Yinglet Soldier CH1 (A Sequel to Yinglet Squire)

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All Characters and setting were inspired by the Out of Placers webcomic (OOPS) and world created by Valsalia




Yinglet Soldier (A sequel to Yinglet Squire)

by Teether

Chapter 1

"No!? Whaddah mean no!? Why can't I see zhe Matriarch?" snapped Cyrillah at the two guards.

"Zhe Matriarch has lotsa duties to attend to and does not wish to be bozhered" said the black haired guard, saying the words as if he was reciting them verbatim from someone else

The tan guard snickers, barely holding back a laugh "You said dooties"

Both guards break out into a laughing fit as Cyrillah grinds her teeth, feeling her blood beat in her temples. The tan guard makes a farting noise with his mouth as the two laugh even louder, now holding their guts. Cyrillah lunges forward and grabs both of the guards by their chest tuffs, pulling them towards her, their faces within inches of her own.

"SHUT. UP." She growls into their faces

Both guards shut their mouths as their eyes widen at the threatening yinglet. Cyrillah stares both of them dead in the eyes before releasing her grip on their chest hair, pushing them away.

*"Forget zhese two idiots, I should just force my way in zhere and confront zhe Matriarch herself. Who does she zhink she is keeping out visitors?" thought Cyrillah before quickly shaking it from her mind, realizing that she'd just end up squandering any chances for a good relationship with the enclave. No need to rock the boat you haven't even boarded yet.

Cyrillah takes a deep breath, sighs, and rubs her muzzle before looking back at the two guards. Both of them stand there, rubbing their sore chests, not looking at her.

"Look, what do I need to do in order to see zhe Matriarch?" says Cyrillah trying to sound calm and collected

"You need to have official biznus wizh Matriarch Vizlet" said the tan guard standing upright

"Well.... I don't have zhat...Is zhere anyway else I could see her?" said Cyrillah crossing her arms

"Sorry guy, zhe only ozher way is if you have somezhing important to show her" said the black guard

"Whattayah mean?" said Cyrillah shifting the weight on her feet

"Like....like somezhing sig-ni-fi-cant zhat benefits zhe enclave" says the black guard struggling to get the words out of his mouth

"Yeah! Yeah! Whats somezhing you can do zhat helps us? Big time. Can you farm?" says the tan guard with energetic pep

"No" says Cyrillah frowning

"Can you build?" said the black guard excitedly


"Can you read or write?" said the tan guard with a questioning look


"Can you fish?" said the black guard trying to think of something easy

"Not really"

"Can you cook?" said the tan guard licking his lips


Both the guards look quizzically at Cyrillah before saying in unison, "Well....what can you do zhen?"

Cyrillah pulls at the handle of the dagger at her hip, showing a bit of the blade before clacking it back down into the metal sheath.

"I can kill" she says flatly

Both the guards give each other a quick worried look before tightening the grips on their spears. All three yinglets stand in silence for a while, not giving a strong movement one-way or the other until the tan yinglet begins to scratch his chin.

"You know.....zhere is zhe monster" says the tan guard deep in thought

The black guard's eyes go wide as he shakes his head, "No no no no, zhe monster would eatz him in one gulp. Bad idea. Bad idea."

Cyrillah raises an eyebrow, "I am intrigued, what is zhis 'monster'?"

"It's a big big reptilian zhing wizh big glowy eyes. Zhe nasty beast made its home a monzh back in our best fishing trench, in zhe farzhest right corner of zhe enclave" said the black guard pointing far out into the distance

"Yeah. Yeah. Now we can't fish zhere or else zhe monster I'll come up and rip you in two. Zhere has already been too many deazhs, now we just steer clear of zhe area. Zhe stupid monster has cut our fish supplies in half." Said the tan guard holding his stomach as it grumbled

Cyrillah stretches before starting to walk in the direction the black guard had pointed.

