Bulls Life: Thanksgiving - Part 2

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#9 of Bulls Life, Season 2

Bulls Life: Thanksgiving - Part 2

By: DarkSerpent

I snapped out of my daze by the front door opening and Glenn stepping inside. Matt looked up and smiled still lost in the afterglow. Adam fallowed him in and the two moved upstairs. "Looks like you two had some fun while we were out," Adam smiled down at us. Matt smiled and laughed a little sticking his tongue out. "Never did finish the patata's did ya kiddo?" Glenn set down a few papers with recipes one them. Matt shook his head no and held me tightly.

"Oh well we got all night now why don't we get you two up," Glenn helped the two of us up. Without a word, the kitchen suddenly burst to life as the two quickly began to prepare tomorrows meal. "What time do I have to pick up your parents tomorrow Glenn?" I patted his butt as he peeled a few more potatoes. Matt helped him and Glenn thought for a second. "Their plane comes in at eight so you'll have to be there to pick them up baby," Glenn smiled and his tail swatted my butt as I opened the fridge. "Your parents said they'll drive my mom here tomorrow when they come," Adam smiled cutting some carrots.

"Alright baby," I kissed his cheek and pulled the turkey out of the fridge. I set it on the counter Matt watching intently as I dressed it. "How long will it take for a twenty five pound bird?" He cocked his head to one side. "Five hours so I'll start it once I leave to pick up Glenn's parents," I smiled and grabbed a couple of vegetables filling the bottom of the roasting pan. The three watched me as I masterfully dressed the bird. "I did this every year with my dad," I smiled and they each looked down a little.

"What?" I looked at the three of them. "Oh...nothing," Adam smiled and hugged me from behind. "Yeah we're just thinkin," Glenn kissed my cheek and I put the lid on the pan. "Alright Matt set that in the fridge and I'll wash up," I handed him the pan and he slowly moved to the fridge. I turned on the hot water, washed my hands, and moved to go take a shower. Fur and sweat doesn't smell too good after an entire day.

I stood in the bathroom sliding my shirt up and off. My ears perked hearing my boys talking. "I always feel bad when he says things like that," Adam spoke fallowed by a loud sigh. "Yeah, 'e wants kids and...well...we ain't exactly got the tools at do it," Glenn responded. "I think he knows we would give him kids if we could," Matt tried to cheer them up. I slid my pants down and off kicking them out into the hallway with my hooves. With a small sigh I stepped started the shower and once the water was warm I stepped in.

Standing under the water, I just talked to myself. "I know they'd give me kids I don't doubt that; they shouldn't worry about that; I mean...yeah I'd like to know that one day I'd have kids of my own but... they make me happy and their what I want kids or no kids," I smiled and grabbed a shampoo bottle. Rubbing it into my fur, I felt a hand run across my back softly. My eyes refused to open knowing the shampoo would make them burn.

With the water rinsing away the remaining shampoo, I felt a warm mouth encase the tip of my member. I looked down slowly seeing a blur of bright red fur. Looking back with a soft growl, I looked back seeing a grey blur behind me. I closed my eyes and my member sunk deeper into the roo's mouth. The suction drawing me in as the grey blurs hands moved down and grabbed my large balls. Without my glasses, blurs were all I could see in the dim light. I moaned to myself feeling all the attention directed on me.

I mooed in my throat as they released me. The grey blur moved in front of the red blur making a line. Bending over I felt that strong tail run up and wrap behind my neck. I heard Adam gasp and Glenn whisper into his ear something inaudible. I reached between them feeling Glenn sliding into Adam's tight orifice. My hand moved up slowly resting on Adam's chest. His hand moved up grabbing my hand and squeezing it as Glenn's hips came to rest against his perfect butt. "It's not as a nice fit," Glenn whispered and Adam giggled. I grabbed Glenn hips the movement making Adam gasp as I pressed the tip of my stiff member against Glenns entrance. He groaned as I slammed home forcing him to slam into Adam as well.

I smacked his juicy ass making it jiggle. Every movement made the member buried deep in Adam move and bump against his love button. "You two ready?" I asked and they both nodded. I pulled back pulling Glenn with me. They both let out long gasps just before I slammed back in forcing everyone back together. I continued this until I could comfortably build up a nice rhythm. I faded out again letting the world fade away. I could hear both of my boys groaning and moaning as well. My eyes clamped shut and I let out a loud primal grunt slamming home.

They began to moan and groan my name as I fucked them both. I could hear Adams hand furiously pawing away at himself. I moved my hand down replacing his hand. I pumped his member furiously as I fucked my boys roughly. "Daddy bull! I'm...gonna cum!" Adam groaned and I could feel him tensing up. "Me to master!" Glenn pushed back into me trying to get more of me buried into him.

