The Dark Park: Chapter I

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#300 of Commissions

Chapter I

For Kaithiel

After arriving at the mysterious park and gathering all her friends together, Mahiri's ready to explore. Naturally, her first move is to split up. Along with her twin Mira, they're off to investigate the flirty bunny's show. Will they discover thrills and delights beyond their wildest dreams, or will Kayte make them part of the attraction for good, in one way or another?

Also features cameos from Obie, Zathinias, Victoria, Terry, Victoria, and Kamili!

Some graphic content included.

Features exhibitionism, mind control, transformation,

Ending 1: Gender tf, femdom, bondage, captivity.

Ending 2: Sizeplay/shrinking, micro play, anal vore, oral vore, hard vore, digestion, disposal.

It was the more horrifying time of the year, and the perfect time to see a show. The travelling carnival seemed to spring up entirely overnight. Nobody could say they saw them moving all that equipment into the otherwise empty lot. There were tents the size of three story buildings, dozens of stands, performers weaving in and out of the crowds. The cheers and gasps of live audiences gathered to witness things beyond their wildest imaginings. Everyone seemed to know about it once it arrived, even if no one knew it was coming. Mahiri simply had to go.

Of course, to venture into such an exciting place alone didn't seem right at all. She got to texting. Her twin was in, of course. It didn't take much to get Keedee on board either. Kamili seemingly had other plans, which came as a surprise. The hyenas were almost always together for such things, but she didn't pry. Instead, she found herself pleasantly surprised when Kee said she had Layla on board. That shy husky really didn't seem the type for such an event, but maybe if she had enough friends with her she could relax and have fun.

Some of the others were more difficult to persuade, but Mahiri could be very persistent, in a feline sort of way. She was so effective at it that by the time she actually arrived at the front gate, all dressed up for the occasion, there was a whole crowd waiting for her. She was only slightly late. Her hair needed a bit of a touch up before going out. Squeezing herself into all that leather took time as well, of course. Everyone was still waiting in line anyway. It seemed like the entire city was there to see what lay beyond the entrance. For an unannounced event, it certainly was popular.

Mira and Keedee stood with Layla, both of them working to hype up the nervous dog. She was wagging her tail, so that was a good sign. The pantheress gave a nod as the leopard approached.

"Hey panth," Mahiri said.

"Hey sis. This is really something. Look at how many people turned up!"

"There's got to be something good going on inside. I just ... don't know what!" Keedee excitedly chipped in.

"It's so many people," Layla murmured, visibly overwhelmed. She distracted herself by fussing with her hair.

"Nah, don't worry! I'll be right with you the whole time!" Keedee assured. She wasn't exactly the most stabilizing company, but her enthusiasm was infectious.

Layla smiled. "Thanks Kee."

Mahiri moved on to greet everyone else she'd managed to convince to come along. They deserved the acknowledgement, given how stubborn some of them were.

Not the least of those was Valencia, the shark standing there with her arms crossed, already looking impatient as she waited there in line. Mahiri gave her a grin that wasn't reciprocated, but as grumpy as she might have seemed, the cat knew she was going to have fun.

"Hey Val! Glad you could make it."

"I just hope this is worth all the waiting," she said, glancing forward at how many people were still lined up to get inside.

"I'm sure it will be. Look at the crowds! I didn't even know this was a thing until yesterday, but it seems like everyone else did."

"We'll see." Val wasn't convinced, but to her credit, she remained where she was. Some part of her had to be curious about what had attracted so many people. Mahiri could see it in her eyes.

Raven and Azuriel were keeping to themselves, away from the rest of the group. That was no surprise. Mahiri was proud of herself for even getting the ravenfox out of hiding for a night of fun. The hybrid looked very uncertain about the whole thing, but the nearby presence of the blue dragoness to occasionally squeeze her shoulder or playfully jab at her arm was what kept her from just walking home right that moment.

"Hey you two. You good? I'm not super sure what's going on in here, but it sure looks like fun, doesn't it?"

Raven offered a grim, silent look, but Azuriel just chuckled and patted the hybrid on the back.

"We're quite fine, thank you. I think we'll have fun, once we get going."

The others seemed to be mostly doing well. Vel, Snow, and Cherno were gathered together chatting about one thing or another. Dragon, cheetah, and deer - those cute boys made a good trio. Mahiri suppressed the urge to just walk up and swat all their butts at once. Instead she simply approached with a swish of her tail.

"How about you boys? Getting along?"

"I think so!" Vel said, giving a quick glance to confirm with the others.

"We're doing just fine I think," Snow added.

"Yeah, mostly," Cherno said, looking a bit skittish. "I dunno, it's probably nothing."

Mahiri squinted at him, but she didn't inquire further. The deer seemed okay. Maybe he was just feeling a little flighty around so many people. At least he held off on the urge to go springing into the woods.

Speaking of, the last member of the group was off to one side, staring into the trees across the street. The park was planted in a spot that otherwise didn't have much around it. Over the street, there was nothing but dense forest, which stretched on for miles as far as Mahiri knew. Rosalva was watching it. The cat was always a little unusual, harmlessly so, but something was really preoccupying her that night. Mahiri was about to ask when someone emerged from between the trees.

He didn't look like someone who ought to have been walking in the woods alone at night. The pale deer was a small, girly fellow much like the other deer who was already there. They looked rather similar in fact, though this stranger was devoid of any of those gentle pastel blues. He was stark white with long black hair all wrapped around his body and an outfit to match. His eyes twinkled in an oddly sad manner, with their unusually black pupils, as if all colour had been drained from them. When he started making his way across the street, he didn't bother to look both ways, resulting in a large truck whizzing by mere inches behind him as he casually strolled across the centre line.

"Woah, woah! Hey there, you gotta be careful!" Mahiri called when the deer barely made it to the other side unscathed.

The deer looked back, seemingly confused. "Why?"

"Why?" Well, I mean ..." Mahiri didn't even know where to start. She was grateful when Rosalva cut in.

"Oggy! You made it! Oh my gosh you look so cute, just look at you! I wanna pinch those cheeks!"

"I even remembered clothes." The deer smiled proudly and gestured to himself. He had an overall look of a very nervous, even fragile creature, but he looked a little happier to talk to the cat.

"You did! So, Mahiri, this is Oghden. He's a really good friend of mine. This is really unusual for him to be out like this, so be nice okay?"

"I don't think we've ever met! Well, it's good to meet you, Oghden." Mahiri gave a playful little half-bow.

"Not in this - " the deer began, then shook his head. "No, you're right. Good to meet you too."

He stepped up to Rosalva, who immediately gave him a great big squeeze of a hug. He leaned in to whisper something to her, and she promptly took him by the hand. The worried look on his face lessened some as long as she was holding onto him. Mahiri told herself he would probably be okay, even if something seemed off about him. That wasn't her business.

That was when they finally reached the front of the line. It was no wonder it took so long. There seemed to be only a single attendant in the ticket booth. Mahiri of course found herself immediately stricken by the sight of the red-haired lioness sitting there on the other side of the counter in her rather tight-fitting uniform. They might have had similar looks, but there was something entirely different about her whole aura. She shrugged her shoulders and made her approach, counting her guests.

"Looks like ... twelve of us, tonight."

She glanced at some of the signage posted. That was how she learned that the whole park was an adults only attraction. That explained the total lack of young faces in the crowd. She had to admit she liked the sound of that, even if it did raise all sorts of attractions. The lioness took her time looking over her, and all her other guests, leaning out of the booth to do so.

"Excellent. No charge for you tonight," she finally said.

"No?" Mahiri arched her brow. "Did we win a prize or something?"

"I have very specific instructions," the lioness explained, though that didn't explain much at all.

The whole time, she was looking right past the leopardess, instead focused intently on Cherno. It was the kind of intense, even predatory gaze that he couldn't ignore. Eventually he gave a timid wave.

