
Story by Runewuff on SoFurry

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by Rune


* * * * *

Shinas legs ached. Hir long tail dragged in the dirt. Shid been following the trail all day now. At least the forest soil was damp. If it wasnt for the soft soil cushioning hir steps, hir paws would have been aching too.

Hir stomach growled... with only a dirty blue loincloth to cover hir, there was no disguising it: hir greyfurred form had gotten so thin lately...

The forest was already darkening, and all shi could see was the lush undergrowth of ferns. Night came quickly in the forest. Shi would have to sleep alone... hungry... in the dirt... again...

If only shid known... shi was just a shortquilled youth... how could shi have known any better! If only someone had told hir...

Cheni. Shi cursed the name. If only shid warned Shina that night, so long ago...

* * * * *

With the sound of steel shoving its way through soil, the pick opened a slit in the dark earth. Holding its smooth bioresin handle with one hand, Shina fumbled around in the woven straw pouch slung over hir shoulder with hir other hand. At last, pinching the last seed between the clawtips of hir thumb and longfinger, shi bent down and dropped it into the slit with no more or less speed than all the rest. Shi pushed the soil over the seed with hir blackfurred hand, closing the slit.

Shi stood up straight and tall. The scent of the rich, moist Spring soil filled hir nose as shi breathed a sigh of relief. The planting was finally over!

Shina looked Maken straight in hir large, green eyes, which were unusually large compared to hir weak-jawed muzzle and the jet black quillfur atop hir head. Maken smiled, hir four fangs curving over hir blackfurred lip, while hir long dark tail formed a large happy spiral in the air behind hir.

Congratulations, said Maken.

Shina had finished hir row ahead of Maken, and helped hir with the last few slits. It was the first year shi had ever planted the last seed. It had always been Maken, weakest in the village, who finished last. Shi was Shina's older sister by Endra, (who was Shinas mother in hir third pairing, and Makens father in hir first) but hir body was very thin, with almost no definition in hir muscles at all. The doctors from the city had reassured them though, that Maken's weakness was merely normal genetic deviation, brought about by recessive genes in the particular pairing that produced hir.

Maken wore no adornment, only hir loincloth, patterned with bold green circles that matched hir eyes... arm and leg bands tended to slide off hir rail-thin limbs. Though the golden straw seed pouch dangling on hir hip didn't suit hir at all...

"Getting that desperate, are we?" smirked Maken.

"I... what?" Shina felt the sides of hir muzzle flush as shi looked back at Maken's face. Gods, hir mind was so easily distracted this Spring!

"You know sisters shouldn't pair up..." scolded Maken.

"No!" started Shina, "I... wasn't thinking of that at all!" Hir whole body flashed with heat and shame.

"If you're this horny now... I wonder what you'll be like after you get your vejya..." said Maken.

"Oh, gods! How could you honestly think I was attracted to a fencepost like you?" said Shina, hoping hir tease covered up hir embarrassment.

"So, do you remember the words?" asked Maken, frowning a bit.

"Huh?" said Shina, "Oh, yeah..."

Whoever planted the last seed in the village had to bless the crop.

Shina bent down, perching on hir paws with hir tail raised. Shi put hir pick down on the ground with a metallic thud, and ran hir hands through the soft soil. Looking past the gold neck pendant of the suns shining above hir dark greyfurred breasts, shi saw the blue triangles of hir loincloth, (which shi'd been told matched hir blue eyes) danging to the ground, alongside hir grey striped wrists and ankles. Shi looked out, away from Maken's fencepost-thin legs, over the brown bare fields rolling across the hills. Clusters of budding bushes acted as windbreaks while freshly-sprouted weeds had already begun to enrich the soil.

"Earthmother, may the seeds we have planted in your womb grow strong and fruitful," shi recited, "Sunfathers," shi glanced at the large yellow and small red orbs low in the sky, "may the seedlings under your light grow tall and ripe."

The prayer finished, shi plucked up the clay water jug with several coils of hir tail. Tilting hir muzzle back, shi brought it up above hir head with hir tail and hands. The cold water washed down hir throat, so satisfying after so much work...

Maken held out hir hands, and shi passed the jug to hir. While Maken greedily gulped the water down, Shina lifted up hir pick with a sweep of hir tail around the smooth handle, and began walking towards the wooded hills.

"Don't you want to wash up?" questioned Maken, lowering the water jug from hir muzzle.

"Later," giggled Shina, "I just want to rest and enjoy the rest of this day..."

"Ok," said Maken, "Let me take your pick back to the shed."

"Alright," said Shina, stretching hir tail towards Maken to hand hir the pick, "Thanks."

"Don't be late for dinner!" Maken called out, a pick in each hand, as Shina started up the hill.

The sprouting grasses and weeds tickled hir paws as shi walked up the slope, hir tired legs aching a bit with every stride. The hill rose up into the trees, bare branches with the knobs of fresh buds silhouetted in the setting Suns.

The truth was, shi didn't want to wash the soil from hir hands and paws at all. It felt so nice to have part of the Earthmother deep in hir fur, down to hir skin. The meeting of the dirt on hir paws with the dirt of the ground just felt more... natural, like shi was truly a part of the planet. Maybe, shi hoped, it would be warm enough to sleep under the stars, so shi wouldn't have to wash off to sleep on hir bedmat.

