Back Alley Breaking

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I am back. And I am excited to start sharing work again! This story was written for one of my twenty dollar patrons. Art is by gewitter who can be found here:

Sami belongs to:

Vayhl'ayne belongs to:

Sami liked to linger about the guild hall, watching adventures come and go, waiting on her next mark. She watched its marbled entrance from the outer patio of a nearby saloon. Over a snifter filled with an amber mead, she waited for one to appear.

Marks came in all shapes and sizes, but the key was they entered the guild and claimed their bounties alone. A party of adventurers, even a pair of them, doubled the risk of getting caught. A single person, alone, was distractible, easy enough to rob.

The raven-haired, red dragoness straightened in her seat when she spotted him. A hulking mass of steel and gold armor, of a make she didn't recognize. A foreigner to her little corner of the world? On his back he hauled a rucksack stained in dried blood at its bottom. The head of some beast he killed in fearsome combat, no doubt.

A perfect target. She took a long drink of her mead, tracking the knight as he headed inside the guild hall, the sea of traffic parting for this massive warrior. Sami idly wondered what he looked like under all that armor. Strong, handsome stud like that could survive having his bounty snatched by a charming young rogue like herself. She'd meet him as he went out the hall and determine the best way to lift his purse.


Vayhl'ayne did not care for this city, nor how its smaller draconic inhabitants stared at him. As he left the guild hall, he planned to head straight out of town. Walking down the stone steps leading into the hall, Vayhl'ayne noticed the slim dragoness fall in behind him. She did not keep her distance, and after a few paces more he turned on her with: "Is there a problem?"

Sami cowed under his scowl, not prepared for her mark to spot her so quickly. She'd stayed five steps behind him, which now did not feel far enough. He had dark grey fur and feathers with striking, golden irises in pools of black. His thick beak and scaled tail noted some hybrid heritage. Sami took a moment, adjusting her duster before she said, "Curiosity is my problem, hun. You're not from here, yeah?"

She took a step closer. She had a cream-colored front, vibrant reds, classic colors for a dragoness. She wore a corset that had her breasts pinched together, showing off her ample cleavage. Vayhl'ayne cursed himself for letting his eyes flick down there, annoyed at how even he could not quell the oldest of impulses.

Sami noticed and smirked, outstretched a hand. "The name's Sami, you?"

"Vayhl'ayne," he grunted. "What do you want from me?"

"Want?" Sami snuck closer, placed her palm on his chestplate--smooth and surprisingly warm. She leaned in, almost pressed against him. "What does any woman want with such an obvious stud?"

"To share my bed, stuff my wine with poison, and make off with my goods in the night."

"That happen often?" Sami asked before dipping away with a little wink. "If you already know my plans, then we can make it a date, hey Vayhl'ayne?"

He snorted. "If you have a deathwish, then by all means." He kept walking down the street. The guild hall rested on a main thoroughfare into and out of the city. Sami continued to follow him, and he rolled his eyes. "If you need breeding you may simply ask for it."

"Oh, and you'll stop everything to help me? What a hero," Sami teased as she moved up beside him. She needed to almost trot to keep pace with the much taller hybrid. Her eyes had scanned his armor and come away with no purse; she guessed it hid under the long skirt of his gambeson. Her eyes trailed up to a gem socketed at the collarbone of his armor. That had to be worth something? All she'd need to do is wedge the tip of her dagger into the socket and flip it out.

But what distraction?

Vayhl'ayne gave it, turning down an alley with her in tow, Sami not even thinking of where they went till his gauntlets grabbed her. Sami got swung into the air and slammed into the wall of a building. "Keep your eyes off my Aklirium. This is your last warning girl, find someone else to pickpocket or I will make you pay for wasting my time."

Sami, winded, could only nod. She coughed, got her breath back in her lungs and asked, "You're, uh, as strong as you look, you know?"


Slowly, the tip of her tail wrapped around the dagger in her boot. "Hey, you don't want to get the guard called on us, do you? I don't know what you were thinking about pickpocketing, I just wanted to get to know--"

"If you pull that blade from your boot, I'll make sure to impale you on both of mine." The arm pinning her to the wall shifted from her collarbone to her throat, vambrace pressing down on her windpipe.

