Hot Springs Special Treatment

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Crescent Luna, an upcoming popstar finds a hot-springs during her tour and decides to visit, soon coming face to face with a fan~

Featuring Christie and Carina owned by FA: feline-gamer , based on this commission I got from him

Disclaimer: This fic contains no incestuous acts between the two sisters

Crescent Luna (or known by her actual name. Luna Lute) is an upcoming popstar in the music business, her country-accented tones and elegant form has made her quite a favorite among those that consider the pop genre to be dull and full of similar sounding songs. Her recent single was a hit in a multitude of countries and her ongoing tour saw a large profit. Though it wasn't right to call it a tour, she wasn't filling stadiums or concert halls, instead it was smaller venues like coffee shops or music clubs that the wolf pays for out of her own pocket so that she can perform for her fans and does down on their luck, she only keeps a small percentage of the money at the end, donating the rest to good causes. Luna didn't care about money or fame, instead she loves seeing all the world has to offer, from food, culture and friends, wanting to make people feel happy and spread some light in what can be seen as a dark world.

Her recent tour-stop brought Luna to Tidalheart, a coastal-city in the southern hemisphere. Tidalheart has been described as a cultural melting pot, with a plethora of unique stores, sights, foods and entertainment to indulge in; Tidalheart was always on Luna's bucket-list of 'places to visit'. She enjoyed saying hello to several of the locals, resting by the public beach and staring off into the horizon, and having an amazing brunch at a beachside café.

C.Luna's day seemed to fly by after that. She performed at a small music club that nearly got packed because of her, whilst she sang and strummed away at her guitar, the wolf heard how happy everyone there was. Afterwards the popstar signed autographs and albums people bought her for no fee at all, before she bought some drinks for her fans and spent time with them (plus a few lucky ones backstage). After an hour or two of fun, Luna called it a night and exited through the back

The brown furred wolf untied her navy blue headband that was dotted with crescent moons and placed it in her black harrington jacket's pocket, swabbing her brow and letting her elegant, naturally starry hair of a blue gradient with stars dotting it wave in the faint ocean breeze. The wolf loved to perform on stage, but the sweat that came from it was annoying, especially because of her fluffy mane and long tail of the same colour as her hair.

Really need a shower when I get back Luna thought to herself whilst walking down the lamp-lit, curvy street. Her destination was a luxury hotel, something the wolf splurged a bit of money on seeing as she was to be here for several days; but she wasn't in much of a rush either, she wanted to see what this city had to offer and loved every second of it. After several minutes of casual-exploration the wolf sat down on a nearby bench to rest her paws and look at the buildings in front of her. She saw two take outs, a laundromat, betting parlor and family-run plumbing business; but the last building she saw caught her shiny silver-eyes.

Unlike all the other buildings that kept a similar urban theme to their architecture, this one stood out the most. It took inspiration from Feudal-Japanese architecture with red walls and a white base with black stripes, it was built at the corner of a road and filled the gap rather well. At the entrance was a black sign depicting a kabuto and the establishment's name, 'Daimyo Sushi'; however they were closed, but this wasn't the part that intrigued Luna. Seeming to be part of the same building stood a more 'traditional' entrance, stylised to be like a shoji. The lights were on and a sign on the door let her know they were open. Above the door was a sign reading 'Daimyo' as before, but instead of sushi, it read 'Hot-Springs'.

This stunned Luna in amazement. She always wanted to visit Japan one day and experience a refreshing hot spring, but finding a Japanese-style bathhouse here was the closest thing she could get! Getting back onto her feet, the celestial wolf walked over the empty road (still making sure to look both ways beforehand) and made her way to the building. Now at the front of the door, she took a deep breath before pushing them open.

The smell of fresh water filled her nose as she entered the reception of the bathhouse. To the left side a wooden bench and vending machine rested against the wall, to the right was a landscape painting of Mt.Fuji painted onto tiles. In front of her was the lady that greeted her from behind the reception desk.

