Chapter Six: Horizon

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#6 of Canai Lore

Ready for another dose of Canai lore? Well too bad, here it is. XP

This time we have a lot of wholesome downtime for our cast, with the love birds getting a chance to perhaps explore their relationship without a war looming. There's mostly just some around the town kind of moods, where the wolves get to mingle with the humans, the siblings get to be more relaxed/playful.

There's a good length to this one, so I hope you enjoy some slice-of-life over slaying today. Please enjoy more tender moments for my little ensemble of characters, with the first sex scene of my works (here's hoping it's not too dull compared to my art.)

Chapter Six: Horizon

It had taken several weeks to repair the damage caused by the fires Beyron and his men had inflicted, but with the valkyrie restoring their losses, there were nothing but minor wounds among the rest. The bastion of the north had held, even if the enemy had been a fabricated one from within their own order, and where a resolution might've happened, now only more questions remain for the two peoples.

"Who knows how far up this kind of thinking goes?" Nemean sighed, shaking his head with his back against one of the pillars of the war-room, "I know the man was a snake, but...all this? Why set up a false war that wastes lives from all classes?"

"Power, of course. The fool wanted me gone, and if not for the intervention of our allies, there's no way this place would've held against the rest of what those poor creatures had in hiding." Andulus said with a tired, bitter grin at his old friend. His long black hair wasn't as well kept lately, framing a face with circled eyes and stubble spread instead of a clean jawline.

"I have treated the female, and it was worse than we knew initially." Kana said from the far side of the room, dressed down in her traveling leathers with a patch across her now blinded eye, "She is of draconic descent."

"Well, we already knew that, they're drakes for-" Nemean started but was snapped at by the white wolf.

"Fool, these monsters were not dragonkin, I said as much from the start." The Canai growled, "Beyron was meddling with blood magic, it is how he caused my passing out, and he was creating those monstrosities from her bloodline."

Andulus reached up to clasp his rough chin in thought, "Go on."

"She had wings once, I found the scars...Beyron removed them with tools, and was kept out of sunlight to deprive her of its warming is a war crime that infuriates me." Kana snarled, a faint spark of orange within her one eye of blue, "That monster of a man poking, draining vials of blood to make that puppet army! Forced to lay in the darkness, barely alive as her line was bastardized!"

"All right, calm down my dear, we'll do whatever we can to both clear her name and care for her." The king held up his hand from the worried rubbing, gesturing with a smile to the wolf who nodded with a slow exhale.

"Speaking of, does she have a name, even?" Nemean cocked a brow at the valkyrie.

"Vanari, she told me once her strength had returned. She has requested help in finding a new home, I have already offered taking her back to Tel'nase when we return soon." Kana nodded at the knight, then saw the look cross the green eyes of the king, "What is it?"

"I...suppose I thought this would all have taken longer, heh." Andulus shrugged in his finely-made tunic, the dark green of it laced with golden vines, leaves, and a large tree in the center of his chest, "Not that I wanted the war to last, but...I have grown fond of your company, my lady."

"Aww, that is so sweet! You're like a school lad pining after your first affection!" Nemean grinned at him, then held up his gauntleted hands with a puckered expression when he saw Kana's one eye glaring at him, "Oooh, what I meant was, I forgot I've got some uh, other duties to attend to!" The knight bowed to them both before making his escape, but not without a struggling grin.

"That man is such a fool, why do you allow him to mock you so?" Kana growled after they were alone, andulus walking up to place both hands on either of her strong arms.

"That's what friends are for, my dear. Doesn't matter if I'm a king or not, I want to stay humble, Nemean only ever has my best interest, you know this." He smiled brightly, eyes gleaming with new light to have a moment more with his wolf.

"I suppose that is a fair reason. He is a good man, an exceptional warrior as well, you are wise to keep him at your side." The Canai noted with a softer tone, relaxing in the presence and touch of her lover.

"Keep him? He's not a pet, Kana, he's my best and oldest friend!" Andulus laughed with a wide grin, reaching up to gently brush the back of his fingers at the leather patch across her eye, "Has this not healed by now?"

