Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 6

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#6 of Mystic Heart Odyssey

A short, light one this time. And the first real lewd scene! Albeit a brief one. I decided to do something a little light and fun before some heavier, more serious stuff comes up. Hope you enjoy a very flustered deer boy!

Call this short chapter a little bit of fan service I guess, but I enjoyed writing it. A little splash of NSFW goodness, followed by lots of adorable blushing and teasing, and finally some cozy sweetness. Going to hit some heavy and more serious things soon, so I thought I'd throw out some light fun beforehand.



Through the night, Kuna had slept somewhat fitfully. He'd said he didn't mind the situation, but in truth there was a certain part of him that was a little too excited about it, much to his chagrin. Though he did manage to get enough sleep to not be a zombie the next day, he'd awoken extra early with a certain.. persistent problem. One that only intensified as he remembered that he'd been casually sleeping naked next to the rather toned and, well, attractive friend he'd made. Who was also naked.

With an annoyed and flustered sigh, he looked back to check and make sure Lykou was still asleep. Once he confirmed as much, he oh-so-carefully and slowly extricated himself from under his one arm and the blanket. Once he was free, he got up, blushing as he looked down and saw his dick standing at full attention. Really? he thought to himself Ugh... I guess it has been a long time.

He looked around and spotted a large patch of bushes not far away in the early morning twilight. They were just up the hill that the camp was at the base of. He started to head for them, but paused and decided to grab his poncho before heading over, just on the off-chance Lykou woke up and came looking for him. Luckily, it seemed to have mostly dried overnight. He hesitated for a minute, his blush never leaving his face despite knowing he wasn't being watched at the moment. After a brief internal battle, he quietly reached into his food bag and pulled one of the carrots out. He stared at it a moment and rolled his eyes. You're choosing to sacrifice food to get your jollies off, Kuna, he chided himself. Real damn smart. ...but fuck it.

Once he was on the other side of the bushes, he found a reasonably comfortable spot on the ground, wedged between some rocks. After he quickly found an acceptable position, he spread his legs and went to it.

Shortly thereafter, back at the camp, Lykou awoke a bit earlier than usual himself. Which only made Kuna's absence all the more concerning. As he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eye, he saw that is companion was nowhere to be found. Needless to say, the panic this brought on was more than enough to fully awaken him. But just as he was about to start searching and calling out for him, he heard a faint sound from behind the bushes not far away from their camp. It had sounded like a short, stifled moan. He raised an eyebrow as he quietly walked over.

As soon as he stepped around the bush, his blush intensified and he couldn't help but smirk a bit when he saw the sereva 'relieving some stress'. One hand was was quickly pumping away on his erection while the other was fondling his testicles. Meanwhile, he was biting down on the lower flap of his poncho as it was held in his mouth, either to keep it out of the way, or try and prevent himself from making too much noise. Probably both.

At that moment, Kuna clearly was beyond the point of being particularly concerned about his surroundings, not even noticing Lykou's presence. From his eyes clenched shut, heavy breathing, and flushed face, it looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

Lykou had to admit he looked downright cute, in a lustful, needy way.

Suddenly the hand on Kuna's balls shifted down, and that's when Lykou noticed that he had one of those carrot things he'd seen before tucked inside his rump, and had started working it with his hand while he continued stroking himself with the other. Another soft, stifled moan leaked out around the poncho. His moaning started becoming slightly more frequent and slightly higher pitched as his actions grew faster and more intense, his hips starting to buck up a bit.

Finally, he convulsed as jets of cum sprayed across his chest, the poncho dropping from his mouth as his head tilted back, although only a couple quiet gasps came out, rather than any more moans. The number of spurts and amount of cum that he shot suggested that he must have been particularly pent up. It must have been a few minutes before his shivering stopped and he finally relaxed a bit, clearly basking in an intense afterglow.

The show had stirred something in Lykou, which renewed his blush, but he pushed it down for the time being. The carrot thing stood out to him and he realized he might have another certain thing in common with the sereva. Either way, the image of the cute boy in the throes of pleasure burned itself into a certain part of his mind, which he'd no doubt look for a time to revisit on his own sometime later.

For now, though, he suddenly realized he was standing in plain view, and before he could bolt away or hide, Kuna finally opened his eyes again and lowered his head, his satisfied expression quickly being replaced with a wide-eyed, mortified one.

"AHH! LYKOU!" he blurted out as he closed his legs, frantically covering himself with his poncho and grinning sheepishly, blushing harder than the canid had seen yet. "I-I uh, I..."

"Uhh... morning Kuna," Lykou said with a somewhat awkward smile, still flushed a bit himself as he rubbed his neck.