"(Good evening~)" A female fox greeted the wolf in Japanese. Her fur was golden yellow alongside her hair that was combed to the right side of her face with a hair clip resembling crossed chopsticks beneath a sapphire blue button helping to keep it in place. She wore a short-sleeve white kimono with a black collar. She stood with her arms beneath the desk and a fairly large chest in view, hidden beneath that kimono. "Welcome the Daimyo Bathhouse, the only hot-springs located in Tidalheart,"

"(Good evening to you as well, gotta say I'm amazed such a place exists here)" Luna replied back to the fox in their native language, surprising her in process

"(Oh my, I didn't expect you to know Japanese)" She replied, this being the first time someone else (besides her family) had spoken to her in Japanese. "(You speak it amazingly by the way)" Complimenting the popstar's fluency, gaining a smile from her.

"(Thanks, though I'm still practicing, always wanted to go to Japan though)" Giving off a soft blush whilst her tail wagged behind her.

"I see. If it makes it easier for you, I can speak English, I normally do anyway"

"That's fine by me, miss?" Luna stopped, awaiting to hear their name or look for a name tag

"Carina," The fox replied with, Carina letting her see that welcoming smile once again. "Guess you're here to relax your body in our hot spring?"

Luna nodded "Yup, I was just going to have a shower when I got back, but this will be much more interesting". After a small transaction and filling out a form Carina nodded and walked away from the desk, presenting the lower half of her body. Carina had a blue sash keeping her kimono tied, a set of blue thigh-high socks with a black ring at the top hid her legs from few and a set of black rubber zori kept them from getting dirty.

"Follow me, Luna" her bushy tail guiding the wolf into the main area of the bathhouse, awaiting Luna to take off her shoes and sock and don a pair of zori before entering the locker rooms.

The tiled floor was cold and slippery to the touch and the faint outline of steam filled the room, rows of steel lockers were in the center of the room and six booths for changing on both sides, left being for males whilst the right was for females. There was one other person in the changing room, a cat mopping up the floors from the last set of customers they had, believing them to be the last.

"Christie, we got a customer~" Carina called out to the fellow employee who looked towards them.

Christie had snow white fur blemished by caramel brown blotches, visible ones including her right thigh, tip of her tail and two over her eyes. Her hair was of the same shade of brown and like Carina's it was kept to the right side and held there by a hair clip, her's sporting a red fish. The domestic cat wore a kimono, socks and zori as well, but unlike the fox they were chocolate brown and ruby red instead of black and blue.

"Oh!," Christie put the mop and bucket to one side before giving a small bow to their customer, "Welcome~ I'm sorry for not greeting you as well, I was just clea-" She abruptly stopped what she was saying as she noticed the customer, a person she was all to familiar with "Cle-cle-cle-"a blush going over their face whilst at a loss for words.

Carina chuckled at Christie's state, stepping in front of Luna "I'm sorry about my sister" giving a dubious grin before whispering to Luna "she tend to act like this around cute customers" Now the maned wolf's turn to blush at that comment, looking to the cat who tried to hide the look on her face. The golden fox moved next to her feline sister and placed a hand on her shoulder to help calm her down. "Christie, Would you like to grab her some towels whilst I assist her with the lockers?" Those words snapping the cat out of her state, but still leaving the blush visible

"O-of course, right away," Christie answered, not wasting a second before power-walking out of the room in order to fetch some fresh towels for their client. The cat still couldn't believe her eyes at who their next customer of the night was.

Carina didn't need to explain much about the lockers, seeing as it was a similar setup to any community swimming pool, but she still assisted by handing Luna the key to one of the lockers and pointing to the changing booth. "After changing and putting your clothes away we urge you to have a shower, in order to keep the hot springs' water pure, you will find the ladies showers to the right" pointing towards the entrance.