"Yes, i-it has...I just, did not want you looking upon my wound." The wolf went hushed, feeling her warm enough to feel beneath his touch as he gently clasped, then eased off the covering item.

"My Kana, you are the most beautiful woman I've met, that doesn't change with injury or age." Andulus said in a gently stern way, now able to see the line permanently across that closed eye, the scar aligning to the golden mark beneath the lidding rather well.

"Hmph." Kana growled in embarrassment at such sweet words, "T-thank you..." She almost whispered to the king, chewing her lower lip before offering a soft smile, "You swear, it does not offend you?"

"I swear on my honor, my lady. How could I ever think such of this mark, created out of sacrifice for -my- people...Kana, we cannot put into words how grateful we did that for people you didn't know, or judged you for being different." Andulus sighed, frowning some as the guilt of such an act returned, "Would that I could ever do the same for your kind, but I lack any such power, but know we're in your debt."

"You can repay me by coming home with me, see those people and our ways. Celebrate our victory, share your tales by the hearth with drink in hand." Kana grinned warmly at him, blue eye glinting with excitement.

"What? Kana, you know I can't leave, it was enough for me to seek you out and lead this campaign without them all knowing..." Andulus felt his heart sink, instantly failing her first request for him, for that personal sacrifice no less.

"Are you a king are not? Declare you wish to strengthen the ties with your new allies by going to us personally, to -thank- us for our part in a war that surely could have ended your realm." Both snowy brows lifted as she stared at him questioningly, grinning still as her paws clasped at his waist.

", for a warrior you're quite a good politician. All right then, I'll make it so." The man laughed with a slight shake of his head, "You'd make a fine queen, lady Kana, ruling wisely if sternly."

"Tch, no thank you, I desire no throne or people to rule, only protect." The wolf rolled her eyes as Andulus winked at her, then licked her chops with a growl as her paws tugged at the belt about him, "I have another idea, oh king, and you shall reward me further with it."

Andulus blinked as the large wolf walked backwards, leading him by that chord into his personal chambers, "Ah, Kana...we're likely being expected soon-"

"So stop talking and close the door, I do not wish to be kept waiting." Kana said as her grasp slipped away with another few steps away from the man who nodded in a sort of stunned gaze, closing the heavy oak door. The Canai kept a singular blue eye fixed upon him as clasps came undone, leather pulled free of her strong frame in a gradual display for this one man.

Alabaster fur became more exposed to Andulus as Kana made a show of peeling away cuff or bracer first, tossing them aside before the harness about her chest was tugged upward to allow ample breasts to bounce freely into place. Kana held her arms up above her head for a moment, the peaks of each breast adorned with obsidian nipples stiff for his gaze, "A view worthy of a king, I hope?"

"Y-yes. Ahem, yes of course, you're...stunning, my lady." Andulus cleared his throat after trying to reply, hearing his pulse thunder in his ears and chest as the valkyrie let fall that top, then let both paws glide along her strong torso to begin unclasping, pushing down her lower attire.

" have the honor of being the first to see me like this, my love." Kana said with a burning growl, despite the heat on her cheeks to finally act on her feelings. The wolf stepped out of the furred leather, now bare to the king who swallowed with a stare that drank in her toned, but curvy figure. She was the peak of fitness, yet held a shapely body that was kept hidden by armor most days, "Now...come to me, good king." Kana exhaled a cooing growl, settling onto her backside on the bedding's edge.

Andulus clasped then removed his tunic with a few quick motions, tossing aside the fine clothing before working to unfasten his belt as he stepped to stand before the presenting Canai. His hands were shaking, making his efforts drag out, "Ah, sorry, I haven't...uh, this is my first as well, and I-"

"Ssshh..." Kana smiled with a warm smile, leaning toward him with a lift of her head to kiss those speaking lips, silencing any further worry or doubt of this moment. He felt her warm touch settle onto his hands, guiding the rest of the removal of belt, trousers, and undercloth to leave the male standing bare in front of her.