Sami didn't appreciate getting threatened by anyone. She didn't pull the dagger from her boot but grabbed the one at her belt and went for Vayhl'ayne's throat. Even in all that armor, he moved faster. Sami felt her pointed blade pierce Vayhl'ayne's gloved chainmail and slide into his palm. The hybrid snarled as he catched the blade, crushing it and Sami's hand in his grip. She yelped and dropped it, and he tossed her farther down the alley.

Cursing, Vayhl'ayne looked at his palm and saw some blood well up from his pierced gauntlet. He muttered an incantation that sewed the wound up, and his yellow eyes glared at the dragoness scrambling to her feet. She tried to run, but Vayhl'ayne tackled her to the ground.

Sami thrashed and kicked as he rolled her on her back, but Vayhl'ayne might as well have been a boulder. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with his right hand. His tail flattened hers to the ground to ensure she would not try some trick with it. She snapped at him, her jaw clacking harmlessly in the air while that beaked face scowled down at her.

"I warned you, girl. Now you get to make a decision."

Sami spat on him.

Vayhl'ayne didn't even blink as the flem dripped down his beak. "Keep up with that attitude and I'll take your hands as payment."

Sami stopped struggling, breasts heaving as she panted. She turned her head down the alleyway, but when she opened her maw, Vayhl'ayne's other hand clamped it shut.

"Now now, scream and I'll snap your neck. Matter of fact..." he began speaking an incantation in some tongue Sami didn't recognize. His gemstone glowed, shining so bright Sami couldn't look straight at it. Then the glow faded, and she blinked back tears. Vayhl'ayne said, "There, that will make sure no matter how loud you get you won't attract any attention."

He released her maw, and Sami snarled at him: "Fuck you."

"Heh, we will get to that." Sami scoffed, but Vayhl'ayne cut her off with, "Now none of that. You are a small thing, and if you want me to consider your comfort at all, you're going to need to cooperate. If you don't..." Vayhl'ayne made a fist over her muzzle, "then I'll set my cocks together and it'll feel like I'm shoving this gauntlet up your ass."

Sami stared at his fist, wide-eyed.


"Let's fucking get this over with."

"Good girl," Vayhl'ayne growled, and Sami sneered at him in response. He got to his feet, but when Sami tried to stand he shoved her butt back onto the ground. "Remove my codpiece."

Sami grimaced, but quietly acquiesced, shuffling on her knees to get closer. Now in the alleyway where their scents weren't lost in the tangled blend of the city, the dragoness noticed just how strong Vayhl'ayne's was. Mostly she smelled oiled leathers and the gruff tang of steel, but underneath it a musk almost sharp as cloves in her nostrils. Sweaty, pungently masculine, she could not imagine how powerful that scent would be once she got off some of his armor.

Vayhl'ayne relished the feeling of the dragoness's small hands touching his codpiece, fingers sliding under it to find the leather straps holding it in place. Sami gingerly undid them and dropped the codpiece, coughing. He smirked down at her and asked, "Potent, aren't they?"

"Gods, do you bathe?" Sami snapped, eyes watering.

"Most mornings. It builds up fast in all this armor, though."

Sami squeezed her eyes shut and tried to breathe through her mouth, but once again Vayhl'ayne shut it in his iron grip.

"Ah-ah, don't try to get past it. Take my scent in, bask in it."

Sami glared up at him, wishing that stupid smirk of his wasn't so... handsome? She blinked, forcing herself to take another breath. That scent, so much stronger now, made her whole body flood with warmth. Her eyes fell to the source of it, scaly balls a fat purse that would fill both her palms with room to spare. His slit had engorged ever so slightly, the scales fine and glistening with sweat. One breath became two, three... Sami lost track of time, but when Vayhl'ayne released her muzzle she was panting, scales flushed all over, cock fattening up in her leather leggings.

"That's it," Vayhl'ayne said, "Not bad now that you're used to it, huh?"

Hearing his voice made Sami shake her head, mumbling, "Wha... what did you do to me?"

"I told you they're potent. Most little dragons like you fall on their knees begging for them after enough exposure."

Sami scowled. "I should..." she trailed off when she noticed his slit cracked open. The twin tips of two glowing cocks peeked from their steaming crevasse, and the headier scent of Vayhl'ayne's slit made Sami choke back a moan. She growled and threatened, "I should bite your cocks off for this."

