Bryana Bent [COMMISSION]

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#2 of Bryana [COMMISSION]

Having found her brother, Bryana attempts a desperate escape from the wolves.


This is a commission I took for Lazrin. Thank you for the chance to work with your character!

Bryana Bent

The night wind was bitter cold when Bryana emerged from a narrow alley by the vacant stone gates. Not a single wolf was in sight, not since the guards left their post to attend to some matter Bryana knew not of. The only life there was to be spoken of were a pair of flickering torches flanking the entryway.

Potential freedom was in sight and Bryana found herself frozen. It had to be a trick, there was no way the wolves would have left such a spot unguarded.

But on the other hand they did not know that two slaves were in the midst of executing an escape.


A small voice behind Bryana whispered and she turned, kneeling down towards what looked like a pile of heavy rags with a snort badger nose sticking out of it.

"Hush," she whispered, adjusting the drawstring on her brother's overly bulky coat. It was fitted and sized for an older wolf cub, not a badger. "It'll be okay. If anything happens though..."

Bryana looked behind her, paranoid that wolves might be listening. Steam hissed slowly from her nose, the only part of her face, save for her eyes, that wasn't covered up by a leather mask.

Lorcan was horrified to see her, when she first snuck into his dormitory at the wolven school she was sold to, but the mask was far less terrifying than her deformed visage beneath it.

"...Leave me behind, make a break for it."

The small badger quivered.

"Sis, no..."


The word echoed in Bryana's thoughts. She dared not utter it for fear of the lash or worse.

But she was more afraid than she had been since her captivity began.

That morning she was dragged from her cell, still groggy, and marched into a strange room filled with bookshelves lined against the wall. A library, she thought at first, but there were other things that set it apart. Papers hanging from the wall showcasing anatomical drawings of wolves and a few other species.

And worse, strange metal tools littering tables and shelves, the likes of which Bryana had never seen before and could only guess at their intentions. Whatever they were, it couldn't be good and that fueled the fear in her imagination.

Her brown dress, which was now worn and slightly tattered, was stripped from her by one of the wolven guards. Metal chains were attached to her wrists and legs, leading down to steel rivets attached to the stone floor. Her arms were stretched out slightly from the short chain, making them nearly impossible to move.

Lastly, her mask was removed and one of the guards wrinkled his snout in disgust at the scars covering her face. With a dismissive snort, the guards left her alone in the strange room.

After a good hour of standing naked and shivering, the heavy door slowly creaked open. A procession of strange wolves in colorful robes entered. Most were taken aback by the condition of Bryana, though one, a scrawny one with a strange frame of metal and glass across his eyes, whistled flirtatiously.

One of them, an older one with faded gray fur, sat down at a desk and opened up a large book. He dipped a quill into a jar of ink and began scribbling. Suddenly, he growled and gave a few guttural barks in the wolven language and the other wolves split between descending on Bryana or picking up tools from the shelves.

The one with the glass over his eyes first poked Bryana in the nose before cupping one of her breasts in his paw, lifting it up slightly as if weighing it. Another wolf growled at him and he rolled his eyes.

Another wolf pressed his nose up against her vagina and sniffed before pulling back and opened it up with his fingers. The old wolf in the back leaned forward and nodded before scribbling something in his book.

It was the other wolves Bryana was worried about, the ones with the strange metal tools, more than the ones who appeared to have some sexual interest. They were approaching and fiddling with their devices, raising and lowering metal bits of what Bryana could only assume were for torture.

She winced and closed her eyes when the first one reached towards her face with one, but another wolf forced her eyelid open. The metal device was just before her eye and the wolf adjusted the distance between two metal bits on it before pulling it back and barking something at the old wolf, who wrote it down.

Another device was placed atop the bridge of her muzzle and adjusted until one metal bit pressed up against her nose leather. It reminded her of measuring things with a ruler as a child.

Is that what they're doing? For what?

Bryana yelped as a wolf slapped her on the rear. Two wolves seemed to measure the distance between her legs, her upper leg length, and her vagina.

