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The subby panda thought as he breathed, about that dream. Different from the last but in many ways feeling very much the same. The shadows and ash. The black soot. No escape from some empty blackness, and the horrible silent screaming of "never" that wouldn't stop. Then the rumbling and the fire, and he thought so many thoughts as he looked up at those purple scales, wondering just exactly what he was lying down on.

They lay there for a long while, Davien savoring his tongue bath and Lyrrin enjoying his helplessly tugging sub's squeaks and whimpers. He was feeling much better after a bit and started bouncing playfully on his dragon's chest and stomach. That got a vibrating laugh and gentle bite from many sharp teeth, then Lyrrin grabbed the key from the nearby bag and started untying his sub. As he popped off the muzzle he licked the panda's orange and green face, with no mercy for the squealing fur. Then he took off the binders and Davien stretched wide, deliciously noticing how much larger his dragon was than himself.

Lyrrin glared down and gently nuzzled Davien while rumbling out "You can talk now if you'd like." The sub didn't, not yet anyways, instead nibbling the exposed purple neck scales and sliding onto the floor beside the couch, before standing up and stretching again. Davien watched the purple eyes spy every part of him as he squiggled around, from his tight collar, down to his crop top, and his zipped and buckled corset that squeezed him tightly above his skirt, and Davien was pretty sure Lyrrin had already felt what was under that.

Davien looked down at his dom stretched on the couch, and pawed playfully at his own mitts as he squeaked "Could you help with these, sir?" Lyrrin smiled and reached to unlock the squishy restraints, Davien squiggling out of everything except his collar and cage, flicking his tail playfully. The little panda squeaked out "I'm gonna go grab a shower, be right back sir."

Bundling up his gear and bouncing over to the washer and dryer tucked into a recess, he quickly tossed it in with soap and set it off. The panda wasn't sure what kind of material they used to coat all his stuff but it made it so easy to clean, which was often quite useful. The sub bounced around back behind Lyrrin and into the hallway and to his bathroom, where he took a long shower as hot as it would go. He covered all his fur in bubbles and got squeaky clean for any potential deep nibbling, although Lyrrin seemed like he wouldn't argue with having a musky panda.

Davien blow dried his fur with cold air to get it extra puffy and then came around back to his dom, or where he was supposed to be anyway. He looked around with his ears back and hurried into the nearby kitchen and eating room, connected to the den by two large curved arches in the wall, where he was relieved to see his dragon walking and inspecting the spice rack. "Just taking a look around" he thumped gently as he saw his sub rush in out the corner of his eye.

The fur perked his ears back up and flicked his tail playfully, now thinking of how he hadn't seen Lyrrin eat anything other than tofu and those blazing chips since yesterday. He assumed that was yesterday anyways, for all he knew he may have slept for days in that nightmare. He never really stopped to check the time; there were no clocks anywhere inside the club, and often he would just hang around there for days at a time, going to bed when he got sleepy, eating Siaav's delicious food, and taking care of the club and doms there. Now Davien had his own, and he was sure the dragon had to be hungry by now.

Davien slipped past Lyrrin and gently nipped his arm "No peeking" he said softly and smiled as his dragon glared down playfully at him, then sat in a chair at the table facing away from him. He had no idea what Lyrrin liked, besides apparently anything made of molten steel. He did know something that he almost had to enjoy though, and set out making it. Once he was done he gently nuzzled the dragon's arm and tickled his wings with his tail, setting a huge plate of swirly steamed pancakes covered with syrup and layered with apricot jam in front of his dragon. The oozing syrup leaking down and kissing each one as it glided and flowed over the peeking amber sweetness. Lyrrin looked down and stretched his wings slightly then reached over and licked his patiently waiting chef across each of his ears before starting to eat.

The smaller fur sat down with bagels and hummus and honeyed oats and they both ate, their tails flicking at each other as Lyrrin rumbled deeply. Once they finished, Davien put the dishes in the sink and bounced up to the smiling face, receiving several licks across his cheeks, and squirming the whole time. Lyrrin stretched in his seat as he turned to his panda and said "I think I'll get cleaned up too, I don't suppose you would mind helping me out hmm?" Davien immediately nuzzled those purple scales, and started to slowly undo the buckles of the thick gear, which were large and much heavier than those of his own, all of them pulled very tight against unmoving mass and deep tendons requiring him to use two paws just to get the straps loose.

As the panda pulled away the harness and cuffs and the webbing covering massive wings Lyrrin watched him, tenderly nuzzling him when he paused to stare, and then stood and turned. Davien reached up and pulled off the rest of the harness, squeaking silently as he saw the rippling muscles flex underneath. He held it all in both arms, enjoying the warmth and tender musk of it as Lyrrin turned back around and rumbled "Don't worry about water hurting them." The sub bounced off with his dragon behind him and pulled his stuff out to dry, then tossed in all the clattering gear.

The two went into the bathroom, with Davien standing just outside the shower and Lyrrin on a comfy outcrop that formed a sort of stool, enjoying the soapy deep clean he was getting with a very bristly brush from his eager scrubber. Davien dug in and cleaned, all along his dragon's back and chest, deep in the valleys of every scale and plate before gently washing the huge wings, which got many rumbles from Lyrrin. He stared deep into every purpure diamond as he washed, no matter how much he polished them they still remained the same deeply swallowing matte, a whispering tower of dark crystals.

After he finished scrubbing, the panda received more licks and gently dried his dom off, swirling around him as he did so before wrapping himself in the warm moist towel covered in the soft scent of fresh dragon musk. They then both went back into the den, where Lyrrin pulled his things out of the washer and started to get all geared up again, flicking off the water onto the fur in front of him. Davien squeaked as he held up his paws and tossed the towel in response, then tapped his paw a moment and shot off to grab something from his room. He returned soon with sleeves for his arms and legs which he held up to the staring eyes.

Lyrrin grabbed them, slipping them onto the outstretched limbs and buckling them tight high on his arms and thighs. These left his paws exposed, along with the fronts and backs of his knees and elbows. Davien held up his top and corset too, getting locked tight in those as well. Once he was done Lyrrin stretched his webbed wings, apparently savoring the feeling quite a bit from the deep ripples echoing out of him.

Davien bounded over to the door, his small length and balls probably would've bounced more if they weren't squeezed so tight in his cage. He cracked the smooth wall of wood open and peeked outside, it was a cool morning, and the smell of bleeding grass wafted through the opening. A moment later he felt Lyrrin buckle his pack onto him from behind, the dragon's very large meat pushing upwards past the base of the sub's tail, digging into his back as the spiraling flames loomed over him. "Looks like a good day to have fun in the park." Lyrrin echoed, gently pulling the door open more and walking over to the edge of the balcony, purple length and ruffling wings proudly on display.

The little panda watched the long tail flick about, and he wondered what the dragon was thinking of, he was standing there for quite a while seeming to take in the view. Then for a moment those great wings started to sag a bit and the great playful tail ceased to flick and wave. Only a second later it was over, and Lyrrin's wings stretched back out to full form and splendor, blanketing his sub in a tall sweeping shadow. Vast, and cold, and grey.

The purple head turned with the rest of the dragon, revealing those beaming eyes and clouds of burning fluff, along with an outstretched line of claws to his dearest sub. The way he did it was smooth and slow, thought Davien, as if he might scare him away if it were to move too quickly. He took hold and let himself be pulled outside and sat on the edge of the balcony, kicking his legs as he looked below and felt Lyrrin's claws on his shoulders.

He looked over at the club in the distance, and the sweeping fields full of those that were playing and laying, then over at the deep patches of towering and twisting trees all mixing together in some gleeful unspoken parade of flashing shadow and succorant verdence. "You like it here don't you Davien?" came a low voice from behind him, to which the panda replied "Yes." A single word as he kept looking around, now over to another building which served as both a workshop and lab for some of the more...technological toys. Davien smiled as he thought about it, bringing his eyes up to see the towering spikes of a far off metropolis, a tall ocean of mottled green separating the two places.

The sub leaned back against Lyrrin, that strong unmoving tower behind him, and asked in a cheerful voice "Wanna go to the city later?" Davien didn't actually care much for it, but he did enjoy walking and looking up at the huge towers, shards of glass that pierced the sky and warped everything around like some great secret was trying hard to stay hidden. He couldn't even remember the last time he had been to see them. It was a moment before the panda got an answer, slow and precise "Why not just stay here for now, you've got everything you need haven't you?" Along with the words came a gentle claw that slowly pushed his head back around to face the sprawling lands of fun stretching out below them. Davien felt Lyrrin's claws tighten a moment as he waited for an answer before finally replying "Yes sir" then leaning back into a warm sea of tantalizing rumbles. There wasn't any reason to leave really Davien thought, the city was fun, but it didn't even come close to this wonderland.

All of a sudden Lyrrin wrapped his tail around Davien and pulled him off of the sidewall, setting him down next to him and giving him several licks from behind before starting off down the stairs. "Well come on then" he said as he walked, followed by Davien close behind. They strolled down the stairs, playfully nuzzling each other and then making their way along the sunny walkways that cut through the green carpets like frozen rivers that had been ripped from their seats and planted somewhere new.

Along one path, they saw a nearby group of furs circled in the grass as they watched the show going on in front of them. A tan and brown bat was currently suspended in a harness and cuffs from some kind of metal stand, gleefully shrieking as a black bear gave his balls several hard pats with something. The sounds echoed around for quite a ways, attracting the attention of a few distant furs. The fuzzy bat was starting to squirm hard, before receiving a squeeze to keep his muzzle shut and a long deliberate nuzzle on his nose from the large tiger leaning against the beams as the paddling kept on going.

Lyrrin and Davien walked over, being greeted with hellos and sharp teeth as the bear started to dig his claws against the helpless bat's thighs. Davien throbbed hard and squirmed closer to his dragon, who toke notice and wrapped a strapped wing tightly around him. As they stood there a trio walked up, which Davien recognized as the wolf and the two white otters from the night before. The large grey fur was no longer wearing the jacket, but instead thick binders on his arms that locked them outstretched and hugged close behind him, though the tight metal collar was still in place. Davien also noticed a cage between the grey legs, looking very tight and with a part for separating the large balls. Apparently the two otters had decided to keep the wolf, who didn't seem like he was very inclined to argue by the looks of his throbbing length.

One of the otters took a quick look over at the bear without a word, smirking while gently stroking and clawing various parts of the wolf's sides as the mass of gray shuddered. The bear seemed to get the idea and said with a smile "Feel free to make sure he doesn't get away." With that the otter squeaked out a thanks and grabbed something from his pack before he set to work getting the gray muscley legs stretched out and locked into similar binders as the arms. The wolf reluctantly allowed it, not whimpering this time but looking about with his ears slightly lowered at the eyes that were upon him, all who seemed quite eager to see what the two otters had planned. While they set him up the shrieking bat kept getting more and more paddles until he was starting to tear up, followed immediately by a series of long hard scratches down his chest and stomach from the tiger.

The wolf was suspended with his arms spread wide, followed by his now stiff legs, forming a large X that nearly filled the frame that was burrowed into the fluffy soft ground. An otter reached down into the bag and held up something in each paw "Just like last time ya big hunk, pick one." There was presumably the same black muzzle he had been wearing when Davien had last seen him, and a very large circular gag, with two rings and a slightly caged in spot near the bottom. The wolf hung there for a few moments, debating which he'd rather have strapped tight, finally pointing his nose at the gag and muttering out with a pebbly smooth voice "That one." The much smaller otter in front of him cocked his head to the side with a smile and looked the wolf right in the eyes, which was quickly responded to by the wolf laying back his ears and muttering out a quick "Sir."

The chuckling otter clambered up onto the wolf's chest, wrapping his legs tight as he strapped the gag on, the larger fur's tongue being trapped in the bottom part and helplessly lapping about. "Well i think that should about do it" came a voice from behind the wolf "you want the remote?" The otter clinging to the helpless wolf shook his head over the large gray shoulder as he nuzzled deep into the fur peeking out from the edge of the thick metal collar. The wolf whimpered then, struggling and huffing out of his gaping mouth as he was cuddled and nibbled relentlessly all over his neck and along his butt and thighs and back.

The tugging bat was enjoying quite a bit of very hard squeezing and rubbing of his exposed balls, followed by a gleaming smile from the tiger as he looked at the bear, which got a quick squeak from the bat when he saw it. From behind his back the orange and black fur held out a muzzle, much smaller than the wolf's was and colored to match the bat's strawish fur. "Yes or no?" The little bat was presented with a question to which he didn't have an immediate answer, twisting against the tethers he was hanging from as he looked from the muzzle to the tiger's slitted eyes. After a long wait he gave a quick nod and helpless squeak, immediately followed by the tiger strapping the muzzle tight onto him and grabbing something black and rectangular from his nearby bag. Davien saw a flash of light and heard a loud *Brrrraaaaappp* as the tiger tested his stun gun, sharply smiling down at the helpless thing with his legs spread wide.

The wolf jumped when he heard the loud arc of electricity go off, trying to see past the head of the otter who was very interested in his tender neck which squeezed and twisted with every movement under his collar. The otter behind him seemed to be waiting for just the right moment, gently caressing his large grey cheeks and spreading them wide. He then tossed the remote onto the ground, put it under his footpaw and pressed down, immediately followed by a very loud whine from the large gray fur. The otter giggled and kept it pressed as he nuzzled deep between those wide cheeks and lapped at the exposed hole, nuzzling deep and savoring the musk under the thrashing tail. The wolf was squirming and pleading, his tongue squiggling helplessly and loud whimpers and whines emanated from deep within him.

The white fur now clinging to the wolf's thick collar smiled and nuzzled close, his nose being blasted with warm musky breath as he nuzzled and kissed the wolf. He nibbled at the metal gag and the restrained tongue, lapping deeper and deeper along it until he reached the back of the wolf's throat, where he pushed forward as far as he could and started licking all he could reach. The restrained fur spluttered a bit as the tongue intruded deeper into him, and tensed on the one now swirling freely in his hole. His length throbbed visibly, leaking pre as he struggled hard and let out muffled whines and helpless little growls.

