Dust Shorts: First Heat

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#5 of Dust: Why Was I Reincarnated as a Dire Weasel?

Hoooo boy! Second short, and it's a rather raunchy one! I'll flat out admit, this is rather outside of my expertise. So, may not be the best out there. I'm still overall happy with it. And yes this does mean there will be more lewd situations for Dust. I already have a few ideas planned, but it'll be quite a while. The actual story does take priority.

Anywho as another first for Dust, she's officially an adult in her new reincarnated form! A bit late coming, but its here! Now she's got to deal with the realities of being female!

I know I didn't dwell on her thoughts on the matter, but I have a short planned specifically for her to introspect on her situation. I'll probably get working on that one once Chapter IV is completed.

In the meantime as always, enjoy and comments and questions are always welcome!

'Ugh...I don't feel great.'

The Dire Weasel grumbled some as she pulled the wagon along the road, 'Was it something I ate?'

"Something wrong Dust?" It was the Human, Rex speaking to her.

"Not sure, just feeling off today. A bit nauseous, maybe I shouldn't have eaten that fruit this morning." Dust replied.

"Must've not agreed with you. I'm perfectly fine." The Dwarf, Nirra said as she peeked out from inside the wagon.

"Probably, but I can keep going. We're not far from the next town, right?" Dust asked as she glanced back at Rex, sitting in the driver's seat.

"Tedura shouldn't be more than an hour away." Rex confirmed, "It's a larger town next to a waterway. Can probably speak to an Apothecary there if your still feeling ill."

"Sounds like a good idea. I really don't want to be getting sick right now." Dust grumbled as she continued walking.

She definitely wasn't feeling right. The nausea was getting worse, it felt like her guts were twisting into knots. Cramping up especially below her stomach, it wasn't a pleasant feeling at all. She was also starting to feel hot, like a fever was starting to manifest. But she did her best to ignore it for now, it wouldn't be too much longer before they reached the town.

'If this is food poisoning, I'm going to be beyond darüber hinaus sauer** !**' Dust thought to herself as she caught sight of the town.

Just as Rex had said, it was standing right next to a large river. She could make out boats moving along the water, and a large wooden bridge crossing it. Cabins and a few larger buildings, likely storehouses and businesses could also be seen. Seemed homely to her as she got closer. Certainly, larger and busier than the last town they passed through. It also made her wonder what the city they were heading to was like. And that was still a little over a week away! She was eager to see it. But for now, this cozy town would do, especially with how she was feeling now.

She rushed a little once they got into town, feeling her guts cramp up more, the feverish feelings intensified, and something else was becoming noticeable. She didn't want to think about it until she could have some degree of privacy.

"You alright Dust?" Nirra asked concerned as the weasel pulled right up to the stables.

"No, no I'm not...I just need a bit of time to myself." Dust said as she eagerly waited to get unhitched from the wagon, "You can bring the Apothecary or whatever to me. I don't think I should be roaming around right now."

"Alright. I'll go then." Nirra said as she climbed out of the wagon, waking up a sleeping Qildor.

"I'll go, you stay with Dust just in case." Rex said as he got Dust free of the wagon.

"Thank you!" Dust said quickly as she rushed into an empty stall and shut it.

"What's up with her?" Qildor asked confused as he sleepily climbed out of the wagon.

"Said she was feeling ill." Rex said, "I'm going to see if the local Apothecary can have a look at her."

"Do as you like then. I'll go have a look at the job board." The Elf shrugged and walked further into town.

Rex just shook his head and followed him, while Nirra stayed behind.

"Dusty? You alright?" She asked as she tapped at the stall door, she was too short to peek inside.

The Dwarf was getting worried now.

"Not amazing _...__ but not horrible __ either_." Was Dust's reply, "I'm starting to suspect what it might be. But I'm beyond uncomfortable right now. I just need some space if you don't mind."

"Well, I'll be right here then." Nirra said with a sigh.

"...Thank you." Dust replied.

The giant weasel sighed as she lay in the stall, she was flushed all over. The cramping seemed to have moved, concentrated more in her lower belly. And the feverish feeling seemed to have moved down in a similar fashion. A shudder went down her spine as she felt another sensation pass through her body, making her tense up.