"Uh, hi?"

She simply winked at him with a subtle lick of her lips then turned back to her booth

"Here are your tickets. Do have fun! I hope to see some of you later."

Mahiri was left feeling slightly confused and maybe mildly turned on by the other cat's naturally seductive voice and mannerisms alike. Still, she took those tickets and spread them out among the group, excited to finally step through the gates. It was a heavy barrier. The metal creaked and groaned when it swung open on some sort of automated system before the twelve of them, It closed loudly once they were all through, startling some of them with that sudden clack of metal. It kind of felt like they were being locked in. Probably nothing to worry about.

As for where they were even going to start, that was a question she couldn't immediately answer. There were people chattering and laughing all over. Lights, sounds, scents, it was all there. At least three different songs could be heard at once, from various directions. Everything was blinking or shining in bright neon. Something smelled absolutely delicious. As far as sensory overloads went, it was enough to stun even the leopardess. Everyone was looking to her to lead the way. Eventually she just had to make up her mind and make her approach to one of the many, many attractions standing tall along the main path. It was as good as any.


"Maximum occupancy: two guests," Mira read. "Well. I think we're a little more than two."

"Why don't we check it out, and if it's any good, we'll let you know," Mahiri offered.

By the expressions she got in return, most of her friends agreed with that idea, though Val and Raven alike already looked impatient, so she went on.

"If you get bored, just meet back here innnnnn, say, ten minutes. We'll be back! Go have fun! We'll figure out what the best stuff is and go there together."

It was time to look into that great big metal shack they called a funhouse. On the outside it wasn't exactly the most enticing of venues for the depravity promised inside, looking like it had been cobbled together out of scrap metal. It was painted with some sort of neon paint, flashing such suggestive words as lust, desire, and pleasure. That, and promising sights and sensations like nothing they had ever seen. The two cats had certainly experienced enough that it was going to be difficult for that to prove true.

For all their doubts, it was hard to resist the chipper bunny standing at the entrance. She caught their eye with a warm grin as soon as she saw them approaching, opening her arms wide in such a way that put her nicely on display. Dressed in the outfit of a show-mistress, complete with long-tailed coat and fishnets, she had the complete look of a performer, though her clothes looked a little small for her.

The nets hugged around her thighs tightly, and her top seemed to be bulging around the bust, near to bursting at the seams. Maybe it was intentional, to further seduce guests into her house of pleasure. She wasn't exactly intimidating, standing notably shorter than both cats. If anything, going in alone with two leopardesses seemed like the more dangerous situation for the busty bunny, but she was all smiles as she welcomed them to her show.

"Kitties! Oh, I would love to show you what we have in store. Step right up and be dazzled!"

"What kind of show is this, anyway?" Mira asked.

"Show? Oh, no, this is an attraction," the bunny corrected. "A very interactive one at that."

The two twins exchanged a glance. Their silent conversation soon returned a positive response.

"Two tickets then," Mahiri said.

"You don't need tickets. Just your eyes, your ears, and every other sense you can spare," the bunny assured them as she turned to guide them inside, wiggling cottontail at them as she walked. "Just follow Miss Kayte and let her show you all there is to see."

It took them a moment to realize she was talking about herself. They certainly had eyes for her as they followed along, leaving the rest of the group behind to fend for themselves, at least for a little while. Surely it wouldn't take too long. There were so many other things to see and try in the park, after all. Kayte worked to slide open a great, heaving front door that was like the entrance to an industrial freezer, but the inside was anything but cold. The feline twins were instantly struck by the warmth and scent of that place. The air was swirling with the combined pheromones of a whole number of unseen participants. It was enough to make them stop just to adjust to the new atmosphere while Kayte slid the door shut behind them - with a distinct click of some mechanism locking.

There was only one path ahead of them, but Kayte nonetheless served as their guide. She slipped past them and they followed her through the dull tunnel of what looked like it might have been an old warehouse or factory, wondering about the silence until they came to the first display. Like a museum exhibit, a couple stood there behind glass, out of reach of the cats. The badger and coyote women were locked in a deep, intense embrace, making out messily enough that Mahiri could hear the wet mashing of lips and exchange of tongues.

While she leaned in a little closer, Mahiri could see how tightly the two were gripping each other. They weren't naked, but their lust was obvious as they rubbed their bodies together, grinding, groping, holding as tightly as they could. That meant clutching each other by the ass, or clawing down the other's back while they seemed to compete to kiss the other harder. The obsessive mutual lust rubbed off on Mahiri, leaving her feeling all the warmer, ever so slightly excited. She might have kept staring if it wasn't for her sister's voice.

"Certainly passionate, hmm," Mira commented, seemingly less impressed. "Let's see what else there is."

As they turned away from the scene, Mahiri's ears briefly perked when she thought she heard the continuous moaning grow more muffled, more alarmed from one of the performers. It was certainly strange, but she didn't think any more of it while they moved on. There were other voices ahead. One of them sounded firm, offering commands in a charming but demanding tone.

"Crawl for me. Show these good people who you belong to."

Mahiri was soon face to face with the tower of a reptile issuing the commands. The muscular lizard had her frill fanned out, giving her all the more a mesmerizing presence as she lorded over the possum at her feet. The girly thing was doing precisely as he was told, fully naked and utterly throbbing with the lust that came with serving his purple-scaled mistress. She stood tall and watched him, only to click her tongue and shake her head.

"Not like a dog. Like a snake."

The leopard marvelled as the cute boy instantly threw himself to the floor, writhing along in order to please the hypnotic reptile. She found herself briefly feeling as if she might do the same, simply out of an odd feeling of compulsion. Her weight shifted before she caught herself as if snapping out of a dream. The lizard seemed to notice that, smiling her way before turning her attention back to her pet. He slowly swayed his naked tail while he sucked her toes, moaning at the pleasure of pleasing her while she let out a contented hiss above.

A glance into the possum's eyes mid-toe-suck revealed a boy who was simply gone, utterly zonked out under the lizard's spell. Mahiri wondered to herself ever so briefly how good it might have felt to surrender herself in the same fashion, to utterly degrade herself before a fine mistress. The scent wafting through the room just made those thoughts form all the more clearly. There were feminine pheromones so thick that every breath made her all the more likely to linger there.

The possum certainly seemed to be enjoying it. His reward was to have the lizard slowly lower herself down upon him, turning him over, letting him smother beneath the might of her heavy rump and squish between her thighs. It was enough to get Mahiri rumbling a little just at the sight. She heard his desperate, muffled moans while he ate that reptile out as eagerly and sloppily as he could. Those sounds echoed in her mind even once the pantheress tugged at her wrist to snap her out of that haze.

"Let's keep moving. There's so much more to see. Besides, they're waiting for us out there."

Mira was eager to move on. Maybe she was turned on too, maybe not. Either way, she followed the bunny's guidance and continued along with Mahiri in tow. Something was bubbling ahead. She wondered if it was the typical witch's cauldron as seen in many a cheesy haunted house. Instead, it was something more scientific. They came across a room filled with various realistic-looking tubes and devices, many of them whirring or roiling with some sort of strange green fluid inside. As far as mad scientist labs went, those were some pretty convincing props. So too was the doctor herself.

Ending 1:

The masked figure stood tall above a writhing test subject strapped to her table. The plague doctor entirely concealed her identity with that beaked mask and leather cloak, though it hugged her in all the right ways to give the cats a good look at her figure - and a clear indication of how much she was enjoying herself. As for her subject, it might have even been someone they knew, but there was no way to tell anymore. A chimera of various species and features all in one, she was screaming her bliss as the doctor methodically issued her a small vial of that same green substance bubbling in the tubes around them. It nicely matched the eerie glow of the doctor's eyes through the mask.