"I-... um-..." the sereva frantically tried to think of anything to say, but finally pulled the collar of his poncho up buried his face with it. "H-how much did you see?"

"Not... _too_much. I just got here," he said, only slightly fibbing. It was true, he'd pretty much only been there long enough to see him finish up, so it wasn't that much of a lie. "You uh... probably aught to get cleaned up though."

Kuna let out a small agonized groan of embarrassment.

Lykou chuckled, sympathizing for the poor guy. "Don't worry about it Kuna. I can only imagine how pent up you were to make that big of a mess, so it's no wonder you needed a little... 'alone time'," he tried to assure him, though this was met with another embarrassed groan. "Hey, I'm going to go start a fire, get breakfast. Go ahead and get cleaned up and... take however much time you need to. And Kuna?"

Kuna peeked his eyes out, still clearly too embarrassed to completely show his face.

"Don't run away in embarrassment or anything else dumb like that. You know I can catch you," Lykou said with a wink and a grin, then turned and walked back to the campsite.

The poor sereva boy just rolled his eyes up and let out a whine as he let the poncho drop and brought his hands to his face.

It was a good ten minutes before Kuna got himself cleaned up in the uphill portion of the stream, then finally built up the courage to return to their campsite. Lykou was almost ready to come look for him in case he really had run off when he saw the sereva bashfully walk down down and sit down across from him.

"Feel better?" Lykou teased with a playful grin. He was clothed once more, and laying on his chest with his head propped up on one arm on the far side of the small fire he'd started. "It certainly _looked_like you did."

Kuna let out a little groan, as he looked away, his cheeks still tinged with red. "S-sorry-"

"Nothing to apologize for, Kuna. Everyone's got needs," Lykou assured him, his teasing grin turning into more of a sympathetic and sincere smile. "Any time you need to, you know... take care of things, just let me know and I'll give you space. I only came looking because I was worried when you were nowhere in sight when I got up."

"Well, s-sorry I worried y-" he started before being cut off by a look from the konuul. He grinned bashfully. "Right, fine, I'll stop saying the s-word, eesh." he paused and fiddled with the edge of his poncho. "Uh... thanks for. Um. For being. You know. Nice about. It," he said awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact.

Lykou just chuckled again as he pulled out some of the burnt, dried meat for his breakfast. At least the conversation was a good distraction from the taste. "Been a long time I take it?"

"Yeah, you could say that. Way too long probably," Kuna admitted. And even as he blushed, he finally managed to shoot a playful glare at the canid with a slight smirk. "Those little... 'jokes' of yours yesterday didn't really help matters."

Lykou's eyes widened for a moment, then he put the meat down briefly as he had a snickering fit. "Must be bad if even dumb jokes like that can get you worked up. Explains why they flustered you so much though."

"Shut uuuup," Kuna said, bringing his palm to his face and rolling his eyes, still grinning despite himself. Then he reached over to his own bag and dug around before pulling out one of the other root vegetables he had remaining. "Going to need to go foraging again soon. I'm guessing you're getting low too?" he asked, trying to shift attention away from the previous subject.

Of course, Lykou wasn't letting him off the hook that easy. "Yeah, but I'm good for today," he said with a hint of a mischievous grin and a devilish little glint in his eye. He couldn't help himself. "Someone's down a carrot though."

It had an immediate effect on the poor sereva. He tensed up and his face turned bright red again as his his eyes darted back to the impish konuul. "...fuck." he said in a tiny voice.

Lykou could help but stifle a snicker at the expression. "Sorry. You just have the most amusing and adorable looks when you're flustered." He poked his tongue out at Kuna playfully.

Kuna dropped his would-be breakfast and immediately pulled his poncho up over his face again to stifle a little scream of embarrassment. When he dropped it again, his eyes were shut for a moment as he tried to imagine he was in a deep dark hole somewhere. "So glad I could entertain you," he said sarcastically, albeit with a still very-frazzled smile. He then opened his eyes again and looked at the konuul bashfully. "Please, don't... don't read too much into that, it just. I-"

"You like dick, it's fine," Lykou said with a nonchalant shrug.

"That- Hey, just because-" Kuna started to object, then facepalmed again and sighed. "...yeah, okay. That. Uh... that doesn't... make things, y'know... too awkward or anything does it?"

Lykou shook his head. "Nah. Why would it?"

"I mean... we literally slept naked next to each other last night... and that wasn't even the first time," Kuna reminded him, still half hiding his face.

"Yeah, and someone wasn't satisfied with just the blanket, as I recall," Lykou asked, smirking again with one eyebrow raised as he took a small bite out of his breakfast. "Why, was that part of the 'inspiration'?"