"But you won't, will you?" Vayhl'ayne said. He reached down, fingers stroking along the underside of her jaw like Sami was some mutt. She leaned into it, without meaning to, her tail wiggling behind her a little. "If you hurt me, then you wouldn't get to experience the most incredible sex of your life."

In a better state of mind, Sami might have had some retort. Instead she whined, let Vayhl'ayne's hand close around her horn and guide Sami forward. Her nostrils bumped into his sack, soon smothered by its sweat-soaked scales. She sucked in another breath and moaned. Sami's neck tilted, nuzzling into those enormous nuts, each testis a mango's in size. Her dark tongue stroked up the musky sack, finding their warmth scalding. Her pussy clenched beneath her cock.

Vayhl'ayne's pet quivered against his loins, then came her tonguing. "Good girl," he cooed as she lapped at each nut in turn. Her warm lapping betrayed a knowledge of how to please men. Her strokes were slow, smooth, meant to massage him there. Sami's eyes fluttered upward, pleading with him. He grinned and guided her up his scrotum.

The knight's slit poured off heat. Its heady aroma almost made Sami choke as her muzzle became level with it. The barbed glans of both Vayhl'ayne's cocks had pushed out, still flaccid and already bigger looking than Sami's straining erection. She kissed below his slit and whimpered. Slick, warm arousal graced her lips. With one prick throbbing across her snout, Sami's tongue invaded his slit.

Thick, earthy yet sweet, Vayhl'ayne's arousal made the dragoness quake. Her tongue pressed tight to the walls of his slit, those fattening cocks making the space tighter and tighter. Sami lapped up, down, sawing through what little space she could. She felt the ridges along those dicks--a slight bulge at their very base betraying the knots at the end of his fearsome equipment. Getting fisted might be easier, she realized. Not that Sami cared about that anymore.

Gods what a delight watching a heated bitch eat from his slit like she'd been starved of water. The little dragoness had yanked her leggings down so she might paw at the modest cock there. The ebon organ matched the color of the tongue teasing along his unengorged knot. The sensitive spot made him growl low in his throat, his core relaxing a little as he finally drove both cocks from his slit. He could no longer see Sami's face, his massive shafts rested neatly across her muzzle, brow, and between her horns. He clenched his balls, and a font of precum spilled into the alley, dripping into her raven locks.

Sami felt that warmth and understood it intimately. She leaned back, tongue outstretched and running along the underside of Vayhl'ayne's bottom hemipene. It was firm, warmer than the hybrid's balls. Her tastebuds became smeared in the slit-fluid coating his dick. When the rubbery barbs along his glans pricked her tongue, she pulled back. Sami swirled his arousal around her maw, sampling it like some top-shelf wine before swallowing. It slid down her throat thick as any normal man's load.

Vayhl'ayne frowned. "Don't forget you are supposed to be serving me, pet." He yanked her horn and Sami yelped.

Startled, like she just emerged from a frozen pond, her head cleared. A shock of confused impulses tripped through her. Her hand stayed squeezing her cock, panting, all this need burning, but she shouldn't have gotten so lost. She shuddered, tried to pull away when Vayhl'ayne's free hand caressed her cheek.

"Come now, be a good pet and open your mouth."

"I'm not your--hrrk," his cock cut her off. Her teeth pressed into his flesh a moment, but quickly receded, Sami realizing what would happen if she bit down. Her maw quickly stretched wide around his girth, that spade tip of his stabbing into her throat. Tears filled her eyes, and Sami's hands went up to Vayhl'ayne thighs. She tried to shove off, but the hybrid's grip on her head remained firm. Her snout pressed against the bottom of his other cock, its tip pressing into her brow and telling Sami exactly how deep his other endowment pushed inside her. Both shafts twitched, and a spray of gooey precum filled her throat. She swallowed reflexively, allowing more of that shaft inside her neck. It stung. She groaned as the hand holding the back of her head moved to her throat, rubbing gently on the bulge working its way down her esophagus.

"That's a good girl," Vayhl'ayne said. He sucked in a deep breath, eyes shut as he concentrated on the feeling of her maw. The sucking, swallowing heat as she fought for breath. Lips kissed his knot, and he held her there, huffing, cock twitching. Her throat contracted around his shaft, squeezing up and down his ridges. That struggle in Sami got more desperate, as her breath ran out, it was only when she stopped trying to resist that Vayhl'ayne finally pulled her back.