Kayte stopped them so they didn't interrupt the present experiment. It didn't look like much science was being done there, though. There were no measurements being made, no notes being taken. The doctor simply stood, bulging beneath the leather as her subject squirmed in her restraints, moaning, humping the air, dripping wet. She was at the same time feline and reptilian-faced, covered in a mix of fur, scales, and smooth skin. As that mystery substance took within her, that slick sex started to visibly change shape as the cats watched intently. It started to rise, forming into a stiff, growing cock that throbbed hard enough to make the subject's entire body tremble.

It was swiftly leaking an excess of juices that made it look like she was already cumming. The transformation itself was pleasure enough for her, it seemed, but she was whimpering almost as if begging for more when the doctor nonchalantly ran her gloved fingers up and down the many inches of that stiff new spire. While she jerked that subject off, the rest of her started to transform as well, from an uncanny blend of species to something more distinct. The test subject was becoming a fat-cocked lab rat before their eyes, her fur going a pure white, her cock pitch black, her eyes glowing green like the doctor's own.

When the transformation was complete, she spurted all over her new self, squeaking with pleasure while the cats curiously watched. Taking in the scene was enough to get them all sorts of flustered, just watching the tension pulsing through that newly formed dick. The doctor didn't stop milking her subject after one cumshot, either, but there was more to see ahead. Kayte gestured for them to follow, and they eventually took their eyes off the horny sight to continue the tour. Now they were getting it.

The next room was much simpler than the last, but not without its features. It was a continuation of the previous room in at least one sense. Atop a table in the middle, there sat two green vials much like the one they'd seen being fed to the new rat just moments ago. Kayte stepped to the other side of the table and splayed her hands out, offering the cats a drink. The grin she wore was pure mischief and lust all in one.

"You've seen what my alchemist can do. Now I'm starting to wonder," Kayte slowly began, taking her time building the suspense of her words. "Perhaps you two would like to become part of the festivities? You might just have what it takes. That certain insatiable something inside you. Don't you think?"

"Join you? As a rat?" Mahiri asked.

"Ohhh, no, nothing like that," Kayte assured. "I just think you two would look good with big, fat, shiny, black cocks."

She emphasized that last word with all the luscious wetness it deserved. The thought visibly piqued Mira's interest. She took on a smirk, and was the first to step forth to accept such an offer. Mahiri watched her with something that wasn't exactly surprise. The pantheress always had a way of wading into situations that seemed fun to her, damn the consequences. Mahiri could hardly keep up with her sometimes. She flicked the top off that vial with her thumb after taking it in her hand.

"Let's see what you've got," she simply said before downing that unidentified substance in one go.

Drinking unknown things in a haunted funhouse hardly seemed like the wisest of choices, but Mira didn't hesitate. She smacked her lips a few times, hummed a little, then just shrugged.

"Hmm. A little sweet for me. Nothing so fa- "

She didn't finish that sentence. A gasp became an extended mrowwwwl the likes of which only a big cat could make. She shook the room as she wobbled back on her heels, almost losing her balance with the force of the spasms going through her body. Mahiri leapt to catch her, but it wasn't necessary. Mira was only off balance for a moment, swiftly recovering so she could thrust and grind at the air while the visible transformation overtook her. The rush to unbutton her pants was a desperate one.

That allowed her new adornment to spring free as it rapidly firmed out with the cat's growing lust. She was showing her teeth as she transformed into a fat-dicked breeder cat. Mira gripped the side of the table while that concoction worked through her body. The effects were so swift, Mahiri almost refused to believe there wasn't any actual magic involved. Why hadn't she ever heard of such a thing that could simply create a cock out of a pussy in mere seconds? That shaft started pushing out to full size, moment by moment, throb by throb. It so nicely matched Mira's sleek black fur.

By the time it was fully formed, pulsing wetly above a pair of hefty nuts, the black cat was absolutely rumbling. Kayte stepped close, laying a smooch on the panther's cheek as she reached to stroke that newly formed shaft. That alone was enough to milk some precum out of her, squirting out all over the bunny's fingers. She was sure to lick those digits clean after teasing the pantheress enough.

"Nnnh, it's so ... sensitive!" Mira moaned, her violet eyes shut tight. "Mahiri you've got to try this, oh my god."

It was as much a recommendation as it was an urging. By the way she said it, the leopardess simply couldn't wait any longer to get a feel for that alteration. She trusted her twin. Sometimes to her own detriment, but usually in a fun way. The substance looked ever so suspicious, but then, of course it did. She didn't bother to sniff it first. Down it went, all in one go. Unlike Mira, she knew what it felt like to have one, but this was going to be something different.

They didn't adequately warn her how powerful the effects were. A mere few seconds with that strange something inside of her, and she was already jerking back, jolted by the sudden sensations rushing through her entire body. She almost keeled over on the spot. Kayte was quickly there behind her to catch her. Mahiri might have been bigger than her, but having a soft bun to lean on helped her to keep her balance while she changed. It didn't make her any less squirmy though. Those pants were tight on her growing bulge, and the lacy panties beneath were swiftly stretched to their limit by that swelling, thumping shaft that so easily replaced her pussy. It was just as wet.

"Let's help you along, kitty," Kayte whispered, standing up on her toes to nibble on the cat's shoulder while Mahiri offered no assistance, yowling all over.

The bunny worked deftly to unbuckle and unzip, getting her fingers into the open fly of those tight leathers so she could grope what the leopard had on offer. Something like a mewl escaped Mahiri at the first touch. Mira was right. It wasn't just like any cock, it was trembling with need, sensitive to the smallest, softest touch. Kayte barely even had to touch it to make the leopard grit her teeth and clench her eyes shut in a desperate snarl of utter need. She spurted just like her twin, gushing out a long shot of precum that streaked across the floor. Kayte didn't seem to mind.

"Come here, you two. You look absolutely gorgeous like this."

She beckoned to the pantheress, who swiftly slipped into her grasp so the bun could play with both their cocks at once, slowly rolling the excess skin back and forth over the plump heads. It was enough to get her hands absolutely soaked in that thick, musky pre-cream. She didn't bother to lick it up for the moment. Not when she had two utterly eager felines to jerk off until they were yowling and humping into her dual-handed grasp.

"As much as I'd love to milk you dry right this very moment, there's still two more rooms for you to see, girls. Come along."

Playfully tugging at their cocks as if guiding them by a leash, she swayed her butt with every step while they painted the floor with their constant spurts. Neither of them had ever been so wet, even with pussies. Those fluids were streaming down the glossy surface of their new cocks, all the way to their nuts, then down their thighs. Their fur was matted with all the excess juices pouring from their urgently swelling dicks. Mahiri noticed the way Mira's lips were starting to curl back. She was getting ready to pounce someone, and that swaying bunny butt looked ever so tempting. Thankfully, Kayte had just the hole for them.

Stepping on shaky paws, her pants unbuckled and sagging but still on, Mahiri perked up at the rattle of some chains and saw a familiar face. Well, the features were familiar, but the expression the curvy hyena wore was one she'd never seen on him before. He was dazed, lost in a sea of wonder and ecstasy as he dangled from the ceiling, arms bent back, tail pulled taut to the root, a perpetual bent over position forced upon him. Every moment spent locked in that position of forced submission, of complete and utter helplessness was one that brought him wriggling, giggling pleasure until he was drooling for them in more ways than one.

So that was why Kamili wasn't available that night. He'd been busy. From the look he gave them, it wasn't even clear if he recognized his feline friends. Kayte stepped up to run her hand along his spotty back, stroking and petting the bound hyena while he squirmed against restraints that offered very little place. He moaned for her from little more than a touch, flashing that mind-blanked smile as she petted him. With him ever so sensitive to every touch, the temptation to tease him was a strong one.

"Do you know this cutie? He was ever so willing to volunteer. Now he lives here, helplessly awaiting the next touch," Kayte told them, just above a whisper. "Go ahead. Give him what he so badly needs. He's all yours."

