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The bright lights of Lyrrin's eyes beat out even the sun streaming through the windows, and Davien panted as he held the dragon close. He nuzzled and nibbled all around the big rippling neck muscles, and nipped at the tendons hiding beneath the scales. He scratched at his dom and squirmed in sweet safety of succulent tender flames and stretched out in the rippling wings. He felt Lyrrin stir followed by "You did wonderfully Davien, my sweet little panda" tight constricting muscles danced across his fur as he felt the air squeezed from his lungs "next time we can go further in if you can handle it...there isn't much more left."

The panda nodded as he let out a little squeak from the squeezes, and he scratched hard at the geared chest under him. Lyrrin relented and Davien stared up a moment before taking the large smooth muzzle in his paws and squeezing it. "Thank you Lyrrin, for everything." he nipped the space between the nostrils and gently wrapped his arms around the great neck as he nuzzled into it and lay thinking. He felt the deep rumble of Lyrrin's voice "Well you are mine you know, and I don't quite fancy the idea of leaving you here" Davien felt the claws dig in deeper and the wings around him tighten. "And I meant what I said about the others as well, they are all fine. I'm sure they would love to see you once you dig out of here."

Davien lay and listened to the sweet thundering beneath him, the delicious flames burning away every worry, and he watched the sun bouncing in through the windows. He may be in some twisted place born of smoke and terror, but that didn't matter, he could dance through every burning spire with a laugh and swarm about in Lyrrin's arms all he wanted. It was all just a wispy lie, a towering monster screaming and roaring because it knew that all it took was a single touch and it would all shatter and fade away. He thought of Fratz, and Siaav, of wandering sweetly through forevers with Lyrrin's burning love scorching and licking at him from the inside out, and just how silly it was that such a small thing was standing in his way.

He nibbled and bit at Lyrrin's exposed neck, nuzzling in deep as he chased the muscles hiding beneath impervious armor. Nothing would tear him away from the sweet wings and piercing claws. Without warning the panda squiggled hard and sprung up as he was released, barraging his dom with nibbles and kisses and scratches from his still dulled claws. He wasn't about to let any amount of festering illusions get between them, and he nipped his dragon hard on his muzzle before pouncing up and opening the door.

This time the sun was where it should have been, though higher than before, and Davien basked in the sweet rays as the sound of muffled impacts and whimpering squeals echoed and blurred with the erratic breeze. He loved it all, and he leaned on the sidewall as he glanced over at the shimmering crystals of the distant city, winking back in such a promising orchestra. The puffy strokes of molten marshmallow tilted across the sky, gleefully wheeling about in silent zeal towards the shredding winds. The grass below flicked and waved, bouncing back the sky's kisses in a sea of sparking emerald flashes, seeming as he was watching a great storm shred the land below from a lofty bed.

When he turned back around he saw Lyrrin staring at him, his eyes deep maelstroms of unwavering fire, and a great gentle smile stretched across his muzzle. Davien flicked his tail as he bounded over and grabbed the large arm "Come on sir" he squeaked out "let's go see if there are any new toys." Lyrrin let out a deep chuckle as he slid off of the couch and stretched from his pointy tail to his webbed wings, rippling under his gear. Davien oogled as he curled his tail and watched the thick buckles tense against the dark scales. He let out a squeak and bounced off to grab his own. He stood for a moment as he wondered what to snuggle into, then swept it up and shuffled back to his dragon.

The eager sub held up his arms as he was zipped and buckled in his crop top, corset, and his more open sleeves. He then slipped on the ones for his legs and shuffled in place as Lyrrin strapped them tight and then buckled on his pack. Davien stood under the looming dragon and gripped his collar with both paws, tugging and squeezing it and feeling the box on the side as he flicked his tail and leaned against the great big chest. He nuzzled the buckles of the thick harness and edged along the straps with his nose, dancing in the seething warmth of Lyrrin's gaze.

After a bit Davien turned with a nip to Lyrrin's arm and stepped over to the door. He padded about in place as he thought of all the fun things that might be waiting for them, and hurried in front of his dragon down the stairs. The two meandered about loosely over to the large concrete hemisphere in the distance, the grass tickling and scratching at them as Davien skipped beside his rumbling dom.

Upon arrival the panda looked up at the sweeping dome of bleach white stone, slashed with rows of inset windows every now and then. He hugged Lyrrin's arm in glee and let out a hungry little whimper, then tapped the button next to the large glass doors. A moment later a light voice drifted out of the speaker "And who might this be?" Davien smirked and piped out "I wonder..." he heard a little snicker and a moment later the doors split and spread. Davien flicked his tail as they walked in and past a large curved wall.

As they rounded the edgless corner they were met with more bleached and smooth surfaced stone, striped at the top with a wide band of blue. Under it and behind a long counter stood a large caracal with a twiddling smirk dancing across his face. Davien waved and squeaked out "Hi Tommy." As he did he noticed the toothy crack grow wider with the amber eyes shooting to the dragon beside him. Tommy stood tall with his arms behind his back, black tipped tail swaying smoothly as he leaned his head and eyed them both. "Haven't seen you in a while Davien, I was starting to think maybe I hadn't come up with anything exciting enough, almost hurt my feelings really."

While he was looking over the counter, Davien spied all sorts of things hanging up on the walls; many he knew what they were for though quite a few he didn't, although he did know what he would do with them. The panda noticed the amber eyes staring at him, and let out a little smile as the tufted ears flicked. The caracal lilted out "See anything you'd like to try out? I've got a few prototypes I could use help testing you know." Davien stared at the unblinking caramel balls for a minute, knowing there was nothing behind them but ashes and smoke, even so it was nice to see the face again at least. Then he said "Yeahhh, how about fun stuff...really fun stuff." The tawny face lit up then with a wide smile.

Davien and Lyrrin were waved over to a door along the edge of the large room, one of many. As they turned the panda spied a coyote, naked except a collar and what looked like a fully encompassing chastity belt. He was shuddering hard with his tail between his legs as he fought to stay sitting upright on the fluffy bench. Upon stepping closer as they neared the door Davien could make out a faint whirring noise, and then Tommy's teasing voice "Hows that one working out?" The coyote let out a loud whimper as he nodded and tugged between his legs. Davien giggled and waited at the door with Lyrrin. He peered up at the great scales, the rippling wings, and the snaking tendons, and he had a thought.

The panda nipped his dragon's arm and hurried over to Tommy, leaning and whispering something in his ear, being very clear about certain points. A wide smile spread over the taller fur's face and he gave a quick nod. Davien hurried back to Lyrrin, who was staring down with a curious smirk. "It's a surprise." was the only explanation the sub offered.

A moment later the door slid open with a silky *hhhshhh* and they stepped in to yet another room. All about were toys lining the walls on hooks and mounts, and in the center was a large table of smooth and matte rubber coated metal, held up by a large multipivoted arm. He had seen these places before, always eager to see what new things Tommy had come up with, but he hadn't ever gotten to really enjoy some of the more fun ones by himself. Now with Lyrrin here...the panda squeaked out as he thought and nuzzled his dragon hard. Lyrrin was rumbling and clicking deeply, his eyes narrowed down to burning searchlights as he dug his claws into the soft fur.

The panda tossed his bag on the floor and walked about and stared at all the things hanging from the walls, his tail curling in begging anticipation. He felt Lyrrin behind him and the deep rumbling voice "In the mood for surprises or do you want to pick?" Davien looked at the flickering eyes from a moment and then nipped the smooth scales before skipping and half flying onto the table. He stretched out on it, feeling the smooth velvety polymer as his fur glided against it, so deep and rich and delicious.

Davien saw Lyrrin watching him and let out a little squeak of begging submission, and stretched out wide as he flicked his tail. The dragon walked over to him slowly, smirking wide, and the sub felt the sharp claws digging into his sides at the edge of his gear. Davien stretched wider and let out a loud pleading whimper. He didn't feel like using words, instead he looked up at those endless burning storms as he wiggled. Lyrrin leaned in close and gently lapped at his ears, and he felt the warm musk wash over him as he squirmed about.

When his dragon leaned back up he was glaring right through him, and clicking loudly. Davien giggled and stretched wide, as far as he could. He looked up to see Lyrrin close thick metal restraints down over his wrists, then his arms, then thighs and ankles. Lyrrin looked for a moment then closed the ones around his tail and waist too with a smirk. The inner lining was puffy and had the same smooth feel as the table. Lyrrin leaned over to an attached tablet and stared a moment before pressing a button. The restraints inflated and pressed in with a constricting squeeze, and Davien couldn't even budge his wrists down at all anymore. He saw Lyrrin's deep glare and let out another squeak, his tail flicking madly at the tip as he tugged and throbbed and tried leaning to nuzzle his dom. The long tongue came to greet him and Davien giggled as his face was tickled and lapped about.

Then Lyrrin pulled back, stepping away to check the walls and grabbing what he found interesting, as well as something from the panda's pack. Davien saw some of it for a moment before it was tucked beneath a wing, and he waited and thought of how Lyrrin was going to tear into him. When his dom came striding back over he was chuckling, and he set the toys down behind the table so Davien couldn't see. The panda was squirming hard now, and he let out little pleaful whimpers as he tugged at his deliciously unyielding bonds.

The first thing Lyrrin did was slip Davien's muzzle on, and he nuzzled into it with glee as he felt it strapped and buckled tight. Sharp claws gently rubbed through his fur as he tugged and tried to twist. He could barely move at all, and lay throbbing in his cage as he stared up at his dom's sharp teeth and gleaming eyes. Next Davien saw Lyrrin lift a small tube in front of his nose, the dragon held it up so he could get a good look at it. The tip of it was lined with rubbery nubs and a thick metal rod ran through the middle. Davien squeaked quietly at the thought of it inside him, and he nodded hard as he let out a whimper. Lyrrin smiled and lubed up the toy, letting cold drops rain down onto Davien's straining tip.