' Fick mich... I think I know what's going on now.' Dust thought to herself as she started to piece things together.

She felt her rear end involuntarily clench and tense up, her hind legs splaying out for a moment. She didn't want to look , still trying to deny it. But she knew what it really was now. She could feel it in her loins , much as she wanted to think it was a gut issue. She was in heat , her first in fact!

'I know this is supposed to be normal for women, but I'm an animal. Is it this bad for human women? Or is it different?' Dust thought as she finally started to come around to the idea.

It was very uncomfortable to her. The sensations and very idea of it was utterly alien to her. Sure, she was quick to accept being female after she awoke in this new form, but this was something she failed to consider entirely. How long would it last for? Would it feel worse over time? Was there anything she could do to manage it? Dust groaned as she pressed her paws to her head, she was woefully unprepared for this aspect of her new life. Hopefully this Apothecary will have answers, and hopefully she could trust Nirra to know what to ask for her.

'I'm glad we got here just as it started, I don't want to think about what would've happened while out in the wilderness and this kicked in.' Dust thought to herself.

She quickly remembered that scent was also a big factor for animals in season. She likely wouldn't have even noticed it either, being nose blind to her own scent. It made her shudder to think about what could happen if she was literally broadcasting her availability to animals in her vicinity. She was mostly sure that Dire Weasels weren't very common in the area, she probably should ask Rex about that later. But even so, who knows what other creatures might take interest. The l** ast ** thing she needed was getting knocked up. That just made her** shudder ** more, the very idea of being** pregnant ** sent** chills** down her spine.

But the disturbing part was she couldn't tell if it was a chill of horror, or arousal. That probably scared her the most about it. It had to be her animal instincts , trying to override her human intellect. That was her best guess, she had no interest in becoming a breeder. She wasn't even a full year old yet! Popping out litters was so far down the list as to be nonexistent.

'Yeah, fick this heat, season, whatever. If I'm gonna have a litter, I'm doing it on my own terms!' Dust thought smugly, 'Wait... fick ! Damn instincts are clouding my head!'

Dust growled and shook her head trying to clear her head of her instinctual needs. It didn't really help much, if at all. In fact, that feverish heat intensified, centered deep in her core. She trembled a bit as her nethers also burned with intense need. It was really kicking in now, trying so hard to ignore it , to deny it , pretend it didn't even exist. But the more she denied, the worse it got! The need , the desire to be rutted hard by a male, any male! Dust was in a struggle of mind over body.

There was a knock at the stall door, Dust let out a startled growl as she jumped.

"We're coming in Dust." It was Rex.

She stayed quiet and watched as he opened the stall door. Another human was with him, clad in brown robes. This new individual was older than Rex, possibly late fifties? He was about the same height as Rex, but leaner. He had to be the Apothecary. Dust could see Nirra peeking into the stall as well.

"Oh my, she's larger than I expected. Quite the interesting coat as well." The man said as he stroked his short beard.

"She's unique, far as we know. Her breeder didn't have a lot of details." Rex explained.

'Breeder _!_? Oh! He must mean Tim.' Dust thought, getting angry for a brief moment.

"I see. Quite the beautiful specimen. Let's see what's ailing her then." The Apothecary said as he approached the giant weasel.

Dust tensed up on reflex, but quickly calmed herself and stood up to greet the human. Then she remembered what he was here for. She quickly glanced at Nirra, and nodded her head slightly towards Rex hoping the Dwarf would get the hint.

"Easy there, I'm not here to hurt you." The Apothecary said as he stretched out a hand.

He was talking to her like a dumb animal, she wasn't too surprised. Though it still annoyed her a bit. She played her part and sniffed at his hand, giving it a gentle lick before sitting in place. She again glanced at Nirra, trying to get her attention.

"My you're a friendly one aren't you. That's unusual even for domestic weasels." The Apothecary remarked as he reached up and ran his hand through the fur on her head.

Dust rumbled and leaned into the touch, it always felt good when she was touched there. She swore she was part cat in some way. Still, she tried to signal Nirra again. Thankfully the Dwarf caught on this time and got the message, she watched Nirra grab Rex and pull him away from the stall.