All the time there, Bryana expected something more to come of this. Some advanced torture the wolves had conjured up, but eventually the strange wolves in the robes put their tools down, clapped their book shut, and left the room. The scrawny one with the frame across his eyes gave Bryana one final slap on the ass before he followed them out.

In the end, save for the humiliation, there was not much that happened as far as Bryana could tell.

And that made her fear just what they had in mind for later...

"It's now or never," Bryana scooped up Lorcan and cradled him in her arms. "You're getting too big for this."

A dry cough escaped from Bryana's throat.

Damned northern climate...

Holding her breath to suppress the cough, Bryana crept around the corner and towards the gate. Cold stone bricks surrounded Bryana but it felt like each one was somehow staring at her, waiting to alert the wolves.

A dirt road and a pair of standing torches greeted Bryana as she stepped beyond the gate. The wilds of the forest were only a few yards away and the wind carried the scent of pine on its gusts.

The fur on Bryana's neck stood up. Slowly, she turned around and saw two golden orbs flicker in the dark beyond the torchlight.

A howl rang out into the air and Bryana dashed towards the woods.

Something pinched sharply at Bryana's shoulder. Grunting, she ignored the pain and continued running.

"I'm scared," Lorcan whimpered.

"I'll get you out of here."

I will.

Leaping over a log, Bryana clipped her other shoulder on a tree, but kept on running. Her muscles were starting to feel weak and her breath was going hoarse.

Have I been weakened this much by the wolves?

Barks rang out along with the beat of hooves behind Bryana and she peered back while running. Flickers of lanterns danced beyond the trees along with the shadow of something narrow sticking out of Bryana's shoulder.

A dart.

No wonder...

A root hooked Bryana's foot and she went crashing to the ground, rolling onto her side to protect Lorcan from the fall. Her muscles felt limp and her eyelids were getting very heavy.

"Lorcan, you need to go..." Bryana hugged her brother tight.

"No, I won't!" Lorcan pouted. "It'll be okay, we'll be tog-"

"They'll kill you!" Bryana shouted. "Or worse! You have to go! DO IT!"

Eyes watering, the small badger backed away from his sister. The thump of hooves grew closer and the wolves were howling, already celebrating a victorious hunt.

"I love you," Lorcan whispered before turning and dashing as fast as his short legs could carry him.

"I love you too..." Bryana laid her head on the ground.

The smell of wolf and horse drew near. The hooves slowed down just before Bryana. She heard a horse snort before two heavy legs stomped on the ground before her.

"Slave," a spearpoint jabbed her in the side. Bryana's wolven had improved only marginally over the season but most of what they said to her was still nothing but growls to her ears. "Escape...bad."

Keeping her head low, Bryana went limp. She heard the spear rattle on the dirt behind her and cloth rustle against fur. A paw reached under her belly and down to her thigh, pulling her rear upwards.

The wolf was warm as he pressed his crotch up against Bryana's butt, his sheath bulging sheath running along her cheeks.

Leaning forward, Bryana felt the wolf's cold scalemail brush up against her back right before his hot, wet breath blew across her neck. Shivering, Bryana winced as his fangs buried themselves into the scruff of her neck.

Thrusting his hips, the wolf humped Bryana while the other soldiers howled and laughed. Despite having had this done countless times while in captivity along with other shameful acts, especially with her mouth, the humiliation never abated. The wolves had a way of letting you know that you were weak and they were strong, and that there was no point in even dreaming of resisting.

Satisfied that Bryana knew her place, the wolf pushed her down into the snow and pulled his trousers back up. Bryana kept still, knowing that showing even the slightest bit of movement now would just continue the submission humping.

A rope was tied around the metal rivet attached to Bryana's collar and another wolf yanked on it, growing at Bryana. The badger slowly got to her feet, stumbling over her feet and crashing into a wolf who caught her in his arms.

Snarling the wolf pushed her away from him and Bryana was kept on her feet by the rope. Choking, she was dragged forward as the same wolf who humped her tied the other end of her hope to the saddle of his horse.