"Are you stupid? Didn't you hear what we just said? Zhe monster-" said the black guard looking at Cyrillah

"Needs to be dealt wizh. For zhe betterment of zhe enclave, right?" says Cyrillah looking back at the guards

The black guard holds still for a second before nodding his head, "For zhe betterment of zhe enclave"

Cyrillah nods back at the black guard before continuing out into the distance and towards the monster's location

Both the guards give each other worried looks before the tan one mutters, "Zhat guy is so dead"

Cyrillah's feet press down into the soft grass as she comes out of a line of trees to an opening. In front of her she sees the large fishing trench. Along its right side is a sheer, large, rocky cliff wall with an overhang of sharp piercing rocks. Cyrillah walks out cautiously into the open field noticing suddenly that the area is littered with severed bits and pieces of yinglet corpses. She steps over the body of a yinglet torn clean in two at its midsection and tiptoes amongst the gory bits. The stench of rotting yinglet flesh mixed with the boggy fishing trench fills Cyrillah's nostrils as she pulls her sword from her back sheath. As the yinglet gets closer she hears the heavy, watery, breathing of something close by. She comes close to the edge of the fishing trench and notices a large, elongated, scaly mass with tall spines running down its back. Bubbles rise to the surface from under the water, bellowing the same guttural watery breath. Cyrillah backs up, taking a quick breath to calm her racing heart before accidentally stepping on a severed yinglet arm. The yinglet thinks for a second before reaching down and picking up the arm. Cyrillah throws the arm at the scaly mass before reaching down to pick up a severed leg. A giant gaping maw lashes out of the water, snatching the arm and finishing it in a couple crunching bits. Cyrillah throws the leg at the creature's ginormous head as it quickly grabs the tidbit out of the air. As it chews the leg it searches around with its six yellow glowing eyes.

"Hey you big ugly lizard! Come and get me!" yells Cyrillah as she swings her sword back and forth in the air.

The giant alligator-lizard like monstrosity focuses its eyes on Cyrillah as it rears its full body from the water. Cyrillah's eyes go wide as she sees the full size of the monster before her. The reptilian creature is about twenty feet long and six feet high with large razor claws on its feet and a mouth full of piercing stained teeth. The monster crawls out of the trench towards Cyrillah as the last of the water pours off its ridged back. Cyrillah begins backing up as the creature picks up its pace towards her. The yinglet reaches down to pick up another severed arm, throwing at the monster's face. The arm bounces off the creature's face, all its attention now drawn to fresher meat. Cyrillah trips backward over a severed torso as the monster begins to lunge at her with its open mouth. The yinglet rolls out of the way as the jaws of the monster crunch down on the severed torso, bringing its head into the air and shaking it back and forth, tearing at the rotten meat.

"Huh, not too bright. Are yah?" says Cyrillah as she runs along the right side of the creature, slashing at its right two legs as she makes her way to the back of its tail.

The monster lets out a watery guttural roar as it momentarily drops on its right two legs. Cyrillah seizes the moment, jumping onto the creatures tail and running up its spine, slashing back and forth with her sword as she lops off the monster's spines in her way. The creature cries out again, its back becoming slick with blood as it regains its footing. Cyrillah chops the last spine before leaping onto the creature's head, plunging her sword down through the top of its skull. The monster bucks and flails widely, flinging Cyrillah through the air and onto the ground, her sword still lodge firmly into its head. The yinglet sits up and smiles as she waits for the monster to take its last breath.

"Come on you big shit, come on" says Cyrillah under her breath as the monster flails and fruitlessly claws at the sword embedded in its bloody head.

Cyrillah's smile disappears as the creature suddenly becomes still, it's breathing heavy and angry. The creature turns its head back towards Cyrillah, all six of its slitted eyes staring her down with disdain.

"Oh fuck" eeps Cyrillah as she quickly scrambles to her feet, heading in the direction of the rocky sheer cliff.

The heavy thudding of the creature's charge can be heard right behind Cyrillah as she runs towards the cliff. Cyrillah gets to the rocky cliff and quickly begins climbing. The yinglet almost falls multiple times as rocks break off in her hands, her grasp, shaky at best from the adrenaline coursing through her veins. A loud bang reverberates through the rock wall as Cyrillah nearly loses her grasp once more. The yinglet looks down, seeing the monster throwing its weight against the cliff in between jumping up and snapping its jaws at Cyrillah. Cyrillah swallows whatever spit is left in her dry throat before clearing the cliff's sharp overhang and climbing on top. Cyrillah looks around and sees no clear escape route; any way down would just lead her back to the eagerly waiting jaws of the monster. The monster continues to bang against the wall and snap its jaws, taunting the yinglet of what lies for her below. Cyrillah feels her blood rush as she looks around for anything useful. Her eyes come to a large boulder perched on the precipice of the cliff's overhang. Larger than any single yinglet would be able to push on their own.