The helpless little sub felt the smooth frigid metal through the slick coating, and he let out a desperate little squeak as he tried to push against it. Lyrrin grabbed his length and slowly slid the tube and rod downwards. The rather thick inner part just barely fit through the front opening of his cage, and he could feel it stretching him from the inside. He squealed into his tight muzzle as he felt the icy rod sliding deeper and deeper, forcing itself past any small curves and pressing him hard from within. Lyrrin pushed it down the rest of the way and Davien felt many soft points digging into his tip through the metal cage, as well as the tube gently teasing at him with each throb. Davien shuddered and stretched as much as he could, looking up at Lyrrin with a squeaking beg and tears at the corners of his eyes.

He saw the wide smile and sharp teeth as Lyrrin popped behind him, reappearing with several long strips that appeared to have the same nubs as the tube, only longer. Lyrrin held these too up in front of his nose "Know what these are?" Davien shook his head. Lyrrin rumbled but didn't reply, he only unlocked his sub's corset, slid the strips over his stomach and sides and then locked it back. Davien whimpered and looked up at his dragon who smirked and replied "You wanted surprises didn't you?" The panda let out a squeak and squirmed, feeling the soft and resilient spines dig into him deep past his fur.

Next were more of the strips, these along the inside of his thighs, along with two large pads with the same nubs. These were secured firmly onto his footpaws with small straps and even with just the movement from them tightening, Davien let out a quick giggle, suddenly he had an idea of what they were all for. He looked up and squeaked, hearing Lyrrin rumble as he glared down.

The large purple dragon grabbed something, and Davien waited for what he was sure would be more rubbery spikes. Instead he was met with rubber and plastic in front of his face. The panda stared at the inside of the gas mask and let out a little puff of air past his nose, then nuzzled into it. It had a single wide visor and he could see two small pods peeking out from the edge of his wrapped muzzle. As Lyrrin strapped it tight Davien felt his nose pressed hard against a squishy membrane and heard a faint *hshh* with each breath. He looked up through the visor and tugged hard as he flicked the tip of his tail, letting out as loud of a whimper as he could.

Davien squiggled hard as he saw the next toy, a shard of orange and yellow rubber, wide and almost as long as his forearm, made of three large rubber balls sat atop one another, the very first with a gentle taper at the tip. The sub nodded eagerly and whined as Lyrrin looked at him, a moment later it was covered in slick lube and dripping against his hole. Davien relaxed his cheeks and looked down as his dom stared back with a smile. The coolness working into him as his hole was spread wide. The first ball popped in, and he let out a squeak, then the next larger one slid in as well. Lyrrin twisted and tugged all about with the toy, and Davien pushed beggingly against it. He felt the third orb sliding and grinding about against him and he throbbed as he was stretched open, the soft tip now twisting and bending deep into him.

Lyrrin wiped his claws and gave him a gentle lap across his ears and then leaned back behind the tablet, pressing a few spots on the screen. Suddenly Davien heard several quiet beeps that all seemed to come from the various toys, and he saw Lyrrin's smile widen. His dragon let out a tender rumble "Just draw little doodles with your tail if you want me to stop, mkay?" Davien nodded and tugged and tugged in anticipation, seeing his dragon watch him as he struggled helplessly. He looked up at the fiery seas and squeaked.

A moment later Davien felt all the air torn from his chest and heard a steady whirr from his mask. He tried to let out a whimper but he had nothing left in his lungs, they were starting to burn and he scratched at the air with his claws as he peered through the visor at the big smirk meeting him. Then he felt the air moving in the opposite direction, forcing its way gently down into him. His lungs stretched and swelled, and he tried in vain to stop the flow. Then it shifted again, draining his lungs until they burned and he was quietly whining. It drove the little panda mad, he throbbed hard and let out muddled little whimpers when he could, the dragon tearing away his breath over and over making him feel so very helpless as his trapped length tingled against the tube and metal.

Lyrrin waited until his lungs were empty again then poked another button. All at once Davien was hit with waves of deep scratching tingles all over his stomach and sides, and his thighs and footpaws. He tried to squeal but of course nothing came out, and he gasped and struggled hard as his fur was ruffled about. As his breath was forced back into him he whined loudly and pawed at the air, looking over at Lyrrin as he did. His dragon was rumbling loudly, he could hear it even over the whirr of his mask, and his vision started to blur as tears formed in his eyes. He felt his breath being stolen again, and he squeaked quietly as the tickling burrs kept burrowing against him, digging deep against his fur and his tender pads and between his toes.

Over and over it went, the little panda now diving into the scrubbing rubber and letting out muffled whimpers whenever he could manage. His eyes were streaming now and he strained as hard as he could, but even with that he could barely move. He squeaked and squealed and whimpered, dancing about, unable to escape the barrage of playful nubs rippling against him, every breath ripped from him and no matter how hard he fought he couldn't hold onto it. He shuddered and stretched and throbbed so very hard, squiggling in delicious submission as his dragon drank it in.

Suddenly Davien felt a faint suckling around his length and he arched as much as he could, his lungs squeezing as he tried to inhale. The gentle massage grew harder and faster, until it was rubbing and tugging at all the parts of the little panda that peeked out from his cage. He let out a long squealing whine as it sped up, and then he felt the poking tips start buzzing about. His stomach and legs strained hard against their squishy lined bonds and he cried out with a hungry shudder. He was gasping and whining freely now, even if it didn't make any noise, tugging at the air as it left him and squealing as more was forced back in. Then the toy in his hole started to pulse and rumble, buzzing hard against every part it could reach as he tensed tightly around it, feeling the unyielding orbs digging into him.

It kept on and on Davien's caged member now leaking freely, his tip lapping at the sound buried deep inside it with every pulse of the tube. The nubs burrowing deep against the edge and digging gently inside as it tickled about. The air and outer part grinding against the tender bits of his length that peeked past his cage as he squealed nonstop. He scratched and tugged, digging into the delicious feelings and shuddering all over. His mask was fogging up at the edges from his steamy tears and he waited for every stolen breath to be swept out from him as he begged helplessly for more. "Ready for shocks?" Lyrrin murmured into his ear, Davien let out a silent burning whine and nodded, bracing for electricity to tear down into him.

Then came the searing jolts all down inside his length and between his cheeks, and along all the spines of the pads and strips, and he saw Lyrrin holding the remote to his collar just before he pressed the button. He stretched and pushed into it all as he whiiiined and whiiined and whimpered and squealed and squeaked. He dove into the delicious clouds of seething pain, frolicking in the ecstatic jubilance of his teary rain. He dug into all of it, whining and pushing deeper and deeper as he drank all the swarming mingling flavors. He wanted it so very much. He danced in between the flashing streaks of lightning as he watched them tear slowly down through soft fluffy clouds of filigrant sumpt, swirling about each bolt as he jumped in to hug it. He spun about and wondered at all the sweet colors parading around him. He dug in his toes and pressed against the strips and squeaked as each tiny spear nudged and prodded him. He swarmed about in all of it, crying and begging and whimpering freely for more and more.

He didn't know how long he lay there, but here could feel himself getting close. He throbbed and tugged in his unbudging restraints all about and looked over to see Lyrrin's eyes, alight and blazing as he devoured all he saw. He squeaked as loud as he could manage when his lungs filled, and bumped his hips barely a bit. He saw Lyrrin grin wider then ask "Do you want to?" Davien whined, trying to think as he fought for breath. He most certainly did, he wanted it to keep going and going too, for Lyrrin to milk him mercilessly no matter how much he strained or squealed. He also loved the sweet teasing though and after a few moments of tear filled thinking he shook his head, forcing his way through the shudders that were arcing through him.

Lyrrin rumbled loudly and tapped a spot on the screen, the tugging around Davien's caged length stopping its tantalizing suction. He shuddered as the rest kept going though, the nubs continuing to ravage his exposed and ever more tender tip, lapping and digging in around the edges of the deep reaching sound. Davien could feel himself leaking, and he could smell his own musk as he whimpered. The rubber in his hole still pulsing and inching in place as the orbs dug about and rumbled and shocked.

He kept crying, now even more as he was shaking against his restraints, so very close, every single little spine sending a whole shockwave through him as he squeezed tight, savoring the unyielding length digging about in him. Lyrrin suddenly sat over him, knees spread across him and leaned in as he raised his wings, and now the panda was cast into a world of deep succulent purple. Davien looked up through his steamy mask and gasped as he lost air again, seeing Lyrrin's worlds of gallivanting fire burning down at him, drinking every single part of him in. He stared up and melted into them, looking at the sweet lapping spires he craved so much. He belonged to Lyrrin, he wanted to squirm in the wonderful clouds of searing love and never be dropped. He felt the tight collar around his neck his dragon had locked there and he let out a long shuddering whimper of submission and love. Lyrrin heard it and reached down, gently lapping all over his sub's ears, Davien scratched feebly as he squirmed into them, seeing the wonderful teeth and sharp smile of his sweet wonderful dragon.

Davien kept on and on, dancing around and squirming against the rippling tongue, and he was panting hard now whenever his mask allowed. After a bit of that shuddering stutter Lyrrin nibbled him hard against his neck, digging in around his collar as Davien squeaked and tried playfully to escape. Then his dragon slid off of him and tapped a button and all the delectable buzzing and shocking and tickling stopped, and Davien heard a hiss and found he could once again breath by himself. He flopped back and shuddered hard and stretched as he let out a long squeak and looked over at Lyrrin, limp and melting into the molten seas.