This time Sami came to coughing, hacking, sucking in air. It came ragged, burning where barbs had dug furrows along her throat. She heard Vayhl'ayne say, "Deep breath, and don't struggle this time." This time his top hemipene wedged its way down her maw. Sami whimpered, but didn't try to stop him.

Swallowing came easier. His dick stroked a few times up and down the length of her maw, her tastebuds swimming in precum and cockflesh. Practically scarred by it. Her senses felt shorted by the stud's pheromones. Then his spade tip began pressing into her throat, and Sami braced herself, eyes squeezed shut.

And Vayhl'ayne barbs felt inviting sliding and raking across her: the sensation akin to a lover's fingers tracing up her back then scratching down it. The heated sensation resonated only pleasure through her body. She moaned, surprised at how simple it became, any gag reflex relaxed to nothing. She had no reason to fight him. His cock slid deeper, drizzling more of its honey into her gullet. Her body felt warm and not there at the same time. Her thoughts numbed into opaque shapes and blurs. It felt good to just suck, swallow, nurse.

"Look at me, pet," Vayhl'ayne whispered, and the dragoness's eyes snapped open, fumbling to obey, but once their gazes met her expression melted. All that defiance and fire fizzled. If her maw wasn't pulled wide for his shaft, she might have worn a happy grin, tongue lolling from her mouth. "That's right, this is what submission feels like. Good pets feel this way all the time. You want to be a good pet, don't you?"

Vayhl'ayne savored the slobbering, desperate moan that answered him. Savored how she broke so readily.

He let her up for air more slowly this time. Sami whined when only his tip remained, tongue twined around its barbs, sucking desperately. One last taste of his precum shot across her tongue before it popped free, more of his essence spilling across her lips and front. It vaguely surprised her that his arousal appeared translucent with a soft blue coloring, rather than clear. Then his bottom shaft bumped her lips, and Sami eagerly welcomed him back in her maw.

Vayhl'ayne grit his beak as that sweet little throat slipped down his shaft, as tight to him a straining condom. Sami's hands came up to rub and massage the hybrid's knot as her lips brushed it again. She moaned with that slab of meat feeling every little vibration her vocal cords could make. Vayhl'ayne bet he could spend the next ten minutes fucking her face without any problems, but he needed more, now. Both his loins craved the tight heat of her body. Craved the eggs in her womb, which would no doubt be ovulating right now thanks to his pheromones.

Sami fussed with him as he pulled her back off his shaft. Not so much defiance, but bratty complaint. Her teeth even grazed his barbs, but she let go of him with a whine, cut off when Vayhl'ayne knelt before her. He grabbed the front of her corset. The ties along her tugged only a breath as he ripped it off with ease. She gasped when her breasts spilled free, before two big hands wrapped around her ribs and lifted Sami to her feet. He nuzzled into one of her fat, dark areolas, and she gasped. Vayhl'aynes' beak opened and pinched her tit inside. His tongue, forked and reptilian, slid across the sensitive scales of her nipple. She wriggled and moaned as he tasted her, her dick twitching in time with the clenching of her needy cunt.

Vayhl'ayne wanted to reward her for worshipping his cocks, so he reached down and groped Sami's knot between finger and thumb. He felt the familiar flutter of her labia just below the black cock he now milked. He released the fat tit in his beak and leaned forward, head tilted. Sami met his beak in an awkward kiss, his teeth bumping hers. His larger tongue plunged down her throat. Sami quaked against him, wriggling in Vayhl'ayne grip as her seed spilled onto the dirt, clear arousal dripping from the dragoness's pussy.

Sami didn't understand it. A kiss, her mouth tasting his saliva. It was sweet and warm and made her head buzz to the tip of her horns. She'd already been so close, her orgasm rippled through her internal testes. She sucked on the tongue swabbing her throat, arms thrown around Vayhl'ayne's back to try and push him closer. Her pleasure poured through her, and when he finally broke the kiss Sami was dazed as he grabbed her leggings and did the same to them, tearing them off as if Sami dressed in paper.

He growled in her ear, "Ready to carry my clutch, pet?"

Sami blinked, realized she leaned against the big brute just to keep her feet under her. The last thing she needed was carrying his eggs. Despite the boiling in her belly that urged her to bend over and hike her tail. She needed to get away from him--needed to buy herself some time.

"I can't have kids... I'd make a terrible mom."

Vayhl'ayne actually chuckled. "Only because slut's like you would call their handsome, grown sons into your bed."