Mounting and with a kick of his feet, the horse started to move with Bryana being forced to follow behind. Some of the other wolves on foot laughed and spanked her as they passed, one even gave her a nip on the muzzle.

The horse wasn't moving very fast but Bryana was woozy from the dart, which she only just noticed had fallen out of her shoulder at some point. Every footstep was an endeavor and it only got worse the further they walked back out of the forest and the torchlit walls of the academy grew closer.

Bryana's foot caught a rock in the ground and she was sent rolling to the ground. None of the wolves helped her and when the rope ran out of slack she was dragged, rolling across in the snow behind the horse. She couldn't breathe and tried to call out for mercy, but could not.

Eventually, the wolf brought his horse to a stop and took a swig of some alcohol from a waterskin. Bryana took the time to crawl to her feet and noticed the mounted wolf called some of his soldiers to his side and whispered something to them. The other wolves formed a party and retreated back into the woods.

Lorcan, you have a head like the wind...

Shortly after the procession began again and Bryana was forced to stumble along with them into the walls. The gates slammed shut behind them as Bryana passed through the portal, there was no escape now. She was back in the wolf's den.

The streets of the walled town were just as empty as they had been during the escape. Most folk were asleep now whether slave or wolf, but Bryana did not have that luxury now.

And neither did her master.

The Headmaster's windows were flickering orange with candlelights, up on the second floor of the graystone main building of the school. The only nights when he stayed up this late were when he had some punishment in mind for Bryana and tonight, with her escape attempt, would be no exception.

The rope was unhitched from the saddle and another wolf took control of her restraints, wrapping the rope around his paw to keep the badger close as he pushed the main doors open and led her up the wooden stairs up towards the offices.

Fear grew in Bryana's chest as they approached the dark wood doors of the Headmaster's office. She knew he was waiting there, eagerly anticipating the badger. Headmaster Vernis had shown particular interest in tormenting Bryana, more so than the other wolves who merely had an interest in keeping her in line or gratifying their sexual impulses.

Vernis seemed almost possessive of her, taking great glee whenever they had a moment together.

The wolf knocked on the door and Vernis, in a little sing-songy voice, spoke through the door a far-too familiar phrase, one of the few Bryana understood in whole from the wolven language.

"Send her in!"

The wolf soldier cracked the door open and shoved Bryana inside. Releasing his grip on the rope, the wolf shut the door behind on her.

Vernis was sitting behind his desk, the bottom of which had carvings of battle scenes from wolven history, with his paws folded together. The wolf's dark gray fur was starting to turn a bit white from middle-age, but his vigor and cleverness had not faded in the slightest, nor his creative cruelty.

"Lacktail, Lacktail," he picked up a short whip with countless thin leather tails. "Shame..."

The way he emphasized tail made Bryana look up and to the right, despite her knowing what was there. Her heart jolted as it always did, upon seeing the wooden mount that her black tail was hanging from.

Vernis did not capture Bryana, nor was he present at her training and the removal of her tail. Despite that, he had somehow acquired it and placed it on display in his office. Either the wolves who trained her sold it to him as a package deal or he requested it specifically.

Either fact disturbed Bryana greatly.

Bryana lowered her face to the floor as Vernis got up from his desk, still slapping the whip lightly against his wrist. His footsteps grew closer and closer until he stopped. Bryana heard him rear his arm back and winced, waiting for the strike against her hide.

But it never came.

"No," Vernis growled. "No."

Carefully, Bryana raised her head slightly and peered up. The wolf was grinning, showing off his pearly white fangs.

"Come," he ordered and picked up her rope with a sharp yank.

There was no point in resisting. Bryana complied and followed the Headmaster out of his office, down the stairs, and back out into the cold.

Snow had begun to fall and the wolven soldiers had vanished, leaving Bryana alone with Vernis. Bryana shivered, but the wolf, with his thick gray coat, didn't seem to mind despite wearing only a thin black robe.

Vernis led her through a series of roads and alleys to a part of town Bryana did not recognize. Her heart began to beat heavily, fearful of what intentions Vernis had in such an isolated area, not that the wolves would have done anything to interfere in his cruelty anywhere else.

