An Evertech Tale Chapter 15

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#15 of An Evertech Tale

I'm finding cute little slice of life style stories can be almost as fun as violent assault stuff. I'll do my best to mix them in equal parts in future chapters. Still not exactly the best at writing sex scenes tbh though.

Food was good, even if he had to eat it off the floor. It wasn't like he couldn't see half a dozen other pets doing the same thing. His mind wasn't quite on the food still, he was ruminating on Jack. He was hoping he got out clean but knowing this place, he wouldn't be surprised if the beagle was already snatched up, he didn't get to see their exit. Jack would e better than that, as much as it pissed Splicer off, the beagle was good at getting out of pinches.


"So, is this a room standard? oooooooooooor..." Splicer let his voice trail off.

They had finished the meals and left, making the brief trek through the lobby, steering wide of the fountain as the entered the elevator to their room for the night. Aside from the large open room and full bath, it was pretty standard. Two beds, pretty big tv, stocked minifridge, complimentary champagne. Splicer like to splurge on the job, so the sight of a lavish hotel room like this was nostalgic to the wolf, he was about to hop onto the bed and flick through the tv channels...

Then he saw it, between the two beds was an extra-large crate, basically the size of a walk-in closet. Splicer could hazard a guess where he was sleeping tonight.

"Well, I mean there are standard rooms, but also they have special rooms for those who need accommodations for their pets~" Laguna pet the wolf's ears, waiting for the reaction.

Splicer knew the badger was fishing, he stayed cool, he grabbed the champagne and took off the gold foil wrapping. He had an idea, Splicer blanked his mind lightly shaking the bottle, watching the cock slowly rising up the stem of the bottle...

Wait for it.

The cork was half way up the bottle, rising slowly...

Wait for it...

_ _ The cock was almost all the way out, now threatening to pop prematurely, that would be no good...


_ _ The wolf spun and kneed the bottom of the bottle, sending the cork rocketing directly on target towards the badger's face. It wouldn't do any damage of course, he just wanted to do it to piss the badger off. Laguna watched the whole process, a little curious by the quick actions of the wolf. As soon as he saw the wolf grab the champagne and turn around, he had an inkling what was on the wolf's mind. He watched the cork approach in that split second, he could humour the wolf's occasional outbursts after all, it was much better this way than when he was product.

Besides, it's no matter Laguna mused, watching as the cork was about to make contact.

"I'm glad your ready to get the party started, but let's watch where you pop the corks yeah?" A brown hand was holding the cork between two finger's, voice cool, but fur bristled. Aurich was holding the cork millimeters from the badger's nose. He tossed it back to the wolf who let it bounce harmless off his forehead with a huff.

"Whoops, didn't see you there~ Sorry!" Splicer said as he sucked the white flowing head that arose from the neck of the bottle. "Usually I saber these kinds of things..."

His shot whiffed, but the point hit. He wasn't going to lay down for the badger still, never thought of it for a second. Yet, without even thinking, he poured three golden glasses of liquid out. One for each of them. He shrugged it off as just being polite as he walked over to the cage to sit down in. Laguna watched the display with anticipation, he was ready to push the wolf into a different direction.

"You know, you could have the bed, if you wish~"

Splicer stopped in place, he looked at the badger suspiciously. He tried to understand what game the badger was playing.

"I mean, if you say it's alright..." Splicer didn't want to play the badger's game, but the prize seemed too good for what appeared to be zero risk. He jumped up on the bed with his cold glass, Aurich crawled into the cage with his, Laguna sat on the edge of the other bed with his.

"How about a movie or something? I heard the otter spy in the new Double Agent: Boiling Point is quite the looker~"

Not spy movies Splicer groaned.


He was barely paying attention to the spy movie; it was all so excessively over the top. Sure, things hit the fan every now and again, but it cut out the mind-numbing months-long recon you had to do, as well as trying to pin down your contacts. They were always where the spy needed them when he needed them. The wolf was jealous as he watched the otter spy breeze through multiple missions that would take him years over the course of two hours...

The wolf was projecting his annoyance onto the movie of course. What his full attention was on the whole time was Aurich, why was he so comfortable in that cage? How? The skunk was practically purring as he laid out flat on his stomach on the crate's cushion, letting his golden striped tail swing back and forth, kicking his paws against the cage bars gently. Splicer swallowed, why did the mattress under him feel so hard? HOW WAS THE SKUNK SO COMFORTABLE?

Why was the wolf, jealous?

He was standing in the bathroom now, sink water running as he tried to wash the thoughts from his head with the cold water. He swallowed hard trying to keep the thoughts rising in his head from resurfacing.

Why am I feeling this way? The wolf looked at his reflection in the mirror, tracing a finger down his collar tag. It's just, residuals of the other me, isn't it?

Water kept pouring from the tap, the wolf took his empty champagne glass and began drinking glass after glass of water. Images of Aurich in the cage flashed in his head, laying on his stomach, winking at the wolf, then on his hands and knees, luscious tail raised back, proudly presenting his own cage and hole to the wolf. The last though came to his mind, laying on his back, belt tight around his waist, with a large dildo covering his cage. The skunk smiled, curling a finger, beckoning the wolf to get closer, to join him in the cage.

_FUCK!_The wolf's fist slammed the counter as he turned the water off.