The bat wasn't squealing anymore thanks to his muzzle, but he squirmed as the tiger teasingly waved the taser slowly across him. *Braaaaaap* the sudden sparks shooting into his exposed balls and eliciting a faint shriek. Over and over it hit, sometimes in different spots and others in the same for quite a while without cessation. The tugging bat was starting to tear up again, and the bear knelt down beside him and proceeded to provide gently teasing bites and nibbles all over his cheeks and neck. The shrieks got louder and louder, most likely thanks to the tiger now taking his time before moving to a different spot.

The whole show attracted quite a few onlookers passing by and from a distance, with many squirms had by several of them. The little bat tugged and tugged, the tiger now running the electricity all along his arms and up from his legs to his stomach. After a bit he looked down at the shuddering little bat as he held up the personal thundercloud, and asking again "Yes or no?" The bat didn't hesitate this time, only nodding quickly and then stretching out with a whimper as the tiger zapped and zapped. He moved all over those defenseless balls, not staying in one spot anymore but wrapping them in a constant cage of electrical delection. The bat squealed and squeaked, nuzzling into the bear's neck and tugging hard at his cuffs, although surely he didn't really intend to escape. All of a sudden the sound stopped, along with the flashing light, and the tiger reached down to scratch the exposed tan fur of the bat's stomach and chuckling out "Wonderful, you took the whole battery. Next time we can go for two of them how about that?" The bat shrieked out as loud as he could and gave several short nods, panting hard as he flopped loosely in his binds.

The wolf didn't flinch when he heard the sound of the stun gun anymore, but he was still panting and whining as loudly as he could manage past the hungrily lapping otter tongue digging down his throat. He thrashed and tugged as much as he could with his arms and legs in binders, and the otter behind him was now going very deeply indeed and giving his buns very sharp squeezes. Then the otter on his front let go of the deliciously warm collar and slid down, his fur brushing the wolf's very sensitive length which got an extremely high pitched whimper. He walked over to the tiger and whispered something, receiving a quick smile and glare, followed by the larger one the two popping a different pack on the bottom of the stun gun before offering it to the grinning white otter.

The wolf was shuddering now, that tongue inside him lapping in very deep spots, the smirking otter behind him hungrily squirming and laughing as the gray tail waved in every direction. The other fur came back over, and grabbed something long and snaking from their bag, walking again back in front of the wolf as he held out his paws, this time muttering "You have 10 seconds." The big squirming wolf whined very loudly then, trying to focus on the very large black and yellow braided whip and then on the stun gun he had been hearing for a long while. He was panting and whimpering; at the lapping tongue deep inside him and the endless zapping against the side of his neck, which to him couldn't be worse than the loud sparks of that black box.

Suddenly the smirking otter pulled back his arms and chirped out "Both it is then" walking up and giving the pronged box to the other white fur, who playfully lapped at the now thrashing buns. The wolf nearly screamed and whined loudly, his ears flat against his head as he curled his tail between his legs tightly. The otters swapped places, the one that had been deep inside his buns grabbing the remote as he giggled. The fur behind him playfully spun around as he cracked the whip loudly, using both paws to swing the thing clearly meant for something much larger than himself. Each time the wolf heard the swish he flinched, looking down at the otter in front of him that was holding the stun gun and remote to the collar locked constrictingly about his neck, all the while staring up at him with gleaming slitted eyes.

The first hit came without warning, though it wasn't really a hit, it was more of a soft pat with the large flat rubber tip at the end of over 5 feet of thickly woven cord. The otter took a few more steps back to give himself room to really stretch with the final touches, his tail playfully mimicking the movements of the whip. The next one was a real one, hard and fast just under the wolf's right shoulder blade. He whined loudly, something that seemed odd coming from something that large. Then another and another, each one hitting in a close little patch and making the wolf shudder. Then the ripping *Braaaaapppp* tore trough the air and the towering mass of squirming muscle looked down and shook his head hard over and over as he whimpered loudly, tears starting to form at the corners of his eyes.

The otter in front cocked his head and leaned past the helpless fur as he waved his large white tail up and down quickly, and suddenly the snapping of the whip stopped. Then the wolf felt gentle nibbles along the lower parts of his back and teasing tickling scratches at all the sore spots under his fur. The otter in front of him climbed up and held the large head between his paws, giving him gentle nibbles all along the outside of the opened muzzle. The big wolf was drooling, looking up with tears lining his eyes and shuddering slightly. The otter nuzzled him and said gently "Come on, you can do it, we took care of you last time didn't we?" The wolf blinked and nodded weakly, still whimpering. Then he looked over to see the others watching him close, and the cuffed bat getting deep scratches all over from the two doms with his head resting on the bear's arm. The small tan fur looked up at him and gave him a little encouraging shriek through his muzzled mouth as he stretched playfully in his restraints as if to show how safe and comfy he was.

The otter wiped away tears from the wet eyes and reached down to grab a rag from the other white fur, cleaning up the big helpless gray heap he was clinging to tightly. "You don't have to if you really don't want to" the otter said as he nipped at the black nose in front of him and tickled under the big, straining arms. The wolf giggled loudly and tugged more, then looked up with his head down as far as his gag would allow and his ears pricked up as he whimpered.

The two otters gave more kisses and nibbles and scratches, then took their positions again, the big fur between them no longer crying or pleading but still squirming quite a bit. The one in front held up the remote and pushed the button, followed by a whimpering wolf, then a loud *Crack*. The gray fur arched his back, whining loudly and tugging very hard at his thick restraints with his bulging muscles. Another and another hit came, now around his cheeks. Slowly the wolf started to push into them as they hurtled towards his exposed rear, the otter behind him making very obvious swishes before each impact. The fur to his front walked forward with the stun gun outstretched, teasingly rubbing it through the fur directly above the confined throbbing length and tightly squeezed gray balls. The little otter looked up to see the wolf starting to tear up again and held it up to his own arm before letting loose a long rub of lightning all the way up to his elbow, stretching out his clawed fingers as he sighed while looking up at the fur above him. "We've got you ya big hunk."

The whipping didn't slow down or stop, and was now back to polkadotting the big gray back with fresh spots. Lightning hit the wolf's tummy fast and quick, then again and again. He whimpered and tugged, whining loudly as he was caught between the two white things playing with him so viciously, yet so very lovingly. The one in front of him zapped lower and lower, eventually getting to the wolf's metal cage, where he pressed it firmly between his length and balls. The wolf let out a quick little squeal as the electricity flashed through him, hitting every part wrapped in metal then spiraling down the rest of his meat and thrumming into his fluffy balls.

He squealed more and more, longer and longer as the otter kept at it, barely stopping now. The whipping at his back was running out of fresh room, and was starting to hit already tender spots again and again. The wolf whined with each one, pushing hard into his cage as he throbbed so very much, panting and sending out little puffs of steam as he bounced. He was getting close now, his tender length pulsing and straining as much as it could, looking close to bursting, with his big round balls shuddering and stirring. He panted and panted, squirmed and squirmed, cried and let out a great piercing howl as he writhed and tugged. When he stopped he looked down, something not quite right. He whined loudly and shivered, so very close but still throbbing just as hard. The whole time the little otter in front of him was looking up playfully with a wide smile.

The white fur took a single step back and emptied the flashing sparks into thin air, giggling as the wolf tried to reach him and pleaded with his laid back ears, then let go of the button to the collar as the loud cracking of the whip stopped. The wolf reached his tail around and tried to rub it across his leaking length but a quick paw from behind seized it after just a single brush. He whined and looked down with his eyes almost shut as he hung there and throbbed for all to see, sobbing and letting out a high pitched howl of submission.

"Maybe next time hmm?" came the gentle tease from behind pointed teeth. The wolf started crying again, tears matting his fur as he tried to thrash with all his might. The two otters untied him and giggled, gently supporting him on his locked up legs before laying him down on his back in the softly caressing grass. They took out his gag and nipped his nose as he huffed. "Pleeeease." the wolf whined as he tried to shuffle on his back, his tail pinned under a white leg. The otters stretched out on either side of him, nibbling and nuzzling his sides and under his arms, enjoying the helpless whines and the musky fur. One of them took his head in gentle paws and nipped all around his nose and collar "Absolutely astounding" came the voice. Then more nibbling and tickling claws as the wolf lay there, stretched out between the sweet carpet below him and the gently swarming teeth and claws to either side. He let out little howls and whimpers as he was muzzled tight and squirmed helplessly under the relentless cuddles.

Davien was hugging up close to Lyrrin, his tail flicking and curling madly as he clawed at the towering purple side. The dragon wrapped his wing tighter and turned to face his pleading little sub. Warm licks and storms of poking teeth greeted the panda as he padded in place and Davien whimpered as he cuddled up close to the deliciously gear covered orange chest. He looked up with unabashed begging eyes and let out little squeaks of submission, hungering deeply to be played with.

Lyrrin picked his sub up and left the wolf and bat to their sweet squirming, walking a ways across the gently slicing grass to a patch of thick trees, this one with no paths through it. Davien bounced in place as Lyrrin took off his pack and laid it down in a recess at the base of a tree, and knelt down to the smiling face beaming up at him. Large claws held the sub's head in place as the purple orbs burned into him, and he aggressively washed the squeaking face with licks, mercilessly assaulting him with musky and forceful affection. Davien squealed and jerked around helplessly as his arms and legs were pinned down by the looming purple thing above him, throbbing hard to the enjoyment of his dom.

The dragon ravaged his sub all over his ears and cheeks, then started to work his way towards the squeaking mouth, finding an opening and darting his tongue inside. The panda nibbled the great writhing mass gently, savoring the taste and musk as it slowly lapped all around and worked its way towards the back of his throat. Lyrrin kept pushing deeper and deeper, suddenly getting a gurgle from his sub before rumbling loudly.

Davien tugged and squirmed hard against the strong fingers and razor sharp claws holding him pinned. He panted and swallowed hard and needily on the hot length in his throat and mouth as it kept pushing deeper and deeper. Then he felt it swirling around, lapping at him from the inside as he coughed and spluttered for each breath. He saw those hungry eyes above him, gentle and tender worlds of pure sumptuous agony, and gentle caressing love. Davien struggled and wiggled, savoring the tight grip and unyielding advances, helpless and owned under those great rippling wings.

The two kept at it, with the panda starting to nip and lap at the long tongue inside him, gently washing it and tickling it with his teeth as he felt the rippling muscles slide around in whatever ways they pleased. Lyrrin rumbled deeply, pushing against his sub with his chest and wrapping him tightly in wings and arms as he flopped onto his back. Davien squealed and squeaked as the tongue kept thrashing wildly, never backing out a single bit no matter what he did, swallowing and shuddering in delight.

After much wriggling tongue and squealing sub, the panda felt the warm thing slowly slide out of his throat as it tensed and pulsed. As it edged past his nose he coughed and panted, nuzzling very hard indeed against the exposed neck in front of him and scratching at impervious scales. Lyrrin rumbled deeply at the cuddles and scratches, and Davien squirmed hard against the sharp claws that were now so close to piercing his sides as they dug in mercilessly, knowing what they could do to him as he looked up and nipped at the flaring nose washing him with tender warmth.

As he stared at the wonderfully sharp slivers of blazing white inside the slicing mouth, Davien whined loudly, little tears starting to form in his eyes as he scratched harder and harder against the great chest rumbling against him. He begged without words and bit at the great strong neck. He wanted Lyrrin, he wanted those ridges popping in and out of him, to squirm gagged and muzzled, tied up with no escape and no rescue in those strong arms and suffocating flames. He wanted to wiggle around under an assault of delicious affection, submissively begging. He wanted sharp claws at his throat, to be teased and played with in wonderful and delicious ways, and to be gently lapped and loved. He wanted to make his dragon happy. To be owned and held in a sweetly lilting inferno of euphoric agony and love and never dropped.

Lyrrin was rumbling loudly the whole time, seeing his panda writhe about helplessly, and then proceeded to give him another very deep tongue bath, being especially forceful with the backs of the ears as Davien squeaked and squirmed. Davien tried to curl into a defensive little ball, his dragon allowing it only so he could find all the weaknesses in the fluffy barricade. Lick after lick assaulted the exposed ears, which always kept popping back up for more, along with nibbles and bites at the edge of the green collar and the soft striped cheeks.

As they lay there, Davien heard the gentle breeze thrashing the needles and leaves, as if the whole forest were practicing an elaborate martial display with wooden swords clacking and bodies shuffling. He smelled the deep earthy drawl of rotting wood and the fizzy twang of dry moss searching for water. The sounds and squeals of all the wonderful exposed love happening everywhere about them bounced and mimicked in the maze of living sentinels that waved and frolicked carelessly. The caramescent gentle dance of steaming sunlight upon his fur, as it lightly dusted every breath of wind with a bright and soaring scent.

The warmth that enveloped him was delicious, maybe from the great dragon on which he lay, maybe from the plasmid martyr floating in a great sea of swirling dust, beaming down and smiling at the light it delivered freely. It grew and grew, sweetly swaying his exposed fluff, never backing down and never lessening. Hotter and hotter, growing faster every second, he thought of how very warm Lyrrin must be in order for such heat to seethe outward from him, wondering if this was some prelude to sweet stuffing. It didn't stop then either, now quite warm indeed, and Davien opened his eyes. To a vast sea of flame of which he could see no end.

The moment his eyes opened and the burning started were the same, deep waves of shuddering blaze with no voice, and no chance to even brace for what might come, not that it would've done much good. There was no sound to usher from his mouth, no deep beat or fiery pulse, there seemed only to be great sea of orange and yellow with no escape. Davien tried running, but his legs refused to move, every claw and rasping breath only brought more pain as he writhed in a great dancing forest of swaying spirals.

He cried out silently, tried to even cry at all, but the sweet tears only burned more, scorching and carving arid beds upon his contorted face. He whined and writhed without a breath, unheard just like the noiseless blaze about him, and the silent screaming of course. On and on he burned, heaving and rolling, thrashing and crawling in every direction, looking for an escape. There was none to find, and no hope for him.