Kuna groaned as he rolled his eyes and felt his face burning still. "Lykooooouuuu," he whined, then looked away, the corner of his lips still hooked up. "But... yeah maybe a little." He crossed his arms and sighed, shooting a playful glare at the konuul. "Don't go getting a big head or anything though. I've been pent up so long I could probably have jerked it to a damn tree."

"Not a mushroom?"

"You. Are the worst," Kuna said as he picked up his breakfast again and took a bite. A worried look fell over him after he swallowed though. "But Lykou, seriously... are we still... it's not going to-?"

"Kuna, relax. No, it's not going to be a problem," Lykou reassured him, finally dropping the playful banter for the time being. "I wouldn't be teasing you if it bothered me. And for the record I like guys too."

Kuna perked up slightly at that, then he took another bite as it mulled it over in silence for a moment, fiddling with the edge of his poncho. "That doesn't... get in the way of peoples' friendships?"

"Nah, doesn't have to anyway," Lykou said after swallowing another bite himself. "Some people can get weird about it, but I don't see why we should. It'd be a big problem if it did, since I like girls, too. My friend Naira and I tease each other plenty back home."

Kuna sighed with relief. "Good. Good," he said as he visibly relaxed a bit. "I just... like I said I'm still getting used to the whole 'friend' thing. Not sure what the boundaries are and shit."

Lykou's smile dropped for a moment. "You really never-?"

"No," Kuna cut him off, his expression briefly falling as well.

"...fuck. Shouldn't have gone there," Lykou said, wincing a bit. "I'm sorry Kuna."

Kuna shook his head, a faint smile gradually making its way back to his face. "I'm just glad I have one now," he said, then narrowed his eyes slightly, the smile turning into a smirk. "Even if he's insufferable sometimes." He punctuated the point by sharply biting off half the remaining fragment of the root thing he'd been munching on with a sharp snap.

Lykou chuckled. "Only because you get so adorable. And it's not like you don't end up smiling too."

Kuna rolled his eyes, but continued smiling nonetheless. "Yeah, yeah," he said dismissively. "So, Naira huh?"

"Mhmm. We've been friends since we were little kids. Admittedly it got a little awkward once we both reached a certain age when, you know, things_start happening. But everything's weird at that age," Lykou paused to eat the last bite of his dried chunk of meat. "Now days we're still close friends though, and we do this same kind of thing to each other. Of course, she's also kind of flirty by nature, truth be told. She's a big perv but usually won't act on it because she _definitely doesn't want kids."

Kuna finished the last bite and rubbed his arm thoughtfully, suddenly quiet.

"Everything alright Ku?" Lykou asked with some concern.

"Yeah, sorry. Just. Thoughts," he responded generically with a wave of his hand.

The konuul just looked at him for a moment, thinking things over as well. "Anything I can... help with?"

Kuna sighed and slowly shook his head. "Not right now. Just... you know how they get."

"I can at least try and avoid things that trigger it if you want. Just as long as I know what they are. I'm starting to get an idea, but I can't know for certain if you don't tell me," Lykou said, getting up from his spot and coming around to sit next to the sereva.

Kuna smiled at him appreciatively as he leaned against him a little. "I don't want to stop you from talking about your home. I'm curious, even. Just..." His face fell again as he shook his head, trying to dismiss certain thoughts.

Lykou wrapped an arm around him. "Maybe it'll help to tell me about it. When you feel like it, that is."

"Yeah, I know," Kuna said with a sigh. "Maybe soon," he assured the konuul. "At least knowing there's... kind people like you out there has helped a lot."

Lykou smirked and gave him a gentle squeeze. "Now who's the sappy one?"

"You still win that contest," Kuna replied with a smirk.

"You know, you've come a long way from 'ooo scary predator' these past couple days," Lykou commented, rubbing the sereva's shoulder. "I'm really glad."

Kuna blushed a bit and smiled softly. "Yeah... like I said, helps to meet a pred a sweet as you," he said with a gentle nudge. He paused for a minute, then grinned and suddenly grabbed Lykou's arms. "So..." In a quick movement, he re-positioned himself and pulled the konuul's arms, resulting in them being wrapped around him as he laid back into the canid's lap. "This isn't too awkward, right?"

Lykou was taken a bit by surprise, but then he chuckled and hugged the sereva. "Nah. It's cozy. And I always thought friends should be able to cuddle more."

Kuna grinned, still blushing a bit as he leaned back into the embrace. "Good."

Of course, the Konuul couldn't stop himself from taking advantage of one little opportunity as he rested his head on Kuna's. "Of course it doesn't hurt when said friend is a cutie with an adorable o-face."

"UGH!" Kuna groaned, bringing his hands back up to his face.