A stone building attached to the city walls drew closer. Bryana couldn't help but notice thick black smoke trailing from its chimney, a stark difference from the wood smoke coming from every other building that cold night.

Vernis took out a key and unlocked the door, pushing it open. He motioned Bryana to enter with a disarming smile.

Quivering, Bryana took a step forward into the stone building. The first room was mostly empty, save for a desk and a staircase descending into the ground. There were a few torches lit, giving off a bit of dim light.

Bryana's hackles raised and her nose twitched. There was something familiar about this place.

"Go on," Vernis ordered. "Down."

Slowly, Bryana continued in with Vernis trailing behind her with the rope in his paws. As Bryana reached the stairs, she could hear the wolf sniff deeply followed by a chuckle.

She was afraid and Vernis knew it, though she did not know what was causing this fear more than any other punishment from Vernis.

Descending, the fear in Bryana's heart and stomach grew. She could feel heat and smoke waft through the stuffy tunnel leading down into the basement.

At the bottom was a doorway and at this point Bryana was almost certain she had been here before and that it was not a pleasant memory. However, she had no choice but to go through the door and face reality.

A cold chill ran across her skin.

The sting of the lash, the burning pain across her mangled face, and the phantom pains from where her tail once was.

She was standing in the same place she had awoken in captivity.

A steel brazier was in the center of the room now with two wolf soldiers tending to it, one was waving the smoke away from the coals with a fan while the other held a long piece of metal in the flames.


Bryana spun around, face-first into Vernis who caught her by the shoulders.

"Please, Master," Bryana spoke out of turn in what little Wolven she knew. "No."

"Yes, Lacktail," Vernis snarled and spun her around, shoving her to the ground.

Bryana landed on the stone and one of the soldiers pinned her to the ground.

An orange wolf head glowed in the coals and Bryana's eyes went wide as it was removed, attached to the metal pole the other wolf was holding.

"No! No!" Bryana pleaded in the wolf tongue. "No!"

Vernis' whip cracked across Bryana's back and she screamed.

"Quiet!" the Headmaster demanded. "Don't speak!"

The whip was nothing, it was far from the worst whip Vernis had attacked her with, but the imagined pain of the wolf head brand as its glowing form drew closer was growing in Bryana's head.


Lorcan...please get have to...

The heat of the brand began to scorch Bryana's back before it touched her. The wolf holding the brand said something to her in a mocking growl, but Bryana understood nothing of it.

Bryana's vision went white as the brand pressed up against her skin. The pain was too great for her to move and the smell of burnt fur and flesh filled the room.

She screamed until her throat went dry. The pain was greater than anything she had experienced, even with the tranquilizer in her system

But thankfully, there was one small mercy in that her already faded vision soon went dark and she felt no more pain.

Coughing, Bryana awoke in total darkness with pain scorching her back. She inhaled deeply only to have cloth press up against her nostrils and rolled onto her sides to try and relieve the pain. Her hands were bound in front of her, cushioned with some kind of soft mitten attached to the cuffs. She could not so much as move her claws to try and tear through it.

It was impossible not to think about the wolf head on her back now. A painful, very visible sign that she was owned, even if she could not see it herself. The hood blocked her sight but she could still hear and smell, and the sound of boots on stone along with the musky odor of male wolves was drawing closer along with something else...

Bryana edged to the right only to bang her head on something hard. Wincing, she slowly poked her covered muzzle forward and found what felt like metal bars.

Sticking her nose between the bars, she sniffed, trying to catch that strange, familiar smell. It was muffled by the smell of the more dominant wolves but it was almost as clear as day.

A male badger. A very excited one at that.

The boots rounded a corner followed by the rattle of a chain and the tapping of claws. A lock above Bryana's head clicked and the bars swung open, forcing Bryana to roll to the side and unwittingly exposing her rear to the entrance.

"Damn," a voice spoke in the badger tongue. It was young and male, but carried an aggressive edge to it like someone who had seen a lot of hardship, "always thought ye'd have a fine cunt."

