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Davien whimpered softly, resisting the urge to shift his weight, keeping tall and still as he waited for the door to open. The large tray he was carrying didn't do much to help matters, covered in delicious snacks that sent wonderful tendrils of delection dancing around his nose. The chattering and shuffling of the furs around him tickled his ears, giving him an illustrious display of everything going on just a twist of the hips away. Finally he looked behind him, through the buzz of the club and the passing furs only to see the bartender staring at him, elbows on the counter and head in his paws just as he had been when Davien had received the tray. He hadn't even pressed the button yet.

Lowering his ears Davien turned back around, knowing full well Siaav (or Seeyav as he pronounces it) was enjoying the view, he had seen the peeking tail flicking behind the bar, and those sharp teeth gleaming at him, very sharp for a raccoon he thought. Although there was probably good reason to stare. Davien seemed to get that a lot at the club, maybe most furs weren't used to spotting a red panda with green socks and stripes that were so deep and opaque so as to be almost black. Of course they couldn't see very much of that due to what he was wearing, which probably drew a bit of attention too.

The dark green collar around his neck was rather tall for him, and buckled in the back very tightly, pushing his fur up in cute little tufts when he moved his head. His torso was covered in a short sleeved crop top, zipped and buckled in the back along with a tight corset, zipped and buckled in the front. It wasn't tight enough to start rearranging organs, but it did give him a nice inescapable suffocating squeeze he loved. Both of them had several D rings for all sorts of tying up fun, not that such things happened to Davien here, he pretty much just took care of snack delivery. The panda squirmed a bit, still waiting for the door to open, his rubbery skirt swaying with his movements. He glanced down at his arms, buckled tight in full length bondage stockings with built in mitts just like his legs. It all paired up very well with his crop top and the underpart of his skirt, so that none of him was left exposed besides his head and tail. Davien kept staring up at the door past the tight bondage muzzle keeping his mouth shut, patiently waiting, wrapped in his delicious, rubbery, tight, swirling black and dark green gear.

After what seemed like several more minutes Davien heard a click, and pushed against the door with his mitted footpaw. He walked in and turned to close it, spotting Siaav still staring at him, that smile seeming even sharper than usual. The metal door closed with a very loud clunk, reminding Davien of where he had just walked into, and making him feel even more helpless knowing the door was locked, with the button to open it behind the counter with Siaav, and only the doms using the private rooms received cards for it. Davien walked down the long hallways, mitts silently pressing against the floor, all along it a cacophony of swirling blues and blacks that laced and danced together, streaming up the walls and the ceiling like little flames yearning for a hidden sky. Door after door he passed, every now and then seeing an open one and glancing out of the corner of his eye to spy the wonderful things going on inside, like that tiger holding a hyena by the throat, who seemed to be struggling to breathe, or that squirrel cuffed to a table and covered in what looked like electro pads.

He sighed silently with his mouth muzzled tight, he wanted that so much, all of it, bleeding bites and getting zapped all over, squirming helplessly in big strong arms and begging for every breath. And the kisses. And the loving nibbles. He wanted it so very much, and he could have all sorts of fun there, with no shortage of furs that would tie him up and ravage him, watching him wiggle and beg as they played with him. But he wanted something else too, he wanted to be owned, to have his collar buckled and locked tight, to have a dom all of his own that would do wonderful things to him, and keep him, and love him.

Davien was thinking about those things when he got to the door, tall and black with blues zigzagging across it, giving it the appearance of some sort of shattered portal. He pressed the nearby button with his nose which was barely poking past his bondage muzzle, his arms were tired from carrying the tray to the very back of the halls, that and it was covered in food that he didn't want to spill. Whoever had ordered it was either starving or intended to be here for a while. Or there were a lot of furs in there. Davien's stomach grumbled, he hadn't felt like eating earlier and was quite hungry, but no amount of begging and whimpering was going to convince Siaav to take off his muzzle once it was on, that much Davien knew, so hungry it was for now. Suddenly Davien heard an outbreak of wolves howling somewhere, he couldn't tell which hall it came from, but he figured that room had suddenly gotten much more gooey, Davien thought about how they seemed to love to do everything as a pack.

Suddenly, the door opened, although it would've been hard to tell if it were seen after the event, considering how large the fur standing behind it was. Davien looked up, very far up, to the face of a very large wolf; pitch black and glaring down at him with a sharp smirk. Davien looked down at the tray and then back up, offering it on his mitted paws. The large wolf smiled wider and opened the door all the way, "I'm sure you know where it goes" he half laughed as he stepped aside to let the oh so much smaller fur enter.

Davien walked into the brightly lit room, this one with puffs of purple and blue and white all around that gave the appearance of a nebula, and placed the tray on the table before spinning on a single paw and looking up with a questioning gaze. The wolf spoke out in a playful voice, much lighter than his rippling chest muscles would suggest, as they danced under his sooty fur, "Well I suppose you're the one Siaav was talking about, seeing you now I can most certainly agree on several points." Davien flicked his tail and squirmed, managing a soft squeak past his muzzle and tight collar, the room smelled of musky, delicious wolf and he could see the *very* large balls and length of the dom that was standing between him and the doorway. The panda squirmed, thinking that at any moment he could be swept up in those large arms and gently shredded by such big teeth.

The wolf grinned, a forest of white daggers peeking from behind curtains of leering black, "I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I call a few more playmates over would you?" Davien whimpered a little, barely a muffled little squeak once it made it out his mouth, and lowered his ears as he looked up and started edging towards the door. The wolf's sharp grin turned a little less cheery "Hmmm not in the mood for groups huh?" The little panda looked up with his paws crossed in front of his skirt and shook his head slowly, not making eye contact and trying his best to look at the floor at the same time. "Suit yourself" was the reply, still playful and warm but decidedly dismissive, followed by "shut the door when you leave", as the wolf walked over and started interesting himself in the various items on the tray. Davien did so, with a bit of angled tugging thanks to his tight mitts and the handle not getting along, he then turned and started walking back towards the exit of the halls.

It was probably Siaav trying to set him up again, that was Davien's main thought as he walked, the raccoon was very playful and nice and seemed determined to see Davien get wrapped up and played with. The little panda thought of that wolf with the strong arms and the bulging hot knot, and how wonderful it would feel to squirm and squeeze on it, tied up and muzzled, helpless with no escape, with sharp teeth at his throat ready to answer any begging whimpers. But that was how it usually went with those kinds of set ups, a big delicious dom looking for toys, and Davien wasn't very interested in being a pet, just to be stuffed and tossed to the side when someone was done with him. He craved to look up and see big loving eyes glaring down at him, tight squeezes and sharp bites, to tug at tight restraints in constricting arms, barely able to squirm and begging for every breath.

Davien was almost back to the more open part of the club when he passed a branch in the hallway, spotting an odd shadow spilling out of a door. It was swaying and swelling, almost like a curtain blown by the wind, all surrounded by a faint glow from the room's lights. He paused for a minute, trying to figure out what could be making those movements, certainly not a blanket or curtain, and he didn't hear any fans blowing. After a bit more thinking he started slowly padding towards the door, not wanting to disturb anyone inside, and as he neared it he heard a light sigh. For a moment Davien thought he had been noticed, but he figured that wasn't the case considering how soft the mitts covering his footpaws were. The slinking panda was standing right by the door, watching the shadow across from him, which was now still, curves and warps blurring together as he pondered what could be in there.