They melted into that kiss together, heads turning as their lips seal or suckle in a shifting bond, both of them setting to explore the body of the other with hand or paw. Both had scars to caress, stories to be asked about another time as they felt the struggles of the other embedded in their flesh.

Kana eased from the kiss with a soft gasp, crawling backward along the bedding to lay her head against the cushions before lifting, splaying both alabaster legs upward in a clasp of each knees underside, "I am yours to take, my king...I offer myself to you, claim what no other may again." She panted a growl, chest rising and falling with need now as he was sure to get the scent of her need.

"God, Kana...I love you..." Andulus uttered at the sight of the great wolfess like this, shifting closer in a few short crawls of his own. Still shaking but with encouraged confidence, the king guided his throbbing arousal to nestle against the slick heat of the Canai's petals. He groaned as he pressed forward to sink, spread those lips apart in a clasp of pleasure he'd never known.

"Ahhndulusss...gods!" Kana moaned out as her lover took his place above her, arms planted about her flexing sides as both legs remained held apart, "Take me, take me now...I want to feel your unrestrained me what you want!"

Andulus nodded with a grunted exhale, shifting himself into a building pace that let their bodies connect at last, soft fur greeting skin as the king set to a firm swift timing of thrusts to make the warrior-wolf jostle beneath him, " nothing else, you feel SO good, Kana!"

"Hnnff...nngh, yes! Yes! That cannot hurt me, Andulus! More!" The Canai grunted out moans for the male that finally got to feel muscles of a different kind, clenching constantly about that burying spire in a slick coaxing. Her snowy breasts bounced together with her curled posture, on display for her lover as she felt his love and lust delve further.

"Hhaa...ahh, my beautiful...powerful warrior!" He growled hotly as his form bent atop her, to catch her lips in a wanton kiss as they bucked against one another with mounting need. Their tongues met between seeking lips, swirling in a dance between mouth and maw while they worked hips into a feverish contact.

Seconds felt like hours for the lovers, who got lost in the time together in a moment of passion at last. The wolf whined as her body quaked suddenly, Kana's entire frame flexing, spasming upward or about that sliding shaft inside her honey-slick walls. She broke from the kiss, eye rolling up into her head as her maw opened, tongue curling with a resounding howl as her first peak wracked her body, "NNnggh!! A-Anndduuullusssss!"

The sight, sound of Kana reaching that climax pushed Andulus over his own threshold, the rippling flex of the Canai's passage about his madly throbbing arousal sending him into ungraceful bucks down into that powerful body. They ground, bucked against one another in fits of pleasure as the king felt himself erupt inside Kana, each rush of euphoric release causing them both to moan each other's names in gasping breaths.

"Ahh...g-gods, my Andulus...wonderful." Kana sighed out a few giggled sounds, releasing each leg to wrap both about his waistline for another bout of groans as it shifted him inside her, "Nnnph...better than I, hah...dreamed..."

"H-haa...can say that again, my l-lady...huff, you were incredible..." Andulus chuckled as he tried to regain his breathing, smiling brightly as Kana nuzzled her snout up against his features.

" not shave, I love the prickle touch of your face..." She whispered happily, growling as her claws lightly trailed along his back now in the afterglow of their union.

Andulus smiled enough it began to ache, settling into the embrace of his lover, whispering back "As you wish." His heart skipped with a sudden thought, "Oh god, I...Kana, inside..." his features went red hot, lifting his head to look at the wolf who only smiled lovingly.

"We do not even know if our people can breed, my king..." Her voice was softer than he'd ever heard it before, reassuring him as her paws caressed gently along his shoulders, "...and, if we find we can...I will happily, proudly carry your child..."

They both looked at one another for a moment, blushing vividly but with a mutual nod as Andulus sought out those lips for gentle but prolonged kissing. They remained in each others arms for some time, savoring the secluded union and confessions they made together.