Finally, shi reached the top, sitting down with hir back against a certain tree trunk. Shi gave a sigh of pleasure as shi stretched hir sore legs out, wrapping hir tail around the base of the tree. It was hir favorite spot.

More hills, many with the brown fields of other villages, and a few with groves of trees, rolled out in front of hir in endless waves. Here and there, the wood and straw roofs of other villages poked out of the valleys. In the sky, a twinkling caught hir eye as a distant aircraft glinted in the setting suns. Shi could just barely make out the skyline of the city it was inching towards, spires supported by delicately curved metal buttresses.

Shi was never particularly fond of the city, no matter how pretty it seemed at a distance. The few times shi'd been there (for mandatory trips to doctors or clerks) it was too crowded, too noisy, too smelly... and the people there just didnt seem genuine. The city dwellers were rarely concerned with the ordinary things that truly mattered. Shi turned away from the city, gazing lazily at a greyfurred planter of neighboring Zenya Village heading down to the houses, sinking beneath the hills.

Shi was finally of age.

It was an exciting thought. This was the first year, the first Spring, shi was old enough to pair. To have a mate, to have children, to get vejya. Of "vejya age", or "pairable" some had said. Officially, it meant shi was finally an adult.

Shi didn't feel any more "adult". Shi didn't even have any plans to pair up and have children. Not yet. Shi wondered if getting vejya would change that. It had been odd watching hir older sisters get theirs. Maken, Olen, Tejas... they had all entered into their first loves so innocent, and forever been left so hopelessly horny. They all had. That was part of becoming an adult, the one last rite of passage shi would cross if shi lost hir virginity to anyone older than hir. Shi would never, ever be the same, hir thoughts, and hir desires forever dominated by that one thing shi had yet to experience: sex.

In the fading light, shi saw a dark figure cresting a distant hill. It was following the pale gravel path near Zenya Village, out of the north... but it did not take the spur down into the village. It continued on... Was it a migrant planter? Or maybe a traveler? The figure disappeared down in another valley. It was gone. Shi turned back towards the city, its silhouette slowly fading into the darkening sky.

Sex: the thought both excited and frightened hir... but shi knew shi could not hold out against hir own desires, hir hormones and hir instincts, forever. Some of the adults had given hir advice, that it was both unwise, (and un-fun) to try to resist hir instincts too much. That didn't help with hir fears much, though shi knew they were probably right. Hir eyes had been wandering towards the waist of anyone in the village of pairable age... even, shi had to admit, hir own sisters...

As the lights of the distant city came on, lighting its towers glowing against the dark sky, the figure reappeared, a dark silhouette walking towards the village...

Shi unwound hir tail from the base of the tree trunk, jumped up, and started running. Shi had to tell the village! Overhead, the sky was black, with only a violet twilight where the suns had set. Only the faint lights in the doorways of the village pierced the blackness below. The slope of the hill seemed to pull hir forward, as unseen weeds whipped hir paws and ankles. Hir stomach tightened as shi plunged through the blackness, even though shi knew there was nothing to run into on this side of the hill. Shi let hirself fall forward, stretching out hir tail behind hir for balance as shi raced down the slope faster and faster. It was a trick for reaching wild speeds on foot shi had figured out as a kid... as almost everyone else in the village had in their youth.

Finally, the First Moon started to rise, nearly full, which cast a bluish pale light on the village. The bioresin crystal glittered in the moonlight, atop the white metal solar battery which rose out of the collection of adobe houses. Each was a different shape, framed by wood and topped by roofs of straw. At a distance, the houses all seemed to flow together with each little contour of the valley and each other...

"Hey! Hey!" shi called out as hir paws met the packed earth between the houses, "Endra! Shaden!" shi called hir elders, "Traveler! There's a traveler coming!"

As shi neared hir home, a blackfurred hand parted the rough door curtain. Hir mother Endra emerged, hir tall quillfur poking the curtain, rising above hir eyes which shone in the moonlight. The harsh electric light from the house cast a orangish aura around hir black fur, and made hir loincloth look like a dark square draped between hir legs. Shi was followed by Maken and Olen, whose eyes glinted turquoise just before they passed through the curtain.

Hir father Maji emerged from the house next door, as "tallquilled" with age as hir mother, followed by Tejas, who had several strands of quillfur sticking out sideways again. At the same time another elder appeared in a doorway on the other side of the solar battery tower, and shi heard the pawsteps of several others across the street.

"What is it?" asked hir mom.

"There's a traveler!" shi said, "Coming down the path!" shi pointed in the general direction.

"Shi'll probably want some food and a place to sleep," said hir dad, stepping forward.

"What did shi look like?" asked Maken.

"Who is shi?" asked Olen.

Where did shi come from? asked Tejas.

"I didn't really see hir, it was too dark," said Shina.

"Well... somebody should stay out to welcome hir." said pudgy Orvi from across the street.

"A traveler!" "Lights!" "A traveler is coming!" People scrambled about the village, shouting the news.

Eventually, as they all sorted themselves out, three of the older villagers formed into a welcoming party of sorts: hir dad, Orvi, and Shaden, whose left ear was curved a little differently than hir right... from an accident during a house-raising, shi had once heard whispered. Shi had a suspicion the ear was a transplant done in a city hospital: cloned body parts were never quite the same.