As he peeked in, Davien felt his small cage suddenly squeeze much tighter around his meat and balls, and he stared at the thing in the room. A large dragon, not as large as the wolf, but still much larger than Davien, was sitting and staring at his throbbing length with a bit of boredom on his face, along with no little amount of disappointment. His scales were a deep purple, like midnight lavender, fitting together in diamond patterns that turned to a near black along the outlines of each of them. All along his neck and chest, down his stomach and to the underside of his flicking tail were larger plates, an orange so deep it seemed to glow. Davien noticed the same color on his wings, which were spread wide, swirls of deep orange on a dark purple membrane, with little specks here and there, giving the image of embers drifting around a twisting flame. It wasn't for quite a few moments that Davien realized he was being stared at. Not near, not "Hey you", the dragon was staring directly at him. His irises some kind of light purple that didn't quite make sense. They were soft like clouds in another world, like you could fall forever and never land, and yet instilled with a crystalline sharpness that cut away every obstruction to their search.

The panda wasn't sure how long he stood there, looking between those eyes, never making direct contact, and he would have probably stayed there much longer if the dragon hadn't moved. All he did was fold his wings, curl his tail, and slide over on the couch that was sitting in the middle of the room, leaving an exposed white pillow. Davien considered a moment, still looking neither directly at nor away from the blazing eyes of the thing glaring staring back at him, he used that word "thing" because he knew it looked like a dragon, but there was no way it could be, not entirely at least, he had met many dragons, especially in the club and he had never felt this when looking at one.

Every single part of him burned, not in pain, nor fear, but with a silent creeping warmth that found every single nook and cranny, every single spot inside him and laid it bare. Davien hesitated a few more moments and then revealed the rest of himself from around the doorway. The dragon didn't move, or speak, or even seem to breathe; no smirk, no grin, no flicking tail or beating wings, just utterly still, save for him slightly turning his head to keep track of Davien. The panda walked slowly, very slowly, barely a shuffle with his mitted footpaws as he pushed through the silent storm, step by step closer to that thing in the room. He finally reached the couch, still looking between those seas of broken glass and sunset sky, and after a moment of nothing, he whimpered and sat down.

The dragon just stared at him a moment, seeming to search for something until Davien finally looked down. A moment later he felt a gentle touch through his muzzle, like the most tender of pleas, with razor sharp claws tickling the fur of his throat which fluffed out from the edge of his collar. He let his head be lifted up, whimpering silently at what he knew was coming, but no part of him wanted to run anymore, so he looked up and up, past the rippling muscles and delicious scales, past the pitch purple dragon length throbbing openly, past the chest that wasn't even moving, past the mouth that he knew hid razor sharp teeth and a ravaging tongue. Up to see those eyes.

Davien felt like he was standing on some distant moon watching a whole galaxy come over the horizon, swirls of dancing hues and lacerating shards filled his vision as he came face to face with that thing, and he sat there and looked. There deep inside was a question, like a storm he had never seen before, swirling clouds and rain and winds blending and burning with scintillating crystal lances of some deep hopeful light. Davien knew the words that were coming, but he wasn't prepared for the voice. Not a harsh command, but a light frolicking whisper presented on a falling feather, yet deep and rumbling like a field of lilac dancing in a sea of violet flames. "Would you like to play?"

The panda whimpered loudly into his muzzle and swallowed hard, but he had already nodded, several times in fact, staring into those nebulas. The dragon smiled then, his sharp teeth barely hiding behind his lips, and he gently squeezed Davien by the throat, a caressing constriction, giving him time to pull away if he wanted, but he didn't. Instead he pushed into it and leaned his head, letting himself be completely lifted up and supported by a single arm. The little panda's collar covered most of his neck but the dragon dug his fingers and claws in deep at the top, and Davien whimpered even louder than before, trying to beg past his muzzle but all that came out were helpless squeaks and whines.

It only took a few steps for the dragon to reach the door with Davien still off of the ground, the little panda started to whimper more loudly as he struggled to stay conscious from the lack of breath and those sharp claws pressing the sides of his neck. But the dragon didn't squeeze or loosen his grip, he just quietly closed the door and pulled the helpless sub closer as he glared down playfully. Davien wiggled as much as he could and tried to scratch at the scaled arm through his mitts, not doing very much other than amusing the dragon. The purple thing made sure to keep him awake and breathing, but only just, and Davien hung there, curled up into a tight little ball, trying to gasp for air through his muzzle, throbbing under his skirt in his deliciously squeezing cage.

Davien started to paw at the dragon's chest, whimpering as loudly as he could manage. A moment later he felt a large strong arm wrap around his corseted waist and hold him very firmly in place as he was pulled close. The squeezing didn't let up though, and the helpless little panda was trying hard to squirm, to not very much effect other than getting the dragon to hold him closer. Then the tall dom smiled down at him and gently released his grip from Davien's throat, and the sub looked up with pleading eyes and shuddered and stretched out, breathing heavily and straining as hard as he could closer to that smile. The little panda loved it.

"Well you seem like you can handle fun stuff, can't you?", the dragon asked, his voice echoing gently through his chest and rippling its way deep into Davien, like he was standing just out of range of some consuming explosion, any closer and he might be blown to pieces, and he couldn't help but throb even harder under his skirt. Davien hung there, paws against those broad orange chest plates, oh so very helpless, and nodded as he let out a faint whimper, a submissive begging plea for more. The dragon smiled very wide then, and Davien saw those teeth, he knew what they could do to him and tried curling back up into a tight little ball at the thought of it. The dom noticed, and kept staring down lovingly, his eyes digging into the small panda as he kept him pinned against his plates.

The purple dragon leaned in after a while and gently caressed Davien's neck with his muzzle, and the helpless sub squirmed more as he leaned his head to the side and pawed at that rumbling chest. All of a sudden his stomach growled loudly, attracting the dragon's attention. "Hungry?", he asked with a playful look, which Davien answered with lowered eyes and a curled tail. He was actually, but he would much rather keep playing with such a big beefy dragon, especially one so nice.

"How about getting snacks then, I assume that's what you do here anyways so you shouldn't get lost hm?", with that the dragon walked over to the couch and gently set Davien down, who reluctantly pulled his mitted paws away from the sweeping muscles, he then walked over to his bag in the corner. Davien sat for a moment looking around the room, he hadn't really taken the time to do so earlier, now seeing it was a faint steely grey, and the lights a fluffy pale magenta, giving everything a very flowery look. He looked over his shoulder and saw how the light just ended when it met the dragon, like he was some impenetrable shadow, his scales and great wings unconcerned with whatever hues happened to be flying around the room, deep and purple, his large muscles not bulging but rather rippling with every single movement like a snake under a blanket.

After a few moments of scribbling the dragon walked over to the little panda and looked down at him, "Anything you'd like?" Davien was slightly distracted by the massive length in front of his nose, deep and dark with angled ridges running along the underside, and he looked up hesitantly and shook his head, even though he knew his rumbling stomach had started it in the first place. Besides he didn't feel like miming out particular foods with his muzzle on. "Well then, take this and remember, no peeking" the dragon smiled down and folded a note several times then held it out to Davien, who pinched it between his mitts as he wondered about the secrecy over food.

Davien stood up and walked to the door, opened it, and as he turned to close it he stopped to look again at those huge wings and orange swirls. The dragon noticed and answered his unspoken question, "Don't worry, I'll still be here when you get back." With that the subby panda slowly shut the door and padded off to exit the halls. He hoped the dragon wasn't lying, and as he walked he thought about those eyes and the rumbling chest. Davien hoped he really would be and for a moment he doubted it, but something about that look told him there wasn't anything to worry about, it wasn't savage or rude or commanding, it was like a soft gentle request, with a hope for an answer.

As he got to the door Davien poked the nearby button on a pad with his mitt, a few moments later Siaav's voice came in over the speaker, asking who it was, followed by a quick little "mmpphhh" from Davien, then a chuckle from the raccoon and the door making a loud click. Davien pushed open the heavy door with his arms, still holding the folded little note between his restrained paws and padded over to the counter, where Siaav stood with his arms behind his back gleaming at him.