After they'd awoken and dressed again, Andulus apologized for needing to meet with his remaining counsel before making his address to head to her ancestral home. The wolf was understanding, taking the time to wander the streets in search of a late morning meal. Kana went to the tavern she'd enjoyed a dinner with Andulus before, stepping inside to an unexpected cheer with raised mugs.

"W-what is this for?" The wolf blinked at the dozen or so faces at tables or the bar who smiled at the valkyrie.

"For the victory of course! Captain Nemean briefed us at a town meeting this morning, didn't you hear?" Called an older gentleman at the bar, adorned with a peppered beard and shaved head, lifting his mug again to the Canai, "Let's hear it for the lady, here here!"

"Here here!" The rest of the tavern followed in delight before draining their mugs to set down on wooden tops.

"Uh, well, thank you for such...I only did what any of you would." Kana offered a one-sided grin to them, even as the waitress from the other night came prancing up to the tall wolf.

"You are to eat free of charge, m'lady! On the house, for saving our hides." The woman winked, then leaned forward with a sudden change in expression, one far more mature than Kana thought the young woman could manage, "My son stays in this town with me, you saved him...well, everyone the Cap'm said...we owe you our lives...thank you."

Kana smiled down at the maiden, clasping a snowy paw onto one of her bare shoulders, "Think nothing of it." Both started slightly when the wolf's stomach growled rudely, out of patience for going without food this long, "Uh...except for a meal, perhaps?"

The two women laughed before Meliora snapped a finger, "You got it!" She pranced off again to the back to help prepare a breakfast platter for the wolf, who went to the same seating as nights ago to settle down. It made her heart flutter to look at the empty side across, and how she had given herself to the man who had sat there.

"Finally found you!"

Kana jumped in the booth a moment as the barking sound of her brother's voice came a moment before the large black wolf dropped into the opposite side of her table. Kaenis winked at the patrons that had kept quiet when he'd signaled for it, letting him get the jump on his sister.

"Ugh, it is too early for your games, what do you want?" Kana growled lighty, crossing her arms with a playful smirk, "How did you even find me here?"

"Here? I have made this my second home, of course! Right, my fine fellows?" Kaenis called out, only to get a rowdy reply of cheers or laughs, more mugs lifted and drained, "And why not, the food is as great as the stories! Did you know old Hove over there has slain three forest trolls? Three, at his age!" The male wolf laughed, shaking his head at the tale.

Kana gave the man who had spoken to her a puzzled, then proud grin before leaning forward, "Made that many friends already have you? Good for you, now answer did you find me here?"

"Well! You were harder to track first of all, see, I kept getting the scent of A-" Kaenis was halted before the name left his maw before he could blink, a white paw clasped firmly about it as Kana glared.

"Not. Another. Word." The female Canai felt her brother nod against her hold, releasing him with a defeated sigh, "Gods above, Kaenis. You never think before you speak..." Kana rubbed at her head, which had started aching the longer she'd been awake.

"Pardon me? Is it private knowledge or not? Everyone sees how you follow around your- OW!" He winced as Kana kicked a shin beneath the table, "What is wrong with you?!"

"I told you not to speak on it further, not my fault you're clumsy." The wolf puffed air at her kin, the brow above her good eye querked as if to test him further. He went to speak before the tray of food went past their eye contact to clatter atop the table.

"Here we a- Oh! Sir Kaenis, welcome! I didn't know you'd be coming, let me get you something!" Meli chirped before Kana made a face at her kin, who held up his paw apologetically.

"Ah, I will not be staying long, but thank you Meli!" Kaenis smiled at the maiden who studied them a moment before giving a gentle bow to leave the siblings in peace.

"Sir? You are no knight, scoundrel! Have you any idea what they go through to become one?" Kana kicked his shin again much to the other's whining, "You cease your mingling with them like you are some old war friend!"

"Guuuh, had to kick the same damn spot..." Kaenis groaned, rubbing the painful place beneath the table, but even through the ache he managed a smirk, "And really? I am quite certain you have mingled far more than I, dear sister."