"Gotcha, I'm so looking forward to this," Luna smiled back, taking off her jacket first to present the vest she wore, a grayish blue with the lunar cycle on it. She then entered the changing booth in order to strip down, Christie having just (or more waited until she was in there) to come back in with her towels, letting her know they were here and placing them on the lockers. The cat then gazed at her sister with an expression that was of shock and uncertainty

"(Carina, a word,)" Christie whispered into her ear, before dragging her into the staff-only area, just far enough so the wolf couldn't hear them talk "(DON'T YOU RECOGNISE WHO THAT IS?)" She blurted out in joy, Carina tilting her head slightly in confusion

"(Not exactly, though she does look a bit familiar) " Carina thought about it in hopes of putting a name to the wolf that caused her sister to act like this

"(IT'S C.LUNA! YOU KNOW THAT POPSTAR I'VE BEEN LISTENING TO THE PAST COUPLE OF MONTHS, I HEARD SHE WAS COMING TO TIDALHEART BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT HER TO STOP BY HERE!)" Christie kept on fangirling out loud, Carina having to put a stop to it by placing a finger to her lips and shushing her "(S-sorry)" the cat apologized, embarrassed by how loud she was being.

"(It's alright, sis, but I think I get who you mean now, just didn't realize how much of a fan you are)" Moving her finger away so they could now have a room-volume conversation.

"(Yeah I'm kind of a huge fan, I really wanted to go see her gig tonight, but mum got sick so she couldn't help you out, then all those customers came in so I couldn't leave you alone either...)" sighing at the missed opportunity "(But I can't believe she's here!, and I couldn't speak to her...)" annoyed at herself for that missed opportunity, Carina moving beside her to make her feel slightly better

"(Don't worry, Sis, you can speak to her after she's finished with her soak)" Carina replied with, suddenly an idea coming to mind, a cheeky grin forming on her face for what she had in mind. "(Or perhaps we could give her the 'special'?)" Christie's entire face went red and both her hands covered her mouth, she couldn't believe what her sister was thinking and what was worse? That she wanted to be a part of it...

Whilst that discussion was going on, Luna had finished her shower, using the towels given to dry off slightly, she headed towards the hot springs. The pleasant steam that emanated from the naturally heated water coated her body, putting her at ease, making it over to the edge of the hot spring, she placed the towels to the side, presenting her body to no one.

Her brown fur and cream belly complimented her shape and soft set of breasts of endowed size, her nipples were a light blue and rather perky to say the least. multiple light and dark blue star shaped marks dotted her body as well in an orderly fashion, two on the front of her feet, two on both her upper arms, two close by her thighs and one light blue star under her right eye.

Submerging her body in the water was the most relaxing thing Luna had felt in ages, letting the spring wash away all the stress from the tour. Luna rested her arms against the rim of the pool and looked up at the starry sky, curious to what constellation she could see from the exterior of the bathhouse. Several minutes soon passed, the lupine popstar having shut her eyes to rest up until their time was up.

"I see you are enjoying the hot springs well, Crescent Luna~" Carina called out to her, the vixen and her sister making their way closer towards her, Christie still beet reed from what they spoke about earlier on and being closer to the pop star. Luna opened her eyes and looked towards the two of them. She noted that they weren't wearing their socks or sandals from earlier

"Oh, guess you know about me then?" Luna asked, seeing as this was the first time the fox had said her stage name.

"Well I didn't know at first," The devious fox answered with a sly grin, stepping back, she brought the nervous cat forward. "However my sister here is quite the fan,~" she couldn't help but chuckle slightly from her sister's apprehensiveness.

"H-Hello," Christe just smiled and waved, trying her best to regain some of her cool.

"Well hi there, always nice to meet a fan," Luna replied, still seeing the embarrassing awe on their face she just gave a warming smile "C'mon, you don't have to feel embarrassed around me, we're all grown ups round here" She reassured Christie, submerging herself a bit more to hide her perky tits from view.

