Anima: The Zoo Intern

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#1 of Anima: The Zoo Intern

Audrey Gale finds herself working in a zoo after her body begins to change into a red kangaroo.

The Eastern Grey Kangaroo can be mistaken for the largest Kangaroo species due to its inaccurate naming. Macropus giganteus refers to the roo as gigantic when it is smaller than the Red Kangaroo. Up until five months ago, I had never known this. Growing up in Pennsylvania, it is safe to say that spotting a wild kangaroo is uncommon, having only seen them in the local zoo as a child.

A handful of times, the local zoo would have days to get close to some of the animals; in some cases, you could touch their fur. Being in the middle of nowhere, this was a semi-regular plan for school field trips. That was the closest most people would ever get to a Grey Kangaroo, except for me, Audrey Gale.

February 8th, 2020, was the day the patch of fur was first noticeable. Shaving was difficult with how dense the coat was compared to regular body hair, and the skin underneath had a different texture from the rest of my torso. After two weeks of no change, a visit to the doctor would help figure out the mysterious patch.

The virus was found to be the cause, the virus that took the world by surprise just a few years ago. A handful of folks would begin to change, transform, into another living being. For the first time in history, people would slowly turn into animals, going against what was thought possible. For some, it was quick, acting in weeks if not days, and for others, it could take months, with some who began on day one of the virus still holding onto their humanity--Albeit what little human remains in their physical form.

The news was surprising. You hear of it happening but never expect it to happen to you, it's rare, but the effects are always visible. Testing found that the hairs were similar in DNA makeup of the Eastern Red Kangaroo, an animal from distant Australia, now slowly taking over my skin in the eastern United States.

Adjusting was not difficult. The hair slowly spread across the area, leaving my stomach, lower chest, and underside covered in grey fur. My chest flattened alongside the first significant change, the pouch. A hole looking similar to a belly button appeared one morning. Three fingers could fit into the hole but would be stopped as I tried to explore deeper with my hand. Finding eventually that I could relax my muscles, and the gap would open.

Inside was essentially a pocket, warm and mildly damp. With practice, I learned to control the pouch and hold it closed. Although I could ignore it, for the most part, showering was a chore as it had to be dried out, and any water that worked its way in had to be removed. After a few showers, the process became a routine taking only an extra 10 minutes with a towel to take care of.

Doctors were, of course, unable to give me much advice. They have spent their entire lives studying to work with the human body; a kangaroo's bodily functions were foreign to them. Referred to the local zoo I had grown up visiting, which would have never happened just three years ago. That was where I met Howard, the zoo keeper for the small facility.

"Audrey, were you able to get the two of them into the pen?" Howard asked in passing.

"I got them both in a pen. I couldn't quite get them into their pens," shouting back to Howard, unspooling a water hose from the wall.

Six months ago, the zoo opened up opportunities for hybrids to work in paid internships. With the lack of work available for the changed and lack of hands to assist at zoos across the country, they opened the program to try and help change the public perspective of hybrids in the workplace. I was one of the selected few and was placed to assist Howard in caring for the kangaroos, which they thought was my best fit. The pay is better than anywhere else right now, and the job is pretty straightforward, but it does seem off to be working with what is me in a roundabout way.

While Howard handles most of the needed work with the animals, I assist with cleaning, feeding, and working with guests. Having just finished wrangling the two roos into a holding pen, we were about to begin hosing down the exhibit, and Howard was in the process of slipping on a rain suit as I walked in. His face looked tired. Usually, he was pretty perky in the mornings, but today he seemed down.

"You ready for some fun?" I said, slipping on my shoe covers. Howard shook his head and chuckled.

"As much fun as you can have cleaning up for those two," Howard said as he tossed a brown leather apron toward me. Missing the catch, the apron fell to the ground in a clump. Luckily we had not entered the exhibit yet, so there was no worry of it falling into anything nasty, but it did get slightly damp from the freshly cleaned floor.

