Around the Bend Part IV

Story by Kay Kitten on SoFurry

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#4 of Around the Bend

Around the Bend

Part IV

By Romsca

It was just a few minutes after the three friends met up after their game that they emerged from the forest, Devin and Bryan still covered in paint and Otter virtually untouched. They walked up to the table the Panther was still behind, laughing and chatting away. They placed their weapons on the table as the ex-soldier turned around, his eyes wide, and laughed.

"Well damn! You two tore each other up!" He looked at Otter. "Looks like you didn't even get to fire a single shot." Bryan threw his arm around Otter's shoulder.

"Oh no, quite the opposite! He's the one who did all this to me 'n Devin." The Panther blinked, clearly not believing what he just heard.

"I don't believe it!" he said, beginning to put the guns away. Devin nodded.

"All true. He's one hell of a shot. We only hit him once." Devin pointed to above his own eye, to show where the shot hit.

"Well I never...." He extended his paw to Otter. "I'd love to see this action in person. Maybe next time you come up here, mind showing it to me?" Otter shook the Panther's paw.

"They're exaggerating, I assure you." Otter smiled. "But I would love to." The Panther laughed again. The four chatted for a bit longer before waving goodbye to the ex-soldier and made their way to the car. The ride home was uneventful for the most part. They stopped by a fast food place to get some food, then made their way back to Devin and Otter's dorm. When they arrived, the three got out to say farewell.

"It was awesome to meet you, Agent Otter." Bryan said, smiling and play punching Otter's shoulder.

"Same 'ere. Maybe next time I'll shoot at Devin first." Otter and Bryan chuckled. Devin smiled and clasped paws with Bryan.

"See you next time, man." He said as Bryan made his way to his car.

"Alright man." He waved. "See ya later. You too Otter." He got into the driver seat and sped off, his music loud enough to hear it after he was out of sight. Otter turned around to go up to the dorm but stopped a few feet off, noticing Devin wasn't walking with him. He turned around to see Devin staring off in the direction Bryan had left.

"'Ey. You coming?" He called out, not wanting to just leave the skunk there.

"Yeah." Devin turned around, taking one more look at where Devin had gone before following Otter. In the elevator, Otter decided to see what was wrong with Devin.

"You okay?" He asked, looking over at his friend. Devin looked back.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Devin shrugged.

"I don't know. You were just staring back there."

"Oh. That. It's nothing. Just zoned for a second." Devin smiled to make his answer more convincing. Otter blinked and nodded. Michelle was curled up on the couch reading a book, still in her nightgown, when the two entered the room.

"Welcome back. Have fun?" She asked, marking her place in her book and closed it, knowing that her quiet time was over.

"Yup!" Otter said enthusiastically. "It was great."

"Only because you rape with a rifle!" Devin retorted. The two play argued on their way to their room. Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Men." She mumbled to herself as she went back to reading.

In their room, the boys had decided to take showers. They both grabbed clean clothes, or what they thought to be clean, and headed out to the living room. Devin turned to go to the bathroom, but Michelle stopped them.

"Can't use it. Gotta use the public one." She said blankly, not even looking up from her book.

"What? Why?" Devin asked, walking over to her.

"Because someone doesn't like to clean up their hair. Gotta unclog it." The squirrel stated, still not looking up. Devin blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh.. Well alright. Come on Otter, I'll show you where they are." Devin walked towards the front door. Otter scratched his head.

"Well I 'ave to wait for you to get done." Devin shook his head.

"Nope. It's one big room with lot of shower heads." He turned to see Otter shuffle his feet. Devin opened the door. "Come on, it's that that big a deal." Otter waited a moment before following Devin. Michelle smiled after the door and closed.

"I wonder how mad they'll be when they find the shower works perfectly?" She giggled and went back to reading.

Down the hall, just a few doors away, the two furs entered into the public showers. Devin didn't lie. It was basically a giant shower with lots of shower heads spaced around it with a corner to lay clothes and other such things on. Devin threw his clothes down onto a bench in the dry corner and started to strip. He got his top off and glanced over to Otter.