Sharp claws massaged him and gently pulled off the mask, the tears that hadn't caught in his fur dropping out onto his cheek. Then the tube. Davien tensed and whined into his muzzle as he felt his length try to hold onto the now very warm metal, every little bump and twitch making him tense hard against his binds. As it popped off he looked down and saw a fresh stream of clear liquid pouring out nonstop from the slit, and he panted and whimpered with fresh tears in his eyes as he felt it tingle up from inside his tender and slightly swollen length that poked out from his cage. Next was the toy pulled from his buns, and he shuddered as he felt each slow pop, and his insides closing back together. Then Lyrrin slipped out the strips and took the pads off of his footpaws. Davien could see the throbbing dragon length and the large balls, along with a dot of pre marking the tip of purple. He watched as Lyrrin stepped and leaned over his still squiggling sub.

"Have fun my little pwandah?" Lyrrin smirked as he asked and smushed the striped cheeks. Davien nodded as much as he could, and rubbed his tight green bondage muzzle against his arm. Lyrrin smiled and popped it off, Davien throbbing at the tug of the buckle. The moment it was loose he leaned as far as he could and whimpered, pointing with his nose at his dom. Lyrrin leaned in close and Davien tried to dig his teeth in to the scaled neck, panting and whining in submission. He nuzzled deep and nipped all over, hearing the wonderful rumbles coming from his sweet inferno. Davien went limp and stared up at the dragon looming above him.

They sat there for a long bit, then Lyrrin nipped the tender fur of Davien's neck, and tapped a button on the pad. There were many clicks and quiet hisses and Davien felt the restraints loosen. He lay there, not quite wanting to move and still wanting to be trapped under the velourous purple scales. Then he tugged his shaking arms and legs and tail free and curled up. He flopped onto his side and squeaked, laying there for a bit until he could stop himself from shuddering as he was washed with tender licks.

When he was sure he could hold himself up he sat and stretched with a whimpering squeal, and slid onto the floor. His legs almost folded on impact and he felt Lyrrin's arm and wing against him, and deep shaking laughs rippling from the dragon's chest. He looked up and hugged the huge warmth and nibbled more before turning back around. After a few steps Davien was sure he could manage and shuffled over to the door as Lyrrin packed up their things and grabbed the panda's bag. The sub stretched again and squeaked, and tapped a button on the wall, followed by the door swishing open.

The two strolled out, and Davien noticed the coyote from earlier was now tied firmly to the front of the long counter, an open mouth gag and bondage mitts now in place, and he was still shuddering from whatever the belt was doing to him. There was also a lynx sitting in the corner, apparently debating on whether or not to stuff the open muzzle as the two stared at each other. Suddenly Davien remembered something and nuzzled Lyrrin before hurrying over to Tommy with only a single stumble, who was staring them both down deliciously. The sub looked at the caracal and without a word was offered a sleek purple box, solid and weighty. Davien let out a quick thanks and hurried back to his dragon.

"And what would that be hmm?" Lyrrin leaned over the poking ears as Davien hid the box under his arms. "Something, I'll show you soon sir." Davien squeaked out and he half expected his dragon to try and swipe the box from him, but no, he only cupped his wing around and set off beside him. They stepped out into the rising moonlight, Davien trying to think just how long he must've been in there, writhing and squiggling with his dragon. He looked up at the gleaming moon, slicing down at them with its sweet crescent smile, the exact same one it had been for a while Davien thought. He pondered that for a moment as the two walked, and he figured it was just another sideways warp of this place.

The panda picked up a shuddering skip as they went, legs still wobbly and fuzzy, feeling the smooth edges of the box and snuggling it close. He saw Lyrrin peering over at him from the corner of his eye and he looked forward, feeling slightly nervous. Then he looked skyward and all about, echoing blues swarming and swirling about with the dusty pastel pasted clouds of azure mist. The trees ruffled their sweet song and the grass shifted and waved in the serenading smoke from between worlds. They went on over the cool grass until they reached the tower, and rode the elevator up, then stepped in the door.

Lyrrin waited by the entrance with his panda, who didn't move at first, still holding the box tightly between his paws. Then Davien stepped over and stood in front of the couch and turned to face his dragon. Lyrrin smirked curiously and sat on the waiting pillows, peering at his smiling fluffball. Davien swallowed hard and looked down, flicking his tail hard. Lyrrin just watched quietly.

The sub popped the latch on the flat box and lifted the lid revealing the contents wrapped in soft fluffy foam. A collar; thick and tall with a sweetly heavy buckle at the back, deep purple with orange swirls and embers dancing across it and a single D shaped ring in the front. Rubbery and smooth but with a strong sinewy core. It was weighty and Davien wondered if it could actually hold his dom, given he was...whatever he was. He looked up at Lyrrin as he pulled it out and set the box down on the table. His dragon didn't smirk or smile, just a deep stare into his eyes as he watched.

When there was no request for explanation Davien let out a faint squeak "I got Tommy to make this for you, or for me to give to you rather. You're mine and I figured...maybe you'd want one." Lyrrin just kept staring, burning into him with the unblinking orbs of flame. Davien laid his ears back and looked down at the hefty collar between his paws as he felt his face turn hot "You don't have to if you don't want to sir, I know you're my dom and all but I figured..." When he looked back up Lyrrin had his head cocked back, exposing his neck, and Davien perked his ears back up as he squeaked. He opened the collar of thick bouncy rubber wrapped material, and leaned in towards his dragon. He slipped it about Lyrrin's neck, loosely at first but then tighter as his dom tilted his head. He buckled it behind the rippling neck and then leaned back, paws together in front of him as he flicked his tail. He could hear faint rumbling echoing about the room.

Lyrrin brought his claws up and gently traced around it, scratching and feeling at the thick buckle. When he looked back at Davien the panda couldn't tell what his dragon was thinking, his eyes unblinking as they stared into him. Then he let out a faint smirk, which turned into a wide toothy smile, and sharp claws and wings wrapped around the little panda. He squeaked as he was lifted and then tucked under his dom, pinned against the couch and once again trapped under the delicious warmth. As he scratched at the heavy harness and felt the gentle warmth of Lyrrin's length burrowing into his butt fur he squirmed towards it. He wanted the rumpling ridges popping in and out of him, he wanted those sharp claws to tear him apart, and those sweet flames to burn him all over.

Davien was a bit confused when Lyrrin pulled away from him. Davien had always assumed that Lyrrin would stuff him and fill him when he was ready to, and he had been waiting for it quite eagerly. He wondered if maybe Lyrrin had just been waiting on him to show interest in bouncing on him, but now he sat with his hips a bit further away. The sub looked up at those sweet succulent eyes gleaming down upon him, and the gentle smirk. After a moment Lyrrin let out a quiet rumble "If it's quite alright with you I would like to wait for that, believe me I would love to squeeze you so tight you could barely breathe and feel you all over me, but I would like to do it once we're out of here." Davien stared a bit more and let out a faint squeak, then was met with warm laps all over his ears and face along with the throbbing length pressing back close to his hole, even closer than before.

The panda wondered why Lyrrin was so averse to filling him here, he wanted to make him growl and shudder and to grind all over his sweet arching ridges, to milk his dom over and over and feel his warmth pumping into him as his insides tensed against the bulging heat. He didn't blame Lyrrin though, but he still wanted to do something for him. Davien squiggled and was released out from under his dragon and then pounced onto the great purple back before Lyrrin could turn. He nipped at the edge of Lyrrin's collar and pushed gently down on his dragon, who sank onto the couch with a quiet rumble.

Davien peered down at the matte sea of luscious diamonds, and gently nuzzled the wings to either side of him. He poked and dug in with his claws, now almost filed away from all the scratching he had done against the wonderful scales recently. He tried pushing next, lifting his whole body and pressing down into the rippling muscles, and digging in under bones. Davien doubted he was doing very much past the purple fields, but the rumbling below him told him differently, so he kept at it. He nipped at the deep tendons and nibbled all around the base of Lyrrin's wings. He chased the flexing and drifting muscles as they peaked from under Lyrrin's harness and collar. His dragon was rumbling loudly now, and Davien giggled as his balls and length vibrated under his back.

He kept at it, rubbing and massaging his sweet dragon all over, and tickling his wings with his tail. Lyrrin let out deep chuckles and Davien responded with whimpering squeaks. He had a whole big dragon to snuggle, his own rippling dom to belong to, and after massaging all over he snuggled in between the wings and cuddled his dragon's warm back. He sighed and squiggled, nipping around Lyrrin's new collar and clinging onto his harness.

Davien looked at the swirling flames etched into the great wings, at the sweet deep purple diamonds, how each one looked like part of an impenetrable fortress. He gazed at each rippling muscle and tendon as they ground against the thick gear. He saw how the collar hugged and blended with the luscious scales, buckled tightly about the strong neck. He felt the sweet swaying murmurs of his dragon's fire.

The two lay there until the night sky began to burn away, the shattered panes of a blazing dawn creeping around the corner, clear as the most priceless crystal stretching across the stars. The panda lay upon the seething warm bed and watched, each and every spot wisping away as the light from the hiding sun mirrored about. He could feel the coolness of the pale lit winds just from the color of the sky, and he felt his fur bristling at the thought.