It didn't stop, and Davien's echoless screams were starting to twist and contort into something else entirely now, even unheard he knew they shouldn't be doing what they were. On. And on. And on. And on. And on. And on. It didn't end. How could it. He didn't even know what started it. There was no respite, just more clawing and silent wails unheard by himself or any other in a great expanse of roiling light.

Suddenly he was no longer alone, even through the blistering swarm he felt it, a gentle ripple, a melodious slicing timbre of bristling brilliance from somewhere in the distance. The sound Davien heard this time wasn't gentle and caressing, nor was it some fairy song come to snatch him from oblivion, not even some vindictive predator looking for its prey. It was a deep roiling typhoon of emotion, a twisting blanket of so many interlacing layers. A growl like a whole world lay crashing down upon him, with nowhere to go and nowhere to hide, for there would soon be nothing left at all werewith which to do so. The blazing flames of pink scarlet hit the orange walls like a tsunami born from a failing star, the embers they created bright enough to blot out the whole of every light he had ever seen. They wrapped around him in great claws, and bore him away, to the safety of a pool of gently scorching care, where his lay gasping and panting, seeing all that thence unfolded in a faint glimmer from the smallest slit of tear soaked eyes.

This was no angel. Come to save him yes, but the wings, the claws and teeth. Those eyes. A great thing stood between himself and the searing glow, violet eruptions lapping and spewing forth in all directions, rending even the ever reaching darkness at the slightest touch. The form launched itself forward, striking like a volcano erupting in the wrong direction, the flashing tail leaving streaks brighter than the full vivescence of a storm shrouded planet crying out all at once. The claws like something that could reach the very essence of every world it tread, teeth that could snap moons like nothing more than splintering morning dew.

It tore through every hopeless spire and leering field, splitting and ripping, wings striking forth in great waves, vaporizing what they touched and shattering all that remained. It was a precise affair, never faltering or missing a single mark. The orange glow rippled and faded as it was torn from wherever it sprouted, spiraling in some desperate hope of escape before being ripped from the blank sky and pummeled into oblivion. The evisceration ended only when there wasn't even the faintest shimmer to suggest it had ever even been there.

Then the roar. The thing let out such a sound that even in the depth of wherever he lay, Davien could hear it, and at the same time nothing of what it said. The force was so great as to be a blank serenade, as if any of its full blear might shatter all he knew. He didn't fear though, he knew it was not a cry of hatred or anger, of fear or remorse. It was something else entirely.

The great form then turned and stepped towards Davien, not a single shiver or quake under every great stride, it stared down with tender gaze, endless storms lapping from within, reaching down and wrapping all that it was around him in a great ball of violet hues and brilliant dancing swirls, wings squeezing like a burning land without end. Then Davien suddenly awoke to see the worlds of loving wonder that he craved so very much, unblinking and unflinching in the face of his fears. The panda lay there, gasping for a while before slowing to heavy breaths, never taking his gaze from Lyrrin's. He wanted very much to ask many things, but he had neither the breath nor words for any of them. So the two lay there, in the swaying trees and hazy mist of the orange sun, gentle and breezy as it tumbled down like a gift from a phoenix with no more use for feathers.

"I need to show you something Davien." Those were the only words that came forth from the great mouth, and the only ones spoken for quite a time. Eventually the panda stirred, squirming closer, but without any speaking, for he had nothing so say that would do very much good. Lyrrin carried his small thing and his bag out of the woods, through the gentle fuzz of afternoon sand filtering down through the windswept sky. Across the teasingly tickling concrete streams and waves of shuttered green. Under the fluffy smudges colliding in languid fillagree, exposed like burning hearts for all to see.

Lyrrin stopped a ways in front of the club, in a short patch of fluffy grass, setting his sub down gently on his lap with his sharp claws on Davien's uplifted face. Davien wondered just exactly what had bemused his dragon to carry him here as he asked "Lyrrin, what are we doing?" The reply was gentle, tinged in hues of sorrow and something else Davien didn't catch, as he held his sub close and delicately rumbled "I need you to go back to sleep Davien." "Why?" the only reply the panda offered, still wondering about all that had happened just before, and what would happen if there were no rescue this time.

Lyrrin held him so very close, whispering "There's some things I need you to see Davien." He licked and snuggled his sub and lay on his back, squeezing tight and not taking his eyes away from the thing in his arms for a moment. "Don't worry, this won't be like the others." Even with those words Davien wasn't sure he could venture back to that place no matter how hard he tried, and they both lay there for a while, the sun setting lower, the bleached clouds now tinted windows to a distant place. He trusted Lyrrin though, and closed his eyes, claws scratching hard at the warm scales. He lay there and listened to the breaths that weren't there, and he wondered about that as well. His mind raced about with all of so very many things, none of which had any sort of answer. He felt the kissing wind, the warm lapping muscle, and the swelling rumbles as he snuggled closer.

This time it was like a gentle whisper, and Davien was sure he had fallen into somewhere else, and he lay there, without the gentle rumbles or playful licks, slowly curling into a ball as he thought of what he might see and tried not to panic. After a while he braved himself, supported on unsteady thoughts and the idea of sure fears, and peeked his eyes open so very slightly. He saw a sliver of grey, stretching farther and farther as he challenged and viewed more, until he lay there in a field of blank grass adrift on a sea of empty ashen colors.

The trees waved, but had no song. The grass danced but had no delight. The buildings about him warped and bent, along with some of the land, in black twists and twining greys, almost frozen as they reached high into a sky of slate. The little panda looked then and saw the club, some fragmented thing with parts slowly swirling and spinning in a carosel of teetering lackluster facades. Davien sat there and stared at it all and wondered just where he was, and if there would be any escape this time.

For a while he didn't budge, looking about and searching for anything that was moving in a way that made sense, or for any speck of another color. Eventually he decided to set out to find it and stood on wiggling legs before slowly treading through the stiff grass to the great halls he knew so well. He passed empty fields, and though they seemed to sing something he didn't know, he could hear it nonetheless. He looked up at the blank sky, without hopeful clouds or snuggling sun, without beaming moon or laughing stars. Davien reached the front doors to the club, half expecting them to be held shut by some unseen thing, but they almost seemed to greet him, noiselessly swinging open at the slightest touch as if in apology for something they had done.

His breath wasn't something Davien could hold onto when he saw what was inside. The wondrous halls were no longer homes of splendorous love, but twisted with something else, dirtied and marred with the same grey as the rest of the place. As he stepped inside he felt the floor, which seemed as though it should shatter and peel under his advance, though there was no sound to say so. The splotches of blue were now like rotten patches of mold and soot, seeking to leech away whatever dared to have any vibrance at all.

As Davien reached the counter, he had hoped to see Siaav, smiling as always and ready to reveal the biggest joke he had ever heard. There was no one there of course, and Davien turned away from it with an urge to cry, suddenly becoming aware of something under his right footpaw.

It was a little patch of something soft splotched in a playful neapolitan motley, though with colors that didn't make much sense, under it a pile of what looked like bleached sticks. As Davien stared, the colors that should have been there danced and flashed, one at a time but never more, as if they were flickering lights on an abandoned sign as it strived to stave off a starving lack of power. Davien reached and held the soft fluff, coming to the realization that it was fur. It wasn't sticks either, the curves at the ends meant they were bones. The blips of silently popping static that danced across it were all black. And white. And pink.

Davien wanted to drop the thing, but he couldn't bring himself to do it, he just stood there and squeezed it tighter, thinking of Fratz and whatever could have happened to him. Tears started falling as he watched the flashing patches struggling to alight, and the silent bones which seemed uninterested in speaking. He sat with a hard thud, and curled around the small pad of fuzz he held as he tried to make sense of it. It wasn't for a while that he noticed the thing staring at him from near the end of the bar, great wings spread to take of space along the wall and remain unseen.

The snuffling panda looked up from his falling tears to see Lyrrin, unbreathing and unblinking, staring at him in silence. The dragon stepped forward with no sound, though the way he walked was roundabout and not very efficient, as though making sure not to disturb things along the way. His eyes remaining focused on Davien yet flinching slightly, as if he was trying to keep track of so many unseen movements. When he reached Davien he looked down, meeting the eyes that were pleading with him for an answer so desperately.

"What happened to him?" Davien sniffed out, clutching the fur tighter, not wanting to look at the bones as well. Lyrrin didn't answer, he only stared down, unmoving as he watched. Long moments later he let out a soft rumble "He burned." As he whispered out the words he gave a sharp flick of his tail, though he refused to look away from Davien. "No, not alive." Davien had barely started to think about asking the question, then was suddenly presented with a blank answer. "I could give you more details if you would like, but be sure that you want them."

Davien didn't answer immediately, and when he did it wasn't with words but rather a single slow nod. He saw the purple tail gently raise a bone; slowly, in a tender offering of swarming swaddle. He took it with a trembling paw, holding it between his claws as he gazed down, searching for any sort of answer at all to the questions he didn't ask. Then there was a sharp crack as Lyrrin brought his tail down and shattered it, instead of ashes and black soot pouring out there was a swirling grey smoke. It rose up and swayed gently, as if beckoning so it might whisper what it knew.

It swirled and blurred together, folding and twisting like a paper fan as lights flashed about from somewhere there wasn't room for, and Davien took notice of the shapes slowly blooming into form. The whole place was on fire, a hungry sweeping maelstrom of choking ash and blazing tendrils. He couldn't hear the screaming. He felt it though. He felt the heat from there too, and pounding steps beating across Fratz as he was crushed under them. The same ones he had tried so hard to save. Davien didn't see that part, yet he knew it. The panda saw the blood pooling, darkening with the thick soot and glistening with the dancing flames, he felt the grinding ribs and failed coughs. He felt the twisted muscles that refused to move and that cried out in such tender visceral splines. He felt every single heartbeat too, as they got slower and slower. Weaker and weaker. Until it was just him and Lyrrin, and the shattered thing between his paws.

Davien looked down, gently rolling the white bones around with his claws, wondering just what Lyrrin was and how they had both gotten here. Here. Davien suddenly looked up, asking "Where are we Lyrrin, really?" The dragon stared down for a while this time as well before issuing forth a gentle reply "The club Davien, or rather some place like it." He paused then added "Left over from it." Davien sank down as he thought about all the things didn't make sense, eventually coming up with a question he didn't want to ask as he desperately hoped Lyrrin would simply answer it instead. He looked up with pleading eyes and no words before being met with "Yes Davien you were here, and no you didn't make it out."

The tearful panda didn't do much for a while after that, besides stare. He stared at the thing he was holding, at the leftovers from the flames on the ground by him, and the brackish walls and floor and ceiling. He also stared at Lyrrin, into those wonderful eyes that he hoped would swallow him, bring him to some sweet delicious world far away from here. Lyrrin broke the silence, letting out a faint rumble "We really should get going Davien." He swept up his shivering sub and held him close without awaiting a reply, and stared deeply into him, violet flames flickering and kissing all about.

Davien dropped the splintered shards as he was lifted, watching the dancing flames in those sweet eyes, hoping to go somewhere other than here, and almost wanting to giggle at the light warm feeling welling about him. Everything then flashed in a bright silent spark, and suddenly the green grass was back, along with the frolicking trees and gentle breeze. His stinging eyes went wide at the sight, thinking for a moment that it really was just some horrible dream as he squirmed and squeaked, before being held still in a very tight grip. "Davien listen, you're still here." The only word that went through his head was "What?" Lyrrin squeezed him tighter and licked him lovingly along his ears. "It's not the same feel, but trust is the same place." Lyrrin flinched a bit as he said those words, but refused to stop licking.

Davien didn't get whatever Lyrrin was trying to display to him, and this time voiced his previous question with a broken little squeak "What?" Lyrrin looked down tenderly and gently nuzzled the green and orange cheeks and nose. "You're still here, all of this is still the same place." Davien didn't reply and Lyrrin continued, "You're stuck Davien, when certain things happen sometimes things can get" the dragon froze then and squeezed Davien tighter "tangled." Davien let out a little whimpering voice "Well how do i get out?" Lyrrin nuzzled close and sighed, not seeming to like the idea of answering that question. He then looked down and shrugged.

A few moments later he followed it up with "There were many that burned Davien, and I do mean many, the floor of that place should give you an idea." Davien whimpered then and was answered with "Some also got...tangled, and I have helped them find their way out." Lyrrin was thrashing his tail and looking deep into Davien now. They both lay there in the blooming twilight for some length, before Lyrrin continued "You're the last one you know." Somehow that didn't seem to surprise Davien, and he lay there unspeaking as he stretched wide on the smooth scales and squirmed to the loving rumbles. Even with all of it crashing down around him, he wasn't afraid, not with his dragon there. He held Lyrrin close and lay on a bed of wonderfully loving, searing care.

The two stretched there in the sweet hues of other worlds, and the wonderful melodious tine of the sweeping winds in the pines. Lyrrin let out a loving rumble "Most of them were easy, you however are very tangled indeed." The dragon kept on "I can't bring you out of here Davien, otherwise you'd have been out long ago, but I can show you what happened, and then you can find your own way out. I'll be with you through it all." Lyrrin seemed like he really didn't want to say some of those words, and Davien kept staring up at him in expectance. The big dragon looked down with a sharp smile and rumbled "But no more nightmares right now my sweet one, sometimes it can be a bad idea to take it all in at once."

The panda rolled over onto his back, wrapped in wings and arms and legs that surely would never let him fall, and they watched the clouds skitter and dash about. They listened to the leaves of the trees ruffling and the needles of the pines sparring, they saw the moon smirking down at them and the lights of a distant city, everything marked with the endless serenade of blue that cascaded from all about. Whatever land it was, it didn't seem all so bad Davien thought, and for a moment he considered that he might just stay. Then he thought of all the other worlds that must surely lie just a hopeful step away, for this couldn't be the only one. No, not at all he mused, seeing the enticing blue swirls of infinatum that sat there waiting patiently. There was no need to rush, for they would be there still when he reached out to greet them. And another. And another. And another.