It wasn't going to be the first time either of them ever did anything sexual to that girly yena, but this time, the context was all different. Both of those cats were utterly swollen, throbbing, outright shooting precum thanks to the tension trembling through their new dicks. Mira was the first to move. She simply had to get a good handful of that soft hair and yank that pretty face closer to her new gear. The restraints wobbled and rattled, but they held firm while she swung the suspended boy face first into her nuts, smothering him deeply. It took him moments to start sniffing.

Mahiri watched that cute little cock firming up while Kamili doused himself in feline musk, sucking down Mira's scent in desperate huffs from her balls all the way to the slick tip of her cock. He gave that a few licks that barely served to clean it up in the slightest. For every layer of precum he replaced with his glistening saliva, Mira gushed another mess of precum to soak her slick cock all the more. The hyena didn't say a word as he lapped at it like the bound slut he'd become. Serving them was everything he wanted.

That was how it seemed at least from Mahiri's perspective. Kamili wasn't just hard from a few good licks and sniffs, he was outright dripping. She had to toy with that cute small cock a little. Getting behind the suspended yeen, she gripped his hips and reached around while she rubbed her new dick on his butt. Smearing his spots in precum left him curling his toes with pleasure before she even grasped his shaft, running her fingers up and down those solid inches like she were playing him like a flute. He might have let out a full on cackle if he didn't end up muffled again by the pantheress snatching his hair down to the scalp and harshly jamming his muzzle right between her two fat nuts.

"Yessss. That's right. You two are goddesses now. You can take anything from him you want," Kayte encouraged from the sidelines, for the moment.

She wasn't about to be left out of the hyena teasing. A crank on the wall slowly lowered him to the floor when Kayte turned it. The cats followed him down, pouncing as if onto prey to make sure they could keep toying with him, pleasuring him with their greedy gropes and domination. The extra slack in the chains allowed him to turn over with a roll of his shoulders. His arms were still bound to his side, but once Mahiri got the idea, she helped him along so she could have better access to his desperately flexing dick. Just a few strokes was enough to get her hands absolutely slick with the mess he was making. She refused to let him waste that tasty cream.

Wrapping her dark lips around a hyena cock just came naturally to her. Kamili's might have been smaller than the ones she was used to, but that just meant she could suck it all the more eagerly - even aggressively. She took it to the very base, sheathing it in her maw, surrounding it with wet flesh and a tingly cat tongue that dragged and rubbed all over him while he whimpered out loud. He could barely even giggle. With his arms bound and his legs largely useless in those extensive bindings, the best he could do was wiggle and groan while Mahiri prepped to milk him absolutely dry.

She felt emboldened by her transformation, drenched with her own lust pouring from her fat new cock. She could have anything she wanted. So could Mira, who took the opportunity to fully lose the bottoms that had been barely staying on her anyway. Going completely nude from the waist down meant she could lift her thick ass up, and bring it right back down to utterly eclipse Kamili's boyish face. She wedged his snout between her cheeks and let her balls rest on his chin and throat alike while she smothered him, engulfing him in curvy panther rump without so much as a hope for taking a breath.

Mira mercilessly sat on Kamili's face while Mahiri sucked him off. All his wishes were coming true while he subserviently rimmed the pantheress on his face. He would have endured longer if he had a shred of willpower left, but Mahiri swiftly got what she wanted. She sucked him dry and made him cum in her mouth, dominantly gulping down his cream while she bobbed up and down on his cock. If he had any complaints, they were resoundingly muffled by that hefty ass top him, completely smothered out and airless just to make that sudden, unrestrained orgasm all the better.

The panther remained where she was, jerking her cock back and forth with some heavy schlicks that saw her spurting all over the hyena's chest and belly alike. Some of it even got into Mahiri's hair. She didn't seem to mind. The leopard remained busy draining the hyena until his legs were quivering in the afterglow. Yet even as she slipped up off that shining shaft and smooched the slathered tip, Kamili was as hard as ever. That was when Kayte stepped in to join them, though not before giving the panther a little nudge.

"Let's not snuff out our pretty toy just yet," she reminded Mira.

The pantheress glanced down at the breathless hyena as he slowly faded beneath her, moving less and less the longer he was utterly overtaken by her thick ass. Yet even being suffocated by the big cat, he still ate her out as best he could, tongue moving slower and weaker the longer she remained on him. Mira pushed him to his limit, to the brink of passing out beneath her, and then she sat just a little longer, grinding down on his face to use him for a sweat rag until she finally rose up before he actually just straight up died.

Kamili's first response, after gasping his way back to consciousness, was to giggle. It wasn't an unfamiliar sound from him, of course. There was lust in that quivering half-cackle. He still wanted more. All three of those ladies took a piece of him when Kayte approached, shedding her garments with each step. It was a skilful disrobing that left a trail of her showy outfit behind her, baring every inch of curvy bunny for the cats to see. Mahiri certainly took a moment to admire her, but Mira was already turning herself around and planting her knees on either side of the hyena's head like she was climbing onto a motorcycle. She was certainly going to give Kamili a ride.

He'd barely managed to catch his breath before he found himself swallowing the juicy shaft Mira pushed insistently between his lips. As long as he could focus, he wasn't going to choke on it. Mahiri and Kayte wickedly collaborated to make that task as difficult as possible. The bunny climbed onto him, letting his small cock slowly sick into her sex while Mahiri lifted those spotty legs up so she could get at his butt. She had the urgent need to fuck someone, and that tight boi was perfect for pounding all those rutting instincts out.

Clutching the bunny from behind, Mahiri leaned against Kayte's back and lightly nibbled on her shoulder while she penetrated that cute hyena boy. Sinking her new cock into that tight butt was enough to make her rowl in one of Kayte's sensitive ears, but the bunny was far too occupied getting the most out of that yeen dick she could. Kamili wasn't that small - average, really. All his friends just tended to have tremendous ones, especially after such an unnatural transformation. He never even considered how weird it was that the two cats were sporting cocks they didn't have before. Not when he was bound and getting triple-teamed by three lusty ladies.

Kamili was all about repeated cumshots. The spotty boy had the stamina of a virgin, quivering beneath the cats and bunny pinning him. His cock was pulsing inside Kayte. He was clenching down on Mahiri's dick. Yet all the while, he managed to suck and swallow the panther's dick, without even choking on it all that much. He managed maybe half a minute of getting used like that before he blew hard inside the bunny, who simply smirked as she rode his dick, ruthlessly milking him of every drop he could possibly give her.

Just because he was a twitching mess beneath them didn't mean they were done. What was he going to do about it? They pushed him past his limits, past exhaustion, and used him for their toy, just like he wanted. Kayte's butt gave a solid bounce as she pumped up and down on him, braving herself by groping Mira's tits from behind. The pantheress rutted that throat while Kamili gulped and glurked down as many of her juices as he could possibly take. That made her rumble and stroke through his hair gently, even while she harshly fucked his face and throat alike.

"Keep being a good boy like that and you're going to get a whole lot more," she told him. It was either a promise or a warning.

That was all he was going to get. They rutted him, rode him, used him right up like the good little exhibit he was. Mahiri fucked his butt until she bottomed out inside of him, going balls deep with a good slam to those soft cheeks as she clutched him by the very hips Kayte was busy annihilating. Pumping, slamming, thudding on him was enough to make him cum again, and those tight contractions were just what Mahiri needed to peak inside him. She filled his belly up with hot cat cum just as Mira got into a snarly rut inside his bulging throat. He only gagged a little when the panther slammed his face hard enough she was nearly stuffing her nuts down his throat.

Soon Kamili was chugging panther cum while he got his butt creamed good. Mahiri fucked him full of spunk while Mira emptied her balls straight down his throat. He gulped as hard as he could while he got his belly bulged with just how much cum they gave him. Mahiri didn't stop thrusting until she was absolutely sure she'd shot every single drop she could inside him. Only then did she pull free of that tender rump with a sufficiently messy pop, allowing him at least one slight trace of respite.