He wondered if would be getting colder anytime soon, and he tried to think of when it should be. After a few moments he realized he didn't know why he didn't know that. He lay flicking his tail, surely he should have remembered more than he did. He then wondered if there were even seasons here, or if the skies and weather simply spun up out of nowhere. He lay upon Lyrrin and tried his best to sort it out, at some point becoming aware of the purple eyes peeking up at him. "Good morning sir" Davien peeped out. Lyrrin stretched and ruffled his wings with a slow deep rumble "Good morning panda, if you want to call it that." Davien smirked, he had a point, it was rather hard for it to be morning if there really was no beaming star gazing down at them.

He nuzzled the wings hard and slid off of his warm bed after a barrage of nibbles against his dom's muzzle. The panda stretched and squeaked, walking over to open the door and peering out at the blazing blues filling every corner. He could see far away in the distance, a wonderfully clear dawn in a shrouded world. The trees below ruffled and bounced about in the icy breeze, and the far distant horizon was edged with high strung fog.

Davien felt the wind dig into him, stretching his toes and claws as he flicked his tail, squirming about in his constricting corset and ruffling down into his tight collar as he brought up his paws to feel it. All about were shapes drifting through the pale lit grass, off to the various buildings or a good spot to show off the flick of a whip and helpless whines.

Leaving the door open he bounced back into the warm den, met with the sumptuous tornado or whirling winds as the heat and cold battled it out. Davien squeaked at his dragon, who was now sitting upright and glaring at him intensely. The sub giggled and set off into the kitchen to fix something to eat. He sliced and cleared out bell peppers for himself, stuffing them with sweet and spicy hummus and baking them inside a covered pan before coating them in a lilting avocado glaze. For Lyrrin he carved out a large pretzel loaf, and filled it full of sauteed onions and carrots and mushrooms, the whole thing then oiled and crisped in the oven. As he waited he peeked around the corner and saw Lyrrin reclined upon the couch, gazing out the open door and fiddling with his new collar, the sun painting the place with a pale glow. All except Lyrrin of course, with those deep luscious scales. Davien was noticed after a bit and he saw Lyrrin smirking over at him, tail flicking. He popped back behind the corner with a giggle and finished cooking.

When he brought out the steaming food he heard his dragon clicking, and rumbling so very deeply. He smiled as Lyrrin tore into the crispy bread while he ate his burning pods of fluffy bean clouds. The two stared out the door and at each other, tails flicking and stroking. When they were done Davien put the dishes away and bounced back to his dragon, pouncing him and nipping the hard scales of the arms that wrapped around him. "So whatcha wanna do sir?" Davien looked up expectantly as he squiggled. Lyrrin shrugged as he stared down and rumbled.

Davien stared right back, drinking in the wonderful smile and flaming eyes. He squirmed in the squeezing arms and shuddered happily as he flopped against his dragon's chest, sweet warmth digging into him. He looked up, seeing the wondrous face beaming down at him, the room lit with a soapy sheen from the basking sun behind him, and he thought of just how wonderful Lyrrin was, and that even in this splintered shard where they were, it was still wonderful with him there.

He sat and basked in the succulent lights, drinking them in as he nuzzled the harness tensed across the large plates. Slowly he reached up and gently grasped the thick purple collar about his dragon's neck and pulled the smirking face towards him as he rose up to meet it. He gently nuzzled between the nostrils and let out a little squeak. When the mouth opened and the sharp gates spread, he lapped gently at the great swarm of muscle that etched out to greet him. He suckled it and nibbled all along it as it pushed deeper and deeper into him, lapping at the inside of his cheeks and filling his mouth, Lyrrin's gentle musk dancing all about him. He squeezed the purple material tighter and pulled harder, pushing himself up as the tongue rippled and slid down his throat, bulging it out against his own collar. He whimpered and gasped as Lyrrin searched about inside him, so very close to the fields of searing ecstasy, he stared into them and let himself be filled with as much as his dragon would push into him.

Davien squirmed and squeaked, panting and begging for more with every breath. He rocked in the rumbling heat from the great purple spire and flicked his tail hard behind him. Lyrrin kept digging into him, his sweet face filling the panda's eyes as he thrashed about inside the swelling throat. Eventually Davien felt the tongue slowly receding, and he nibbled and licked at every single spot as he felt it sliding out. Lyrrin beamed down at him, his eyes frolicking and burning, and he chuckled deeply as he nuzzled his panda between the ears. Davien felt Lyrrin lift his head. He waited for gentle laps across his ears or tearing bites, but they didn't come. After a moment he realized there was no more rumbling either now, just a deep clicking slamming about the room. The panda peered up, feeling now how much tighter the claws were digging into him and how Lyrrin's face was like nothing he had seen before.

As he spun about he saw why. The fields that only a short while ago had been serenading and sparkling in a wondrous dance were now crumbling and fading into a deep wall of black. Davien turned back to see Lyrrin glaring down at him, now no trace of a smile left on his face. Davien squeaked out with a shudder "Like last time?" Lyrrin didn't answer, only raising his wings up and nuzzling hard against his sub's fur. Davien closed his eyes and thought. He scratched and etched it all back into place as before, only this time nothing at all would stay.

Every single spot would rip and sunder the moment he turned to another, flying and blasting apart as if torn by otherworldly winds. Davien panted and whimpered, every single moment a horrid agony as he fought the urge to turn around. There was no beaming sun anymore, no winking grass or greeting trees, just the tower where they lay, in an open world of blank.

Davien let out a loud whine and looked up, Lyrrin's eyes still perched onto him, though for the first time they were edged with tears. The panda was so taken aback that he didn't even move when they fell and splattered on his fur about his eyes, he just didn't understand how something like Lyrrin could be afraid. Surely he could tear it all asunder like he had before, and sweep him up in deeply blazing wings to a distant realm of eternal fire. As Davien watched though, he saw there wasn't any intention of doing any such thing.

For a moment he thought he was wrong, feeling himself be lifted up as Lyrrin stood, but all that wondrous hope wilted even faster when he was placed standing in front of his dragon. "I'm sorry Davien." As the cracking whisper left the scaled lips Davien saw fresh streams pour out of the puffy clouds, and felt as though he might throw up as he saw Lyrrin turn and walk over to the wall nearby. The panda tore his tear filled eyes away from the sagging wings, a deep panic coiling about him. The dark was so very close now, gnawing away at the sidewall of the tower and dissolving it all away in an unseen funnel. He heard a loud *tttzzz* and the sound of snapping flames, and when he turned his head Lyrrin was standing in front of a the wall.

As he stared Lyrrin turned back and stood by it, every part of him drooping, though he tried his best to stay tall and brave. He waved his arm to it and said with a sarcastic smirk "You can try if you would like." Davien slowly edged away from the crumbling veranda and stepped over to the flickering violet circle. It was like a pane of molten silk, unmarred and smooth, through it he could just barely make out the shape of trees and grass, though it was so dark it was hard to tell. He pushed, then harder, and harder still. He scratched and bit and clawed, everything simply bouncing and sliding off the sheenless surface. He looked up to see Lyrrin with his head cocked, lip quivering with a sad twist and tears dripping off his muzzle.

Davien turned as he heard a loud bang, the door laying on the floor as the walls slowly dusted away. Quickly he ran up and to the hall to his room, but all that was already gone. Frantically he bounded back to his dragon who had been watching the whole time with a blank stare. He glanced over to see the last bit of kitchen fading away as well. The panda couldn't help but sob as he asked "Where are you going?" Lyrrin let out a quiet rumble "Would you really like to know Davien?" He was answered with a nod, and Davien felt the warm tender claws reach down and hold his cheeks as Lyrrin knelt down in front of him.

"You have been here a very long time Davien. I do mean a long time. I have done all of this before, over and over and over and overandoverandover many times I had to stop counting, or it would have driven me mad." Davien sniffled as he tried to understand what his dragon was saying, but he just kept going. "I've seen you fall, down to the deepest parts of this place, and I couldn't find you anymore. When I left and came back everything was right back to where it was supposed to be, but you had never even met me. I had to hunt you down and start all over again. Every. Single. Time. Do you know what that's like?" Lyrrin's eyes flicked about inside his own, begging for any sort of reply, but it was all Davien could do just to remain standing. "This time was wonderful" Lyrrin made a tiny smile "I remember once we had such a long stay together." Davien let out a scared squeak, the idea of what Lyrrin was suggesting starting to terrify him. He held his dragon close and dug what was left of his claws in at the edges of the plum scales. Lyrrin squeezed him tight, so very tight and Davien felt tears burning all along his neck under his collar.

When Lyrrin pulled back, his eyes were staring right through him and his face was blank, he stood up and Davien couldn't manage to hold on with his shaking paws. He heard a flat echo bounce between his ears. "I'll stay with you, just like last time, and then I' back." As he said it Lyrrin stepped back slowly, gently blurring through the portal and standing just on the other side. Davien wanted to scream, but he could barely let out a tiny whine as he staggered over and tried to scratch at the unmoving field. He saw Lyrrin's eyes burning into him, and as he stared back he noticed the growing sound of a blurring wind, like a quietly screaming tornado made of static.

He whimpered and sobbed, tears splattering beneath him, but Lyrrin didn't move or blink or breathe, he only watched. The panda looked behind him, now only a small patch of floor remained, and he felt he might faint as he stared into the blankness. He turned and sat hard, looking up at Lyrrin as much as he could, his eyes burning as he fought to keep them open from the stinging tears. They stared at each other, the tall dragon unmoving save for sharp claws tracing at the edge of his purple collar. Davien felt his tail slowly start to sag as the floor behind him fizzed away. He shuddered and curled into a tight ball, burying his face in his arms and knees and sobbing loudly. Surely Lyrrin wasn't right. In a few moments he would step back and announce the point of the world's most distasteful jest. But what if he wasn't. Then soon Davien wouldn't even remember him. Those sweet scales and the burning eyes. His wonderful dragon. With a shake Davien lifted his head, his tail now floating freely in a deep expanse, yearning to see Lyrrin again before he fell.

