Mango After Dark part 5

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Mango After Dark part 5

Characters and setting by TGWeaver and Pokemaniacal

Cowritten with 4ball who also provided the art.

The morning sunrise illuminated the quiet now park forest as Mango slept peacefully on the ground. Her fur was covered head to toe in the cum of her love and her legs were spread wide as a constant flow of semen flowed out of her well-used holes.

Mango slowly opened her eyes, her vision kicking in to adjust to the bright light of the sun. Her mind was still foggy and her body ached all over after the intense night of pure passionate sex she had. After a while, she finally finds the strength to sit up and take in her surroundings.

She shocked to find herself was surrounded by her large group of unconscious men. They were just as naked as she was and some were snoring loudly clearly exhausted from the hours gangbang like she was. She silently wonder if they only stayed back to continue having their way with her while she was unconscious.

Mango laid on the ground for a while trying to process what transpired today. She never felt this good in her entire life, She loved the feeling she got when people admired her body, but deep down she knew that this probably wouldn't be the last time her sexual desires get the best of her.

She also thought about all the lewd photos taken of her and now that there are probably full videos of her time with her lovers on the internet by now. Her teaching career could be in jeopardy if someone figured out it was her, and what would her friends think if they found out about what she's been doing?

As Mango got up she felt something leaking out of her, she looked down and saw a thick string of cum oozing out of her pussy and forming a puddle between her legs.

Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that she forgot to ask for protection. She wasn't on birth control nor was she in her safe days.

She felt an odd mix of emotions as she thought about the combined millions of sperm from her lovers currently swimming in her womb, waiting for her eggs to drop so that they fertilize them sending the vixen on the path to motherhood. The thought of the possibility of being impregnated by complete strangers both excited her and worried her.

Mango shook her head, she needed to focus on getting home. Mango searched the area before realizing that her clothes were missing. She realized that someone must have taken her clothes as a souvenir. Anxiety took over the pink vixen body as she now will have to make it home nude.

Mango After Dark part 4

Part 4 of Mango after dark pic for part 3 can be found [here]( please enjoy Cowritten with 4ball * * * The once quiet, secluded park forest was now filled with the sounds of intense...

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Mango After Dark part 2

edits by 4ball andd butterfinguers. * * * Word must have spread quickly as Mango's keen ears picked up murmurs of all the lewd things her admirers wanted to do to her. One man talked about how they wanted to tear off her top and grope and...

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Mango After Dark part 1

The first part in a 6-part NSFW story based off the FNAF fanfiction called Roommates: Memoirs of the Hairless Ape. It can be read [here.]( Characters and...

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