"That last one took a little while huh", came the smooth voice followed by a little snicker from the tall dom, "manage to get a knot this time?" Davien shook his head playfully, and held up the little note between his mitts, which Siaav took with a bit of quizzity, before unfolding it and quickly reading it. When he looked back up he had a very sharp smile on his face, one the panda had never seen before, at least not personally directed at him. "Making friends are you?" the raccoon asked, knowing full well there wasn't going to be much in the way of an answer from the muzzled sub, and disappeared into the rooms behind the bar saying "Well I'll be sure to make it extra nice for ya little flufftail."

Davien stood there, looking around at the club, all the fun being had, the subs bouncing around big doms, and the occasional *Brrrrrraaaapppp* of a stun gun told him that some masochistic little fur was enjoying himself, most likely whimpering into a muzzle or a gag, and probably attracting a lot of spectators. He looked down and made sure his corset was nicely arranged, lined up with his crop top and skirt, and buckled so sweetly tight. When he looked up he caught a glimpse of pink and black, near a large bondage table against a distant wall. It was most likely a certain punky hyena that had quite an interest in milking doms, and he figured what was about to happen.

There was gust of wind as the nearby door swung open and Siaav came out holding a dark purple tray, which made Davien wonder for a second, although to be fair there were quite a few purple trays. The little sub held up his paws for the platter, but Siaav just placed it down on the counter and walked around to him, and as he stepped into full view Davien saw he was carrying a bag, his bag to be precise. Davien knew what that meant without the need for words, and he pawed excitedly in place as Siaav reached around and buckled it, almost like a parachute harness. "Seems like whoever you picked up is rather interested huh?", the large raccoon chuckled as he said it and gently tapped Davien's nose poking past his muzzle. The panda flicked his tail playfully, and shuffled around to adjust his pack harness, not that it moved much considering how tight it was. "Probably shouldn't keep him waiting any longer." smirked Siaav as he leaned on the counter and looked down at the squirming panda.

Picking up the tray, Davien hurried over to the door he had gone through a few minutes ago, without the long pause like before and pushed it open with his mitted paw, then walked inside. As he went, he felt the things in his bag shuffle, and Davien thought of all that must be in there for it to be so heavy. The club was Siaav's, and he was very generous to any subs that decided to hang around and help out. Not in terms of money but rather gear and toys, almost all of which was custom made, and Davien had been hanging around for quite a while so he had received a rather large collection. The big raccoon was also very playful, not that Davien went for him, but he most certainly enjoyed the cuddles from the affectionate fur, and he was wonderful at cooking.

As Davien went along, he sped up to a happy little skip, his skirt flopping against his stockings, his pack too tight to even move, and his tiny cage making his small length feel so very tightly squeezed. Moving faster and bouncing made the scents from the tray waft up to the sub's nose, and he looked down to see what was so tantalizing. The tray was covered in all sorts of cheeses, and freshly baked fluffy bread still pouring steam, and fruits and tofu, all arranged about a large covered bowl, the unknowing of the contents of which Davien found quite vexing.

Davien arrived at the room, the room with that sweetly deep dragon, and he was about to knock when the door swung open to reveal a vast ocean of orange and purple. The little panda looked up from the twisting chest muscles and to the smiling face as he held up his platter, and was mildly surprised when the dragon actually took it and beckoned him inside with a long sweep of his arm and wing, his tail flicking to the white cushions. The eager sub didn't hesitate, and bounced in on his rubbery mitts and spun near the couch, and watched as the big dragon stepped up and set the food down on a nearby table.

After a few moments of delicious staring from both of them, the dragon flexed his rippling wings and asked "Get everything I asked for?" Davien nodded, bringing his mitts up to try and unbuckle his harness, which of course didn't work very well. After a few moments of pawing at them he saw the dragon reach down and open them, and Davien lifted his arms up as his pack was taken off. "Ya know it wouldn't be a bad idea to let you keep this on, could be useful to have a little walking backpack around", the dragon smirked. Davien throbbed at the thought and curling his tail, which got quite a show of teeth when the dragon saw he really liked the idea. "Might have to give that a go then hmm?" the dragon rumbled, hearing a very cheerful little whimper afterwards.

The dragon looked around in the pack, searching for something particular and smiling the whole time seeing all the fun toys, and he finally pulled out a small green box, which he opened to reveal a key. He held it up to Davien saying "This might make it a bit easier to do the whole eating thing, what do you think?" Davien nodded and shifted between his footpaws as he tugged at his muzzle and whimpered, the whole time the dragon stared lovingly, enjoying the helpless little sub's squirms. After a few moments of begging the dragon smirked and reached over to Davien, gently grabbing him by the throat and getting nose to nose with him. "No speaking without permission when I take this off, okay?" Davien nodded as much as he could with those strong claws pressing against him. He heard the muzzle unlock and felt the dragon tug at the buckle, and then gently unstrap it and pull it off of him, then set it with the rest of his toys.

The squirmy rubbered up sub sat and stretched out on a cushion, looking up as the dragon reached over and picked up a large slab of tofu, drenched with all sorts of baked on sauces, and started to nibble at it, all the while watching the panda out the corner of his eye. Davien tried to hold back a whimper, but the smell of the delicious food was so very close, and he reached over the orange and purple scales to get at it. Very quickly, strong fingers and sharp claws were back around his throat, pinning him with his back against the dragon's side. Davien looked up and back in a begging way, his tail curled up close to him and he saw a sharp smirk "What would the little panda like?" the dragon asked as he set down his tofu and twisted to the side, pinning the shuffling legs under his own and setting the sub on top of his lap.

Davien could feel the intense heat of the length between his legs, pressing against the underpart of his skirt and propping up the front of it, and he remembered not to talk, however much he wanted to right then. A large toothpick was held in front of his nose, covered in pineapple and grapes and plum, and the dragon gently nuzzled his ear "This?" Davien gently pulled the juicy fruits off of the wooden spike, and quickly ate them, looking up at the purple skies beaming down at him. "Hmmmm I think I know what you really want" came a low rumble, followed by the sound of the bowl opening on the tray. Instantly Davien knew what it was from the smell and flicked his tail excitedly.

A few moments later Davien was presented with fluffy clouds of wheat and forests of delicious hummus, sour and sweet and spicy, his favorite food. He reached up and gently started nibbling, and after a few moments he saw the great swirling wings closing in around him, felt the grip around his throat getting tighter, and a slow and steady rumble coming from under him. The next thing he knew he was getting many many inches of moist dragon tongue all through his fur and across his ears. The dragon must've requested his favorite food and of course Siaav knew what that was. He lay there wrapped in vast wings which seemed to be warming every part of him, and was squeezed tight by his throat, legs pinned and getting the best tongue bath he had ever had.

Davien ate and ate until almost half of the hummus was gone, then yawned and stretched as much as he could, even the wings which had him trapped were strong and muscular, and he gently scratched at them with his mitted footpaws. A low rumble, like a volcano trying to laugh, echoed through him as the dragon shifted slightly and pinned Davien against the back cushions of the couch . "Such a wonderful little panda", those words ripped through Davien and shook his whole body as the dragon reached around under his wings and pinned the sub's arms close to his chest before wrapping him even tighter. The licking didn't stop either, and Davien didn't know how long he lay there, drifting between the warmth of those scales of velvet stone, and bouncing on the rumbling that filled every part of him, and the sweet sweet licks.