He looked up past the blurred image of the fading floor in the corners of his eyes, past his swirling black stockings and the ground between his legs. He looked up past his tear soaked muzzle as the sourceless light blurred in the flows of his burning eyes. Just once more to see the tender nebulas of endlessly loving flame before he went over the edge. Davien saw them, burning into him from lower than he expected. He saw the rest of Lyrrin too, if only for a moment. He was on all fours, his claws ripping apart what little floor was left and sending it out behind him in a cascade of wooden lances as he headed straight for him. The next thing the panda knew he was hit with the full force of the rushing dragon, and he stared up as the tiny patch fell away from him. He felt sharp claws and teeth dig deep into him. Too deep Davien thought. He felt the twisting tail constricting around him and the great wings swell up as he was swallowed in a blanket of purple. The dark inside the bubble lit up with Lyrrin's blazing eyes and Davien gasped for breath as he held his dragon close.

To say there were falling wouldn't have been quite accurate. Nor were they floating. They drifted about in a particular direction, but Davien wasn't sure what it was. Every time he tried to peek out from the wings Lyrrin would pull them tighter, and with the claws so deep in him he could barely move at all, much less speak. After a while of drifting, Davien felt the teeth slide out from his shoulder, Lyrrin's face smeared with blood as he stared down at him, eyes streaming as he growled out "I'm not doing it again." Next Davien felt the claws pull loose from his sides, and he whimpered as each one slid out, warmth slowly spreading around each spot under his fur. The tail and wings remained in place however, and Lyrrin absolutely refused to move them or loosen his grip.

"Sorry." Davien heard the soft whisper as Lyrrin lapped at his shoulder, warm tingles spreading through it as he did. Davien spoke with what little breath he could bring under the squeezing tail and squeaked out "It's okay Lyrrin." The two drifted as Lyrrin cleaned him up, every lap wiping away the sting of the cuts and stabs. Once the dragon was satisfied he wrapped his sub up in a gentler embrace, though no less tight.

After a bit Davien whispered out "So where are we now?" Lyrrin only shrugged, glaring down with a weak smile and rumbling out. "The place where you always go I would imagine." Davien thought and said "Well I'm still here, and so are you." Lyrrin stared back as he pondered and then shrugged again. "Maybe me being here stops everything from swallowing you back up, I'm not supposed to be here after all, this is your nightmare." Davien nuzzled his dragon hard and whimpered. He was so very glad to have him.

Soon Lyrrin rumbled out "Do You remember how you put everything back together last time? Could you try doing it again? It doesn't have to be all the sun and sky and the park, just a place to land would be nice." Davien thought a moment and nodded, nuzzling into the warmth of Lyrrin's neck and staring at the purple fields of his wings. He thought of a flat splotch, a happy place compared to here, though however much he wanted it refused to be filled with any color. Davien thought of when he had met Lyrrin, perched atop the white couch in the softly glowing room.

A moment later he heard a soft "That will do." and the massive wings very carefully unfurled from about him, as if afraid to knock him loose, to be sent drifting off into oblivion. As the wings cleared Davien saw all about him, deep clenching darkness so empty it seemed to thrum with a silent tune. He whined quietly as Lyrrin flexed and turned, twisting about to the spot he had carved into the emptiness. He landed, even here the great legs sure and precise, and Davien looked down at the ashen floor.

"Wonderful." Lyrrin cooed out, lapping at the nearby ears. The panda nuzzled close and held on tight. He squiggled about in Lyrrin's arms, who at first refused to relent. As he kept on though the dragon gently set him down in front of him, slowly uncurling his tail and arms and claws. "Just be careful Davien, and whatever you do please don't fall." Davien saw his dragon staring through him, and he squeaked and nodded.

As he turned he saw the floor stretched out before him, most of it anyway, though there were no walls or ceiling. He stepped over to where the couch should have been, his dragon mirroring every inch behind him. "So what now?" the panda squeaked out, looking behind him to the looming purple scales. Lyrrin took a moment to answer with "Well you are still here like you said, and I don't think that this place would hold together very long even if you put everything back." He paused then went on "So why don't we go ahead and be done with it? Just like the last few dreams, and we are already rather close, if you think you can handle it. But please sure you can." Lyrrin was flicking his tail and looking down at him, waiting patiently. Davien peered back and gave a little nod then turned back to face the room where he had met his dragon.

He carved and whittled at the edges with his eyes, sometimes they stayed and other times they crumbled away, shattering down in a rain of glass, the edges so very sharp, just to look at them made his eyes shudder and sting. When he brought it back up, everything that fell had a dusky sheen to it, and the faint mockery of leering smiles peeking back at him. Davien focused and strained, scratching and sorting it all together into some semblance of the room he was thinking of. He went on and on, making very sure to stay out from under the particular patch of ceiling he was working on. Eventually he had it done, more or less, and then he carved out the couch, though it was considerably more jagged than the one he was thinking of.

When he was done he was panting, his head aching as he tested the smoky cushions, they were much more stiff than he had wanted but still he sat and sighed. Lyrrin strolled over and sat next to him, gently lapping his ears and rumbling hard. "My brave wonderful panda." He chuckled and held Davien close. The aching sub curled up in the arms and breathed hard. As he did he thought, thinking that if the whole thing was to figure out what happened he might as well ponder it all. He thought of Fratz trampled and bleeding. He thought of Siaav choking and gasping. He thought of all the screams and blurred faces, and all the soot and smoke and ash. There was still something he didn't know though. The fire. He knew the place had burned, and apparently quite a bit of it. He didn't know what had happened to him, and he was headed to sort that out now. But what had burned it all, including him?

Davien looked up right into a hard lick across his face and a deep chuckle, and squeaked out "How much of the place burned Lyrrin?" The question stopped the dragon in his tracks, his smile fading away as he squeezed tighter. A moment later he answered "Almost all of it, the club at least. Quite a bit of the park as well." Davien squirmed to sit on his dom's lap, thinking of it all as he nodded. "How many got caught in it?" Lyrrin only stared back a few moments, something dancing as the edge of his face as he answered "A lot Davien, most outside the club were okay, but...not many made it out of there." Davien looked down and thought, gently nipping at the big arm next to him. That only left one thing then. "How did the fire start?"

Davien waited for an answer, he stared into the listless orbs and scratched gently at the geared scales and plates, expecting Lyrrin to give him a detailed account after such a long pause. He didn't though, he only kept staring blankly. "Well?" Davien piped out, gently nipping at his dragon. Still more silence, and Davien suddenly felt the gnawing hint of a horrible idea. He knew it couldn't be right, never. The way Lyrrin was staring at him though, no laugh or smirk or flicking tail. "What started the fire Lyrrin?" As the panda stared he could see tiny squicks of fluid welling up in the corners of the great purple firestorms, and his heart sank with his ears. Every single moment of hopeless storms from this place, even all the ones he didn't remember, all colliding together at once formed not even the faintest sliver of what this thought held for him. Just to hold it inside his mind made him want to turn himself inside out and scrub every bit of it clean. To look at it was nearly unbearable, so horrid it didn't even hurt, it just smiled back in a blank stare like a patient predator waiting for the moment it might rend him apart.""

Lyrrin's eyes filled up and he looked away, and Davien slid off of the towering legs. He hit the floor hard and looked up. All of this...was from his sweetest dragon. He let out a whimper, which grew and grew, turning into a broken little shuddering squeak. He stared down and whined as tears fell down his face and splattered against his rubbery legs. He sniffed and looked back up to see Lyrrin, once again staring at him. Then he saw him stand and reach out his claws, the things only moments ago so enticing and tender now like shards of endless visceral blackness. Davien shuffled back as fast as he could, back slamming into the doorway as he almost toppled over through it. Lyrrin reached out faster, then pulled his arm back, sitting back down in front of the couch and looking down.

"Why?" Davien choked out. He wanted to know how Lyrrin could tear apart such a wondrous place and burn it all to ashes, and him along with it. He waited on the reply for a while, eventually Lyrrin muttered out "I never meant for that to happen Davien. For any of this to happen. I've tried to fix it you know, and I have...I told you're the last one." Lyrrin turned his head every way but up, his voice like sifting waves rather than the usual rumbling thunder. Davien sniffed as he watched and listened, squeaking out "Tell me what happened Lyrrin." Eventually he heard "I like to wander, to see all sorts of wonderful places, and I saw that club in that world and it seemed like it would be a good one to stop at and have fun. I am rather partial to those sorts of things you know" He let out a quick chuckle, but it seemed to hurt far more than it helped. "Of course it was a night where that hyena was putting on a rather illustrious show, all the squealing and squeaking and begging, I'm sure I don't have to explain it to you. Apparently he decided he liked the look of me, maybe because I was just the only dragon there, but he invited me up on stage. It was some sort of tribal show they were putting on, you know fire breathing and the torches" Lyrrin let out another small chuckle "but no matter what I did they wanted more. They wanted to see a show...real fire." Lyrrin was quiet for several long moments, his eyes searching around at his legs and the floor in front of him "A big strong dragon..." With that Lyrrin's wings sank flat and he looked back down at the ground, tears glinting down onto his legs as he sniffed "I never meant for it to happen Davien, I'd never want to hurt them, much less you, especially once I met you the first time, I just...I'm sorry Davien." He didn't say any more though, only staring down and snuffling every now and then as the two sat there in the hidden halls of blank.