"Don't be embarrassed. We're both men here." He said, trying to make Otter feel better about this. Otter nodded and mimicked Devin, throwing his clothes next to the skunks and taking his own shirt off. Devin admired the otter's body as Otter took off the rest of his clothes, piece by piece, almost as if Otter was teasing him. Devin smiled, an idea forming inside his head. After both were nude, Devin made his way to the closest shower, making sure to wiggle his rump and swish his tail as he walked. Otter noticed this, blushing lightly and following the skunk's tail with his eyes. He followed Devin to the shower next to him, making sure not to look like he was starring. Seconds later the sound of running water filled the large chamber, drowning out any outside noise. Devin was the first to do anything, being much more used to this than Otter. He began to wash slowly, making sure to look as sexy as he possibly could, sticking out his hind end and moving his tail so his package was clearly visible. Otter continually glanced over at Devin, unsure of why the skunk was giving such a show, but not complaining about it.

"Showers are great." Devin said, looking over to Otter and running his paws through his hair. Otter nodded and looked down, turning his back to Devin. "Not very talkative, are you?" He was right about Otter. They would be having some fun soon enough.

"It's just a little-" Otter began, but was cut short when he felt Devin's arms wrap around his neck.

"Oh come on! It can't be all that weird. We're just bathing." Devin said, looking over Otter's shoulder and smiling, his hips staring to rub against Otter. Otter blushed dark red, unintentionally murring at the feeling of the skunks bare fur against his own. "Unless... You have other ideas." Devin slid his paws down Otters sides, stopping at his hips. Otter murred louder, his eyes closing slightly.

"We... We just met an' all..." Otter tried to resist, but was failing. He put his own paws on top of Devin's and wiggled his hips along with the skunk. Devin lowered his muzzle to nip at the otter's neck.

"And? That's never stopped any one before." Devin smiled when he heard Otter gasp. His neck was obviously sensitive. He repeated the action, stopping every now and again to speak. "So.... What d'ya say?" He nipped at Otter's neck again, eliciting another moan from him. Otter didn't say anything, he just nodded and tilted his head to give the skunk better access to his neck; Devin smiled.

"Such a submissive boy." Devin whispered into Otter's ear before nibbling on it. Otter gripped at Devin's paws, murring louder. Devin continued this treatment, getting more and more aroused from the sounds emanating from the Otter. After a few moments longer of this, Devin wanted something in return. He released his grip on Otter and walked to the wall beneath the still running shower head, brushing Otters now erect member with the tip of his tail. Otter shivered from the skunk tail touching his most sensitive part and watched Devin lean against the wall, his bottom sticking out, and lift his tail. "Time for you to return the favor, pretty boy." Otter took a moment to gather himself before nervously walking over to the skunk. He grabbed Devin's tail, moving it out of his way but holding it close to his face. He nuzzled the skunk tail, murring in utter delight. Devin wiggled his ass in agitation.

"Damnit! Stop messing around and fuck me!" Devin growled. Otter stopped what he was doing, but didn't let go of the skunks tail.

"I'm sorry.... It's just... You're tail... It's so beautiful..." Otter stammered out. Devin blushed, not having met someone who was so interested in his tail. He tried to keep a face of annoyance, but found it difficult.

"W-well... Alright. But just hurry up and get inside me. I'm tired of waiting." Devin mumbled, actually enjoying the otter playing with his tail, the sensation both new and exciting. Otter yipped in childish joy and went back to nuzzling Devin's tail. Devin closed his eyes, using a paw to stroke his member and murring along with the otter. He began to grind his back side into Otter, trying to get him to hurry up. It only took a few seconds for Otter to get the hint. Otter wrapped Devin's tail around his neck and grabbed the skunks hips with one paw and used the other to position his cock at the skunk's tail hole. Devin shivered in excitement and moaned. Otter pushed his member in slowly, wanting to make this feel as good as possible, and grunted at how tight of a fit it was. Devin clawed at the wall and let out a loud moan, pushing back at Otter to speed up the process.

"Oh god... It's been to long..." Devin gasped out as Otter succeed in getting half way in. Otter stopped and leaned forward.

"Do you... want me to stop?" Otter asked then started nibbling on the tip of Devin's tail.