*"I'll be damned if I don't fucking try" thinks Cyrillah as she grits her teeth

Cyrillah runs full speed at the boulder, tackling her shoulder right into its thick rocky side. The boulder barely moves as Cyrillah comes away rubbing her scrapped up shoulder. The yinglet backs up even farther this time before running once more into the side of the rock. The boulder moves a little more. Cyrillah bites her tongue as blood begins to seep from her cut and bruised shoulder. The yinglet gets as far as she can from the boulder before she charges at it again, cursing out loud the whole way. Cyrillah hits the boulder with all her weight as it finally tips and plummets over the edge, carrying Cyrillah along with it. The giant rock slams down onto the monster's tail, crushing its bones with a sickening crunch. Cyrillah falls off the rock beside the monster as it flails back and forth trying to get the boulder off its tail. The creature's tail remains pinned to the ground as it swings its head around, spotting Cyrillah trying to stand up. The monster lunges forward, picking up the yinglet in its jaws and biting down. The rows of teeth get lodge in the yinglet's leather armor as its jaw strength presses in on Cyrillah's barely healed ribs. Cyrillah cries out in pain as she begins to panic, pulling her dagger from her hip sheath. The yinglet begins to rake the dagger along the roof of the creature's mouth, slicing it to ribbons. The monster cries out, its mouth filling with blood as it bangs frantically against the rock wall. Cyrillah screams out as she stabs the creature's tongue over and over as it slams even harder against the wall in pain. With one last lunge against the wall, a giant cleaver shaped rock breaks free from the cliff's overhang. The cleaver plummets down and cleanly severs the creature's head from its body with a gory cascade of blood and sinews pouring forth from its neck. The monster's head gives out one last guttural rumble as its body continues to convulse and flail, still trying to free itself from the boulder on its tail. A couple seconds pass before Cyrillah pushes the jaws of the monster open, rolling herself, covered in blood, out onto the grass below. Cyrillah just lies there for a second, looking down at the teeth markings in her leather armor. After a bit she sits up, looking down at her blood-covered hands in her lap before looking at the surrounding yinglet carcasses. For a spilt second Cyrillah begins to cry before falling away into a hollow laugh that peters out into the empty surrounding area. Cyrillah collects her weary thoughts before taking some rope out of her pack. The yinglet goes up to the creatures severed head and ties both ends of the rope around its biggest fangs. Cyrillah takes a deep breath as she pulls the head towards her. The last sinews snap as the head easily gives way to her pulling. Cyrillah pulls the head slowly across the ground, inch by inch, back towards the direction of the enclave's Great Hall.

The large head drags into the dirt as Cyrillah comes to realize that maybe she bit off more than she can chew. Her arms tremble as she tires to pull the head a couple more inches, as she looks, seeing the Great Hall in the distance. She lets go of the rope and takes a breather, wiping her forehead and staring down at the ugly creature's six placid eyes. Even now the head looks like it could come alive at any moment and snatch Cyrillah once again in its jaws. Cyrillah shakes the stupid notion out of her head and takes a swig of water from her canteen. A rustling comes from the bushes to her left side as she grabs the handle of her dagger. Two yinglets emerge hand in hand, one with blonde fur and pinks ribbons on his neck and tail while the other has black fur and grey streaks.

The blonde one merrily greets Cyrillah with a smile and a wave, "Hello bloody guy, did you need some help? Yes?"

Cyrillah looks down at herself realizing that she is still drench in blood before nodding, "Yeah, I need some help getting zhis head to Great Hall, mind giving me a push?"

The tan yinglet claps his hands in childish excitement, "Leeloo would love to help you!"

The black yinglet crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, "Leeloo don't we have better zhings-"

"Oh! Oh! And Hark would like to help too! Yes! Yes!" says Leeloo tugging on Hark's arm.