Mira wasn't quite so merciful, shoving her dick deep until he'd sucked it dry and clean alike. Kamili made a little hmmmf of strain, but it wasn't a complaint. Kayte wasn't letting him up until he was twitching and dry-firing inside her. He didn't manage to make her cum, but he gave her two nice loads to slick up her sex for whatever came next. She pulled off of him with a schlurk and eventually Mira did too, sliding her stiff shaft from his gullet to leave him coughing up the excess panther spunk he couldn't chug down.

With their cocks still throbbing nicely, the two felines could have easily kept fucking him until he was absolutely numb, but their newly naked hostess and guide seemed to have other ideas. She placed her hands on their shoulders to usher them along, though before she left the room she made sure to hoist Kamili back up. There he went, lifted towards the ceiling to dangle there, fully bound up and stretched out, on offer for the next guests who happened to enter there. He drooled cum from both ends and twitched a little, too dazed by his musky encounter to give them so much as a parting snicker.

Bottomless and throbbing all the more needfully despite their release, the cats followed that wiggling bunny butt down the hall and into the next room.

"Last one," Kayte assured them.

Such promises left them all but salivating in anticipation. All they had seen, and now done, and there was still more? What pleasures awaited them in that place? It was with slight disappointment perhaps that they found the next room surprisingly empty. There were two large display cases on one side, but they were empty but for some straps and shackles alike. Nobody was awaiting them in that bondage, leaving Mira to halt her entrance to ponder out loud.

"Did they ... escape?"

Kayte slowly turned with a showy spine of her hips, then held out her arms.

"Not at all. The next exhibit has yet to be occupied. I'm hoping I've found the perfect pair to fill the spot. With their spots."

Mahiri perked her ears, scanning over the cases once more. There were so many ways of tying them down in there. They were going to end up just as helpless as the hyena they just fucked and filled. She had to admit that thought made her warm inside, and not just with the lust she'd already been feeling.

"Just imagine. My specially selected guests, coming her, absolutely slavering with lust, looking for a cock to suck or a hole to fuck. Not to mention all my fine performers ..." Kayte continued. "But don't just take my word for it. Let me show you some of the pleasures you're in for."

She had them by the balls in the most literal of senses in a moment. Stepping between the two big cats who stood taller than her, she easily manipulated them just where she wanted them with nothing more than a gentle stroke down their shafts and a greedy grasp of their two fat sacks. Kneading them as she guided them, she soon had them under her spell while she sank slowly to her knees before the newly grown cocks. There was still so much tension running through them, so much need throbbing up and down their every glossy inch. She was going to show them how much she could help them with that.

Tending to two horny cats all at once was no small effort, but the bunny ensured she was constantly stroking whoever she didn't wrap her lips around. There was no teasing, no sampling but for a few quick licks along the tips. Then she went down on Mahiri, swallowing that cock effortlessly, right down to the base. With the leopardess backed up to a wall, she could only lean and slowly thrust her hips while the bunny facefucked herself with that smooth, solid cat dick, slickly suckling all the while, gulping down all the excess pre her blowjob helped milk out.

When Mira's throbbing between her fingers proved even more urgent, Kayte switched off and engulfed herself in pantheress flavour while she sucked all the way to the base. Those heavy nuts tapped her chin while she bobbed on the black cat's cock, slurping, schlurking, guzzling down all the mess she managed to milk out of that thick shaft. She worked on Mira for as long as the panther kept purring, but Mahiri's desperate yowl eventually told her she was just going to have to take drastic measures.

Kayte might not have been especially big, but she could fit a lot in her mouth. That much was clear when she guided the twins hip to hip and lined up their dicks so she could suck her way down the both of them at once. It was a strain on her jaw for certain, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She kept the cats rumbling while she sucked them both at once, squishing their cocks together in her slobbering mouth. Juices streamed down her chin and over her tits as she worked them. She planted a hand on each of their rumps just to brace herself, urging them to thrust straight down her throat, no matter how much of a bulge they made in her gullet. Kayte could take them.

She refused to let them go, even once she felt them going all taut and hot between her lips. Massaging them with her tongue just brought them closer and closer to the edge, to their swelling, dripping, pulsing peak. She was surrounded by their yowls when she made them cum in almost perfect unison. Such twins they were, cumming straight down the bunny's throat within a second of each other or so. They growled and bucked, thrusting and fucking Kayte's face together, leaving her absolutely guzzling all that spunk. She didn't fail them. It all got into her belly, no matter how full it left her.

As stuffed as she might have been, she still wanted more. Her cats were still hard. Rising up with a springy leap on those bunny legs, she pressed up against them, stroking under their chins. It remained a question of who she wanted where. After some consideration, she backed her butt up against the leopardess, clasping Mira by the wrists so she got in front. The bunny had to stand up tall on her toes just to grind her ass on Mahiri's cock while she got herself smothered between two plump pairs of feline tits.

"Go ahead. Fuck me until you've worked all the big cat right out of you. This bunny can take it," she said, all but purring herself.

The leopard twins were essentially powerless but to do exactly as she wanted. Taking her by the hips, Mahiri lifted her up so she could rub her dick down to the base of that little cottontail. Mira held her just as tightly, leaving Kayte's feet dangling in the air as she got fully immersed in feline scents and touches. It might have seemed like they were taking control, but it was all according to her plans. So too was getting slowly, slickly double-penetrated while she licked her lips and tasted the lingering cum on her tongue.

Kayte nibbled on an ample panther teat while she got her pussy stuffed with Mira's cock. Mahiri took her from behind all the while, filling that taut rear, pushing deeper and deeper until she bottomed out with a nice spank of cat nuts to bunny butt. The rowling and rumbling surrounded Kayte while she moaned and wobbled with every slam of hips jiggling through her curves. She couldn't help but cry out to them, urging them on, making sure they knew who was in control.

"Yes, good kitties! Fuck your bunny mistress. Give her all the pleasure you can give."

Neither of them objected to Kayte's self-declared title. They were happy to serve her with those deep-pounding thrusts and thumps, pressing the bunny between them as they made out between Kayte's ears. They weren't hesitant to indulge in a little mutual affection while they plowed their host and guide absolutely silly. Kayte clung to Mira, moaning out with every stroke, and then even louder as Mahiri's teeth played along her collarbone. The leopardess was only nibbling on her, but that little prick of fangs on her skin just made the pleasure all the more intense.

"Cum for me," she whispered to them in the midst of her ecstasy.

They did just as they were told. Rutting her that hard might have been enough to break others in half, but the soft bunny could take those transformed cocks for as long as the cats could keep providing her the pleasure she needed. They made her cum just as hard as they did while they bottomed out and erupted within both her holes with her writhing in between them. Kayte had two sets of heavy nuts pressed against her, flexing while they pumped themselves dry inside her. She was sloshed and shot full of hot feline cream, drooling it from her tender sex and ass alike after that absolute slamming.

Basking in the heat of the afterglow, listening to the leopard twins pant and purr alike, Kayte found herself thriving on the lust they'd shown her. As tempting as it might have been to slump down with them for some rumbly cat cuddles, she wasn't about to stop there. Not when there was still so much she could get from them. Her words came hissed through her clenched teeth.

"More. More. Don't stop until you're numb," she urged them, commanded them even.

Mahiri and Mira alike had become her obedient fuck-drones after going through their changes and seeing all they had seen. They might have humped her full of enough cum to loudly slosh with the slightest movement, but they were going to give everything they could to satisfy that lusty bunny. The twins exchanged tongues while they buried themselves in the bunny, completely enveloping Kayte's body between them while the clasped her, clutched her, clapped those cheeks, and absolutely fucked her, squelching on the gliding lube of their last cumshot.