"What are you Lyrrin?" Davien asked suddenly, half surprising himself as he let it out. There was a slightly echoing rumble before the reply "I'm me, and I assume that you are you, hm?" The dragon chuckled silently again then spoke "There are so many wonderful places and things without names out there Davien, they don't need them, there are no words for them in any case." Davien felt a tight squeeze from the sharp claws and constricting wings along with a deep and wispy sigh "I would love to show them to you, once you're out of here." Davien squirmed in the warm snuggly embrace, thinking of how wonderful it would be to see anywhere at all, with just a quick blink or rippling step to someplace that no one had ever been or heard of before. What's more to do it with Lyrrin, wrapped in that sweet unfailing embrace, owned and loved as together they wandered and saw an eternity of forevers and played in luscious violet flames of soothing delectable love.

Once the sky turned a dark din of blue, the two wandered about and wadded through the fields of verdescent blades steeped in an indigo tea, and the furs setting up spots for fun under the smiling moon. Eventually they reached Davien's door, where the little panda was swept up and carried inside. Once in Lyrrin sat him on the couch and held him close, nibbling all about him with intermittent licks in all sorts of tender places. Davien noticed then he wasn't sleepy, as he thought he might be, and when he asked Lyrrin about it he got the reply "No, remember Davien that you have no need of it now, although I suppose you didn't know it until a little while ago." The dragon continued with a sigh "In any case it would probably be best to stay awake, those nightmares seem to be getting worse."

Davien thought about it, he supposed it did make some sort of...tangled sense that he shouldn't need sleep, and he wondered about food as well, though he decided right then that even being whatever he was now he wouldn't be forgoing his hummus. Davien nuzzled in close to his dom, thinking that whatever Lyrrin was he must be quite brave to face all of this with a smile, to reach into some hidden world to rescue someone he didn't even know. He wanted to see if anyone else he knew had burned, hoping dearly that Siaav had escaped. Though he decided not to ask. Not yet anyway.

The two lay there, licking and licked, biting and bitten. Hours passed in gentle loving sways and though Davien felt himself drifting every now and then from the heave of Lyrrin's chest along with his sweet caress, he found that he indeed didn't feel sleepy, even as the sun peeked over the distant woods and gently chalked the room in a sweet glow of citric pastel. Lyrrin looked down and nipped his sub hard, letting out a deep playful rumble. Davien squeaked in submission, then was quickly assaulted in a swarm of hard bites and sharp claws that only just stayed short of causing bleeding, the whole time he was squirming under the stretched wings and great chest.

When Lyrrin pulled back, Davien was panting hard and shuddering slightly as he throbbed in his tight cage and looked up at the great violet swarms searching all over and inside him. "Well what would you like to do?" The question was direct and sumptuous, and Davien could see the dragon's eyes narrow as he thought. Davien sat there under the wonderful gaze a moment, and the great geared up chest and arms, the stretching flame spiraled wings too, and the gentle dance of dust in the hazy tangerine light now crawling its way about the ceiling. Davien almost didn't want to answer, instead wanting to stay under those sweet rumbles longer, eventually replying "Surprise me sir."

Lyrrin slitted his eyes down narrower at the words from his sub, and Davien started to curl into a defensive little ball in anticipation. Then the dragon wrapped the bundle of fluff up and carried him off to his room along with his pack. Lyrrin stripped his panda of all his gear except his collar and cage before stripping himself and then carried him over to the tub where he washed and scrubbed his sub, then stretched out on the side and let Davien give him a deep clean.

Davien washed and rinsed, bathing his muscley rippling dom with a tickling teasingly soft brush. He washed in between his deep purple scales and made sure each one lustered and shone like some matte inverse light of deep splendor. He scrubbed the wings too, etching along the curling flames with the soft bristles, and receiving deep rumbles that shook the air. When Davien finished, Lyrrin rinsed off and dried, giving Davien the towel after, which was gladly wrapped about and snuggled into.

The two stretched out on the bed, Davien on top of Lyrrin, as they let the sideglancing sun dry them off the rest of the way. Davien lounged on the heaving chest, each clicking thud making him shake as he gently poked at the crevices of each scale, knowing his claws couldn't even scratch them. Lyrrin seemed to detect his little panda's basking plea to be helpless, wrapping him tight in muscled wings and snaking arms, gently nuzzling into the orange fur atop his head.

The sub looked up and squirmed, delighting and squeaking at how little he could move, and how everything just kept tightening more and more as he wiggled. Lyrrin gave Davien a sharp slow bite across his neck peeking out above his collar, then unwrapped from around him and slid out from under him. "Come on, if you want that surprise we're going to have to go to it."

The towering purple form went and grabbed the things he had left in the other room, then came back to a very eager looking panda. "Up on your knees." Lyrrin rumbled with a gentle poke of his tail followed by Davien's quick scurry. The squirming sub was zipped and buckled and locked back up in his crop top, corset, and skirt, flopping onto his back after a short motion from Lyrrin. Next came the bondage stockings over his arms and legs, leaving nothing but his tail and head exposed. Giggling, he squirmed and whimpered as he playfully tried escaping from it all, knowing that it wasn't going anywhere and drinking in his delicious helplessness.

Lyrrin stared down with teeth showing, then strapped himself back up as he enjoyed the wandering eyes that lay stuck to him as they eagerly explored the deeply gleaming scales and scrumptious rippling wings. Lyrrin fished around in his bag before pulling out a small black box and clipping it to the side of Davien's collar with a quiet snap. As he locked it in place the little panda squirmed and tried to get a good look at the thing now poking deep into his fur and digging against either side of his neck muscle with soft squishy prongs. Davien looked up as the dragon pulled back, being met with a small black remote dotted with several buttons, which immediately gave away what the thing could do.

Davien squirmed hard, pawing at the box attached to his tight collar, and throbbing hard at how it didn't even budge. He tugged hard with both mitted paws, trying to keep them from slipping as he flicked his tail. When he couldn't even get a good grip on it he looked up at his dragon with arms held tight to his chest, and eyes dancing with delicious joyful submission. Lyrrin squeezed Davien with both arms and tight wings, then gave him several hard licks along his ears before grabbing a large paddle from his bag and stuffing it into Davien's pack with a smile.

He sat up and squeaked as the buckles snapped and he felt the weight of the wonderful toys on his back, squirming and pushing against the prongs digging into his fur and pawing at his tight restraints. He tugged at his collar as he looked up at the violet orbs, and a moment later felt a delicious deep sting all over the side of his neck that dug in deep and didn't let go for several seconds. Even after it stopped the bouncing fur was still squirming and flicking his tail playfully, getting a gentle rumble from Lyrrin "I see you like the new toy hmm?" A quick little "Yes sir" was offered out in response.

Lyrrin picked Davien up and plopped him on the floor, then set out to the door after a quick lick across the upright ears. As the door opened a wave of gently glazed and sandy warmth coated the two, filling the room with the smell of sunbaked sky and sweetly alluring leaves. They leaned against each other and the sidewall, glancing out over the splendorous lands of ecstatic love and delicious fun. Though Davien remembered then that it wasn't there, at least not in the same sense as it was...before. It was all some world built on his memories and whatever else, and for a moment the vibrant light and green fields felt so very cold and grey. At that moment the panda was glad indeed for the great wing wrapped around him and the gentle rumbles, like a silently vibrating flame waving bravely, unflinching in the face of whatever had happened to him.

Davien wondered about what lands he would wander after here, or if the club had been rebuilt...wherever it was now. Surely Lyrrin knew, especially since he had apparently saved others from these sorts of things, but Davien would much rather not bother him about it. Besides, there really was no rush and they were still in quite a wonderful place, however much of it was a shadowy lie. Even if he were stuck here in some warped vortex he didn't even remember stepping into, he wasn't afraid with Lyrrin by his side. Davien leaned against the smooth unmarred scales and the thrumming of those deep flames, and held him tighter than he ever had. The long snaking tongue surprised Davien, who giggled as it danced about and washed away every single worry, and he squirmed at the sharp claws digging into his back as they held each other in that empty and sidelong place.

After a bit Lyrrin slowly released Davien and set off down the stairs with his panda cupped in a wing as they walked. Davien skipped and bounced ahead when they reached the bottom, now wondering how Lyrrin planned to surprise him. He stood a few steps away and faced Lyrrin, and was answered with a claw fingering one of the buttons on the remote. Davien curled his tail and squirmed, waiting and waiting for he wonderful webs to dance through him again, but he didn't get them just then, instead he received a deep laughter and slitted eyes from Lyrrin.

The panda squeaked as he got a very quick very high energy zap on the side of his neck, and he padded in place in a quiet beg for more. Lyrrin rumbled deeply at the sight of his begging sub, then set off down the sidewalk with Davien skipping beside him. They passed many furs along the way, and Davien thought of how lonely all of it looked now, knowing there wasn't anything behind the gently leering eyes and toothy smirks. The panda then turned his gaze back to the rippling muscles and wide strides of the purple tower beside him. Every single bit of him seemed so very sure and impervious, just to look at him blasted away any doubts he had. He followed alongside Lyrrin as they wound along and across paths and patches, frolicking about in his deliciously squishy gear and flicking his tail.

They eventually took a turn that let Davien know exactly where they were headed, and soon approached a large group of smoothed and rounded stones all bundled near a patch of pines. Davien bounded ahead of Lyrrin, passing into the small maze of cool rock and fuzzy moss, waiting for his dragon at the mouth of a large opening in the side of one of the larger boulders. The two stepped through together, immediately lavished by icy shadows and moist air. The wound down through a grey tunnel along a stone staircase, slowly spiraling down until they came to another opening. Davien bounced with delight, he loved this place.

As they rounded the edges of the doorway and pushed aside the hanging ivy that served as a curtain, the colossal cave system in front of them opened in a great expanse, dropping even deeper further in and with many orbular pockets and offshooting tendrils. The great waterfall spurted from high up one of the rock walls, dumping down into pool that formed the start of a river that flowed down the larger parts of the cave, and a huge central column of raw stone sat near the edge of the first drop off, supporting the place like a silent and patient titan. This place was almost a secret, not in an exclusive sort of way, but rather to have it there to be discovered and shared.

Lyrrin rumbled quietly, letting out quickly "That sure is a lot of water, let's hope it doesn't short anything out." Davien playfully poked his dragon in the side with his squishy mitt, then they both set off down the steps carved into the wall. There were small gravel and cobble pathways that webbed about the place, and in place of grass there was thick and fluffy moss, with the occasional large mushroom popping up. Davien knew they were edible, at least according to Siaav...or they were according to the other one...Davien shook his head, he didn't think he needed to worry about mushroom poisoning now in any event.

Lyrrin and his panda skipped and stepped along until they came to a line of stalls offering all sorts of delicious things. Davien then realized that he really wasn't hungry, even after all the time without eating or sleeping, although he supposed there wasn't any reason not to eat, even if it was some sort of illusory fare. The panda stepped up to a stall and was met by a clouded leopard, the earthy wooden planks in front of him were covered in all sorts of delicious things. The leopard looked down with eyes that would have been quite nice if there were anything behind them, and let out in a smooth voice "Ah, haven't seen you down here in a while, busy up top with Siaav huh?" Davien was almost surprised when the leopard spoke, half expecting him to stand there like an unpowered machine.

"Hi Veth" Davien replied as he eyeballed a line of falafel balls on a stick, each one coated with a different sauce. The leopard took notice and held it out to Davien, who grabbed it between his paws and squeaked out a thanks. The fur at the stall then caught glimpse of Lyrrin, noticing how close he was standing to the panda, and he let out a quick chuckle, along with a smirk at Davien. "Anything for the big one?" he asked as Lyrrin eyed everything there before taking up a frozen banana from an inbuilt cooler, it was covered in succulent chocolate and spiraled with peanut butter and a dark frozen jam. Davien looked up and nodded at the leopard who kept on smirking and waved as they walked off.

Lyrrin was enjoying his frozen food, and the little panda chuckled at how he ate it as he nibbled his delicious falafels. They slowly padded and stepped along, past the wooden stalls and hanging paper lanterns that glowed and flickered in all sorts of different hues and shades as they hung from colorful streamers that crisscrossed about like a drunkenly spun web. There was the chill pouring from the open doors of an ice cream stall and the sweet smell of all sorts of deep dark spices, the flash of fire as food bounced in a pan and the tickling tease of the nose as fresh vegetables were diced and split with blades sharp enough to shear stone. All the while the sound of the distant waterfall was echoing about the great chasm. Davien thought about how much he loved coming here, suddenly quite aware of just how lonely it felt when such a happy place was so empty at the same time, and he snuggled close to Lyrrin.

They kept going past the stalls, now walking about over to the cascades, the soft moss squishing under them as they looked up at the huge jet of water hurtling nearly straight down not very far away. It slammed down into a shallow pool, sending up a misty haze that filled the nearby air, then it almost immediately slipped over the edge of a sharp drop off into gently winding streams below. The two stepped over and sat on the pier, cuddling tight as they started nibbling at the hardened cores of their food, a spike of peppermint for Lyrrin and a dense pretzel stick for Davien. No one that came down here really had pockets for sticks or trash, so it was much more convenient to have the whole thing be made of food. Davien wondered if that had been Siaav's idea.

Davien curled up with Lyrrin's wings once they had finished, and his dragon gently nuzzled him all over his ears as they sat at the edge of what might've been a whole mountain crashing down upon them. Lyrrin lapped gingerly at the ears that bobbed under his forceful licks, and his little panda pawed playfully at his wings as they rippled in the watery breeze. Davien whimpered softly and looked up, he was so very glad Lyrrin was there, he wasn't sure if he could take being stuck in this place alone, now knowing what it really was...or at least knowing what it wasn't.