They all faced the path leading into the village, three electric torches casting light in that general direction. Shi joined the elders, along with Maken, and Coren, a restless youngster who had the same sideways quillfur as Tejas... not surprising considering Corens mom Sirn had paired with Maji a second time to father Tejas.

"How tall was shi?" asked Coren.

"Did shi have any jewelry?" asked Maken.

"Shi was just a speck on the trail," Shina answered. "I barely saw hir."

"...what color was hir loincloth?" asked Coren.

Shina sighed. All the girls in the village just a few years older than hir were always thinking about that part of the body... just because it was used in sex. What was it about vejya anyway?

Then, at last, the figure crested the hill. As the electric torches were aimed on it, hir heart fluttered with excitement.

Red eyes shone from out of jet-black fur. A warm, handsome muzzle rose from a gleaming gold neckring atop an elegant form, every muscle of hir dark shoulders and biceps toned from labor, as if only to frame hir round, firm breasts. Level with hir nipples was a gold armband, and next to that, a grey-striped tail flitted in and out of view coyly. Just below it snaked a glittering belly chain that accentuated hir magnificently toned frame... interrupted by a crimson loincloth with red triangles that matched hir eyes. Though it made hir bare hips stand out, black and full and muscular. The crimson loincloth flapped on hir legs, which had a certain sway, lively and confident. Finally, a flashing gold ankleband was perched atop elegantly grey-striped paws that curled and uncurled with hir every step upon the bright dirt and gravel.

"Would you mind lowering your lights?" said a low, firm voice, "You've spoiled my night vision."

The elders aimed their electric torches down, soil and grasses flashing into view as their light wiggled across the ground. They could just make out the traveler, hir dark form outlined in the reflected electric light cast up from the ground.

"Would you mind telling us who you are?" asked Orvi.

"Sure," said the traveler, "My name is Cheni."

"Ah," said Orvi, "I'm Orvi, this is Shaden and Maji," shi pointed at Shina's dad.

"And those two... three?" the traveler pointed at Shina and the other young adults.

"I'm Maken," said Maken, "This is my sister Shina, and our friend Coren."

The dark form of the traveler nodded.

"Well..." said hir dad, "Let's get you some food, and a place to sleep."

"Mmm... yes," said the traveler, "I would be happy to offer my arms. I assure you, they are quite strong..."

"Sorry to disappoint you," said Shaden, "But the planting is over. This one..." shi pointed at Shina, which made hir feel uncomfortable to be put on the spot, "planted the last seed this afternoon."

"Ah," grinned the traveler, "You must be honored."

"I... yes... mumbled Shina, not wanting to have to talk to the stranger.

"Well... I'd be happy to put you up at my house," said hir dad.

"No, no..." said the traveler gently, "I never accept anything without payment. This... bending of the old customs lately... I don't like it."

"But..." protested Orvi, "You don't have anything to offer..."

"I never had anything to offer in the first place," said the traveler.

"But you are a laborer," said Orvi.

"Yes," said the traveler, "I had nothing to offer except my body."

"You don't mean..." said Orvi, hir tail twitching nervously.

"I offer to pay in love," said the traveler, bowing slightly.

There was a moment of silence. It was an old tradition, the oldest form of barter in the world... used before money was invented...

"That's... very generous of you," said hir dad, thinking it over, "Yes, thank you."

"Oh, please, none of these automatic polite thanks," said the traveler, stepping forward. Shi flashed two pairs of fangs in a grin, "You will find yourself thanking me for a good time soon enough..."

"Give us some time to decide who will accept the payment," said Orvi, "Though, of course, I would be glad to accept the payment from someone so..."

"Thank you for the compliment," said the traveler, "Now, show me to this food of yours," shi said, wrapping hir grey-striped tail around Majis waist, "My belly has been grumbling at me for half the day!"

As they all walked off together towards the faintly glowing door curtains of the village, hir dad slowly winding hir tail around the travellers waist. Shina found hirself unable to speak at all... the travelers tail, swaying with each stride of their hips, was hypnotic...

At last, the traveler disappeared with hir dad into hir house.

That was that, shi thought to hirself with a wry smile... judging by how blatantly the traveler was already hitting on hir dad, the payment would be made soon enough...

* * * * *

"Did you see all that jewelry shi was wearing?" asked Maken, hir green eyes appearing a yellowish shade in the orange glow of the house's electric lamps.

"Yeah, what about it?" said Shina, grabbing another purple earthfruit from out of the wicker basket. Shi was sitting cross-legged on the packed earth floor, next to the colorful mealrug piled with food. Maken was reclined next to hir with one knee bent, the other laying flat on the packed earth floor.

"How do you think shi got all the money for it?" asked Maken, wiggling hir legs with contentment as shi took a sip of roottea from the clay cup wrapped by hir greystriped tail.

Shina shrugged, and bit into hir earthfruit. Tart juice flowed around hir tongue as shi chewed on its thick flesh. Shi had gone without dinner to watch the sunset and wasn't much in the mood to do anything except eat.

"I mean, that's gold... that's expensive," said Maken.

"You don't suppose shi..." Olen butted in. Shi had one foot up on the screen-covered bucket, brushing dirt from hir anklefur in preparation for washing for bed.