Hark sighs and follows Leeloo by the arm to the back of the severed head. Cyrillah thanks the couple and picks up the ropes again, giving them a strong pull. The two in back push and soon the trio quickly makes progress towards the Great Hall. In no time they cross the distance and come to a panting stop by the front of the Great Hall. The two guards at the front door jump at the sight, wrapping their arms around each other. Cyrillah thanks the couple again before waving them off as they descend back down from where they came.

Cyrillah turns towards the Great Hall and takes a deep breath before shouting, "MATRIARCH! MATRIARCH! MMMMMAAAAATTTRRRRIIIARCCCHHH VVVVIIZZLLEETT MATRIARCH! COME ON OUT HERE!

The two guards shake their heads and wave their arms frantically trying to get Cyrillah to stop.


"Zhere better be a good reason-" mutters Vizlet as she comes out through the Great Hall's front door before spotting the sight before her.

"Who zhe hell is zhis and why zhe hell is zhere a bloody head on my doorstep?" says Vizlet looking at the two guards for answers

Cyrillah pulls the still lodged sword out of the beast's skull and plants its bloody blade, tip first, in the ground in front of her.

"My name is Cyrill. Cyrill 'zhe soldier' and I have slain zhe beast zhat tormented your people and your best fishing ground" said Cyrillah as proudly as possibly

"Well well, 'Cyrill zhe soldier' zhat's quite zhe feat" said Vizlet sounding actually quite impressed as she readjusted her glasses, "I am guessing your looking for some sort of reward for your deed. Keep in mind zhough we don't have a whole lot. So what'll be? Food? Shelter?"

"Rank" says Cyrillah staring into the Matriarch's eyes

"Excuse me?" says Vizlet taken aback

"I want to be a Patriarch" says Cyrillah

Vizlet stares blankly at Cyrillah for a couple seconds before walking up to her

"You do not just get to come in here, as a stranger nonezhless, and demand somezhing like zhat" says Vizlet looking very serious at Cyrillah

"Why not? Did I not just prove myself worzhy?" said Cyrillah rapping her fist several times against the severed head

"It doesn't work like zhat! You can't just bring a head to me, swing around your sword and demand to be zhe next patriarch! Zhese zhings take time and counsel!" snapped Vizlet before quickly regaining her composure.

Cyrillah takes a step back from Vizlet and crosses her arms, "So zhat's a 'no' I am hearing"

"I didn't say 'no' Cyrill, I said 'give it some time'. Maybe take some of zhat time to get to know zhe enclave before you decide you want to rule over part of it" said Vizlet before turning around and heading back towards the front door to the Great Hall

Cyrillah pulls her sword from the dirt as her grip begins to tighten around its handle. Cyrillah feels her anger boiling up through her neck as she grits her teeth and clenches her fists. She pulls her sword up into a fighting position as she unleashes a fury of swipes and slashes into the monster's severed head, flaying chunks off of it left and right. The two guards watch in horror as slashes of blood and gore fly through the air at the sword bombardment. Cyrillah continues until she's panting for air before storming off back down towards the monster's fishing trench, wanting to get away from everyone. In the shaded doorway to the Great Hall stands Vizlet, shaking her head disapprovingly at the soldier's violent display.

Cyrillah sits by a secluded stream, washing the blood off her sword as the sun begins to dip by the hills in the distance.

"Stupid Matriarch...I do all zhat...nearly get myself killed and for what? Nozhing!" she mutters to herself as she wipes away the gore on her sword. Cyrillah lies her newly cleaned blade down next to her pack and dagger by the edge of the stream.

Cyrillah looks down at herself seeing her fur still matted with the blood and bits of the monster. She looks around swiftly to see whether there are any onlookers. When she feels comfortable enough and the only sound in the surrounding brush is the crickets, she climbs into the stream. Even though her armor and clothes weighs her down in the streambed, Cyrillah refuses to take them off for fear of being found out as a female. The water flows cool over her joints and fur, refreshing all the aches and pains accrued from the fight with the monster. Cyrillah lets out a loud sigh as she dips her head back into the rushing water and submerging it, feeling herself momentarily taken out of this existence and into one more comfortable.

After a minute, Cyrillah senses a set of eyes on her as she abruptly emerges from the water. She looks over to see a red furred yinglet digging his head through her pack. Cyrillah leaps from the water to beside her pack.

