys holds Judy's thighs tight in her arms and keeps her lips locked on her pussy as Judy rides out her orgasm, wrapping her arms around Cerys' waist. After a good few moments, Carys releases her and her hips fall back to the bed. She lies there, panting heavily as she tries to regain her senses while Cerys strokes her head.

"That's a good girl. That feel good?~" Cerys purrs, looking down at the dazed bun.

"Y-yeah, out of this world," mutters Judy dreamily.

"We're happy to hear it. Rest up well now, cause we're just getting started."

"Ok," Judy replies, resting her eyes happily. Then she realizes what was said. "W-Wait what does that mea- . . ." She looks down and sees Carys has gotten up and retrieved a few toys - some strap-ons, some vibrators, dildos . . . harnesses??

"O-oh . . . carrots," Judy mutters.