"Paid for them in love?" finished Maken.

Shina couldn't stand the sour earthfruit another second longer. Shi put it down and started eating some green hani mash with hir wooden spoon. It seemed rather bland today... maybe it had been sitting out too long.

"You'd be surprised how much one can afford when not spending money on a house," interrupted Shinas mom Endra, who was standing in the washbasin, rubbing foamy soap into hir fur.

"But I thought you never went wandering between villages," said Maken, taking another sip of roottea from the cup clutched by the end of hir tail.

"True," nodded Endra, "I was happy to live with my mom... until I agreed to sire you, that is," shi gave a wry look at Maken.

Shina gave up on the hani mash. Shi couldn't stand to shovel another bit of that stuff into hir mouth. Shi started nibbling on some roasted nuts instead.

"Where do you think shi's from?" said Olen, "Nobody around here has red eyes like that."

"They do in the Rocky Continent," said Maken.

"That's... halfway around the world!" said Shina.

Endra nodded. Shi began washing the suds out of hir fur.

"How could anyone possibly get that far on foot?" Shina wondered out loud.

"Maybe," said Maken, taking another sip of rootea, "Shi hasn't been to hir home village in a long time..."

"That sounds lonely," said Shina.

"Not if you're paying your way in love," laughed Olen, hir loincloth flapping.

"I got a feeling this is going to be a fun night for your dad..." smirked Maken.

"I wonder how long till we hear some pounding and moaning from next door," said Endra, busily wringing the water from hir legfur, "I hope they don't wake us up..."

Shina sighed. It didn't seem to matter how hungry shi was... nothing tasted good. Not even the roasted nuts. Shi stood up to pick up the bowls.

"You're not gonna eat any more?" questioned Maken, hir green eyes flashing wide.

"I dont know," said Shina, "I'm just not very hungry tonight."

As shi put the leftover food from the bowls back in the pantry, shi noticed hir tail was twisted up and down... almost as if in rage. Strange. Maken rolled up the mealrug and put it away. Olen stepped into the washbasin while Endra began to set up their bedmats.

Shina wondered if it would be warm enough to sleep under the stars tonight. Shi walked right into the door curtain, which parted around the quillfur on hir head. The village was basked in a pale glow from all directions. The Second Moon had risen, adding its light to the First. There didn't seem to be any shadows at all... everything was bathed in a soft, pale glow.

Shi stepped out a bit further from the house. A cold night breeze played through hir fur. Though the air entering hir lungs was chilly, hir body felt hot... perhaps hir metabolism had been raised from all the labor of planting the last few days? Shi felt a sense of satisfaction wash through hir body as shi realized shi would be able to sleep under the sky.

She stepped forward. Hir favorite spot was on the hillside behind the house...

* * * * *

Shina lay awake... listening to the rasps of the brown beetles, tentative this early in the year, and the occasional chill breeze rattling the budding tree branches. The moist earth had been cold at first, but now hir body heat had warmed it, and it had molded slightly to hir back and tail, feeling soft and comfortable.

It was a warm night... too warm. It didn't matter how long shi lay there... shi just couldn't fall asleep. Shi listened some more, waiting... just waiting for sleep to come.

Overhead, only the brightest stars and planets were visible, the rest drowned out by the moons.

Shi kept thinking of the traveler. Where had shi come from? Where would shi go? Why visit their village? Shi had no answers... and probably never would. Perhaps that was best.

Shi closed hir eyes again. Sleep... if shi could just fall asleep...

Cheni... Cheni the Traveler. What a beautiful name. What a strange name. It sounded familiar, and at the same time distant... exotic. Shi certainly never had heard of anyone named Cheni in any of the local villages. Where was shi from, to have such a name?

Shi rolled over in the cool dirt, weeds ticking hir bellyfur. Shi found the patch of bare earth shi had warmed and lay on hir stomach, hir breasts pressing into ground. Shi pressed hir muzzle against the soil. Shi just needed to focus on losing consciousness... it had to happen eventually!

Or those red eyes... those were rare... except on the Rocky Continent, Maken and hir mom had said... Suppose Cheni came from a country where everyone had red eyes instead of blue or green ones...


Someone was walking out of their house. As hir ears perked up, shi heard their paws pad out into the center of the village, then stop.

Shi sighed. Sleep simply wasn't going to happen... but at least shi could have some company. The gold pendant of the suns jiggled on hir chest as shi got up and shook the dirt from hir fur.

The whole village was illuminated in the pale light of the moons, no shadows anywhere as their soft light came from opposite directions. There were no lights in the houses. Weeds tickled hir feet as shi stepped towards the curved adobe and wood houses. Then dry packed earth was underpaw.

There, sitting on the lowest step of the white metal solar battery tower, was Cheni... the traveler... without a loincloth!

Shi was reclining lazily, hir tail stroking the ground, every inch of hir dark grey fur exposed, neckring and armband shining with reflections of the moons, ankleband and belly chain glittering, as if signposts pointing to hir groin. There, amid the dark fur, was the pale tip of an erection, with slightly parted vaginal lips below that.

Suddenly, Cheni turned hir handsome muzzle towards hir. Dark eyes that would have been red in the light flashed with a reflection of the First Moon.

"Did you come here to..." Cheni paused, "collect the payment?"

