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#4 of Pet Rabbit

Chapter Four In the castle, at Vanilla's bedroom, she was worried. Her daughter hasn't visited her for days. Even though she knew that Cream was having sex with the red rabbit, she couldn't help but think about her. Maybe it was her intuition, or perhaps... it would be the fact she wanted to... She didn't care what she thought now. She wanted to make love to her own daughter. They had adjusted in this dimension, so there was nothing to be ashamed of. She was fully naked again after the shadow creatures had striped her down to her new collar. She was told by other folks in this kingdom that they could have new clothes if she wanted to, but she was no longer embarrassed to have her boobs shown to the world. In fact, just the other day, she experienced her first public sex in the middle of town.

She couldn't imagine why she was crazy enough to do this, but she wanted to try it out. What have she got to lose? All she did really was get some new clothes when the idea came to her. She happily danced her naked self in front of the crowd and played with her body, eventually feeling hot inside. Her rising heat and pheromones attracted men and women of size, age and type causing them to look at the young mother and gather to her. In an impact of irony, most of the townspeople were nude as well. In the midst of her exhibition, she was physically greeted with many wandering eyes and paws, gazing and groping her everywhere. As she remained silent, she panted like a dog as several kids kissed her from the lips to her body. Two kids sucked at her large silky breasts like newborn babies while the others kissed her behind; cheeks, pussy, and tail hole. The kisses were either a playful blow-kiss to lustful licks. Vanilla was in a wave of pleasure, and being the mother that she was, she gladly gave back the same pleasure to the children. After the sweet tongue bath, they all showered her with their strong scented urine. She welcomed this strange moment as she was bathed in the golden shower. After the kids drained their bladders, at least one boy dog showed her his small yet hard prick and she started tasting it. The boy panted as he enjoyed this blowjob, having his small rod sucked and/or his ball sack licked, but sense he was still young, he didn't last long. In a minute, he shot a small load into her mouth, which she swallowed it in one gulp. Another male puppy mounted her from behind. His cock was small as well but it was big enough to put up some fight as he inserted it into the mother rabbit's tight ass. She felt some great bliss as the pup pumped into her with speed and vigor. A minute or two later, he unloaded his seed in her while his knot swelled. Vanilla loved to have her tail hole stretched like this and imagined what the older furries would be like when they have a go at her. The pup fell sideways as his knot shrank back. When the children stepped back, the adults had a turn. V was sexed in every way possible before the small crowed was worn out hours later. As they left to their own activities, a big and mildly chubby bear with his own young daughter came by to escort the tired and messy doe back to the castle. After a bath, they got to know each other very well. Talking about whatever came to mind. Of course, this moment lead to a hot threesome. The way they mated was amazing, and the way the daughter bear joined in reminded her of her own daughter. She could still remember the huge bear meat that entered her loins. She was surprised the length could easily fit inside her cunt, let alone the head. The daughter was half her dad's size, which was a bigger miracle that he could fit his cock in her. After a few hours of further loving, they bathed together in a nearby hot spring, enjoying a delicious kiss fest, before the two bears returned to town, leaving the mother doe to pleasure herself to sleep.