Davien could have sworn he hadn't closed his eyes, but yet he found himself opening them, and he rolled over on the couch. Alone. It took him a minute to think of what wasn't right, then it hit him all at once. He had left, there wasn't any more sweet rumbling or tight constriction, and no more writhing licks. Just Davien and an empty room, dark and grey, like a sooty window. He tried to get up, which took some effort. He felt heavy, and sick. Davien looked around; no bags, no food, just a couch in the middle of the room.

As he walked towards the door, he thought he heard voices, like the door should lead directly back to the other part of the club, where Siaav was. The little panda rushed to it and pulled it open quickly, somehow much too quickly, although he didn't give it much thought. There was no one, and no sounds now either. Davien peeked out into the halls, left and right, just more doors, but everything here too wasn't quite right. The vibrant and deep blues were all washed away, and the black seemed off somehow, like it wasn't supposed to be there, he checked behind him to see if the same thing had happened anywhere in his room but there wasn't anything there anymore, not even the couch. Grey walls and soot were all he could see, so he stepped out backwards, not quite trusting to look away from it all, and closed the door.

He stood looking at the lackluster halls and thought of where to go. What to do. After a bit he decided to head out and see if there were anyone else at all here, hopefully Siaav at least. Davien walked for a while, far longer than he should have needed to, some of the doors were open like usual, but it was just the same sooty ash inside, and no matter how hard he pushed or pulled, the doors just wouldn't move. After a bit he had a thought that maybe he was just going in circles, but a moment later he realized how crazy it would be for him to actually be lost in here, he had been through all of these halls many many times before. Then the little panda heard a tap, or felt it, or both maybe, right behind him. As he turned he saw something familiar, the large black wolf from earlier that day. Or week. Or month. Whatever it was.

He stared at him, very hard actually, but none of the features seemed to make sense, if he focused on one everything else would melt away, blurring together in a tangled mass of writhing dark. The face collapsing in on itself in a shuddering sea. Suddenly the form started moving, right past Davien, maybe even right through him. As the panda turned he saw what he was so interested in; a large group of subs frolicking and bouncing around a ways down the hallway, and as he approached they all turned to him, eyes bright and ready to play, that part of it was very clear. Then without a word he simply swept them all up, every single one, nudged open the nearest door with his leg and stepped inside, with a loud bang a moment later as the door closed. Davien sat for a minute, something about that didn't make sense, but he wasn't sure what. What did make sense was that he had been walked clean through, and he was still standing there, all alone in that grey hall.

Davien stopped trying to keep track of how long he walked, he wasn't hungry or thirsty in any case, not scared either. But he was starting to feel sad. Every now and then he would come across a face he knew in the club, almost always more than one, and over and over they would all bunch up and disappear into one of those grey rooms. Every now and then he'd even catch a glimpse of where Siaav was, or where he should've been. Might've been. It was always through some weird wall, like a window that shouldn't have been there anyway, the panda wasn't sure it even was, and it was always very blurry in any event.

After more and more walking Davien turned around. He regretted that. Not because of what he saw, but rather what wasn't there, quite simply there wasn't much at all, startled he turned back around. There wasn't very much over there now either, not much save for the little patch of grey where he stood. He figured that at this point sitting was as good as walking, so he sat, huddled in a tiny ball. Then the thought came to him. What now?

That frigid raking tendril blared and screamed around every single spot he couldn't see, and there were an awful lot of those. Over and over and over, hitting the same place somewhere deep inside him. Ripping. Tearing. Thrashing about at whatever it could reach. Davien was sure he should've been bleeding for some reason, but no, just sat there in a silently screaming whirlwind of why. And why not. And me too. And no. And never.

That word hit very hard. Somewhere it shouldn't have been able to reach, and Davien started crying then, or something like it. It was more like something leaking out, as he sat there in that invisible storm thinking of all those faces he had passed in the peeling, blanched halls. There was one missing though. A very important one he knew, but he didn't remember why. He sat and tried as best he could to focus, to try and put all the pieces together, he lost track of how long he loomed there staring off. As he waited he started to panic more and more, not out loud but rather with a deep seething burn that refused to be soothed, that twisted and coiled around every spot inside him. The most profound thought was that there was no escape from wherever this place was, and that maybe here was all there was going to be now.

He was so inured with his thoughts that he didn't notice the faint glow rising from every direction, and was so startled when he finally spied it he nearly toppled off the edge into the black below. It welled up in a silent and gentle curtain all about and as far as he could see, seeming to ripple without moving as it shimmered throughout. Without warning it all started blasting and twisting together in a display grander than anything Davien had ever seen, it swirled and formed in on itself in ways he never expected, every time a new one as it contorted and drove all his troubles from him.

Then he saw those sweet purple clouds, razor sharp storms that swirled and spun and danced like claws of burning ice, shredding all the blackness away. He looked up and saw it just like he remembered, a whole galaxy rising up to greet him, sweeping lavender light wrapping around him, and he heard the rumbling fire as it rose up as far as he could see. A wonderful bright playground of tenderly swirling flames, all dancing and rumbling such a deep sweet sound. Then Davien remembered where he was before all this, where he had been just moments ago. He woke up.

Granted it was with quite a hard impact, like he just tried to impersonate a cat with only one leg jumping out of a skyscraper. When Davien opened his eyes the first thing he saw were those fields of flaming cotton looking down at him, along with a mildly concerned dragon. The deep, echoing reply was immediate "Maybe I should squeeze you tighter next time, can't have you getting nightmares" the dragon rumbled "I take bad dreams personally." Davien felt like laughing, but something about that didn't feel like a joke. He panted a bit through his nose, looking about just to make sure of where he was, that he really wasn't in such a horrible place. Then the little panda stretched as much as he could and yawned, still wrapped in a warm sweet embrace, and not in any mood to escape.

The dragon cleaned up Davien with another tongue bath, much enjoyed by the sub, although he was still very careful not to speak. Davien squirmed the whole time, tugging at those arms and legs and wings, loving being trapped by such a big, playful, and loving dom. When the dragon finished with the licks he looked down at Davien, it was quite a long stare, savoring the helpless pawing at his wings. Then he rumbled, "You know, we still haven't done very much playing" followed by a very tight squeeze around every part of the rubber coated panda, which got a loud whimper. "But first I have a very important question" the dragon spoke, looking right at the helpless sub squirming in his grip and asked "would you like to be mine?"

Davien nearly screamed with excitement, and squirmed hard in those big wings and arms and legs keeping him trapped, and he nodded many times, but the dragon didn't seem satisfied with that. After a bit of staring at one another the little panda got the idea that the delicious, big, strong dom wanted a spoken answer. It wasn't a very loud one, even by his standards, especially with his collar so tight and sharp claws digging in all around his throat, but it was an answer. Soft and begging wouldn't do it justice, it was a little plea for love and care, to be wanted, to be owned, and played with, to be ripped apart in all sorts of delicious ways, while safe in an impenetrable, burning embrace. A little squeak is all that came out, sneaking past the sharp claws, and going right up to that wonderful smiling face "Yes sir."

With that the dragon echoed louder than Davien had heard, a deep roaring rumble that shook the little panda all the way through, and warmed him in a very deep way. "Well then it might help to know each other's names, mine is Lyrrin." There was no question, just patient waiting, until Davien answered "Davien." It was another submissive little squeak, which was pretty good considering he could barely even breathe from the constricting claws keeping him just so teasingly conscious. Lyrrin gave Davien more licks, with his oh so very long tongue lapping at the backs of the little panda's ears and all over his cheeks. Then the dragon slowly unwrapped his wings and arms and legs and released Davien's throat, all of which got a very loud whimper from the fur.