"Something wrong Nirra?" Rex asked her confused.

"Do you mind... not being here for this?" She asked him.

"Uh why?" Rex asked even more confused now.

"She's embarrassed and uncomfortable with you being here." Nirra explained, "I don't think it would normally be an issue, but I think in her current state she'd rather have a bit more privacy."

"What do you mean? What could she possibly be embarrassed about? She's pretty much nude at all times." Rex said, "She should be over me sitting behind her all the time by now."

"It's a woman thing. Less you know the better." Nirra said, "She was trying to signal me to get you out. So, just give her some space. I'll be here to handle things."

"I...oh... ooh! Right, enough said then. I'll just go and find Qildor." Rex paused and then nodded once he understood what Nirra was saying.

"That would be best. And not a word of this to Qildor please. I feel like he'd only use it as ammunition against her." Nirra said with a sigh.

"He probably would. If he hears of it, it wouldn't be from me at least." Rex nodded, "Though, they seem to be getting a bit more civil with each other."

"Yeah, I noticed it too, still better safe than sorry." Nirra shrugged, "Anyway I'll keep an eye on things here."

"Right, keep me appraised then." Rex said before leaving.

Nirra nodded and went back to the stall. The Apothecary was busy taking measurements of the giant weasel. Dust remained patient and stood still as he did his work, letting him take his measurements before scribbling them down onto a roll of paper.

"Is everything okay?" He asked the Dwarf.

"Everything is just fine, what are you doing?" Nirra asked, "Ozlow was it?"

"Yes, and I'm just taking measurements. Since she has no records at all. I may as well cover all bases, and record everything for future reference." Ozlow said, "That way you have records in case of other issues in your travels."

"Oh! I hadn't even thought of that. Is that normal for other sorts of animals?" Nirra asked, "We didn't need that for the horse we had."

"Horses are common enough that it's not really necessary. But generally better to have records for non-equine animals that you travel with. Not everyone is going to be a Dire Weasel expert. Detailed notes are useful for future treatments." Ozlow explained.

"Good to know." Nirra nodded.

Ozlow continued his work muttering a bit to himself, "Smooth healthy coat, unusual coloration. But well hydrated. What's her diet?"

"Umm...Deer mostly, fish, the occasional rabbit. She hunts on her own, prefers the meat cooked though, if that helps." Nirra answered.

"Cooked? Interesting." Ozlow nodded as he took some more notes before prying open Dust's jaws, "How well cooked?"

'Whoa! A bit of warning would've been nice!' Dust relaxed her jaws as the Apothecary started looking around inside her maw.

"Rare, Dusty also likes the occasional fruit. Apples and especially pears." Nirra said.

"Hmmm...And no digestive issues?" Ozlow asked as he poked around her teeth, "Healthy color, teeth and gums look good. You're quite the healthy girl!"

'Thanks, I guess?' Dust thought as she listened to this conversation.

Satisfied Ozlow let her shut her jaws, moving over to her side. Pressing his fingers into her hide, feeling along the muscle underneath.

"My, my, are you all muscle? There's barely any fat on you." Ozlow remarked impressed, "Explains why you're as big as you are."

'Were you going to call me fat just now?' Dust growled a bit.

"Now, now, it was a compliment I assure you." Ozlow laughed.

Dust huffed a bit and let him continue.

"She's a smart one. Understands Common really well too." Nirra smirked.

"So, I noticed. And you said she seemed to be showing signs of discomfort since this morning?" Ozlow asked.

"Yeah, she's pretty vocal when something bothers her. So, it was easy to pick up on." Nirra said, "She rushed into town in fact."

"Hmmm... and how old is she?" Ozlow nodded and asked.

"Around six months old, I think? Give or take a couple weeks." Nirra said as she stroked her own lengthy beard.

"Hmm...I might know what the issue is. I'll need to examine under her tail to be certain." Ozlow said as he wrote down some more notes and dug out some gloves from the pouch at his side.

'I knew this was coming.' Dust huffed and prepared herself mentally.