With a bit of motivation from the popstar, Christie took a deep breath. Come on, Christie, you can do it, just think of her like any other customer, the feline straightened up her posture and smiled at her "Thank you, we're honored to have someone as famous at you come to our family-run hot-spring" She spoke with confidence as if she had said this many a time before.

"Thanks, I've been loving it here" She responded back with a smile. The wolf was also curious though, why did both come out here to see her, she thought just to check she was doing good as well (albeit a breach of privacy). She then asked "So guessing that's all you came here to say then?"

"Well..." Christie felt a bit nervous to ask such a thing. Instead she gave Carina a single nod , who nodded back and stepped up.

"Usually our parents run this place on weekdays whilst we work at the bar, but due to our mother falling ill, we're working here a day earlier than anticipated" Carina explained a bit of their occupations whilst her tail swished from side to side. "We were going to be closing up soon, but seeing as you're the final customer of today, plus a rather special one, would you like to partake in our 'special' treatment?" The golden fox awaited their answer, hoping for a yes to see how her sister shall react. The idea of getting an unique treatment did pique her interest, she usually refused to be treated differently just for being famous, be it at restaurants or shops; but Luna had a feeling what this treatment could be, but she had to ask first

"Sounds fun, can't lie about that; but I need to know, what exactly does this treatment entail?"

The wolf had taken the bait, Carina showing her a more seductive smile, whilst Christie's eyes went wide open in shock but soon gave a smile similar to her sister's, but with that same apprehensiveness she had earlier on.

"Well you see, on weekends we let people willing to pay enough, access to our private bathhouse," Carina started to explain, giving her sister-by-law a quick wink, with Christie moving up beside her, the two now clutching at each other's sash, the fox sister then continued "Whilst our hot springs aid with relieving tension of the body..." The sisters then pulled at their sashes, their kimonos falling to the ground and presenting their naked bodies to the popstar. Both sisters were blessed with fine bodies, Carina's being slender whilst Christie's was slightly pudgy and sporting a smaller chest than her sister. "We help with relieving sexual tension~"

Luna looked at their two bodies in awe, it wasn't the first time she had seen her fans in the nude or (as the fox seemed to imply) had sex with either. She just gave the two a cheeky smile back and a response.

"Shall we get started then?"

The two sisters and the popstar found themselves on the wooden decking close by the pools, the steam from the springs having dampened the fox and cat's fur whilst Luna's was still wet from her skinny dipping. They were all on their knees, Carina feeling up their client's body, sensually massaging and squeezing it, whilst Christie was doing something she thought would be impossible, kissing a popstar.

Whilst the feline sister had started the kiss with, she could feel Luna's tongue playing dominantly yet softly with her own, sharing saliva and arousing one another more and more, their lower-lips starting to get damp with their own juices. The playful wolf couldn't help herself, deciding to cup a feel of the cat's chest, one hand giving a soft squeeze whilst the other felt the fox's back. Christie broke the kiss to let out a soft "ah~", a singular string of saliva connecting their mouths, she didn't expect to be played with (despite every time they have performed this service it usually happens).

"Heh, you moan pretty cute~" Luna complimented the more submissive of the two, watching her blush at her words.

"T-Thanks," Christie looked away for a second, feeling the urge to say something back. "Y-You're an amazing kisser by the way~" looking back at her, curious if she wanted to continue it, but then her sister moved her down to her breasts. The cat looked at the wolf's perky nipples, knowing what Carina had in mind.

"Sorry about disturbing the moment," Carina replied, moving her mouth closer towards her right nipple, the domestic cat knowing what to do as well, moving towards her left. "(Ready, sis?)" She asked, who replied with a simple and excited "(yes!)". Both looking at Luna and kissing her big, blue nipples.