Davien watched for a long while, the arcing wings like limp rags draped down to the floor, his tail loose and strewn. Lyrrin refused to look back up at him no matter how long he waited. There sat the thing that had burned his sweet lands to ash, and trapped him in a whole torturous world for who knew how long. He stared at the purple scales and orange swirls, sniffling out every now and then.

Even so he had to mean it, Davien couldn't think of any way to fake this, he looked like every bone in his body had somehow been broken, shattered and ground to splintered edges and then minced back together. He heard a high pitched hissing whine now too, and he saw the glowing orbs flitting about as he watched the dragon shake. Lyrrin had come back too, to save each and every one who had gotten wrapped up in the smoke and ash. Then Davien thought of how many times he must have come back for him alone. Surely no guilt or strife would support such a thing. After a few more moments the panda shuffled over close, looking at the drooped head and soaked scales. He gently lifted up his dragon by the muzzle and tenderly nipped between his nostrils, then flung himself against the great chest, a moment later burning echoes ripping through him as he was squeezed tight.

It didn't matter what Lyrrin had done, if he had torn the whole world asunder and rendered it all to ash so be it. He knew what lay in the violet flames, and it was nothing at all to be afraid of. He lay against the warm scales and under the spattering rain as it shattered against him, whimpering softly. He was Lyrrin's, nothing was going to tear him from the sweet arms, and Lyrrin was his dragon, his great rippling tower of love and searing affection, to see the blooming smile on his face tore through every thought he didn't wish to have. All the fear and sadness burned away and shattered with the sweet echoes and he squeaked when Lyrrin began to wash him with the snaking tongue.

Davien lay there thinking, now laying upon the sweet bed once more and squeaked out "So tell me about it...when you first met me." Lyrrin snuffled then after a bit replied "It was wonderful, I came here looking for you, to dig you out of this place...I never thought it might take this long. The moment I laid eyes upon you though, the first time I heard your cute little squeak, the first time you leaned your head back without a care...well I suppose that was it. I wasn't about to leave you here, even if it hadn't...been my fault." The dragon paused a moment then continued "The way you spread wide all of yourself to me, every inch so inviting, begging to be played with and torn and loved, always yearning for more. The way you want to be mine." Lyrrin nuzzled Davien's ears hard and the panda looked up at the weakly smiling face. He saw the thick purple collar wrapped tight around the rippling muscles "Did you ever get one of those before?" Lyrrin smiled wider then and reached up to feel the tight constriction "No, this is the first time you did that." The panda grinned and nipped his dragon hard on the arm, teeth scraping along without a scratch. They lay there for a long while in the shattered warp of the room where they had met. This time at least. Davien stretched and squirmed under the relentless assault of Lyrrin's laps as he sought out the patches of matted fur and soothed the cuts and punctures with tender loving wetness.

Once Davien was patched up all over, he peered up to see his dragon beaming down at him, eyes dancing about as he stood. He lifted the panda up and squeezed him hard, biting and nibbling him all over. Lyrrin pulled back and let out a tender whisper, with hungering tones painting along the edge of his words "Come on, let's get you out of this place my sweet one." When Davien was sat back down Lyrrin was once again stretched out in his towering splendor, and the sub nipped the purpure arms as he squiggled loose and turned back to the empty doorway swarming with black.

He felt Lyrrin standing close behind him, and the strong tail coiling about him again as he stood near the edge. Davien let out a breath and started building the halls as he knew them. They didn't resemble it very much though. Bleached spires and grey slate were all about, and he stepped slowly as he shaved each piece into place. He formed the floors and the walls, then quite carefully the ceiling, trying to recall which part he was in at a given moment.

Each turn was always a question, and Davien wondered at every one. He then recalled the looming halls where he had seen Siaav smothered under the burning snow and figured that would be his destination. The two went on, slowly tunnelling through the deep dark, through halls of ash and shattered glass. The carvings Davien made were not ideal, they twisted and warped about quite a bit, though as he went he did find it easier to form them, however much they protested and flung themselves back apart.

On and on they trod, Lyrrin refusing to remove his tail from his panda, and Davien himself putting up no protest. They rounded bend after bend, now flamberging ripples rather than angled corners. Davien was panting, pushing and tearing away at the black as he waded through, every single step was like trying to tear something apart from every direction at once, and he wasn't even sure what it was. Eventually he rounded a familiar turn.

There was nothing there yet, but Davien could see where it should be. The door. The room. He breathed heavily and pushed onwards, tearing through the blasting silence. The closer he got the more everything seemed to warp, not physically, but with a deep rippling wave that pulsed and pulled like an undersea current. He wobbled about, steadied by the tail about him. Each step met with a monsoon of repulsive and repugnant ichor, along with a sweetly whispering whine that tickled his ears and just kept building onto itself as it echoed in place. When he finally reached the spot of the door, he carved it in. Each stroke a screaming no that tore through him inside and out. He kept on though, whittling away the handle. Then the edges. Then the frame. Panting and unsteady he stood in front of it, unseen tendrils warping and shoving out in waves of nauseating black.

Davien went to turn the small bar and was stopped by a hard hug from Lyrrin, and a tender question "Are you sure Davien?" Without a pause the panda nodded, and felt the tender caress of Lyrrin's tail as it slid out from around him. He sighed and took several breaths, thinking of what all might happen just a step away. None of that mattered though, whatever this horrid blank, this putrid smothering hunger, it had no place within him.

A moment later he grabbed the handle, and pushed it open smoothly, it put up no resistance as Davien thought it would have, he expected he might need to batter it down. He didn't though, it swung in quietly, far more than it should have, stopping precisely without a sound as it hit the wall inside. The moment it was open Davien fought the urge to topple, waves of nausea rushing over him like a rogue wave as he peered about the room, something he hadn't etched into the dark, it all lay there waiting for him, like a great patient thing lurking with a sole purpose.

He stared and stared, each fiber of the seething materials warping and twisting as if with a pulse, he looked about as he remembered each detail. The soft and fluffy carpet, now a waving field of grey and black. The twisting and careening walls, smiling sweetly at him. The table in the corner, legs bent and crossed. The comfy couch near the center like most of the rooms had, though this one was flickering about madly, shifting and stretching as he fought to keep it in focus. It all seemed like it were trying to chase him out with unheard whispers of sickening and screeching black, yet at the same time offering a sweet and alluring invitation.

He remembered the room now, though the events were still absent, and he kept searching about. Then his eyes spotted it, half blended with the shaggy carpet were two empty yet very much occupied depths staring right back at him, as Davien raised his eyes to meet them he felt a shockwave blow through him and he spluttered and stumbled back. He looked between them then, if that's what it took, and shuffled forward ever so slowly, padding through the screaming expanse below him as it waved and assaulted his footpaws, unsure if in anger or in warning.

Closer and closer, edging through the blaring rippling storm, struggling to stay upright and breathing as every part of him cried out. He stood then in front of it, and saw it all. The smallest bit of ash and soot, bleached and blackened with flame. Next to it a tattered scruff of fur, along with a single ear, lining a mass of blazing white bone. Davien knelt heavily and let out tears through his eyes, panting and whimpering. There lay the top half of a skull. His skull, nearly stripped clean and gazing back up at him with flickering hungry emptiness and a leering smile, every moment a shattering peel rocking out in all directions that felt as though it might snuff him out if his heart were to beat to the same tune. Davien steadied himself and then gently took the thing in his paws, his bones cracking and seething without a sound as he brought the blank skies up to meet his eyes.

A blink later and he was back. He stared at the ceiling for a few moments, the cheery lights of the room so off to him. He tried to move and stretch his suddenly tingling muscles, but he found he couldn't. He looked about to them, seeing them wrapped tightly in binders. He tried to yawn, he hadn't had much sleep the night before after all and found his mouth shut tight with his muzzle. He looked about and tried to squiggle, soon putting it all together he was lying flat on a couch, securely fastened down with straps from between the cushions.

He thought about when that dom was supposed to be getting here, surely he must have slept for a while as well. He stared at the wall some more, the gentle colors wisping about, then down to the warm tickling carpet. They could at least let someone know they weren't going to show. He leaned his head back against the soft cushion and squeaked, although there wasn't much rush, he was quite comfy.

He lay and stared about, enjoying the tight restricting binds and making sure he couldn't escape, tugging and throbbing as he did. He stared at the ceiling, the smooth expanse so empty and unmarred. He stared at the lamp nearby, the purple shade a deep hue of delightful splendor. It was so deep, so dark and delicious, the light inside beaming up and below in loose mountains of tingling warmth. He stared and stared at it, thinking of how wonderful it would be if a tall strong fur were to burst through the door right now, announcing a late arrival, sweeping upon him and wrapping him in succulent snuggles. They might even be purple themselves, sweet tender plum colors swarming about him in gentle caresses. Davien kept staring still, a sinking feeling stretching through him now, tears welling up behind his eyes as he wondered what they were doing. He stared at the sweet purple lamp, the dancing greys at the edge of the beams, the lilting glow flickering about the room like a crackling night fire.

With the impact of a comet it hit him, and he remembered why he was remembering, and what. He let out a muffled screech and whined, everything flooding back to him. He tugged and pulled, but no matter what he did he didn't budge. He started tearing up now, screaming out in muffled whimpers for Fratz. Siavv. Anyone at all. There was no reply though, he knew this room, tucked back in the furthest corner of the halls, the raccoon had set him up with a special surprise, one who should have been here by now. It was just him though, and the encroaching blaze he knew would start soon.