This time when Kana went to kick his other shin, her toes were met with a cold, hard ice. She covered her maw to suppress the pained, surprise yip before glaring at the other wolf, "Mmph!"

"Ha ha, never trick a wolf twice, for the third, he'll be the one to fool you!" Kaenis recited some old Canai tale before dipping out of the booth seat swiftly, offering a retreating bow to his sister, "Be well, I shall see you later for packing to head home!"

"Ugh!" Kana swiped at her brother before sinking in her seat a bit, pouting at her food before her stomach interrupted her silence with another growl, "All right, okay!" She shouted at herself, taking up several slices of bacon to start on her meal in earnest with a few looks of amused, slightly confused patrons nearby.

Andulus held up his hands for the gathering to quiet, smiling at each of them from the top of the steps to the keep. He stood resplendent in his plate, an emerald cloak flowing gently behind him in the breeze, but hadn't shaved clean his face despite knowing it might appear less "kingly".

"My good people, we have endured much the last year, these few months especially being harsh in season or battle alike. But, you held on for me, despite it all, and I couldn't be more proud to be your king." Andulus spoke out in a strong tone that expressed the convictions, the grateful heart of their ruler, "Not even the capital will believe what happened here, but I will ensure they know of your bravery, keeping the ceiling of our realm safe."

"Where are the wolves?" A voice suddenly said, "Aye, where is our Angel?" Another cried.

"They are returning home my friends, having endured much for our cause. Do you blame them? They faced terrible odds in our name, when they knew us little, is not a rest earned for such?" Andulus spoke back, once more holding his gauntlets up for quiet, but more murmurs came.

"They have left us, the Angel has gone? What if the drakes come back?"

"Fear not the outside world, or our absence!" Kaenis called out from behind the crowd, which caused a sea of gasps, then claps and cheers as the tall wolf strode toward them. The people parted for the male to pass through, some reaching out to touch the fur of wolf or pelts alike, before every soul went still seeing Kana some distance behind him.

The valkyrie stood clad in gleaming silver, armor polished by the smiths in honor of her aid, from winged helm to the greaves above sturdy footpaws. Kaenis was in the middle of the group when they knelt at the sight of her, honoring what they believed was an Angel from God. He shrugged his broad shoulders, grinning at his sister before turning to look up at the king in their midst.

"Please, rise. I am not worthy of such when your king fought as hard, as bravely at my side all these long months. I am not royalty." Kana smiled softly at the gathering, only to start when several of the people rose to look from her to their ruler.

"But you could be! No greater Queen could be found, or mighty!" Spoke out Hove from among them, with other voices repeating, adding their agreement to the idea. Andulus and Kana looked at one another with wide eyes, hotly blushing features and a loss for words as the town began to chant for it, demanding the joining of two races where before they'd not wanted the wolves in their bastion.

"That is quite enough!" Nemean stepped toward the people, down a few steps to hold up both arms high, hands open to silence the misguided mob, "Do you hear yourselves? You dishonor your king, our guests with this behavior. Let your lord finish his address."

Though they quieted and stood, his subjects seemed diminished in spirit at the words of the captain. Perhaps too bold to have pushed for, it was the truth of the matter that they wanted their kind, good king to have a wife worthy of him. All too well they knew of his constant vigil for their sake, from rights, pay, and protection Andulus kept the ever-greedy church at bay; or, perhaps the idea of an Angel living among them, to call such a being their Queen, filled their hearts with a renewed faith they wanted for themselves.

"As her brother and eldest of my pack, I give you my blessing, King Andulus." Kaenis called up to the now further stunned man, who blinked as the Canai knelt down with a paw over his heart, "I have witnessed your courage, seen you slay dozens of foes, and how you treat Kana as no other would honor all Canai, if you would care for her always."

"What...?" Kana whispered aloud, head spinning slightly at the notion that went around as if she and the king weren't there, until her pounding heart nearly leapt through her breastplate when he spoke at last.