Why did that get her so wet?

"Just think about it," Vayhl'ayne pressed, eyes level with hers, "No troubles, just all day spent servicing your master."


"Yes, good girls need guidance. You want to be a good girl, don't you?"

She did, she wanted so badly to...

Whatever the fuck he did her needed to end! She managed to take a step back, shrugging off her duster. She thought she saw his purse under his gambeson. Sami cleared her head enough to take a breath, and her trembling steadied.

"Oh? What's going on in that little head of yours?"

"Looking for a way out."

"Still? Most dragons are limp and drooling at this point. I'm impressed, girl."

She just needed to make it out of the alley. If she tore out of here with her clothes in tatters and unarmed, everyone would think Vayhl'ayne assaulted her. Sami tossed her duster at his head, grabbing her boot knife, diving towards him all at once. Her dagger reached under his gambeson and sliced off his purse. The sack of gold fell to the ground, but Vayhl'ayne grabbed her by the horns again. He wrenched her up off the ground, and Sami defiantly thrust her blade into his chest plate.

The tip skittered harmlessly up it, to that socket at his collarbone. The gemstone there went flying, and Vayhl'ayne had the option of catching it or holding onto his unruly pet.

His Aklirium thudded softly on the dirt, next to the purse. Vayhl'ayne grabbed her wrist and wrestled the dagger out of Sami's grip. It dropped to the ground as well, and, laughing, twisted Sami around and hugged her to his chest. Her feet kicked in the air helplessly. "That's it, girl!" Vayhl'ayne snarled. "Fight me for it."

Sami could feel those huge hemipenes brush and rub against her tail. She had tucked it against her cunt to shield her sex, even if she knew it didn't matter. She bucked in his grip to no avail, then spat, "I should have cut off your balls instead."

"You know why you didn't?" Vayhl'ayne, a husky growl in her ear, asked like he knew the answer.

A shiver went through her, and all those submissive thoughts rolled through her. She could have castrated him and fled while he howled and bled. She hadn't. Any other man trying this on her she would have without a second thought.

"Because you'd never harm what you so badly need," Vayhl'ayne answered for Sami. It clicked in her head that, yes, she would never. This little act of defiance... all part of the game Master and her played.

"No," she gasped, more to her thoughts than his words.

"Hehe, and yet..." She felt his bottom hemipene nudge under her tail and against her slit. "You want it so bad you aren't even fighting me anymore."

Sami whimpered. She should fight him... She should... She shouldn't. If she fought him he could hurt her. Easily. If she let Vayhl'ayne have his way he'd leave her alone, and she could find an herb at the apothecary to make sure she didn't get pregnant after. All this master and pet nonsense had to be some game.

Vayhl'ayne wrapped one arm around her shoulder, holding her to his chest, while his other hand grabbed her thigh, wrenching it open. "Hike your tail--that's a good girl," he cooed, "Now guide me in, pet."

Trembling, Sami's fine fingers wrapped around the tip of the higher hemipene, angling it up, that spade tip wedging between buttcheeks, drooling precum along her soft rim. As if made for her, his other shaft almost lined up perfectly with her snatch. She stared down, disbelieving, at how rapturous a sight it made. She bit her bottom lip, unable to relax.

It wouldn't have mattered.

Those sharp cocks stabbed into her, effortlessly as a key to its door. Opened up, Sami tossed her head back, horns scraping along his armor as she groaned. Vayhl'ayne let gravity do most of the work, only needing to gyrate his hips to press ridge after ridge into her. Her innards clenched around him, one hole a slobbering, groping, needy thing while the other remained tight and warm, oily with the copious gouts of precum lubing her rear.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Sami hissed as she spread more and more on his spires. A cocktail of pain and pleasure had her stupified: nothing ever stretched her like this before. Her asshole burned, even as Vayhl'ayne's arousal made it tingling, numb, then itchy for stimulation. Her cunt, wouldn't stop contracting in time with her diaphragm, each labored breath another clench on the shaft burrowing into her, pressing into her cervix, stretching her cunny further and further. Till the pressure against her spongy barrier began to ache. Fuck she would be sore for weeks, but it would be worth it at this rate.