Howard finished putting his gear on, which seemed almost excessive to my simple shoe covers and apron. The apron was only really there to keep my shirt and pouch dry. The water never bothered the light fur covering my still human-shaped legs. Unfortunately, due to my stance, the tail does drag through anything behind me. The apron did well covering me but still left me able to access the pouch, which through experimenting, I learned made for an excellent replacement for my pants pockets. Pulling my phone from the pouch, I silenced the ringtone and placed it back inside.

"Does your phone not get sweaty in there?" Howard asked as he unrolled a hole from the wall.

"If I go for a run, it can get pretty warm, but just walking about is fine. Or at least, it's still working," Pulling my hose from the wall, I followed Howard into the enclosure. Immediately spraying down the floors as the water flowed into the drains. I worked on the north side of the room while Howard stuck to the south side.

Having almost finished my side, I swung my view to Howard's area. Unable to see him, I continued to finish my area. After a few moments, my back arched as a jet of icy cold water landed on it. Fliping my head around, Howard pointed his hose at me and laughed. Raising my hose and squeezing the handle, it shot out a stream of cold water, striking him in the leg.

"Ayy! That is pretty cold!" Howard shouted, lifting his leg, "You finished your side?"

"If you're done with yours, I'm done with mine."

Over the past few months, I have formed a bond with Howard. Although it's not entirely professional, we've found ourselves growing closer and closer. Although Howard is technically my boss, he's been my only source of normalcy ever since the changes started. The only person who seems to treat me like a regular human being. If it weren't for him, I would be alone.

Leaving the enclosure, we rounded up the hoses and wrapped them neatly onto the wall hooks. Howard tossed a small towel my way as he began to take off his rain suit. Upon removing mine, I began to pat my fur dry, and the final result left my fur damp but not dripping.

"You'd of thought we went swimming, eh?" Howard walked by and collected the towel, "A little water never hurts, though."

"You try drying out his fur; I'll be damp all day." I joked while slipping my shirt on.

"Will you be too damp for dinner tonight?" Howard asked.

"Dinner? Like out in public dinner?"

"Sure! It'd be fun, just you and me out on the town." Howard stepped closer, "Your pick."

"I'd love to, but..." I gestured to my fur.

"What? Do you think that would be a problem?" Howard laughed, "I'm with you all day here. Why wouldn't I want to be seen with you out there?"

That's the thing I loved about him. He was the only person who seemed to care about me and not the roo. Everyone else would have just wanted to talk about the changes, but he just wanted to talk about us.

"I would love to tonight, but I do need to be home this evening," I answered quietly.

"Well then," He stood closer, "you decided when and we will make it happen."

The first time in months. It was the first time in months anyone wanted to go out into public with me. Anyone only ever wanted to hang out in private, but for once, I had the opportunity. Excitement was building, and I couldn't tell if I wanted to laugh or cry. Without thinking, I lurched forward, and his lips met with mine. Realizing how quickly I had jumped, I waited for him to pull away, but instead, he placed his arms around me. My head felt warm, maybe even hot, as we kissed. After minutes of embracing, we separated. Awkward silence as each of us waited for the other to speak.

"I love you, Audrey," Howard spoke, breaking the silence.

"I love you," speaking as I went to rub the warm spot on my head. Running my hand across the top, I found something new. My ears had relocated further up my head and extended, reshaping to that of a kangaroo. Placing my hands over them, I tried to hide them.

"I think they look good on you," Howard said, turning to grab his bag, "even makes you a little taller," he chuckled.

Releasing the new ears, they perked up. I guess that's what I get for being emotional. But at the same time, I could have been much worse. I gathered my things to prepare for the bus ride home. Howard walked me to the bus stop and waited until my bus arrived. We waved as the bus departed, knowing we would see each other again tomorrow.

Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 4

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Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 3

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Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 2

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