Davien stretched widely this time, uncurling his tail and tugging playfully at his collar with his mitted paws as he looked up at that dragon. His dragon now. He also noticed the throbbing bit purple of meat between his legs hadn't gone down at all, indeed it just felt warmer than before. The dragon picked his panda up from his comfy spot by the collar, swung around and gently placed him back on the cushion beside him. "So" Lyrrin growled "what does my little sub want?"

The squirmy ball of fur hopped up as he put his helpless mitted little paws together, and bounced over to his bag, where he knelt down and started rummaging through it. He quickly found what he was looking for, and he pulled out four very fun items pinched between his mitts, leg and arm binders, and by the look on the purple face Lyrrin knew exactly what they were. "Of course you would have those in there" he said while grinning and watching Davien flop onto his back with his knees and elbows bent and easy to reach for the dragon looming over him. Lyrrin quickly strapped and buckled the restraints, tight enough to receive a quick playful whimper from his panda, and then a bit tighter. Davien stretched out and flopped over onto his now padded elbows and knees, trying to look up at his big strong towering dragon, his collar digging into his neck.

"Well give it a test then" Lyrrin said playfully, and Davien waddled about on all fours, happily squirming and tugging hard against his restraints. He pretty much already had the hang of it as he had been tied up in them before by Siaav, wanting to try out his new toys. Davien very much wanted to do something else though and shuffled over to the door then turned to look at his dragon with a very submissive squirm. "Ohhh" Lyrrin said with a toothy smile "little panda wants to go to the floor huh?" Davien nodded and flicked his tail in excitement as the purple wings spread and Lyrrin stood, grabbing his bondage muzzle before clearing what had taken the panda many steps in barely any at all. It made him feel even smaller and more helpless, and he whimpered happily at that.

Lyrrin leaned down, holding up the muzzle in front of his sub, who didn't hesitate in nuzzling deep into it and looking up as it was strapped and locked tightly. Whimpering happily and throbbing, he turned towards the door before being stopped by a gentle tug on his collar. "Not quite yet" came the deep echo "I need to get my stuff on too you know, and no peaking." Davien faced the door with a whimper, resisting the very strong urge to turn and look at what was going on behind him, but he knew those eyes wouldn't miss anything. So he sat there, listening to the dragon ruffle in his bag and the clinking of heavy buckles, and he imagined the rolling muscles and sinewy tendons rippling under thick gear.

After a few minutes Davien heard a low, deliberate rumble which he took as the sign to espy, at least he hoped it was. If it wasn't for his muzzle, the little panda would have probably sat there and drooled all over the floor, as it was he just kind of lost his grip and slipped a bit, splaying his legs and arms out. That got a laugh from the dragon who replied with "I'll take that as a yes." As Lyrrin walked towards him the helpless sub stared at his new dom, those same scales were still there, but covered in a contrasting layer of gear, purple over orange plates, and orange over purple scales. His harness stretched from over his shoulders down to a central part, splitting off to the sides at his chest and waist. There were straps in the space between each thigh, and it was very wide towards the center, almost covering all of the orange of his torso, so that it created a nice burning outline about the purple parts of the harness. He had cuffs too, for his wrists, thighs, ankles, and upper arms, all deep orange and melting in with his colors. His wings were spread wide, webbing tightly covering each membrane slaked bone , and mimicking his purple and orange swirls. The warm throbbing length was still fully visible and bouncing with every step, and Davien could see just how large those ridges on the underside were from this angle, squeezing tight with his hole as he thought of that deep inside him, wrapped in those velvet blankets and seething arms, tied up, muzzled, and with no escape.

Lyrrin smiled down at the little sub and reached down with a leash, which he connected to Davien's collar. Immediately the panda tugged at it and whimpered a bit, he loved collars but he wasn't very fond of leashes, preferring to do his own stepping. Lyrrin leaned down and tugged the leash hard on seeing the dismay, pulling him right up to his face, the teetering panda barely propped up on his knees, and squirming to keep his balance. With a gentle nuzzle Lyrrin smirked and spoke "Well I'm not taking it off my squirmy sub, no matter how much you whimper, and it doesn't look to me like you're going to be removing it yourself." It wasn't said in a rude way, but a playful and owning one and admittedly Davien did like the slow hard tug Lyrrin gave the leash as he stood up, as well as not being able to get it off himself. Balancing on his back legs for breath while looking up at those big purple eyes and puffing out little jets of air through his nose past his muzzle, Davien nodded, which made his collar clink against the leash and hearing it made his cage feel much tighter.

"Oh one more thing" Lyrrin said as he dropped the leash and quickly grabbed the panda's bag and emptied the contents onto the couch. He then grabbed several bottles of water and sacks from his bag and put them inside, before striding smoothly back over and holding it out in front of his sub. "Would you do me the honor of being my personal little snack carrier?" is the response Davien got to his look and whimper, which he answered with very enthusiastic squirming and muffled squeaks. The purple dragon smiled wide with those white razors showing, leaning down and buckling the pack tightly to his helpless panda.

Lyrrin opened the door and led his little sub out, giving him just enough room to where he could be a step behind him without being tipped over or dragged. As Davien stepped out, he looked around, then up at his wonderful dom, who started off down the hallway at a slow gait. As they went, Davien noticed the leash getting shorter and the steps faster, so that he had to be very precise with his own to avoid being choked, and he heard rumbling chuckles from above when that happened. Davien was about to take the next corner, when he felt a sharp tug going the other way followed by a playful rumble "We'll be taking the long way around, Davien." Davien knew that could mean long or very long depending on which turns he took, and he whimpered, looking up at the purple dragon and seeing sharp teeth poking out from behind a playful smile. He whimpered a bit more and turned to go down the other hallway, his tail flicking as he tried to keep up with the reaching sweeps of the muscular legs.

So far there had been no one else in the halls, but Davien knew they were headed towards a much more frequently used part now, and he squirmed in anticipation of being seen. As they rounded another corner, a pair of bunnies, which seemed to be subs by the looks of their gear, were waiting outside a door with their paws behind their backs. Upon noticing the smirking dragon, they both turned and laid back their ears, looking down at the tightly bound fur nearly being dragged along, and Davien could see the sudden bounces even through their chastity cages. The panda flicked his tail and let out a playful squeak as he passed them, giggling as he went. He was pretty sure they stared the whole way down the hall, at least they still were when he rounded the next corner and looked back at them.

Funnily enough they didn't come across anyone else on the way, not even in these passages, which probably meant there was something very fun going on exactly where they were headed. A few turns later Davien whimpered as he started to slip more and more, trying to keep up with his dom, who quickly noticed and stopped to crouch down to him. "Think you can make it the rest of the way little one?" the dragon rumbled, gently lifting the muzzled mouth with a single claw. Davien nodded, he knew he could but he was panting too much to answer with very much sound behind his muzzle. Lyrrin smirked "Well I know something that will certainly get you there" he said as he picked Davien up by his throat, gently supporting him with an arm and claws around his tightly corseted waist, and carrying his squirmy package the rest of the way.

When they got to the door, Lyrrin stopped, and Davien swished his tail across the speaker. The dragon got the idea and pressed the button, holding his sub up to it. A few moments later Siaav's lilting and playful voice popped up, with quite a bit of noise in the background "Mhhhhmm?" Davien replied with a quick little whimper, then heard a chuckle as the door unlocked. He was pretty sure the raccoon had memorized nearly all the subs that helped out by the sound they made when muzzled. Lyrrin smiled widely and rumbled "That's useful. Those cute sounds work on every door?" which got him a playful glare from Davien. Lyrrin set his package down, and wrapped the leash tightly, tugging at his sub's collar, who was currently squirming and flicking his tail impatiently. They both looked at each other, Lyrrin at his panda, and Davien at his big rumbling dragon. They could have stood there for as long as they liked, in those sweet violet flames, and they both did for quite a while, staring and drinking each other in.

