Michael's Story- Prologue

Story by Lupus Sanctus on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Okay two things, one this is my first story so let me know how you like it and i am hoping for extremely editorial type comments, and i know this is kind of short so i apologize ahead of time, im just not sure whether or not to really continue with this yet. The second is that Michael Vencen is mine, as is any one else in this story though there isn't really much to take haha anyways. Thank you and i hope you enjoy!

The sky was barely lit by the first streaks of sunshine, when a wolf no older then 16 years old tossed an Xbox controller to the side and yawned loudly. He lied back feeling the muscles in his back slowly begin to loosen up and rubbed his eyes removing his glasses and placing them on a small nightstand in the process. He stripped down to his underwear without moving from his position on the bed and tossed his clothes onto the lid of a hamper on the other side of the room. He then proceeded to throw his blanket over himself and immediately passed out.

Two hours later as the sun's rays began to slowly beam through his window the wolf awoke to the sound of screaming coming from the floor below him and sighed realizing that it was his parents, again. He slid out of bed and padded over to his hamper grabbing the first pair of jeans he saw and sliding them on to the best of his ability, and then eyes still half closed he made his way to his door and listened quietly before unlocking it and as quick as his tired body would let him walked to the bathroom down the hall.

Once inside, he closed and locked the door, stripped down to his bare fur and started to run the water in the shower moving as if he was the living dead. When he felt the steam begin to drift through the air he stepped into the shower and immediately stuck his face into the stream of water letting the shock jumpstart his teenage body. Once that was done he washed himself as thoroughly as he could taking just a bit longer as he reached his sheath and balls.

Twenty minutes later he stepped out of the shower as wide awake as if he had actually gotten a decent amount of sleep. He grabbed a towel and began to dry his fur off taking a glance at his body in the mirror as he did so and pausing. He stood straight up and examined his body closely. He was more or less your average wolf. His body was coated in that familiar blue-grey fur that seemed to be the center piece of most wolves. He stood 5'6" and held the physique of a former athlete turned gamer. He had rather broad shoulders that made it hard for him to find a shirt that actually fit him right, and had the tell tale signs of slowly declining muscle mass in his arms. His chest had gone from being the flat almost washboard status of your average athlete to the slightly flabby piece of work it was now. When he reached his stomach he sighed in disappointment, 14 months ago it was flat with the visible lines of a six pack, now it was just your average stomach not too skinny but not totally chubby, the kind that when you jumped up and down it jiggled but not in that noticeable way.The wolf lowered his hands slowly till one was gripping his sheath and the other was cupping his balls. What he held in his hands was his completely average sized package. There was nothing worth noticing about any part of his body least of all his package. There were only two things he was absolutely sure anybody noticed. One was his extremely amazing ability to just plain rape at videogames. The other was, for some strange reason that he couldn't help but love, his butt. He had according to a few rather close people in his life the most perfectly squeezable, play withable, and in one rare case fuckable butt. He smiled to himself as he softly played with his own butt, squeezing it with his hands feeling the soft fur that covered it and just as he was about to let out a satisfied moan he heard the sound of someone banging on the bathroom door.

"Miiichaaaeeelll!!!! I gotta peeeeee!!!!!" Michael Vencen released himself and let out an annoyed breath before wrapping his towel around his waist and opening the door.

"Finally! I thought you were gonna take a billion minutes!" Michael looked down and stared into the eyes of his 5 year old brother, Rush. His solid dark brown eyes met the sky blue of his younger brothers and Michael froze just standing and staring at his younger brother. "Uhm..Michael?"

He responded with a quiet hm, as his brother tried to push past him. "Your standing in the doorway! Move your butt!!!"

"Oh! Sorry Rush..." Michael blushed and moved out of his youngest sibling's way before quickly padding over to his room and locking the door behind him. He dropped his towel and began to get dressed, another five minutes later he was downstairs lazing on his couch wearing a pair of jeans that may or may not have been worn two days ago and a black shirt with a random logo across the front.

He picked up the remote and began flipping through the channels rather monotonously not actually looking for anything to watch, but using the time to figure out the rest of his day, he decided on some random cartoon he knew his brother would watch as soon as he got downstairs and pulled out his phone scrolling through his contacts list.

"Alright lets see here," he said to himself as he began to scroll through his contacts list "I can't do anything with Ryan he decided to go to the lake with his family, Rachael and Chris are doing who knows what together today, Luke disappeared on Friday after school so he's definitely out, so that leaves....Brooke." Michael felt his heart flutter as he highlighted her name, Brooke was his best friend practically his sister seeing as their parents made sure to set up as many play dates as they could in any given week during their first few years of life, and lately Michael just couldn't get over how amazing she was. He was just about to text her when he heard the front door open and shut and the sound of his dad's car leaving the driveway.

He sighed again; leave it to his dad to be the first to set the tone of the day for the rest of the family. He checked to make sure that his phone was charged and then pocketed it and made his way to the door not wanting to hear how his mom would most likely begin the first day of Thanksgiving break. Once outside he took in a deep breath of fresh air before heading down his driveway and starting to walk. As he walked he began to let that random stream of conscious thoughts that runs through everyone's head take over and just sort of let his feet do the walking for him letting his mind wander off and not bothering to try and bring it back.

 Ohkay so that's what i have so far i'm not really sure if i am going to finish it or not, i guess it depends on whether or not i get feedback on this. Oh and if i missed any tags or added one that shouldnt be there i apologize, again it's my first post so i'm just getting used to this. All feedback is welcome!

-Lupus Sanctus