"I..." Shina recoiled, looking at the dirt, "Not really..."

Cheni moaned to hirself, looking out across the hills... rejected.

"I mean, you are attractive," Shina blurted, trying to smooth the awkward moment over,

That was an understatement... part of hir wanted to scream 'You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen!'

"And I am of pairable age now," Shina continued, "but..."

"So you've never had sex?" questioned Cheni, suddenly focusing hir attention on Shina again.

Shina shook hir head.

"There's a first time for everything," said Cheni.

"So they say..." replied Shina.

"So... how about tonight?" smirked Cheni.

"What?" gasped Shina, "I... with you?"

Cheni nodded.

Shina felt hir heart flutter. Hir tail fidgeted around in the air. Hir body flashed with heat...

"I know it's a bit nerve-wracking the first time," said Cheni, "But you needn't worry."

"No...I..." started Shina, dismissing the whole idea, "It's just that... I never thought..."

"But you do think..." grinned Cheni, flashing two pairs of fangs in the moonlight.

Shina scowled at hir.

"Look down," said Cheni.

Sure enough, Shina discovered the tip of hir own cock was producing a bulge in hir loincloth!

"Your body knows what it wants," said Cheni.

"I don't know..." said Shina, feeling a curious electric sensation across hir whole body.

"Well... if you were saving your first time for a certain someone special... I understand," Cheni looked away, up at the stars.

"No," said Shina, "It's just that... this is so sudden..."

"Alright, I'll slow down," said Cheni, "But remember I'll be leaving in the morning..."

Shi shifted poses slightly, tail wiggling near the sensuous ankle band. Shi placed hir grey-striped hand on hir jet black-hip... a clawed finger lewdly pointed at hir pussy.

"Ohhh..." moaned Shina.

Shi knew shi knew shi'd be hard-pressed to find another as beautiful as Cheni physically... let alone with such a personality. Gods, Cheni was perfect! How could shi ever forgive hirself if shi never...

"....ohh, why not?" shi said.

Shi stepped forward, not really believing what shi was about to do... it felt like shi was watching someone else... but all-too-soon, shi found hirself sitting on the cool metal side of the gently humming solar battery tower, right next to Cheni.

Hir heart was pounding so hard shi could barely hear anything else. Shi shivered, feeling burning hot.

"Well?" said Cheni, hir dark eyes looking straight at Shina, "Why don't you touch me? I know you want to feel this body..."

Slowly, carefully, Shina reached out and felt Cheni's shoulderfur with hir clawed hand. Shi ran hir clawtips through the jet black fur. It was wonderfully soft. Cheni sighed in rapture, tail rising into a happy spiral as Shina's claws passed over hir breast, and down to hir bellychain.

Cheni reached out, and began gently stroking the side of Shina's face... hir cheek, ears, muzzle... slowly drawing hir closer, ever closer, to hir own muzzle.

Shina parted hir lips, readying a kiss... Cheni tilted hir head and did the same...

Suddenly, the whole length of their muzzles met, Cheni's long tongue exploring Shina's mouth. Surprised... pleasantly, shi decided to follow Chenis lead. Shi extended hir own tongue, sliding it over Cheni's, feeling sharp fangs and soft cheeks... and new tastes shi could barely understand.

Cheni extended hir tongue... longer... deeper... oh, Gods! It was going down hir throat! Shi moaned and tried to jerk hir head away, but Cheni had the quillfur of hir head in a vice-like grip.

Shi choked, hir whole belly spasming... but still Cheni's tongue pushed right back in...

Well, two could play that game!

Shi reached out hir hand and gripped Cheni's quillfur between hir fingers, then pushed out hir own tongue, feeling it sliding around Cheni's, probing for the back of hir mouth. Finding it, shi began stretching hir tongue, feeling it slide deeper... and deeper...

Suddenly, Cheni choked, hir body jerking. But Cheni only pushed hir tongue in with renewed enthusiasm.

Shina choked, spasming as if shi was going to vomit. Shi pushed hir tongue back down Cheni's throat, stretching it out all the way, as far as it would go. There was a snort of some kind, and then Cheni began to choke and choke... maybe shi'd gone too far!

But Cheni's tongue only went deeper. Shina choked, and then shi couldn't take a single breath in or out!

Cheni began thrusting hir tongue in and out. As if... as if fucking hir throat! Shi choked, gasped, snorted, choked again... shi felt like shi was going to vomit.

Shi felt hir cock poke out hir sheath a bit more, the lips of hir pussy beginning to part...

How in the Gods' names could this possibly be pleasuring hir?! Did Cheni know something shi didn't? Shi was choking and getting aroused at the same time. Shi loved it and shi hated it, but one thing was sure: Cheni knew exactly what shi was doing.

Shi reciprocated as best shi could, stretching out hir tongue down Cheni's throat, so that shi choked too. And they choked and gasped... a horrible sound... a lovely sound...

Finally, Cheni contracted hir tongue all the way back into hir mouth. Shi did the same. They let go of each other's quillfur, and their muzzles parted. They both coughed, tails in contented spirals behind them, and then panted for air for a few moments.

"We don't want to be getting off just yet..." said Cheni.