Davien whimpered and sobbed, tugging until his muscles twisted and screamed, he squeaked and whined as loud as he could, but no one came to the rescue. He laid his head back and wondered if this was really right, but surely it must be, he remembered everything, every screaming step through the blistering storm, and the moment he peered into the black seas of his own skull. He sniffled and lay back, whining and flicking his tail, and perked up his ears as he waited.

Not long after, he heard the first shriek, then another and another. His heart sped up as he started crying again. He begged Lyrrin to rush through the flames and save him, whining and panting into his muzzle. He knew that any time Fratz would be trampled into a bloody mess, and not long after Siavv would be choking. He knew there was no one coming. He stared at the ceiling and let out a whimper as he waited. Already the smell of smoke was drifting lazily about the room.

He heard it after what seemed such a long encroach, now there were no more screams of panic, just a faint crackling as the flames drew nearer. It grew and grew, every moment a bit louder, he felt fresh tears pouring down his cheeks as he sobbed. The sub tugged more, flicking his tail as hard as he could as he jerked and squeaked. After much of that he lay back, exhausted, the rippling flames now so close.

He felt the heat under the door and through the walls, even from that alone he would slowly cook. He shut his eyes and whimpered, trying to protect them from the dusty embers billowing under the door. They sparked about him and scattered against the couch, where he quickly patted them out with his stinging tail. He whined as the door started creaking, and strained as hard as he could.

With a sudden splintering crash it collapsed inwards, and Davien felt the heat hit him as he shut his eyes. A moment later he squinted them open, the whole hall filled with sweeping flame and the room filling with black smoke. He could hear the roaring echo as it tore through the building, and the occasional crash as something toppled. Then he became aware of just how quickly it was spreading towards him along the swarming carpet. He whined loudly and tugged and tugged, rocking back and forth over and over, eventually working up enough momentum to move the couch. With a great heave he threw himself back, the couch rolling and trapping him downward under a triangle of wood and fluff.

He hung there against the cushions, facing away from the flames as he cried and tugged, tears soaking the carpet below him. Soon the black clouds came into view and he whimpered as he hung there, coughing and spluttering out through his nose. They pushed lower and lower, filling his lungs with sticking burning goo. He choked and cried, kicking and flailing as he fought to breathe. He lay there smothered and gasping, forgotten by someone that wouldn't arrive, and with his valiant rescuer lying face down in the burning halls.

The sound of the fire was still growing closer, as was the heat, he was struggling to focus now, and barely had enough strength to move himself about. When he felt the flames leaping nearby however, he flicked his tail and tried to pat them out, soon letting out a shriek as he felt it cling on to him. He screamed and whimpered, flicking it about as it climbed up to him. He sobbed and tugged as it crackled and tore through, never stopping or slowing down.

Then he felt the couch getting hotter, and the flames lapping at his legs, he sniffled out another scream of soot and ash and tugged as the flames gently teased at him. His binders offered protection from immediate immolation, but the heat was still there as he slowly roasted and flailed. Then he saw the fires creeping up in front of him, steadily sliding towards his face as he bounced in place. It flowed closer, and he tried turning his head as much as he could, just enough to let it pass by under him.

He was now hanging above the gallivanting flames, so cheerily cracking and spewing. He could barely see past the oozing fumes and black splotches from the soot and lack of air. He screamed and writhed all about and tugged and bounced and tore at his own muscles as he tried to escape, gently boiling away at the edge of the inferno below him. He stared down through each fleeting shield of tears before they were burned away, down into the gleeful bright light waiting so patiently.

All of a sudden he heard a crack, and the couch above him shifted, creaking loudly as it splintered and razed away. Then another, and there was a brief drop as he slammed into the floor below. He wailed out and screamed as the fires rose about him, burning and writhing and tugging as he suffocated on the swarming lights. He coughed and gasped as long as he could, eventually not able to do that any more as his molten lungs started collapsing. On and on, he didn't know how he was still even there, his eyes refusing to see where he lay as he choked and burned. It just kept going on and on and on. He cried dry tears and bled shuddering whines as he called for Fratz. For Siaav. For Lyrrin. Not even his dragon showed. Not here. Not this time. Lyrrin was right. This was his nightmare. Every single sordid smudge of soot. Every wisping flurry of ash. Every melting breath. Every step through empty halls. Every blink of lightless sky. Every hopeless throb of his heart. Every moment of all of this was his alone. Whatever he had done, whatever shrouding blanket of black he had woven to hide himself in was his. It now lay burning alongside him and he remained. He thought of every single aching step through all of this place, he felt the ones he didn't remember too, and the hopelessness, the rending loneliness, all the things he had been so afraid to see before. He held them up in front of his eyes as they seared and crumbled and tore themselves apart. He had quite enough of it.

Davien wasn't sure when he blinked, and was a bit surprised when he was actually able to see something besides fire in his eyes again, shuddering and shaking as he watched the onyx expanses in front of his nose. He kept staring at them, digging out every sordid secret they hid, his eyes streaming with tears all down his face and sides, arms shaking as he fought every bit of himself to scream and run. He dove in and ripped every festering spine to pieces, he raked and split every towering hopeless wall, he waded through seas of blank screeching embers, stepped through and shattered every unseen wave of putrescence that tried to knock him away. He dug deeper and deeper, slicing and spilling out every hidden patch of blank smoke lurking with mocking glee, as it now fluttered and ripped between his claws, twisting and breaking away in a shattering breeze.

He wasn't done though, not yet. He tore every single bit of it he could reach asunder, he toyed with it as it shimmered away, he twisted it until it popped and oozed in a shaded rain that fizzled and crumbled as it tumbled back down. He carved open the deepest reaches he could find, feeling the thrumming pulse of the towering dark as he thrashed about with his teeth and claws, seas spilling out to meet him as he waved them aside and smothered them into oblivion. He danced and frolicked with such sweet filagree, chasing every squirming patch that dared to show itself, hunting each one down no matter how large or small, even the mightiest darkness toppling. And shredding. And bleeding.

He took such sweet delight in the hunt, in this newfound game in the depths of nowhere. Here lay all his fears, every cracking wail, every blanched fortress of lies. Davien chased and slaughtered into the farthest reaches he could find, his heart soaring with every silent cry of the quivering storms, untold splendor filling him as he ripped it all between his teeth. Every seething ocean and crumbling mountain gave way before him as he sped on. He spared nothing, for there was none of it that had any place within him.

When there was nothing left to rend and shred Davien stopped, panting as he smiled with sharp teeth, his tail flicking wildly. He looked about just to be sure, the only reply a blank expanse. His thoughts turned to Lyrrin, and the sweetly teetering eyes he sought. He wondered how indeed to get out of the place, then smiled to himself. However he liked, this was his after all. The panda tore his claws into the space in front of him, climbing up an unseen wall, up and up and up to where he was sure he should go. As he went everything slowly began to fizz and blur, and the next moment he felt the tickling stiffness of the singed carpet under him.

The room around him came into view, the ashen walls no longer raging, but breezing gently as if in a fond wave. With one last inner scream he tore his eyes from the hollow sockets and coughed, nearly painting the floor in front of him. He gasped and spluttered, staring down at the thing he held.

He sat and gazed a long while, at the bleached gleam shining up at him, dancing now with a gentle timbre rather than a sweeping storm. He sat it down back in front of him, checking his arms and legs and tail, all of it still together and unmarred, save for Lyrrin's still tender marks under the fur. He checked behind him, seeing the flicking tail out of the corner of his eye. He sighed heavily. So that was it. The horrible secret that held him here all this time. He stared a bit more and let out a small laugh, peering down at the leering smile of his own teeth.

Once he had enough he stood, shaking and shuddering but managing it. He looked about at the room, it was all dancing and swirling about like the tendrils from a freshly plucked candle. He turned to face Lyrrin next, stepping up to him before searching up to the tender eyes. They were streaming down openly, and his dragon was staring down at him unblinkingly. Davien let out a coughing squeak "Did you see?" Lyrrin only nodded, fresh tears welling up as he reached out to hug the panda. They stood and squeezed, then Lyrrin pulled away slowly, rumbling out "Well I suppose we should get going, and I don't want to ask this of you Davien, but could you take us back out to the floor? I would like to show you something."

Davien stared and wondered a moment and then nodded, stepping and fumbling out to the hall with his dragon. With one last glance he looked into the sweetly breezing room now steaming with a jesting smoke, and down to the tenderly weeping eyes dancing about inside the snowy bone. They bled forth shimmering tendrils of gray haze, weeping in unspoken joy at the sight in front of them. He turned to the halls and set off. He tread the places he had made, and when it came time to make the new ones they flowed freely, though they were still grey and smeared they didn't crumble or protest.

Davien remembered each and every step he had ever taken here, every heartfelt spear of longing tearing through him, every hopeful skip that would surely be right this time. He remembered the first time Siaav had shown him about the wondrous halls, the sweeping maze of twisting love and fun. Davien saw, and heard, and felt it all, every bit he didn't desire to keep he simply crumbled to dust and let it fall. He felt the warmth of his dragon beside him, towering strides matching his own, the rippling muscles and wide wings so strong they might crack and splinter the fragile world at any moment. They slowly went on through the twisting tunnels, Davien eventually coming to the empty door he sought.

He etched it in, then gently pushed it open, the whole place blasting into focus as he did. They stepped through, Lyrrin quietly coming in behind him. Davien searched about the faintly quivering expanse, at the smokey bottles and glasses. He saw the splotched and greyed ceiling and walls, and stepped over to the center of it. He saw Lyrrin keep going though, over to the stage, where he stood and peered at it in silence. He then climbed up the stairs, turning to face Davien as he approached, and he looked down as they stared at each other.