"Come on" Lyrrin said as he pushed open the door with one swift movement of his long arm, his rippling muscles twisting, causing Davien to shudder as he saw them out of the corner of his eye. Several heads turned towards them, subs and doms both, and Davien was sure there were quite a few twitches going on as well. He suddenly felt Lyrrin start walking forward, the leash tugging at him, and he quickly stepped with his bound arms and legs, the dragon making sure his panda's tail was clear of the door before he let it go. They still held the gaze of many furs, including Siaav who Davien noticed was grinning extremely widely as he leaned on the counter with his head in his paws. Even though he couldn't see past the first couple groups and tables due to being barely off the ground, he knew from the legs and the sound that it was much more full than a while ago, which most likely meant the show was still going.

Davien and Lyrrin wound their way past several pods of furs as they crossed the large room, Davien keeping very close to his dom, not that he had much choice he thought as he tugged playfully against the leash. Lyrrin tugged back harder, looking down at him with a sharp toothed smile as he found an empty seat along the wall with a good view of what was going on. Then Davien felt a more steady pull as he was tugged close to the long legs and lifted up onto the smooth lap, with Lyrrin supporting him by his constricted torso and throat, holding the panda up and against him so he was quite a bit higher, though still deliciously under the toothy maw that loomed above. Davien saw now what all the fuss was about, the pink hyena was still going at it, and he didn't seem like he planned on slowing down.

Davien knew him, Fratz was quite popular at the club, putting on a show almost every night in some form or another, although how long it lasted usually depended on how many doms were brave enough to step up. He liked milking. A lot. The hyena really took off after that time he took all the bouncers, over and over until every single one tapped out, almost all of them direwolves and sabertooths. The pink fur was currently halfway down a very large crocodile, apparently being very deliberate with just how far he went, enjoying the growling, and the sharp tugs he got when he replied with a quick squeeze. His fur was a mottled pink and black and white, he almost looked like a painted dog made of ice cream with the pattern, but there was no mistaking him for anything other than a hyena.

He wasn't chunky, but rather short and stocky, like someone who used to play football then stopped all of a sudden, although Davien wasn't sure if he ever had. The little panda spotted spikes flashing on the thick pink and black hashed collar around his neck, with cuffs on his wrists, ankles, thighs, and arms to match. Davien saw his large round cheeks slam down hard all of a sudden, to a very loud, begging growl from the muzzled crocodile followed by a series of hard thrusts and lots of loud cheering. Davien thought of how his buns looked like balls of bubble gum bouncing around and giggled in his muzzle.

The squirming and whimpering crocodile was trying to escape much more eagerly now, Fratz wasn't slowing down though, quite the opposite, he was hammering down in short quick thrusts and squeezing very tight. The crocodile was now trying to squirm back rather than forward, and side to side and any way he could to escape. Of course he wasn't going anywhere, Fratz always made sure of that, and this time was no exception. The table had all sorts of attachment points, and the croc had his legs and arms in stiff binders that strapped and locked above the knees and elbows, and were connected down tightly to the table. His torso was also tied down, strapped in a thick wide harness that made a series of large X's over the dusky green chest and stomach. A large muzzle stretched over most of the croc's mouth, leaving the very end exposed along with the puffing nostrils.

The hyena didn't let up, over and over and over he slammed down, streams of gooey cum starting to slide out of his hole as he scratched down the croc's chest, who looked up and seemed about to cry from the sheer amount of grinding and squeezing. Then he did, just a little, accompanied by a deep reptilian hiss, that was all the hyena needed, and most of the crowd knew what was coming next as they let out another loud cheer. Fratz nuzzled in close to the thick heaving neck, gently caressing the green scales. Then Davien saw it; that deep sharp smile, so wide it almost seemed to curl at the tips, his teeth were showing, and his eyes narrowed down to the faintest slits. The hyena had found the spots he was looking for, and whatever the croc had been feeling that made him want to escape so badly was nothing compared to what was about to happen now.

Davien saw a blur of pink and black and white where the bottom half of the hyena should have been, he was bouncing like he was earlier, but much harder, and much much faster. The mass of green below him was incessantly squirming and straining so hard his muscles were rippling against his restraints, but Fratz just kept going and going, making the croc constantly cum more and more until it flowed out from between his pink cheeks freely. The dom started crying openly and emitting a very high pitched hiss for one so large, tears streaming down his face, the whole time Fratz was drinking it all in, savoring every whimper and squeal and pointless growling threat. He devoured them all like some deep delicious nectar, delectable and sweet, tinged with burning desire and helplessness, all the while with that wide sharp smile and those slitted eyes.

After a few more moments of high pitched hissing, a loud *bweeeeep* sounded, and the hyena squeezed tight and made a wet *plop* as he slid off of the towering length at once, the tearful croc let out a very loud hiss and shuddered all over, still pouring cum for a bit longer. Fratz leaned over and showed his gaping hole to the cheering crowd, receiving quite a few wolf whistles, though oddly enough none were actually from any wolves. The hyena then turned and unbuckled all the croc's restraints, and took off his muzzle, then helped him sit up. He was still panting and hissing very hard, and braced himself with his arms behind him, his large length still throbbing and dripping, and his heavy balls shuddering. He received gentle nibbles and scratches from Fratz all over his neck and chest, and smiled down, laughing through his panting breaths. Eventually he stood up and went to a nearby bench, turning down a few subs very eager to clean his very sensitive length.

The writhing panda watched as the hyena wiped the table, with some subs going for the fresher spots that were still warm. He was well aware of how Fratz' game worked, it was quite simple really, you pick a time to be tied up and milked and see how long you last. Any time after your time's up, you get untied then and there, but until then no amount of begging or squealing or crying will get you out, and Fratz enjoys talking big strong doms into being milked for a very long while. If you're feeling especially brave you can also go for cleaning, where anyone that wants it gets free access to nibble and suck and lick you clean before you get untied, which usually results in a lot more cumming and cleaning over and over for a while from all the willing subs, especially if there are any sandpapery tongues around. Milking and bouncing was something Fratz took great pride in, and he had only ever been outlasted by a guest of his once, by some rabbit Davien was pretty sure. Davien was also pretty sure Fratz took that personally, because whatever balloon animal voodoo he pulled the second time left that rabbit unable to sit down for over a week.

As he sat there Davien thought of how he loved it all, tied up and held helpless against that rumbling chest, oh so very close to a raging inferno that seemed it might swallow him at any minute, although the little panda was quite sure he wouldn't mind. The swirling emotions, spiraling through the air like a moist and delicious marbled cake, the whimpering and whines of helpless subs begging to be played with. The smell of all the delicately teasing musk mixing together in sweet typhoons that seemed to lilt past his nose like a sweet smoke. The panda loved it all so very much.

Davien looked up and noticed the purple stars that were beaming down at him, trying to gently dance around every part of him, inside and out, as if Lyrrin were trying to fly through a world of bubbles without disturbing a single one. The panda wondered if that dragon felt the same way, although from the feeling between his legs and the near suffocating grip, along with sounds of roaring flame echoing through him it seemed rather pointless to ask, not that he could talk. They sat there and stared, oblivious to all else as Lyrrin playfully tickled his sub's exposed nose with the tip of his tail, a gentle caress that received several giggles from the tightly bound fur.