"No... I want you to hurry up!" Devin panted out before thrusting himself back, burying the rest of Otter inside him. Both furs moaned loudly as Devin gripped at the wall and Otter gripped at Devin's hips. They waited a few seconds to let themselves adjust before Otter started pulling out, making Devin grunt in pleasure. Once only the head was left inside the skunk, Otter thrust forward, impaling Devin once again. Devin shut his eyes and moaned in ecstasy. Otter growled lustily and rammed into Devin again and again, all they while keeping one paw on the skunk's fluffy tail and playing with it. Otter sped up with each thrust, the water making a wet slopping noise with each connection of the two fur's bodies. Otter was quiet for the most part, every now and again he would growl with pleasure or yip while he was playing with Devin's tail. Devin, on the other hand, was a bit louder, with moans escaping his muzzle every time Otter thrusted forward. Devin would try to meet Otter's thrusts with his own, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Otter was becoming more sporadic with each pump.

"Uhn... You've done this before..." Devin moaned loudly when Otter tugged softly on his tail. He panted for a bit before continuing. "Mmm..... Haven't you?" Otter gripped at Devin's hips with is free hand.

"Only... A few times..." He managed to say through labored breathing. He leaned forward to get a better grip on Devin, so he could pump faster.

"Musta been with.... A porn star then...." Devin moaned out, tilting his head back and clawing at the wall. Otter only nodded and closed his eyes, thrusting as hard and as fast as he could. He felt close, and was getting closer with each passing second. Devin felt Otter start to tense and knew exactly what was going to happen. He clinched his tail hole tight, which was all the otter needed. Otter leaned over ,wrapping his arms around Devin, and bit the skunks neck as he was pushed over the edge. He buried himself into Devin as he came, coating Devin in his sticky seed. Devin tensed up, biting his lower lip so he didn't yell out. Otter's cock pulsed with pleasure, spewing more cum with each throb. It started to leak out, leaving a warm trail down the two fur's legs. Otter almost collapsed on top of Devin, but managed to pull himself out after a few minutes of resting. Devin whimpered quietly as Otter pulled out, leaving him feeling empty. Devin turned around and slid to the floor, completely exhausted. Otter likewise fell to the floor, panting hard and looking quiet content. He looked at Devin, who smiled, and smiled back at him. Otter sighed and leaned back,but noticed Devin was still hard.

"You.. You didn't finish?" Otter asked Devin, who had scooted beneath the water to clean up. Devin looked down at his cock.

"I guess not." Devin laid back and closed his eyes, too tired to do anything about it. A few seconds later he felt something warm envelope his member. He moaned softly and opened an eye to find Otter steadily sucking at his cock. He leaned his head back and clawed at the ground, absolutely loving this treatment. Otter bobbed his head, using a paw to play with Devin's balls and the other to rub at the base of his tail. Devin drew in a sharp breath of air and started to lightly buck his hips. Otter pulled himself off of Devin's rod and licked from the base of it to the top, flicking the head a few times before going back to sucking on it. It wasn't long before Devin was thrusting in and out of Otter's maw, letting the otter just stay still and enjoy the ride. Just a few more of these thrusts and Devin was at the edge. He let out a loud moan and arched his back, coming harder than he ever had before. Otter withdrew right as Devin came, letting the skunk spunk land on his maw. He squeezed at Devin's cock, enticing more cum to spew forth, all of it landing on Otter's face. Devin shuddered and laid flat, breathing hard and lost in the after glow. Otter crawled up next to Devin and laid next to him. The otter licked his lips and smiled at the skunk.

"You've definitely... Done that before..." Devin panted out. Otter ran a paw over Devin's stomach.

"Come on, we should get back before Michelle starts to get ideas." Otter said, rubbing at the skunk's side. Devin nodded and weakly stood up, using Otter as a support. They washed themselves once more before finally turning the water off and clothing themselves. They slowly made it back to their dorm, paw in paw, then went straight for their room to sleep. Devin was the first to lay down, since Otter had to put his hair up. Otter walked over to Devin's bed and started to fidget. The skunk just looked up at him, waiting for the question.

"Can.. Can I..." Otter stammered. Devin scooted over and patted to the spot next to him.

"Sure." Devin said. Otter smiled and laid down, using the skunks chest as a pillow. Soon the two were dozing off , and would have surely fell asleep had I not been for the shower turning on in the next room.