The black swarm shot from every unspoken corner Davien hadn't seen, and whirled about Lyrrin in a murky spiral of tearing black. The wails and cries of all that had burned there heaping upon him relentlessly, swirling and burying him in all of their anguish. In all that he had done. It filled everything with a loud blearing screech, every voice pulsing out loud, in blame, in anger, in hopeless seas. Davien stepped forward, trying to find Lyrrin behind it all, looking up to where his eyes had just been. He saw them then, deep and unwavering in the black torrents.

Every time one of the blurs wisped past Lyrrin's gaze it burned and shredded, fading and rippling away before another tried to take its place. Over and over they threw themselves into the vagrant stars, his eyes burning through it all, lances of sweet agony piercing and ripping through every ragged scream and hopeless whimper, digging straight through to Davien. He stood and watched the sweet puffs of fire until every last bit of dark was burned away and flew dissolved, screeching and tumbling upwards like a feathery weed. Then it was Lyrrin, molten galaxies of tender razing love searching into him, his wings spread wide in a grand display, tall in the face of every harrowing cry.

Davien watched as the flames in his eyes told him everything he asked, he saw Lyrrin come back for each and every one that had been lost here. He saw the storms of flame he weaved and the shattering strength that frolicked about him. Davien saw him dig into every hidden world, burning away the sludge and soot and shattered bones, showing all the way out, and bearing those too torn and afraid to move. He saw the first time they had met, and the sweet succulent love Lyrrin had shown him. He saw himself falling, his dragon screaming as he toppled over the edge. He saw Lyrrin come back, and saw it happen more times than he could count even now. Over and over and over. So many. He saw Lyrrin wading through the twisting world and crying and refusing to leave anyone to such a place, especially not him. He saw the first time he had ripped him with his sweet claws, the time Davien had fallen off of the pools and Lyrrin had nursed his shattered arm back to health. He saw the sweet tender flames swarming about him and burning into him from all about in an endless embrace of lilting loving fluff.

Lyrrin's mouth opened and his lilting and caring voice washed over Davien's ears as he watched "Do you see me Davien?" The snuffling panda did, and he nodded. "Do you forgive me?" Davien nodded again, tears streaming down his eyes as he thought of all that Lyrrin had done, over and over to stand there in front of him right then. Lyrrin let out a sweet rumble "Let's get going, I think you've been here quite long enough."

Davien stepped along the unmoving dust over to Lyrrin, taking the offered arm and claw as he was lifted onto the stage. His dragon turned away from the toppled tables and silent smoke and closed his wings in front of him. As he opened them Davien heard the same loud hiss, and watched as the air in front of him split into a wide circle tinged with bleached purple flames. Lyrrin stood aside and waved Davien forward, though the panda stared up into the dragon's eyes a moment, getting a smirking reply "I'll be right behind you." The smaller fur turned back to the wall with a flick of his tail and stepped forward. It looked similar to the one as before, though many of the details were shrouded in the dark.

It wasn't cold as though it might have seemed from the look, but rather gentle and fizzy. It tickled his fur as he pushed through and nuzzled into the smooth wall, warm and caressing. Davien felt cool air on the other side, and with a gentle breath pushed himself the rest of the way through. He saw dusky brick and felt the chill of a tickling breeze. He turned quickly to see Lyrrin stepping through, his smile wide as he stood there in front of him. Without warning he was swept up in sweeping purple beams and filled with pulsing vibrations from his dom's chest, rippling all through him. He felt himself swirled about and bitten and licked over and over everywhere Lyrrin could reach, and he let out little squeals of delight. When he was set back down Lyrrin beamed at him more, before turning to the portal, now pointed towards the ashy greys that had held him so long.

His dragon looked up, tail flicking as he leaned in close, and he let out a spindly wisp of violet flame, dancing and spinning as it feathered through the wall and tapped the other side of the smooth surface. Davien watched with his eyes wide, it was deep and bright and so very soft, it glided about without a care through the hole and started spreading through the colorless mist. He watched as the horrid world burned away, greys and blacks and soot and ash blistering and peeling inward like a scorching photograph in a vibrant cascanade of playful hues. It grew and grew until there was nothing left but Lyrrin's sweet fire, dancing and lilting in soothing gentle leaps. Lyrrin flicked his wings, and quietly the portal closed, the licking towers waving back at Davien from the shrinking hole as if in a silent salute from his deepest fears.

Davien stared at the blank wall in front of him, coming to notice Lyrrin's claws in a gentle offering in front of him. He took them and stepped about the corner of collapsing dust, out from the crumbling patch of roof where they had stepped through under and into the wondrous light of the falling sky.

The bright blues dug into the cosmos above and tore it every which way, lighting up every space in an unnamed menagerie of wordless delight. The clouds jousted and whipped in the icy wind, gladly flinging themselves into the eviscerating blasts. The grass and trees basked in the shadowy delight of their misty coats of deep blue and black, drilling and piercing into forever and further. The moon smirked down, glinting and peeking playfully from behind the ruffling clouds, a tender smile of deepest congratulation.

Davien looked about, behind him stood the remains of the club, rusted and worn down, the fields were all overgrown and wildly twisting, freely spreading where they would. The trees were in different spots than he knew as they teetered to and fro. Most of the nearer buildings were burned away as well, the further ones that he could see past the overgrowth marred and crumbling. He saw too the lights of the city much closer than he remembered, and he wondered just how long it had been.

He stood there and looked at it all, gazing up at the burning sky with a silent plea, before turning to Lyrrin "So what now?" Lyrrin turned to him and lapped him hard between his ears. "Whatever you like, you could head out and skip along every bit of this world there is, every inch from top to bottom and see it all. You could hop between the stars and tread through the deepest oceans, swim in the clouds of unformed galaxies and dive through the blanket of every planet. Kick the dust of every moon and ride through distant lands on shattering comets." Lyrrin smirked when Davien didn't reply, continuing and gently tugged his sub's collar "Of course you could always come with me, and be mine, forever if you'd like." Davien looked up at the burrowing eyes and thought that he would like that, very much indeed. "What about Siaav and the others?" Lyrrin let out a gentle and tender ripple "They're just fine, we could go see them any time you'd like my sweet panda. If you enjoyed it here you should see what that raccoon's made in his new place."

Davien squeaked and his heart soared at the thought of squeezing and squirming in Lyrrin's arms, and seeing his friends again, and the idea of soaring across forever in gentle loving sways. He took another look at the overgrown fields that had held so much delight, the teetering stone of his old place, distant lights of the encroaching city, and the smiling moon upon a blanket of infinite blues, then turned and nodded to his dragon "Let's go."

Lyrrin rippled deeply and squeezed him, then turned and once again closed and opened his wings with a teasing hiss. This new one was very bright, and Davien leaned over as he peeked in. A whole world of Lyrrin's fire was smiling back at him, violet tendrils gently beckoning about as they were cut through with small paths of shattered stone. They twisted and collided, all connecting in to a central tower of matte purple hue, like a velvet crystal had shoved its way from the core of the world. Davien could make out what looked like a doorway and windows splotched along it, along with verandas higher up.

His dragon lifted him with shuddering glee, squeezing him tight in a constricting grip that felt as though it might crush him, at the same time ever so gently collapsing his throat with thrumming razors, nuzzling the panda's nose. "Would you like a taste Davien?" The panda stared into the flashing and sparking storms of his dragon, nuzzling close and nipping him. He felt the snaking tongue reach out and caress him, poking inside his mouth. Davien felt the grip shift to hold him better, arms pinned against the heavy gear and plates, sharp claws teasing him. Lyrrin didn't push his tongue in as deep as usual, instead stopping as he looked down curiously at his sub. Davien saw the question inside them and gave a little nod, opening up wide around the musky tongue.

Davien didn't have words for what spewed forth into his mouth, it dwarfed every single bit of his burning before, but it was at every moment now, every single one. At the same time it lapped and soothed, never melting or tearing or harming. It worked deep into him and he felt the sweet violet feathers tickle about him in scarlet stripes, and his eyes filled and poured freely with tears. Every spot that burned immediately patched back up, over and over again, and Lyrrin's soft clicks thumped into him all over, slamming deep into him as they bounced around with the waving flames. Davien squeaked and squealed and begged, and Lyrrin loosened his grip, his rumbles loudening as the sub grabbed the thick purple collar and pulled the scintillating flames closer. Deeper and deeper into him. Davien drank them, swallowed and devoured every single bit Lyrrin offered, whole worlds of flavor and color burning in front of him as he shuddered and consumed the tender and scorching invasion.

Davien felt Lyrrin pulling back, with a loving lap of flame slaked tongue, shuddering as it danced across his nose. The panda panted and scratched hard against the luscious scales and plates. Lyrrin softly wooed "And don't worry, the grass burns but it's cooler inside the cave, though I would prefer to fill you up directly anyways." Davien was still panting hard as he was snuggled close and turned his head as he was borne into a wondrous world of stitching and tearing flame.

Lyrrin stepped through, and Davien giggled from the fizzy tickling buzz and gazed at the streaking clouds of bright delight all around him, great towers of magenta fluff peeking out from behind walls of thundering vermillion. The sub held his dragon close, snuggling into the snaking scales. He squeaked at the thought of fun with him, at seeing the new club, and at all the endless blissful wandering they could do together. As he stared up at the sweet beaming eyes, Lyrrin carried him on, through fields of caring flame and boundless love, out from the shattered glass and drifting smoke burning away in the morning light. Onward to his new home.