The Apothecary put on the gloves and gave Dust a gentle rub along her side before he walked around to her rear. The giant weasel had to resist the urge to nudge or kick him away. Especially when he grabbed the base of her tail. At least he wasn't being rough with her. And Nirra was at least here to make sure things went okay. Better than having Rex here. He already had to stare at her ass every day as it was. She didn't need him seeing her like this on top of that.

"Quite swollen back here. Just as I suspected, she's in heat. And a late bloomer at that." Ozlow said as he lifted her tail and got a look at her rear.

"Late?" Nirra asked.

"Oh yes, Dire Weasels experience their first at around five months of age." Ozlow nodded and got more hands on with his examination.

Dust tensed a little at his touch, the glove a bit cold against the fur-less flesh of her nethers. She shuddered slightly; she was a lot more sensitive down there than she expected. Most likely from her heat kicking in.

"Will there be any issues having her travel like that? How long does it last?" Nirra asked, knowing that Dust would want to know.

"She's fine to travel, though she might draw the attention of prospective males of her species. For her it would be about three months. You could have her spayed, I'd be happy to perform the procedure myself if you want. Or find a potential stud and get a litter from her, I imagine they'd fetch quite the price if they shared her unique features." Ozlow explained and offered.

"I think we'd prefer she stay intact. And we do a lot of traveling so knocking her up is out too." Nirra shook her head, "Anything we can give her for it?"

"There is an herbal paste she could be given; it would suppress the effects of her heat for a few days." Ozlow said as he continued to examine Dust's nethers, slipping a few fingers inside her.

'H-hey! Is that really necessary!?' Dust almost squeaked as she tensed up, ' Fick...'

Dust wanted to ignore it , pull away , do something. But it just felt far too good , she'd never been touched back there by anyone else. So, it was quite different from when she cleaned herself. Her heat wasn't making it any better, likely why she was trying so hard not to enjoy it. Her nethers were starved for attention, so the Apothecary's touch, clinical as it was just felt amazing** !**

The giant weasel let out a startled squeak as Ozlow pushed deeper, stretching her around his entire hand with a wet noise.

"Let's make sure everything is healthy in here." Ozlow said as he gave Dust's flank a pat with his other hand.

' Fick fick fick fick fick fick...FIIIIIIIIIICK!' Dust cursed and bit her lip as she tried to keep quiet, 'Why does it have to feel so good !? It's just a medical exam!'

"Easy girl, this just a simple examination. It'll be over before you know it." Ozlow said in a reassuring manner.

"Dusty? You alright?" Nirra asked concerned by the big weasel's reaction.

Dust didn't hear her, couldn't hear her. Her brain practically shut down as she struggled against the all too wonderful sensations assaulting her body. She was at war with herself, between her male psyche and female biology. Struggling mentally to grasp how needy her body was, how much she wanted to just revel in it. It felt like eternity , but was likely only a few moments, maybe minutes.

The giant weasel stifled a squeak as she refocused on the present. She could feel the Apothecary's hand deep inside her now, touching and feeling along her inner depths.

' Fick ...how deep is he!?' Dust wondered as she shuddered visibly.

She could feel her nethers clench around his arm, he was elbow deep inside her! She cursed inwardly as she practically squirted over his arm. Was this what it felt like to climax as a female? Or was it just a prelude? She had no frame of reference to the sensations running through her. Why did his arm have to feel so good inside her? Stretching her untouched walls for the first time, she could feel his fingers press and rub along her insides. Touching the sensitive needy flesh, Dust inhaled sharply for a moment as she clenched down again. She could feel herself dripping down between her legs, and all over his arm too!

"Feels like everything is normal. You're a healthy adult!" Ozlow said cheerfully as he pulled his arm back out of her nethers.

Dust shuddered as he left her gaping with a wet squelch, ' Fick ...that was more intense than it had any right to be!'

The giant weasel groaned as she almost collapsed, she could feel her nethers gaping open just a bit, soaking wet too. And she wanted more! She wanted something buried deep in her nethers, anything! Feeling her feminine depths suddenly vacated snapped something in her. She wanted to be filled again, needed to be filled! She was breathing heavily as she tried to compose herself, at least long enough for the Apothecary and Nirra to leave.

"So, is that it?" Nirra asked, glancing at Dust for a moment.