I moved faster pounding harder and faster. Adam let out a loud squeak and suddenly exploded onto the shower wall. Glenn jerked and released into Adam filling him up. I was next exploding into Glenn filling up his tight ass with thick bull cum. I held them close shaking a little my hands resting against the shower wall. I pulled out allowing the Glenn to do the same.

I grabbed a rag and cleaned my boys. My favorite daily job; pleasuring my boys and myself. I let them both step out and I wrapped them in the biggest towel we own. They both moved to the bedroom and I stood in the bathroom drying off. I sighed knowing tomorrow would be a little hectic. "Drew?" Matt sung from the kitchen. "Yes Matt?" I yelled back. "My 'grandmother' just called and said they'll be over early, Ok?" He spoke and I sighed. "Alright thank you," I moved to my room and slid on some boxers before laying down and quickly falling asleep.

The next morning I woke early and lifted Adam off my chest slowly. I laid him down gently where I slept and got dressed. Making sure to start the turkey, I slid on my coat. "Baby you goin ta get ma parents?" Glenn asked yawning. "Yes baby I'll be back in an hour tops, wake Adam up here in a bit so you two can start on dinner alright?" I kissed him and he nodded. "Now remember you'll recognize my mother right away, and I told them where you'll be waiting, be nice ok," He zipped up my coat. I nodded and stepped out into the cold autumn morning.

I got into the car and started it up letting it warm up before heading off. It was a familiar and long drive to the airport. Trying to find a spot to park was the absolute worst. The entire parking lot was crammed with people. Luckily, someone was pulling out just as I turned a corner. I was three isles from the main entrance. I had to race to get there but it was worth it. I only had a thirty-second's walk to the entrance.

Much like the other times I'd been to an airport security asked me what I was doing. I explained I was picking up Mr. and Mrs. Davison at terminal five. They let me pass and I moved to the terminal and waited. It was a clear morning and they hadn't called to say if they had been delayed. Maybe today would turn out ok, but I would never say this aloud or I would jinx everything. I looked out the window seeing the plane slowly moving down from the clouds.

"There they are," I yawned and slid my hands in my pockets. I leaned back on the bench hearing the roar of the engines growl loudly. It slowly died once the plain pulled up to the terminal. I looked at the tunnel and saw people beginning to walk out. No one really interesting walked off. Well no one that I would expect to be Glenns parents walked off yet until I heard something that tipped me off pretty perfectly that, they were Glenns parents.

"'ome on 'enry! If we're late the boy will probly leave us 'ere," A very loud female voice came from the terminal. "I'm comin, I'm comin don't get ya knickers in a knot, the boy won't leave us 'ere," A classic Australian male voice fallowed. I couldn't help but laugh to myself and look up at the exit. Before me stood a very attractive female red roo and a chubby grey roo on her arm. The two did a quick scan, I waved, and they both smiled.

The women pulled the man along making him grumble. "Mr. and Mrs. Davison?" I asked and they both nodded. "No need for formalities love, ya can me Celia and this is 'enry," The women reached her hand out and I shook it. "Ya can her Celia call me Mr. Davison," The roo grumbled and I nodded and shook his hand. "Well shall we pick up your bags and head to my home?" I suggested and Celia nodded pulled Mr. Simmons along.

It was an interesting ride back home. Celia was a very nice person talkative, upfront, and very kind. Mr. Davison was a completely different person; short tempered, quite, and distant. I could easily tell exactly where Glenn got his attitude. That and I think his dad really didn't like me. I let out a small sigh and pulled into the driveway of my home. My parent and Matts grandparents were already there. Before stepping out I made a momentary pray that everything went well. I stepped out and moved back to the trunk. Mr. Simmons stood there and I opened the trunk.

"Ok look 'ere tendafoot, I got no problems with you and ma son, but I've just gotten used to the idea of him bein a pixie, ya best not 'urt 'em," He told me and I gulped grabbing the misses bag. He grabbed his and I lead them up to the doorway. I opened it and the sound of laughing and talking hit my ears. The entire house just having that perfect thanksgiving smell of good food. "Welcome to my humble home," I stepped aside allowing Glenns parents to move up the steps.

"Mom! Dad!" I heard Glenn yell and they began to hug and talk. I set the bags aside and moved upstairs. With a quick scan, I could see my dad, boss, and Matt sitting on the couch watching the game. Adams and my mother stood in the kitchen talking to Adam. Glenn made his rounds introducing themselves and it was going good for now. No one had seemed to notice me yet and I made a quick check of the turkey. It already had a few small pick marks where my dad snuck a bit while no one was looking. As I was bent over checking the bird in the over, my tail hit someone's leg behind me. I shut the oven and looked back seeing a very young sea lion standing behind me.