Sure enough, now that shi wasn't distracted by hir own choking, Shina's looked down to see hir cock had pushed hir loincloth aside, while Cheni's was fully erect and throbbing with... spikes?! Shina felt hirself tense up, frozen... but there was no denying it: Chenis throbbing cock jiggled with row after row of sharp spines that curled back. Trying to pull out once that penetrated would be sure to kill!

"Oh. My. Gods!" said Shina.

"That good?" smirked Cheni.

"You're..." squeaked Shina, "going to put that thing in me?!"

Shi knew in the back of hir mind what shi'd been taught in the schoolhouse, that vejya was a beneficial sexually transmitted disease, how it increased its chances of being spread by increasing sex drive... and causing the Shjoran body to make pleasurable additions to the genitals...

Cheni nodded, "It's not as bad as it looks," shi said warmly, "you have to remember that I had my first time with someone with this same vejya in order to get it."

"No..." moaned Shina, curling hir long tail around to try to cover hir vulnerable, exposed pussy... why did its lips have to parted so wide?

People in the village had only knots or rings. Things that looked like they might feel fun... shi'd never given the idea of a vejya of spikes any thought...

"I won't lie to you," said Cheni, "First times always hurt. It wouldn't matter if I had the smoothest cock in the world... but I promise I will do everything I know how to make the pain pass by quickly... so you can move on to the pleasure."

Shinas heart heart pounded so hard so shi could hear nothing else. As much as hir mind was terrified by the thought of those spikes going inside hir, hir cock twitched pleasurably at the same idea. Every cell in every fiber of hir flesh wanted it... hir head was already swimming with the idea of how it might feel for Cheni to push hir cock inside hir... and Cheni certainly knew what shi was doing up until this point... and shi might never be able to forgive hirself if shi let hir only chance slip by to be with someone so beautiful, so exotic, so skilled at lovemaking...

"Promise?" shi said, "You promise to get the painful part over quickly?"

"I promise," said Cheni, nodding solemnly.

"Then let's do it," shi said, standing up.

Shi unclipped hir loinbelt, and tossed hir loincloth away somewhere behind hirself, not bothering to look where.

Every inch of hir fur was exposed to the cool night breeze, absolutely nothing touching hir body except for the golden pendant of the suns around hir neck. The thought made hir shiver.

Shi grabbed Cheni by the hips, their lips parting for another kiss, tongues slithering over each other. Hir cock was poked by the spines of Cheni's, and shi shuddered... but shi knew, somehow, it would be alright...

Shi lifted hirself slightly, positioning hir pussy just in front of that menacing cock. Shi looked away from the spines then closed hir eyes, and took a deep breath, steeling hirself...

Suddenly, Cheni shoved hir away.

"No, no," laughed Cheni, eyes flashing in the moonlight, "If you want to make love so it feels good, you gotta take it slow..."

"Sit down," continued Cheni, "and spread your legs."

Shina backed down, sitting on the side of the cool metal step, and leaned back against the tower lazily. In that moment, spreading hir legs to expose hir pussy completely felt like the most natural thing in the world, even more natural than breathing.

Cheni knelt down, hir breath playing across hir cock and pussy, exciting hir. The moment before the first touch to hir pussy felt like forever.

Oh gods! How long would shi have to wait?

Slowly, deliberately, Cheni began to lick in a circle in the fur around the edges of hir pussy. Shina thrust hir head back, closing hir eyes, tail in a tight spiral as shi reveled in the sensation. Gods, how shi longed to feel that tongue thrust inside of hir! Shi lifted hir hands up, ready to grab Cheni's head and force hir muzzle deep into hir... but stopped hirself. Hir hands grasped nervously at the air as shi gave hirself up to whatever Cheni had in mind...

Shi yelped as the tongue went around the base of hir cock. It throbbed with joy as the sloppy, wet length squeezed it.

Then around hir pussy again, ever so gently touching the swollen lips... then harder and faster and harder... pleasure tingled from out of hir cunt, flowing throughout hir groin. Shi moaned, hir hands and tail desperately twitching.

And then, a finger rubbed against hir, its smooth claw not poking hir one bit. Then pain! Shi moaned involuntarily, gritting hir fangs as it scratched in a circle around the edge of hir cunt. Shi looked down to see Cheni's finger feeling around hir, dark eyes half closed with a look of contentment on hir muzzle. Shi was in a sort of trance...

Shi cried out and looked away as there was another scratch. Hir pussy twitched! As if shi was enjoying the pain!?

Then, more tingling touches to hir pussy lips. More pain. Shi shuddered. Hir mind reeled... was this pleasure or not?

Cheni began to poke a claw into hir pussy... slowly, it parted hir lips. Then two fingers, pushing hir wide open...

Cheni stood up and leaned forward, gripping the back of hir neckfur while hir other hand stayed at the lips of Shina's cunt. Hir handsome muzzle parted, tongue stretching out, and they kissed once more. Tongues slithered over each other in warm, wet joy.

But Shina realized this was only to distract hir from...


Hir whole body lurched. Shi tried to scream, but could only utter a weak moan as Cheni's fangs roughly pierced hir cheeks, biting down to force hir muzzle shut. Hir moan of agont was cut short in a choke as Cheni's tongue quickly thrust down hir throat, leaving hir in terrible, silent agony, the chilling scent of hir own blood filling the air.