"What zhe fuck do you zhink your doing, zhis is my pack yah fuckin creep!" growled Cyrillah as she rips away the pack

The red furred yinglet stands there derp-eyed as it holds a greasy bag of parchment in its mouth.

Cyrillah grits her teeth as she quickly grabs her sword off the ground and points it at the thief, "Hey zhat's my salted pork ration! Give it back to me now or else I'll cleave your head clean off!"

The red furred yinglet just tilts its head and blinks its eyes separately, showing no response to Cyrillah's threats

"Hey did you hear me? Give it back or-HEY!" said Cyrillah as the red furred yinglet quickly turns tail and sprints off into the bush. Cyrillah tries to run after it for a bit but is slogged down by all her wet clothes and armor, soon giving up the futile pursuit. Cyrillah slowly walks back to her pack grumbling. She opens up the pack to see what damage has been done.

All of it, he'd gotten all of it. The dried fruits, the nuts, the salted meat. All of it.

Cyrillah throws her pack on the ground and covers her face with her hands.

"FUCK!" she screams out

Cyrillah's head rings with anger as she breathes heavily through her nostrils, trying to regain her mind for a second. After a couple minutes she puts her hands back down at her sides and picks up her pack and blades. Cyrillah grumbles as she continues her way on towards the monster's fishing trench now with a headache and a lighter pack.

Night begins to fall as Cyrillah finally makes her way to the body strewn, open field, once more. Quickly, the yinglet collects wood and starts a fire in the shadow of the fallen beast. Cyrillah hopes that having her back to the rock wall and within sight of the creature would deter anymore little thief's that might come her way. As Cyrillah sits by the fire her stomach begins to grumble and growl. She looks over at the fishing trench wondering if she could actually manage to catch something. Cyrillah walks over and climbs into the trench still visibly teaming with hundreds of fish. The yinglet tries chasing after the fish, wildly darting an arm out into the water here and there as she loudly curses her every move. Every fish that crosses her path manages to flee from her grasp and dart out into further water. Cyrillah, in frustration, dives forward into the water to grab at a large fish. The yinglet's eye's widened as she sees that she has caught it by the tail before it easily squirms from her grasp and swims away. Cyrillah screams out into the trench as she thinks back on her now seemingly luxurious lifestyle at her home enclave. Never once did Cyrillah have to fish or gather food for herself, it was always brought to her on a plate, already caught and already killed.

*"Some kinda yinglet I am, can't even fish for my own food" thought Cyrillah as she stands up and climbs out of the trench.

Cyrillah shakes the water out of her fur and knocks the water from her ears as the sound of her stomach growling even louder breaks the silence once again. Cyrillah holds her gut as the pains shoot through her stomach. The yinglet looks around in desperation for anything to eat, finding nothing until her gaze lands back on the deceased monster next to her. Cyrillah grabs her sword before walking up to the still beast and carving off a chunk of flesh. She sniffs the meat to make sure its still good or even edible. Nothing smells out of the ordinary so Cyrillah lances the chunk of meat on a stick and sits down by the fire to give it a light roasting. The air fills with the sweet scent of cooking meat as Cyrillah licks her lips in anticipation. The yinglet quickly pulls the meat from the fire and breaks a hot piece off in her mouth. She swallows its quickly followed by a purr of satisfaction.

*"Holy shit, zhis swamp lizard is actually really good!" Cyrillah thinks as she gets up to carve off another piece

Suddenly, there's a rustling by the closest treeline. Cyrillah holds her sword up as she scans the treeline for anyone.

"Alright you bastard! Show yerself!" yells Cyrillah to the treeline

Two yinglets cautiously emerge from the treeline hand in hand. Cyrillah lowers her sword and immediately recognizes the two as the couple who helped her earlier in the day.

"Can Hark and Leeloo get some of what you're cooking?" said Leeloo rubbing his stomach

"Sorry, its just we're outta food right now and bozh pretty starving. Is zhat ok wizh you?" said Hark rubbing his arm

"Its no problem, in fact zhere's plenty to go around" says Cyrillah turning back towards the dead beast and flaying off a couple hefty chunks

It was at that moment that both Hark and Leeloo noticed in the flickering dark that the giant mound Cyrillah was cutting from to be a large headless beast.