Davien saw a flash of black out of the corner of his eye as his dragon brought up the remote, and he huggled tight in the wings as Lyrrin smiled and filled him with wonderful delicious tendrils of electricity. He squeaked and whimpered loudly, begging wordlessly for more and more. His dragon rumbled happily as he stared down and gave Davien what he wanted over and over again. Then he held the button down as he bit deep into the panda's neck above his collar, slitting his eyes as Davien struggled vainly in his constricting grasp. When he was released, Davien was panting and shuddering slightly, curious if Lyrrin had drawn blood but not bothering to check as he leaned against the wonderful chest and dark geared up scales.

Then Davien had a thought. "Lyrrin, how do you know about this place?" it was supposed to be a secret after all, and he was certain he had never seen the purple dragon at the club before...whatever had happened to him. Lyrrin looked down unblinkingly as he thought for a few moments before answering "From the others that got stuck, some of them knew about this place and I found out from them." Davien was watching Lyrrin, waiting for more information, then nuzzling the wings stretched around him when no more came. Suddenly he was lifted up and swung onto the dragon's back along with "Now come on, there's still more cave to see."

They stepped down more steps carved into the wall, this time lowering into a great field of light shunning ferns and mushroom patches, the paths here were ruts instead of paved walkways, and the whole place smelled of a fresh earthy decay. They walked alongside the river, down further and further into the place that even here few ever went, and off into a small side tunnel, leading to a room with stone benches carved into the walls, a fluffy cot against the back, and faint bluish lights dotting the ceiling.

The dragon set his sub down and turned around, looking over Davien as he opened his pack and pulled out several things before removing it from his sub and putting it on one of the benches. Davien wondered what Lyrrin was planning, quickly finding out as he was playfully pushed onto the blanket covered cot. "You know what to do." Lyrrin rumbled out the words as he held up binders. Upon seeing them Davien flopped onto his back and lifted his arms and legs, letting out little squeaks of pure happiness and submission as he felt the restraints buckle tightly about him. Lyrrin's sharp teeth flashed as he savored his helpless sub's squirming and tugging, for quite a while he stood there enjoying the view.

Lyrrin moved after a bit, looming over the helpless fur and gently nuzzling his neck as he stretched out over him. Davien flicked his tail against the twisting muscles of the dragon's thighs and tugged hard in his restraints, wiggling and giggling as Lyrrin lapped and nibbled at his fur. He panted and squeaked even louder as the sharp claws wrapped around his throat and the long tongue gently snaked about his cheeks and ears, before slowly working down towards his mouth. The sub didn't hesitate, eagerly taking as much of the rippling length as he could reach, lapping and nibbling at it and playfully sucking all along it as he felt it push deeper and deeper. Lyrrin made sure to leave enough room for Davien to breathe, but not much at all really, and the panda nibbled harder as he felt the warm muscles creep down his throat and lap in every direction. He felt the warm breath of his dragon, the pressure as he was stretched from the inside, with his tight collar squeezing as always as the wonderful rippling length just kept going without stopping, working deeper and deeper into his gaping throat.

Davien tried pawing and scratching at Lyrrin's chest, flailing helplessly as he gasped between each flick of tongue for air, getting just enough to stay conscious and whimpering past the writhing length pulsing deep inside him. Lyrrin shook his head slowly and let out a deep rumble as he squeezed his sub from all around, holding him close and pinning him against the velvety cot on which they lay. Davien squealed past the warm tongue, tugging and flicking his tail hard against the luscious wings as he bathed in helpless submission and looked up at the violet balls of flame gleaming down at him. Lyrrin kept on and on, and Davien kept squirming as his dragon kept digging deep into him and lapping around, savoring his squeals and all the little noises he made in a very clear display of who he belonged to.

All of a sudden Davien felt a wonderful dancing pain sear through his neck as Lyrrin let out a deep chuckle, seeming to enjoy the new convulsions contorting around his tongue. The little sub squealed and squeaked as Lyrrin kept up with the shocks, throbbing wildly in his cage and tugging about as he lay under the ruffling wings and swarming scales of his dom. He let out tears of pure joyful delight, washing himself in the warm breath that danced around him while tugging and straining as he throbbed and squirmed and begged.

Then he felt the rippling tongue slowly pulling out of him, and he tried to hold onto it by swallowing and gently nibbling. Lyrrin chuckled as he pulled back and stopped the zapping too and then rolled his sub onto his arms and legs. Davien felt a strong push as he knelt forward and raised his butt with his tail high, then several clicks as he was tethered tightly to the cot in his leaning position with his head supported on a fluffy pillow. He glanced as far back as he could at Lyrrin who was now gently trailing his claws along a paddle, a heavy one with a broad handle and many short sharp points all along it.

The panda tried to spread his arms and legs or to close them, but his dragon had been very thorough with the ties, and he could barely move them at all. He leaned into the pillow and squeaked out quietly as he kept staring at Lyrrin over his shoulder, seeing his bright eyes and glinting teeth as the paddle made gentle swirls under his skirt. He then heard a click and felt a quick tug as his thighs and buns were exposed, and he felt the tiny spikes dig in and scratch all about his skin. Then a very hard smack followed by gentle pats and hard presses that dug into him.

He raised his butt and flicked his tail, bouncing in place. A moment later he received several more hard smacks followed by gentle caresses from the strong tail. More and more smacks. Then suddenly very hard ones hit him as Davien raised him butt as much as he could and dug into them. He squeaked a little with each one and flicked his tail hungrily. He whimpered long and loud, and his dragon stopped, but that wasn't what Davien was whimpering about. He peeked back at Lyrrin and raised his butt as far as he could and dug his head into his pillow as he squeaked out a very faint "Please?"

He saw the orbs of violet flame turn into blazing slits as Lyrrin grinned, stretching his wings to nearly fill the room as he grasped the paddle. He reared it back and held it there a moment, flicking his tail as he thought, then brought it down on his little subs raised cheeks. Davien could feel the wind before the paddle ever got close to him, and the impact might have sent him reeling over if he hadn't been tied up. There wasn't just one either, there was another and another, over and over with smacks and whaps that shook half his body as he squeaked and whimpered freely and flicked his tail all around.

He kept pushing into them, craving every single one more than the last, sometimes holding in his breath and others letting out loud squeaks of delicious agony. Lyrrin didn't let up and Davien hoped he wouldn't, he stretched out as much as he could and shuddered with every impact as the tiny spines drove against his skin. He kept squirming and pushing, even as tears started pouring down his cheeks. Especially then. He drank in every single strike, every single piercing touch and craved more. "Lyyyrrrrriiinnn, pleeaase." The little panda cried out in a high pitched whimper and shuddered, a moment later getting what he hoped for. Blazing streaks of sumptuous, syrupy, delicious nectar dancing along his neck in burning tendrils. The little panda panted, cried, squirmed all about to get at it all more and more, letting out little squeaks as he ground into each strike and craved for more delectable lances to run along his neck. He frolicked and danced in the delicious sweetness, savoring all the wondrous flavors as he dove in and drank and drank and drank.

Then it all stopped, at least the immediate smacks, there was still the stinging at his neck and butt, along with the deep throbbing of his bottom half. He waited for a moment, hoping maybe it would all start up again, but it didn't, and he sat there another moment on his shuddering arms and legs as he turned his head to look back at Lyrrin. He was standing with the paddle at his side, and he was still glaring like he had been earlier, but there was something else there too now, Davien tried to figure out what it was as he flicked his tail. Then he noticed the faint rumbling in the room, along with the patient deep clicking that echoed and bounced between the outstretched wings.

Lyrrin glared for a few more moments, then set the paddle down and sat in front of Davien. He took the tear soaked cheeks in his gentle grasp and lapped at the exposed ears. Davien was still panting, and nuzzled his dragon as he looked up, whimpering and shuddering as he felt the warm scales against his fur. Lyrrin gently stroked the fluffy cheeks as he tenderly caressed his little sub. Davien knew what he was wondering, and he answered it before it was even asked, with a hard nuzzle and a begging, pleading, longing whimper. Then he saw a smirk on Lyrrin's face and his eyes went back down to slits. A moment later the little panda saw his bondage muzzle in front of his nose and he gently nuzzled into it, and felt the sweet sound of the buckle as it was strapped tight. Then Lyrrin leaned in and rumbled gently, "Now this part is very important, do you want me to keep going even if you start begging?" Davien suddenly felt hot tears in his eyes, and he nodded quickly, looking up with a wonderfully deep plea. Lyrrin smiled and kissed his little sub on the nose as he let out a deep rumble.

A few moments later Davien felt his corset being taken off and shuddered as it slid off, and after that several straps tightened around his stomach and waist and cage. He glanced out the corner of his eye and saw Lyrrin plugging them up to a box along with the paddle, and the sharp teeth when he was noticed. Once he was done the dragon stood back behind his sub and asked one more time "Are you absolutely sure Davien?" The panda let out a quick little squeak and flicked his tail. His dragon smirked wider "If you want out just pat your tail on the wall." Davien flicked his tail and squeaked as Lyrrin playfully poked the paddle with a wide smile.

There was no gentle caress this time, the strikes hit Davien even harder than before, over and over and over. Then the electricity started. It coiled and twisted its way throughout him, dancing about as the little panda shuddered and squealed loudly into his closed mouth. He pushed into the smacks and the delicious tendrils dancing through him, every impact made the electricity rush to the paddle, filling everything in between with scrumptious blazing flavors. The tears didn't take long this time, and he squeaked loudly as he shuddered, unable to even fall down if he wanted. He cried and squirmed, tugged and pulled, barely moving as the impacts kept coming over and over, his trapped length throbbing as electricity danced all about it.

The panda drank in all the ecstatic sumptity, he tugged just to make sure he couldn't get away, he squeaked and whimpered in joyful agony. It kept on and on and on until Lyrrin stopped with the paddle, a few moments later Davien felt sharp teeth dig against his side, and several quick pops as the spot lit up. Then there was another and another, as it went on Lyrrin joined in with his claws in much the same way, tracing shallow rivers all about Davien's back and sides and exposed tummy.

He was whimpering nonstop now; the shocks never ceasing or relenting along with more and more bites and scratches covering him. But it kept going and going. He squealed and squeaked and dove into it, panting through his nose as he soaked the pillow below him. He flicked his tail wildly, trying to grind against the shocks and the bites and sharp claws all at once while wrapped in his dragon's wonderful sweet flames. He wanted Lyrrin to tear him apart, or at least as much as he could manage. He wanted to burn and bask and dance in sweeping violet flames that seared and soothed, wrapped in those warm rippling arms that would never release him.

The helpless little sub couldn't escape even if he wanted to. Not that he did. No most certainly not. Every single part that Lyrrin touched spiraled in beautiful swirling colors, his neck and tummy and waist burning and contorting with twisting spikes deep within him. Davien savored every single bite, begging inside for each sharp pop as it pierced his skin, and the swirling dancing claws that careened about him. He wanted Lyrrin to devour him, to shred him apart over and over as he burned ceaselessly in velvet flames. He squirmed and tugged as he swam in the dancing hues and radiant vibrance. He bathed and drank in the ambrosial delights that lit him up from the inside out, craving and letting out muffled pleas for more and more.

Davien immediately noticed when the biting stopped, and when the electricity started working its way down, slowly becoming less sharp and turning into a dull ripple that bumped through him. Then he saw Lyrrin walk around in front of him, and the gentle warm scales and claws on either side of his head as it was supported. The tear soaked panda looked up and let out a hoarse little squeak, reaching out to nuzzle the offered nose. Then he was washed all over with gentle licks as Lyrrin gently ruffled his fur, now matted in several spots. Davien felt the soreness, deep echoing shocks and the sharp twang when Lyrrin brushed past where his teeth had dug in. The bundled up panda let out another squeak and put up no resistance as he leaned against the impenetrable scales and rippling muscles.

After a while Davien felt Lyrrin start to untether him, and he whimpered slightly as his waist was unwrapped and all the corded strips removed, still savoring the delicious deep reaching tendrils. Lyrrin pressed a button for his collar and that too stopped its wonderful dance. Davien shuddered and started to flop against the cot as he felt Lyrrin's great arms wrap around him, lifting him and spinning him about as his dragon lay under him. Gentle laps teased his ears without mercy and tender swipes of claws and wings found the screaming spots. The warm membranes wrapped around him like a sweet blanket, pressing against him and catching the deep wonderful rumbling coming from Lyrrin. Davien shuddered at every single touch all about him, squeaking weakly when Lyrrin found a new area to tend to. He looked up at those wonderful wonderful fields of flame as Lyrrin stared down, caught in musky licks and deep rumbles and luminous, soft, glowing constriction.

They lay and snuggled, Davien squeaking freely as he was swarmed with loving flames that lapped away all the aching and stings. Lyrrin didn't shy away from cleaning the matted spots in his fur either, his rumbles growing louder when he reached them. They both lay there, Davien wasn't quite sure how long, and he didn't care. He could stay there all he liked, in some quiet, hidden and shattered world, wrapped in all that Lyrrin would give him. He let out a little squeak and nuzzled deep against the smooth hard neck scales as he went completely limp in the tight relentless embrace. He heard the rumbles speed up, sharp claws and wings tightened around him and he felt warm breath tickling his ears.

After a long while Davien stretched as much as he could and looked up to see Lyrrin's eyes glowing down at him. He bounced gently on the hard plates and scales and squirmed about. His dragon seemed to get the point and smiled as he lifted his sub up and sat upright. He placed Davien on his back and removed the binders from his arms and legs, along with his muzzle. Davien stretched widely, feeling his fur and skin crack as he did, and he looked up at the great purple form looming over him. "You did wonderfully Davien, such a delicious little sub", were the words Lyrrin rumbled "let's get you cleaned up hmm?" The small panda gave a weak nod and stood, his legs barely supporting him as he wobbled about to get them to work right again. Lyrrin chuckled as he packed everything up and cupped his sub in a wing and then started walking out of the domed cave, which was now filled with all sorts of delicious smells.