"Mmmm, gosh~" Luna said in aroused surprise, from the suckling and fun they were now having with her breasts. The Daimyo sisters both gave an unique experience for her to enjoy. Christie was delicate, her tongue slowly circling it, sometimes flicking over the nipple as well. Carina however was much more dominant and devious, suckling on it alongside licking, giving sly nibbles, pulling at it and even going as far to lower a hand and let her index finger stroke at the wolf's slit. The wolf couldn't help but moan and pant, seeing their faces get a bit wetter from her fur, noting the fox's smiling back at her and the cat's focus on their chest, hearing the faintest of purrs from them.

Carina took the simple teasing of her pussy to the next level, allowing her finger to sink in between her folds and penetrate it. The wolf just let it happen whilst emitting another loud moan of joy. The trickster fox gave another playful bite to her nipple, adding another finger to explore her snatch in hopes of pleasuring her more. As this happened, Carina gave a quick glance to her sister, noting that one of her hands had gone down to finger herself, two fingers deep inside her leaking vagina, all the while she kept on worshiping her idol's left nipple. After a bit longer of teasing, the golden furred fox removed her fingers from Luna's lips, raising their juice coated fingers to her lips to have a taste and clean them up, after that she put her mouth to her sister's ear, whispering something Luna could only get parts of as they spoke in their native tongue; but whatever was said made Christie's eyes spring right open and tail stand on end.

"Would you care to stand up for a sec?" Carina asked Luna nicely. The wolf obliged, standing up and watching the cat remove her lips from her nipple too.

Christie proceeded to lay on the floor, giving her sister and the popstar an amazing view, from the look of lustful want on her face, to their wet snatch.

"Feel free to kneel once again" Carina told the Wolf, "Let my sister eat you out, she clearly wants it~" she added with a flirtatious giggle, assisting her back onto the floor, Luna's crotch coming closer and closer to Christie who awaited in nervous anticipation, this was the first time she got a view of her down there as well. Much like her nipples, the wolf's pussy was the same colour of blue as those lovely nipples, her secretions making it gleam in the lights dotting the hot spring. Christie felt her mouth water, she could smell the pheromones coming from her forbidden fruit, she couldn't resist much longer, grasping her hips and moving forward.

"(T-thank you!)" Christie said before diving right in. Her tongue was almost feral in their motions, slobbering her snatch and tasting the exotic juice of the beautiful popstar.

"Ooooo, y-you're quite eager~" she bit her lip whilst looking down at the cat, watching her eat her out, like a five-star meal. Her sweet syrup was something to be savored, and in return for tasting it, Christie made sure she was pleasuring her gratefully, now suckling on her clit and hearing Luna moan.

"Heh, never seen my sister act this depraved~" Carina commented, hands squeezing the Wolf's chest whilst her own pressed behind her. "Usually she gets jealous of me having fun," nuzzling their muzzle against her cheek.

"Let me guess, you're feeling jealous?" Luna asked, that long tail stroking against the fox's back.

"Not exactly," Carina chuckled. "I love seeing my sister get into it. You should've seen her a couple weeks ago when we were serving our last customers at the bar~" pinching their nipples and watching her sister have fun down there, before grabbing the wolf's cheeks. "Though it doesn't mean I can't have some fun still~" Bending down and gazing at her tight, blue pucker, giving it a quick kiss.

"Ah! cheeky~" Luna yelped out, both their holes being invaded by the sister's prying mouths and dexterous tongues. Carina kept on going with simple flicks of her tongue over their clean hole. Christie was just downright feral, this was like a dream come true, to eat out someone as famous as the popstar above her made the feeling so much better. All this pleasure made Luna jealous to say the least, especially for her fan.

"Mmm, you know I think we can make this better~" Luna said, both sisters curious about what she had in mind. A bit of repositioning later saw the wolf and Christie in a sixty-nine position, whilst Carina was on all fours, close by their sister's face.

"Doesn't seem fair that both of you get all the fun~" the wolf added, kissing the cat's lips and hearing her moan once more, getting a quick taste of her salty, yet sweet juices. "You two can continue, by the way~" The popstar commanded, letting the sisters go at her holes once again.