"Yes, she's healthy as can be. I'll work up some of that paste for you. It takes several hours to cure though. So, she won't be able to take it till tomorrow." Ozlow said as he removed the gloves, "I'll also give you the recipe, in case you need more while on the road."

"Sounds good to me." Nirra nodded, "I think she'll be okay for one day. Let's leave her be for now."

"Follow me back to my shop then. I imagine I have some customers waiting by now too." Ozlow said as he turned and left.

"Right behind you." Nirra nodded before looking to Dust, "You okay Dusty?"

"Is it incredibly embarrassing to say that I'm extremely _ horny...?" Dust asked as she flopped over with a shudder, "_Because that's how I feel, and I hate _ it._"

"Ha, perfectly normal. You looked like you were enjoying that." Nirra smirked.

" Fick _ you Nirra..." Dust huffed, "_I just hope that paste stuff works, because I can barely function right now."

"You'll be fine. Really. Just stay here for the day. And try not to be too loud. First time is always rough. But you'll be okay." Nirra said as she gave Dust a pat on the snout, "Jokes aside, are you okay?"

"I'll manage, once I can wrap my head around this. I don't know how it is for you, but it's very _ intense for me. If that stuff he gives me really works, I should be alright." Dust said as she leaned into the touch, "_I'm just glad it started when we got here. The last thing I need is another Dire Weasel's coming after me, wanting a piece of my ass. We don't need that following us everywhere. And I'm not mentally prepared to handle being knocked up either, especially by a wild animal. It's... overwhelming ."

Nirra frowned and hugged Dust's head, "It's okay. If you ever need it, I'll lend an ear. I got your back."

"Thanks. Really. For now, I should be alone." Dust sighed, "Get better acquainted with myself."

"Acquainted?" Nirra raised a brow.

"It's...complicated. Maybe I'll tell you sometime, right now I have to sort myself out." Dust said.

"Alright." Nirra nodded, "I'll bring you some apples later."

"I'd love some apples." Dust perked up a bit as Nirra left, " Pears would be better!"

The giant weasel sighed and pulled the stall door shut again. Now that she was alone, she could deal with the giant weasel in the room. The question was how? Dust stared at her paws, quickly shaking her head at the idea.

'Nope, nein... first off, I walk on these. I am not giving myself an infection or disease trying to touch myself like that. Second, I'm not gonna even try with these claws of mine! I'm not cutting myself open trying to get off.' Dust grumbled, 'Leaves only one option.'

She sighed, not quite sure how to feel about this. But she needed to sate that fire in her nethers for the time being. Especially with her so close and needy at the moment. Dust curled up on herself, glad to be so flexible. The giant weasel stared down at her nethers, seeing just how swollen and soaked they were. She was hesitant to go through with this, but what other option did she have?

'How bad could it be?' With a huff she leaned in close, getting to work.

The giant weasel shuddered; it was the total opposite of bad. It felt amazing! Once she started, she _ just couldn't stop_! Practically shoving her own snout into herself, hungrily eating herself out. The slightly rough texture of her tongue against her sensitive swollen folds was incredible! She was able to reach almost as deep as Ozlow had when he examined her. And her flavor! She couldn't really describe it, not exactly sweet nor sour, just good!

Once she really got going, she lost track of time entirely. Just hungrily eating out her own sex, and enjoying it far more than she had any right to. Her body trembling as she let out muffled growls, soaking her own face as she climaxed repeatedly. She didn't know how long she went at it, but eventually she pulled away with a gasp. Snout soaked in her own juices, breathing heavily as she flopped on her back.

'Wow... fick ...okay. This...this was amazing , absolut wundervoll!_ This is so much better than having a dick for sure! Whoa it's late... I should attempt to clean up and sleep._' Dust lay there trying to regain her breath.

She noticed it was much darker out than when she arrived. Time went by really fast it seemed, that made her flush with embarrassment. She'd been at it non-stop all day! Dust hoped Nirra hadn't come back and seen her like that, chances were high she wouldn't have even noticed the Dwarf stop by.