The two wound their way further and further down along the streams and fluffy paths, eventually going past a large bend and being confronted with a place Davien had only been a few times before. Stretched out before them were many terraces of different pools all made of silky stone, silently steaming away and bubbling from underneath. They all drained down a large smooth face and met the splitting river which flowed in part through a large patch of darkened sand and onward to somewhere deep below them. Nearby was a bath house full of supplies for getting squeaky clean, along with vents in the floor for faster drying. Davien nipped the voluminous wings as he grabbed his pack and shuffled over to the shack where he dropped it. He then proceeded to grab soap and sponges before climbing the striated stone steps carved about the pools, with Lyrrin close behind. He found a wide shallow one with a pocket that nestled into the pool above it, creating a shadowy overhang that covered part of the bowl. He tossed in the sponges and the little bottles with pockets of air on the side so they would stay afloat, adrift in a gentle maelstrom of blooping and splishing explosions.

The panda squirmed as he was lifted up, and he stretched out as he lay on top of Lyrrin, the dragon's wings splashing and swaying under the warm bubbling water. He felt the gurgling liquid wash over him again and again as the great blankets of purple and orange showered him, and the gentle scrub of Lyrrin's claws as they swept over his matted fur. He saw faint diluted streams of orange and red trickle down the sheer drop into the river below, and he lay there and watched them as he savored the deep rumbles and gently popping bubbles, and the soothing tug at his fur when Lyrrin found a new spot. Then Lyrrin opened a bottle of soap and drenched his sub with the thick slippery goo, all the while Davien was glaring up playfully at him.

Next Davien was assaulted by teasing padding and rubs from a fluffy sponge that squished and soaked him in little rivers of white bubbles. He lay there in the gentle waving caresses, and squeaked when Lyrrin got to his head. He saw the purple stars past the trickling rivers pouring off of him, and the sharp teeth and wonderful smile. The two lay there and after a while Davien had an idea, he grabbed the bottles and held them under water while he squeezed them, then started sweeping his arms and tail all about. At first Lyrrin just watched him, but once he saw what the panda was doing he started stirring the water with his tail too. Bubbles started frothing to the surface and after a bit they were both surrounded in a fluffy cloud that warped the light about them and turned it all to wonderful dancing hurricanes of splintered crystal. The water kept flowing down and threatened to carry it all away, so Lyrrin spread his wings wide to catch them as they towered above, like some fragile world teetering on the edge of a hopeless drop.

Davien delighted in the swirling forest, building up structures which he placed upon his dragon in various spots, and blowing it all away in a wonderful display of frolicking energy. Lyrrin never took his eyes away, even when his muzzle was covered in bubbles that tickled it all over, though he did rumble louder when Davien found a comfy seat upon his thighs. He watched as the playful panda sculpted a domed roof, and filed down the walls, until they both sat in a hemisphere of soft fizzy planets.

Davien took up a sponge and started scrubbing the luscious scales and thick gear, leaning in with both paws as he slowly bounced on Lyrrin's thighs. He washed all over the rumbling dom, and gently cleaned his length and balls. Lyrrin glared playfully at him and the panda kept on, washing Lyrrin's arms and legs and his head, though his wings were hidden behind the walls of bubbles. Davien dropped the sponge and gently nuzzled under his dragon's arms as he breathed in his musk and nipped at his sides. Lyrrin watched in joyful amusement, squeezing his panda tight over the freshly cleaned marks under his fur that still ached and beamed with every touch.

When they were done washing Davien started pawing at the bubbles to carve a way out, but Lyrrin pulled him back and closed his wings, then spread them quickly. The resulting explosion sent bubbles halfway across the cave they were in, with little sheening orbs drifting down like snow swept along by a far blowing wind. Davien giggled and stepped out, then Lyrrin. The two wound their way down to the shack and grabbed blazing carpets of untinged cotton and dried themselves off, Davien still quite moist as the smooth scaled dragon chuckled. The panda waited over the vents until the cool air dried him off to his satisfaction and got his fur frizzy and puffy, then grabbed his pack as the two set off further into the cave.

They walked by the river along its other flow, down past the pools and along smooth hewn stone that rippled and raised gently, like mountains shrunken down and planted below them. A cool wind drifted with them from the gently bubbling river, and the tubular ceiling stretched overhead in striated arches of marbled greys and dusty whites. They walked for a ways, eventually coming to a drop in a hole burrowed into the ground, along with a sort of vertical staircase built into the wall. The river kept going though and Davien wondered just how deep this place was, he had never been much farther than here himself, though he had an idea of where Lyrrin was headed. The two approached a nearby hole and tread down the wall more like a ladder, and went on a ways through a much smaller tunnel, this one with wide geometric markings from the excavations and barely worn stone.

All of a sudden they rounded a corner, and stepped onto a veranda carved directly into the rock. Davien stared at the sight, almost sure last time it hadn't been this large. Below and far reaching stretched out a massive cave, supported every now and then by a rather thin looking spindly pillar, or a massive arch that slanted into the ceiling above. The whole place was of some sort of dark stone, and every bit of it swelled and curved in large forms. There were lights mounted about the platform where they stood, and they shone outward and bounced off of a myriad of spots which sent back messages like glinting stars in a distant stretch of space, mirages of distant lands teetering on an endless spread. Davien had only been here once, though he enjoyed it much more now as he leaned against Lyrrin, feeling the deep reverberations emanating from the warm scales, and the faint wind of ruffling wings.

The two watched the twinkling fuzz in the distance, along with the sharp refracted spears that lanced about the cave from the closer warpings. Davien stared and wondered, noticing every now and then how some of the crystalline eyes seemed to line up in similar ways as those in the sky, and he questioned if they were really like that, or if that was a twisted part of this shifting world he lay in. Then he thought of all the places he might go. After all there was nothing stopping him now, surely if Lyrrin could step into a hidden shroud like this he himself could handle wandering about to all the distant orbs of flame, flickering and screaming out a sumptuous melody even if there was no one at all around to hear. But he would. And on and on and on, to wonders never seen before, unknown to any other for he would be the first to see them. He would tread upon the softest grass that had sprung into being only moments ago, and stare at alien skies filled with nameless splendor, scintillating lights and patches of endless black, each one a yawning canvas waiting for the stroke of a blazing heart.

Quietly the panda asked "What's it like out there Lyrrin?" The gently soothing tines of the dragon's voice tickled Davien's ears "I could tell you, I could spend years saying every word I know over and over again, I could draw you pictures that you could stare at and never find every spot inside them, but none of it would ever even come close Davien, there are not even words for just how far it would still be." Lyrrin stood entirely still as he stared out at the winking delights, mocking vestigial whispers of a corner of forever. "Every single step a whole infinatum of worlds, every blink a sea of eternities, every single one so wonderful. I would love to show you, we could wander forever and never get anywhere at all. No need to rush you know, we've got forever ourselves." As he said those last words Lyrrin flicked his tail, and Davien stood beside him, peering up for a moment at the great thing that towered above, the stretched wings and the blazing eyes, the impenetrable scales and whittling claws, the sweet muscles rippling in oh so tender ways. He was sure Lyrrin wanted to say something, or maybe he was making sure he didn't, Davien wasn't certain.

"What are you so worried about Lyrrin?" Davien asked as he nuzzled the large warm arm and cuddled close under it. Lyrrin let out a faint rumble, but refused to speak. Davien continued nuzzling his dragon, gently nibbling now at his gear covered chest. Warm murky echoes swept around them and bounced back from the cave, like a storm of dwindling promises that just couldn't help but be broken. "Nothing for you to trouble yourself with Davien, once we're out of here I'll explain it if you like." Davien wanted to ask more, but he figured that surely Lyrrin must really not want to talk about it, so he nipped more, slowly squirming and digging his claws against the luscious scales. Lyrrin held him close and lay back on the ledge of the veranda as he wrapped his tail tightly about Davien's waist. They cuddled and nibbled there, on the edge of such a drop deep into unseen places, the dragon with his velvet wings and his snuggly sub atop him.

He wasn't sure how long they lay there, nor did he care. He no longer felt hungry, nor sleepy, he drifted about on top his pillow of impervious flame and thought about oh so many places and oh so many things. All the while the little sub stared off into the dark cool expanses and writhed helplessly in the unmoving embrace, gently nibbling at any exposed dragon he could reach. After what might have been hours, maybe days, Davien stretched and squirmed relentlessly, returned by chuckles and sharp scratches. Lyrrin sat up and set him down with a large lick across his muzzle. "Come on then you squirmy thing." Davien picked up his pack and trotted out just behind the muscular tail flicking in front of him. At the tip of the hole Davien turned and looked further down the tunnel, wondering where it twisted and spiraled to. Lyrrin stood close behind him and watched, then let out "Have you ever been down that way before? Before you were here?" Davien shook his head and heard a rumble behind him "Well how about we save it for later then hmm?" The panda paused a moment then turned about with "Yes sir." and cuddled up close once again to his dom.

The two meandered up the tunnels, past the pools now occupied by a large troop of black and brown otters playing dodgeball with the sponges, up through the earthy meadows of fern and mushroom, through the stalls and markets with Davien stopping by to grab a large tofu stuffed bun still pouring steam. They walked up the twisting tower and stepped out to greet a bright sun casting about flurries of steaming radiation through a few cracks in the backlit clouds, like an old photo hung up to try and make out the faded details within. Lyrrin looked down expectantly at his sub, who was looking about as he finished his bun. Then he spotted a large building off in the distance, a glass paneled rectangle with an elliptical roof. He bounded off at a skip, feeling the cool breeze gently wash over the spots in his fur where Lyrrin had torn into him, most feeling well closed up by now, and he thought of how wonderful it would be to have those claws and teeth rear him apart over and over as they frolicked through unsung fields.

He turned to see if his dragon was close behind, but he didn't see the purple scales anywhere. He turned about again. Not there either. Davien let out a small whimper as he wondered where his dom could have gone, taking a few steps back to the cave before he felt a small breeze against his back. A moment later he was bowled over and found himself spinning inside a balled up dragon, trapped in the swinging muscles with sharp teeth at his throat. The panda let out a playful little squeak as the bite tightened and panted as Lyrrin eased off and chuckled deeply. "Sorry, I couldn't resist, you were walking off for a while and it seemed like a good time to pounce, kinda hard to resist when my panda is all vulnerable you know." Davien bit deeply against Lyrrin's arm, or at least he bit as hard as he could, but he knew that wouldn't do very much, and he let out little squeaks as he playfully scratched the unwavering scales. He looked up to see the great big tongue sneaking out and lapping him across his muzzle, and he felt Lyrrin's rumbles all about him. Then he was lifted up as his dragon stood, and he was flung over Lyrrin's shoulder and constantly assaulted with musky dragon tongue as he was carried off.

The two went on through the fields blowing about in the erratic breeze, leaves whipping thitherly and the few intact dandelions taking flight in a myriad of fluffy parasols. The clouds were moving faster now and a few drops had started to drizzle down, Lyrrin noticed and cupped his wing to cover his much more absorbent sub, not that it would matter in a few moments. Davien peeked out from under the edge of the membrane and saw the swooning shadows as they soared high above and melded about like great behemoths caught up in the swing of an elatious jamboree, one that may tear them to shreds, but so be it. The trees ruffled and swayed their branches, performing their ancient dances to call down the sky. Each one tried as hard as it could, but as usual it would be a tie.

As they approached the panes of refrescent crescent arcing above them, Davien squiggled and nipped at his abductor's wings until he was released. He slid down and bounced ahead to the large metal doors and held them open for his dragon. As they stepped inside they were greeted with the sterile lights beaming down from the ceiling and the echo of splashing. There were already a few furs there, most prominent was the brown bear floating on his back and spinning in circles as he got caught in a whirling current. There was also a tan otter lying down on the bottom of the pool and facing upwards, seeming to taunt the badger that was kicking his legs hesitantly as he sat on the edge.

The two stopped by one of the plastic and metal benches lining the wall and Davien set his pack down before gazing at the rippling pools and sheening liquid, the clouds above like a floating sea staring at a warped reflection. The panda caught a glimpse of a creamy furred pine marten staring over a few seats away, though he couldn't be sure if it was his fluffy buns or the bouncy dragon balls nearby that were attracting his attention. Davien giggled silently as he turned about and skipped off towards the already occupied pool, sumptuating in the breeze wisping off the top of the cold water, the sky overhead swirling with inutterant exuberance. The panda felt the brush of Lyrrin's wing as he watched, and the warmth of his deep delicious scales.

Davien took a breath as he looked down at the frigid water. This pool was built mainly for furs with thicker or more insulating fur than his, but he loved the sweet teasing sting of the cold, the soothing biting ripples wafting through him as it sought to tear away all warmth. For a moment he paused, remembering he had just eaten, then thought of how that most likely didn't work the same way now. In any even he had Lyrrin, and the otter in the distance as well. Without any more hesitation he hopped in pads first, slipping in with a soft *thwoop*. He curled up as the cold water rushed to greet his caged length and rushing into his exposed ears, swallowing up the metal in a frigid embrace that made him ache. He crouched on the bottom for a few moments, feeling the sticky warmth dissipate as it was dissolved from his fur. As he sat he noticed that the otter was still underwater, now trying to entice the badger above with a show of warm meat between his webbed paws.

All of a sudden he felt a large ripple strike his back and as he turned around he was greeted by a towering conflagration of fizzy bubbles, with Lyrrin's eyes casting a brilliant haze through them, his nose and maw peeking through the cracks. As they fog drifted away the rich scales and wondrous wings were exposed, and Davien floated face to face with his dragon. Davien nuzzled close around the large neck, even through the blistering cold he could feel Lyrrin's heat beating through him. He then climbed his way through the soggy maze of molten crystal and popped up for breath. He looked down and saw the bright orbs peering up at him, unblinking as they sat atop a gentle smirk. They followed his every move as the dragon waited below, a silent shadow in no rush at all.

Davien grinned and porpoised downward into the water, squiggling about as he shot off toward the other end of the pool. He used his tail for propulsion and steering, and he received an upside down smirk as he passed the lounging otter. When he reached the far end he went up for air and then popped back down, as he turned he was distinctly aware of the folded wings and wiggling tail headed straight for him. The panda kicked off at a side angle and slid along again, a few moments later taking note of a light clicking sound bouncing around his ears. He looked back and saw Lyrrin gently swaying on his side, his wings tucked and flicking as he swooned patiently. Davien giggled inwardly, delighting in the playful hunt, wondering what Lyrrin had planned if he were to be caught.