After a while more of staring, Lyrrin gently lifted his curled ball and set him on the floor, padded knees spread and elbows on scaled thighs. Davien was extremely close to the delicious ridges and tip that had left a warm spot between his cheeks, and he stared at the purple length as it gently bounced with each of the dragon's movements. He wondered what he was doing before hearing a loud zip, and his pack feeling slightly lighter as his dom pulled out a bottle of water and an opaque gray bag. Davien watched as he drank, seeing all sorts of overlapping muscles and tendons ripple around under scales and tight gear, his cage felt tighter as he did it. His dom's personal little pack carrier. Davien didn't mind, quite the opposite actually, he burned with the delicious submission of it, exposed and helpless for all to see, serving a big loving dragon.

After drinking he thrashed his tail as he opened one of the bags and pulled out something that even from there made Davien's nose tingle. Some sort of chip, coated black with spice and whatever else. Lyrrin noticed the gaze and reached down, gently swiping it across his sub's nose as he smiled. A thin trail of black was left on Davien's exposed snoot near the top, and it immediately started burning inside and out, followed by a very loud whimper. The little panda tried wiping it off on his dom's leg, of course Lyrrin had no fur, instead scales that only managed to spread it all over the twitching nose. It was now on fire, not like the hummus he had earlier, but a raging stinging scramble of boiling water all over it. His dragon just simply watched him with a wide smile as he squirmed unable to reach his face, and kept eating the jet black things. All the while Davien was trying not to slide down off of the purple legs as he whined and pawed at his face.

Once Lyrrin was done eating he cleaned his claws with nearby wipes, the whole time staring at Davien, who for a moment thought Lyrrin was going to smear the spices all over him. He stuffed the bottle and bag back into his sub's pack and zipped it, then lifted his panting panda up and sat him down on his lap. A long tongue came out to greet Davien, something he hadn't seen that well from his bath earlier, and gave the green and orange face a quick lap which covered his whole nose and filled it with spice and sweet musk. A few moments later came several gentle swipes from a squishy wet wipe, and gentle nuzzles and rumbles from his dom. The panda's nose felt cooler, though it still tingled and twanged inside. Davien looked up at the towering purple and orange thing and squirmed, to which Lyrrin replied "How about we go see what else is going on?"

The two headed off into another part of the club, smiling as Fratz buckled up a very sure looking lion, who seemed to be talking himself into going even longer than the croc. Davien could see the hyena smirk as he was looking down at the lion's legs, his eyes dancing with the delight of what he was about to do. Lyrrin held the leash short, slightly choking the staggering sub as they went off in search of more delightful things to see.

The club had many twists and turns, even in this more open part, with walls curving and sweeping, some forming large arcs and others looking like smaller petals of a flower, all swirling and twirling in a labyrinth that gave the feel of many shattered worlds dancing about. The walls, floor and ceiling were almost all blues and blacks, except instead of the flaming spires of the halls, they formed mottled splotches that bled together, like overlapping shadows playing with one another. There was pretty much no music either, not played by the club at least, most everyone there preferred to hear the playful sounds of delectable things going on around them rather than to some blasting concussive shockwave assaulting their ears.

Davien kept up with Lyrrin easily, both walking slowly and taking in the sights. Like that gagged serval, sitting on the back of a stretched out polar bear, digging his claws in deep past the fur and massaging all over the padded muscles. By the low growl he was doing a rather good job, the bear's arm hanging off the squishy bench and slowly swinging below him, the sub happily purring as he kneaded and scratched.

A little further on three furs quickly walked out of a nearby side pocket, a very large direwolf and two white otters, both quite a bit shorter than he. Davien giggled at the sight, the dusty grey wolf was in a tight straitjacket and wearing a pitch black muzzle, along with a thick metal collar with a box attached to the side, the whole thing seemed to be squeezing him rather hard. In front of him one of the otters led him on a leash, tugging it tight with two paws, while the other appeared to be enjoying his new ride as he sat on the wolf's back with his arms and legs wrapped tight, nuzzling into the sliding muscles and fur that peeked out from the warm constricting metal. As they passed each other, the wolf made a high pitched whimper and laid his ears back as he looked at Lyrrin, apparently mildly concerned about what he had just gotten himself into. However that was cut short when the otter on his back held a small black remote up in front of his face and nuzzled even deeper against the collar as he slowly fingered a button. The wolf immediately curled his tail and turned back forward as the otter in front of him pulled harder on the leash and slowly nipped at his half emerged length. Lyrrin only smirked and kept walking, flicking his tail as he chuckled deeply. A few moments later there was a very loud whine followed by a soft "Tut tut, no begging for help." Davien was sure the wolf would be well taken care of, if a bit...tender after a while.

Lyrrin stopped at the room the three had just come out of, and after looking inside for a moment, stepped in with his sub beside him. Davien squirmed and nuzzled the scaled legs as he tugged at his restraints, flicking his tail lovingly and wanting very much to nibble his dragon. He was noticed, and his leash unclipped as Lyrrin sat, strapped wings stretching wide to take up quite a bit of the curved room they were in. Davien stared at the marbled membrane, the teetering flames and swirling embers playfully gallivanting in a sea of purple. Lyrrin reached down and unbuckled his panda's pack and set it down on the floor next to him, then cleaned his footpaws with several wipes sitting nearby. "On your back" the little sub was interrupted by a rumble from the dragon above him and immediately flopped with his stomach showing, legs and arms flat on the floor, using his pack as a pillow and completely exposed.

Davien lay there staring up, awaiting movement or words from his dom, although he was quite comfortable where he was. His dragon wasn't doing much besides flitting his eyes about and glaring down cheerfully, drinking in his sub's helplessness, along with gently stretching and rippling those wings. The room was filled with the softly echoing sound of Lyrrin's rumbles, like they were standing in a hidden part of a great furnace, with a consuming firestorm around a distant corner.

Without a word, Lyrrin raised a leg, his claws squeezing his geared up panda and poking at his sides through his corset, gently prodding and massaging his skyward tummy. The dragon worked his way down to thighs and legs, then slowly back up to Davien's throat, before stopping and smiling wider. The subby panda looked up beggingly, hoping for something very particular as he throbbed nonstop in his cage, with his trapped length and balls squeezed hard. Suddenly he felt his dom start moving again, sharp claws and smooth soft scales coming up over his nose and pressing against it, followed by the other soon after.

There was a muffled squeal from the trapped fur then, nuzzling deep into those delicious footpaws and breathing deeply. Filling his whole nose with the rich musky scent of his dom, he craved to lick and nibble all over them, and wrap every part of himself around those rippling legs. They stayed that way for quite a while with Davien trying so very hard to nibble and nip the beckoning toes, even just to open his mouth and breathe in more, at the same time Lyrrin watching his every move, glaring down into his panda's eyes with his violet storms.

After a while Lyrrin pulled his legs away, getting a whine in response before lifting his little sub up by the throat and nipping him hard at the tiny bit of his exposed neck. The panda squirmed in his dragon's lap and whined more, burning in the sweet violet flames that gently lapped at every part of him and filled him with such a deep warmth that he felt like he could cry. Moments later came a rumble and he heard "How about we go back to your place hmm?" Davien didn't hesitate, a tiny nod past his tight collar and the sharp claws was all the dragon got, and it was all he needed, shown clearly by the spiny teeth and slitted eyes.

The two headed back to the halls and to their earlier room, much more quickly now thanks to Davien getting a prime spot on Lyrrin's back, peeking over his dom's shoulder and flicking his tail happily as the dragon swept along. They got packed up, Lyrrin with his large duffel and Davien with his tight pack again full of his toys rather than snacks. They then set out of the halls and the club entirely, with Siaav glaring out of the corner of his eyes as he smiled, distracted from the tear matted, silently screaming and begging lion pinned under a viciously squeezing hyena butt.

Lyrrin pushed open the heavy doors of the club, and looked at his rider, who pointed with his tail to a set of tall distant buildings. The dragon smiled and set off in almost the complete opposite direction, rumbling as he spoke "We'll be taking the long way again, I hope you don't mind." Then he stepped slowly, his claws wrapped tightly around Davien's padded arms and elbows, making sure he didn't slip.