Shi tried to jerk away, to escape the pain, but Cheni's hands roughly clutched the back of hir neck. Slowly, agonizingly, Cheni's fingers rolled in a circle, tearing apart more and more of hir hymen. This was love!? More like torture! Cruel, terrible torture! Shi couldn't believe shi had thought shi wanted this...

Shi trembled, unable to breathe as shi choked on Cheni's long tongue, tears rolling down hir facefur where they burned in the cuts made by Cheni's fangs.

Then, slowly, Cheni retracted hir tongue, and pulled hir fingers from hir pussy.

"There," said Cheni, ignoring Shina's coughs, "That was the worst of it..."

Shina watched in horror as Cheni shook hir hand in the air, drops of blood thrown to the dirt.

"You'll never have that pain again as long as you live," shi said. "Now relax, it only gets better."

Shina trembled, pain still throbbing inside hir.

Cheni wasted no time licking hir again... first hir hot tongue wrapped itself around hir cock, sliding up and down it.

Shina gasped with pleasure.

Then the tongue began to lick around hir... asshole?! Sloppy, raunchily, in hir assfur.

"No..." shi moaned, "What are you doing?"

"This... hole... doesnt... hurt, said Cheni inbetween licks.

"That's nasty... oh..." Shina jumped as Cheni's slippery tongue went inside hir asshole.

Shi moaned in contentment as warm pleasure washed over hir, tail twisting into a spiral. Even the strangest things Cheni did were bliss!

Then, a finger pushed in... slowly, relentlessly. Then two... still slick with fluids from hir pussy. They burned... and yet, shi found hirself wanting them to go inside!

Then the tongue gently flicked across hir cunt.

"Oh gods," scolded Shina, "Thats... thats been in... As tingling pleasure radiated across hir belly, hir words faded into a moan.

The tongue extended to slide across every inch of hir lips, and a finger rubbed around hir clit. Warmth and tingling covered every inch of hir skin.

Then the fingers rubbed hir pussy, and the tongue flicked across hir swelling clit, and shi gasped, trembling in sheer bliss.

Suddenly, shi felt one hand pushing the lips of hir pussy apart roughly, and another squeezing the base of hir cock. And then Cheni's long, hot, sloppy tongue... slowly, raunchy, sliding up hir exposed pussy, which spasmed with warm pleasure, and hir swollen cock, which thrust all of its own. Shi gasped as the tongue licked up drops of pre from hir cocktip.

And then the tongue did it over again, stretching out in length to pleasure every inch of hir cunt and throbbing dick.

"Ah! Gods!" shi moaned feeling hir cock on the verge, "I'm, I'm going to..."

Suddenly, Cheni stopped, leaning back away from hir.

"Sounds like you're ready," shi grinned, fangs flashing in the moonlight.

"Gods, Cheni, Gods," shi moaned, breathlessly.

On an impulse that came from shi knew not where, shi stood up and bent over with hir back to Cheni. Shi put hir hands on the cold metal of the step, legs spread out, hir tail raised into the sky. The chill night air met hir spreading cunt... shi wanted nothing between hir hole and Cheni's hot throbbing cock.

"Take me," shi said, looking back at Cheni, feeling a shameless grin come over hir face.

"Kneel," said Cheni.

Hir knees met the dirt, hir shaking hands together on the cold metal. Hir heart was pounding so hard, shi could hear blood rushing past hir ears. Hir tail trembled in mid-air, unable to find a single comfortable position. It felt as if every cell in hir flesh was screaming for this to happen.

Cheni didn't disappoint. Cheni quickly moved in behind hir, bellyfur meeting Shina's backfur. Cheni put hir muzzle across Shinas shoulder, hir heavy breathing the only thing loud enough to hear over hir pounding heart.

The barbs on the sides of Cheni's cock pricked hir pussy... and shi shuddered, enjoying the sensation. As much as shi dreaded it going in, shi wanted it so much, shi couldn't wait another second!

Suddenly, shi felt Cheni's fluffy tail wrap around hir wrists, tightening like a snake... binding them together. The end of hir tail passed up to hir neck, wrapping around it several times. Cheni's legs pushed against the inside of hirs, shoving hir pussy open even wider.

Shocked to be so restrained, shi tried to move, but instead found the tail tightened around hir wrists... and hir neck. Hir cock was so hard, it felt like it was about to explode from the pressure. Hir clit spasmed as the spikes rubbed against hir cunt. Being held so tightly, so vulnerable to those cruel spikes... was making hir far, far, more aroused than shi could remember in hir entire life!

Hir breaths came shallow and irregularly. Cheni's long dripping tongue flicked across one of hir nipples. Tentatively at first, then harder, and harder. Shi followed suit by extending hir own tongue to hir other nipple, playing with it in a nervous, trembling way.

What was Cheni waiting for?

Hir whole body began to shake uncontrollably with sheer desire. Shi closed hir eyes. Hir pounding heart, Cheni's warm touches, and their musky scents were to be the only things left in the universe.

"Gods, Cheni, Gods," shi sobbed, "Fuck me, please, fuck me!"

Finally, at long last, Cheni repositioned hirself, and the tip of hir hard, pulsing cock met with the lips of hir pussy. It seemed to be nothing but painful burning barbs, grinding jolts of pain into hir pussy!