    • * Vanilla chuckled to herself as she continued to stroke her wet slit. It was hard to believe how far she had gone: Watersports, exhibitionism, orgies... pedophilia; She would be criticized, even arrested and jailed for life in an instant back in her own world. But here, she could throw most of her motherly caution to the wind and screw away by any means necessary. She only wished her husband was with her. Surely he would have enjoyed having sex with other women, even if he was a fair and true hubby who would solely forsake other to be with her. Having learned of her fate upon leaving her world however, it would be like she was never married, but instead would have had her daughter after a little trip to the sperm bank (Would have been easy but boring, since it would be only half the fun). She clear her mind of any more thoughts and closed her eyes as she reminisce of her event again, being a real turn-on. Just then... "Hi, V..." A cute and familiar voice made her open her eyes. It was Cream. Vanilla got off the bed and stood in front of her. "Cream honey. How was your day?" She asked her. "Um... nothing much. What about you?" "Oh, you couldn't possibly imagine." She said holding her head up high. She rambled on and talked up a storm about her day in the town. Cream could feel herself getting wet hearing her mom's long and explicit tale. Against her better judgment though, she interrupted her. "Um, V?" "Uh... *giggle* Sorry. I must have been lost in my own pleasure." "How would daddy think if he was with us?" "I don't know. Maybe..." V then imitated her husband in a deep voice. "'Oh Vanilla Longears, you're so hot having that bearhood in you like that. Oh it makes me so hard, I want to do your taut little rear right now...'" Cream laughed. "Do you think he would do the same thing having been gone from us for so long?" "I doubt it. He's too good to do anything like that. But I wouldn't put it pass him." They both laughed now, happier than they have ever been. When they calmed down, they didn't talk for a few minutes, staring into each other's eyes in a distance. V then saw the necklace her daughter was wearing. "Creamila, what is that?" "This?" Cream said. She placed her hands on the center of the necklace. "It's just something Vamp gave me a couple of days ago. It's really special..." "How special...?" "Watch..." The little doe started glowing along with the necklace. She had gotten used to the heat that accompanied with her transformation. In a long flash, there stood a sexy 18-year-old rabbit. Cream's furry features were the same, but below her neck was a tattooed line of diamonds, resembling the necklace. She was as tall as her, and her boobs were bigger in a sense. Such legs and form... Just the look on Cream's face showed her beloved innocence. The mother doe just stared at her in awe. "Cream..." Vanilla whispered, dumbfounded. She was frozen in disbelief. Was this truly the same daughter she raised? She couldn't, could she? The mother wasn't shocked in a bad way. It didn't matter if this was her daughter or not. She had actually fallen in love with her. Cream strolled to her in a brisk fashion and pulled her to her warm embrace. "V... What do you think of me?" She asked her. "I hope this 'Big Bunny' look wasn't too big a change..." Vanilla cupped her bosoms and stared at her eyes. She then sobbed lightly, not to the point of crying however. "V, don't be sad. I can still change b..." "No, Cream. Just the opposite..." Vanilla said calming down. "You're lovely..." "Are you sure?" "Yes. I always imagined what you would be like growing up. It's almost like fast forwarding to see you 8 years later... I think. And yet I... I..." "What's wrong?" Her mom planted a kiss in her lips. No surprise, she thought, as she kissed back. She allowed her mom's hands to explore her body. The daughter could smell the scent of many animals' urine in admiration, while V kissed and licked her ears, head, neck, back, stomach, legs, everywhere. V soon got Cream to lie down on the floor and rubbed and massaged her big feet, licking around betwixt her lovely toes. "Hee hee... V, that tickles!" Cream laughed. "Aw, does my pretty daughter wish to stop?" Vanilla cooed. "No, keep going..." V obliged, bringing back a small wand of sorts. The end had long soft bristles that would most likely be for tickle torture. She rubbed the bristles at her daughter's feet, causing her to laugh louder. She had a bit of trouble trying to continue her loving torture while Cream flailed her legs happily. "Creamy... I have an idea..." A moment later, she brought a device board that would often be used to hold victims by the ankles in medieval times. Locking the board, the teen doe couldn't move her legs as the mother resumed. With her ankles immobilized, she took in the full wrath of the soft feathery bristles. She held her head in delight and laughed hysterically as she twisted and turned, not once begging her mom to stop. She had a need to pee now. Perhaps that was why Vamp didn't use one of the blue orbs into her uterus. Maybe it was too big to fit through. After a ten long minutes of tickle torture, Vanilla stopped and unlocked the board, freeing her from the imprisonment. Cream