It was twilight, that wonderful wonderful light swirling around, an infinatum of nameless blues licking and twining, everything tinged in deep delection, the tall trees black like gentle bridges to anywhere at all, lit behind by bright blue flames of forever that stretched to reach every distant world yet seen, and burned bravely in an endless canvas to create where there was nothing. The tiniest of wispy clouds stretched thin across the glow, enticing tendrils of smoky whispers from somewhere so far away, and at the same time so very close. The moon hung low; a thin scythe, sharp and flashing between the branches of the trees, not to sever them and see them fall, but to gently lilt between every gap and tear asunder rifts to an eternity of ecstatic wandering.

Davien found himself panting through his muzzle from the thought of it all, his eyes tearing up and his ears back in some silent begging plea, to bound freely between places most didn't even believe to exist. Lyrrin too looked up, his tail swaying dreamily, his mouth blended with a different smile than the one caused by his squirming sub, yet they were both an oh so very important part of one another.

Lyrrin was in no rush as he walked along the paths that snaked through the grounds, taking whichever turn he liked, sometimes out to open fields of sweeping shimmering grass and others through patches of tall trees that left them both in deep frolicking shadow. The club wasn't the only building here, there were many of them all splotched about a very large area, forming an expansive ground designed for all sorts of wondrous fun. Davien peered about at them and gazed at the gentle dusting of mottled blues digging into each one.

He nuzzled the purple cheek near his nose and tickled those strapped wings with his tail where he could reach them, giggling as the dragon's claws moved to hold him by his rubbery buns beneath his skirt. He craved the rumbles and chuckles he received, those adamant purple scales so deep and unmarred, impervious to harm, yet so tender and smooth.

The two slowly wound their way to the buildings Davien had pointed to earlier, attracting many glances and a few stares along the way, all involved enjoying the sweet love and proud delectable kinkiness. When Lyrrin got to the buildings he stopped, followed by a quick poke of Davien's tail at a number, then a ding as the nearby elevator was pressed by a long sharp claw. The two rode up in the bright glow of the lights, then stepped out onto a twisting veranda that swept across two whole sides of the tower near the very top.

Lyrrin stepped toward the door and set his panda down, looking at Davien with a faint smirk. Davien giggled slightly at that, this place was another gift from Siaav, most every building in this entire place was his directly or otherwise, and he didn't mind picking favorites when it came to making sure his helper subs were comfy. Lyrrin grabbed the key from Davien's pack and unlocked the door, letting him step in before turning on the lights. The dragon then turned and locked the door, and looked down at his panda, who looked up and saw that toothed smile again, wide and wonderful.

Davien wasn't prepared for what came next, he was used to seeing the dragon move in slow sure glides and sweeping steps. He didn't even have time to blink before he was lifted off the ground by his throat and waist, and squeezed tight in a rippling embrace of snaking muscles and wings, with laughing caramel rumbles echoing straight through Lyrrin's chest and deep into him. The little panda looked up and saw the bright purple firestorms dancing freely and leaned his head as he went nose to nose, his snoot barely edging past the tight muzzle and poking at something that could probably swallow him whole if it really wanted.

The towering dom carried the wiggling ball over to the couch and clicked his pack off before setting it down beside the couch. He then lay down on his back with his sub trapped, arms and legs bound and muzzled tight. "Comfy?" was the only word Davien received then, to which he replied with as much of a nod as he could muster past his thick collar and the sharp claws. Lyrrin loosened the straps of the deliciously tight binders, not by much though, then buckled them there before wrapping him even tighter in his wings and grip. Davien lay there in sweeping seas of echoing warmth and panted hard into his muzzle as he felt the sweet washing flames of Lyrrin's tongue. The panda let out a helpless squeal of pure submission, no way to escape, and no desire to succeed.

Davien felt the gentle rumbles beneath him, and giggled inside as they grew louder and louder. They didn't stop at any point though and he peeked open his eyes just the slightest bit, looking for orange and purple flower fields swelling on a living mountain filled with succulent scorching agony. That wasn't what he saw. At all. Instead he was greeted with a swirling mass of grey that was rising up to meet him. Or maybe he was falling towards it.

The roaring grew louder and louder like he was flying to greet an ocean of static, he laid back his ears to try and block it out but that didn't do very much good, the blasting roar kept encroaching and his eyes filled with tears as it got closer and closer. The panda saw then that it wasn't just some ball of grey, but a great cloud of smoke and ash, swirling about faster than he could turn his eyes to watch. He tried spreading his arms and legs, swimming, flying. Screaming. Anything at all to go back up, to stop, even to just slow down would have been enough.

When he hit the first layer it tore every bit of breath from his lungs, like he should never of even had them. Then came the burning ash, the sticking soot, the smoke that ripped deeper and deeper into him and scorched past every begging inner scream to stop. His eyes burned, tears torn away before they were even felt, he couldn't cough, his lungs full and twisting with razor sharp stone. Staring down Davien saw something glow, and he thought for a brief moment it was over and maybe he would be okay. But no, of course it was never that.

It was no sweet light, no gentle kiss from the cosmos, but something else entirely. Davien felt the heat and shut his eyes, silently screaming every no he had ever said or heard. He felt his fur twisting and waving, blasting away as he hurled towards that pale orange flame, like some sweetly beckoning maw come to swallow him whole. He writhed and flailed, burning more and more every moment, and he couldn't help but think of what would happen if he were to actually touch it.

As his arms started to burn, and his pawpads were smearing away Davien heard another sound, like a quickly ticking clock, but loud and deep. So very deep. It was like some predator of a murky land searching for prey, ripping mercilessly into every spot, every weakness known and unknown. Every wave of it made the clouds and smoke shudder and warp, bursting as they collided and fought to stay in form, blasting through the flailing panda in a swarm of tingling waves. Then he saw another light, a blazing violet whirlwind of flame that burned away everything it touched, smoke and ash dissolving into the black abyss that was silently watching it all happen, like the last defenseless planet being hunted by some angry and vengeful star.

When it hit Davien it didn't burn. It kissed, and licked, and gently wiped away the ash and soot in his eyes and caressed his wailing burns. It kept going too, right past him and into that horrible blankly staring orb, not stopping or even slowing down as it burned it from the inside out. None of it escaped, the bright purple fire trapped it and cut it off at every turn, swirling in a myriad of storms as it tried to fight like some cornered creature begging for mercy, ripping every shred of it to absolute nothing, refusing to even consume it, like it was some rancid thing deserving only of obliteration.

Once the slaughter was over, it was just Davien in an unseen expanse of black, with the gentle flames lapping at him. The panda felt himself being held by them, tighter and tighter, as they swarmed about him until all he could see was iridescent vermillion, an endless eternal embrace that would never release him. Then he took a breath, and another and another, each time everything getting brighter, until suddenly he found himself staring at Lyrrin. The dragon was glaring with burning eyes deep into him, clean through him, searching every part inside of him and making that same deep predatory click he had heard only moments before. Davien breathed hard, panting through his nose and nuzzling deep against the dragon's neck, shuddering hard and trying to cough.

"Sorry if I was late" Davien heard his dom say gently, like an overheard whisper he immediately wanted to take back. The panda looked up and tilted his head as he nuzzled his dragon's cheek hard and flopped back down. He felt weak and everything in him burned, like he had tried to climb up the whole tower staircase while lying flat on his back. He squirmed and tugged at his restraints as he tried to stretch out and whimpered. Lyrrin took notice, who smiled gently then, and nuzzled him hard while whispering "After a bit my sweet one."