The small sub tried as hard as he could to hold the gaze, but he felt the urge to breathe starting to burn in his lungs. For a moment he wondered if he really even needed to, but then he decided breathing in might not be the best idea, he wasn't sure and didn't favor passing out just in case there were another nightmare waiting for him. With a little whimper he kicked up for air, letting out a little cough as he breached. He only had time for a few breaths before he saw the dark shape in the distance shooting directly for him, and again he dove under. He kicked and swirled as he tried to find a way around, the clicking bouncing against the concrete much louder now, slower and deeper too. The panda decided to try and shoot past under the floating bear, who let out a faint rumble as Davien's tail brushed him. As Lyrrin drew close he seemed to slow down ever so slightly, stilling his wings as he drifted by sideways just out of reach, a long smile stretched across his face.

Davien sped by with a flick of his tail, needing to go up for air not far away. As he did so he spun around to see the burned vermillion shape below him still drifting lazily along, propelled with an occasional flick of his tail. This time Lyrrin didn't rush towards him, but gently drifted along at a short distance. After several lungs of stinging air the panda popped his head back down, for only a moment his vision obscured by misty trails steaming out from his fur. As they faded he caught a sudden glimpse of a dark shape right in front of him, and then felt the muffled impact of sharp claws and rippling muscles. Davien tried to flounder away but he was already wrapped tight in the unwavering arms and legs, and let out a quiet squeak inside his throat as he felt sharp teeth at the edge of his collar. He looked up to see the bleached scarlet plums seeping down into him, and felt the warmth rushing all through his frigid muscles.

Lyrrin lay back and snuggled his panda closer, gently swirling about with his wings and tail in corkscrews and meandering dives. Davien had to make sure he didn't exhale as he melted in the sweet embrace, sifting between the murky warmth of Lyrrin and the icy tendrils lapping at him. Soon though he started to feel his chest burn and nuzzled the purple scales hard, and Lyrrin rose up to the surface. He broke the warping glass without a sound, and spread his wings wide as he lay on his back, Davien atop his own personal float. He breathed heavily and flopped against the chest below him as Lyrrin spun about in slow circles.

As the panda looked about he saw the badger had decided to venture into the icy waters, and was now dealing with a very interested otter tangled around his legs as he hung onto the edge of the pool. He was whimpering quietly as he swelled up, the otter refusing to give the length a warm place to hide from the cold liquid. Davien smiled as he turned onto his back and looked up at the swarming sky with Lyrrin. The clouds fought with gentle tendrils and crashing boulders, all the while shredded along the edges by a blistering wind. Suddenly there was a loud *CRACKATHOOOM* at which Davien jumped, seeing a sharp smirk out the corner of his eye.

Not long after there was a rumpling crash as the clouds cried out, no longer interested in caravanning about their cargo. The two drifted about in hazy jubilance as they watched the ocean above them come crashing to meet the one below, only to be swept aside by the thinnest of lies. Davien stretched out as he warmed himself on the bed below him, Lyrrin barely moving with his stabilizing wings cupped into the water. The sweet rumbles and flashes of light tore through the murky fields above them, and the roaring splatter fought with itself to be heard first and foremost. Davien spread himself wider and sighed out loud, nuzzling into the warmth between Lyrrin's neck and harness.

The two drifted from one end of the pool to the other, swirling about, listening to the rain and the sounds of the badger and otter playing, as well as the marten who had taken an interest in what lay under the otter's tail, though he seemed stuck between holding his breath and exploring the fluffy cheeks that lay beneath the surface. After a while the rain stopped almost as quickly as it had crashed from above and Davien let out a little chirp as he nipped his dom and paddled his chuckling raft over to the side of the pool, then clambered out. Lyrrin followed soon after and Davien grabbed his bag, then the two trundled out into the misty cool of the night air, with little typhoons of mist teasing about them. They stepped through the damply blasting spines and off to Davien's skyward den.

The two meandered slowly and languished in the sideflung drops of stranded wet that trebulated about with every step, catching the peeking moon and flashing like a barrage of crystal embers. Each one landed with a gentle patter, a whisper of broken worlds that clung to the tips of sharp claws. The wind washed the trees in misty delectance, scouring every needle and leaf in a fuzzy song of gentle recompense. Mottled clouds darted about and regifted the smoky haze of the city lights, themselves as fields of barren ash sneaking off somewhere new.

It got the panda to thinking and all of a sudden Davien stopped and looked at the ground, burning to ask a question, and fearing any answer save one. "Lyrrin, if I were stuck here and never got out...would you stay?" They stood there in each other's drifting shadows, the silence broken by a sweetly caressing caramel sumpt from the dragon "Yes I would." Davien stared up at the beaming eyes and waited for more as he wondered if it were true, surely Lyrrin was in no rush, and yet he couldn't help but wonder. The dragon didn't add anything, and stood silently as he glared down with a deep smile. Without another word they set off again, and Davien leaned against the inversely vivid scales and felt a small shiver pass through him.

When they arrived at the stone facade, Davien poked the button and the two rode up together, Davien cupped quietly in the blanketing wings. He knew Lyrrin was being honest, at least he hoped he was, surely he wouldn't tear into a whole other world simply to leave him behind. He had only known him a short while and yet everything about him and of him drew the panda in, and held him in such an unwavering grip that any doubts he ever had always shattered and peeled away. The sweet rippling muscles, the writhing tongue, the silky wings. And of course his eyes of biting flame.

When the elevator opened the two headed over to the door and stepped in. Davien tossed his bag down on the ground and flopped over on the couch, his muscles still sore from the cold. He saw Lyrrin approach and loom over him, those eyes playful slits and his tail flicking about. Davien saw him, a wonderful thing twining and seething with deep, sweetly burning blaze, and tender love. Davien was his, he thought about that as he lay stretched out under the shifting wings. Lyrrin could tear him apart and stitch him back together with nibbles and licks, and Davien would love every moment of it. Those big arms could squeeze him tight and never loosen and he would never want to escape. Lyrrin was also Davien's. The sub had someone to snuggle and serve, a face to make sure was always lit up with a great smile. A wonderful sweet dom who craved him, and wanted him, who never grew tired of his playful nibbles or yearning submission.

Those thoughts whirled around Davien's head as he lay there, and he teared up at the corners of his eyes. All of a sudden he sprang up and held Lyrrin close, squeezing into him as hard and deep as he could and trimming his claws as he tried to dig them into the dragon's scales. Davien felt a deep thudding click and hard rumbles slamming into him as Lyrrin burrowed in his sharp claws along the panda's soft and tender fur. He held his dom closer and let out a long whimper as he melted into his embrace, now being held up solely by the twisting muscles. Then Davien decided something, and nipped Lyrrin's arms until he was released.

The sub hurried off to his room and came back with a small box, it was a deep black with swirling greens to match the ones on his gear. He held it between his paws as he looked up at Lyrrin and gently nuzzled him to sit on the couch. Davien then passed over the box to the grasp that awaited gently to receive it. Next the panda knelt down and unbuckled his collar, slowly pulling it off and setting it on the large lap. The small fur ruffled his neck as he stared at the floor, his heart beating and his tail curling tightly behind him. Then he looked up, the faintest of hopeful tears dotting the edges of his eyes. He met with the sumptic cyclones of delicious vermillion with his paws on Lyrrin's knees.

The whole time Lyrrin was rumbling, louder and louder as he slowly stretched his wings to full sail. He held up the collar, feeling about it as he kept burrowing into Davien's eyes. Davien saw them flickering with the sharp smile etched into the smooth scales. Then the great arms reached forward, and he felt the width of his still warm collar as the sharp claws tickled his fur, as well as the gentle poking of the prongs as they burrowed into freshly stirred fur. He heard the buckle clink, and he let out a little squeak. He felt it tighten back to where it had been, and arched his back so he could keep staring into the eyes of molten caramel plum. Davien felt the edge being tucked in and watched as Lyrrin opened the box, still staring deep into him and pulled out a small key. He puffed out his chest and let out another louder squeak as he felt the strong muscles around his throat as his head was gently cupped in Lyrrin's grasp and he heard and felt the click as the built in lock of his collar was fastened tight. Such a tiny little sound it was, but it sent shockwaves through the kneeling sub, and he stared as Lyrrin placed the key back in the box and set it to the side. The moment he had done so Davien squealed loudly and half growled as he bounced onto Lyrrin's lap and tried to burrow as deep as he could into the swelling and tightly geared chest. He tugged and twisted his collar, savoring how little it budged as he squirmed in the sea of velvet rumbles.

Davien whimpered and bit hard against Lyrrin's neck, his teeth sliding as he did. The little sub pulled back and looked up at the sharp teeth showing down to him and at Lyrrin's gleaming eyes. "Feel comfy my little panda?" Lyrrin rumbled. Davien gave a squeak and a quick "Yes sir" and heard his dragon rumble out "Good, I think I'll most certainly be keeping you, so don't plan on getting it off." Davien shuddered at the words and melted against the warm scales and plates as sharp claws hooked the edge of his collar and pulled him close. "All mine." came the deep echo from within the sweetly musky maw, and Davien scratched helplessly at the strong chest as he felt his fur ruffle.

They snuggled and cuddled for a very long while, Lyrrin's tongue exploring his sub's throat and grinding it against his tight collar from the inside. The shuddering panda put up no resistance, gleefully diving into the devouring affection. Davien felt warm claws sifting through his fur, twanging as they crossed the spots he had received in the cave, and he went even more limp then, held up by snaking muscles and the warm updraft from the burning love all about him.

The two kept on and on, eventually Davien taking his spot on top of his dragon, stretched out and with the delicious licks he craved washing over him, wrapped in swaddling flames and seething adoration. He dug in as deep as his dulling claws would allow, scraping them away as he tried desperately to squirm closer. He writhed and shuddered with every sweet breath washing over him and throbbed madly with every savory lick across his ears and face. Eventually he just lay there and let Lyrrin do whatever he liked, the dark purple ridges pumping heat against his butt and legs through the air, the constricting wings closing in, and the sharp claws begging for permission to tear him open. He wiggled and let out faint little whimpers as he drifted around atop a swirling storm of wordless delight, squirming about in his own helpless submission as he let out little tears.

Davien lost track of how long they lay there, but even so he didn't bother to turn his head when beams of yellow and crimson began to cascanade about them in gently wooing tines of amber timbrellescence. He was barely breathing, faint little breezes passing through some part of him deep down, he saw Lyrrin's sweet white spires behind his dusky smirk and nuzzled up between his neck and shoulder. The scent of rising sun was dancing about, a sweet refractory ripple that stirred like the swirling dust. Davien let out a weak little squeak and cuddled in closer.

Even later Davien tore his eyes from Lyrrin's face, peeking out to see the sun a bit higher now, and he stretched under the sweet wings. As he did Lyrrin unfolded them and the panda bounced up and immediately tugged his tight collar, squirming and squiggling as he looked down at his lounging dom. With a sudden squeak he leaned down and nipped the purple nose and then skipped over to his pack, he slipped off his stockings and pulled out his gear then popped it into the washer. After that he bounded over to Lyrrin who was now sitting up on the couch and stretching his wings. "Hungry sir?" Davien piped out, to which Lyrrin replied with a rumble "No but I'll eat just about anything you cook." Davien hurried off to the kitchen as Lyrrin kept stretching and set out to making food for his delicious dom.

Davien opened the cabinets and thought that he himself wasn't hungry either, even though he hadn't eaten since they were in the cave. He also decided that didn't matter, surely a shadowy lost world would be better with delicious snacks. The panda ruffled around and pulled out the things he was looking for. The panda steamed a large slab of sweet pickled tofu before dousing it in hot sauce, and carving out a large trough in the middle and filling it with asparagus tips and crushed walnut. He assumed Lyrrin would like that anyway. For himself he carved out the center of a large banana nut muffin and filled it with plum jam, then covered it all in whipped oatmeal cream. The panda waltzed back in and gave Lyrrin the steaming plate. Davien sat next to him and reclined against the sweet massaging rumbles as he ate, the deep milky muffin whirling around and bombarding with the succulent plum, the whole thing shrouded in fluffy blankets of sweet airy fluff.

Once they had finished Davien put the dishes away and went with Lyrrin to go get cleaned up. They were still fresh from the pool but the panda mainly wanted to scrub his geared up dom, who didn't put up any argument to the idea. The sub dug in and tickled about the elegant scales and cleaned his tight waterproof gear and then under it, whimpering as he felt his paws trapped between it and the rippling muscles. Lyrrin smiled and rumbled the whole time, flexing his wings and flicking his tail as he lounged on the edge of the tub. Once the two finished scrubbing and rinsing and Davien fluffed himself up while Lyrrin watched, the panda took his gear out to dry and they headed back to the comfy couch.

The sun was out of view now and the room was filled with a clearer light than that of morning fizz. Davien squirmed in place and thought of what to do with his sweet dragon. As he flicked his tail he thought of how he hadn't been to a very fun building in a while. Quickly he turned to Lyrrin and asked with a wide smile "Soooo...wanna go to the laaaabbb sir?" As he asked he leaned against the big arm and let out a little giggle, looking up for a reply. Lyrrin smirked as he looked down and rippled out. "And what would you have planned there hmm?" Davien nuzzled his dragon "I'm sure we'll find plenty of toys to play with, there's always something new." Lyrrin let out a quick rumble and gave a quick nip to the panda's neck "I wont make any promises on what I'll use you know...or what I won't." Davien let out a little squeak as he thought of all sorts of fun things, and then he realized that Lyrrin already knew about the place. Most likely from someone else he had pulled out the panda figured, but he didn't want to bring it up to the dragon in any case.

Davien quickly bounced up, hopping and skipping over to the door, wanting to peer out and see the place in sheer anticipation. When he opened the door he looked up in an attempt to spy the great big fluffy ball of nuclear fire beaming down on everything below, and for a brief moment he stared. There was no sun, in fact there was very little sky left.