Feline cum sprayed from the bunny as it got squeezed out of her by those manic thrusts. The leopards were barely more than beasts anymore, single-mindedly rutting their ringmistress like trained animals. Thump thump thump went their hips, colliding with Kayte's soft bunny while the higher-pitched SLAP of four fat nuts hitting her rolled through the room. They weren't thinking about who was waiting for them, nor even where they were anymore. With their eyes open but blank and their teeth on display, they snarled their way through a sloppy rut with the bunny soaking it all in between them.

This time she squirted. Kayte didn't just cum as the leopards worked up to a feral rhythm between her thighs and under her tail. She erupted just as hard as they did once she started clenching an orgasm out on their juicy cocks. Another cumshot milked out of them by those bouncing cheeks and pumping, flexing inner walls filled her to the brim. There simply was no more room, leaving the rest pouring out down all their thighs, puddling on the floor, steaming up the windowless room with the haughty musk of rutting cats and horny bunny alike.

Only then did Kayte stop to breathe. She held onto the cats a little longer, tilting her head up to smooch them a few times. They were the first to slump, allowing the bunny to pull off their messy cocks and touch back down to the floor. She was dripping, stretched, soaked, but she still stood tall about the purring kitties she'd made her own. But they weren't part of the exhibit yet. They sat twitching beneath her while their cum poured from her pussy and under her tail, but she couldn't leave them there.

She knew she needed to keep working to fully break them in. Thankfully, she knew precisely how to push them over the limit. While the felines puffed below, she took the opportunity to show them precisely how much of a mess they made of her, from up close. First that meant sitting her ass right down on Mahiri's face, splattering the kitty's features with her own cream. The leopard didn't hesitate to start eating her out, tidying her up as well as she possibly could while she made out with that fine, shapely ass.

Bouncing and grinding on that soft muzzle and rough tongue alike was enough to make Kayte moan again. She was still plenty turned on, but she held off on the urge to rub her cunt while Mira's cum poured out of it. Instead, she focused all that attention on smothering Mahiri silly, rolling her hips to hump back on that pretty face while the leopard stuck her tongue right up Kayte's rump. It was as simple as offering her something to feast on and getting such eager service in return. She rode and rubbed in the big cat's face until Mahiri had nearly suffocated beneath that ample, juicy bunny butt she was so thoroughly worshipping.

Only when the leopardess was slumped right out and sufficiently weakened did Kayte change targets. She gave a look to where Mira sat looking dazed and pleased with herself, and rose up from the flat leopard's face to instead sink her fingers into the dark locks of the pantheress. Gripping them tight gave her plenty of leverage for shoving her pussy right in Mira's face. There was still so much to clean up.

It took some insistent grinding, but eventually she managed to convince the panther to start slurping. Mira licked lazily at first, but got more and more enthused the harder Kayte shoved. Lapping deep and slurping up her mess, Mira ended up swallowing plenty of her own cum in the process of feasting upon that juicy bunny cunny. Kayte gripped her hair and Mira grabbed the bun by the butt to keep her closer while the cat got her face so thoroughly humped throughout that post-sex cunnilingus session.

Only when she'd left the pantheress a purring, sloppy mess who slumped down beside her sister did Kayte consider her work done. She let Mira go and loomed above the twins for a while, still dripping, still tingly in the aftershock of orgasm. There was still more to milk from those cats, but she had to be patient. There was so much work to be done that night. Reaching for them, she took them by the wrists to urge them along, knowing all they needed was one final push.

"Up you get, spotties. You're going to be the perfect exhibit. Just wait until the next pair sees you all bound up, ready for use."

That was motivation enough to compel the rowling cats to their feet, along with some tugging on their wrists. They followed Kayte's guidance as ever, ushered one at a time into their display cases. First, the bunny laid Mira in there facing outwards, getting those many straps and bindings in place one one. Click, click, click. The pantheress was all tied up, her tits and cock alike on offer to any groping guest. Kayte was ready to give Mahiri the same treatment, but upon consideration, the lighter leopardess deserved something different.

Before Mahiri could back in, Kayte took her by the shoulders and spun her around so she was walking forward. A little push urged her along so the bunny could start tying her down. Kayte made sure to get that tail locked in place between the leopard's shoulder blades, kept perpetually lifted for whoever visited next. She finished off by giving those spotty cheeks a solid slap to watch them jiggle.

That was where they left the felines, rowling and horny as ever, awaiting their chance to entertain the guests. The two of them had become part of the park's erotic experience, just as much a performer as the bunny herself. Their friends weren't going to know what happened to them, but the cats didn't seem to care. They were far too busy being the best bound up sluts they could be. Fully broken in and eager to serve whoever walked in next, those two made such fine additions to Kayte's collection.

Ending 2:

Despite the figure's mask, it was obvious she was a rat. The doctor sat atop some sort of examination table, mostly naked but for a pair of black leather boots and gloves alike, and of course that pointed visage that concealed her features. At first, Mahiri thought she was alone, but a closer inspection revealed that the muffled squeak of pleasure didn't come from the rat herself. Someone else was there, though it was hardly obvious given how small they were.

That couldn't have been natural. The tiny lion looked almost familiar, but Mahiri couldn't say for sure given he was no higher than six inches tall. The rat doctor clutched him in her gloved fingers while he squirmed and mewled in a barely audible voice. If he was trying to say something, it was far too late before that bare rat rump came down on his face, completely eclipsing him and shoving him firmly against a shiny black rim. He was entirely smothered while the two cats watched.

Mahiri had to admit she found herself getting flustered at the sight. The rat stroked her shiny black cock while she sat on the seemingly shrunken lion, grinding on his face. Mahiri could see his mane getting matted with sweat while he was smothered. He was squirming, but she couldn't tell if it was out of pleasure or a sincere effort to get away from the comparatively massive rodent dominating him. She didn't let him up for air. If anything, she just sat on him all the more firmly, until that taut ring started to part around his muzzle, slowly taking him inside inch by inch.

"A little sip of our special concoction can turn you into the best little living dildo you can be," Kayte cheerfully told them. "I know our previous guest here loves it."

In the distance, there was a hmmf that might have been a moan, might have been a muffled cry for help. It didn't matter. Nothing could prevent him from being the rat doctor's toy, shoved in her ass to the waist, then pulled back out by his legs. She pushed him in and out of her rear while she stroked her cock, and Mahiri simply bit her lip with lust, imagining herself in the same vulnerable, utterly dominated position.

Kayte must have seen how she was taking that, because she approached to stand up tall on her toes and whisper in the leopard's ear.

"I could shrink you down too, if you wanted. I wonder how you'd feel inside me?"

Mahiri shuddered a little, but didn't answer. It was almost too kinky to even consider. Mira meanwhile was watching closely too, but with a much more deviant expression on her face. She watched as the rat transitioned from shoving the lion in and out to just bouncing her butt up and down on him, riding him like the toy he'd become. Mahiri knew that look. The pantheress was getting ideas, most likely considering how much fun she could have with a shrunken someone. Maybe a bunny. Maybe a leopard.

Mira didn't even flinch when the rat's indulgent ride grew intense enough that the lion simply vanished. The doctor came up from a solid thump down on her table, and there was no shrunken cat in sight. That was the first time she made her voice known. Moaning through her mask, she leaned back on her rump and smoothly stroked herself with increasing sweetness to the sensation of having the cat entirely inside of her. Such a forbidden pleasure, made possible by whatever strand something was bubbling through all those tubes and machines. It glowed a little.

Mahiri found herself wondering just what was going to become of the lion after getting swallowed whole by rat ass, but Mira simply purred at the sight of the doctor cumming all over herself. Her output was considerable with that squirmy toy pressing against her prostate from the inside. There was still no sign of the lion. They didn't get a chance to see if he was going to be okay before Kayte ushered them along, turning them away from the depraved sight so they could continue on to the next room.