Bryana waited for the crack of a whip, the same punishment she got whenever she dared speak in her native tongue, but nothing happened. Nothing except the prison gate creaking shut followed by claws scraping on stone, drawing closer.

The badger using his native tongue did not entice Bryana to disobey her orders forbidding her to speak anything other than Wolven. Bryana spoke, too weak to assert herself in any way other than the language she was forced upon her that she could barely understand, "Who?"

"Don't ye recognize me?"

Bryana cautiously pressed her nose forward and sniffed. He was definitely a badger but his scent reeked of wolven musk and it made identifying him next to impossible.

"Course ye don't," he snorted. "Ye never did so much as give yer servants the time o' day."

Bryana swallowed, weakly closing her eyes. "We...good to s..."

Bryana paused. She did not know the wolven word for servant, only...

"...slaves...we good to slaves..."

"The wolves have treated me better as a slave then ye did as yer servant," the badger stomped forward. "And now they've given me a fine reward."

Something rattled against the bars followed by wolven barks. The badger huffed.

"Guess I'm taking too long."

A paw covered in cloth grabbed Bryana by the shoulder and tried to lift her. Bryana went limp and did not fight back as she was scooped up in his arms. His arm pressed against Bryana's brand and searing pain ran down her spine, but all she could do was close her eyes and bear the agony.

"Ye can call me Softfur, that is my name now," he whispered over Bryana's moans. "And ye're to bear my cubs."

Bryana was thrown forward before she could express surprise and landed chest-first onto some kind of bench or table with a sloped back, forcing her rear to present itself.

An extra loop of rope was tied around her bound paws, tying her arms to the legs of the bench. She could not escape, only thrash her rear around.

All of those examinations by those strange all came together in Bryana's head. They must have been planning to breed her, to create a new generation of badgers to be raised under wolven servitude.

Lorcan's escape must have made them speed up the plan...

"Ye ready, bitch?" Softfur leaned against Bryana's back, pressed his wet nose against her ear and whispered. "Ready to get bred?"

As long as Lorcan escaped...

Bryana laid still and did not resist, but she also did not cooperate. There was no point in responding to the male badger's provocations, he was here to do what he was gifted and nothing would change that.

A wolf whistled beyond the bars and Bryana caught a whiff of wolven arousal along with the slap of flesh.

I'm nothing more than a prize breeding horse to them...

Without warning, Bryana yelped as the tip of a cock roughly entered her vagina. She clenched her thighs together, blocking the male badger's advance, but at the same time squeezing his cock. An act that made Bryana feel quite ill.

Growling, he slapped her on the rear with his mitted paws and grabbed her by the legs, spreading them open.

She grit her teeth and struggled in vain as Softfur continued to penetrate her with his powerful hips, growling aggressively the whole while. With her legs held open and her arms tied to the bench, there was not much else she could do.

Eventually, Bryana felt the entire length of his shaft enter and the badger howled like a triumphant wolf, prompting the real wolves to howl along with him.

The brand on her back began to flare up from the aggravation. Bryana clenched, trying to suppress the pain but a muffled moan escaped her throat.

"Yeah, ye like that, bitch, don't ya?"

Bryana held her tongue, only to get a sharp slap on the ass.

"Come on! Lemme hear ye say it!"

Another slap hit Bryana.

"Yes..." Bryana gasped, pain still wracking her voice. She didn't want to say it, it was a lie after all and it was giving into this wretch's desires, but it would no doubt make the event go quicker. "Love...cock..."

"Good," he growled.

Howls echoed through the bars and Bryana smelt salty wolf cum shoot onto the ground inside the cell.

Softfur's mitted paws wrapped around Bryana's neck, choking her only a bit thanks to the cushioning and her thick neck. The male badger continued to pound Bryana, who found only the occasional shameful pleasure from his cock invading her.

"Yer mine now..." he growled, " matter what the wolves say."

Pain welled up both along Bryana's back and inside her vagina. She quietly prayed that this would all end soon.