"Kana...will you be our Queen?" He said softly at first, drawing the sword that ignited when meeting the air as he took a knee of his own, "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" The tip of the blade softly tapped against the smooth stone as all eyes moved to the Angel.

Now her head swam, vision blurring for a moment where Kana believed she might pass out, only to realize tears were the cause of her vision. Blinking hard to free those tears, Kana laughed and placed her paws on her plated hips, "If it will shut all of you up, then yes!"

Kaenis stood, leading the roaring cheer at the answer that would forever seal the alliance, friendship, and two races together. For him, it meant that at last, someone else would be able to love Kana as he had come to, and she might know true happiness outside of the training halls or field of battle.

Kana rolled her eye with a promising yet playful look of retribution to her brother, then a loving one to the man at the top of the stone stairway. Nemean flailed his arms between all of them, turning to incline his head at Andulus.

"You know the church will never go for this, there will be outrage." The knight growled, not unhappy for his oldest friend, but fearful now of the wrath the powerful order might bring down.

"Let was my house that founded it, and my house that will change things. Too long have we fought against our own, peace will come greater than before with our two peoples joining." Andulus reached out to clap a gauntlet onto a pauldron of his friend, "You know that, the time for great changes started with this war, time we saw to the end of this corrupt order."

"God have mercy on me, it had to me -my- king that went mad in line." Nemean sighed, then gave a dry grin, "As ever, I am at your side...but, don't make me regret this, Andy." He stepped in to embrace his friend and king, amber eyes closing in a silent prayer as much good as possible could come from this, not the dread he felt in his gut.

After the chaotic afternoon of sudden proposal, an address for his plans to go and stay with their Canai allies, Andulus managed to get the northern bastion set for the next few months with a plan. He would return in spring with knowledge, to secure the bastion as the new seat of power, not the capital the church had sunk its corrupted roots too deeply within.

Kana, Kaenis, and Andulus strode together toward the outer gateway, the trio waving or stopping briefly to talk along the recently repaired market road. Several shops had been destroyed in the fires, but now stood with new structures, banners, and presented wares for the heroes to inspect.

"Oh, Lady Kana, Lord Andulus! I have something for you to celebrate your victory for us!" Came a voice from a shop to their right, and the three paused curiously as a rather tall creature greeted them; he wasn't human or Canai, but rather a dark-furred feline with a well-built, yet lithe stature. His tail lashed about excitedly behind him, trailing with much floof like the rest of him, where his face was framed in a handsome mane, "Forgive me stopping you, but please, I worked especially on this for the Lady?" The mountain-cat once more bowed his head to await a reply, good or ill.

"I have no problem with it, what have you got?" Kaenis grinned at the unexpected appearance of a new face and creature alike. Kana nodded alongside Andulus as the feline retreated into his shop for a moment, allowing them to look over the assembly of items before the store. Andulus stepped forward with a soft gasp, picking up a gleaming sword to examine in the daylight.

"This is's light, well-balanced, sharp as a drake claw." The king said as he performed a few tests with it, before the tall cat returned and made him set the blade down quickly, "Ah sorry about that, I was admiring your work!"

"Not at all, my lord! If it pleases you, you may keep it for yourself." The mountain-cat grinned at the compliment given just by admiring the weapon, even as he approached Kana with a wrapped item of her own, "Please, accept this from my forge, Lady Kana. In honor of your defending these people, this market is where I make my living."

The valkyrie blinked from her sibling, love, and feline before accepting the covered gift with an upward jerk of her chin, "First, what is your name? You are clearly a skilled blacksmith, but we haven't seen you here before, why?"

The feline reached a paw up to rub the back of his head through all the soft tufts of fur and hair, laughing as he realized many were looking his way now that he'd stepped out of his shop. The market knew him, but only in sparring visits once several items had been crafted to bring to town, "Oh, forgive my rudeness! Call me Magnus, I bring my wares to this town to help, but also to profit the forge my master and I run. You see, he's been getting up in years, and it's my duty to see both him, and the smith cared for..."