It looked much like the previous one, with that science-fiction styled setting. Maybe it was real equipment, maybe it was just for mood, but the results couldn't be denied. There were two more test subjects there, patiently awaiting atop a table that might as well have been a mountain's edge for how small they were. One of them, they recognized. The tiny hyena had to be Kamili, which certainly explained why he hadn't answered the invitation to the festivities that night. The other wasn't someone they knew, but the cute raven boy was precious enough Mahiri simply had to scoop him up on sight.

"They're all yours. Indulge in your fantasies, like the cats I know you are," Kayte told them, giving them a little tap on the back.

Mira took hold of Kamili before the shrunken hyena could even get a word in. He was pretty small at normal size, already at the panther's mercy at the best of times. When he'd shrunken down to something Mira could easily pick up in a single hand, he could only faintly giggle while she squeezed him in her grasp. She was much less gentle with him than Mahiri was with that tiny bird. The leopardess held the feathery toy in both hands, stroking him with her thumbs while he cawed approvingly. Just holding him was making her so oddly wet.

It was enough to make her act before she even fully knew what she was doing. All she could think of was how much she wanted to rub him on her pussy. It meant clasping him carefully in one hand, and slowly unbuckling with the other. She needed just enough room to tuck that pretty birdy into her pants. He found himself trapped behind her panties while she smothered him to her soaking lips, immersing him in her scent. A hand upon the newly acquired bulge that squirmed in her pants let her grind him on her pussy, soaking him in the juices that leaked all the thicker for having his warm presence there.

His glossy feathers stroked her folds perfectly. She was moaning out loud as she backed up against the wall, eyes shut tight while she pleasured herself with her feathery toy. Aside from the occasional muffled squawk, he offered no signs of complaint. Squirms, certainly, but she was pretty sure he enjoyed getting doused in horny leopard scent just as much as she loved getting herself with him. She was growling with pleasure before long, only held back by wondering if she was going too far, too quickly. What did Mira think of it all?

The pantheress was in no position to judge. Not only was she entirely bottomless, her pants and panties alike left in a heap behind her when she stepped out of them, but she was making good use of their mutual spotty friend. Kamili was hip-deep in panther pussy, shoved in there like a good toy to giggle in the dark. Mira pulled him in and out much like they'd seen the rat using her own toy, leaving the tiny hyena kicking his legs in her grasp as he fought not to get overwhelmed or outright drowned in all the juices he was helping stir up while he got plunged into plump, hot panther cunt. Mira wasn't offering him a shred of mercy, no matter how much he squirmed.

That just encouraged Mahiri to be all the more indulgent with the horny bird rubbing himself against her clit. That raven knew just where to rub without her help, but when she pressed down more firmly on his back to smother him deeper, deeper. See wondered what it might be like to take him all the way inside. Just for a little while. She wasn't going to do him any real harm. The same perhaps couldn't be said of Mira's intentions for Kamili.

Mahiri found herself distracted again when she heard a little cackle from across the room. There was the hyena, free from that sloppy sex, but faring little better. Mira was absolutely tormenting him with those overstimulating slurps of her big, scratchy tongue. They probably didn't hurt, judging by how hard the shrunken yeen came for her. He squirted on her outstretched tongue while she dragged it over his juice-soaked spots again and again. There was no getting away from her as she puffed her steamy breath in his face, looming closer and closer.

It was all some very intense teasing, or that was what Mahiri thought at least. She knew how deeply Mira got into things. Some licking and toying with the shrunken hyena was simply to be expected. So too was a little nibbling, even a little suckling on him as she slowly scooped more and more of him into the warmth of her drooling maw. It was only when she fully tucked him away behind her lips that Mahiri looked up from her pleasure haze to wonder if perhaps her twin was going too far.

She didn't manage to get a word in before the pantheress tilted her head back and gave a single, resounding gulp. Mahiri watched that small bulge travelling down the black fur of Mira's silky throat, only to vanish behind the curves and pudge of the soft cat. She'd swallowed him whole without a second thought. Mahiri kept staring, lips parting to say something, but the most she got out was a little mewl. It was mostly the pleasure of getting off on the squirming bird pressed against her clit. Tiny thing had no idea how lucky he was.

Grinding on him until she growled her way to a nice, soaking wet cumshot that slathered the shrunken bird's feathers in heavy kitty juices, Mahiri decided there was nothing she could do about any of it. There was no saving Kamili anymore. Mira ate him, because she could. By the way she was purring and rubbing her tummy, not to mention playing with her clit, the pantheress loved how it felt to have someone inside of her. She slowly swayed back and forth to a silent rhythm, eyes half-lidded while she basked in the pleasure of being the predator she always could be. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to Mahiri.

Rather than being outraged, she found herself considering how far she would go with the crow in her panties. He was squirming a little more than usual while he bathed in her juices, until she finally got the hint to pluck him out. Coughing and sputtering a little, but still horny as hell, the basted bird looked up at her with dark, shiny eyes of total innocence. He had no idea what had just happened to the hyena. Mahiri rumbled a little, clutching him, dangling him, bringing him closer to her face. Maybe, maybe.

Instead, she just gave him a long slurp to help tidy him up at least a little. She was tempted, but it wasn't the moment. Not yet. Instead, she set him back down where she found him, giving him one last stroke as she turned back to the bunny - and the pantheress, who was wearing a thoroughly satisfied smirk. Mahiri could already hear the black cat's belly gurgling. She was digesting their mutual friend, and she was enjoying it.

"Mmm. Twins, yet your tastes aren't quite the same, are they?" Kayte noted as she opened a door to the next room. "Well. There are even more indulgences ahead. Let's see how you take to these."

She led the way and the cats followed her. Mira was already staring at that sultry bunny with a look of predatory lust. Part of Mahiri wanted to warn Kayte, and another part wanted to see what was going to happen next. The next room didn't seem any different from the last one, though it lacked the same treats. No shrunken boys to be found, but the same table was present. Kayte stopped to reach behind the cats' shoulders, patting them on the back of the next. For a moment, Mahiri thought she felt some sort of prick or static shock from that touch, but it was gone as soon as she noticed.

"Now for the greatest indulgence of all," Kayte declared. "Sit on this table, and I'll show you what I can do with some shrunken toys. Toys like you."

Mira immediately balked at such a thing. She was in an intensely dominant mood after feeling her predatory lust like that. She wasn't about to be a plaything for a bunny, and she made that clear with her discontented rumble.

"I don't think so. I want another meal," came her thunderous voice, but it was a little less intimidating with every syllable.

"I thought you'd say that. Which is why I gave you a double dose, of course," Kayte nonchalantly told her with a teasing wiggle of her hips. "C'mere, kitty."

Mira tried to push the bunny away, but she was getting smaller, getting weaker, rapidly shrinking down right before her twin's eyes. Mahiri simply gaped as the pantheress was so effortlessly converted from her tall, imposing self into something Kayte could so easily scoop up out of those crumbling clothes.

"You put me down or I'm going to get you!" Mira squeakily threatened, sounding anything but imposing.

"Get me!" Kayte exclaimed, amused as she clutched the six-inch pantheress. It had only taken seconds to fully transform her. "And just how are you going to do that?"

"As soon as I'm back to regular size ..." came Mira's feisty but tiny voice.

"Oh don't worry." Kayte gave the black cat a little squeeze between her fingers. "I'm going to make sure you won't be."

Through it all, Mahiri was just standing there. She too was changing, though much more slowly. She lost an inch a minute or so, gradually coming more to the bunny's level while Kayte teased her twin. The bunny was licking her lips, and then her flat teeth, bringing the shrunken panther closer and closer to her mouth. Mira's response was purely feline, lashing out and trying to bite the hand that was feeding her to their host, but nothing she could do was phasing Kayte much. Still, it was enough to give her pause while she loomed over her prey.