went ahead to catch her breath, her chest heaving in and out. "Cream..." "Yes... V?" "Pee on me..." Cream bolted up, shocked to hear this. But then she remembered her story back in town. "Are you sure?" "Yes. I am sure. Drench mommy with your golden shower..." Vanilla was still sitting, or at least kneeing in a 'begging bitch' position. Her arms were bent with her hands rested downward, pretending to be a dog panting with her tongue hanging from her mouth. Cream smirked at her mom's attitude. "Aw how cute," she said in a babyish voice. "Does the wittle doggie want a drink?" She spread her legs over her mom's head and closed her eyes. She concentrated hard, slowly feeling the incoming pressure in her pee hole. A hot yellow stream of piss, strong and potent, entered V's open muzzle. She happily drank it while some of it splashed on her head and all over her fur. After the gold shower, Cream rubbed her body with her mother's, feeling the soft furs brush against each other while letting the smell soak to her skin. "How was that?" "That smells sooo good..." Vanilla said, intoxicated by the scent. She led her daughter onto the small bed. They gazed at each other eyes. Cream then got up and opened up her mom's legs and moved her crotch to hers. "What are you doing now, Cream?" The mother said in a purr. "I want to do something..." She pushed herself to the mother doe and began rubbing at her. At first there wasn't much to go for, but once the pink inner flesh came in contact to each other, they gasped out. This was odd even for them, they had no rod in them, be it real or fake, but this felt really pleasant. She pressed harder and ground faster. They imagined if sparks would fly from them in this rough rubbing and soon pushing against each other. They could stay there forever if they needed to. "Cream... It feels so good! I'm gonna cum!" "Cum?" "The same thing... as you and Vamp felt..." "I see. *gasp* That's what I did all those times? Ohhhhhh! I'm gonna 'cum' too!" The wave was too much to bear. Vanilla moved her hips to Cream as they quickly reached climax. After a minute of build up, they yelled to the heavens. Their cunts splashed like geysers against each other. Their love juices drenched their legs and stomachs. They arched their backs, taking in the orgasm and afterglow all at once. They soon fell and rested backwards, taking in as much air as possible. Vanilla loved this moment, and then had another brilliant idea. "Can you turn back to you cute, little self?" She asked her. Cream covered her diamond tattoo and quickly flashed back to her 10-year-old form. Then, in a struggle of her exhaustion, V rushed to her legs and started eating her out. "V-eee..." Cream shuddered. She was too sensitive and weak after her orgasm. Combine that with the fact she was back to normal and that multiplied in a go. Every single lick she received released another climax topping over the other. It was too much for her little body to take, but she loved it anyway. More and more of her cum drenched on Vanilla's face. She came and came, not know how much she had, squealing in bliss. V drank as much of her daughter's love juice as she could, loving her happy cries, before she finally stopped. Leaving her to rest, Vanilla took in the smell of Cream's cum and lied back, reaching a large vibrator that was already switched on and shoved it in and out her pussy as fast as she can. Cream, tired, slowly got up and licked at the spread lips of her mom's sex. V didn't know she was licking her until she opened one eye, but she kept quiet. Actually, she wasn't quiet since she was screaming her heart out as she also came multiple times. She then pulled the vibrator out to give the little one full access. "Yes, my daughter! Drink it all! Eat your mother out! Quench your thirst with my love juice! YES! OHHHHH!!!" Every single orgasm gushed in volume. Cream was able to drink most of it before the tap turned off. Wiping the liquid off her face, she crawled and hugged her mother tightly, more than fatigued from the long sex. They embraced each other as they drifted into a deep sleep. "I love you, Creamila..." "I love you too... Mommy."
    • * A full day later, Cream woke from her mom's embrace. She could see her snoring in her own little world, possibly reliving the previous event. She bathed in a giant blue water orb in Vamp's room. Much like the other rooms and areas in the dimension, these tub-sized orbs use a combination of H2O and soap to help her clean the mess off her body. She hoped of keeping her mother's smell on her, but she hadn't forgotten her hygiene. After drying off, she ran into Vamp who just came back from his casual flight. They didn't say anything, but they stared and smiled at each other. As they passed each other, Vamp finally spoke out while having a steady glare at his pet. "Cream... A good pet does deserve to roam, but try not to get carried away or else I'll be force to restrain you, understand?" "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind..." Cream said with a giggle. Cream skipped happily from Vamp and decided to explore the rest of the castle, not knowing that she'll soon meet up with the 'mistress' the buck had been mentioning about...