Suddenly, Softfur's paws clenched and he froze. A growl rumbled in his throat before he finally gasped.


Bryana felt sick as warm cum spurted into her. It was one thing when the wolves abused her, there was no chance of cubs with that, but this...

"I'll be seeing a lot of ye now..."

Bryana fell limp onto the bench, fatigue wracking her mind.

Please, let me be barren.

Softfur pulled out suddenly as the metal bars squeaked and two pairs of boots thumped onto the floor. Cum dripped out of Bryana's pussy, she could smell the wolves had come to her side.

When will this end...?

Bryana heard the crack of a whip before pain seared her back. She was caught by surprise, her mouth opening in a silent scream.

Another crack came and this time unimaginable agony screamed from the brand on her back. She screamed, the pain of the blow being enough to overcome both her defeat and unwillingness to resist.

Don't let them see you scream ag-

Gritting her teeth as she was flogged again, Bryana felt her head float, her consciousness growing dim. She begged, prayed that the pain would overwhelm her and she'd pass out.

One more strike hit her straight on the brand and despite the darkness of the hood, her vision went white as she was spirited away to unconsciousness.

Another day came and it began much like the others with a bang on the bars of Lacktail's cell. Sometimes it would be a wolf waking her, but increasingly Softfur, who was now an overseer of slaves, took care of this duty himself.

"Wake up!" Softfur sneered and commanded in Wolven, no longer bold enough to speak in the badger tongue now that he was on regular duty. The badger was taller than Lacktail by a head and slightly muscular, though he was not as heavy as Lacktail was.

Lacktail's back was raw, burning with the lash of the flogging she got the night before, a regular staple since her escape attempt, the lacerations on her back covered in dried blood. Despite that though, Lacktail's ignored the burning in favor of clutching at her stomach. It was aching, almost like she had eaten something rotten.

"Lacktail! Wake up!"

"I...up..." Lacktail's eyes were sore, it was impossible to sleep well in such conditions. The chains binding her wrists and legs were tautly mounted on the wall behind her hard wooden slab, that she slept on. The chill draft running through the cold stone of the cell did not help either. Sighing, she added on Softfur's title. "Sir."

"Ye look tired," Softfur switched to the badger tongue, suddenly brave enough to risk disobedience due to his under-slave's weakened condition. "Bet ye can't wait for the next fuck from me, huh?"

Lacktail's head felt light, nausea wracking at her stomach. She closed her eyes briefly, trying to settle herself down.

"Why don't ye stand up and give me a nice little bow," Softfur scraped his claws along the metal chains attached to Lacktail's cuffs before slowly undoing them. "And tell me how much of a good fuck I am."

Forcing herself, Lacktail crawled to her feet as Softfur took a step back. Lacktail was barely able to stand up straight before the taller badger, who crossed his arms with a smug grin on his face. Slowly, Lacktail gave a very stiff bow with a sweep of her arm, like she was greeting a visiting royal.

"Gods..." she muttered, closing her eyes. The sensation of spinning continued to wrack her stomach.

"Come on, say it..." Softfur first scratched her on the chin before Lacktail felt his other paw grab her rear from behind, his claws digging into her left cheek.

"You..." Lacktail clutched at her chest, "...good fuck. I want."

Vomit welled up in her throat suddenly and Lacktail dashed to the corner of her cell and kneeling before a bucket just as she puked.

"Could it be?" Softfur whispered in their shared tongue.

No, it can't be...

Retching, Lacktail closed her eyes and coughed violently into the bucket.

All those nights they forced me to be with him...and that one time I was in heat...

"Master Vernis will be most pleased to hear of this," Softfur grinned.

Rolling onto her side, Lacktail clutched at her belly. It was normally a bit thick, she hadn't thought it looked any different, but it was still early...

Still early. Months and months of carrying Softfur's child, of enduring torment leading up to a poor child being born into such conditions.

Lacktail closed her eyes, desperately wishing Softfur to be wrong.

But deep inside her heart, she knew now that she was with child.

Lorcan...please take care of yourself...