'Am I that much of a slut? No, not likely.' Dust shook her head, 'I think it's the initial spike in hormones. I'm just not accustomed to all this yet. It's overwhelmed me, body and _ mind. Especially my mind. Hopefully in the future I'll have a better grip on this. Probably also why I had such a ... _ strong _ reaction to that Minotaur the other day._'

Now that her head was clear, she could focus better. And hopefully she'd stay that way. Seeing as it was late; she set about cleaning herself up. The stall thankfully had a water trough, and it was full. Dust took advantage, using the water to clean off her nethers and hind legs. She was still quite sensitive, shuddering as her paw touched over her nethers and inner thighs. The giant weasel managed to maintain her focus and properly clean herself. Then she dipped her head into the water and cleaned off her muzzle.

'That's better.' Dust sighed as she shook off the excess water and yawned, 'I need to get some sleep, and hope this stuff he gives me works.'

With cleanup all done, Dust curled up in the corner of the stall and went to sleep.

The Next Morning

Dust woke up feeling that heat in her nethers flaring up more than ever. She groaned, using all her willpower to not go to town on herself again. Her heat was in full swing now, Dust sighed inwardly as she did her best to ignore it. Thankfully Nirra returned early, and the Apothecary Ozlow was with her. That gave the giant weasel something else to focus on.

"Morning Dusty." Nirra said cheerfully, "Hope you got some sleep."

'Eventually...' Dust grumbled and sighed.

"She probably had a rough night. Being her first season and all. But this should help." Ozlow said as he handed Nirra a bundle of paper wrapped items, "Just give her one of these in the morning. Given her size, at least once every two to three days. This should last a month. And I enclosed the recipe as well."

"Thanks you. This should be just what she needs." Nirra smiled and nodded, "Your help has been wonderful."

"Of course." Ozlow nodded, "Have a good rest of your morning."

The Apothecary gave Dust a quick pat on the head before he took his leave.

"Well how are you, Dusty?" Nirra asked once he was gone.

"Words couldn't describe." Dust groaned, "Just gimme the stuff already. I want to get back to normal. Well...as normal as I can get."

"Sure, sure." Nirra nodded as she unwrapped one of the bundles and offered it to the giant weasel.

The paste was more like a small bar, green in color. It looked like it was made of ground up grass. Dust hesitantly sniffed at it; it smelled more like wet moss. But if this was going to help her, she didn't have much choice. She took it in her mouth and started chewing it.

"Bleh...tastes like moss." Dust mentally gagged as she quickly swallowed the stuff, "This better work."

"I hope so too, it'll probably take a while to kick in though. So, sit tight for now. We won't be leaving for a few more hours." Nirra said as she rubbed Dust's head, "Oh, here's those apples I promised, I couldn't find pears. We got side tracked yesterday with a small job."

The dwarf offered up three fresh apples with a smile.

"Thanks, it'll get that moss taste out of my mouth." Dust happily stuffed all three in her maw and chewed greedily.

"Hopefully you can rest up now. Sounds like you had it rough last night." Nirra said.

"Yeah...All I'm saying is I got carried away." Dust sighed, "I'll try and get some more sleep. Hopefully I'll be alright to travel."

"Good luck with your nap." Nirra laughed, "I'll wake you when its time. Unless you're already awake."

Dust just rumbled and nodded as she curled up for a bit more sleep.


Whatever that stuff actually was it seemed to do the trick. Dust didn't want to think about what went into it, not unless she had to make more herself. But the burning heat in her nethers and lower belly had subsided greatly by the time she woke up. She could think more clearly, thoughts of getting railed by the biggest male she could get her paws on were just faint whispers now.

She'd already been awake when Nirra came for her. And more than eager to get back on the road. She was quickly geared up and hooked up to the wagon. And they were on the move again in a matter of minutes.

"Feeling better Dust?" Rex asked as he sat in the driver's seat.

"Much, it shouldn't be a problem anymore." Dust nodded to the human as she walked, "The less said about it the better if you don't mind."

"Fine by me. As long as it doesn't interfere with the group its not my business." Rex nodded back.

"Thanks." Dust sighed with relief.

She didn't want to openly discuss something that personal anyway. Nirra at least could somewhat relate to what she was dealing with. But she still didn't want to divulge too much. At least not for the time being. Instead, she wanted to focus on the road ahead. They still had a city to get to.

And she was a very eager weasel to see it!