The panda gazed up at the dancing black lines and shadows, flitting about in a silently buzzing swarm, there was light where there should have been had the star still been in the sky, but even much of the blue was peeling away now, speared and gored by blank lances of nothing. The only thing Davien could get out was a little squeak of Lyrrin's name. A moment later he heard a deep thudding rumble behind him, and felt sharp claws dig into his sides and pull him back from the gaping doorway. Davien was trembling with his ears flat, it was like all the horrid nightmares had come to greet him with a sickening smile that might swallow the whole world. Something about the horrible black depths seemed to call out to him in sweet unspoken promises, but even from here he knew it was a lie.

Lyrrin shut the door and held Davien close, wrapping his wings around him in a shielding dome and digging his claws in. The panda looked up to see something he had never seen on that face before. He heard Lyrrin's deep rumbles and sweet voice, though it was spoken a bit faster than his usual languor. "It's alright, it's okay Davien. I need you to do something very important okay?" Davien nodded, taken aback by how uneasy Lyrrin seemed. "Close your eyes, and think about what you just saw, then exactly how everything is supposed to look okay? That last part is important too." Davien did, though he was spooked for a moment when he saw the black expanse still burned into his eyes. It was just so deep, so fast, so hungry. After a moment he thought about what Lyrrin had said and set about putting everything back in place.

However hard he tried the sun just wouldn't stay, the moment he tried to focus on something else the blinding black would simply erase it again. Over and over until finally Davien decided to try something else, etching back against the swirling spines with the singing blues and puffy clouds he knew, though the blank expanse didn't fall back without a fight. Eventually though he started closing in on where the sun should have been, and he also felt Lyrrin's head lift up, as though peering out the window, and the sharp claws dig deeper beneath his ribs. Along with that came a faint buzz, just the softest flap of a cotton wing, or the sound of an irrecedent ocean formed by a single gently encroaching wave. Lyrrin was letting out loud thudding rumbles now and Davien felt a gentle nuzzle between his ears along with a soft plea "Come on Davien, please." That last word felt so strange, it barely even sounded like Lyrrin. Davien painted in all the details, circling and closing in, holding it all together. Then came the sun in its dark throne, blazing and bright. The moment Davien placed it back in the sky he felt his dragon sigh, and then felt himself fall for a moment before they both plopped onto the couch.

Davien opened his eyes, but he didn't speak right away. He just alternated between staring up at Lyrrin's eyes and back down at his chest. The dragon waited patiently, gently caressing the ears in front of him until they popped up again. Eventually Davien worked up the nerve to let out a faint squeak. He had meant for it to be a question but it didn't make it past his mouth, so instead he just looked up and waited. Lyrrin sighed after a bit then let out a low rumble "You remember all the stuff I told you about this place right?" Davien nodded. "Well there is a bit more to it than that" Lyrrin took a long pause and squeezed Davien tighter "let me start off by explaining something to you. Every single bit of this place save me is something you have made, for whatever reason you did it. Although given...what happened it is most likely something trying to make sure you never remember it."

The panda let out a little meep "Do you-.", but he was cut off by a gentle nuzzle from Lyrrin "Yes I have a pretty good idea of what it was, very similar to a lot of others" Lyrrin squeezed his sub tighter and coiled his tail about "you've seen the place Davien, at least some twisted husk of it." Davien remembered the blackened floor and walls, the ash and the soot from his nightmares, and the most briskly flashing spine of roaring tearing flames that never let him go. He looked down and let out a faint breath of "Yeah." Lyrrin took the fluffy face between both paws and stared into Davien. "Whatever it is does not want to let you go Davien, it wants to keep you here so you never have to figure it out or see it again, and e-...and me being here and trying to get you out is messing it up, it's a huge lie that is starting to crumble, do you understand?" Lyrrin's claws were digging into his cheeks, and he was flicking his tail hard, Davien had never seen him like this. "You were scared of it weren't you Lyrrin?" The dragon let out a deep sigh and stared down at his sub for a bit then answered "Please trust me Davien, I want to tell you things but if I do right now this whole place might come crashing down." Davien piped out "And what happens if I fall in?" Davien immediately regretted asking that question, for just a blink the great clouds of stormy cotton looked as though they might split and pour, and all he got in reply was "Davien, please just trust me."

The little sub stared for a bit, then let out a tiny squeak and nuzzled the great chest, it wasn't rumbling like usual but it was still rippling with something else. After a few moments Davien looked up and asked "I suppose I should go back to sleep huh? To find out what happened and get out, isn't that how you said it works?" Lyrrin half smiled down at the sub on his legs and nipped the poking ears. "Yes, that should do it, eventually at least, though it is likely the more you push... I'll be there like last time, somewhere at least. Try to focus on the places and furs you knew best for now and we can worry about you another time okay? And Davien, are you sure?" The panda smiled and reached up to nuzzle the sweet dragon looming above him, and said "Even with all this, knowing and not knowing what happened, I'm not afraid Lyrrin, not with you here."

They stretched out and wound themselves about each other, Davien still trying to scrub the image of the blank sky from his eyes. He lay still with his eyes closed, gently scratching at Lyrrin's harness and plates, and letting out a little squeak when the rumbles started up again. Davien waited and waited, drifting about in warm squirms and gentle laps, this time he felt himself start to doze and he squeezed Lyrrin tight as he dove into the ashes.

Davien felt the stiff grass under him like last time, or at least that's what he thought it would've been. He felt around a bit, noticing now how it bounced back too much for it to be that. He then realized it was the couch on which he and Lyrrin had just been laying. For a moment he panicked, but then remembered that Lyrrin hadn't said he would be there from the start. After a few moments of bracing Davien opened his eyes, the room he was expecting to see didn't even exist as such. All around were sloping molten beams and concrete that looked as though it were turned to flowing lava and then frozen in place. The floor twisted and warped like smoke in water and he felt queasy just from staring at it.

A few quick breaths later the panda stood up, checking above him for the roof, only a small corner of which was still there. He looked about at the warping stone and metal, the table in front of the couch crumbled to just splintering soot, the couch itself somehow intact though. Davien thought about what Lyrrin had said and decided to check the kitchen first, though to get there he had to step over a rather large crevice that stretched down in a drop that seemed to reach the ground.

The kitchen was no better off, burned black and gray as everything else, the shelves hanging loose as if they had been blown apart by a war fought with miniscule weapons of mass destruction. The stove was all crooked and drooped in the middle, though it seemed to still flow as he stared at it. The table was a pile of cracked and blistered wood, and the fridge nothing but a burned out coffin. Davien let out a little sigh and flicked his tail, shuffling off to the hall.

As he passed he noticed the washer and dryer, melted and corroded in a way that left sharp needles poking upwards like the jagged teeth of a deep sea fish. He kept going on to his bedroom, expecting to at least find something other than ashes, but he didn't, not much anyway. The windows were popped open and shards of leering glass smiled back at him in an inviting grin.

The bathroom was nothing but sludge, even the stone countered sink was molten and sunken into the floor, and Davien had to make sure not to step in it. It seemed to almost bubble, the shower too was a soggy mess. It hung from the wall and folded in on itself like a broken ship, and the ground throughout was tacky and slick.

Davien tread back to the den, and stepped over to the doorway, which he now realized was just that itself and no door, the frame crumbling and broken at the corners. He stepped out and flicked his tail as he glanced up, like last time it was a blank slate above him, not a devouring hunger, but no distant stars either. He peered about the silent and still expanse, dark storms would have been preferable to the screaming emptiness, Davien thought. All the buildings seemed to be in similar shape, soggy and drooping like a wilted flower, all except the main club in the distance. It seemed to pulse, shrapnel and broken glass slowly careening about in a great nearly frozen cyclone. He figured that would be his next stop.

The panda turned and pressed the button for the elevator, not quite liking the look of the crumbling stairs. For a moment he laughed to himself at the idea of taking one, but surely a burned out twisted realm wouldn't shut down the lift in case of a fire. The sound it made when it arrived however stopped his chuckling. A deep yet high pitched screech emanated out from the speaker rather than the usual cheery ding. It was like a laugh from a splintered record that somehow kept spinning, and Davien reached over to close it. The doors slowly screeched together and then silence returned. He stood for a few moments listening to his heart beat and gave himself a little nod, then turned and started down the stairs.

They held up well despite their appearance, which told him that at any moment half the tower might peel away and send him swinging into the dusty grass a ways below. Carefully he stepped, his pads rolling on dust that strangely stayed down as if refusing to be disturbed. Down and down and at one point clearing a hop when half the stairs to the next landing were missing. He came to a halt with a soft *pluff* and kept on going. On reaching the bottom he saw the swirling clouds of broken steel bones and brick in the distance and headed off.

He didn't rush, taking all of it in and in doing so coming up with a question. What could have possibly done this? If this was all that had burned, how had it happened? Or perhaps not so much had gone up and this was simply a twist of the place where he lay. Davien kept thinking as he passed the bleached bark of the trees, and kicked his way through the stiff bladed grass that fought his every move. Eventually he came to the doors of the club, and let out a quick breath. He braced himself as he pushed the split wall, which again slid open without a single sound, as if on stilts of air.

He looked about quickly, his heart leaping as he spied the familiar drape of Lyrrin's wings. His dragon turned as he entered, now facing away from a large mangled mess of ashes and steel where the stage should have been. Davien rushed to meet him, nuzzling deep into his chest and holding him tight. Lyrrin squeezed him tighter and lapped at his ears with musky breath. Davien let out a long sigh and looked up at the wonderful tower of color in the ash bleached word. "Thanks, Lyrrin." Davien squeaked. The dragon rumbled out "Of course my sweet panda, you don't have to do this alone you know, besides with me here I can show you...more if you're ready to see."

The sub paused a moment then nodded, stepping back and standing tall. Lyrrin stood behind him and muttered out "Lead the way." Davien stared at the expansive room, and the longer he did the more he saw. And heard. And smelled. First was the bitter smoke rising up from everywhere, stinging and burning his eyes. Then the screaming, so many screeches tying together he couldn't pull them apart anymore. Then came the shapes, at first just flashing shadows but then moving ones, and then forms coming with them. In the midst of it Davien saw a blur of pink as Fratz rounded a corner, rounding up as many as he could to the exits.

Davien made a step forward, then felt Lyrrin's claws on his shoulder and he looked back, being met with a slow shake of the head. Davien laid back his ears and turned back to the blurring forms, just in time to see the hyena trip, and the first frantic kick and the next and the next. He heard the bones crack and saw his chest sink in, lungs barely able to support themselves much less a whole body. Over and over until he was just a spluttering mangled pile gasping for breath, blood gurgling and staining about him before being shrouded by soot. Davien felt hot tears on his cheeks as he watched, on and on until he had stopped moving, and he was dusted with a fresh layer of grey snow.

Davien leaned back against Lyrrin, looking up with tears streaming down his face, and feeling gentle muscles snaking about him. He whimpered and sniffed, eventually being interrupted by Lyrrin's rumble "Remember Davien, this is just what happened, believe me when I say he's doing just fine now, he's one of the first I pulled out of these places." After a few more sniffles they relented, and Davien looked back down at the faceless shadows, stuck in a loop that could never quite make it to the doors. Davien looked about, spotting the empty bar at the far end, but he wasn't quite ready to ask that question yet. Instead he set off through one of the back arches, stepping through the squishing slime beneath him, and with a whimper he suddenly realized why it was only in patches and not across the whole floor.

The shadows didn't impact him, even when they ran right through him, instead blowing apart and forming back as they went, which made right now feel like walking through a river that refused to touch him. After a bit Davien looked about and settled into a side booth, with its peeling walls and shattered lights. He sat with Lyrrin standing beside him, watching the shapes blur past over and over again. Again and again they smeared by in twisting waves, always the same ones in the same places, the same sounds and the same stumbling steps as the blurring river wafted by.

Once he had enough of that he stood, and continued on, twisting about over to the edge of the wall, peaking around to see the bar. "What about Siaav?" Davien asked, still facing the rows of blackened and shattered spires behind the counter. He saw Lyrrin's tail poke out beside him, over to the door to the back halls. For a while longer the panda stood, then sifted through the ashes over to the door, reaching out and pushing it open freely. The two stepped in, the hinges staying spread like a deep inviting chasm.

Davien stepped through the ashen streams searching up the walls, stepping through the occasional shape that barreled into him, on and on until he came to a much more solid looking smear stretched out on the floor, spread out as if were still trying to crawl to wherever it was headed. The panda already knew by the tail who it was, and stared at the black and brown stripes as they peeked out from a mound of soot and ash. Lyrrin stood behind him, waiting patiently for the go ahead.

"Okay." Davien whispered out, almost a gasp, he watched as the body disappeared without a trace, and stood waiting. Not long later came muffled steps, and Siaav came into view, his whole front black with smoke. His steps were uneven and every one was accompanied by a deep cough. Even in the bleaching silence he could barely make out the shuttered voice of Siaav, quaking and splitting like he had never heard before "No..not him." Davien watched silently as he stumbled closer. Closer. Then past, before collapsing in the same spot. As if on queue a gentle rain of ashes started to drift down, like a flurry of petals from a salted tree, and Davien waited and watched, seeing the raccoon be covered up speck by speck, until the last one had fallen.

He didn't cry this time, though his eyes were protesting it, and Davien stood a while before he was interrupted. "He was going back for you, you know." Lyrrin rumbled the words out gently, an open explanation, but to Davien it felt like the most treacherous accusal. The panda stared off down the twisting halls, and as he did they warped and twisted, like he was staring down the inside of a massive rotten accordion. Every beat of his heart sent ripples echoing back towards him from some unseen pulsating sickness. The light twisted and waved and smiled back in a myriad of contorting screams made just for him. Quickly he looked away and turned back to Lyrrin "Can we go back now?" His dragon nodded "Of course, you know what to do." He wrapped the sweet wings around his panda and stared into his eyes. Davien felt them digging in and burning away every worry and doubt he could ever think, and when he felt ready he blinked.