Vayhl'ayne murred when Sami came to rest on both of his knots. He admired her against him: eyes rolled back, eyeliner streaked from tears, her breasts heaving with every breath, cock hard again and dripping. A beautiful addition to his harem. He flexed his pelvic floor, making both his cocks twitch and spurt inside her. He felt them pinched together in Sami's tight, warm heat. Cunny drooling across his knot. His pet contracted up and down each shaft, whimpering as her body adjusted to him.

"I'm going to enjoy training you, pet," he whispered in Sami's ear. Some part of her, melting away under the assault of pleasure, panicked at the thought of being kept and trained. But her body thrilled at the idea. Thrilled at how his cocks felt as he lifted her up: those ridges, those barbs dragging across the sensitive walls. Just like with her throat before, that scratching, soaked in his arousal, felt good. Sami whimpered and grabbed onto the arm wrapped across her, using it to balance herself before gyrating her hips. Rocking those cocks in and out. Vayhl'ayne only lifted her a hand span before dropping her back down. Skewered on him, Sami screamed.

"That's it, bitch, tell me how much you enjoy it," Vayhl'ayne growled. He worked his hips in a steady rhythm, crouching, leaning back so he could more easily thrust into her with each pump of his pelvis. He hammered her cervix, feeling his spade chipping away at her egg chamber's only barrier. His knots smacked her ass, ground into the supple scales of her labia. As he churned up her insides, his balls clenched, gushing more precum inside her, begging to fill this bitch properly.

Sami felt the change in her Master. A rumble in his throat became a hard slam into her. His knots squished into her pelvis, stretching her holes. She pressed her rear down, wishing to wedge those fat, pulsing ties inside her. Sami didn't care how her cervix strained or asshole burned. Good pets got bred. She needed to be a good pet.

"Please, please. I'll do anything."

"Please what?" Vayhl'ayne lifted her off his knot and held her there on his shafts. He could hold back to watch her beg.

"Knot me--knock me up."

"You want to carry my clutch, slut?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll carry as many as you like," Sami whined.

"That's right, pet, as many as I like."

Sami squealed as he slammed his knots against her. He grunted and yanked on her thigh, grinding his hips. Those bulbs caved in both her entrances. They yawned wider and wider, wetly squeezing scales around throbbing veins and bright blue flesh. Then she yielded, and swallowed up the remainder of his hemipenes.

Vayhl'ayne's pet mirrored him, panting, stunned by the feeling of stretching her holes so wide. He caved in her cervix, felt his glans throbbing inside Sami's womb. "Fucking hell," he breathed, balls clenched close to himself. "You feel way too good to just let you walk away."

Master wanted to keep her.


Sami came, harder than she had in her life. Walls so stretched, her muscles were barely able to even contract around him. Her cock twitched and jumped at the same time Vayhl'ayne's balls did. "Yes!" Sami squealed as thick, gooey heat pulsed inside her. Viscous jets of cum gushed into her egg chamber, growing heavy with it in seconds.

Vahyl'ayne panted, tongue lolling from his mouth. "That's it, pet," he whispered. "Take every bit of it." He watched those fine cream scales of her stomach grow taut with the pressure of his seed. His bioluminescent cum glowing blue under her pale belly, marking Sami as his. His right hand slipped down and groped her tit. "Can't wait to see how much these leak."

"Gods... me too, Master," Sami gasped, another shuddering orgasm coursing through her fried nerves. Just when she thought she might pop, the pressure of all that seed against Master's knot became too much. She whimpered as it exploded out of her. Thick, glowing ropes of Vayhl'ayne's seed dripped down the stud's still pumping balls. Sami's dark dick twitched in time with them still, cum squirting from her tip, as Vayhl'ayne's seed began to run out of her. She tried to close her thighs just to keep it inside her, but Master's grip on her leg remained firm.

Vayhl'ayne leaned over her shoulder and nuzzled her cheek with his beak. "Mmm, don't fuss, pet. I'll be seeding your pretty little pussy every day on the way home."

Sami moaned and lost herself in another orgasm.

"In a few more days," Vayhl'ayne promised, "Getting stuffed like a heated bitch and bred will be the only thing that matters to you."

"Yes, Master," she answered in a dumb, blissful but exhausted voice. It sounded strange in her throat. A different person. A changed one. Who wouldn't want to be changed by her Master, though? "I'm all yours," she swore.

He nipped her shoulder affectionately, feeling the initial flood of his orgasm finally taper off. He echoed her sentiment: "That's right, pet, all mine."