"With pleasure~" Carina said before putting her mouth to her taint once more, rimming her with gusto, her tongue soon penetrating that hole. Whilst the cat and fox continued their service, Luna began to eat out the cat, she was getting closer and closer to an outstanding climax.

"Ahh...I-I'm close!" Christie called out in reaction to her own area being tasted and lashed at by Luna's tongue. The cat did feel close just from eating her out, but being eaten out herself was just the thing she needed to be pushed to the tipping point, prepared to cum any second now.

With the knowledge of their incoming orgasms, Carina tonguefucked the wolf's hole at a faster pace, hearing her moan and cum rather hard whilst placing their tongue against the cat's clit. Luna's juices coated parts of Christie's face and the inside of her mouth with that juicy flavor, cumming seconds after right on the popstar, all the while Carina watched it happen, having concluded her analingus to finger her own, damp snatch.

Their orgasm lasted for a while before their bodies relaxed once again. Christie feeling quite tired after the lustful ordeal, she watched Luna's crotch leave her few and soon replaced with their face, starry, silver, eyes staring down at her before she went in for another kiss, sharing the taste of her fan with her and vice versa, after a short sharing of secretions, Luna rolled onto the deck besides her, she was about to rest as well; but she soon noticed the fox standing over her.

"You know I wasn't exactly jealous; but after seeing you please my sis, seems fair I get some of the treatment as well~" Carina got onto her knees, bringing her aroused puss to the maned wolf's muzzle.

"Heh, well if ya insist." Kissing their sensitive area and hearing her shudder "Think of it a bit like paying me back for letting me use the hot springs~" She added before getting right into it, their canine tongue lapping away and tasting her. Compared to her sister's juices, Carina's secretions had an odd fermented taste to it, alongside being sweet, almost like sake with fruity aftertones. The fox yipped out in joy when Luna kissed their clean and swore in Japanese when she penetrated her vagina, going deep yet slow, her tongue carefully tasting their insides, driven on by their breaking composure from her skilled cunnilingus. After two minutes of pleasure, the fox couldn't take anymore.

"Ahhh!" Carina cried out, cumming right on Luna's face, their legs becoming weak as they soon fell beside her.

Luna took a deep sigh of relief, looking to the two sisters to the left and right of her, this night was one she wouldn't forget for a long time.

The three females rested by the pools, chatting at the fun they had and the wolf thanking them for a great time. After a group shower session to wash the scent of sex away and dressing up, the three were in the reception once more, Christie and Carina saying their goodbyes to Luna.

"Thank you so much, I can't stop saying how much of an honor it was having you visit Daimyo Bathhouse, C.Luna!" Christie bowed, thanking the popstar a fair bit. "I hope you enjoyed your time here and that we have served you well" Carina couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"Sis, I think she more than enjoyed it" Smiling at her, already fondly remembering the time they shared.

"It's been a pleasure, never thought my first time at a hot-spring would be so fun too!" She answered, smiling right back at them before checking the clock right above. "Well, I should be heading out, got another long day ahead of me; but guessing you might know already" giving a wink to the cat.

"I heard, you'll be in Tidalheart for two more days. Hope the gigs go well" Christie replied, wishing her good luck with her career.

"Thanks..." Luna smiled before heading close to the desk, taking something out of her jacket's pocket "Well, if you're not busy, I think these will be of use for you" taking a sealed envelope out and putting it on the desk and began walking towards the exit. Quickly, Christie tore open the envelope, the contents surprising her. Two backstage passes for her next show at the club.

(T-this can't be real, no way, I must be dreaming!) The domestic cat looked down at the truly authentic passes before looking back up to see the wolf close to the sliding door, it having opened in her presence. Luna just turned around and gave her a flirty wink

"Will be nice seeing you two again," Luna said, exiting the building, Christie beet red as she was when she first saw the wolf in their bathhouse.