"Now, Mira. I was going to gulp you down whole, but you're making such a fuss. Can't have you biting and clawing inside me now, can I? What's about to happen is entirely your fault."

Mahiri still didn't do anything about what she was seeing, watching from her lower and lower perspective as the bunny so casually popped the black cat into her mouth. Mira thrashed around atop Kayte's tongue, fighting with all her shrunken might. The bunny simply made sure to break that right out of her. Her teeth were flat, but they were strong. When she lined up the squirming feline across them and bit down hard, Mahiri could hear the slick, nasty crrrrnch from across the room.

There was no scream. Not after that big of a bite. It was enough to suppress the struggles, but Kayte wasn't satisfied. She opened up wide so that Mahiri could glimpse the red staining her teeth, then brought them down again with an extended crackle of bone and squelch of flesh alike. Crimson dribbled down the bunny's chin in thin rivers as she gnashed her prey between her teeth. Another bite, and then another brought those crushing, crunching noises out, ringing throughout the room, freezing the leopardess in place while she watched the panther getting chewed on.

Once Kayte built that momentum, she just kept mashing up the cat between her teeth, crushing with the blunt force of each gnaw and bite while she brought her jaws down again and again on that soft, supple body. Mira wasn't just getting softened up, she was getting shredded into something that more resembled a blood pulp in the bunny's mouth, smashed and crushed to absolute bits while the blood poured thicker and thicker down Kayte's chin. She had it on her tits as it gushed from her twitching prey. Yet somewhere in there, Mira was still struggling on while she got chewed like a piece of candy by the bunny who was so effectively breaking her in.

Munch munch crunch CRRRK

There was plenty of noise to come from the panther's ribs and spine getting crushed by the bunny, but that single, decisive CRUNCH gave Kayte and Mahiri alike pause. It came from those flat front teeth pressing down on the shrunken cat's skull, smashing it to dust to ensure her prey finally stopped moving. Revelling in that for a single moment, Kayte soon continued her gruesome conquest of the panther's body, mashing her up until she was little more than pulped up meat stuffing a bunny's bloodstained maw. Only then did Kayte tilt her head back and gulp down her meal in a single, satisfying gulp, just like Mira had her own.

With a pleased sigh and a slurp of her chops, Kayte soon turned towards Mahiri with a great, crimson grin on her face. When she reached out for the leopardess, Mahiri didn't stop her. She even allowed herself to be dragged over to that table by the bunny, pinned down in her smaller and smaller frame while the herbivore straddled her. Pinned and left to admire the soaked chin and muzzle of the predator who'd so handily subdued the struggling pantheress, Mahiri couldn't hide how much the sight had turned her on.

She was soaking wet by the time Kayte came down to meet her lips in a bloody smooch. That meant getting some of those stains into the white of Mahiri's muzzle while the bunny forcefully made out with her, mashing close, slurping, licking, and encouraging the cat to do the same. Mahiri ended up swallowing a hearty helping of fresh blood while they kissed, grinding back at the bunny while they clutched each other, groped, squished tits to tits. All the while, Mahiri was still getting smaller, little by little.

"You taste her?" Kayte murmured when she broke from the kiss. "She felt good crunching between my teeth. It's going to be awfully messy when I send you down there to join her."

Mahiri knew that was coming. When the bunny lifted herself off her prey to pick her up in both hands, the leopard found herself plucked right out of her remaining clothes, sprawled out on the bunny's palms while she stared towards that bloodstained visage. Kayte opened up wider and wider for the cat once Mahiri was finally fully shrunken down to a nice bite-sized height. Then the heat enveloped the leopard as she got fed into those slick, stained confines, pressed onto Kayte's outstretched tongue, tucked between those flat teeth. There was no biting, not even any nibbling. The bunny took her into her mouth whole, and simply sucked on her a while, squishing her against the roof of her mouth.

There was so much flavour to drain from a tasty leopardess. She kneaded her prey a little longer, puffing hotly in Mahiri's face while the darkness of that open gullet loomed right before her. She shuddered in the shadows of that maw, grinding her soaked pussy on the rolled out carpet of that bright pink tongue. Closer and closer still she slid while Kayte put on a show of gulping down all the saliva and blood alike that welled up in her mouth. Soon that deadly peristalsis was going to catch her. She didn't have much time before she joined her sister inside the bunny, and it made her want to cum.

When Kayte tossed her head back suddenly to plunge Mahiri into the embrace of her powerful throat muscles, the leopard finally let her orgasm take over her whole body. She squirted while she got swallowed in a single, wet ULLLP that combined with a deep moan from the bunny predator who was eating her. Down she went, rushing through that slick tunnel until she found herself splashing into the heated confines of Kayte's belly. It was already sloshing, already churning at the chewed up meat that used to be Mira. Mahiri soaked in the sludge and chyme welling up around her, instantly doused in belly acids that burbled and blorped all around her.

Things only got all the more intense when Kayte thumped her chest a few times, working up a proud belch that stirred up plenty of belly activity. Mahiri was getting gurgled, churned up alive and whole. She didn't struggle as she simmered in the deadly acids. It didn't feel good, but it was what she wanted, in some strange way. The bunny was her predator, and she was her prey, melting down faintly squirming and twitching so she could join the curves she so admired from their very first seductive wiggle.

Kayte rested atop that table, legs spread so she could toy with herself to the leopard's impending demise, digesting her swiftly and messily. It was all worth getting off on. She rubbed her pussy through her outfit, then pulled it aside so she could push two fingers inside herself. A cry escaped her as her belly squeezed hard around the cat, crushing her a little like she'd crushed Mira. There was another crunch, another crackle, blending in with the constant heavy glurrrrn of processing the feline into meat. Mahiri wasn't going to last much longer under such an assault.

Finally, after being mangled and sizzled alike for several minutes straight, barely finding anything resembling air to breathe, Mahiri finally expired. It wasn't as dramatic a finish as Mira gave, more of a fading out, but it still made Kayte cum. She squirted clear across the room from predatory pleasure while her belly loudly continued its work, digesting two feline twins for good to add to her herbivore body. Those nutrients were going to feed her curves ever so nicely.

In the end, they still joined the exhibit, in their way. They served to make the bunny all the softer, all the more enticing for future guests. There they remained, slowly making their way through Kayte's bunny over the course of that haunted eve, adding to her with each passing hour. Their friends were going to be waiting out there for a long time, if they stayed around. But something told Kayte something equally bad had already befallen them by the time she felt the tingle of the twins reaching the end of their journey, that early November morning.

There were plenty of bathrooms on site in the park. Kayte picked one where she was quite certain she wouldn't be disturbed for a while, and locked the door behind her just in case. Even on that misty morning, she couldn't be certain what sort of horrors were still lurking about, and she needed some time. She was thicker, softer, plumper all over even after eating two shrunken cats. And one hyena, technically. They were more nutritious than they might have seemed, and that meant Kayte needed to take one long, heavy dump to be rid of them.

It started with a sigh, then became a groan as she pushed a little harder to start working out the combined mass of the twins. Tiny broken bones and bits of dark fur or long strands of red hair were the only things that kept them separated any longer. United in their filthy, humiliating end, squeezed out of a bunny butt together, they ended their Halloween festivities in the crudest of ways. Kayte couldn't help but find it satisfying to shit out the feisty pantheress and the broken leopardess alike. One had fought to the very last crunch, the other accepted her fate down to the last gurgle, but they were just the same pushing out of Kayte's ass beneath that little cotton tail.

Two flushes later, and they swirled away, never to be found. The only sign of them was on Kayte's curves, where her tits and hips alike got all the more padded thanks to them. She couldn't revel in how thoroughly she conquered them for long though. There was still so much fun to be had. Halloween might have been over, but the park was far from closed. New guests awaited her, whether they were to join her exhibit in bondage, or in her belly.