"D-Did you kill zhat zhing?" said Hark staring in awe

"Yup, you two helped me push its head back to zhe Great Hall remember?" said Cyrillah grabbing three sticks and spearing the meat on them

"Zhis was zhat?" said Leeloo pointing at the creature's dead body

"Mmhmm" said Cyrillah handing each of them a stick of meat, "I'll tell you all about it if you'll join me by zhe fire"

"Yaay!" said Leeloo excitedly as he runs over and plops by the fire soon joined by the other two

Cyrillah retells the story of how she slayed the beast with more with a storyteller's flare and with more enthusiasm baked in. Leeloo spends the whole story gasping and wowing at every sentence Cyrillah rolls out while Hark just sits there wide-eyed and silent. Cyrillah recounts the beast biting down on her as she snaps into her stick of meat causing Leeloo to flinch. She finally finishes the story and eats her last scrap of meat before throwing her stick into the fire.

"More stories! More stories!" says Leeloo bouncing up and down on his butt

"Well, how about you two tell me how you ended up here and I'll tell you my story" said Cyrillah sitting back on her arms

"Deal" said Hark scooting closer to Leeloo and putting an arm around him

Hark retells his whole story of how he came to meet Leeloo and escape their previous life. Cyrillah in turn tells them of how she left her enclave and made her way here, being sure to leave out the fact that she's a female. After the stories are told Leeloo nuzzles up underneath Hark's chin.

"Its stories like zhis zhat make Leeloo so happy to be where he is" says Leeloo holding Hark's hand

Hark leans his head down and rubs noses with Leeloo, "Me too"

Cyrillah sits uncomfortably watching the two lovebirds before hearing much louder rustling come up from the forest line. Before she can stand up, around a hundred yinglets pop out of the trees and make their way towards the campfire. All of the yinglets start to surround Cyrillah, Hark, and Leeloo with their hands out asking for food. Everything Cyrillah thought would dissuade other yinglets from coming to this side of the enclave was nothing compared to their sense of smell and hunger. Cyrillah grabs her sword and climbs up next to the dead beast.

"If you bring me a stick zhen I shall provide you wizh meat! No Fighting! Zhere is plenty to go around!" shouts Cyrillah to the crowd of yinglets

Yinglets frantically rush around looking for sticks as Cyrillah carves pound after pound of flesh from the beast. As yinglets bring her sticks, she spears their meat before they gleefully run over to the fire for some char. Soon quiet falls as a hundred yinglets are all sitting around a campfire eating in peace. Cyrillah wipes her brow and gives a sigh of relief at the moment of peace.

"Tell zhe story of how you slayed zhe beast again! Tell it to zhe crowd!" shouts Leeloo

Cyrillah shakes her head at Leeloo but the decision is quickly made by the crowd demanding Cyrillah to tell the story. Cyrillah sighs and climbs up onto the dead beast with her sword. This time she acts out the scenes with exaggeration and gusto as the crowd cheers her on. This time it isn't just Leeloo gasping and wowing, it's the entire crowd. Cyrillah finishes the story and climbs down off the beast.

"How do you do somezhing like zhat?" said one yinglet

"How do you get like zhat?" said a couple more yinglets

"How could you put yourself in harm like zhat?" said even more yinglets

"I could never do zhat" said almost all the yinglets

"Yes you can, you can all do what I do, you can all be what I am" says Cyrillah over the crowd

The crowd goes silent

"Come on! Who here wants to be a soldier?" shouts Cyrillah, holding her sword over her head

Yinglet Soldier CH1 (A Sequel to Yinglet Squire)

All Characters and setting were inspired by the Out of Placers webcomic (OOPS) and world created by...

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The Yinglet Who Flew

All Characters and setting were inspired by the Out of Placers webcomic (OOPS) and world created by...


Come Home [Out of Placers, short, fanfic]

All Characters and setting were inspired by the Out of Placers webcomic (OOPS) and world created by Valsalia [http://www.valsalia.com/comic/out-o.....ers/oops-35-2/](http://www.valsalia.com/comic/out-o.....ers/oops-35-2/) ...