"Well met, Magnus." Kana grinned at last, then tugged away the cloth obscuring the gift to reveal another sword of excellent make. All three of them gasped, both males pushing in close to examine the short sword as she held it aloft, " is beautiful." The valkyrie whispered, the grip feeling made for her paw exactly it felt like, small intricate etchings laced along the spotless blade that she recognized, "This is my language, did you find it?"

"If you'll forgive any forwardness, my lady. Some of your kind travel along my route, and...w-well, they have come by my forge for several orders over the years from my master. I was caught reading one of the orders in my younger days, but they were kind enough to teach instead of scolding me." Magnus smiled at the Canai, who still handled the sword about, "I had hoped to give it to you before either of us departed, I hope you are pleased?"

"It truly is magnificent, only the blade Andulus now carries could equal it, and that is why I cannot accept it." Kana politely turned the weapon toward its maker hilt first, but Kaenis gently returned it toward her with a guiding paw.

"We are honored and gladly accept, would not want to offend such a fine craftsmen, right sister?" The male smiled at Magnus, "Thank you, for such an incredible gift."

Kana nodded between the two, offering a grin to the smith-cat, "Very well, Magnus. I shall show it off back home, so do not be surprised when your forge is swamped in new orders!" The she-wolf winked at the dusk-furred cat.

"I happily await them then! Thank you for staying this long, please travel safely! My Lady, Sir Kaenis, my Lord Andulus." Magnus smiled brightly, bowing to each of them before turning into his shop once more, many more items or weapons to prepare for the weekly display.

"Be well, Magnus." Kana called out as the trio resumed their walk down the market street, clutching closely the re-wrapped sword that was a gift to her. This venture from Tel'nase had changed the valkyrie in many ways, given her hope and happiness most unexpected. New friends, a love only a dream could create, and a sense of belonging Kana had been in dire need of.

Seeing to their needs, Nemean had prepared the horse and wolf-mounts for the long journey. He grinned up at Andulus after the king rose to settle atop his great stallion, "Don't come back with a tail or something, okay? I can only handle so much of this craziness as it is."

"No promises old friend, hold down the fort till we get back. I trust no one else for their safety now." Andulus smiled down at the knight, then to those peering at them that had followed along their journey down the market, "We'll return soon enough, keep to your loved ones, let nothing stop the kingdom we shall rebuild together!"

The people cheered, throwing up their arms or flowers toward the three that turned from them to travel away for some time. The Canai waved to those about them, before the trio had passed through the gateway and on to their long travel ahead, into the cold that only Kaenis didn't mind.

"We'll be facing terrible consequences for the choices we've made here, my friends...for the choices still to be made." Andulus confided in the wolves at either side of him as they rode, finally speaking the fear in his heart away from the people that couldn't hear such.

"And we shall face it together, my brother." Kaenis offered a confident grin to the king of men, offering a nod toward the clouded horizon, "You will soon be in the land of giants again, where these problems will be small with our help!"

"What my fool kin means, is that no threat can overcome our bonds, trust in us my love." Kana smiled at the pair of males, grinning more at Kaenis as they doubled their pacing to make better time behind the valkyrie as she charged forward. She ignored the nagging headache still clinging to her, setting aside any worry or pain for the thrill of the journey home with her brother and lover just behind.

Chapter Five: Look to the Sky

Chapter Five: Look to the Sky 1200 Years Ago Kaenis watched from the high walls with the other young pups, barely tall enough to peer over the stone battlements with wide, fearful blue eyes. All the adult Canai were either amassed at...

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Chapter Four: Reflections

Chapter Four: Reflections Andulus watched alongside his knights as the pair of wolves rushed toward the seemingly endless horde of drakes, their numbers crashing into the Canai like waves upon stone. It was world altering to see such beings in...

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Chapter Three: From Ashes

Chapter Three: From Ashes Kaenis closed the heavy oak door behind himself after entering the quarters of the king, unclasping his fur cloak to toss onto the rack nearby. The wolf strode over to join the man at a stone-slab table, tugging out a...

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