"I-I w-want the crate!" Splicer walked into the room and tried to say with as much confidence he could muster.

"Oh?~" Laguna's eyebrow was raised, his gambit paid dividends.

"A shame~" Aurich crawled out of the crate and took his place on the bed. Splicer got in the crate. The next Double Agent movie begun, it was a long running series of films. The otter was desperately swimming through the ocean naked as he dove under the water to avoid the bullets that whizzed past his body in the water from the jet ski riding bad guys.

"OH COME ON!" Splicer cried out in dismay. "Everyone knows bullets fired like that lose all velocity after a meter..."

He didn't even want to be in the crate, he just wanted the skunk out of it, hoping that would get the thoughts out of his head, that was is. Splicer was back grumbling about the movie when he heard a light moan, then a light slap. The movie was on a sex scene but that sounded like it was...

Another moan

"Please sir, use me!" Aurich moaned out.

Splicer tried to ignore it, he was so engrossed in looking at every mistake of the movie he didn't even notice the skunk moving from one bed to another, if he had, he brushed it from memory. But with the near constant moaning of the skunk the wolf found it nearly impossible to focus only on the movie and his eyes betrayed him for a curious peek.

The skunk's silhouette was highlighted by the warm glow of the tv, flashing different colours. Aurich was on his knees with a dick buried deep in his ass, the glowing outline of his ridged figure, back arched.

_No..._Splicer swallowed, he tried to look away. He couldn't look away.

Laguna knew he had caught the wolf's attention, he pulled hard on the leash he had attached to Aurich's collar. Splicer's mind was screaming no. Aurich's head looked up to the ceiling and a long yes escaped his lips, fading out into a lustful moan. Splicer was dripping pre onto the cushion below, his fingers clasped around the bars of the cage as he forgot there was ever a movie playing.

Please SIR! Let me cum!" Aurich howled out each word, pure desperation in each one as he pumped up and down, doing his job as a pet.

"Now." The badger pulled hard on the collar so the skunk's back bent hard, so the next part could be said right into their ear. "That wouldn't be very fair for our other pet here, would it~"

Aurich let out a lustful whine, Laguna was right. The skunk felt the badger's seed flooding inside of him, the best proof of a job well done. Laguna's paw tightened on the leash before he let his gripe relaxed, energy spent. He looked over at the wolf and licked his lips.

"Your turn..." He said with a sinister inflection.

"N-NO! I-I mean, I'm good, thanks for the offer..." Splicer stammered out, the bright red flush in his cheecks highlighted in a blue glow. "I-I wouldn't let you fuck me..."

Aurich was still desperately grinding and moaning, trying to get himself off, he knew it was impossible, but he had to try.

"Well, I suppose I'm pretty spent anyways, Aurich. Your job is done now."

His time was up, the leash was unclipped and Aurich hopped off the bed with a bow, cum dripping down his leg. There was only one who could truly sleep with his owner, and it wasn't himself, so he went to the other bed. Splicer went back to watching the movie in shock. The otter was naked again, lying on his back with his arms tied. A long high heel was stepping on his muscled abs as a female voice said "I think I'll keep you as a pet..." The otter scowled. Splicer squirmed, he put one finger in his mouth an idly chewed, the other paw was busy playing with his cage...

Laguna had pushed, it was Aurich's time to pull.

The skunk crawled over to the edge of the bed and slunk his arms over the cage. Looking down at the wolf playing with himself.

"That cage was designed to hold more than one you know~"

"Shit! I mean what?" Splicer looked up at the predatory skunk, paw darting from his cage.

"Want some company? I think Master wants to watch a few more~"

"Y-yeah sure... Wait NO!"

The words had left his mouth before he even processed them.

"Too late~"

The skunk was staring him, face to face, he sat against the back wall of the crate. He used a paw to pat the cushion next to him. Splicer crawled up next to him and watched the skunk as they brushed cum from the fur of their tail.

"Why do you let him use you like that?" Splicer asked, needing an answer to quell his unease as the rough use of the skunk.

"I mean, that's my job! You know..." Aurich returned the playful ear nibble from the car. "If you'd like, it could be your job to clean up the mess..."

"Ha, yeah, ha, funny..." Splicer felt like every electric blood cell in his body came to life, with crackling energy. Every strand of fur stood on end, he almost swore he was about to electrocute the skunk with his mix of arousal and embarrassment.

"Your loss"

Another movie began.


Splicer had momentarily left the cage to polish off the champagne. Returning to the cage with a bottle of wine. He sat back against the bars taking a drink from the bottle, passing it to the skunk. They passed it back and forth like that for a while, soon enough the wolf was staring back at the screen from the head he was resting on the skunk's tail. It was softer that the cushion, smelt better too. The otter was brandishing a knife, pointed down surrounded by viciously grinning dobermen, towering above him.

"Ya dun' hol'... a knife like tha... if ya wanna... win a fight." The wolf's speech slurred, he swung the empty bottle in the air, that was the third.

"Yeah, I know..." Aurich said, tracing a finger through the wolf's chest fluff.

The otter was doing everything he could to hold his own against the pack of dogs, swinging and snarling out witty insults, until a sucker punch from out of nowhere made the otter's head hit concrete. The screen faded to black from a blurry POV shot of rapidly approaching paws. Splicer's eyes closed.