Wake Up, Deran-Style

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Some direct smut for this upload. You wake up to your roommate, a robotic lizard, rimming your ass. Then he fucks you, and then leaves for work. Enjoy!

I became conscious to the sensation of someone licking my ass. A fat, long tongue, leaving saliva in its trail between my cheeks. I realized this must be my roommate, Deran. If I opened my eyes, I'd probably spot the glow of his mechanical eyes illuminating my bed.

The large, lizard-shaped robot's tongue gently probed my hole now, massaged the muscles to part for him. I'd granted him "free use" of me a while ago, and now it seems he's come to collect.

Any time, any where, he could sexually please himself with me.

My bed, probably around the time he gets up for work.

I relaxed, and let him have his fun. His tongue felt nice, warmer than one would expect. Pushing open my hole, he slowly filled my ass with it, feeding more of his wet spit into me. I realized how hard I was when he hit my prostate with a flick, my cock throbbing at the stimulus. A heavy metal clawed hand gripped my cheeks, spreading them to allow him easier access. He vocalized a growl, pushing deeper into me, hot breath washing over my rear.

I merely pretended to be asleep, but it had to be obvious by now I was not. My breath would quicken, my legs subtly shifting. Not like he would care. Obviously I didn't. He thrust his thick tongue into me until all of it was shoved inside. I felt his teeth around my ass, gently dimpling the flesh. I must've been halfway into his maw for him to be so deep. The writhing tentacle inside me reached deep into my guts and electrified my brain with pleasure.

He wriggled it as he pulled out, then pushed it back in. My hole easily and gratefully accepting the wet length. Occasionally he'd pull all the way out, to lick around my taint and the bottom of my sac. Oh, he was going all out. Or just losing himself to the heat of the moment.

After a few minutes of sloppy rimming, he'd had his fill, but it wasn't over for me. He replaced his tongue with the cold metal of one of his blunt claws. Slowly, surely, he pressed it against my flesh. The previous treatment allowed him in easily of course, almost swallowing him up to the second knuckle. I heard a rumble of pleasure, and then a second claw introduced itself. Oh, god, the stretch. It felt so good. He pushed as deep as he could, slowly moving his digits in and out of me, brushing my prostate with every thrust.

He stopped, then gradually eased in a third claw, though I had a hard time keeping track. I had to stop myself from rocking onto his fist to get off. My cock joined to the sheets by a string of pre, beads being forced out with every push into my ass. I wondered if he'd try to fist me. I'd never done that before, part of me hoped he would.

Almost too soon, he withdrew. I waited to see what he'd treat me to next. I felt a pressure in the mattress in front of me, so I figured he was leaning over me, bracing himself on his arms upon the mattress. I felt a blunt cock push around my cheeks, as hot as his tongue. It slid around, mixing its pre with the drying spit left behind. He sought out my hole, gently pushing until it found its target.

Still gently as ever, he pushed into me. It felt so good, stretching my hole to new limits. Slowly he pushed more and more of it in, filling my anus with his large cock. It brushed past my prostate, stretched my rectum walls in just the right way. Oh god, I'd feel this in the morning. Well, whenever I decided to get out of bed.

His digital growl sounded closer to my ears when I heard it again. His hips joined with my ass, hilting himself in me God he felt huge. He'd throb every now and then, the nerves in my sensitive walls reporting every sensation. My left buttcheek registering the weight of his fat sac. He spoke for the first time, just a simple, "Fuck yes."

He didn't bother ramping up. He pulled out, and thrust back in at speed. He railed me to my bed, hard. He grunted into my ear, snarling as he fucked me. With every thrust, his scrotum slapped into me. The room was nothing but slaps growls, soon joined by my moans.

"Good morning, slut," he calmly said, juxtaposing the effort he put into breeding me. I tried to squeeze down on him, give him more pleasure. "Mm, you fucking love getting fucked in the ass huh?"

His dirty talked turned me on even more. "Don't you?" He asked, pounding into me harder, as if prompting me to answer.


"I should wake you up like this every day. You'd like that."

"Oh, fuck yeah..." I reached out to grab onto the sheets, and he closed his claws over mine, holding me in place, while his other hand held onto my hip. My stretched out ass accepted the onslaught, slowly adapting to his girth. I didn't mind, the friction felt good.

He growled loudly, "Gonna cum in you. Fill you up." I probably moaned out a word, I'm not sure at this point. Side effect of having my ass filled with a fat cock, is getting lost in the sexual haze. He knew how to push my buttons, or he just didn't care, which also pushed my buttons. I could feel my climax rising, my ass growing hot. Cumming hands-free is rare treat, and I wanted it bad.

"Please, keep going, fuck me," I said, a stream of pleas to grant me orgasm reaching his audio receptors. "Yeah, I'll make you cum," he replied. He didn't change his pace, which is just what I needed. The fire in my nethers grew, overwhelming my free will, wanting to give everything to the big robot fucking my ass.

"Oh, fuck, please..." I gasped when the heat encompass my own cock, and cum came spurting out of my spasming cock. I only felt Deran's thrusts and my own, clenching ass, all other senses were overruled. I couldn't do anything as he milked my prostate, cum shooting from me, making the sheets wet. He hummed, pleased at his work, never stopping.

I would collapse if I'd been standing, but as it were, I simply grew more relaxed. The afterglow left me sleepy, but Deran would get his orgasm too. It's what he was here for, in the end. My hole similarly relaxed, having massaged his whole length when I came. Now the soft wet insides of my guts were tenderized, ready for his seed.

He lasted a little longer, it felt like minutes in the afterglow, but probably not that long. He pushed himself in to the hilt, warm cock filling me up, sac pushed up against me. "Enjoy your breakfast," he said, when he came. Milky fluid pumping out of those balls, through his cock and gathering deep in me. He filled me like he promised he would, taking his time to empty the entire contents of his shrinking sac. He flooded my guts, bulging out my stomach with his spunk.

He sighed when it was over, and withdrew. Some of his jizz leaked out of my hole, but most was locked up in my stomach. He wiped his cock off on my thigh. "Thanks man." He leaned down to gently peck my forehead, making me smile. He was such a softy, when he wasn't fucking my brains out. I heard his cock withdraw back into him, pneumatics hissing as a panel closed over his crotch. "See you after work, we'll watch that new show." And with that, he left my room, gently closing the door, leaving my well-fucked self to fall dreamily back into sleep.