Shi gasped, involuntarily jerking away, but hir hands and neck were tied by Cheni's warm, fluffy tail... and with Cheni's legs inbetween hirs, shi could only stretch hir cunt out even more, exposing completely it to the onslaught. The cruel barbs thrust slightly, seeming to revel in their ability to torture hir lips.

Shi cried, hir whole body trembling. Tears welled in hir eyes, blinding hir to the world. Then the tail tightened its grip painfully hard around hir wrists... and hir neck. Shi began to choke, hir face becoming hot.

Suddenly, the cock slid deeper inside of hir, and the first ring of spikes scratched inside hir canal... and then the next, and the next... Shi tried to scream, but the tail had cut off hir air. Shi was mute, pinned, completely helpless... shi could do nothing but cry...

Even as Cheni mercilessly pushed deeper inside hir, fingers rubbed tingling pleasure into hir clit... or across hir throbbing cock. The tongue squeezed in a ring around hir swollen nipple... and the more it hurt, the more enjoyable it became.

Shi took hir own dry, dangling tongue and fumbled around hir other nipple, slowly squeezing it... until both hir breasts burned with pleasure.

Finally, at last, Cheni's cock stopped inserting... shi tried in vain to scream in agony as it pulled back, hooking itself into the flesh of hir canal in dozens of places. Shi felt, and smelled, hir own hot blood tricking out. Horribly, enjoyably, agonizingly, Cheni began to thrust in and out... each hook caressing hir, then ripping into hir. The barbed head teased and tormented the end of hir canal, pleasurably painful, and so intense shi couldn't stand it... but shi couldn't flinch away one inch with the tail's vice-like grip on hir.

Hir face burned from lack of oxygen... and shi enjoyed it. As hir mind slipped towards unconsciousness, the pain faded... everything became more and more pleasurable. Hir one last wish was for that cock to hilt hir... to fuck hir, as hard as possible.

Hir aimlessly grasping tail finally found a purpose as shi wrapped its base around Cheni's waist as hard as shi could, pulling Cheni's body tight to hirs... and the cruel cock even deeper in... the barbed head burned pleasure into the end of hir canal.

Cheni's full weight came down on hir as Cheni lifted the hand shi had been resting hir weight on... to rub wonderful pleasure into hir throbbing cock as well as hir clit. Yes! Both hands, frantically pleasuring hir while the cock's fun barbs tore through hir pussy!

Shi brought the tip of hir tail to Cheni's neck and squeezed as hard as shi could... shi squeezed as if hir dear life depended on it, pouring every ounce of the intensity of hir suffering and joy into it. And Cheni did the same, cutting off hir air completely, leaving them both choking and choking, each spasm putting all the more pleasure into hir throbbing cock and pussy.

Hir nipples and cock and clit were being squeezed so hard... tears flowed joyously through hir facefur. Under Chenis touches, hir cock tingled beyond what shi could stand... and hir clit tingled even more than that... but shi couldnt move an inch. There was no escape from the torturous pleasure. And outshining them all was hir pussy. Every inch of hir sorely abused canal washed wave after wave of throbbing painful warm ecstacy throughout every inch of hir flesh. And their lovingly forceful tails forced hir to endure it, letting hir pleasure throb until hir mind broke... all thoughts drowned out by sheer bliss... while hir body cried and shook beyond all control.

And suddenly, Cheni came... choking and choking as the cruel cock thrust and thrust on its own pumping, not a shred of mercy left in its agonizing pleasure.

And then shi came!

With a sound like a roaring wind, hir blood flowed past hir ears. Hir cock pumped so hard it hurt, and then pumped harder still, spurt after spurt of joy soaring out. Hir clit throbbed and throbbed, tingling beyond tingling. Joy and agony flowed through hir spasming pussy, until they rushed across every single cell of hir being in wave after wave of warm bliss... and still more throbs... blissful pleasure...

Throbs... pleasure... joy...

Hir cock and pussy were still spasming even after the orgasm had ended.

Gradually, slowly, the tails loosened their grips, allowing them to breathe again. Their breaths came deep and calm. The squeezing tongues let go of hir nipples, and Cheni's fingers released their vice-like grips from hir clit and the base of hir cock.

They turned, Cheni's cock burning inside hir. Cheni's handsome jet black muzzle was nothing but a drooling grin, hir dark eyes glazed over. And they kissed, hir tongue tingling in pure rapture.

It was some time before Cheni's cock was slack enough the spines would permit hir to pull out... and Shina reveled in those moments... the best shi ever felt in hir whole life...

* * * * *

The sound of a distant voice broke Shina out of hir memory. All shi could see in the deepening darkness was the lush undergrowth, but shi knew there was probably another village up ahead. Not that shi had ever really minded sleeping under the stars...

Hir stomach growled at the prospect of food... Gods, hir dark greyfurred form was so wonderfully trim and toned from all that walking! But shi had nothing to buy food with. Shid have to pay in love... again.

Hir cock leapt in its slit at the thought, its limp barbs tickling hir from the inside. Ah, Cheni... if only shi'd warned hir that night: of all the vejyas in the world, the spiny one increased sex drive the most! No matter how far shi roamed, shi could never find enough hot, muscular bodies to satisfy hir...

...and shi hoped to Gods shi never would.