She was very attractive with velvet like fur and large breasts. I gulped and she giggled reaching her hand out. "Hello I'm Ellen, I'm Matts grandmother," She smiled and I was somewhat awestruck. This woman was at most thirty-five to where Mr. Simmons was sixty-eight. "Oh um Hi I'm Drew, Matt's fiancé," I reached my hand out and she reached out as well shaking in. "It is a pleasure," She smiled and my mother suddenly hugged me from the right. "Hello maw," I hugged her back and Adam's mother moved up. "Long time no see," I hugged her as well and she laughed. "It has been a very long time, but it is nice to see you again," She stepped back. I slid up behind Adam and kissed his neck.

"Hi bunny," I whispered and he smiled. "Hi baby," he stopped mashing potatoes and turned his head meeting me in a kiss. Celia moved in and began talking with the women as I moved to the other room. "Hey dad," I stood in the doorway. "Hey bud, how's it going?" His eyes were glued to the screen just like all the other guys. Even Mr. Davison was wrapped up in the game. Glenn stepped up beside me and I slid my arm around him.

"Hi babe," He looked up at me with shinning eyes. "Hi, I thought you were making stuffing?" I teased as he rubbed his nose against mine. "I 'lready did love," He whispered and went to get some. I slid onto the couch next to Matt. He leaned against me and I shook Mr. Simmons hand even though he was to into the game to notice.

I leaned back in my seat and let out a short sigh. As long as dinner would come without any big issues, everything would be fine. However, sometimes not everything goes exactly as you plan. A small clang came from the kitchen. Spoke to soon, I was the only guy to react and I made my way to the kitchen. I opened the door seeing Glenn holding his fingers under the faucet. The floor having a pan of stuffing turned over on the floor. "Everyone ok?" I asked and Glenn let out a small whine. "Yes he's fine he just grabbed the pan not realizing it was still hot," My mother picked up the tray. "Glenn you should have known that would still be steamin," His mother laughed and helped pick up the remaining stuffing.

"He'll live," Adam's mother smiled looking over Glenn's fingers. "I told him, but he said he could handle it," Adam snickered and Glenn swatted his bottom with his tail. "Ouch! Hey!" he glared back and I shook my head. I patted Adams butt making him shiver and huff. "Your ok, Glenn you ok baby," I toke his hands. "Yeah...but...I dropped what I made for you..." He looked down about to cry. "Aw it's ok babe," I kissed his hands and he brightened up. "And as for you, you shouldn't be so mean," I nuzzled the back of Adam's neck. "Yeah, sorry that you dropped your stuffing Glenn, we still have mine...if you want it," Adam apologized and hugged him. "It's alright bunny," Glenn hugged back.

All the girls laughed with my dad walking in with Mr. Davison and Mr. Simmons. The three were talking about something that happened in the game and I felt Matt hug me from behind. "What happened?" He asked as the fridge popped open and everyone grabbed a drink. "Oh Glenn just dropped his pan of stuffing," I explained and he nodded. "Hey! Everyone's gotten a kiss today but me?" Matt whined and I turned kissing him. "There you got a good kiss," I nuzzled him and he giggled.

The chattered started until the game started up again then the room drained back out. I shook my head and moved to the dinning room. I looked over the table having the perfect amount of chairs and I heard the door open and shut briefly. I turned seeing Matt's grandmother standing behind me. "Oh hi, just making sure everything is setup ok," I smiled. "Oh I see, Matt is a very lucky young man," She sat on the table and the strap on her dress fell ever so lightly.

She smiled and I gulped moving back a little. "Yeah so am I for having him," I looked for a quick escape root. "You know I could make you just as lucky as him," Her other strap fell and her dress fell slowly showing the top of a black lacy bra. "Um well I'm not really interested in..." Her spreading her legs slowly showing the absence of panties under her dress cut me off. It was thrilling because I'm still bi, the sight of perfect pink pussy lips was still a turn on. I shivered as the seal moved closer. I couldn't move anywhere with the wall less than a foot behind me.

"The old man isn't much in the sack, and I think a nice young strapping bull like you could make me feel better," She smiled and pressed up against me. "No...I'm engaged and I will not cheat on them," I slid aside and she pushed me back. I was pinned against the wall with this woman between the door and me. I was stuck...She could easily turn this around to say I flirting with her. However, the worst was she could end my relationships. Nevertheless, I am not a cheater, I would not abuse the trust and love I have for my boys. What to do?